Marianna - meaning of the name. What does the name Maryana mean for a girl: full description of Marianna, angel's name day

Meaning: If you rely on the meanings of the names “Mary” and “Anna”, you get “bitter grace”, “sad beauty”. According to another version, the entire name is translated as “indignation.” Origin: This name appeared due to the merger of two other Hebrew names - Mary and Anna. However, its owners have very special character traits. Folk form of the name Maryana. Church form - Mariamne. Character: The character of these emotional, charming babies is paternal, they look like their father not only in behavior, but also in appearance. Her parents don’t have any problems with her, she succeeds everywhere: she does well at school, tries to learn to draw, and is interested in music. The girl is everyone's favorite and remains so as an adult.

Her extraordinary sociability, emotionality, easy and cheerful disposition lead to her getting married before all her friends. He does this without consulting anyone, presenting his parents with a fait accompli. Despite her tender age, Marianna becomes an excellent housewife, quickly gets used to running the house and unobtrusively leading her husband. Her marriage is strong, with the exception of those born in the fall. “January” Marianna gets married a little late, but successfully.

Marianne is an extroverted personality, she does not tend to withdraw into her shell and is receptive to the world around her. However, sensing danger, seeing it approaching quickly, like an ostrich, it hides its head in the sand. She is a rather capricious and hot-tempered woman, a great debater. In a dispute, she will stubbornly stand her ground, even knowing that she is wrong. Of all life's pleasures, she values ​​the pleasure of eating delicious food, especially sweets, most of all, so she is prone to being overweight.

Marianna solves her problems on her own, without placing high hopes on someone's help, although if they offer it, he will not refuse.

“January” Mariannes are somewhat straightforward and distrustful. They adhere to firm principles and it is almost impossible to influence them. They are interested in theater and music.

Marianna is elegant, takes care of her appearance, loves everything beautiful, and prefers dahlias among flowers.

How to please the birthday girl?
Make a delicious holiday dish like cherry banana charlotte!

Today is June 25th

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  • Maria congratulate Meaning: “Bitter, beloved, stubborn.” Origin: The name is of Hebrew origin. Character: Masha is a kind, gentle, calm girl. Her favorite pastime is being a nanny for small children. She is very vulnerable and has a hard time taking even a small remark addressed to her. At the same time, in her character...
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  • Anna congratulate Meaning: Means “grace”, “God’s mercy”, “lovely”, “pretty”. Patience and openness, the ability to give and sacrifice. Origin: The name is of Hebrew origin. Also Anne, Ann or Anna, from the Hebrew Hannah. In Christianity, Anna is the mother of the Virgin Mary, the grandmother of Jesus Christ (the Mother of God), the wife of St. Joachim, who gave birth to a daughter...
  • Meaning: Translated from ancient Greek it means “courageous.” Origin: It came to Russia from Byzantium, but was not widespread for a very long time. The patron saint of the birthday boy is St. Arseny Komelsky. He came from a noble family, but he limited himself in everything, observed strict fasting, living in a monastery. He was abbot, but soon retired to...

The name Maryana is a common version of the female name Marianna, the origin of which has at least two versions. According to the first of them, it came from the Roman personal (or generic) nickname Marianus(“Mariev, belonging to Marius”), derived from the family name Marius- “belonging to the god Mars.” In ancient Rome there was also a related female cognomen Marianilla(Marianilla), originating as a diminutive form of Mariana. In medieval Latin the possessive Marianus/Mariana also understood as “Mary, belonging to Mary (Virgin Mary).”

According to the second, most common version, this name has Hebrew roots and was formed from the addition of the meanings of the names Maria - “bitter, sad” and Anna - “beautiful, pretty”) - sad beauty.

Church form (Orthodox calendar) - Mariamne.

The name is used in both the Orthodox and Catholic faiths, so name days are celebrated on March 2, June 22 and January 23, June 12, April 30, respectively.


  • Common name options: Mariana, Maryan, Mariana, Mariamne, Marian, Marianu, Mariano.
  • U diminutive forms: Marianna, Marisha, Masha, Marusya, Manyusha, Maryasha.


A girl with that name grows up and does not cause much trouble for her parents. This is a classic “daddy’s girl”: she looks like her father both in her appearance and in her manner of behavior, and she is drawn to him more than to all other adults. Her sociability and charm make her attractive in the eyes of her peers, which is why she has many friends.

Maryana is an optimist, but she prefers not to face problems face to face and always hopes that they will disappear on their own, persuading herself and others that nothing special is happening. However, if she cannot get out of the problem, then she tries to cope on her own, without asking anyone for help. However, if someone supports her on her own initiative, she will gladly accept this support. The girl loves and knows how to dress beautifully, always takes care of herself, and goes to theater performances. She has another passion - delicious food, and it often results in extra pounds.

Success in studies and sports

She has a lively, sharp mind, the ability for extraordinary thinking, science and, in general, everything new. At school the girl shines with success. She excels in all subjects, studies with passion and happily runs home to show off her good grades. In addition to the school curriculum, she often finds herself a lot of additional activities, ranging from sports sections to a theater group.

Fate in love, marriage and family

Usually Maryana begins to be interested in relationships closer to the age of twenty, but young people attack her much earlier. Sometimes a girl deliberately suppresses her sensual nature. A sense of security is of particular importance to her, so Maryana always chooses a real knight as her companion, who can be a reliable support and protection for her. She will only be happy with a calm, balanced man who is older than her. Her marriage may be very early, and she does not consider it necessary to consult with anyone about her future chosen one.

Her family union is particularly strong. The only exceptions are marriages of women born in the autumn months. The rest of Marianne knows how to maintain her family and personal happiness, despite all life's problems and upheavals. It is the woman who is the unconditional leader in the family, but she behaves in such a way that her leading role does not humiliate anyone. The owner of this name becomes an attentive, caring wife and mother, an excellent housewife.

Name compatibility

  • Excellent Compatibility: Leonty, Timofey, Vladislav, Panteley, Alfred, Veniamin.
  • Poor compatibility: Dmitry, Ignatius, Stepan, Taras, Stanislav, Timur, Arthur, Dasy.

Characteristics in career

Maryana often finds herself in childhood, participating in numerous clubs and sections. The origin of the name influences whether there is a penchant for music: she can become a famous performer, a successful composer, or even a music producer. Many types of art are open, since the very energy of the name inclines it into this area. Activities related to beauty are also close to her. She can achieve great success in clothing design and modeling.

Other related professions that would suit her are makeup artist or make-up artist. Even if she chooses the path of a consultant in a clothing store, her employer will idolize her employee: the girl is well versed in fashion. At the same time, she has the ability to learn languages, so she can become a professional translator. In any case, fate will be successful - but the reason for this will not be luck and luck, but her hard work and ability to enjoy work. Her character will make it easy to say goodbye to any task that begins to seem boring, but if she has found a job she likes, she will become a real professional in it.


Marianne's health is good, but she can undermine it with an overly busy life, in which she strives to do everything and even more.

How to choose a name for a girl according to the horoscope

  • Zodiac: Scorpio, Libra.
  • Patron planet: Mars, Saturn.

The mystery of the name

Marianne's secret can be called her ability to manipulate people. She is good at manipulatively getting her way, but does not like to resort to it. Only unfavorable circumstances will force Marianne to resort to her innate skill. She has an extremely negative attitude towards such actions from other people, and even less so herself.


  • Stone, mineral, metal - lapis lazuli, sapphire, emerald, green jasper.
  • Color - blue, bright green.
  • Plant - hellebore, dahlia.
  • Totem animal - peacock.
  • The most successful day is Saturday.

Famous people with this name

  • Marianne Cope is a blessed one of the Roman Catholic Church.
  • Marianna Bernatskaya - blessed of the Roman Catholic Church, martyr.
  • Marianne of Austria - Spanish queen, second wife of Philip IV, mother of Charles II, the last Spanish king from the Habsburg dynasty.
  • Marianna Tavrog is a Russian film director, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation.
  • Mariana de Gonich is a Russian-Cuban singer and music teacher.
  • Marianna Veryovkina is a Russian-Swiss artist, a representative of the expressionist movement in painting.
  • Marianna Ionesyan is a Soviet actress, known for her role in the film “Guest from the Future.”
  • Marianna Vertinskaya is a Soviet and Russian theater and film actress, Honored Artist of the RSFSR.
  • Marianna Longa is an Italian skier, world championship medalist, and winner of the World Cup.
  • Marianna Maksimovskaya is a TV presenter.
  • Marianne Faithfull is a British singer, musician and actress.

Meaning and characteristics of the name Marianna

The name Marianne is of Hebrew origin, and it appeared as a result of the merger of two names - Mary and Anna.

According to some experts, the resulting name translates as “tart”, “bitter”, while others consider the phrase “sad beauty” to be the correct translation.

The ecclesiastical form of the name in question is somewhat different from the form we are used to and may seem somewhat archaic - Mariamne.

The owner of this name has been very emotional and charming since childhood. She has many hobbies - singing and dancing, drawing and swimming, and she succeeds in everything and achieves some success.

At the same time, Marianna is a good student, has many friends and gets along well with everyone.

Having become an adult, a girl does not cease to be sociable and sociable, but she always trusts only her intuition and insight.

She has her own point of view on everything, which quite often turns out to be more correct than public opinion.

In love, the owner of such a name seeks passion, sincerity, and reliability. Possessing well-developed intuition, a girl usually finds her soul mate at a young age, and rarely makes a mistake in choosing a spouse.

Marianna is a wonderful housewife, she easily copes with household chores, at the same time, manages to find time for herself, and always looks great.

Congratulations to Marianna on her name day in verse

Marianna, you are beautiful! However,
Everyone here knows this today!
You vividly combine purity,
And feminine coquetry in yourself!

May your responsiveness and gentleness
It will turn towards you like a boomerang,
And it will give you warmth, participation,
What are you giving to everyone on earth!

There is a beautiful woman in the world, I will tell you, without hiding at all,
And she has a beautiful, unearthly name - Marianna!

May your destiny be happy, may your path be illuminated by a star!
Always be charming, sweet, and may your family be strong!

SMS congratulations to Marianna on her name day

You are inside - all the intelligence and nobility,
And elegance is in your blood!
I wish, Marianna, sunshine,
Joy, good luck and love!

Happy angel day, Marianna!
May you, girlfriend, be lucky in everything!
Be always loved with boundless happiness,
Let your rapid ascent await you!

The name Maryana means “tart” from Hebrew. There is also a popular version of the appearance of a female name as a result of the combination of two: Anna (translated as “beautiful”) and Maria (“sad”). Meaning: “sad beauty.” Maryana is a folk form of the name Marianna. The third decoding is “marine” (literal translation of the Latin male name Maryan).

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Name days according to the Orthodox calendar are June 22 and March 2. Variations of the name: Maryashka, Mariannachka, Maryusichka, Mara, Maryasya, Maryanka.

    Childhood and youth

    Parents who named their daughter Maryana will not have any special problems raising their child, since the girl is very obedient and calm. She loves to carry out parental assignments, is moderately active, and spends a lot of time with her father. Maryana is her father's daughter, she considers her parent to be her closest friend and trusts him with her innermost secrets, listens to his advice.

      It is very important that Maryana’s father set a good example and instill a love of art.

      The girl studies diligently at school, happily does her homework and attends all kinds of clubs. She is efficient and responsible, takes first place in school competitions, strives to learn new things and loves to read. Maryana finds it difficult to communicate with classmates; she cannot find a common language with her peers, so she tries to avoid the guys.

      The girl is very attractive to members of the opposite sex. Boys have been paying attention to the young beauty since childhood, but she does not notice her fans, devoting her free time to useful activities.

      First love radically changes Maryana's behavior: she completely obeys the impulses of her heart and loses her head from falling in love. A girl can do impulsive things, even leave home, if her parents do not approve of her choice. Studying fades into the background, Maryana becomes uninterested in attending boring lectures, she wants to have fun and spend time in the company of her lover. If her chosen one does not reciprocate his ardent feelings, the girl will seek his favor by any means, forgetting about female pride.

      Life of an adult Maryana

      An adult woman is smart, pretty, cunning and calculating. She loves to use men for personal gain. Fate is favorable to her; Maryana can earn money and open her own business. She is headstrong and stubborn, successfully leading people.

      Maryana gets married early, she needs a strong man who can curb the beauty’s difficult temper and be able to satisfy her financial needs. If a woman truly falls in love, she is ready to completely devote herself to her family and her chosen one. Maryana will make a good mother and devoted wife, but the woman does not accept a calm and measured family life. She needs to constantly sort things out and make scenes of jealousy. She loves to test her husband's feelings by flirting with members of the opposite sex.

      A woman can completely immerse herself in everyday problems and raising her children, forgetting about professional activities. But self-realization and a successful career will make her happy. Combining work and family is very difficult for Maryana, which is why prosperous ladies are most often lonely.

      The secret of a woman's name

      Personal characteristics of a woman named Maryana:

      HealthThere are problems with the nervous system, a high risk of heart disease
      Basic character traitsHot temper, independence, good nature
      Positive sidesPurposefulness, independence, mercy
      Negative sidesExcessive emotionality, sudden mood swings
      MoralTo achieve her goals, a woman is ready to sacrifice spiritual values
      IntuitionShe has a well-developed sixth sense and relies entirely on her inner voice.
      FriendshipShe has many acquaintances, but no real friends. A woman cannot keep secrets and does not need the advice of her friends
      BusinessCan be either a successful businesswoman or a woman with big financial problems who is stuck in debt
      SexThe woman has a passionate and sensitive nature, loves experiments in bed and long foreplay
      HobbiesHandicrafts, cooking, literature, theater, cinema, painting
      ProfessionsDesigner, fashion designer, sculptor, artist, doctor, teacher, journalist, TV presenter, actress
      Mental capacityExtraordinary intelligence, well-developed creative thinking, excellent memory
      Compatibility with male namesYuri, Vladimir, Maxim, Gennady, Stepan, Vladislav
      IncompatibilityArtem, Alexey, Ivan, Savely, Svyatoslav, Stanislav, Mikhail, Eduard, Rostislav

By calling him something, parents unwittingly lay a certain program into his future. This is a special energy that spurs impulses to certain actions, endowing them with various abilities and talents. Today we will discuss the feminine Maryana - what it means for the bearer, what it gives.

What does it mean and where does it come from?

It is difficult to determine the exact origin and meaning of the name Maryana today, since there are several similar forms of this name.

Phonetic form Marianne is considered to be the result of a merger of the Hebrew names and Anna. The first name means “serene”, the second means “gracious”, “merciful”. Another version in favor of education from Mary and Anna refers to the tradition of Medieval Europe to give double names to children.

In addition, there is a Hebrew name Mariam: according to some texts, this is exactly what the name of the Virgin Mary sounds like, and this is how she is called in the religious books of Islam.

Actually, Maryana is a shortened, folk version of the name Mariana. The Roman version of the origin of this name speaks of belonging to a clan, in the masculine version of a personal or generic nickname (Marianus, Marian), in the feminine version (Mariana, Mariana) - “Mariev, belonging to Mary.” In Ancient Rome there was also a diminutive form Marianilla (Marianilla). In the Middle Ages, the meaning of the name began to be read differently: “belonging to Mary (Virgin Mary), Mariin.”

Did you know? In Portugal, the naming of a child is regulated by a list of permitted names by the country's Ministry of Justice. When organizations issue the first documents for a baby, they must check this list. There can be exceptions only if one of the parents is an emigrant.

Day Angel

According to Orthodox calendar of names, the name Maryana is not in the calendar, so name days are celebrated according to the date of memory of a saint with a name close in meaning, in whose honor:

  • January 21 - Marionilla of Egypt;
  • March 2 - Mariamne;
  • March 13 - Beriyskaya;
  • June 22 - Mary (Mariamne) of Persia;
  • July 30 - Marina () Antioch.

Diminutive form

They call Maryana diminutively: Maryanka, Maryasya, Maryasha, Marya, Mana, Marusha, Manyusha.

Name in different languages ​​of the world

  • England, USA, Canada - Marian, Marion (Marian, Marion).
  • France - Marianne (Marianne).
  • Spain - Mariana (Mariana), reduced. Marianita (Marianita).
  • Türkiye - Meryem (Meryem).
  • Italy - Mariana (Mariana), Marianna (Marianna), reduced. Marianina, Marianella (Marianina, Marianella).
  • Poland - Marianna (Marianna), reduced. Marysia (Marysya).
  • Ukraine - Mar'yana (Maryana).

Did you know? In the African Maasai tribe, after a funeral, the deceased is given a different name: according to the tradition of the tribe, naming the deceased during his lifetime means attracting his spirit.

Character Traits, Temperament and Behavior

Let's consider what significance the name Maryana has for character and fate.

As a child, she is emotional, sociable, and both peers and older children are drawn to her. She is childishly spontaneous and straightforward, sometimes to her own detriment.
Having matured, the girl will try to solve all her problems on her own, without turning to her parents for help. She does not lose self-control in difficult situations, showing persistence and a reasonable approach to resolving difficulties.

Her character is characterized by honesty, justice, and friendliness. The girl does not tolerate criticism well, but does not know how to be offended for a long time; the desire for communication will force her to find ways to reconciliation.

Important! Parents should pay attention to the girl’s willfulness and self-confidence, so that over time this character trait does not develop into conflict and rejection of other people’s opinions.

Study, professions and career

Successful studies at school and desire provide a wide choice for self-realization in adult life. Moreover, the girl perfectly combines her studies with clubs or sections, sometimes with several at the same time. Rich imagination and creativity suggest success in painting, music, choreography or writing. Maryana can be a successful clothing or landscape designer, architect or sculptor, writer or journalist.
A cheerful and easy-going disposition will allow her to get along in a large team and build smooth relationships with colleagues. Quite often being the soul of the team, she successfully builds a career, occupying leadership positions. The main thing in work is variety and new ideas; routine activities do not inspire Maryana; she prefers taking risks rather than going with the flow.

In addition to creative abilities, a woman has an analytical mind and the ability to think rationally and calculate the smallest details. This property will be useful in the profession of financier, economist, and banking. The natural gift of persuasion and oratorical abilities will be useful in any leadership position, in law, trade, and politics.

Health and hobbies

The girl Maryana, in principle, has a strong body, but during the off-season period, the main weak point is often the lungs.

An adult woman loves to visit exhibitions, galleries and theaters, she loves to be in society, she loves to surround herself with beautiful things. The love for gourmet cuisine and desserts can play a cruel joke on her, as she is prone to obesity and often suffers from improper metabolism.

Friendship, love relationships and family

Maryana cannot stand loneliness; she is always surrounded by friends and acquaintances, in most cases being the indisputable authority and soul of the company. She is witty, educated, an excellent listener and conversationalist. Friends can always count on her help and hospitality. Her friends value her opinion and use her advice.

In her personal life, she makes the mistake of also wanting to dominate in relationships, so she will be paired with an exclusively strong-willed and strong-willed person who will allow her to be feminine and soft.

She will be happy to arrange the family nest, select pieces of furniture and think through every little detail in the interior, but she does not like everyday life. She will maintain order, but if possible, she will entrust this to a housekeeper.

She will approach it with all seriousness, will help with studies, support children’s hobbies or creativity.

Meanings of all letters in the name and numerology

The meaning of the letters present in the name:

  • M - loyalty to others, caring, enthusiasm, love of change;
  • A - activity, desire for self-improvement, aptitude for leadership, manifestation of initiative;
  • P - ability to analyze and search for deep meaning; patience, but not to the detriment of one’s own positions;
  • b - self-control, the ability to forgive, scrupulousness, the ability to focus on little things;
  • I have sober self-esteem, the ability to correctly prioritize; exposure to emotions in personal relationships;
  • N - distrust and demandingness towards others, cleanliness in relationships; concern for morality and physical fitness;
  • A - description above.

Let's consider the interpretation of the name Maryana from the point of view digital values:
  • Five (M) - risk, innovation;
  • Unit (A) - selfishness, ambition, determination;
  • Nine (P) - intelligence, status, recognition;
  • Three (b) - optimism, intuition, talent;
  • Six (I, N) - reliability, honesty.

The total value (sum) is four.

Positive traits of a four: decisive, practical, able to plan their actions, highly moral and responsive, able to sympathize, always ready to help.

Negative traits: slow, stubborn, afraid of innovations.

In numerology, four is a symbol of creation and spirituality; people under the sign of four are responsible, good leaders, and religious figures. They have a strong connection with nature, so they are often involved in ecology and saving rare animals and plants. If they abandon harsh conservatism, they are able to get carried away by a new idea in science or other activities.

In family life, the primary task of the four is to ensure stability, comfort and coziness.

Name Astrology

  • Planet - Mars, Saturn.
  • Element - Fire.
  • Zodiac - Scorpio, Libra.
  • Color - blue, green.
  • The stone is lapis lazuli, green jasper.
  • Tree - maple.
  • Plant - dahlia, hellebore.
  • The bird is a peacock.
  • Animal - camel.
  • Day - Saturday.

Name in history: famous and successful people

Whatever the nationality or origin of the name Maryana, it is in any case worthy of attention. It is melodic, goes well with most male names (patronymic), and is suitable for both a baby and an adult woman.
