Fortune telling on a saucer - are you ready to do anything to find out your future? Fortune telling on a thread with a needle: ways to perform rituals Alphabet in a circle.

Fortune telling experience: Needle and dial
Author -- Elena Lebedeva

Knowing your future is a long-standing dream of humanity.
Why do we need this knowledge?

Remember when you were most interested in the future - probably when your fate was being decided, when changes could happen in your life, but you no longer had the patience to wait for the result. Would you even guess if everything was fine with you, there would be no problems with love, with your personal life, with work, with relatives... You see.

Psychologists believe that it is disorder and uncertainty that give rise to our interest in occult sciences and mysticism.

I would really like to know about the experience of fortune telling with a needle and a dial. Many people around me were guessing, but so far I have not heard of prophecies coming true...

I've heard a lot about this fortune-telling, but I've never done it myself. Maybe you can tell me how to guess correctly?

This fortune telling is quite ancient. It is actively practiced by gypsies, although it is the gypsies who treat this fortune-telling with caution, considering it the thread that connects and deepens our connections with the other world. Usually the gypsies use a new needle, into which they thread a red silk thread, about nine inches long.

Another type of fortune telling on the dial is alectyromancy. A simple dial is used on a sheet of thick cardboard, the letters on it are arranged in a circle, usually clockwise. Instead of a needle, a thin piece of the same cardboard is used, a wire 1-2 cm long is pulled through the center of the dial and attached to the cardboard indicator so that the wire can rotate freely. After the dial is ready, ask a question and rotate the wire with the arrow, writing down the letters.

My friend and I were guessing like this: on a blank sheet of paper we drew a regular circle using a plate, then we wrote letters evenly all over the outside of the circle, the circle itself was divided into two halves, on the left in the circle we wrote “no”, on the right - “yes”. Then you need to take a needle suspended on a thread (the color of the thread does not matter). Then they took off all the hairpins, unbraided their hair, etc. After this, they placed the needle in the center of the circle and began to guess. Fortune telling should begin with the words: “We appeal to you, spirit of such and such, answer our questions! Tell us, are you here?” After this, the needle should begin to move and land on the word “Yes”. Then it is recommended to ask questions to which you probably know the answers. These are control questions. The spirit must give the correct answers to them. If he does, ask him what you want to know. It is advisable not to get carried away with this fortune-telling - it is very dangerous.

Fortune telling with a needle and dial is our folk tradition. No one knows exactly when this version of fortune telling appeared. Girls of marriageable age really often use it when they want to know the name of their betrothed. I also once made fortunes, but almost nothing came true. By the way, thank God. It turned out that at the age of 28 I would have to change my life partner, and my second companion was supposed to be of Caucasian nationality with the mysterious name Oshatur, as I remember now. That's exactly how the letters were arranged in that order. I read somewhere that this sequence can and should be changed by arranging the letters randomly, which I hastened to take advantage of. Ashot Ur... is also not a very comforting combination. I was anxiously awaiting this critical age, naively wondering what would happen to my current husband. As a result, to my joy and to the jubilation of all my girlfriends who do not believe in mysticism, I passed this age without any problems...

I told fortunes several times as a girl. The most interesting thing is that the needle REALLY wrote words clearly. Simple questions get accurate and, most importantly, correct answers. As for the predictions... Only one came true, about the fact that I will become a millionaire. Of course, a few years ago in Russia almost anyone could be a millionaire (remember inflation?). But with my husband, the needle was wrong, it didn’t even come close to guessing the name!...

I was wondering with my friend. It turned out that I would get married at 20 years old - it didn’t come true, my friend turned out that at 22 years old it came true. Even the husband’s name was the same - Andrey.

Something else strikes... Well, okay, the needle is wrong in long-term forecasts. Then how can she know the answers to questions about the names of all immediate and distant relatives, about the age of the fortuneteller, about past events? This is what fascinated me before and still fascinates me with its mystery. Since I was telling fortunes alone, I didn’t move the needle myself, I didn’t need to. But the needle, contrary to all the laws of nature, still moved! And she wrote down the names very clearly - mothers, girlfriends, acquaintances... Mysticism, and that’s all!

There is an interesting modern theory according to which it is not spirits or any other otherworldly forces that come into contact with us, but we ourselves, through our biofield, and not our hands (you can see this by trying to guess), we move the needle. That is, our subconscious connects and forces the needle to land on the letters it needs. How else can one explain the mysterious and very intelligible answers of a completely lifeless object - a needle? And it is people endowed with extrasensory abilities who can receive correct, self-fulfilling answers to questions about the distant future. Because they can really see into the future, even if they don't know it yet. And then it turns out that fortune telling on the dial is a kind of test for future psychics...

Fortune telling on a saucer is very common, as it allows you to get a clear answer to any question posed. This ritual is similar to the ritual of summoning spirits, since in order to obtain the necessary information you will have to resort to the help of higher powers.

In the article:

Fortune telling on a saucer - calling the spirit

A lot of different ways have come down to our time with which you can answer questions of interest:, and other magical attributes.

Fortune telling on a saucer is very similar to the ancient one, when the magician needs to use the help of Higher powers to carry out the ritual. In this case, the ceremony is carried out using the alphabet and a small wooden sign guided by the spirit.

Also, the ritual is a little reminiscent of or. If you choose fortune telling on a saucer, then you definitely need to arm yourself with an attribute on which the alphabet will be written, as well as “yes” and “no”.

The alphabet can be written on a regular Whatman paper or on a board (whichever is convenient for you), preferably in a circle. Also, some experts advise to write words such as “Hello”, “Goodbye”. Quite often numbers from 0 to 9 are written on whatman paper.

Remember, in order to get a correct prediction, you must be able to establish a relationship with the spirit. Quite often, instead of good helpers, an evil entity from the other world may come to the call of an inexperienced mog. At best, she simply will not allow the ritual to be performed correctly or will give incorrect answers.

Perhaps the evil spirit will not want to go back to its world and will try to stay. Therefore, if you are unsure of your abilities or do not have enough experience, use rituals or.

Preparing for the ritual

Before you start fortune telling, you need to prepare. The main attribute of the ritual is the saucer. The plate must be white and new. No one should have used it before.

The attribute is placed inside a circle, on the outside of which the alphabet is written. Be sure to draw an arrow on the edge of the plate. It will point to the desired letter. It is advisable not to perform the ritual on your own, but in a small company.

It is important that all participants in the ritual do not talk to each other, do not laugh, do not make noise, and do not take videos or photos of the ritual. When you are ready to perform the ceremony, everyone should sit around the prepared attributes and place their fingertips on the edges of the plate.

Remember, you cannot hold it, try to move it, jokes are not appropriate in this fortune-telling. You must first select a leader who will talk to the soul and ask it questions. Therefore, write in advance a list of all the questions that each fortune-telling participant wants to ask. It is inappropriate to come up with them on the fly.

During the ritual, you should not interrupt the leader or try to ask another question to the spirit. Otherwise, he will not understand who needs to be obeyed and may become uncontrollable.

Conducting fortune telling with a plate and alphabet

When everything is ready and all participants have placed their hands on the dish, the leader should say:

We call upon the spirit (name)!

Says these words exactly three times. After this, you can check whether the required spirit has arrived. In order to understand whether a magical assistant has come, you need to ask:

Spirit, are you there?

If everything is done correctly, the dish will begin to move and the arrow will point to the answer “yes”. Then you need to say hello to the spirit, and he will answer you in kind. If there is no response, then there is no point in continuing the ritual.

You can try to summon the spirit a few more times, but if it refuses to appear, then with such persistence you can only anger it. If everything was done correctly and the spirit has come, then you can proceed directly to the fortune telling itself.

Now the leader must ask questions from the list, giving the spirit time to think and answer. Pay close attention to how the plate moves and what letters it lingers on. During the ritual, it is important not to take your fingers off the plate or push it.

To make it easier for you to keep track of the answers, one of the ritual participants can write down the letters that the ghost shows. Thus, after performing the ritual, it will be easier for you to figure out what the answers were, because quite often the magic attribute moves very quickly, and it is difficult to keep track of which letters it stops on.

Additional rules

Saucer on whatman paper with alphabet

If you decide to find out your future using a saucer of wooden boards with the alphabet, then you need to adhere to certain rules, the observance of which is necessary for the correct conduct of the ritual.

First of all, when performing the ceremony, be sure to leave a window or window open. This ensures that the spirit will be able to enter and leave the room. It is advisable not to use light sources such as lamps. Pay tribute to tradition and light three candles during the ritual.

Remember, they must be made of natural wax; paraffin candles are not used in magical rituals. Maintain complete silence during fortune telling. Only the presenter is allowed to speak.

When you ask questions, please note that the same question cannot be asked twice. If the spirit ignored it or answered negatively, this suggests that you should not know the answer to this question.

There is no need to try to get an answer by any possible means, ask the spirit, ask this question several times, demand an answer. Otherwise, the magical assistant will only get angry and this will not lead to anything good. If you come across a powerful enough spirit, it will even be able to cause damage if it is very angry.

Once you have all the necessary information, be sure to send the spirit to its world. For some, simply saying goodbye and asking to leave is enough. But there are times when the spirit does not want to get out of our world.

In this case, you can read the text of the prayer “Our Father” and ask the Higher powers to take the spirit home. The ritual ends only after the spirit leaves and stops responding to your words.

Cautions - what should you be wary of?

If you are an inexperienced magician, and such a spiritualistic session is your first contact with otherworldly forces, then be sure to use the help of a more experienced comrade. Otherwise, there are a number of things you should be wary of.

Sometimes even after calling a good spirit through a ritual, there is a possibility that an embittered entity from the other world will come instead. An experienced magician will be able to recognize it and drive it away. You may not have enough strength and skill for this. Therefore, do not neglect the help of more experienced comrades.

You should be wary of a strong assistant from the other world who wants to stay here. It won't be easy to drive him away without outside help. This is another example explaining why you should not use these rituals alone.

One of the most common fortune telling, which allows you to get answers to any questions asked, is the ritual with a saucer and an alphabet circle. For accurate information, you will need to call the spirit.

Fortune telling on a saucer

There are many ways to find out the future and get answers to your questions. For this, various attributes are used: beans, books, needles, wax, hair, cards. Fortune telling on a saucer with an alphabet circle looks very similar to a ritual. Participation will also be required during it.

For the ritual, the alphabet and a saucer with an arrow are used - these are attributes of the spirit. He guides them and gives an accurate answer. The answers “yes” and “no” are additionally indicated on a piece of paper - this will help avoid ambiguity and will not take your breath away for long.

Fortune telling with a saucer is similar to a simple pendulum using a needle and thread. For him, it is also necessary to summon the spirit, but he only gives answers to questions in the form of “yes” or “no”. There is also a more complex form with an alphabetic circle.

For the ritual you need to use plain paper or a wooden board. It is important to apply the alphabet in a circle, this will facilitate contact with spirits. For additional convenience, it is recommended to write greeting and farewell words, as well as numbers from 0 to 9.

The ritual does not guarantee a correct prediction if there is no good connection with the spirit or if evil forces have come into contact. , will in any way oppose the ritual. Or confuse the fortuneteller by giving incorrect answers.

In order for fortune telling by alphabet to be accurate, magicians advise asking several questions, the information about which is known and obvious. The danger of the ritual lies in the possibility of causing trouble. An evil spirit coming from the other world will not want to leave the space and will decide to stay.

If you are not confident in your own abilities or have no experience in communicating with Higher Powers, use. Call upon good spirits or your closest deceased relative for help.


The main attribute used in the ritual is the saucer. It is important that it is white and new. No one should use it before you. An important element of fortune telling is paper with an alphabet circle. The larger it is, the more convenient it is for the spirit to communicate with you.

How to prepare for fortune telling in a circle:

  1. Draw a contrasting arrow on the saucer. After the ritual, no one will use the plate for its intended purpose, so you can use a permanent marker.
  2. Get together in a small group, tune in and don’t make any noise. You can perform the ritual alone.
  3. You need to turn off mobile phones and not use them to record the fortune telling process.
  4. Each participant must prepare a list of questions in advance.
  5. Sit in the corners or around the table.
  6. Choose a leader - he turns to the spirit, everyone else waits for his command.

You cannot interrupt the presenter - the spirit may become confused and angry, and become uncontrollable. Another important condition is that you need to choose in advance who you will call and write down his name on paper. Dead close relatives or good spirit helpers are suitable for this. You cannot summon angels and demons.


After all conditions are met, you need to sit down at the table. Participants place their hands on the dish, the presenter pronounces an introductory phrase.

Spirit come! We call upon the spirit (name)!

You need to say the words three times. There is also a special phrase to check presence.

Spirit, are you there?

If the Higher Powers have honored the fortune-tellers with their presence, the dish will begin to move. The arrow will turn towards a positive answer on the paper. If there is no reaction, there is no point in continuing the ritual. You can try to summon the spirit again, but you need to do this carefully, excessive persistence will anger him.

If the spirit has arrived and an answer about its presence has been received, you can begin fortune telling in a circle:

  1. The presenter asks questions from the list. Waits a few minutes, giving the Higher Power time to think.
  2. It is important to carefully observe the movement of the arrow and follow the letters. Around which he stops a little longer - combine them into words.
  3. It is forbidden to remove your hands from the saucer or push it.

Sometimes the plate moves too quickly; you need to choose one participant in the ceremony who will record the information received. He doesn't need to hold the saucer.

Additional terms

In addition to the basic rules, there are some features that must also be observed. During the ritual, it is important to open a window or window - the spirit will enter the room and exit unhindered.

All fortune-telling was previously performed only by candlelight - this is an optional condition, but part of the tradition. The same question cannot be asked several times in a row. did not answer - information is prohibited.

After all the answers have been received, you can release the Higher Power and thank it, always by name. If the spirit does not want to leave, read a prayer. During it, ask three angels by name to free you from his presence.

Fortune telling with a needle

This ritual also requires the presence of several people at once. Fortune telling on a circle with a needle is carried out similarly to its variety with a saucer, but there are also distinctive features. Here, whatman paper with letters is also used as a response board, but a pendulum is used as an otherworldly conductor.

Fortune telling with a needle and the alphabet requires preparation.

  1. Take a new needle. A red thread is threaded through it. The ends are aligned and tied with a knot.
  2. Place a wax candle in the center of the table.
  3. Take whatman paper with a circle, letters and numbers.
  4. All fortune tellers sit down at the table. One person is the leader, all the rest are participants in the process.
  5. It is important to prepare all questions in advance on a separate sheet of paper.
  6. Draw a pentagram inside a circle for fortune telling with a needle.
  7. The point is placed in the center, the eyelet with the thread should be tilted to the side.

After all the preparatory measures have been completed, the spirit is called. The phrases used are the same as in the saucer ritual.

The presenter asks questions, and everyone carefully observes which letters or numbers the needle and thread turned to, and the answers are written down. First you need to ask all the simple ones that can be answered unambiguously. And then move on to more complex issues.

You can lay out a circle of playing cards and, based on their interpretation, determine the answer of the magical assistant. The meanings are the same as in simple layouts.

After the ritual with the thread and needle, the spirit must be thanked and released. They blow out the candle and read the “Our Father” prayer three times.


If you are new to fortune telling with a needle or circle and this is your first spiritualistic session, take the advice of an experienced magician or abandon the ritual altogether. Otherwise, dangerous consequences cannot be avoided.

During such rituals, there is a risk that an embittered entity will come. An experienced magician will be able to recognize it and drive it away in time, but a beginner will not be able to do this. The spirit can cause physical harm or want to settle in the house forever.

Many who tell fortunes at a young age make the classic mistake of asking the entity to show itself. Thus, an evil spirit easily penetrates into the human world and remains here forever. The consequences of such a ritual are unpredictable and dangerous for all its participants.

Everyone knows what a needle is for and what to do with it. It prolongs the life of old things, and in skillful hands helps new ones to be born. However, that's not all she's capable of. A needle is also a powerful tool that will help you find out the future, find answers to questions and even help you fulfill your desires.

Methods of fortune telling on a thread with a needle

There are 4 main methods of fortune telling:

  1. in the name of the husband;
  2. for children;
  3. with a magic circle;
  4. to fulfill a wish.

For fortune telling you will need:

  • sewing needle (it is better to take a used one);
  • threads of different colors (certain colors are used for different fortune telling);
  • candles;
  • paper and pen.

The fortune telling ritual takes place at dawn. The evening before fortune telling, you need to prepare a basin of water. Write any male names on small pieces of paper and attach them along the edge of the pelvis. Place the basin under the fortune telling girl’s bed all night. Place the needle on the windowsill, the eye must be directed north. Tie a red thread on your right wrist and go to bed.

In the morning, wake up before sunrise and take the basin out from under the bed. It is very important to remain in the clothes you wore at night and not talk to anyone. You need to place and light 4 candles around the pelvis. Then break the thread at the wrist and pull it through the eye of the needle. Approaching the basin, close your eyes and throw a thread and a needle into it. The name that the eye of the needle points to will be the name of the future husband.

Fortune telling with a needle and thread for children

This method will help you find out what gender and how many children there will be in the family. For fortune telling you will need a needle and thread. The color of the thread must be white. Cut the thread to medium length and thread it through the eye of the needle. Open your left palm, extend it in front of you and move your thumb to the side. With your right hand, lift the needle by the thread above your left palm. After this, lower it between your thumb and palm 3 times with a “piercing” motion through the air. Starting from the wrist, draw a circle with a needle along the contour of the palm. Next, place it above the center of your palm and observe its movements.

The first child in the family will be a boy if the needle swings from side to side. Movements in a circle indicate a girl. To find out if there will be more children, the needle is again lowered between the thumb and palm, placed above the center and observed. The needle does not move - there will be no more children. If it moves, then the gender of the child is determined by the nature of the movement. You need to repeat the fortune telling until the needle stops showing. There will be as many children as the fortune telling is repeated and the needle moves. It is worth noting that if there are already children in the family, then the needle will first point to them. In this way, you can immediately check how true the fortune-telling is.

Fortune telling with a needle and a magic circle

You should immediately understand that this is fortune telling with the involvement of otherworldly forces. Therefore, one should take such a ritual seriously and not abuse it.

For the ritual you will need a needle and thread and a sheet of paper. The thread should be silk and red. Thread the thread into the eye of the needle and tie a knot. How you tie it makes a big difference. The ends of the thread need to be aligned and twisted together, tied into a knot. At this time, turn to otherworldly forces and ask for help in fortune telling.

Draw a circle on paper. Write the alphabet along the outer edge of the circle. Write numbers inside the circle, like on a watch dial. In the middle of the circle write “Yes” and underline it, write “No” below. Next, the fortuneteller sits down at the table and places a magic circle drawn on paper in front of him. Holding the thread, place the needle with its point in the center of the circle, so that there is no strong tension between them.

Before starting fortune telling, you can check how true the answers will be. To do this, you should first ask a few questions, the answers to which are obvious to the fortuneteller. For example, ask: “My name (say your name)?”; “Am I (name your age) years old?”; “Do I have a son (daughter)?” Answers should be considered in the yes/no field. If the needle points to the correct answers, then you can further ask questions. In addition to clear answers such as yes/no, complex questions can be answered with more specific answers. The needle will spin and stop on the letters. These letters need to be remembered or written down, and then the words resulting from them must be read - the answers.

At the end of the fortune telling, you must remember to thank the spirits for their help and ask them to return to their world.

Fortune telling is carried out at night and always during the full moon. You need to prepare for it in the morning. In the morning, on the day of fortune telling, take a glass and fill it with clean water. Take a black thread in your hands, close your eyes and think about your desire. After this, lower it completely into the glass, and place the glass itself in a visible place. Every time during the day when your gaze falls on the glass, remember your desire.

At night, light 3 candles around the glass. Take a thread from the bottom of the glass, thread it into a needle and tie 5 knots. You should pay attention to how to tie a knot on a thread with a needle. Connect the ends together and tie the first knot. Further, tie 4 more knots, moving towards the needle. While tying, constantly think about your desire and imagine how it will come true. After this, take the thread by the outermost knot and hold it at arm's length over the glass. Now, by the vibrations of the needle, you can determine whether your wish will come true or not.

If the needle oscillates towards the fortuneteller, it means that the wish will certainly come true.

The movement of the needle parallel to the fortuneteller is a bad sign- the wish will not come true.

When the needle hangs motionless in the air, the wish will come true, but not soon.

Fortune telling with a needle and thread is very simple. They do not require special knowledge or skills. But still, you should not treat them frivolously and superficially. When starting fortune telling, it is important to pay attention to all the requirements and follow all the steps exactly: at what time to tell fortunes, what color thread to take for fortune telling, how to make a knot on a thread with a needle. Only in this case will fortune telling be accurate and safe.

Attention, TODAY only!

Among spiritualistic seances, the most popular is fortune telling on a saucer with an alphabet circle. It is believed that this is an excellent opportunity to have an interesting time in a friendly company, learning about your future.

In fact, you should not treat this type of fortune telling as entertainment. A seance is a serious thing that can lead to unpredictable consequences. Often, the summoned spirits show dissatisfaction or, on the contrary, are not averse to having fun, scaring the people present at the session for the sake of mischief.

Most often, the spirits of famous people are invoked, for example, Pushkin. There is no need to be offended and blame the dead poet for refusing to appear at the first call. There is one spirit of Pushkin, but there are many spiritualists. Therefore, it is easier to summon the spirit of a deceased relative or friend, who is much more willing to make contact.

Fortune telling on a saucer is carried out at night. The spiritualistic seance is especially successful during Christmas week. At least three people must participate in the session. First you need to stock up on a sheet of Whatman paper, a wax candle and a white porcelain saucer that moves well over the paper.

If three to five people are involved in fortune telling, you need to cut out a circle with a diameter of about one and a half meters from a sheet of Whatman paper. If there are more fortunetellers, you need to make the circle more impressive. The letters of the alphabet are written along the edges of the circle, having previously drawn it into 33 sectors from the central point. Each letter is entered in a separate sector.

The numbers from zero to nine are written inside the circle of letters. One word is written on both sides of the central part. On the left side is “no”, on the right side “yes”. You can also put a question mark and an exclamation mark in the inner part of the circle. The paper circle should be secured on the table with tape so that during fortune telling the participants do not accidentally move it from its place and interfere with the movement of the saucer.

The inside of the saucer must be thoroughly smoked using a burning candle. A distinct arrow is drawn on the outside of the edge. Before you begin fortune telling, you need to open a window or window so that the spirit can freely enter the room. All participants remove metal jewelry and watches from their hands. After turning off the light, you need to light a candle or as many candles as possible. During fortune telling, you can communicate with each other only in a whisper, since spirits do not like loud sounds and can perceive them as a sign of disrespect.

Only one person can communicate with the spirit - the medium. You should prepare in advance the questions that the host should ask the guest from the other world. Other participants should not interfere in the conversation and ask the spirit questions directly.

The saucer is heated over a candle flame and placed slightly tilted on its edge in the central part of the circle. The medium repeats three times: spirit, name of the person being called, please come to us, and lowers the saucer onto the paper upside down. Those present lightly touch the saucer with their fingertips. After this, you can start a conversation with the spirit and ask him questions. The arrow on the saucer will point to the letters that make up the answer. Sometimes it is difficult to hold the saucer; your fingers slip off the surface. If all participants stop touching the saucers, the connection with the summoned spirit will be lost.

Before the end of the session, you need to thank the spirit and politely say goodbye. Then, the saucer is turned over, the light is turned on and the candles are extinguished. The session is over. Whatman paper and saucer can be used for subsequent spiritualistic seances.
