Svetlana Khodchenkova weight loss story. Photos of Svetlana Khodchenkova before and after losing weight

Every girl watches Svetlana Khodchenkova’s professional career with delight. But if you remember what Svetlana looked like at the beginning of her professional career, the situation was not so optimistic. It becomes interesting how Khodchenkova lost weight, what diet the actress was on, what kind of diet she followed to achieve ideal parameters, what foods helped her lose weight? Perhaps it’s an active lifestyle or plastic surgery? Or maybe sports training or physical activity helped you lose weight? Read on, so you will find out the secret of the actress’s figure.

The actress’s first role was the main character in the film “Bless the Woman.” Then Svetlana had the look of a true Russian peasant woman - a woman of many. The curvy 18-year-old girl looked attractive, but not at all graceful. In order to look harmonious in her role, the actress ate high-calorie foods, a lot of sugar and sweets. The role was lyrical, Svetlana coped with the task with dignity.

Despite the extra pounds, she looked harmonious and pleasant, and her acting was beyond praise. But the shooting ended, and the career continued. The next work of the actress, who has already managed to fall in love with the audience, is the role of a ballerina, for which Khodchenkova began to lose weight. The result stunned everyone; after a while, the star appeared on the screens in a completely different role.

What Khodchenkova looks like now

Since her “curvy” youth, Svetlana has played many roles, most of which are the main ones. A role model for all women, a beautiful and slender lady simply flutters around. Viewers wait with bated breath for the release of new films or interviews to enjoy the elegance of a positive girl. It’s impossible to believe that a few years ago she was a real Russian woman, who could stop a horse in a burning hut, and could carry it in her arms. It seemed that the actress’s excess weight had decreased significantly. Millions of women ask themselves one question: how did Khodchenkova lose weight?

Lost weight Svetlana Khodchenkova

Such people deserve respect. I need to gain weight, I need to lose weight, I need to master boxing or mountaineering. Svetlana became a miniature girl. Looking at her movements, you might think that she has been practicing ballet all her life: delicate facial features, a chiseled figure - all this is the result of playing sports. These efforts confirm that famous actors are people just like everyone else. They do not grab stars from the sky, but “make” themselves for a long time and with constancy. Every girl can get the figure of her dreams. Confirmation of this is Khodchenkova before and after losing weight, her slimness.

Shape Options

The beautiful half of humanity is thinking about what parameters one must have in order to look as perfect as Svetlana Khodchenkova. Here, as they say, the main thing is not the parameters, but the proportions, and the actress’s, without exaggeration, are ideal:

  • Svetlana's height is 169 cm;
  • The actress’s current weight is 52 kg;
  • the girl has size 2 breasts;
  • The beauty's breast volume is 82 cm;
  • waist size 59 cm;
  • hip volume 86 cm.

How much weight have you lost?

Readers are interested not only in how Khodchenkova lost weight, but also in the very fact of how many kilograms the actress lost. At the time of filming the feature film “Bless the Woman,” Svetlana Khodchenkova weighed 74 kg. After filming was completed, the purposeful girl had good motivation for losing weight: filming as a ballerina. This encouraged her to work hard on herself, so in three months Svetlana lost more than 20 kg. At the time of the start of filming in the next film, the actress weighed 54 kg, she looked simply stunning.

Diet of Svetlana Khodchenkova

If you are asking yourself how Khodchenkova lost weight, or even want to repeat her record, pay attention to what you eat. The first and main condition for healthy weight loss is proper nutrition. Apparently, Svetlana took this issue seriously, so she ate low-fat, low-calorie, but healthy food, which included a lot of protein. Khodchenkova adhered to the principle of fractional nutrition: as many meals as possible throughout the day in small portions. The main products that made up the actress’s diet:

  • the main “delicacy” during the weight loss period was protein foods: low-fat chicken breast, a moderate amount of eggs, light low-fat cottage cheese, beef or veal, turkey, kefir, milk and other products;
  • a lot of vegetables containing fiber: boiled, stewed, raw;
  • fruits replaced sweets, the actress tried to eat them in the first half of the day;
  • dried fruits, dark chocolate, nuts - all this is also strictly limited in quantity before lunch;
  • a minimum of black bread, rye bread;
  • lean fish: boiled, steamed or baked;
  • one of the main factors is a large amount of liquid: water, natural juices, unsweetened tea or coffee.

Prohibited foods on the diet

In order for the diet to be effective, some foods, mainly containing fast carbohydrates, should be excluded from the diet for some time. So, what will you have to do without for the sake of the divine figure:

  • exclude too fatty foods;
  • we refuse flour products: we forget about pies, cakes, cookies, pastries, rolls and white wheat bread;
  • exclude starchy vegetables and fruits: bananas, potatoes, pasta, radishes, corn;
  • forget about fried foods, smoked foods;
  • During the diet, you should stop drinking alcoholic beverages;
  • Even if you really want to, you shouldn’t eat high-calorie foods: condensed milk, ice cream, various desserts, hot dogs, hamburgers and other fast food.

After some time, you will be surprised to note that you are not so drawn to eat a piece of cake or unhealthy fast food, because first we form habits, and then they form us. Follow these simple rules, and questions like how Khodchenkova lost weight will be asked about you.

Protein menu for weight loss

To make it easier to adhere to Khodchenkova’s method for losing weight, it is better to create a separate diet for every day, every meal. Sample menu for 3 days:

  1. Breakfast: one glass of skim milk plus a tablespoon of honey. We start metabolism.
    Snack: a glass of any tea, a light sandwich with rye bread and butter;
    Lunch: boiled chicken, light fruit salad;
    Snack: unsweetened tea or coffee, a piece of dark chocolate;
    Afternoon snack: light tomato and cucumber salad, olive oil, herbs;
    Dinner: low-fat yogurt;
    Snack: grapefruit.
  2. Breakfast: eat low-fat yogurt on an empty stomach;
    Snack: apple or kiwi, can be mixed;
    Lunch: low-fat fish baked with vegetables;
    Snack: cabbage salad with tomato and cucumber;
    Afternoon snack: a piece of black bread with butter, tea;
    Dinner: vegetable stew (we do not use potatoes);
    Snack: low-fat kefir.
  3. Breakfast: homemade fruit puree;
    Snack: skim milk, some dried fruit;
    Lunch: boiled chicken leg, tomatoes with mozzarella;
    Snack: some grapes;
    Afternoon snack: natural juice, nuts with honey;
    Dinner: low-fat cottage cheese with kefir;
    Snack: green tea with mint, apple.

How Svetlana Khodchenkova lost weight

You thought that the secret of beauty lies not only in nutrition. What other ways are there to help Khodchenkova lose weight? And you are right, the best results are achieved by combining proper nutrition, physical activity and sports. The actress adhered to a specially designed regime that combined dancing, cardio and strength training. She tried to always be on the move, since you can only lose weight if you spend more energy than you get.


In order to prepare for the role of a ballerina, Svetlana specially studied ballet. This straightened her posture, improved her stretching and made the girl more graceful. The actress became more flexible and flexible, and at the time of filming it was difficult to believe that she had not been studying ballet all her life. As you can see, it is possible to become a pro at any age, as long as you have the motivation.

Physical exercise

In addition to dancing, Svetlana did not disdain strength training. These were trips to a fitness club to use exercise equipment, where, with the help of an experienced trainer, a special set of exercises was developed for the muscles of the arms, legs, and abs. This is how the ideal forms that we see on screens and in photo shoots were formed. One of Svetlana’s favorite sports is Thai boxing (as you can see, the girl is not as defenseless as at first glance). These grueling activities are great for killing calories, which also contributed to weight loss.

Video: why Khodchenkova lost weight

Why and how Khodchenkova lost weight - all about medicines and health on

Svetlana Viktorovna Khodchenkova is a Russian actress, whose popularity was brought by her debut in the film “Bless the Woman”, the star of numerous TV series, feature films, theatrical productions and international film projects.

The childhood of Svetlana Khodchenkova

Svetlana Khodchenkova was born in Moscow on January 21, 1983. The future actress spent her childhood in the village of Zheleznodorozhny near Moscow. The mother raised the baby alone - the father did not make any attempts to get to know his daughter until she came of age.

The family was sorely short of money; From the age of twelve, Svetlana helped her mother, who worked as a painter, janitor and cleaner, wash stairs for a tiny fee. In high school, the girl studied at a lyceum, where her classmates were children from wealthy families. Every day, self-doubt grew in Svetlana’s soul, and in order to overcome it, Khodchenkova filled out an application for Slava Zaitsev’s modeling school.

The tall, slender blonde was gladly accepted into the course, and upon completion, she was invited to a successful modeling agency. The 16-year-old girl spent her first salary - a thousand dollars received after six months of filming in Japan - on installing a home telephone; as the actress recalled, her mother was infinitely happy and almost kissed the buttons of the device. However, very soon the young model began to receive unambiguous offers, and Svetlana left the modeling business, completely disappointed in its underside.

As a child, Svetlana dreamed of a career as a surgeon, but closer to her final exams she realized that medical work was not so sweet to her: biology and chemistry were not easy for her, and the sight of blood made her feel completely ill. So after receiving her certificate in 2000, Khodchenkova entered the Institute of World Economy - that’s what her mother wanted. However, the girl did not even make it to the first session. Economics seemed extremely boring to her, and Svetlana transferred to the Faculty of Advertising, where, in her opinion, there should have been a lot of room for creativity, but even here only dry numbers awaited her.

The decision to become an actress came to Svetlana quite unexpectedly - the girl simply decided to try herself in this path. A couple of years ago, while filling out a form for a modeling agency, in the “Place of study” column, she wrote “Shchukin Theater School” - just like that. And it was the legendary “Pike” that she chose.

Before the exams, Sveta attended courses at the school for two months and eventually entered, and of the entire preparatory group, only Khodchenkova passed the competition.

The beginning of Svetlana Khodchenkova's career. Successful debut

Already in her first year, Svetlana Khodchenkova was noticed by the famous director Stanislav Govorukhin, who invited her to audition for the film “Bless the Woman.” The aspiring actress was offered to play the main character of the film - a girl named Vera, in love with the hero Alexander Baluev. The casting was successful - Govorukhin could not help but approve a beauty with a traditional Slavic appearance for the role.

It was difficult for Svetlana on the set: the age range of her heroine varied from 18 to 45 years. Make-up took at least an hour every day, and Svetlana had to “grow” from a carefree girl to a woman wise with life experience. In addition, the actress had to star in a “nude” scene - the moment when Svetlana’s heroine comes out of the sea. At first it was planned that the actress would swim in a swimsuit, but at the last moment Stanislav Govorukhin made adjustments to the episode. Svetlana did not argue with her patron, but in the future she immediately rejected such proposals.

Svetlana Khodchenkova in the film “Bless the Woman”, bathing scene

The flourishing career of Svetlana Khodchenkova

Fate worked out in such a way that Svetlana became a rising star of Russian cinema while still studying at Shchuka. It’s clear that the teachers, with a clear conscience, gave the girl “machine guns,” but her classmates whispered sarcastically behind her back, which greatly upset Sveta. So when Khodchenkova finally received her diploma in 2005, she breathed a sigh of relief and got to work hard, especially since she received more than enough offers.

In 2005, Svetlana Khodchenkova took part in several projects. First there was the role of an Old Believer girl in “Picture Hunters”, then participation in the 12-episode project “Realtor” directed by Alexander Khvan, the film “Not by Bread Alone” by Stanislav Govorukhin and the series “Talisman of Love” with Tatyana Arntgolts and Lyubov Tolkalina.

In 2006, an accident happened to Svetlana - during a training session for the “Dancing on Ice” project, she slipped and hit her head. The actress woke up already in a hospital bed, in complete bewilderment - she had completely forgotten everything connected with her performance on ice. Doctors diagnosed a concussion and promised that his memory would return soon. And so it happened, but Khodchenkova had to forget about participating in the project.

Svetlana Khodchenkova’s next major project was Pavel Sanaev’s film “Kilometer Zero”, where her filming partners were Konstantin Kryukov and Alexander Lymarev. The work on the film was not without incidents, for example, in one of the scenes the actress had to appear naked. Mindful of the jealous nature of her husband (Vladimir Yaglych), she set a condition for the director: only her back should appear in the frame, otherwise she would refuse the role. Reluctantly, Sanaev agreed. Before filming the scene, Khodchenkova asked the make-up artist to cover her chest with a plaster - just in case. And at the premiere of the film, Svetlana, her husband and the entire audience saw her breasts covered with a snow-white piece of fabric.

In 2009, the film “Love in the City” was released, where the name of Svetlana Khodchenkova appeared in the credits next to Vera Brezhneva and Nastya Zadorozhnaya. The comedy film differed from Sveta’s usual genre of “new Russian melodrama,” but most viewers noted that Khodchenkova’s performance “looked very advantageous against the backdrop of the singers’ acting efforts.”

However, the actress soon returned to her favorite role in Roman Prosvirnin’s melodrama “When We Were Happy,” where Svetlana formed a harmonious creative union with Alexei Zubkov.

Svetlana Khodchenkova visiting Ivan Urgant

The remake of “Office Romance”, released in 2011, which brought together the best of Russian comedy cinema in its cast, could not do without Svetlana - she was cast in the role of the modern version of the heroine Alisa Freundlich. Ukrainian actor Vladimir Zelensky played the klutz Novoseltsev, Marat Basharov reincarnated as Samokhvalov, Pavel Volya unexpectedly took the place of Liya Akhedzhakova, and the supporting performers were impressive: Ivan Okhlobystin, Nastya Zavorotnyuk, Alika Smekhova.

But - alas, despite the big names, the remake of the Soviet classic was met very coldly. Svetlana did not manage to turn into the “callous mymra” Kalugin; her image was more reminiscent of modern business sharks in skirts, tenacious, tough, not without bitchiness and sexuality.

In the same year, foreign producers drew attention to Svetlana. Together with Konstantin Khabensky, she went to the British Isles, where they were preparing for the filming of the thriller “Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy!” Khodchenkova in the image of intelligence officer Irina played superbly with legendary Hollywood actors - Gary Oldman, Benedict Cumberbatch and Tom Hardy. Konstantin played the role of the Soviet diplomat Polyakov.

The spy picture was followed by two good domestic comedies: “Five Brides” by Karen Oganesyan and dedicated to International Women’s Day “Moms”, where Svetlana played with Dmitry Dyuzhev and Liya Akhedzhakova.

In 2012, Svetlana’s “record” included the first disaster film – “Metro” with Sergei Puskepalis. Khodchenkova had to play a woman who finds out that her entire family is trapped in a flooded metro tunnel.

In 2013, Svetlana flew to Japan for the second time in her life, this time to film the Hollywood blockbuster “Wolverine: The Immortal.” All the people involved in the film, except Khodchenkova, Famke Janssen and Hugh Jackman, were Japanese. Thanks to her youthful experience, Svetlana easily overcame the language barrier and gave it her all.

In 2015, Stanislav Govorukhin contacted the actress again and invited her to a new project - a film adaptation of Dovlatov’s stories “The End of a Beautiful Era” about the adventures of journalist Lentulov in Soviet Estonia. According to the script, the hero Ivan Kolesnikov, headlong, gives himself over to an affair with the editor Marina, Khodchenkova’s character. The film, according to critics, was “intelligent and for intellectuals,” and many viewers recognized it as almost Govorukhin’s best work.

By 2016, Svetlana Khodchenkova had become one of the most sought-after domestic actresses. As many as 10 premieres with her participation were planned for this year. Among them are the comedy “Classmates” by Dmitry Suvorov, the historical drama “Viking” with the participation of Danila Kozlovsky and Maxim Sukhanov, as well as the parable film “Shadow” with Mikhail Porechenkov.

And the beginning of 2017 gave fans of Svetlana Khodchenkova a new series with her participation - “You All Infuriate Me.” This time the actress brought to life the image of the refined journalist Sonya Bagryantseva, who suffers from social phobia. But as soon as she drinks even a drop of alcohol, she turns into a diametrically opposite person. Together with the actress, the star of the “Exhibit” video, Yulia Topolnitskaya, Pyotr Fedorov, Alexander Pal and Alexander Petrov, were involved in the series.

Personal life of Svetlana Khodchenkova

The actress met her husband Vladimir Yaglych at the Shchukin School. A young man, studying a year older, quickly made acquaintance with a pretty freshman, but romance was out of the question - the charming student was always in the company of some beauty from among his classmates, and Sveta could not think about anything besides studying, rehearsing for days.

The young people met again on the set of the series “My Prechistenka”, and a couple of months later - on the set of the series “Carousel”. Despite the fact that the characters of Khodchenkova and Yaglych were married in the plot, in real life they remained exclusively colleagues. Although, as Svetlana later admitted, Vladimir made an attempt to charm the girl while working on Carousel, but she simply did not understand his hints.

On the day of the premiere of Carousel, he called Svetlana and offered to celebrate in a restaurant. The quiet dinner was essentially their first real date; Soon the actors began dating. Vladimir's parents received their daughter-in-law cordially; when we met, Yaglych’s mother told a funny story about how she first saw Svetlana in the film “Bless the Woman,” and at one of the final moments Vladimir came into the room with the phrase: “I’m dating this girl.” “But she’s old!” Mom was amazed, not immediately realizing that Sveta was wearing makeup.

Soon a new contender for the actress’s hand and heart was found - young businessman Georgy Petrishin. They dated for four years, and there were no signs of trouble, so the man decided to propose to his beloved beautifully. The curtain after the play “Love Story” with the participation of Khodchenkova had not yet had time to fall, and he had already burst onto the stage and dropped to one knee in front of Svetlana. The stunned and touched actress answered “Yes!” to thunderous applause from the audience. But at the beginning of 2016, shortly before the wedding, they quarreled to smithereens, and the ceremony was never destined to take place.

In the fall of 2016, information appeared in the media that doctor Kirill Masliev had won the actress’s heart. But they were not destined to celebrate even the anniversary of their relationship. Already in March 2017, she began to be credited with an affair with a certain oligarch, whose name and appearance Svetlana traditionally decided not to advertise. However, she left fans a small hint that her heart was occupied again: a black and white photo on Instagram - the actress buried her face in a man’s shoulder.

At the beginning of 2018, Svetlana spent a vacation in Bali with Georgy Petrishin, after which they went skiing together in Switzerland. The actress also celebrated her 35th birthday in the company of a businessman. Apparently, the old feelings did not have time to cool down, and the lovers gave their relationship another chance.

Still from the series “Mata Hari” (2017)

It's no secret that in our time in the film industry, fashion, and not only, skinny women are popular. To be popular, movie stars try to keep themselves in shape and watch their weight. We will not talk about all film actresses, but will focus on the well-known star - Svetlana Khodchenkova. Let's find out in more detail how she managed to turn from a plump, pretty beauty into an equally pretty, slender girl.

Svetlana Khodchenkova before and after losing weight

Svetlana began her professional career at the age of eighteen, when she first starred in the popular film “Bless the Woman.” There she played a real faithful wife who devotedly loved her husband. It was filmed in 2003, when Khodchenkova was far from thin. This was required for the role. The heroine had to be a match for the women of that period, with beautiful, appetizing forms. Svetlana Khodchenkova fully complied with these parameters and played the role perfectly.

However, as time passed, she was offered to star in another film as a ballerina. For the main role, Svetlana had to lose a lot of weight. She was so interested in the image of the heroine that Khodchenkova lost twenty kilograms in weight in three months.

Khodchenkova - weight before and after weight loss

After losing excess weight, the star’s career took off sharply. Now Khodchenkova is one of the most sought-after film stars not only in Russia, but also abroad.

The actress has an important character quality - the ability to achieve assigned tasks. In particular, from 75 kilograms she was able to lose weight to 54 in just three months.

To do this, she gave up her favorite hearty Italian cuisine. I started eating rationally. I was actively involved in sports in the gym. She also attended ballet dancing classes. There I persistently did all the exercises recommended by my mentor until the pain in the joints and muscles of my legs became unbearable. In addition, Svetlana managed to work fruitfully on the set of the film.

Now - in more detail about the nutrition system that Svetlana uses. Instead of Italian cuisine, Khodchenkova now allows herself only low-calorie healthy foods. She gave up fatty foods, consumes little cereal, potatoes, desserts, and practically stopped eating white bread and pasta. However, she was unable to completely stop eating sweets; she sometimes allows herself a bar of dark Belgian chocolate.

Sample menu for the day

In the morning: a cup of skim milk with oatmeal cookies or stale bread.

Two hours later - unsweetened green tea with black bread, butter, herbs.

Svetlana dined on vegetable soup, a small piece of boiled beef with herbs and unsweetened fruit.

Before dinner - one tomato or cucumber. For dinner: a glass of one percent kefir and black bread with butter.

Khodchenkova before and after weight loss: photo

Look how Svetlana has changed after losing weight. She lost as much as twenty kilograms. The movie star looks great and has the parameters of a model.

Slender, charming and very sweet, Khodchenkova became an idol for many girls. She played different roles and each one seemed to be written for her. The film “Bless the Woman” brought her popularity. After this film, there was a lot of talk about how Khodchenkova lost weight - diet or exercise? Revealing the secrets of the star!

Svetlana Khodchenkova's weight loss method

After “Bless the Woman,” Khodchenkova had the role of a ballerina and she needed to lose more weight. Having chosen a new diet for herself, Svetlana lost as much as 20 kg! The rules are simple:

  • give up high-calorie foods;
  • exclude harmful sweets;
  • exclude flour products.

At the same time, Khodchenkova’s nutrition system cannot be called strict. All the same 5-6 meals, small portions, so that the stomach works well and we do not feel hungry. Khodchenkova’s priority is fruits, vegetables, fish, chicken breast, eggs, and milk. Speaking in the language of nutritionists - complex carbohydrates, proteins and a minimal amount of fat.

Khodchenkova’s diet rules: eat 5-6 times a day in small portions; Whenever possible, eat more fruits and vegetables in combination with protein sources; drink up to two liters of clean water per day; be sure to play sports. About how Khodchenkova lost weight - an interview with the actress. By the way, our compatriots give us excellent examples and the actor is one of them.

Khodchenkova’s diet – prohibited and permitted foods

To make it more specific, we will give specific lists of what you can and cannot eat. So, all bakery products without exception are prohibited. Yes, you will have to start eating without bread - replace it with yeast-free bread or half a piece of Borodinsky. Bananas, pasta and potatoes should also be removed from the menu. Pasta made from durum wheat is occasionally allowed. High-carbohydrate dishes - cakes, pastries and other goodies - are completely and mercilessly excluded. Condensed milk, ice cream, semi-finished products – remove completely. Sometimes you can afford low-fat ice cream (note that the composition should not contain vegetable fats).

A special category for those losing weight is alcohol. The devil is not as scary as he is painted. The main rule here is – in moderation. You shouldn’t become an outcast during your diet and avoid meeting with friends and parties. Don't go heavy on cocktails - they're high in calories. Give preference to dry (at least semi-dry) wines, drink a glass of water for each glass of wine and do not get carried away with snacks.

What then is possible? The list is also not small - boiled or baked chicken or any lean meat or fish. Eat vegetables in large quantities - they are low in calories and contain dietary fiber, which cleanses the gastrointestinal tract. Dairy and fermented milk products fit very well into any nutrition plan. You can and should eat fruit, but you should be careful with bananas, grapes and sweet varieties of pears - they contain quite a lot of sugar.

Drink as much plain, clean water as possible. This may be difficult at first. For starters, get used to drinking a glass of water before each meal and on an empty stomach in the morning. The first glass of water starts your metabolism, and drinking before a meal reduces the chances of overeating.

Sports and weight loss

Khodchenkova was actively involved in sports when she got into shape for filming. But at the same time, sports are not a mandatory component of losing weight. If you want a good quality body, then choose loads to your liking. Strength training increases muscle mass and helps burn fat. Cardio exercises, such as running, swimming, aerobics, and dancing, help burn fat and train the heart. That’s the whole truth about how Khodchenkova lost weight.

The role of the Russian beauty, played by Khodchenkova in the film “Bless the Woman” in 2003, brought her her first success. But where has that attractive plump girl gone now? Now, from the covers of fashion magazines, a stately birch tree smiles warmly at us. Many fans are interested to know how Svetlana Khodchenkova lost weight, and what diet helped the girl lose weight again.

The actress admits that being overweight greatly limits the choice of roles. Therefore, the girl had to take herself seriously in order to move on towards her dream. The decisive role was the role of a ballerina in the film “Zero Kilometer”. Khodchenkova had to urgently get into shape. In 3 months she lost 20 kg. How did Svetlana manage to transform into her heroine like that?


The three pillars on which weight loss is based, according to Svetlana Khodchenkova, are: fractional meals, healthy food, and exercise. The principles seem quite simple - there is no complex diet and exhausting workouts. It would seem that the average healthy lifestyle. But only a few can boast that they live like this.

Khodchenkova admits that she was also far from the ideal regime, but she lost weight only thanks to him. Her favorite cuisine was Italian dishes, which are distinguished by their calorie content. And what girl can say that she doesn’t like sweets? The actress loves chocolate, cakes and pizza.

Svetlana loves chocolate very much and even now does not refuse it. However, she avoids counterfeits and only eats the black Belgian delicacy.


Svetlana Khodchenkova's diet is based on fractional meals. It includes 6 small meals per day. This is explained by the fact that if you regularly eat a minimum of calories, you will not feel hungry. This regimen will cleanse the body and put the stomach in order.

The menu with which Khodchenkova managed to lose weight includes only low-calorie foods, as well as foods rich in vitamins and minerals:

  • Fresh fruits that contain low sugar levels (kiwi, orange, pomegranate, grapefruit, apples, plums, etc.).
  • Fresh, boiled, stewed vegetables. They contain a lot of fiber. They will replace unhealthy high-calorie foods.
  • Dairy products. But only with a low fat percentage. This food contains a lot of vitamins and calcium, which will give you strength and tone up.
  • Crisps or crackers are very nutritious, but not as heavy and high in calories as bread.
  • Dried fruits will be useful. Just a couple of pieces will energize you for several hours.
  • The menu should contain poultry (baked or boiled) and low-fat fish.

Svetlana’s diet includes not only a healthy diet, but also proper drinking. 2-2.5 l. water will help your metabolism speed up. Green tea will wash your body and give you lightness and a fresh appearance.

Khodchenkova’s diet limits the following foods:

  • Floury. All baked goods are deposited in places with an increased risk zone: on the sides, stomach, thighs.
  • Food containing starch. These are potatoes, corn, pasta and cereals.
  • Sweets. Followers of Svetlana Khodchenkova who love sweets are allowed to consume natural dark chocolate made from cocoa beans once a week.
  • Foods fried in large amounts of oil or salty. They help slow down metabolism and fluid retention in the body.
  • Alcohol. Nothing leads to figure deterioration like alcohol-containing drinks.

Menu for the day

The diet, thanks to which the actress lost weight, may include the following dish options:

Now we know how Svetlana Khodchenkova lost weight. From the permitted foods, the girl came up with many dietary but delicious dishes.

Physical exercise

It wasn’t just diet and a healthy menu that helped Svetlana fight excess weight. In the process of losing weight, the actress intensively did cardio training and enrolled in a ballet school, where she worked 3 hours a day.

Many films required more and more new skills from her: ballet, boxing, gymnastics, tennis. Khodchenkova sees her life in development and scrupulously approaches each new task. During training, she gives 100% in order to unconditionally get used to the role. Of course, such loads complement her regime.

Thanks to her beautiful figure, Svetlana Khodchenkova can now play the role of any slender woman. Also, nothing prevents her from being the face of world brands and posing on the catwalk in the most extravagant outfits. Svetlana Khodchenkova’s height is 179 cm. And with such data it is very difficult to maintain the bar of 53 kg. But the actress copes with this successfully.

Visiting Ivan Urgant: video
