What year will it be for a woman's horse? Horse - Leo


The Rooster is not very friendly towards the Horse. And she, I must admit, answers him in much the same way. In 2017, Horses will have to go through life on their own, without the help of their Master, who is unlikely to be willing to lend their shoulder to them. However, you shouldn't get too upset about this. Indeed, in some situations, no support is much better than inappropriate or awkward support. And, besides, representatives of this sign are quite capable of coping with many of their problems themselves.

General forecast for 2017

The horoscope for 2017 for the Horse zodiac sign in general promises to be quite successful and fortunate. The red rooster will treat this sign with special favor and will begin to help in literally all matters. It will be possible to fly up the career ladder very quickly and quite high this year. All business will bring good material profit, then the financial condition will be able to constantly increase. Almost all year, people born under this sign will try to do everything possible to achieve success in their profession. Such workaholism, of course, is very commendable on the one hand, but on the other, it can have a very negative impact on romantic affairs.

Yes, and a couple’s intra-family relationships can be constantly subject to quarrels, due to the fact that the other half is constantly busy at work, in his free time he only thinks about how to increase income or do something. Communication with friends on this basis can also deteriorate significantly, because there will be less and less time for them. Astrologers pay attention to the fact that in the eastern calendar this year will be one of the most successful for the Horse. Those who apply their efforts will rise to heights unprecedented before this time.

By the way, many do not use the term careerists in relation to these people, because they try not only to improve their financial situation, but also to change their working conditions to more comfortable and profitable ones. Perhaps some will even change jobs, moving from a high salary to a lower one, but only if this place promises fast and high career growth, which simply did not exist in the previous place.

Special attention should be paid to your personal life, otherwise, in the pursuit of a new chair, money and prospects, you can not only destroy what you have, but also alienate those people who could be nearby. Work will make a person obsessive, irritable, selfish, and at a certain moment you need to be able to stop so as not to sit alone in your beautiful chair.

Finances will be more than stable almost throughout the year, gradually, slowly they will begin to grow upward, but this will not be a gift or bonus, but a well-deserved payment for good and diligent work. If a person of this sign is able to properly manage his capital, then by the end of 2017 he will have a fairly round sum in his account, which can then be turned into his own business or successfully invested in something. In any case, the presence of start-up capital is already a very good indicator of a person’s hard work and dedication.

The Horoscope for 2017 for Horse shows that things can change quite quickly. You should be prepared for the possibility of changing both your place of work and your place of residence. For some, this will be facilitated by business trips or vacation trips abroad; perhaps the prospect will open up where no one is expecting it, you need to be prepared for this too. Proposals to change jobs or go on courses or internships should be considered very carefully, analyzing all the pros and cons of such a step. Only after this can you make a decision so that you don’t regret anything later. Those actions that were committed in a fit of emotion will not bring anything good, it is worth remembering this.

An active and purposeful Horse can plan and spend this year in such a way that the result will be changes that it has been waiting for for several years. Astrologers say that all this will be well deserved and if something changes after this, it will only be a push in the right direction. You should also pay attention to your emotional state; constant activities and the pace of movement will very quickly make you feel tired of everything. You need to find time just for yourself amid the hustle and bustle, start playing sports, actively resting, this will help restore the balance of strength in the body. All negativity should be left in the gym or on the massage therapist's couch, but not carried into your home.

Horoscope for a man

The Rooster and the Horse have one thing in common: the desire to argue and defend their opinion to the end. “Even if you kill me, I’m right!” The horoscope for 2017 for the Horse man promises a period full of disputes of all kinds. The Rooster and the Horse are like accomplices: they “finish off” their opponents with evidence of rightness. The enemy has no choice but to move aside. 2017 for the Horse is a time of victories.

It seems to others that representatives of this sign succeed in everything in life easily, without effort. Career, family, friends, material wealth. This is an appearance, the Horse works hard and hard to achieve what it has. The ability to fully devote oneself to a task will bring success in the year of the Red Rooster. The Horse's performance and ability to manage people will be noticed. She will be offered a good position.

There are no surprises in his personal life: ladies love a man and try in every possible way to please him. The horse in 2017 is an enviable bachelor. However, single representatives of the sign do not strive to go to the registry office, they have no time. They are immersed in their career.

Family Horses are rarely at home, but spend every free minute with their family. Be gentle with your family, they miss you. Astrologers advise Horse spouses to be patient: sooner or later your man will get tired and return to the family.

Horoscope for a woman

Ladies of this sign are practical, reasonable, and know how to achieve what they want. They can work no worse than men. The horoscope for 2017 for the Horse woman promises a fruitful, eventful period. The picture changes quickly, you need to have time to adapt to the proposed circumstances. The horse is not afraid of change, this is its advantage.

Women of this sign are not accustomed to being guided by the advice of others. They act according to their own instructions. However, in 2017 it makes sense to listen to more experienced colleagues. Don't reject a helping hand in a difficult situation, you need friends. The Rooster tests the Horse's character, giving her many interesting proposals for changing jobs. Some are worth seriously thinking about. This is where the advice of elders comes in handy.

In his personal life there are also adventures. A horse attracts men like a magnet. It's good, there's plenty to choose from. If she wishes, she can get married at any time. The Horse chooses a life partner carefully, assessing the man from all sides. Take heart, 2017 is a great year to start a family.

Love horoscope for 2017

In love, as in other areas of life, the Horse is selfish. She needs those around her to live her life, not theirs. For a man of this sign, the wife builds the life of the family around her husband, everything depends on his plans and desires. Sometimes the Horse wakes up next to her husband and does not understand what she is doing here. This sign has such an interesting feature.

However, the Horse cannot live alone either. You have to maneuver between what is desired and what is proposed. In 2017, the Horse will be literally “unstoppable.” Regardless of her marital status, this shrew walks like it’s her last time. Astrologers give single representatives of the sign the “green light” for adventure. But a family Horse needs to be careful: a conflict with a spouse is possible, up to and including divorce. Children suffer from your adventures.

In fairness, it is worth noting that the Horse always returns to the family sooner or later. She provides her family with a reliable support, both financially and as the head of the family. In 2017, the horse needs to “turn on” his mind and not be guided solely by feelings. Especially those born under the sign of the Fire Horse.

Money horoscope for 2017

Money is of great importance to the Horse. She feels insecure without savings. She loves not the money itself, but what it can buy. She needs financial independence.

The horse knows how to manage money. She is smart, understands economics, knows how to save and increase savings. This character trait will help her stand strong in the troubled first half of 2017. Spring of the Fire Rooster is changeable, many will lose financial stability. The horoscope for 2017 for Horses promises calm times closer to summer. And in the fall, hard work will begin to bear fruit. By winter, the Horse will already have a strong financial “airbag”.

During the year, expenses will be required for family members: education, purchases, payment for medical examinations. Don't be annoyed, it's necessary. You should refrain from purchasing real estate. Take your time, there is a chance to get what you want for temporary use. For example, if you change jobs, you may be provided with company housing.

In the summer, be sure to spend money on buying trips to hot countries. Don't sit in a stuffy office, allow yourself quality rest.

Career horoscope for 2017

In the first half of the year, the Horse feels a little out of shape. Last year she worked too much and did not have time to rest. The Year of the Rooster promises a frantic pace, the Horse is in a hurry. But by the beginning of summer she will gather her strength. Astrologers recommend shifting some of the responsibilities to colleagues in the spring in order to concentrate on your work. The horse tends to be all over the place, but don't overexert yourself. You have your own terms of reference.

The second half of the year will be on the rise. The horse is “spurred on” by circumstances, many interesting offers, career growth looms on the horizon. Avoid dubious offers to earn money through dishonest means. You may be used in a bad way. An excellent opportunity will arise in the field of politics, trade interaction with government agencies. In 2017, the Horse needs to bet on the state. apparatus.

If you already have your own business, develop it through interaction with large companies. Not immediately, but over time there will be excellent prospects for expanding your staff and enlarging your business. With Horse partners you should be more correct, without imposing your vision of the situation.

Health horoscope for 2017

Representatives of the sign, as people say, have “horse health.” These are hardy people who can withstand serious physical exertion. Horses make brilliant athletes. They have an important quality for achieving results: working until victory.

In everyday life they do not forget about sports. In 2017, this will help avoid seasonal colds. It is recommended to pay attention to the abdominal organs: kidneys, liver, intestines. Especially for office workers who practice snacking on the run. At first there is no time for proper nutrition, then problems overtake. Don't be frivolous, stick to the routine. Eat vegetables and cereals more often; it is better to avoid unhealthy fast food.

In summer, go to the sea-ocean, in winter, spend time in the mountains, go skiing. You don't have to go on vacation with your family. You can take a break from each other by buying trips to different countries. As for sports activities, astrologers advise ladies to visit the gym for light exercises such as fitness. Floor dancing is recommended for those who are especially persistent and risk-taking.

Celebrities born in the year of the Horse

Vladimir Lenin, Nikita Khrushchev, Leonid Brezhnev, Roosevelt, Hugo Chavez, Alexander Lukashenko, Leonid Yarmolnik, Halle Berry, Vincent Cassel, Ivan Urgant, Vera Alentova.


In 2017, it is advisable for Horses to pay constant attention to their health. Although it seems that they won’t have to set them up for long; most of them themselves will be fully aware of this. They should pay special attention to this...

In the first half of this year, some misunderstandings may arise in the functioning of the genitourinary system and kidneys. Therefore, if possible, it makes sense to be examined for this subject at the beginning of the year.

In winter, you need to be as careful as possible for those Horses who have a vacation planned for this period and who are going to spend it at a ski resort or other place where winter sports are planned. The risk of injury during such a pastime will be quite high.

In the year of the Rooster, Horses should not abuse the use of alternative medicine. There is a high probability that when turning to specialists providing such services, they will encounter charlatans and ignoramuses. But it is very useful for Horses to take a course of massage for a year.


The financial issue for Horses in 2017 will be quite acute. The fact is that, on the one hand, their income may decrease, and on the other, their expenses will increase at the same time. Many of the Horses, in the year of the Rooster, will want to start arranging their home (renovating, buying new furniture, etc.). Some will have other points of “application” of money. And in any case, these people will strive in every possible way to ensure that everything they spend their money on is of the highest quality, the most stylish, and so on. And this always costs money...

And yet, Horses should hardly be dissuaded from making all these expenses. After all, a financially difficult period is a temporary phenomenon in their life, but good things will serve and delight for a long time. And besides, when 2017 is in the past, new tasks will arise for the Horses, and then, freed from the need to spend money on household purchases, they will be able to feel much freer.


This area of ​​life most likely will not occupy a dominant position among Horses. Most of them will have other priorities during this period. Meanwhile, in 2017 they will have a lot of opportunities to establish new professional connections. It would be good for Horses to try to tie at least some of them.

After summer, many Horses will have to go through a difficult situation. They are awaiting some kind of global check or something like that. It is advisable for them to keep this information “on pencil” from the beginning of the year, so as not to let things slide and, if necessary, pull up old “tails”.


The Year of the Rooster promises to pass for most Horses under the sign of passion. Single Horses will fall in love and almost immediately warm up to the object of their love. Married people - flare up with emotions, lose their temper for no reason. But a particularly unpleasant topic for them will be feelings of jealousy. It is this that can create serious risks of breaking relationships with partners. Moreover, the most problematic situation will be for those of them who are just getting into a relationship. Jealousy can simply kill a union that has not yet become strong and stable. So it is imperative to control yourself in such manifestations.

The year of the fiery red Rooster is approaching and for many born in the year of the Horse it will be successful. promises material well-being and more. The new owner is favorable towards the horses, as they are truly hardworking and talented.

However, to achieve your goals you will have to work hard. Resourcefulness, perseverance, charm, hard work and many other qualities will have to be applied in order to get a good job, and, accordingly, wages.

Astrologer's advice: By looking at the planets and stars above our heads, there is a chance to find answers to various dilemmas, although without specific skills. Take advantage of this opportunity in difficult situations.

This year will be a peak in career growth for many. But due to high employment, conflicts may arise in the family. This applies to married people. However, you should not light the fire, you need to seriously discuss the problem in the family, but you should not refuse the opportunity to get a good position. The Rooster is supportive, but warns that there may not be a second chance.

Astrologer's advice: Sometimes, a good chance for a radical change in your personal life for the good arises only once in your life. Don't lose it - order it and find out when to expect it!

If a horse decides to open a personal business, then the rooster will help him with this. The year is good for new experiences and any endeavors.

Free from family relationships, both male and female, the Year of the Rooster promises to be successful in love terms. Cupid's arrow will pierce the heart of every Horse. There is no need to be afraid or ashamed of feelings. Surrender to love and passion. The relationship may end in engagement and marriage. There is no need to control every step of your chosen one, this can lead to disagreements and misunderstandings. Trust is what is important in a relationship.

Astrologer's advice: The interaction between partners quite often depends on the zodiac. Compatibility of signs is an interesting section in astrology. Find out about the relationship is available in the category - zodiac.

Astrologers say they recommend devoting more time to rest, despite all your busyness. In summer it is best to go to the sea. Holidays abroad will have a positive impact on your health, and the resulting emotions will know no bounds. It's best to relax with your significant other.

Horses are in good health. However, you need to be careful when doing extreme sports and while driving a car. There is a risk of breaking something.

A visit to a massage or spa treatment will not hurt; on the contrary, it will have a positive effect.

Astrologer's advice: In order to comprehend and better understand the character and properties of the zodiac sign, it is useful to consider it from many sides, and the section will help you with this -.

Since the year of the rooster promises financial well-being, it is best to invest money in real estate. Buying an apartment or land would be a good investment.

In general, the year of the rooster will be stable for horses. You just need to make an effort, try to achieve your goal, and everything will definitely work out. Fortune will definitely smile, you just need to believe and not give up.

The horse will consider itself capable of opening new opportunities to people and the world. For which the world should shower the Horse with blessings. Horses are able to give up on what is internally upsetting. And they immediately feel more comfortable. They will always find something to be happy about. Their soul is wide, and inside is a source of grace.

Home will become the main theme in the Horse's life. They are looking for a calm, safe and reliable stall. The sense of self-preservation will be the main feeling for Horses.

The Year of the Rooster will encourage you to focus on family matters. The house has abundance, which the owner is proud of. Full bowl. The Horse will think that he has everything best in the world: a wife (husband), children, a house, etc. For those Horses whose breadth of soul is off the charts, the doors do not close in 2017. The pies are not cleared from the table. Bring it up quickly!

Happiness is ready to settle in the Horse's house. Just which one? After all, the Horse is thinking about his own new home! And she will find exactly the one she dreamed of!

Well, if plans for a new house were not made, then at least God himself orders us to start renovating the Horse! It will improve the area and expand. The home will become larger and more comfortable. An ingenious solution to home planning will provide benefits in many ways. If you are not able to do the repairs yourself, hire specialists. They will do everything in the best possible way. You will be satisfied.

2017 is suitable for strengthening family ties. Horses will become interested in their pedigree, begin to study the history of the family, and explore the life of their ancestors far and wide.

Unjustified self-esteem will lead to humiliation of others and oneself. Dark forces promise the Horse glory and honor, but it is better not to deal with them.

The Horse’s world will expand unusually, and it will gallop across it. She will decide that she has become God and will become proud internally. He will be interested in foreign art and will gladly go to Venice. Amazing events in distant countries will confuse the Horse, the meaning of what is happening will reach it later. Grandchildren living far away will come to the Horse’s house, or she herself will rush to them.

But cruises are not safe for family Horses. There are problems lurking there. Children will suffer on long trips. Quarrels and conflicts are possible on foreign territory. Protect children from sunstroke or unwashed fruit. Horses experience childhood problems as if they were their own.

If you feel a thunderstorm, call your relatives for help; it is also possible that you yourself will be asked for help. The horse will become the best judge in family disagreements. Memories will tell you what to do. Guests from afar will visit you. Receive visitors, maintain family ties. Caring for your family will give you confidence in the basics of your home front for many years; kind and gentle family feelings will warm you in difficult times. Your time seems to be cozy and calm. Enjoy nepotism, whatever!

The more actively you strengthen your relationship, the more happiness and joy you will receive.

The horoscope reports that 2017 can become a very important milestone in the fate of the Horse. The events that took place will affect your future life. Those planning to move abroad or to other cities in their native country will be able to do so. Everything is good.

Religious and philosophical knowledge has been creeping into the Horse’s soul for a year and a half with great difficulty. It is much easier to master practical skills. You have to fight your own stupidity. In 2017, the sight of textbooks makes you feel bad. Especially if the cover says “for technical specialties.” The horse seeks to shift responsibilities to someone else.

A cavalry attack on the development of foreign cultures will quickly fizzle out. Learning foreign languages ​​in two weeks is only possible in the virtual world.

The horse works on himself and believes that new opportunities will arise only after overcoming racing obstacles. For the past five years, all sorts of unexpected things have happened in connection with important matters. Children, career, stress, partners. Every now and then stones fly in from these directions. This will end in two years. In the meantime, life's troubles happen like a bolt from the blue. Horses try to read the signs of fate in order to somehow prepare for its next turn.

Draft Horse (career horoscope)

For the third year the horse works like a draft horse. Finally, in 2017 he will be able to master new technologies and tools; before this, efforts led to nothing. You will notice that the results of your work will clearly exceed the efforts spent on them.

Horses will turn out to be good organizers of business; subordinates will cheerfully run in harness with them. The Horse does not make any unnecessary movements in the year of the Rooster. The gait is clearly calibrated. She knows exactly when and where to run.

A hobby will turn into a very significant part of life and even a profession. The horse will even open his own business, which will interfere with his career. And your career itself can collapse right before your eyes. It’s good if the management just changes, instead of the “nothing”, a bright and dexterous one will come. Then the Horse will be bridled and he will have to gallop at full speed. There will also be breaks, but not without that.

Horses who are planning to move to another job will not go wrong, but they will not stay there for long.

Conversations with the boss and subordinates sometimes qualify as crazy. But among them there is a very rational grain. Especially in the year of the Rooster. The bosses can steal the brilliant ideas of the Horses, and their subordinates will gladly pick them up.

Manna from heaven (financial horoscope)

A horse often lives on other people's money, it borrows and re-borrows. In 2017 she likes it more than ever. The investment will pay off, and the Horse will be satisfied. You will have to be active at work. All in order to become the main breadwinner. And she will succeed. True, the family is unhappy with such labor zeal, but they will like the financial success of their partner.

The horse will be lucky to find a lot of clientele willing to pay for its efforts. Some will do a good job in a home atmosphere. They will cut, shave, treat, and massage clients. Tips, gifts, winnings will become important goals for Horses.

“Across the field together...” (love horoscope)

Horses are quite selfish. They run ahead of the locomotive, i.e. the spouse. He carries them all the time.

Everything is fine in the family. The spouses get along and help each other. The love is mutual. Domestic troubles will happen from time to time. Due to the fact that the Horse strives to become a rooter. This could lead to a divorce. Give in, get out of the way, you see, the Horse has bolted!

Single Horses will have a herd of suitors ready to get married. Horse parents won't like this.

The Horse’s love lives in distant lands in 2017. And it doesn’t matter whether she sees it or not. You can also use the Internet. A foreigner may come to the house as a groom, then the Horse will become dizzy and enter a state of euphoria.

Old nag (health horoscope)

Hereditary diseases will appear in Horses. They try to work so hard at work that the latter will become dangerous. At the end of the period they will be exhausted. But driven Horses are shot, aren’t they? Therefore, do not strain yourself and do not overexert yourself!

Something hurts inside Horses, but she doesn’t want to deal with her health in 2017. Although she is afraid of diseases. Beware of work-related injuries. Rest as you should. Don't push yourself as hard as you can, otherwise you'll have a chance to finish in a hospital bed.

Breadwinner (horoscope for men)

Men will take care of career issues. They had been sitting in the shadows for so long. The work will require complete dedication. If the Horse decides to settle at work, then only the Rooster will be against it. But it is not the Rooster who is to blame, but the Horse’s desire to earn extra money in order to pay off his debts.

Those who are sent to distant lands for work will carry out important assignments. After foreign business trips, from which the Horses will learn everything they can, they will begin work with renewed vigor.

Domestic conflicts will not be protracted. If you decide to change your personal life, will you have the strength?

Love for God will not remain unanswered (horoscope for women)

Horse women will forgive things that clearly cannot be forgiven. They will have a sense of humor and the ability to look at things outside the box. There is more chance of chaos than enlightenment, so Zen Buddhism will require patience to master.

Intuition will not let women down. Although we have heard a lot of information and advice, it is not a fact that they will benefit the cause. Ask a higher power for advice. Call on the Lord.

Remember that the old horse will not spoil the furrow, it is time to formalize the old connections in 2017. But the young, untrained lover (husband) will acquire his own home and leave the Horse.

Lately the Horse has been surprised at how it could get carried away by some nonsense. Her ideals turned out to be exaggerated. The only thing that Horses have not stopped believing in is beauty. And the fact that she will save the world is an axiom. There is an elusive sense of charm coming from the Horse women themselves in 2017.

Fate will not only guide you in search of truth, but also organize the road to it.

Also interesting:

Years of birth of the Horse: 1942,1954,1966,1978,1990,2002

Lucky numbers: 1,3,4,8,13,14,41,43

Western Astrology Equivalent: Gemini

Color: red

Celebrities born in the year of the Horse: Ingmar Bergman, Sean Connery, Kevin Costner, Cindy Crawford, Harrison Ford, Jimi Hendrix, Paul McCartney, Barbra Streisand


If your relationship with your spouse no longer brings joy and satisfaction and the marriage is about to fall apart, get a divorce now. Spring will give the Horse a new meeting, which will result in a long-term relationship. In the summer, Horses should be more lenient towards their partner and not be offended by everyday trifles.


If you want to find a higher paying job, this year is a great time. You should not start your search at the beginning of the year, as there will be little chance of finding what you like. In addition, at this time, reduce your expenses and do not carry out any financial transactions - there is a chance of losing money. The Fire Rooster will definitely bring you good luck in the second half of the year.


Excellent tone and great mood. But the stars will encourage you to eat large quantities of all kinds of food, which, of course, can affect your figure. Those of you who will be very worried in the fall due to problems in your personal life can expect insomnia and pressure changes.


At the beginning of the year, Horses will be preoccupied with resolving last year's affairs and, having dealt with them by spring, will try to radically change their activities. Be prudent, carefully consider a new path of development. Spring and summer are a great time to realize professional ambitions, but all financial issues should be resolved independently, without relying on the participation of a partner - he may let you down. In the fall, the Horse may find an additional source of income or start his own business.

FIRE HORSE (1966) IN 2017

Horses who own their own business may have difficulties in the spring. You are accustomed to carrying all the main work on yourself, but this time it is worth distributing responsibilities more evenly and not straining yourself from excessive stress. Trust your employees; there are other responsible employees in the office besides you. In the fall, it is possible to meet your soulmate, who will heal the emptiness in the soul that has formed in recent years.

EARTH HORSE (1978) IN 2017

This year you will want to create and take a creative approach to solving all matters. Decisively begin to implement your ideas, without doubting that everything will work out for you. Confidence in success will give you not only a positive attitude, but also excellent work results.

METAL HORSE (1990) IN 2017

This year, your personal life will occupy all your attention. It is important for you to know that someone is waiting for you at home, because then you feel the strength to move mountains. Go on a trip, to a seminar or somewhere else where there is a crowd of people, perhaps that is where you will meet your soul mate.

WATER HORSE (1942,2002) IN 2017

The Water Horse is rarely satisfied with itself and therefore tends to constantly change itself and its strategies in life. This year, any drastic changes are contraindicated for you; they can lead to unpleasant events. In the summer, you should not insist on what everyone around you doubts. Yes, sometimes it is worth listening to another opinion.


At the end of the year, financial profit awaits you, but first you need to work hard. You will have to plow a lot and hard. Don't go too far when it comes to figuring out who is in charge in the family. You, of course, like to give orders, but this year you should moderate your ardor and learn to at least occasionally give in to your partner.

For the Horse, 2017 will be a difficult year for the Red Fire Rooster. She will have to say goodbye to her dislike of change and conservatism. The owner of the year will present her with many situations in which she will need to behave atypically. If the Horse is not afraid of this, all doors will open to him.

Representatives of this sign will become easier to communicate with. This will attract new acquaintances and atypical companies into their lives. Such contacts will become indispensable and will bring radical changes - moving to a new place of residence or changing jobs.

There may be problems in your personal life and at work. At this moment, it is important not to lose the optimism characteristic of this sign, and all failures will recede.

Love, relationships

The Horse's personal life will be passionate and eventful. Family representatives of the sign will significantly strengthen relationships with their soulmate. A joint trip to the sea or a romantic dinner for two will re-ignite the flame of love. Your loved one will happily accept such changes.

The free Horse in 2017, the Red Fire Rooster, will have many new acquaintances and meetings. The main thing is to find your person, and not a short-term “remedy for loneliness.” The Rooster only approves of serious relationships, so by the end of the year you need to make your choice.

During the first half of the year, parents will need increased attention. It is recommended to make it a rule to have dinner with them one evening a week - this will strengthen the relationship.

Work, finances

2017 is a time of change. If the Horse has long dreamed of a new job or opening his own business, the time has come to make his dreams come true. The Rooster favors creativity, so you should think about commercializing your hobby. An idea can come from different sources; it is recommended to listen to information from those closest to you.

In the case where there was no change in work planned, it is necessary to redouble efforts to perform normal functional duties. The owner of the year will repay your enthusiasm and hard work with a promotion or bonus. It will be good to engage in professional self-education - this will increase the Horse’s value as an employee and lead to career growth.

It is recommended to start saving money, putting aside small amounts from each salary. This will allow you to go on vacation or make a major purchase. You need to spend your finances rationally, making a shopping list before going to the store and not purchasing anything unnecessary. It is undesirable to participate in gambling and invest money in risky businesses - there is a danger of losing all your funds.


The Horse's careless attitude towards his health in 2017 will lead to frequent viral diseases and exacerbation of chronic ailments.

Don't give up on sports. If you don’t want to go to the gym or pool, it is recommended to do at least a warm-up in the morning.

The Horse's weak point is the upper respiratory tract. Therefore, it is important to practice breathing practices. This will prevent colds and help cope with stress.

Injuries to the lower extremities and sprains are possible. Therefore, you should be careful when playing active sports. It is recommended to relax more often, undergo a massage, visit the sauna and spa. This will make you feel good and prevent the occurrence of certain diseases.
