World ranking of coffee beans. The best varieties of coffee beans, ground, instant: names, list, rating

Coffee is a drink that many people enjoy. And not in vain, because it has a unique taste and rich aroma. Coffee invigorates, which is why it is a traditional breakfast drink. Plus, an invitation to enjoy it is a great excuse to spend time with your loved one.

What is the best coffee? What varieties and types of drink are there?

Types of coffee

There are several varieties of the drink. In the ranking of the most delicious coffee, which type is in the lead? Undoubtedly this is Arabica. Its taste is soft and rich at the same time. Arabica is considered the world leader in production and consumption in ground form.

Robusta has a stronger taste with a slight noble bitterness. The cultivation of this variety of beans is not as widespread as the Arabica variety, but it is Robusta that is used for the production of instant drinks.

In addition to these most famous types of coffee, there are also less common ones:

    Liberica - this species has a tart and bitter taste, which is why it is rarely used in its pure form. Most often, Liberica serves as a flavoring additive to milder Arabica beans. It is difficult to find this species on sale; most often it can only be purchased in Africa, where it is grown.

    Excelsa is a rare type of grain that is grown in Vietnam, Congo, Kenya and the Philippines. It has a very specific aroma, which is why it is used as a flavoring additive to other types. It is used to produce a drink known as mocha.

    Maragojipe has large coffee beans. It has a strong, rich aroma.

On the open market you can find Arabica coffee, which differs in the types and tastes of coffee due to different roasting methods, as well as flavoring and aromatic additives.

Elite varieties

The taste characteristics of coffee depend not only on the type of beans, but also on their processing. Elite varieties of the drink are not only expensive, but also have a unique, memorable taste:

These varieties of grains are difficult to find on the open market, but they are worth trying for the unusual taste sensations.

Coffee rating by country of origin

The taste of natural coffee is incomparable, which is why its beans are highly valued all over the world. However, there are several countries that are at the top of the ranking in terms of taste and quality characteristics of the resulting drink:

Cuban, Caribbean and Yemeni drinks are also considered good. However, these countries are not the world leaders in grain production.

Rating of famous brands

These coffee brands are the most common in Russia. They can be found on the shelves of any store. Which coffee is the most delicious of the most affordable brands:

    Jardin is an optimally roasted Arabica coffee that has a bright coffee taste, which is why this brand is loved by many fans.

    Kimbo is an Italian brand that offers quality drinks for every taste and budget.

    Gut! The brand is known for its high-quality coffee of both types - both Arabica and Robusta.

    Lavazza is an Italian brand that offers consumers both single-origin and various blends. In addition, the company produces a flavored drink.

    Malongo is a coffee produced in France. Coffee lovers note that the beans from this manufacturer produce excellent espresso.

    These measures have different price categories, but are freely available, which is why they are loved by the population.

    Strong coffee varieties

    Despite the fact that Arabica remains the leader in consumption due to its mild taste, Robusta does not lose its leadership among lovers of stronger drinks. Robusta has a high caffeine content, in addition, it is from it that the instant drink is made.

    Connoisseurs of a strong appearance should pay attention to the following varieties of grains:

  • Robusta Uganda.
  • Kubito.
  • Sulawesi Toraha.
  • Yemen Mocha.

In addition, the following strong blends are available for sale:

    Dead Wish is the leader in strength among all existing types. It is not for nothing that its name is translated as “Suicide Note”. This brand of coffee contains an explosive mixture of the strongest varieties. In addition, the caffeine content is 1.5 times higher than in espresso.

    Espresso IR is a strong drink with unique nutty notes that are formed during roasting using a special technology.

    Paganini is a strong blend of Arabica and Robusta.

These blends are difficult to find on the open market, so if you want stronger coffee, you should pay attention to varieties that are labeled “espresso.”

How to choose coffee?

What is the best coffee? How to choose the right grain so that it meets your expectations in terms of quality and taste? You should pay attention to the following points:

    Manufacturer country. The higher above sea level the grain is grown, the softer and lighter it will be. This concerns the taste of Arabica coffee, since almost all Robusta is grown in lowland areas.

    The degree of roasting is divided into light, medium and long. Light is characterized by softness and tenderness of taste, it is ideal for refreshing coffee drinks. Medium enhances the smell, but gives it bitterness. Long or French roasting makes the drink more aromatic, adding bitterness and astringency to it.

    Grinding degree. There are three degrees - coarse, medium, fine grinding. Coarse is used for cooking in a French press, fine is used for cooking in a Turk, medium is considered universal.

In addition, you should pay attention to freshness, because it also plays an important role in the taste characteristics of the resulting drink.

Choice of ground coffee

Most often, coffee lovers prefer to buy already ground and packaged drinks. In order to choose the right coffee, you should pay attention to the following points:

  • the beans may contain caffeine or may be decaffeinated;
  • the packaging must be hermetically sealed;
  • the date of manufacture should be as late as possible;
  • The packaging should indicate the degree of grinding, roasting, and grade.

It should be remembered that after opening the pack, the contents should be poured into a hermetically sealed container.

Selection of instant coffee

What is the most delicious instant coffee? When choosing such a drink, you should rely on the following data:

    The expiration date indicated on the packaging.

    The packaging itself must be glass or metal, without cracks or chips.

    Like any other product, instant coffee must contain information about shelf life, country of origin, and composition of the product.

The taste of instant coffee is quite varied, so you should follow your own taste preferences to choose a good drink.

Coffee is one of the popular morning drinks among people all over the world. Some prefer instant, while others prefer ground. But according to numerous reviews, coffee beans are ideal. Which one is better to choose? This is discussed in the article.

Roast level

Coffee beans are roasted for different periods. The taste and aroma of the drink depends on this. If the processing is not long, then it is a light roast. This product will be ideal for those who prefer to consume it with milk or cream.

There is a medium roast, which produces a bitter drink with a pronounced aroma. These are the products that most people choose. Heavily roasted beans are also available, which will make the drink strong and bitter. It is popular in France and Italy. Roasting can be Viennese, Italian, French. Which is the best coffee beans? Feedback from people shows that the grains should be the same size and uniform in color.

A country

To determine which coffee beans are best, customer reviews recommend looking at the country of origin. It is believed that the highest quality products are produced in:

  1. Brazil. There this product is produced in large quantities. It is valued for its lack of impurities, bitterness and cocoa taste.
  2. Guatemala. Gourmets love the drink for its hints of spice.
  3. Ethiopia. The drink from this country has a sour taste and an admixture of forest berries and cinnamon.
  4. Kenya. The production of the product in this country is under strict state control.
  5. Colombia. The finished drink has fruity tones.

Caribbean coffee is also known, valued for its richness and brightness of aroma. The Yemeni product is rich in fruity notes. Lovers of soft and tart taste should pay attention to Indian products.


The most popular varieties of coffee are:

  1. Robusta is not a very aromatic, but strong variety.
  2. Arabica is a delicate variety. The taste may vary depending on climate and soil fertility.


If you are interested in which coffee beans are better, customer reviews advise paying attention to the appearance of the product. It is advisable to purchase it by weight for a visual assessment of quality. It is necessary to pay attention to the following nuances:

  1. The grains should shine. This indicates the quality of the product. You should not choose a product with a swollen wrapper.
  2. The aroma of the beans should be even, without mold or rancidity. High-quality coffee is packaged in packages that have a valve with a filter, through which you can smell the smell.
  3. It is important that the grains are smooth and without damage.
  4. Price. A quality product cannot have a low price.
  5. Now you can find green coffee beans, which are believed to help you quickly lose weight and improve performance. But in reality, this is a semi-finished product that cannot be prepared at home.

How to brew?

In addition to quality, an equally important aspect is the correct preparation of the drink. This requires:

  1. Turk.
  2. Purified water.
  3. Finely ground coffee.
  4. A regular stove or cooking device.

The preparation procedure is simple. You need to put 1 tsp in the Turk. coffee with a mountain, add sugar. Then water is poured. The container should be put on fire and wait until the foam rises. The Turk needs to be removed from the stove and wait for the foam to settle. And then the Turk comes back. This is done 4 times. After this, the preparation of the drink is completed.


According to reviews, which coffee beans are the best? There is no consensus on this issue. People prefer to purchase products of different brands and degrees of roasting. However, according to reviews, the rating of coffee beans is quite interesting. There are popular brands that most people prefer to choose. So according to reviews, which one is better?

  1. Coffee "Jardine" beans. Beans with different levels of roasting and strength are brought to Russia. Therefore, from this variety there is a suitable drink for any person.
  2. "Paulig" The product is distinguished by high quality roasting, excellent aroma and taste. To obtain it, the best Arabica beans are used.
  3. Italian coffee Kimbo. The drink has a deep taste and rich aroma. There is no bitterness or sourness in it. The grains are roasted evenly.
  4. "Live Coffee" The drink has a pleasant taste and aroma, as well as an affordable price.
  5. Gaggia. Coffee is known for proper roasting and careful selection of beans.
  6. Italian coffee “Lavazza”. This product is inexpensive, has a delicate mild taste, and moderate strength.
  7. Malongo - French coffee. it is distinguished by a variety of aromas and tastes. There are shades of chocolate, vanilla, caramel, and fruit.
  8. "Black card". Products are brought from South America. The drink is medium-saturated with a sourish-citrus flavor. It is prepared in a Turk and a coffee machine.
  9. Saeco. The packaging of this product contains Indian Arabica. The drink has a pronounced bitterness with floral, chocolate and spicy notes.
  10. "Jockey". Coffee roasting is dark. The drink has expressive sourness, deep color and a nutty aftertaste. Another advantage is the affordable cost.

Of the remaining varieties, high-quality Swiss products “Egoist” are in demand. This is a flavorful drink. There is Hausbrandt coffee from Italy that espresso lovers will appreciate.

Many people prefer to choose the Ambassador product, which has some sourness and fruity notes. Now the Italian Italcafe Arabica product is in demand. The drink turns out tasty and aromatic.

Thus, which coffee beans is better to choose, each person decides for himself, taking into account all the nuances of the choice. There is no consensus on this matter, since all people have different tastes. It is advisable to choose a drink that suits your personal preferences.

A lot of people admit that they feel awake only after drinking a cup or two of aromatic, delicious coffee. Almost everyone keeps a jar of coffee at work so that in moments of fatigue they can cheer up with a tonic drink. Only some people prefer instant coffee, others prefer ground insoluble coffee, and still others buy coffee beans, preferring to grind it themselves.

The full spectrum of flavors and aromas is, of course, contained in the beans, which are ground before preparing the drink.

Coffee is divided not only by processing method, but also by variety and producing country, the taste of which is influenced by climatic conditions, soil characteristics of these countries and, of course, air, which consists not only of nitrogen and oxygen. Which coffee beans are the most delicious? Rating producing countries clearly demonstrates the preferences of coffee lovers. Before we get to it, let's take a look at history.

Some facts about the origin of coffee

There are many different legends and stories about coffee. We won’t retell them all here; let’s dwell briefly on the main ones. The birthplace of coffee trees is Africa.

In Ethiopia, the berries of coffee trees have been eaten since ancient times, when it was called Abyssinia. Warriors took them with them to maintain good spirits and strength. Merchants mixed coffee beans with oil, prepared and sold delicious balls. Later, they learned to prepare a low-alcohol drink from coffee fruits.

It is not difficult to assume that coffee beans sailed to America along with slave traders and African black slaves. Having found fertile soil and finding the same warm climate as in Africa, coffee seeds took root on the South American continent and began to bear fruit.

Tree seedlings were brought to Brazil by Colonel Francisco de Melo Palheta in 1727 from the nearby French colony of Guiana. The loving governor of Guiana presented him with coffee seedlings. From this moment the coffee history of Brazil begins.

Brazil is a leader in the coffee industry.

This South American country has been considered a leader in the production of the most delicious coffee for a century and a half. Almost the entire country's economy is dependent on this product.

2/3 of the Brazilian harvest is Arabica and 1/3 is Robusta. Robusta trees, unlike Arabica, are more resistant to the vagaries of nature. And if it were possible to combine the delicate bouquet of Arabica with the stability and strength of Robusta, the ideal coffee tree would be born.

Brazilian beans produce coffee with the aroma and flavor of cocoa. Sometimes Arabica is mixed with Robusta to give the drink strength and more bitterness inherent in Robusta.

In second place is coffee from Guatemala.

In second place is coffee from Guatemala, which is distinguished by a unique flavor unique to coffee beans from this country. The most popular varieties of Guatemalan coffee beans:

  • Antigua is volcanic with a mild, non-bitter flavor and a spicy, smoky aroma;
  • The Kobano variety, named after the province in which it is grown. The province has a difficult, rainy climate, however, the coffee here is tasty, soft and delicate, with the aroma of hazelnuts and cocoa.
  • Maragojip was brought from Brazil and adapted to the Guatemalan natural conditions. The beans of this coffee are large, with a thick and rich aroma and taste.
  • The Guatemala variety has a bright, slightly spicy and sour taste.

All varieties of Guatemalan are exported coffee beans, which is better Of the varieties mentioned, even avid coffee lovers cannot always decide. It should be noted that almost all varieties of Guatemalan coffee emit a special smoky aroma, probably due to the characteristics of the soil and impurities contained in the air, periodically emitted by active volcanoes.

Ethiopia is in third place in the ranking.

The third place among the leading countries in the cultivation of coffee beans is occupied by Ethiopia, which provides a third of the world's production of raw materials. Every year 200-240 thousand are grown in this country. tons of aromatic Arabica coffee, beloved by many coffee lovers, with a sour taste and aroma of cinnamon and wild berries.

Like Guatemala, Ethiopia is the oldest country growing delicious coffee. Half of the harvest is exported, half is consumed by residents of the country.

Rating of other coffee bean producing countries

Next, after Ethiopia, comes another African country - Kenya. For her, the cultivation and export of coffee constitutes a significant part of the state budget, so the process is under strict government control and is of high quality. The taste of Kenyan coffee is characterized by a hint of currant and light, pleasant sourness.

In fifth place is Colombian coffee with fruity aroma. There are Yemeni coffee, Indian coffee and Cuban coffee. Hard to say what is the best coffee beans? in these countries, this is, as they say, an acquired taste. Some people like sourness and a fruity bouquet, others prefer bitter coffee, and still others are crazy about the smoky aroma of the drink from Guatemala.

Arabica, robusta and others. Rating of coffee varieties

In fact, there were originally two types of coffee beans - Arabica and Robusta. And the variety of varieties that exist today is the result of breeding work.

  • Robusta is an invigorating and tonic drink because it contains 2-3 times more caffeine than Arabica. Caffeine, combined with chlorogenic acid and tannins found in robusta beans, provides its inherent bitterness. Some coffee lovers mix these 2 varieties in different concentrations, which allows them to prepare a particularly tasty drink. Which coffee beans are the best, rating varieties and brands gives only a faint idea of ​​this. Because as many ratings exist, there are as many opinions.
  • Kopi Luwak coffee is one of the most expensive varieties, although the method of preparing it is not very appetizing and tasty. It is obtained in the Philippines, Indonesia and India.

For the emergence of this variety, coffee lovers should be grateful to the musang animals that feed on coffee berries. The animals swallow the berries without chewing, and the coffee beans, along with excrement, are excreted from the animals’ gastrointestinal tract. The grains remain intact, but are treated with musang digestive enzymes, which give the drink a special piquancy that Europeans loved so much.

  • Yellow bourbon is grown in Brazil. It got its name from the yellow color of the berries. This type of coffee is grown in the mountains and is distinguished by its high sugar content and woody-tobacco aroma. The drink from this variety is slightly sweet and tasty.
  • Peaberry is also considered an expensive coffee. 1 kg of Peaberry grains costs 15-20 dollars per kilogram. Regular coffee berries are characterized by a bilobed seed. But approximately 8-20 percent of berries are born with a monocotyledonous seed. They are smaller in size and have a round shape. Peaberry grains have a richer aroma than its dicotyledonous counterparts and a taste with berry sourness.

What kind of coffee is in grains are the best yay? To answer this question, you must first try all the varieties and then evaluate them according to your tastes.

Roasting coffee beans. What is the best processing method?

The taste of the coffee drink is also influenced by the method of roasting the coffee beans. Some countries have developed their own tradition and their own specific attitude towards this type of processing.

  1. American roast. The grains are roasted until the first crack of a popping seed appears. In this state of the grains, the acid does not evaporate, and the sugar contained in the grains is in the initial stage of crystallization. After such roasting, the coffee turns out tender and tasty;
  2. Viennese roast. In Austria, it was customary to fry grains until most of the gas is released from them, and the fruits themselves shine from droplets of oil released from them. The grains acquire a bright brown color, and an excitingly tasty, slightly bitter aroma is felt above them.
  3. French fry until the contents of the roaster are dark brown and have a slight burnt aroma.
  4. Italians roast coffee the longest. It becomes almost black, the oil burns out completely, and the raw material loses its characteristic aroma.

If for us the most delicious coffee turns out to be American or Viennese roasted coffee, which retains a bouquet of aromas and gives a certain aftertaste, then the Italians and Spaniards can probably argue with us.

Coffee beans for coffee machine

Which coffee beans are best for a coffee machine?? This is the question asked by lovers of an invigorating drink who bought themselves a machine for preparing it. In this question, there are also so many people, so many opinions, and it is impossible to answer unequivocally which one is better.

Let's pay attention only to the properties and features of some varieties and brands, and you decide for yourself how to prepare coffee: from one specific variety or better mix 2-3 varieties, choose American or French roasted beans.

To obtain truly delicious coffee, first of all, the initial quality of the coffee beans is important. Good water, branded - all this will not be so important if you make coffee from low-quality coffee beans. But, if you want to know: the ranking of the best coffee beans, then be prepared to receive a wide variety of lists of coffee brands, because the taste and color... There are several important parameters that affect the taste and quality of coffee, but be prepared for the fact that your variety, degree of roasting and country, in the end you will only find it through personal tasting of different types of coffee.

Coffee is grown in almost 60 countries, but the main suppliers today are: Brazil, Vietnam, Colombia, Indonesia, Ethiopia, India, Mexico and Guetamala. There are more than 55 botanical varieties of coffee in the world, but only two of them have conquered this planet and become the most important product on the world market: Coffea Arabica - Arabica and Coffea Canephora (Robusta) - Robusta. About 65% of world coffee production comes from Arabica and about 35% from Robusta. As a rule, in different types of coffee we see a mixture of Arabica and Robusta in different proportions and varying degrees of roasting. The flavor of the final coffee blend is determined primarily by the roasting process. It would seem that there are two components, but how many variations! There are thousands of nuances, but in general: robusta is responsible for strength, bitterness and gives a thick foam; Arabica has a softer taste, sourness, richness of shades and is valued for its aroma.

Coffee beans: ranking of the best

  • . The company has been involved in coffee since 1876 and is known throughout the world. Ideal for getting to know the brand: series; , or ; lovers of strong coffee (like in Italy) will love the series, which undergoes mandatory UTZ certification.
  • The well-known coffee brand is included in our rating for several reasons: wide availability (you can buy it in almost any corner of our large country) and a very good price-quality-range ratio.
  • Coffee from an Italian producer. Known far beyond Italy, this coffee will be in the upper-mid to high-price category. If you are not familiar with this brand, then first take a small 250 gram package. Despite a certain fashion for drinking and praising Italian coffee, not everyone actually likes Italian roasted coffee.
  • The same applies to one of the most popular Italian coffee brands - . Since your taste can only be found through experience, consider this option. The brand has many fans all over the world, but whether it’s deserved or not, decide for yourself. Start with a small amount. You can buy it the same way. Please note that Lavazza coffee is often counterfeited (this is the price of fame and popularity), there is no point in buying it somewhere on the market, the chance of running into a fake in this case is quite high.
  • Recently, coffee from Vietnam has become increasingly popular. One of the classic brands worth paying attention to is .
  • Always good quality beans and ground coffee from a German brand.
  • . A brand that produces coffee beans, Nespresso standard capsules and ground coffee. The manufacturer places the main emphasis on a very wide selection of flavors. Coffee Blues is one of the main favorites among flavored coffee producers. For example, taste, or. All this in beautiful glass jars. A great gift idea for yourself or a coffee lover. In addition, Coffee Blues delights with a wide range of coffee beans from different parts of the world.
  • Since 1994, AMADO has been roasting premium beans. - a wide range of grains from all over the world. Initially, the company worked with Moscow coffee shops; now beans under this brand can also be purchased for home use. In addition to single-origin coffees and coffee from different continents, they produce flavored coffee. Among the unusual ones, one can highlight a rare variety from AMADO. In general, there is plenty to choose from, and the price for most of the range is affordable.
  • Mostly very positive reviews (deservedly!) from the German coffee brand. Large assortment, high quality and good price.
  • . A fairly young domestic brand that produces coffee in different formats: beans, ground, in capsules, and even in a convenient grind specifically for brewing in a cup. You can buy it, or in coffee shops in your city, if they offer an assortment. Large selection and convenient packaging; the description on the packaging always indicates the country of origin of the raw materials, the degree of roasting and a description of the taste. The strength of coffee is indicated on the packaging on a five-point scale, for example: 3/5, where 5 is the maximum strength and degree of roasting.
  • If it is important to you that the drink is made from organic grains, or is considered kosher, or has a Fair Trade label on the packaging, then pay attention to these.

Grain or ground?

If you have, then grain is more likely to suit you! If your coffee machine grinds grain itself, depending on the settings, then so does the grain. Ground coffee is very convenient, but it quickly loses some of its taste and aroma if stored incorrectly, so if you have the opportunity and time, it is better to grind the beans immediately before use. But in fairness, we note that not every coffee lover will feel the difference between bean and ground coffee, so the choice is yours.

Keep in mind that coffee beans are more expensive than ground coffee of the same brand. One of the main reasons for this situation: for the grain mixture it is customary to select the most beautiful and correct grain shape/size. The good thing about ground coffee is that it is the right grind size. Most manufacturers indicate on a pack of ground coffee which brewing method it is suitable for: Turkish coffee, espresso machines, and so on. If you buy ground coffee, make sure that the packaging is vacuum-packed, this is when the ground coffee retains all its taste and aroma.

Properly storing an open pack of ground coffee should always be in a closed container (for example, a glass jar or branded zip packaging) and in the refrigerator.

This is one of the most important points for obtaining high-quality and tasty coffee. When roasted, fresh coffee beans change color, lose weight and increase in volume. There will be approximately 4.5 thousand coffee beans in 1 kg of roasted coffee. As a rule, there are degrees of roasting from 1 to 5, while different manufacturers divide their coffee into 3 or 5 degrees of roasting. And they also call them in their own way. But there are more or less established standards. So, when they talk about French and Italian degrees of roast, they mean a very dark roast, which is suitable for espresso. A lighter roast will have sourness, a darker roast will have bitterness. Notes of fruit, chocolate, flowers, nuts - all this depends not so much on the degree of roasting, but on the region where the coffee bean was grown. Interestingly, green coffee beans have virtually no taste or aroma. The so-called flavor profile is created precisely by the time and temperature of roasting.

Our rating can be continued for a very long time, since true coffee lovers know the unspoken rule: “The best coffee is the one you like, and not the one that is the most expensive.” There are thousands of coffee brands in the world: mediocre and very outstanding, but... Sourness, bitterness, fruity-floral-chocolate notes - all this is quite conventional for most, and very individual. So try it and you will find just the right coffee, coffee will give you positive emotions every day. So, coffee beans: rating of the best: it may be expensive and affordable, but it is of high quality. Focus on your own feelings, and you won’t go wrong!

Coffee beans are considered the best, highest quality, ideal product for making truly aromatic and tasty coffee. However, using coffee beans is not as easy or convenient as, for example, ground coffee. Accordingly, sales of bean coffee are not so high - coffee beans occupy a very small share in the structure of the Russian coffee market.

However, the range of bean coffee is quite large and is constantly expanding. The main participants in this segment are large manufacturers who offer not only grain, but also ground, and in some cases even instant coffee. The best brands are those that can offer truly high-quality, properly roasted and at the same time relatively inexpensive coffee.

Top 10 coffee beans

To the greatest extent meets all these criteria Jardin. On the coffee bean market, this manufacturer is one of the most popular and in demand. Jardin offers several varieties of coffee beans, with different degrees of roasting and different strengths. Accordingly, you can choose the best option for almost any preference.

Another popular brand of bean coffee is Paulig. Excellent taste and aroma, high-quality roasting, careful sorting of beans, and most importantly, the use of only the best Arabica beans. All this makes Paulig coffee beans a very good choice. It is worth noting that Paulig offers several varieties of bean coffee, including in the premium segment.

Italian coffee Kimbo enjoys well-deserved popularity in Russia. It is distinguished by a magnificent, deep taste and pronounced aroma, without sourness or bitterness. Uniform roasting of beans, an abundance of varieties and high-quality packaging that allows you to preserve the best characteristics of bean coffee - thanks to all this, Kimbo is gradually becoming an increasingly popular brand.

Another representative of the middle price class is bean coffee Gut! from Guttenberg. It is made from Arabica and Robusta, and careful selection of varieties allows us to maintain the quality of coffee beans at a fairly high level. Gut! - This is a wide range of varieties that can have different degrees of roasting, as well as different strengths.

Speaking about bean coffee, it is also worth noting the brand "Live Coffee". Below it is a wide range of single varieties, some of which are additionally flavored. “Live Coffee” has a pleasant taste and rich aroma, as well as a very reasonable price.

Another representative of the Russian bean coffee market is Gaggia. This brand appeared in Russia relatively recently, however, thanks to the high quality of coffee, it is quickly gaining popularity. So far, only a few varieties are presented under the Gaggia brand, but each of them has its own aroma and taste. This is carefully selected, properly roasted coffee that has an excellent aroma and taste.

Among the relatively expensive brands it is also necessary to highlight Malongo is a high-quality French coffee bean that is ideal for making espresso. The deep, strong taste is combined with a natural, subtle aroma that does not have any extraneous notes - this can be said about almost any type of bean coffee produced under the Malongo brand.

Finally, one of the most popular premium coffee bean brands is Lavazza. The Italian manufacturer is known in many countries around the world, and in Russia, Lavazza grain coffee has become truly iconic - it is believed that it combines the best features of high-quality coffee: moderate strength, refined taste, delicate aroma. The Lavazza brand offers several single varieties, as well as exclusive blends, each of which has a unique taste.

Lesser known, but still very high quality bean coffee EvaDia also deserves mention in the ranking of the best brands. This is Italian coffee, which is distinguished by high-quality roasting. The manufacturer uses only the best varieties of coffee, thanks to which the aroma and taste of the invigorating drink made from EvaDia are invariably impeccable.

In conclusion, it is worth mentioning another bean coffee - this Italcafe. This coffee is also produced in Italy, it contains the best Arabica varieties, thanks to which Italcafe is distinguished by its consistently soft, velvety taste, as well as a bright, refined aroma. Italcafe bean coffee belongs to the premium segment and is highly valued among coffee gourmets.
