February 11 who is a girl according to the horoscope.

Young children of this zodiac sign are obedient and cause almost no trouble to their fathers and mothers. Inner independence, the desire for freedom of action and originality of thinking make these young people independent at an early age.

However, they have such a problem as an unstable psyche and increased impulsiveness, they also have attacks of irritability, even over the slightest problem they can explode and say a lot of unnecessary things to their interlocutor or opponent.

Aquarius of the zodiac sign on February 11, no matter whether it is a woman or a man, loves to be in the center of public attention, to feel interested in his person, to accept well-deserved and not entirely praise addressed to him.

They, like no one else, need society and recognition, although sometimes they are happy to distance themselves from everything and indulge in solitude, reflection, summing up and planning, which they love to do so much.

From the outside it may seem that these are compromising people and you can easily come to an agreement with them, but this is not entirely true.

Although these people are open to dialogue individuals and entrepreneurs, they also have their own character and vision of how to act and act, what is good and profitable, and what is bad and unprofitable.

Despite the fact that men and women of the Zodiac sign on February 11 outwardly seem tactful, ready to give in and compromise, in the end they are unlikely to sacrifice their interests; most likely, they will do everything as they consider the most reasonable thing to do.

In this regard, they will periodically have problematic situations with the outside world, especially in the field of professional activity, where the issue of conflict of interest most often arises.

To some extent, the sign of the Zodiac on February 11, and no matter who you are, a man or a woman, has a rather contradictory, unstable and unstable character, prone to fluctuations and sudden changes.

These individuals are convinced that everything around them is absolutely not perfect, therefore it needs to be changed and reformed, in the likeness that these extraordinary representatives of this birthday imagine.

Of course, among those who are convinced of this, there are those who go to personal well-being in not entirely honest and legal ways, although they understand that they may have to pay for it.

They subconsciously feel that their pleasure may be followed by disappointment in life.

Woman and man February 11 - Zodiac sign Aquarius

These people are constantly looking for something new, looking for something interesting to do, where to get new sensations. He easily meets the opposite sex, starts short-term affairs, without promising anything.

Aquarius of this winter birthday, especially young ladies of marriageable age, will go through their suitors until they turn into “old maids”.

These women make too high demands on applicants for her hand; it would be worth reconsidering your position if you do not want to marry just anyone in adulthood.

Men of the sign of Aquarius, if they meet someone who more or less fits their idea of ​​an ideal wife, will offer her their hand and heart without any pause for thought, without any hesitation and without putting it off for later.

Men and women born according to the horoscope on February 11, in the zodiac sign of Aquarius, love comfort in everything, in their life, everyday life and in the inner state of their soul, as a result of which they strive to raise the level and quality of their life.

The main task of their life is self-improvement, carrying out reforms, doing everything that will help change their life for the better, bringing it to a new, better level.

Zodiac sign February 11 - compatibility

The spiritual and love compatibility of Aquarius women and men will undergo changes as they age.

In the first half of their life, they will find a common language with their views of people; as they grow up, gaining life experience, they will begin to pay attention to other signs of the Zodiac.

A good marriage with trusting relationships and mutual respect is expected for Aquarius with Libra, Sagittarius and Gemini. This person is most compatible with the listed signs; they have almost the same views on life, the same life priorities.

This person has considerable chances for a positive marriage, as well as for family understanding with Pisces, Sagittarius and Aries. In adulthood, a promising marriage is expected with Leo.

Get ready to radically change yourself, of course, if you decide to start a family with Virgo, Cancer, Aquarius, Scorpio or Taurus. If you say - let them change themselves, then it’s not worth wasting your precious time, it’s unlikely that you will come to an agreement with them on anything.

Born on February 11th Aquarius, under the influence of Mercury, this person is smart, gentle, slightly vain, has morals, and has good humor.

The mysterious night Moon rules over people born on this winter day, February 11, generously endowing them with such qualities as modesty, truthfulness and sensitivity.

It's nice to communicate with these people. Sometimes they show stubbornness and inflexibility. And the self-doubts and feelings of dissatisfaction that visit them stir up their essence.

Important years for Aquarius born in the second decade of February on the 11th: 8th, 16th, 24th, 32nd, 40th, 42nd, 48th, 56th, 64th and 72nd.

Advice for Aquarius born on February 11th

Don’t forget that the people around you also need something, you don’t need to pull the whole blanket on yourself, take into account their needs. Also, they have the right to personal freedoms and a private life in which they do not see you.

If you have ideals and principles, then they should be positive, follow them, and you should not impose them on everyone.

Famous Aquarians born on February 11th

Jennifer Aniston - popular American actress, director and producer

Lyubov Orlova - legendary Soviet film actress

Leslie Nielsen - the most famous American and Canadian film actor who played many comedic roles

Timur Batrutdinov - famous Russian comedian and TV presenter

Josiah-Willard Gibbs - famous American scientist, physicist, chemist, mathematician

Boris Mayorov - famous Soviet hockey player, sports commentator

On this day, explosive personalities are born, whose temper and irritability can be irrepressible, and whose ambitions simply go off scale. According to the horoscope, in nature, those born on February 11 under the zodiac sign of Aquarius combine anxiety with great determination, which creates a real combustible mixture. They cannot sit in one place and are ready to make lightning-fast decisions, which are often wrong and lead to serious mistakes. Categoricality and harshness in communication often interfere with relationships with others, but charisma, natural charm and a sincere desire to provide support help these people smooth out rough edges and attract attention to their projects.

Aquarians of this birthday, as a rule, stand out for their strength of character, reliability and conscientiousness. An important life principle for them is adherence to the ideals of honesty and justice. These people often become models of manifest generosity, but at the same time they have a strong desire to demonstrate their deepest “I”, for which the primary interest is creation and the desire to make the whole world happy. For such people, spiritual development is a natural part of the life process. But their lofty aspirations become conscious only with age, when they come to understand their true goals. Therefore, most often only in maturity they receive their reward - success, well-being, moral satisfaction.

The predominant characteristics of representatives of this date and zodiac constellation are inner strength and dynamic imagination. Their charisma and activity invariably attracts attention, and their extraordinary ideas bring recognition and success. Despite the fact that those born on February 11 are much more interested in prestige than the financial side of life, their luck usually attracts both.

The main life theme for such Aquarius in any situation is improvement and improvement. They are confident that everything in this world can be much better than it is, be it living conditions or relationships between people. Moreover, there is no personal gain or hidden meaning in their desire - they care about the well-being of all people, society or humanity as a whole, without a drop of selfishness or a hint of their own impeccability.

Those born on the eleventh of February take a lot from life, do not miss important moments and enjoy the little things. Personal freedom is the determining factor and the meaning of their existence. They are quite depressed by their failures, both physical or material, and spiritual or emotional. However, the birthday people of the day easily get out of any troubles and help everyone who happens to be nearby to cope with similar problems. But in their desire to improve the lives of others, they can cross acceptable boundaries, depriving them of the opportunity to choose their own path.

Relationships with others.

Progressive Aquarians, whose birthday is celebrated on February 11, according to the horoscope, see their purpose in relationships with others in the constant improvement of their lives. At the same time, both the life of the “sponsored” and their very existence, which they are trying to fill with a new, more positive meaning, may undergo changes. The problem is that quite often people themselves absolutely do not want to change anything, so help is forced. On the other hand, birthday people lack the delicacy to find a common language and approach to those whom they sincerely want to help. As a result, not only their reputation suffers, but their social connections also deteriorate.

Representatives of the date, even if they have a high social status, are often associated with reactionaries and antagonists, despite their aspirations for progress. Most often, this is also due to a lack of tact, diplomacy and sensitivity in relation to situations occurring with other people.

In love, such Aquarians are prudent and careful, so before starting a relationship, they think everything over carefully. Many of them, before the decisive step, test their partner’s feelings for strength, coming up with rather ingenious ways for this. Men and women of this date instinctively feel the need for a companion, but, fearing betrayal and pain, they are always ready to retreat. If there is no doubt about the love of the chosen one, in return they can give him much more, demonstrating fidelity, care, tenderness and sincere sensuality. In family life, those born on February 11th show themselves even brighter; they idolize their partner, but if they are disappointed in him, their attitude changes to the opposite and it is no longer possible to return the old feelings.

Representatives of the date and zodiac sign devote themselves completely to their profession, so they quickly build a dizzying career and achieve excellent success in business development. They work extremely hard, but always soberly assess their own capabilities; they do not like planning, but prefer to work by inspiration with improvisation and the implementation of unexpected ideas. They never leave a project unfinished, even if it loses its relevance, and bring it to its logical conclusion. They are passionate and confident in their victory, so they love competitions and make every effort to win.

The great advantage of such workers is the ability to generate many non-standard ideas and projects. Their vanity and activity contribute to the rapid implementation of all plans and obtaining the best results. Thanks to their remarkable intellectual abilities, these people often show interest in research activities, doing it, if not at their main job, then as a hobby.

People of this date are characterized by problems in the psycho-emotional sphere, the consequences of which negatively affect the body as a whole. Their health directly depends on the harmony of their physical and mental state. The enormous energy potential that provides vigorous physical activity usually does not bring much benefit to the intellect. Therefore, for people born on February 11, it is extremely important to alternate activities that will balance the stress on the mind and body. Birthday people of the day are not susceptible to serious illnesses, but an active healthy lifestyle helps them maintain good physical shape.

Tips for a better life

In your desire to improve the lives of others, do not overstep acceptable boundaries, do not deprive people of the opportunity to choose their own path. Take into account their desire for change, do not force help.

Develop delicacy in yourself, find a common language and approach to those you want to help. Show more tact, diplomacy and sensitivity in general in your relationships with people.

Learn to plan in your activities and life in general. Don't rely on inspiration and improvisation. Don't devote yourself completely to work, find time for other areas of your life.

Control your emotions and avoid nervous breakdowns. Achieve balance in your physical and mental state. Alternate physical and mental activities. Maintain an active, healthy lifestyle.

Strong-willed and original, you are decisive, have an inventive mind and an ability to comprehend human character. Thanks to physical endurance and energy, you are able to overcome all obstacles and failures.

You were born on February 11th, your zodiac sign is Aquarius. You are gifted with a rich imagination, strive to be at the forefront of progressive trends and seek new and exciting experiences that can feed your active mind.

PERSONAL HOROSCOPE - now available on our website. It is compiled according to YOUR individual birth data, that is, for you PERSONALLY. You will find out what the planets say about your personality.

You are friendly, loving, and eager to connect. You are distinguished by creative abilities and an original approach to relationships. The ability to get along with a wide variety of people indicates strong humanitarian inclinations.

Rebellious spirit and innovative ideas indicate the ability to reform outdated systems. However, those born on February 11th should avoid stubbornness and self-will, as they ultimately work against you.

With your sensitivity and strong emotions, you are often idealistic and are happiest when you work hard to achieve something you deeply believe in.

Perceptive and perceptive, you are smart enough to quickly grasp a situation. By staying creative and active, you can avoid boredom and realize your great potential.

Between the ages of 9 and 38, you will develop your sensitivity and imagination. This will be reflected in your dreams and ideals, as well as in your interactions with people. After 39 years, you will feel the need to take the initiative, become bold and open in your relationships with others, and decisive in the implementation of new projects.

Another turning point awaits you at age 69, when there is a greater need for a practical approach to life and financial security.

Personal qualities of those born on February 11

You will greatly benefit from developing your deep intuition and natural spiritual potential.

Try not to raise the bar of your ideals too high, because it will be difficult for people to meet your requirements. Wit and a sense of humor will help you overcome the vicissitudes of fate and maintain peace of mind.

You love to communicate, however, trying to show off your wit and intelligence, you can provoke intellectual rivalry.

Despite your independence, you maintain many contacts and prefer to be a partner or member of a team.

Determination and leadership will benefit you greatly and will help you progress in all areas of life.

Work and vocation of those born on February 11

Perceptive and perceptive, you are dynamic, with strong instincts and organizational skills. Humanities inclinations may draw you to people-related professions, such as psychology or consulting.

Inventive and progressive, you are interested in research and information technology and strive to be at the forefront of new advances.

Your hard work and dedication, discipline and open-mindedness in approaching new original ideas will not go unnoticed by employers.

The ability to remain calm during periods of crisis will help those born on February 11th to solve problems and make discoveries. You will be able to work well as an advisor, specialist or independent entrepreneur.

Interest in education indicates the ability to be a qualified teacher or writer. On the other hand, you may become interested in philosophy, spiritual subjects, or metaphysics.

Love and partnership born on February 11

Idealistic and unconventional, you are partial to progressive concepts and tend to be unconventional individuals eager to embrace new ideas.

At times, you can quickly move from being sensitive, unassuming and caring to stubborn and selfish.

You may also feel a conflict between your high ideals and practical considerations.

Despite your need for deep trust, you may be withdrawn at times and unable to express your strong feelings.

However, you are a wonderful friend and ally, committed to using your strong will to help and support those you love.

An ideal partner for those born on February 11th

You may find someone who shares your high ideals and aspirations among people born on the following days.

  • Love and friendship : January 11, 15, 20, 25, 27, 28, 29; February 9, 18, 23, 25, 27; March 7, 16, 21, 23, 25; April 5, 9, 14, 19, 21, 23; May 3, 12, 17, 19, 21; June 1, 5, 10, 15, 17, 18, 19; July 8, 13, 15, 17; August 6, 11, 13, 15; September 4, 9, 11, 13; October 2, 7, 9, 11; November 5, 7, 9; December 3, 5, 7.
  • Favorable contacts : January 9, 26; February 7, 24; March 5, 22; April 3, 20; May 1, 18, 29; June 7, 16, 27; July 14, 25, 29, 30; August 12, 23, 27, 28, 31; September 10, 21, 25, 26, 29; October 8, 19, 23, 24, 27; November 6, 17, 21, 22, 25; December 4, 15, 19, 20, 23.
  • Soulmate : May 30; June 28; 26 July; 24 August; September 22, 30; October 20, 28; November 18, 26; December 16, 24.
  • Fatal attraction : January 16; The 14th of February; March 12; April 10th; May 8; June 6; 4th of July; August 2, 13, 14, 15, 16.
  • Troubled relationships : January 8, 29, 31; February 6, 27, 29; March 4, 25, 27, 28; April 2, 23, 25, 26; May 21, 23, 24; June 19, 21, 22; July 17, 19, 20; August 15, 17, 18; September 13, 15, 16; October 11, 13, 14, 30; November 9, 11, 12, 28; December 7, 9, 10, 26.

Astrological forecast for February 11th of this year - recommends paying special attention to detail. Perhaps the essence of things lies in the little things that you do not notice. Try to take a closer look at what makes up your daily life. Maybe you want to adjust something, or sincerely thank you for many familiar things that have been given to you.

  • Astro forecast for horoscope sign Aries (21.03-20.04)
    For those born under the zodiac sign ARIES, the horoscope for February 11 of this year recommends boldly entering into major transactions and carrying out financial transactions. Any commercial activity will bring the success you have been waiting for. However, you should not be arrogant or boastful. The passion for vanity can backfire on you!
  • Zodiac sign Taurus(21.04-21.05) - exact horoscope for the day of February 11 this year
    Today it is important for TAURUS to find time to play sports. Fatigue of the physical body is an integral part of the well-being of representatives of this zodiac sign. This day of the week is good for introducing this habit into your life. The release of negative energy through physical activity will positively affect all areas of your life.
  • Today's horoscope for February 11th for zodiac sign Twins (22.05-21.06)
    People of the GEMINI zodiac sign, whose concentration on their problems does not allow them to see anything beyond their nose. This quality significantly inhibits the development of your outstanding talents. On this day of the year, try to switch your attention to the problems of someone close to you, this will help you grow spiritually and solve one of the most important problems. Take care of your loved ones or your partner, give a gift and don’t ask for anything in return.
  • Free horoscope for the day February 11 - Cancer (22.06-23.07)
    For people with the zodiac sign CANCER, today is a great day of the week to overcome the habit of doing something out of spite or in spite of it. Give your professional activity a boost. Your desire to prove something to someone deprives you of strength every day. Start doing what you love and do it for fun. You will see improvement in all areas of your life.
  • Reliable horoscope for today February 11th - zodiac sign a lion (24.07-23.08)
    LEO's help and care today will be appreciated by those close to him. However, in household chores you can waste all your energy. By evening, your vitality will decline, so allow yourself to rest properly. Solitude and long sleep will help you feel unwell.
  • Exact horoscope for the eleventh of February for the sign Virgo (24.08-23.09)
    For the zodiac sign VIRGO today is February 11th, it is important to refrain from taking risks on this day. You should not go on unplanned trips and trips. It is also not recommended to be frank with strangers. If you are in a bad mood, you should not run away from it. Better discuss problems with close friends, partner or parents!
  • Astrological horoscope for Libra sign(24.09-23.10) on the day of February 11 this year
    The horoscope sign LIBRA should not be given false hopes on this day of the month. Assess the situation soberly and do not build castles in the air. Melancholy and sadness can also become companions of this day. Try not to indulge in nostalgia for past relationships. Communication with friends will bring you back to real life. Go to a party, spend the evening out.
  • February 11 - personal horoscope for the sign Scorpio (24.10-22.11)
    SCORPIO on this day of the week may face unexpected material expenses. This may be related to home or family. You will easily find the cause of the problem, which is especially developed today. Pay attention to the neglected aspects of your life.
  • Astrological horoscope for Sagittarius for today (24.10-22.11)
    On this day of the year - February 11, it is important for SAGITTARIUS not to be recluses. Your unsociability and isolation will play a cruel joke if you do not solve this problem. Get out of your comfort zone and try to regain regular communication with friends and distant relatives. It is possible that you will soon need their help and support.
  • Zodiac sign Capricorn (22.12-20.01), horoscope for February 11th this year
    CAPRICORN will be full of energy and creative potential this lunar day. You can prove yourself both in the professional sphere and in your personal life. It will be useful to show generosity and care; most often people perceive you as an individualist. Show yourself as a valuable member of the team.
  • Horoscope for February 11th for zodiac sign Aquarius (21.01-19.02).
    The attractiveness and sexual energy of AQUARIUS will try to break free on this day of the year. However, today promises adventures that can ruin your mood and deprive you of your dreams. Direct your energy in a creative direction, this will bring you recognition and success.
  • Zodiac sign Pisces(20.02-20.03) – horoscope for February 11
    On this day of the week, it is important for PISCES to establish mutual understanding in relations with colleagues. Your outstanding intellectual abilities cause envy and indignation among many, but you yourself are to blame for this. Try not to be an upstart. Take advantage of your advantages with your inherent dignity, and then success and victory over your enemies will not take long to arrive.

Characteristics of people who were born today - February 11

People, whose birthday is celebrated on February 11th, love comfort, and as a result strive to improve the quality of their lives. The main aspiration for them is reforms, improvements, any changes for the better, since men and women born on this day of the week under the zodiac sign Aquarius are convinced that everything around them is not as perfect as it could be.

Astral horoscope for the day February 11

Aquarians born on February 11th live their lives enjoying life. They strive for well-being, but there is no way to blame these strange people for selfishness, since, by reforming and transforming the world around them, they are fulfilling a certain social mission, and not only they themselves can freely benefit from the fruits of their efforts. Of course, among the sign of Aquarius, who were born on February 11, there are also those who strive for personal well-being, subconsciously feeling that pleasure will inevitably be followed by disappointment. , born on February 11, they try to fill their lives with meaning, they live, enjoying life, forever capturing the most important moments in their memory.

Those born on February 11th love freedom. Personal freedom, not limited by any boundaries - this is how you can determine the meaning of existence of those born on the eleventh of February. But, since every person has his own limitations, this principle of freedom is rather hypothetical. It is all the more valuable for Aquarius born on this day, because such freedom is an eternal ideal, a dream that comes true only in their illusory world. According to the personal horoscope of men and women whose birthday coincided with February 11, do not accept defeat in their lives. They perceive any loss, even small ones, as a global catastrophe and challenge. Accepting the challenge of fate, these people quickly find a way out of an unpleasant situation. Representatives of this horoscope sign, who were born on February 11, are sometimes perceived by others as retrogrades and opponents. Therefore, people of this birthday need to realize the fact that in order to achieve maximum success, they should develop diplomacy and delicacy. This is what the policy requires.

Which zodiac signs are most compatible with those born on February 11th?

Those born on this day in February are very successful in building relationships with Libra and Gemini, who are attracted to novelty and variety. Possible good relationships with Aries, Sagittarius and Virgo.

List of animal years of the eastern calendar

  1. MONKEYS - 1920 zodiac year/ 1932 zodiac year/ 1944 zodiac year/ 1956 zodiac year/ 1968 zodiac year/ 1980 zodiac year/ 1992 zodiac year/ 2004 zodiac year/ 2016 zodiac year
  2. ROoster - 1921 zodiac year/ 1933 zodiac year/ 1945 zodiac year/ 1957 zodiac year/ 1969 zodiac year/ 1981 zodiac year/ 1993 zodiac year/ 2005 zodiac year/ 2017 zodiac year
  3. DOGS - 1922 zodiac year/ 1934 zodiac year/ 1946 zodiac year/ 1958 zodiac year/ 1970 zodiac year/ 1982 zodiac year/ 1994 zodiac year/ 2006 zodiac year/ 2018 zodiac year
  4. BOAR / Pig / - 1923 zodiac year / 1935 zodiac year / 1947 zodiac year / 1959 zodiac year / 1971 zodiac year / 1983 zodiac year / 1995 zodiac year / 2007 zodiac year / 2019 zodiac year
  5. RATS - 1924 zodiac year/ 1936 zodiac year/ 1948 zodiac year/ 1960 zodiac year/ 1972 zodiac year/ 1984 zodiac year/ 1996 zodiac year/ 2008 zodiac year/ 2020 zodiac year
  6. Ox / Bull / - 1925 zodiac year / 1937 zodiac year / 1949 zodiac year / 1961 zodiac year / 1973 zodiac year / 1985 zodiac year / 1997 zodiac year / 2009 zodiac year / 2021 zodiac year
  7. TIGER - 1926 zodiac year/ 1938 zodiac year/ 1950 zodiac year/ 1962 zodiac year/ 1974 zodiac year/ 1986 zodiac year/ 1998 zodiac year/ 2010 zodiac year/ 2022 zodiac year
  8. RABBIT /Cat/ - 1927 zodiac year/ 1939 zodiac year/ 1951 zodiac year/ 1963 zodiac year/ 1975 zodiac year/ 1987 zodiac year/ 1999 zodiac year/ 2011 zodiac year/ 2023 zodiac year
  9. DRAGON - 1928 zodiac year/ 1940 zodiac year/ 1952 zodiac year/ 1964 zodiac year/ 1976 zodiac year/ 1988 zodiac year/ 2000 zodiac year/ 2012 zodiac year/ 2024 zodiac year
  10. SNAKES - 1929 zodiac year/ 1941 zodiac year/ 1953 zodiac year/ 1965 zodiac year/ 1977 zodiac year/ 1989 zodiac year/ 2001 zodiac year/ 2013 zodiac year/ 2025 zodiac year
  11. HORSE - 1930 zodiac year/ 1942 zodiac year/ 1954 zodiac year/ 1966 zodiac year/ 1978 zodiac year/ 1990 zodiac year/ 2002 zodiac year/ 2014 zodiac year/ 2026 zodiac year
  12. SHEEP/GOAT/ - 1931 zodiac year/ 1943 zodiac year/ 1955 zodiac year/ 1967 zodiac year/ 1979 zodiac year/ 1991 zodiac year/ 2003 zodiac year/ 2015 zodiac year/ 2027 zodiac year

The element of Water makes people soft and flexible, calm and self-confident. But when turns or unforeseen circumstances happen in their lives, Aquarians immediately change tactics and begin to show their emotionality and intemperance, which is why the zodiac sign on February 11 is fickle and changeable.

Mystery and calmness make representatives of the sign interesting to others. A thoughtful look, smart and short answers, brevity in communication add charm and sophistication to them. They seem to have the secrets of endurance. In fact, people born during this period simply switch from one area of ​​life to another and try to spend their energy sparingly.

Aquarius loves admiration and the public around him. He is charismatic on an emotional level, plays with others and guesses their feelings. They create a reserve of space around themselves by weeding out unnecessary people. Aquarians have few friends and even fewer acquaintances, although they love to chat and are interested in news, keeping their finger on the pulse of events.

But it is much easier to talk about common problems than to open up to others.

They conserve themselves in their emotions and experiences. Representatives of the sign will never forgive an insult if it was intentional and will not step on the same rake again. Although frivolity is inherent in their work and money matters, they are cautious in terms of feelings.

Those born on February 11th love to travel and discover new opportunities. They make plans, buy tickets and can leave their homes at any moment just to look at exotic animals or drink coconut milk without leaving a palm tree.

In everything they love naturalness and simplicity. Even if they occupy a high position in society, Aquarians will not put themselves above others or insult people

At the same time, they cannot be called simple-minded or too soft, because They will snap back and even attack their opponents for their opinion and territory..

This is the sign of seekers and explorers. They want to be pioneers, to show the world something previously unseen, to learn some secret or secret technique. Dreamers and romantics at heart, therefore, they mentally stop at a certain level of their development and create a comfort zone there.

They feel those around them and, on an intuitive level, try to keep away those who could harm or hurt them. Their life consists of new experiences, vibrant countries and emotions.

Representative of the element of Water

Sensuality and tenderness are the two main traits of ladies born during this period. She loves attention and wants to be admired by others. A lady can conquer with her appearance and sophistication and at the same time homely lightness and simplicity. Thanks to the fact that she knows how to place emphasis in a conversation, the first impression of a woman is positive.

Her strategy is always thought out to the smallest detail, so there are no things that a representative of the Water Element cannot achieve. This does not mean that she uses others for her own purposes or is capable of ugly acts. No, it’s just that a woman knows how to make plans and is actively moving towards their implementation.

She is not interested in material aspects. For a lady, the feeling of power and control is more important.

She shows by her example that you can achieve a lot in life on your own if you try and confidently move towards your goal.

For Aquarius, as well as for Gemini, information is important, so modern technology, the Internet and journalism will be another of their many hobbies. The advantages of the sign include:

  • Inner self-control.
  • Calm.
  • Smart and strategic.
  • Confidence.

But even in a barrel of honey you can find tar. Women born on February 11th with the zodiac sign of Aquarius cannot:

  • Admit your mistakes.
  • Listen to the opinions of others.
  • Go to concessions.

Otherwise, this is an almost ideal sign with a specific goal and life position.

Love plan

In personal relationships, a woman tries to realize herself to the maximum, therefore, when a guy appears in her life who fits the parameters, the lady is ready to do a lot for him. But the problem is that first love most often turns out to be a failure and after a while the relationship begins to collapse. Often the lady herself is to blame for this, because she puts pressure on her partner and tries to subjugate him to herself.

Of course, men like powerful and strong women, but everything should be in moderation and advances should be alternated with small retreats.

Unfortunately, she does not understand this and simply morally oppresses her chosen one.

Over time, a woman gains experience and develops a new strategy, but having learned a bitter lesson once, next time she will be as careful as possible.

On first dates, a man may feel that the lady is ignoring him or trying to push him away. Perhaps she has already had a bitter experiment and now she is checking whether the new chosen one is ready for more serious actions than going out for pizza or going to the movies.

The ideal combination would be the union of Aquarius with representatives of its element. They will be on the same wavelength with each other and support in difficult times. Gemini and Libra will appreciate the sexuality and attractiveness of Aquarius, but will not be able to get along due to their love of freedom. When the lady begins to demand responsibility, the frivolous representative of Air will simply run away from her.

Neutral is an alliance with Capricorn or Virgo. The practicality and pedantry of the latter will unsettle an eccentric lady. She will quickly get tired of the materialism and constant desire to earn money inherent in earth signs.

You absolutely cannot combine your life with the element of Fire, since there will be many quarrels and scandals in marriage. Even if calm people who know how to control themselves come together, their emotional world is not attuned to each other, since they are on different levels.

Aggressive and sometimes hot-tempered Scorpios and Leos will demand submission from Aquarius and the fulfillment of their desires. The latter is not going to give in and begins to make complaints about those things that she does not like. Although in an intimate sense the union will be bright and sensual, because both partners have high sexuality and a desire to satisfy each other, this is not enough for life and creating a family.

Aquarius Man

His friends and company come first. The love of freedom and the desire to find oneself will dominate even when he has a chosen one. The man is friendly and has a wonderful sense of humor. Can conquer any woman, but gives preference only to those who have an interesting appearance and a sharp mind.

For him, mobility and a constant rhythm are important in life. If you decide to achieve something, you will not stop at any difficulties. This is the main advantage of the sign in comparison with others. But he doesn't know how to stop. If life is gaining momentum, then a man will press on the gas with all his might to squeeze out the maximum.

He likes to learn new things and discover unprecedented facets.

A man has the following positive qualities:

  • Openness.
  • Sociability.
  • Responsibility.
  • Vengefulness.
  • Cruelty.
  • Inability to admit mistakes.

The material side does not matter much to them, since men want to find their own path in life and feel moral comfort, so various trainings, changes in place of residence, constant trips and travel will be a priority for them. It is important for them that their partner also supports this position and participates in trips.

Sometimes it is difficult to control your emotions. He is impulsive and catches fire quickly, so it can be difficult with Aquarius.

His companion must understand that sometimes you need to remain silent or simply agree with his opinion in order to avoid a scandal.

Combination in a relationship

In relationships, he manifests himself as a caring, affectionate and attentive partner. He likes to give and care for his beloved. Fulfills her whims and demands at the first call. It will not be difficult for a man to brew his favorite coffee in the morning or help make lunch. He will happily do household chores if it makes his partner's life easier.

A man gives himself only half, leaving the right to manage the space. If other signs after marriage forget about the territory and completely merge with their other half, then this will not work for him, because Aquarius considers himself above this. He doesn’t understand that someone could be so similar to him as to merge.

He needs personal space and the opportunity to do what he loves. This does not mean that Aquarius builds a wall between relationships and self-development, but it is desirable that these spheres do not intersect.

Not every girl will be able to understand this, because it will seem to her that her partner is simply avoiding or hiding something. Misunderstandings and quarrels are common for couples with Aquarius. In defending his territory, he can be cruel and selfish, so it is better to immediately raise the white flag rather than fight for every centimeter of his space.

Impulsive and energetic Aquarius needs restraint and relaxation in relationships, so quiet Pisces or calm Taurus will be able to make his dream come true. They will not claim all of its territory and will allow you to retire at any time.

Capricorn will also calmly accept the demands of Aquarius and will respect the desires of their partner.

Leos and Aries are not suitable for a man, since the element of Fire will literally drain the quiet and smooth surface. The impulsiveness of both signs will result in quarrels and tug-of-war for the championship crown. Although they have a lot in common, there is not enough contrast, which would create balance, so he will not be able to build a harmonious relationship with these signs.

Numerology in the horoscope

Of course, astrology reveals a person’s inner world and shows how he sees himself and what role he plays. But character traits are not formed only on the basis of belonging to the zodiac sign; personal data and the moment of arrival into this world of those born on February 11 are also taken into account.

Which zodiac sign is the most ambiguous is Aquarius. He is a rebel and reformer, but at the same time a lyricist and poet. A complex person with a creative bent and a desire to show the world something new and bright.

Aquarians are not always able to maintain a leadership position, but they often play first fiddle in terms of making important decisions. This is the number of politicians and technologists who hold the key to all information.

It is difficult for them to find a mate precisely because of the duality of their nature, both morally and materially; representatives of the sign try to be distant from others so as not to disturb their harmony.

Numerologists advise them to open up to the world around them and let in love, tenderness and kindness. There is no need to expect trouble or problems from others. And also, you shouldn’t accumulate grievances and hold grudges against others. Revenge or bitterness will not make you happy, but can poison your life.

I searched on the Internet for people born on February 11th according to their horoscope. I thought they were Capricorns. I don’t know if what’s written in the horoscope coincides with reality for everyone as accurately as it does for me, but I’m shocked. How can ordinary people describe the character of others so subtly and accurately.

I wasn’t interested in astrology before, but now I like it.

Aquarians are very kind by nature and seem to be able to get along with any sign. My neighbors from the element of Water and my husband have a birthday on February 12th. I can’t understand where they get their impulsiveness and thirst for power? I read about these qualities on various sites and was surprised.

Attention, TODAY only!
