Why do we dream about castles? Why do you dream about a lock (door) - interpretation of the dream

Locks are designed to lock or, on the contrary, unlock something. Therefore, their appearance in dreams may be a sign of some secrets and omissions between people. In this article we will look at why you dream of seeing a padlock in a dream according to several of the most famous dream books.

Most often, psychologists explain such dreams from the point of view of boundaries operating in the subconscious. If you dream of a shutter, it suggests that you are afraid to do many things. This can be explained by the fact that your parents raised you strictly and always limited your freedom. Because of this, even as an adult you cannot give free rein to your emotions. Subconsciously, you believe that you are unworthy of many things. Therefore, you refuse the opportunities that come your way.

If you dream that you are opening a keyhole, or breaking a constipation, it means that you are striving to free yourself from the past. You are ready to start life from scratch and realize your abilities. If you fail to knock down the lock, then your desire to start over is not yet strong enough.

Losing the key and not being able to unlock the well is a sign that you are too inattentive to details, which is why you often cannot carry out your plans. If your keys are stolen, you trust others too much. Keep your secret thoughts to yourself.

People's dream book

The definitions of the classical interpreter are associated with the following meanings of the image:

  • the castle was somehow complicated - there would be almost insurmountable obstacles along the way;
  • constipation with a folding bow - a symbol that a loved one needs your support;
  • the key is stuck in the well - you will secretly collaborate with someone to implement your plans;
  • you hang the shutter on the door yourself - you want to be alone for a while;
  • if you want to open it, you will have a desire to understand the aspirations of a closed person;
  • the key does not fit - your business will be on the verge of ruin;
  • knocking down the lock - to some kind of love entertainment, to a new partner;
  • broken - a symbol of upcoming major changes;
  • trying to open, but unsuccessfully - to minor difficulties and troubles;
  • someone else wants to break into your lock - you will have to go through many difficulties, but as a result you will cope with everything;
  • you are locking or unlocking something - you have an ill-wisher who will soon reveal himself;
  • your door was broken into and you feel fear - in reality you will also fear for your future;
  • for a young girl to have a dream in which the door swung open on its own is a sign of an upcoming marriage;
  • buy constipation - pay attention to your friends. One of them will try to fight off your man. Most likely, you will be able to defeat her.

Freud's Dream Book

According to the famous psychoanalyst, the image primarily personifies some kind of understatement and secrets in relationships between people. The exact interpretation depends on what exactly was locked. If these were the doors to the house, then the dream hints at the need to pay more attention to the relationship with your partner. If the doors led to someone else’s home, perhaps you are having an affair that is about to end. This vision also suggests that your relationship has outlived its usefulness and you want to start a new one.

For a young girl, a dream in which she was locked in a house hints that she no longer wants to continue her relationship with the young man, and is subconsciously ready to break up. However, she has not yet succeeded. In this situation, she can try to devote more attention and time to her own interests. If the partner does not support her, this will clearly indicate that his feelings have already faded away, and there is no point in continuing to build a relationship.

If a man dreamed of a locked castle in a dream, what does this mean – excessive despotism. You are used to suppressing your partner, but at the same time you do not think at all about her desires and needs. It is unlikely that this relationship will lead to anything good.

Miller's Dream Book

According to Miller's interpretation, open constipation is a symbol of some kind of confusion. It is likely that now you have to make a serious choice, but you do not know which decision will be right.

If you dreamed that you were locking or, on the contrary, unlocking a keyhole, you have a secret enemy, and soon he will take open action against you. For a person in love, a dream with a castle promises victory over all rivals and happiness.

Another possible explanation for what Miller saw was the upcoming trip. It is a bad sign to see a shutter that is broken or not functioning. This dream warns lovers that their love will not be reciprocated, and also that the trip will not be successful.

Vanga's Dream Book

The following explanations of the image are found in the clairvoyant interpreter:

  • you lock the door - you try to be alone for a while, but you won’t succeed. If you want to take a little break from the hustle and bustle, then first you should complete all previously started tasks;
  • if you want to open the shutter, but it is broken, you will meet a person who will be very reserved and will not strive to leave his comfort zone. You will try to involve him in communication with other people, but you will not succeed, because he himself will not want to change;
  • you dream of constipation of some unexpected form - a symbol that you will try to establish contact with a powerful person who is able to help you with some matters. You can do it if you put in enough effort;
  • if you dreamed that there was no well, in reality you will fail in your business. The problem will be that you don't think things through well enough and end up making mistakes;
  • you are trying to unlock the lock, but not a single key fits - this symbolizes your futile attempts to improve the situation. Your business is on the verge of bankruptcy, and nothing can save it. A dream can also warn of a vain desire to make peace with a loved one;
  • you dropped the constipation - you will do something stupid that your enemies will use against you. In some cases, a dream predicts the loss of real estate or a change in place of residence.

Loff's Dream Book

In Loff's dream book, the meaning of dreams with shutters is often the same as in dreams with closed doors. They symbolize any difficulties that you will soon encounter. This is true if you don't have a key. A vision in which the lock is rusty and broken suggests that you are too eager to live in the past, but forget about the present. Because of this, you do not understand how to solve certain problems.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

In the interpreter of Nostradamus, the image carries the meaning of indecision, which prevents a person from achieving his goals. If there is no hole into which the key would go, it means that you are overly arrogant, which is why you make a lot of mistakes. This prevents you from moving forward on the path to success.

If in the dream the constipation was beautiful, had some non-standard shape and was somehow different from the majority, then soon you will be a participant in unexpected events. If the lock was hanging on the door, but fell down, it means you will recognize something that has been bothering you for a long time.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

In the esoteric dream book, the image means some difficulties in implementing your plans. If the shutter was closed, then you will encounter interference that you can only overcome with some effort.

Dreams can sometimes be very bizarre and give us unforgettable nights of traveling into the past and future. But some dreams can even scare you. Why do you dream of a closed castle? It's worth looking into.

Why do you dream of a door lock - basic interpretation

Locks in a dream are obstacles that a person must learn to overcome on his own. If he does not learn to do this, he will not be able to develop and actively move forward in life for a long time. As soon as all his life’s locks and barriers are opened, he will be able to receive new keys to the doors behind which happiness and joy are hidden.

But it is important to interpret the entire dream. You need to take into account exactly what kind of locks we are talking about, what keys will be selected for them. Why do you dream about a padlock? Such a dream suggests that troubles are looming over the person and the fate of fate will most likely not spare him.

If a person tries to cut or knock down a lock in a dream, in reality he is trying to free himself from the shackles of everyday life and become freer. This freedom can be mixed with freedom from relationships, freedom from other people and other obligations.

If you see in a dream how you are sawing a lock, but your blade breaks and the lock itself remains indestructible. All your attempts to correct the situation and improve your life will end in failure and disappointment. You shouldn’t strive so actively to achieve your goal; it’s enough to find another way to achieve your goal or get support.

If you dream about how you are trying to get out of a maze of closed doors, and you are not succeeding, in reality, look not for keys to locks, but for workarounds, so as not to get into trouble. You need to be more flexible and flexible, especially in professional situations.

If you dream about how you lose the keys to the front door, you need to think about the prospects of everything you have planned; perhaps you initially made a mistake in prioritizing and identifying the strengths and weaknesses of the relationship.

If a stranger opens the door for you, although before that you tried for a long time to open it yourself in a dream, you will not be able to resolve this issue yourself. You will certainly need qualified help and support from loved ones. If you break a lock, then in reality you will give up many opportunities and prospects for the sake of vague options, and your well-being will be in question.

If you lose the keys to a castle or throw them into the water, luck will literally float away from you, your well-being will slip through your fingers, and you will be to blame for it. You have been planning dramatic changes in your life for a long time, but you put everything off until later. And it is this sluggishness of yours that will lead to disastrous consequences. You shouldn’t be too sad about losing your keys in a dream; in reality you will find opportunities to correct the situation.

If you dream that your door keys have been stolen, this dream has nothing to do with reality. Most likely, you are an open person yourself and trust all your secrets to many people. Give up this bad habit, otherwise your gullibility will destroy you.

Why do you dream about a door lock according to the magic dream book?

The magical dream book says that you dream of a castle, and even a door, for a reason. This is a symbol of approaching events that are unlikely to be avoided.

A complex lock on the door means difficult situations that will drive you into despair;

If the lock has a folding shackle, your friend needs help;

If the key gets stuck inside the lock, you will have to collaborate secretly to achieve your cherished goal;

Hanging a lock on the door means the need for loneliness and privacy;

If you are trying to open a lock, you will be trying to understand a closed person;

If you see a strangely shaped castle, you will fall under the protection of an influential person;

The key to the lock does not fit - your business sphere will be under threat.

If in a dream you see someone trying to pick your lock on the door, but in vain, you will withstand a difficult life situation and will be able to defend your priorities. If your door is broken into and you become afraid for your future, such fears will also visit you in reality.

If you dream that you are trying to open a lock with master keys, you really want to know the truth and in order to get it, you are ready for a variety of actions, sometimes contrary to common sense. In order to prevent mistakes in your work after such a dream, you need to carefully monitor all secret information and prevent it from leaking to the outside.

Why does an unmarried girl dream of a padlock? Most likely, the source of problems in her personal life is herself. She herself does not understand why she needs this relationship and where it will lead her; in order to change the situation, she needs to act clearly and enjoy the relationship. It is necessary to take into account the interests in the relationship not only of your own, but also of your partner.

If a girl dreams of how she tries to open the lock and every time she succeeds, it closes again from the inside - an unpleasant and even dangerous situation awaits her. After such a dream, you need to carefully choose your friends and acquaintances, keeping next to you only those people you can rely on.

Why do you dream about a door lock according to Freud's dream book?

Freud's dream book says that you dream of a door lock as a symbol of secrecy and riddles in a relationship. It is worth remembering where the doors on which there was a lock in the dream led. If it was a lock on the door to your own home, you need to pay more attention to the sexual relationships that you already have.

If you tried to open a lock on an unfamiliar door, pay more attention to your relationship with your other partner. Such a dream may hint that it is worth looking at both sides and choosing a more worthy passion. The relationships you already have do not bring you proper satisfaction and comfort.

If a young girl dreams that someone locked her outside the house, and she remained imprisoned inside, she, on a subconscious level, wants to free herself from the shackles of a relationship that has long oppressed her. Unfortunately, no one will help her do this. The only thing that remains for her is to come to terms with the current situation and, no matter what, try to build her personal life. What could this mean? It’s high time for her to take care of herself and her life. It's time to live for yourself, and not for your other half, and then it will immediately become clear whether her man has feelings for her. If he doesn’t show himself in any way, there’s no point in fighting for the relationship.

Why do you dream of a closed lock in a man’s hand? He is most likely despotic and practically does not understand the needs of his companion. For him there is no compromise in decisions, he simply crushes the girl with his power, there is no talk of love and passion in such relationships.

Why do you dream about a door lock according to other dream books?

The big dream book says that door or padlocks in a dream are synonymous with future problems and obstacles. If you open something with a key, or lock something, you have an enemy and he will soon reveal his insidious plans. It is simply impossible to be prepared for them, because the enemy has been hatching these plans for quite a long time.

If you break a lock in a dream, your impulses and your desire to help will simply be ridiculed. If you buy a castle, you will prevail over your rival and you should take a close look at your surroundings; one of your friends has long had her eye on your man.

Grishina’s dream book says that seeing several complex locks on a door means exaggerating problems; in fact, they are all solvable, and it is enough to listen to the advice of your best friend, who has been offering you his help for a long time. If an unmarried woman dreams of a door swinging open in front of her, a wedding is quite likely in the coming year.

If a man dreams that his keys no longer fit the lock on the door, his relationship is in question. Most likely, he himself is to blame for this, because he did not pay attention to his soulmate. She meekly waited for him to show initiative and then simply refused to continue the relationship. If a man dreams that he has found the key to a door unfamiliar to him, he will meet a beautiful stranger who will brighten up his loneliness.

Whatever appears to you in your dreams. It is worth remembering that real life awaits you in reality, and it is you who will be responsible for the consequences of words and actions in real life. Therefore, use the hints of dreams and get the maximum pleasure from life, even if it prepares unpleasant surprises for you, because this is also an experience.

Dream book of the 21st century

Why do you dream about a Castle and what does it mean:

Castle - Seeing a lock hanging on a door in a dream means impending embarrassment and failure; hanging it - to doubts, lack of trust in people; knocking him down means meeting a lover, amorous entertainment; broken lock - to big changes in life; if in a dream you try to open a lock, but nothing works, then such a dream promises you minor troubles and disappointments.

Constipation or a deadbolt seen in a dream may be a harbinger of a quarrel or a breakup with a person who is somehow dear to you.

Miller's Dream Book

Why do you dream about a Castle in a dream?

Castle - to confusion. If you open or close a lock, you will soon find that someone is harming you. If you are in love, you will find a way to defeat your opponent. In addition, you will have a successful trip.

If you see that the lock does not open, you will be ridiculed and humiliated in love, and a risky journey will not bring you benefits.

Fastening the clasp on your bride's necklace and bracelet means that you will have doubts about her fidelity, but subsequent events will completely destroy them.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Interpretation according to the saint:

Door lock - success in work.

Modern dream book for 365 days

Why do you dream about the Castle by day of the week?

Castle - A locked castle means the disappearance of any desire to get what you have been seeking for a long time. Opening the lock - someone will want to meet you.

The new and most complete dream book of 1918

Why do you dream about the Castle?

Castle - A door or padlock portends troubles and all sorts of obstacles. If you open or lock something, this means that in reality it will soon be discovered that you have an enemy and a spiteful critic, do not trust him!

A broken lock means that you will be ridiculed and humiliated by unworthy people, and only love will save you from despair. Buying a castle in a dream means gaining the upper hand over your rival.

An old rusty lock portends a successful trip. Throwing it away - the journey undertaken will not bring you the desired joy.

Ancient dream book

I had a dream - Castle

Castle - Seeing a lock, a bolt, a hook in a dream is a kind of secret (secret love affairs). To close it - your lie will put you in an unpleasant position. Open - someone else's influence can prevent you from acting correctly.

Assyrian dream book

What does a castle mean to a dreamer?

A castle in a dream can mean an inability to get what you want or detachment from something. It is possible that some ability is hidden inside and needs external expression. A lock can also be a symbol of security.

Home dream book

Why do you dream about a castle?

Lock (door) - the desire to save or protect loved ones or something. A broken lock means anxiety about possible loss; fasten a clasp on a girl’s necklace or bracelet - you want to completely control her actions or protect her from worries.

Great modern dream book

Castle - why does the dreamer dream?

Lock (mortise or padlock) - some event will lead you into a state of confusion; you will not feel entirely comfortable.

It’s as if you are opening or closing a lock - the dream warns: someone from your environment is deliberately harming you; it is likely that they want to take your place; Pay attention to which of your subordinates began to visit their superiors more often than usual.

One of the lovers dreams that he is opening or closing a lock - this person may not be afraid of the machinations of his opponent.

The lock seems to not obey the key - perhaps the key does not fit - they will laugh rudely at your sincerity in love; you (with all your high spiritual qualities) will feel humiliated; another interpretation of the dream: you have a trip ahead, but it will not be successful.

The castle is broken - you can expect changes in your life.

Unique dream book / Tatyana Radchenko

Why do you dream about a Castle:

Castle - complex but solvable problems. A lock with a folded shackle is a friend who needs help, a lock with a key inside is a secret collaboration.

Hanging a lock on the door means a desire for privacy for a while. Trying to open it means meeting a closed, unsociable person.

A new lock of a strange shape - the trust of an influential person.

If the key does not fit the lock, there are disagreements with business partners.

Dream book of Simeon Prozorov

Interpretation: Castle:

Seeing a lock in a dream (on a door) - The dream means a successful journey and love victories. Imagine that you are closing a lock and putting the key in your pocket.

Astrological dream book

What does seeing a Castle mean?

Door lock - they will woo you in love.

Islamic dream book

Why do you dream about a castle?

What does Lock, constipation, deadbolt mean - this is a person you can trust. And if the prisoner sees that he has opened the lock, he will be released from prison. If a sad person does this, his sadness will disappear. Locks also indicate carelessness. Allah Almighty says: “Why don’t they meditate on the Koran? Or are there seals in their hearts?” (Sura, Muhammad, 24). Sometimes a constipation or deadbolt seen in a dream is a harbinger of unexpected obstacles and obstacles on your way.

English dream book

Why see the Castle:

Locks have a dual nature: they can be used both to protect against intrusion and to lock someone out.

Was there a lock at the entrance to your home, keeping uninvited guests out? If it was at the home of a friend or family member, then perhaps you are concerned about their safety? Dreams in which padlocks appear indicate anxiety about the safety of your property. Have you had anything stolen in the past? Doesn't your subconscious mind suggest taking care of the safety of your property? If you deadbolt your door, you may feel like you're "locking up the stable when the horses have run away." Have you let an opportunity slip away?

World of images: Antonio Meneghetti

We analyze the vision in which the Castle was dreamed

The castle is a symbol of the strong internal limitations you have. Psychology interprets a dream in which you see a castle as evidence that you were raised by despotic parents who tried to limit and regulate your free will as much as possible. As a result, you have developed a powerful negative internal control that prevents free development and self-expression.

You strive to exclude from your life certain potential opportunities that are opening up to you, to “lock yourself out” from them, because, due to the attitudes inherent in you, you believe that you are unworthy of it.

Maly Velesov dream book

Why do you dream about a castle?

Castle - you need to humble your emotions and remain silent in some situation. If you can do this, you will not have to repent later. The lock predicts various troubles for you; if it was locked, hanging on the door - perhaps you will encounter insurmountable obstacles in business.

Sometimes a castle in a dream is a warning that you need to be wary of the machinations of enemies or possible theft or robbery. Opening a lock in a dream means you will have a conversation with a very stingy person. If you dream of a broken lock on a door, life changes await you.

The ABC of Dream Interpretation

To dream about a Castle, what does it mean?

Castle - A door or barn lock symbolizes the inaccessibility of some area or some business or decision to you. If you dream of a lock hanging on a door, it means that you should expect obstacles to your plans and hopes. Perhaps someday you will be able to implement them, but for now the lock hanging on the door suggests that you should be patient and wait for the best moment.

You managed to unlock or break the lock, this is a good sign; it predicts successful changes in your life, new love adventures. You dreamed that you tried to close the lock or latch, but you couldn’t, you were worried about it - a warning that no matter how hard you try to keep your secrets, they will still be revealed.

Dream Interpretation Tarot

Castle: interpretation of the image

Castle - Going beyond the world of things, the sensual aspect of desires.

Azar's Dream Book

Why do you dream about Castles according to spiritual sources?

A castle is not a very good dream, predicting various troubles for you. When a lock hangs on a locked door and you do not have a key to it, it means that obstacles will arise in your affairs, obstacles that will prove insurmountable for you. If you dream that you were able to somehow open the lock, the dream is a guarantee that after a certain time, you will be able to find the key to solving your problems.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

Why do you dream about a Castle:

The castle is a symbol of indecision, isolation, obstacles, a barrier on your path to success. If you dream of a lock in which there is no hole, and you cannot insert the key there, the dream characterizes you as an overly arrogant person and predicts that in the near future you will not be able to hope for a quick resolution of your problems.

Seeing a beautiful castle, of an unusual shape, for example, some kind of ancient or, on the contrary, overly modernized, in any case, such a castle is a symbol of some interesting events awaiting you in the near future, which you will witness. If in a dream the lock was hanging on the door, and then suddenly broke off and fell, it predicts that you will soon solve the riddle that is tormenting you. Perhaps you will discover some secret or understand the meaning of some prophecy.

Big dream book of Natalia Stepanova

Why do you dream about a Castle?

Lock - When you see a door lock closing the door, it means that you are or will soon find yourself in a difficult situation, causing you considerable confusion. You need to make a choice, but you just can’t decide on your decision. If you dream that you are opening or closing a lock, the dream warns that someone is going to harm you. However, you will guess the intentions of your ill-wisher in time and find a way to destroy his plans and defeat him.

Dream Book of the Wanderer (Terenty Smirnov)

Interpretation of the Castle from your dream

A castle in a dream is an ambiguous symbol. A dream often indicates that in a difficult situation you can count on someone’s protection; the lock turns out to be a sign of your security. Another dream in which you see a castle also suggests that you should not take part in some event or engage in some business - this path will be prohibited for you. If a woman sees a castle in a dream, the dream often predicts the final break in her love affair.

Intimate dream book

If you had a dream about a Castle

The castle symbolizes temporary cooling in the sexual area of ​​your life. Probably, you and your partner will decide to live separately for some time, this will be caused by the fact that certain circumstances of your intimate life will unexpectedly emerge, which you have so far carefully and successfully hidden. However, this does not mean a final break. Don't panic and don't do anything drastic just yet. It is quite possible that when the initial passions subside, everything will return to normal.

Intelligent dream book

What to Expect If You've Seen the Castle

A castle is often a symbol of your distrust of a person, proposal or enterprise. Subconsciously, you do not want to take part in it, something seems suspicious to you, and therefore you believe that this door is closed to you. Perhaps you should listen to the voice of your own intuition.

Modern dream book / Elena Avadyaeva

If you dream of a Castle

Lock - If you dreamed of a lock on a door, it warns you of failure and an obstacle.

If you broke the locks, serious changes in life and love adventures await you.

You cannot close the lock and are worried about it - your secrets will soon be revealed.

If you open something or close it with a latch, you will have an insidious enemy.

Why dream that you bought a castle - then you will defeat all your rivals.

If you saw an old, rusty castle in a dream, this portends you a very successful trip.

See also: why do you dream of a door, why do you dream of a window, why do you dream of closing.

Interpreter of dreams of the Siberian healer N. Stepanova

For those born in January, February, March, April

Door lock - to secrecy, secrecy. Old castle - you will have to restrain your feelings, fight your emotions.

For those born in May, June, July and August

Lock - you cannot open the lock - to unrequited love.

For those born in September, October, November, December

The castle is an insurmountable obstacle; you will have to give up your idea. Opening, unlocking a lock - communicating with a stingy woman.

Why do women and men dream about the Castle?

Experts have found that the plot of women's dreams is emotional and consists of small details. And the dreams of men are distinguished by specificity and active dynamics of events. This is due to gender differences in brain function. The symbolism of sleep is the same for a woman and a man, therefore a Castle in a dream has the same meaning for both sexes.

The dream you had on the 28th touches on your past; it is a processing and re-evaluation of what has already happened to you. This dream does not retell or affect your future in any way. On this day, nightmares and dreams are of particular importance - which cause a negative aftertaste in the morning. Only those stories that were dreamed at dawn should be interpreted - all other dreams are empty.

Read more in the dream book:

  • why do you have dreams?
  • why do you have a dream?
  • why do you dream about the image

Dream Interpretation of S. Karatov

Lock (door) - If you dreamed about a lock, then you will have troubles and obstacles.

According to another source, if you dreamed of a castle, this means a happy ending to love misunderstandings.

See also: why do you dream of a door, why do you dream of a key, why do you dream of closing it.

Pocket dream book by T. Lagutina

Why do you dream about a Lock (door), how to understand the dream:

Lock (door) - If you dreamed about a lock, then you will be confused.

Opening a lock in a dream means be afraid of your enemies.

If lovers dreamed of a castle, then they will defeat their opponent.

If you can’t open the lock in a dream, then a risky journey will not justify even the money spent on it.

You will also face contempt from members of the opposite sex.

If you dreamed of a broken castle, then you will experience unfulfilled desires.

Dream Interpretation by A. Vasilyev

Why do you dream about a lock (door)?

Lock (door) - If you dreamed about a door lock, then they will woo you in love.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

Why do you dream about a Lock (door) in a dream:

Lock (door) - Dreaming about a lock is a symbol of indecision, isolation, a barrier, obstacles.

Locking a door in a dream means spiritual emptiness and an attempt to escape from solving problems.

Why dream of seeing a broken lock - then betrayal of friends awaits you.

A lock without a well means you are too arrogant, so you can’t count on a quick solution to the problem in the near future.

If you dreamed of a castle of an unusual shape, then you will witness interesting events.

Fallen castle - you can unravel some mystery or prophecy.

Dream Interpretation of G. Rasputin

Why do you dream about a Castle (door) according to the dream book:

Lock (door) - If you dream of a castle, then such a dream means confusion. To see that you are opening or closing a lock means that you will soon discover that someone is harming you. For lovers, such a dream means that they will find a way to defeat any rival and win the heart of their loved one. This dream can also mean a pleasant trip with a friendly company. Seeing that the lock does not work means that in real life you will be ridiculed and humiliated in love, and a risky journey will not bring you benefits. A dream in which you lock up your lover or wife means that you will have doubts about her fidelity, but the events that follow the dream will completely destroy them. Why dream of seeing that you are spying on someone through a keyhole? This dream means that you will harm someone by exposing other people’s secrets. If in a dream you caught someone peeping through a keyhole, then in real life your imaginary friends will shamelessly delve into your affairs in order to gain the upper hand over you. A dream in which you want to open a lock but cannot find the keyhole means that you will accidentally harm your friend.

Dream book for girls

Why do you dream about a Castle (door) according to the dream book:

Lock (door) - Trying to open a lock in a dream - a dream means that at the moment you are faced with a serious problem and you do not know how to approach its solution. We want to console you: firstly, problems happen to everyone, you are no exception. Well, secondly, you are on the right path, a little more persistence - and the obstacle will be removed.

Hanging a padlock on something in a dream means that in real life you often resort to lies in order to hide the truth from others. However, your lies are harmless to them, you just don’t want them to be disappointed in you.

Lunar dream book

What does a lock (door) mean in a dream:

Lock (door) - they will woo you in love.

Dream Interpretation of O. Adaskina

Why do you dream about a Castle (door), interpretation:

Lock (door) - Seeing a lock in a dream means obstacles, obstacles in business; someone close to you will stop trusting you. In addition, this is a sign of the need to keep your affairs secret. A lock on the door can also mean a crime. A broken lock means changes in life. To see that you are locking the lock with a key, your love troubles will end successfully. To open the lock is to make sure that someone is acting to your detriment. The inability to open the lock is a symbol of humiliation in reality.

Everyday dream book

Why do you dream about a castle according to the dream book?

Lock (door) - Seeing a lock (door) means that on the way to your goal you will encounter a large number of obstacles and prohibitions. If you dreamed of a castle, but you cannot find the keys to it, then most likely this dream means great difficulties in your personal life.

If you are currently pursuing someone in real life, then there is a high probability that this person will refuse you. If a lock breaks in a dream, then, despite difficulties and obstacles, you will soon achieve your desired goal, the main thing is to have patience.

You dreamed of a closed lock that you open with your keys, this means that all the goals that you set for yourself will be achieved through persistent efforts.

If we are talking about your personal life, then you will be able to win the heart of your soulmate with your pressure, your openness and sincerity.

Seeing that you see another person fiddling with the lock on your apartment, trying to break it, this may mean that you will soon be thrown into the works by those people whom you previously considered your friends, your loved ones.

If in a dream another person opens a door for you, this means that in the near future you will receive unexpected help.

Dream Interpretation of S. Karatov

If you dreamed about a medieval castle, it means your wishes will come true.

Entering a castle in a dream means unexpected happiness awaits you, a wedding with a recent acquaintance.

Living in a castle in a dream means wealth awaits you. An unwanted patron (for a woman) will soon appear to you.

To see that you have left the castle means that you will experience a violation of promises, a break in personal or business relationships.

Why dream of seeing a burning castle - then good consequences await you.

Closed castle gates - interference, fate, obstacles beyond your control await you.

See also: why do you dream about a house, why do you dream about a palace, why do you dream about an estate.

Pocket dream book by T. Lagutina

Why do you dream about a Castle (building), how to understand the dream:

Castle (building) - If you dreamed about a castle, then you will soon be able to take from life what you want, you will have exciting travels.

Old castle - you are in the clouds, come down from them at least for your engagement.

Leaving the castle in a dream means you will lose property or a person close to you.

Dream book for girls

Why do you dream about a Castle (building) according to the dream book:

Castle (building) - If you dreamed of a medieval castle, this indicates that in reality you are a very dreamy person. You often forget that there is a world of reality in which you live. The imaginary world is much closer to you and you are certainly more comfortable in it than in harsh reality.

Lunar dream book

What does a castle (structure) mean in a dream:

Castle (medieval) - you will be a proud, smug sybarite. Symbol of security and freedom. A lion.

Dream Interpretation of O. Adaskina

Why do you dream about a Castle (building), what does it mean:

Castle (building) - An elegant castle or palace - to success, promotion, the desire to live on a grand scale. An old, medieval castle is a call not to be led by your romantic hobbies, but to soberly approach solutions to problems of marriage, education, place of residence, etc. Loneliness in an old castle means illness; knowing that you are the owner of a castle means great material well-being. A ruined old castle symbolizes unrealistic dreams or unpleasant political events.

Leaving the castle means loss of income or separation.

Lewis's Dream Book

Why do you dream about a Castle (building), for what reason:

Ruined Castle - As a home where members of the royal family reside, a castle can symbolize a reward or honor given to the dreamer in the form of recognition and praise for outstanding achievements. On the other hand, a castle can carry the same meanings as a fortress, in which the dreamer feels protected or protects himself from others.

Everyday dream book

Why do you dream about a castle according to the dream book:

Castle (building) - Seeing a castle is a favorable sign that promises you the fulfillment of your hopes and pleasant surprises. To see that you are entering a castle means that you will receive hope for the fulfillment of some of your desires, for achieving your goal.

But if you dreamed of a castle that is on fire, expect trouble; it is quite possible that chronic fatigue, dissatisfaction with your life, your relationships with people close to you will manifest itself, and as a result, depression, and possibly a nervous breakdown.

If in a dream you dreamed of a castle being sieged and captured, then in real life you will be able to defeat your enemies, your ill-wishers.

To see that you are leaving the castle, you can expect great losses

Dream Interpretation of S. Karatov

Why do you dream about a Castle (building) according to the dream book:

If you dreamed of the ruins of a castle, then sadness and disappointment await you.

Living in a dream in the ruins of a castle means you will understand your purpose.

Climbing onto the porch of a castle in a dream means you must be brave.

Pocket dream book by T. Lagutina

Why do you dream about a Castle (building), how to understand the dream:

If you dreamed of destroyed castles, then you will have health problems.

For lovers, ruins in a dream mean that their engagement will be upset.

If a businessman dreams of ruins, this means that times are not the best for business. If you dreamed of ancient castles, then you will take a trip that you have long dreamed of, but the joy will be tinged with sadness.

Dream Interpretation of V. Melnikov

If you dream of a Castle (building), what is it for:

If you dreamed of a beautiful castle in which you once lived, then this foreshadows sad events in your family.

If you dreamed of an old castle, then your plans will not come true.
