Guidelines for independent work for medical college students in the discipline “Russian language and speech culture. The lexical meaning of the word is indicated incorrectly in the example Topic “Spelling norms”

higher professional education


- manager section of the Russian language for students of the main faculties of Volga State Technical University, Ph.D. Sciences, Associate Professor

Compiled by: ,

Approved at the meeting of the cyclic methodological commission of subjects of the humanitarian cycle “29” April 2011.

Methodological instructions / [etc.] - Volgograd: VolSMU Publishing House, 2011. - 32 p.

The manual is intended for college students studying in the following specialties: 060203 – “Orthopedic Dentistry”, 060205 – “Preventive Dentistry”, 060301 – “Pharmacy”. The purpose of the manual is educational and methodological support for the process of studying the Russian language and speech culture. The content of the manual meets the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for the goals and objectives of studying the discipline “Russian Language and Speech Culture”.

State budgetary educational institution
higher professional education
"Volgograd State Medical University"
Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation
(State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education Volga State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia)

Department of Russian Language and Russian Language

socio-cultural adaptation


on independent work for medical college students

in the discipline "Russian language and culture of speech"

Explanatory note……………………………………………. 5 pages

Topic 1. Scientific style…………………………………….. 6 pages.

Topic 2. Official business style……………………………. 9 pages

Topic 3. Orthoepic norms………………………………….. 12 pages.

Topic 4. Lexical norms……………………………………. 16 pages

Topic 5. Morphological norms. ……………………………. 20 pages

Topic 6. Syntactic norms………………………………p.

Topic 7. Dictionaries - sources of knowledge…………………………… 28 pages.


In the process of studying the discipline “Russian Language and Speech Culture,” students must have a level of practical knowledge of the modern Russian literary language of non-philological specialists.

Independent work tasks:

· form and develop skills for performing independent work;

1. Bylkova language and culture of speech: / , . – M.: Rostov-n/D: MarT, 2005. – 304 p.

3. Goldin, language and culture of speech: textbook /,; edited by ; Saratov. State University named after .–3rd ed., Ster.–M.: URSS, 2003.– 216 p.

Complete test tasks

01. Define the text style

August 5th, 1921

To the Extraordinary Commission for Struggle

with counter-revolution and speculation

Gorokhova, 2

According to information that reached the publishing house "World Literature", its employee, Nikolai Stepanovich Gumilyov, was arrested on the night of August 4, 1924. Taking into account that the said Gumilyov is a senior employee at the publishing house “World Literature” and has unfinished orders on his hands, the editorial board asks for a speedy investigation of the case and in the absence of incriminating data, Yov’s release from arrest.

Chairman of the Editorial Board


1) official business

2) journalistic

3) scientific

4) artistic

02. Groups of words are used in official business texts

2) climate, chronicle, magazine

3) amplitude, local, follow

4) escalation, forum, initiative

03. The prepositional case form is not used in official business texts

1) due to illness

2) due to illness

3) due to illness

4) due to illness

04. The substyle does not apply to the official business style

1) clerical and business

2) diplomatic

3) legal

4) popular science

05. Formal business style does not include genres

1) power of attorney

2) abstract

3) explanatory note

4) statement

06. The following characteristic: “connection with the administrative and legal sphere of activity and legal relations between citizens and the state” presupposes the style

1) scientific

2) artistic

3) official business

4) journalistic

07. Specific features of official business style

1) imagery, emotionality

2) appeal, expressiveness

3) objectivity, abstraction

4) logic, abstractness

08. This definition: “personal information (last name, initials and position), stamp or seal of the institution, address and contact means of communication, date of signing of the document” corresponds to the concept

2) documents

3) details

4) biography

09. The genre does not belong to the clerical substyle of official business style

2) order

4) constitution

10. The genre does not belong to the legislative substyle of the official business style

1) constitution

2) power of attorney

11. The genre does not belong to the official business style

2) receipt

3) explanatory note

4) order

12. This definition: “speech standards, stable phrases, often reproduced in certain typical conditions of speech use” corresponds to the concept

1) details

2) phraseological units

Topic "Orthoepic norms"

Pronunciations are influenced by spelling, which usually diverges from pronunciation. Maintaining consistency in pronunciation is important. Spelling errors always interfere with the perception of the content of speech.

You need to know the following rules of pronunciation:

· in Russian speech only stressed letters are pronounced clearly;

· letters e And I in a pre-stressed syllable they indicate the middle sound between [e] and [i];

· vowel [and] after a hard consonant, preposition, or when pronouncing words together is pronounced as [s];

· in Russian speech there is a mandatory deafening of voiced consonants at the end of a word.

In addition to the rules listed above, there are others that you

should also know when performing test tasks.

Remember that the Russian language has variable stress!

When completing assignments on this topic, you must use lecture material and practical lesson material. In addition, the following literature is recommended:

3. Bylkova language and culture of speech: / , . – M.: Rostov-n/D: MarT, 2005. – 304 p.

4. Vvedenskaya language and culture of speech for engineers: textbook. allowance / , . – Rostov-n/D: Phoenix, 2003. – 384 p.

Complete test tasks

01. There are more letters than sounds in a word

1) get angry

2) blizzard

3) junk dealer

4) wedding

02. The combination CHN is pronounced as [ШН] in the word

03. The correct option for placing stress in a word:

1) give a bonus

2) deepen

3) call

4) pamper

04. The stress falls on the second syllable in all words in the series

1) shoe, holy fool, unrestrained

2) intercede, driver, absolutely

3) time off, winter crops, requiem

4) scabbard, glider, obituary

05. In all words, the stress falls on the first syllable in the series

1) kitchen, closed, ringing

2) stuck, hyphen, credo

3) to the bottom, crept in, quince

4) sideways, August, cakes

06. the stress falls on the second syllable in all words in the series

1) carpenter, shoe, more beautiful

2) means, parterre, catalog

3) paralysis, genesis, petition

4) anatomist, spoiled, wholesale

07. Pronunciation of words laundry, trio, rough-haired correctly indicated in the row

1) laundry, tri[o], rough;

2) laundry, three[a], coarse;

3) laundry, tri[o], rough;

4) laundry, tri[o], rude.

08. The stress in all words falls on the second syllable in a row

1) stroke, whooping cough, referee

2) contract, expert, prosthesis

3) Athenians, industries, beets

4) carpenter, peanuts, need

09. The stress in all words falls on the second syllable in a row

1) immunity

17. The letter combination is pronounced as [ШН] in the word

1) library

2) of course

3) final

4) apple

18. The letter combination is pronounced as [Ч′Н] in the word

1) mustard plaster

3) scrambled eggs

4) carefree

19. Both pronunciation options [ШН] and [Ч′Н] are allowed in the word

1) decent

2) tiny

3) on purpose

4) excellent student

20. There are more letters than sounds in a word

1) call

2) intention

21. When pronouncing, the unstressed sound [O] in the word is preserved

4) outline

22. When pronouncing, the unstressed sound [O] in a word is not preserved

4) burgundy

23. deafening of consonants occurs in a series of words

1) birch, path, trick, yesterday

2) do, escape, football, station

3) carry, umbrella, racer, fear

24. The consonant before E in a word is pronounced softly

2) swimming pool

3) genetics

4) aesthetics

25. The consonant before E in a word is pronounced firmly

3) therapist

Topic “Lexical norms”

The word should be used in the meaning that it has and which is recorded in the dictionaries of the Russian language. Violation of lexical norms leads to a distortion of the meaning of the statement. Careless use of words can lead to misunderstanding, gross violation of ethics, and incorrect conclusions and actions.

When completing assignments on this topic, you must use lecture material and practical lesson material. In addition, the following literature is recommended:

1. Culture of Russian speech: encyclopedic dictionary-reference book / under general. director: etc.; RAS. Institute of Russian Language named after. -va. – M.: Flinta: Nauka, 2003. – 840 p.

2. Culture of Russian speech: Textbook for universities / [etc.]; resp. ed.: , ; RAS. Institute rus. language them. . – M.: NORM: INFRA – M, 2001. – 560 p.

3. Vvedenskaya language and culture of speech for engineers: textbook. allowance / , . – Rostov-n/D: Phoenix, 2003. – 384 p.

Complete test tasks

01. Violation of lexical compatibility is an error in the case of

1) exhibits of the exhibition

2) excellent scoundrel

3) living corpse

4) obvious-incredible

02. The lexical meaning is specified incorrectly in the case

1) full face - facing the beholder

2) vernissage - the place where the exhibition takes place

3) credo – rule, principle

4) partner - a member of a trading or industrial company

03. The highlighted word is used figuratively in the phrase

1) cold rain

2) cold soup

3) cold look

4) cold morning

04. Norms of word compatibility are violated in the phrase

1) cheap prices

2) elected position

3) effective method

4) give the floor

05. The lexical meaning is specified incorrectly in the case

1) luminary - old wise man

any necessary information

3) catalog – a list of similar documents

10. Lexical compatibility is deliberately broken in the case

1) first premiere

2) overwhelming majority

3) obvious-incredible

4) night serenade

11. Lexical compatibility is deliberately broken in the case

1) private property

2) progress forward

3) tiny little things

4) leading leader

12. In one of the options, homophones are

1) opened the door - boiled vegetables

2) sparrow - beat the thief

3) hands (of the clock) – hands (brave)

13. A synonymous series in which there is an “extra” word is

1) founder, originator, founder

2) to upset, sadden, deceive

3) aspiration, dream, hope

14. Accurately conveys the meaning of the highlighted word option

Every applicant for a managerial position should take care of his image.

2) characteristic

15. Accurately conveys the meaning of the highlighted word option

N. Berberova was already 70 years old when she began working on her famous memoirs “My Italics”.

2) memories

3) diary entries

16. Accurately conveys the meaning of the highlighted word option

At the mouth of this small African river, researchers discovered

rich flora.

1) nature

2) fauna

3) vegetation

17. The lexical meaning of the word is indicated incorrectly in the example

1) a lot - a little

2) above - below

3) mine is yours

20. Correct meaning of the word adaptation

1) adaptation of the body

21. Correct meaning of the word campaign, given its spelling, is

1) society

2) activity

22. Synonym of the word crow, used figuratively, is

23. A synonym for the word hare, used figuratively, is

24. Phraseologism go all in means

1) go forward

2) act, risking everything

3) act stupidly, imprudently

25. Phraseological combination cast pearls before swine means

1) try to please someone

wants to understand

3) do something aimlessly

26. Paronym for the word judge - This

1) humanistic

2) humane

27. Paronym for the word tribe- This

1) military

2) militant

28. Paronym for the phrase complexion- This

1) earthy

2) earthen

Topic "Morphological norms"

Morphology is a science that studies words as part of speech. There are various forms of grammatical meanings in modern Russian.

· Use of verb forms (personal verb forms, participles and gerunds).

When completing assignments on this topic, you must use lecture material and practical lesson material. In addition, the following literature is recommended:

2. Vvedenskaya language and culture of speech for engineers: textbook. allowance / , . – Rostov-n/D: Phoenix, 2003. – 384 p.

Complete test tasks

01. The correct way to use numerals is

1) two patients

2) five children

3) within three days

4) work for three

02. Both verbs do not form the 1st person present or future tense in the series

1) win, dare

2) crowd, see

3) evening, sign

03. Incorrect entry (surnames in I. p. are given in brackets) – this is

Roses for...

1) Olga Zaretskikh (Zaretskikh)

2) Alexey Stepanenko (Stepanenko)

3) Andrey Makarevich (Makarevich)

4) Margarita Janzen (Janzen)

04. The gender of the highlighted noun is

Little sweet tooth Petya ate all the candies.

2) average

3) female

4) male

05. A sentence with a grammatical error is

1) The Academy has seven comfortable dormitories and

four dining rooms.

2) Seven girls and five boys left school.

3) On both sides of the road there were slender pine trees.

4) The Bolshoi Theater opens its two hundred and tenth season.

06. Incorrect entry (surnames in I. p. are given in brackets) – this is

Stamps for... .

1) Nadezhda Poteyko (Poteiko)

2) Zinaida Walter (Walter)

3) Sergei Kuzminykh (Kuzminykh)

4) Vladimir Karasik (Karasik)

07. Both verbs do not form the 1st person form of the present or future simple tense in the series

1) blow, think

2) to appear, to dare

3) convince, write

4) confuse, go

08. A sentence with a grammatical error is

1) Vershok - an old Russian measure of length equal to one sixteenth

arshin, approximately four point forty four hundredths


2) All twenty-two brigades serving one thousand three hundred hectares

2) shampoo

4) penalty

17. A noun that is used only in its plural form is

1) dirty

2) name day

3) schools

4) officers

Topic "Syntactic norms"

Sentences have grammatical meaning. They differ from phrases in function (used for a message, question, exclamation), structure (has a grammatical basis consisting of one or two main members that are not subordinate to each other) and intonation design (characterized by semantic and intonational completeness).

You need to know the rules for combining a predicate with a subject, with a numeral, with nouns.

When completing assignments on this topic, you must use lecture material and practical lesson material. In addition, the following literature is recommended:

1. Culture of Russian speech: Textbook for universities / [etc.]; resp. ed.: , ; RAS. Institute rus. language them. . – M.: NORM: INFRA – M, 2001. – 560 p.

2. Vvedenskaya language and culture of speech for engineers: textbook. allowance / , . – Rostov-n/D: Phoenix, 2003. – 384 p.

3. Culture of oral and written speech of a business person: Handbook-workshop for self-education/, etc. – 4th ed. – M.: Flinta: Nauka, 2002. – 315 p.

4. Culture of Russian speech: encyclopedic dictionary-reference book / under general. director: etc.; RAS. Institute of Russian Language named after. -va. – M.: Flinta: Nauka, 2003. – 840 p.

Complete test tasks

01. A grammatically correct sentence is as follows

1) Looking at this lilac branch, I remembered my youth.

2) Living in the monastery, Mtsyri did not abandon dreams of freedom.

3) Listening to Mozart’s music, we are never left with the feeling of being part of a miracle.

4) Climbing onto the roof of the barn, Pavka had a clear view of the Leshchinskys’ garden.

02. A grammatically correct continuation of a sentence is

Having met a new neighbor,

1) I invited him to come to me

2) he immediately felt more cheerful

3) greetings were exchanged

4) the door closed tightly

03. A grammatically correct continuation of a sentence is

After reading this letter,

a) I felt sorry for my sister

b) I was delighted with the offer made to me

c) I had a desire to visit a friend

d) a miracle happened to me

04. A sentence with an error in the use of the participial phrase is

1) Heavy clouds crawled across the sky, hiding the stars that had already begun to fade.

2) Some night bird flew low over the ground and, noticing us, shuddered, rustled its wings and flew to the other side of the river.

3) The charter after classes was not read to me.

05. The prepositional case form in which an error was made is

1) feel homesick

2) be sad about your brother

3) grieve for mother

4) miss you

06. The prepositional case form in which an error was made is

1) for health reasons

2) at the end of the performance

3) upon receipt of a response

07. A grammatically correct sentence is

1) After reviewing the list of students who took the exam.

2) Everyone who worked at the plant rested in the sanatorium.

3) The choir performed “Kalinka”.

4) High school students from this school participated and won it


08. Sentences according to the number of grammatical bases are divided into

1) exclamation and non-exclamation

2) interrogative and incentive

3) simple and complex

4) common and uncommon

09. A complex sentence consisting of two one-part sentences is

1) There are still frosts at night, but there is already a whiff of spring in the air.

2) We crossed another pass, and a beautiful view opened up to our eyes.

3) It’s nice to see the last snow melting.

4) It was a little dawning when they woke us up.

10. The prepositional case form is used correctly in the phrase

1) review of the article

2) review of the book

3) head of the department

11. Using the preposition “thanks to” is a sentence error

1) Thanks to a reasonable preparation schedule, students successfully passed the exam.

2) Thanks to the skill of the driver, no accident occurred.

3) Thanks to a strong flood, life in the village is paralyzed.

12. Syntactic norms are violated in the sentence

1) The climbers climbed a mountain that was completely covered with snow.

2) The streets are lined with acacia trees, through the leaves of which the sky was visible.

3) It is very difficult to depict the feeling that I experienced.

4) Andrey began to feed the squirrel a bun, which descended from the tree onto his shoulder.

13. The phrase is formed by the method of adjoining

1) master of invention

2) sign up for a club

3) listen to advice

4) believe sacredly

14. The correct option is

1) according to the law

2) in accordance with the law

3) according to the law

15. The correct option is

1) a role played at the theater

2) go to the village

3) sale of tickets to Moscow

16. Agreement is broken in the sentence

1) Applicants are people entering a higher education institution.

2) Two American girls live in our hostel.

3) Electric trains to Zelenogorsk depart every half hour.

17. An error in using the case form after transitive verbs is

1) doesn't waste time

2) one cannot fail to recognize his success

3) never saw Elbrus

4) did not hide her joy

18. The agreement of the definition with a common noun is violated in the sentence

1) Misha has a big sweet tooth

2) This boy is a terrible fidget

3) Masha is such a badass

19. Grammatical agreement is violated in the phrase

1) experienced doctor Ivanova

2) famous fashion designer Coco Chanel

3) doctor Petrova entered the room

20. The prepositional case form in which the error was made is

1) pay for travel

2) be surprised by the results

3) reproach for callousness

4) hinder career

21. When choosing the case form of the controlled word, an error was made in the variant

1) Last month he did not receive any letters.

2) I can’t help but tell you the good news.

3) She did not hide her resentment.

4) He never saw Elbrus.

22. The predicate agrees with the subject and is correct in the option

1) Three benches stood at the door.

2) Most of the poet’s works are devoted to the theme of love.

3) Five students entered the classroom.

23. When agreeing a predicate with a subject that has an application, an error was made in the sentence

1) The new chair-bed should be located by the window.

2) The raincoat-tent is rolled up and thrown into a corner.

3) The female doctor gave a referral to the hospital.

4) Izvestia has already repeatedly raised this problem.

24. When agreeing a definition with a noun, an error was made in the sentence

1) Two best friends left to study in another city.

2) Two new car models have gone on sale.

3) Over the past three months, many artists have visited the city.

4) We spent two whole months preparing for the exam.

25. An error was made in the sentence

1) The book lying on the table has been read.

2) The book lying on the table has been read.

3) The book lying on the table has been read.

Topic “Dictionaries - sources of knowledge”

Dictionaries deepen the understanding of words and contribute to the development of logical thinking. Constantly referring to dictionaries will allow you to complete these test tasks. From etymological dictionaries you can find out how the word was formed and what its morphemic composition is. Explanatory dictionaries allow you to explain a word and determine its meaning. Semonymic dictionaries - they interpret not individual words, but two or more, when combined, the relationship between sound and (or) meaning is taken into account. Phraseological dictionaries explain the meanings of phraseological units and their use in speech.

When completing assignments on this topic, you must use lecture material and practical lesson material. In addition, the following literature is recommended:

1. Culture of Russian speech: Textbook for universities / [etc.]; resp. ed.: , ; RAS. Institute rus. language them. . – M.: NORM: INFRA – M, 2001. – 560 p.

2. Vvedenskaya language and culture of speech for engineers: textbook. allowance / , . – Rostov-n/D: Phoenix, 2003. – 384 p.

3. Bylkova language and culture of speech: a manual for universities/, . – M.: Rostov-n/D: MarT, 2005. – 304 p.

4. Culture of Russian speech: encyclopedic dictionary-reference book / under general. director: etc.; RAS. Institute of Russian Language named after. -va. – M.: Flinta: Nauka, 2003. – 840 p.

Complete test tasks

01. Lexicography is

4) spelling and dialect

05. The origin of the word is explained in the dictionary

1) terminological

2) etymological

3) word formation

4) orthoepic

06. Numerous dialects are described in dictionaries

1) etymological

2) dialect

3) phraseological

07. The meanings of consonant words are explained in the dictionary

1) synonyms

2) etymological

3) phraseological

4) paronyms

08. The pronunciation of the word is explained in the dictionary

1) etymological

2) orthoepic

3) terminological

4) phraseological

09. All morphemes that make up a word are highlighted in the dictionary

1) phraseological

2) orthoepic

3) word formation

4) spelling

10. Language terms are explained in the dictionary

1) intelligently

2) etymological

3) synonyms


1. , . Russian language and speech culture: a textbook for secondary vocational education. 1st ed. – Rostov n/d: Phoenix, 2011 – 381 p.


1. Vvedenskaya speech: textbook / – Rostov n/D: Phoenix, 2011 – 379 pp. – (Secondary vocational education.

2. Orlov’s language and speech culture for medical universities: textbook. manual /.-Rostov n/Donu: Phoenix, 2011 – 463 p.

3., Kovaleva in healthcare institutions [Electronic resource]: – Volgograd, 2004. – 278 p.

4. Bylkova language and culture of speech: / , . – M.: Rostov-n/D: MarT, 2005. – 304 p.

5. Vvedenskaya language and culture of speech for engineers: textbook. allowance / , . – Rostov-n/D: Phoenix, 2003. – 384 p.

6. Golub language and speech culture: textbook. allowance ov/ . – M.: Logos, 2007. – 432 p.

7. Goldin, language and culture of speech: textbook /, ; edited by ; Saratov. State University named after .–3rd ed., Ster.–M.: URSS, 2003.– 216 p.



on independent work for medical college students

in the discipline "Russian language and culture of speech"

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3 METHODOLOGICAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR PRACTICAL CLASSES IN THE RUSSIAN LANGUAGE Explanatory note Methodological guidelines for practical classes in the Russian language are intended to implement State requirements for the minimum content and level of training of graduates in the specialties of primary and secondary vocational education. The guidelines are intended for conducting 6 practical and laboratory classes and three tests in the form of testing of various levels of complexity and are aimed at developing practical knowledge, skills in working with a microscope, microspecimens, the ability to solve genetic problems, developing students’ independent thinking, and the ability to compare , analyze biological processes and phenomena. For each practical and laboratory lesson, the following are defined: topic, questions to prepare for the lesson, purpose, list of skills that students must master during the completion of tasks. For each lesson, equipment and various tasks of different types and complexity are provided. As a result of mastering the practical part of the program, the student should know: general information about the Russian language as a system; basic units and levels of language, their characteristics and relationships; spelling, lexical, grammatical, spelling and punctuation norms of the modern Russian literary language. be able to: exercise speech self-control; master functional styles; observe spelling and punctuation standards; use Russian language dictionaries and reference books. During the work, students document the results of practical assignments in a notebook. The tasks in the manual are presented in the form of tests, dictations and tests. After each lesson, the notebook is given to the teacher for evaluation. Dictation is one of the main forms of testing spelling and punctuation literacy. The volume of the dictation is set: words. (When counting words, both independent and function words are taken into account.) When assessing the dictation, spelling and punctuation errors are corrected, but not taken into account: 1) in the hyphenation of words; 2) in words with unverifiable spellings, on which no special work was carried out; 3) in conveying the author's punctuation. Mistakes, incorrect spellings that distort the sound appearance of words are corrected, but not taken into account, for example: “rapotet” (instead of working), “dulpo” (instead of duplo), “memlya” (instead of earth). Mark Number of errors (spelling and punctuation) “5” 0/0, 0/1, 1/0 (minor error) “4” 2/2, 1/3, 0/4, 3/0, 3/1 (if errors of the same type) “3” 4/4, 3/5, 0/7, 5/4 in 5th grade; 6/6 (if there are errors of the same type and not gross) “2” 7/7, 6/8, 5/9, 8/6

4 In a test consisting of a dictation and an additional (phonetic, lexical, spelling, grammatical, etc.) task, two marks are given (for the dictation and for the additional task). When assessing the completion of additional tasks, it is recommended to be guided by the following: “5” the student completed all tasks correctly “4” the student completed at least 3/4 of the tasks correctly “3” at least half of the tasks were completed NOTE Spelling and punctuation errors made when completing additional tasks are taken into account when grading a dictation. Two minor errors are counted as one: 1) exceptions to the rules, 2) writing a capital letter in compound proper names, 3) combined and separate spelling of adverbs, the spelling of which is not regulated by the rules, 4) separate and combined spelling NOT with adjectives and participles appearing in the role of a predicate, 5) writing Y-I after prefixes, 6) cases of difficult differentiation between particles NOT and NI in sentences, 7) writing proper names of non-Russian origin, 8) placing one punctuation mark instead of another, 9) skipping one of the combined punctuation marks or violation of their sequence. Repeated errors (in the same word or in the roots of words with the same root) are counted as one error. Errors of the same type (per rule related to the grammatical form of a word or its phonetic features) are counted as follows: the first 3 errors of the same type are counted as one, each subsequent one is counted as an independent error. List of practical works 1. Indicate Old Slavonicisms, neologisms, historicisms. 2.Completing test tasks on the topic “Vocabulary” 3.Principles of Russian spelling. 4. Analysis of composition and word-formation analysis 5. Performing spelling tests. 6.Completing a task on the topic “Spelling N and NN in different parts of speech.” 7.Completing grammatical tasks related to numerals. 8.Indicate pronouns and their category. 9.Completing test tasks on the topic “Spelling of pronouns.” 10.Completing test tasks on the topic “Morphology and Spelling”. 11. Exercise on the topic “Fine and artistic means.” 12. Exercise on the topic “Language means of journalistic style.” 13. Argumentation of the student’s own position when working on an essay. 14. Copy by putting the required sign at the end of the sentence. 15.Copy it down, placing a dash where necessary. 16. Determine the types of connections between words in a simple sentence. 17. Training exercise “Addition in the form of the genitive case for verbs with negation.” 18. Write off, find clarifying circumstances. Explain punctuation. 19. training exercises on the topic “Introductory words, introductory sentences, introductory constructions.”

5 20.Copy using punctuation marks. Explain their arrangement. 21. Presentation. Tests 1. Thematic control on the topic “Phonetics. Orthoepy. Spelling". 2. Thematic control on the topic “Expressive word-formation means.” 3. Control dictation. 4. Analysis of the control dictation. 5. Completing Unified State Exam tasks 6. Final test 7-8. Final work in Unified State Exam form (2 hours). 9. Test on the topic “Peculiarities of the use of minor members of a sentence.” 10. Thematic control on the topic “Homogeneous members of a sentence.” 11.Completing test tasks based on Unified State Examination materials. 12. Test on the topic “Isolation of secondary members of a sentence.” 13.Analysis of test work. 14. Thematic control on the topic “Complex sentence”. 15. Test dictation on the topic “Complex sentences.” 16. Test control based on Unified State Examination materials. Final test (2 hours). Practical work 1. Grekov V.F. A manual for Russian language classes in high school.

6 Complete the practical tasks in your notebook: Task 1. Find Old Church Slavonicisms and indicate the same root Russian word for each of them. (Page 50 exercise 61) Task 2. Indicate neologisms and individual author’s neologisms. (p. 56 exercise 73) Task 3. Indicate historicisms. (p. 55 exercise 70) Practical work 2 Complete test tasks 01. Violation of lexical compatibility is an error in the case of 1) exhibits of the exhibition 2) excellent scoundrel 3) living corpse 4) obvious-incredible 02. The lexical meaning is indicated incorrectly in case 1) full face facing the beholder 2) vernissage the place where the exhibition takes place 3) credo rule, principle 4) companion member of a trading or industrial company 03. The highlighted word is used figuratively in the phrase 1) cold rain 2) cold soup 3) cold look 4) cold morning 04. The norms of word combinations are violated in the phrase 1) cheap prices 2) elected position 3) effective method 4) provide the word 05. The lexical meaning is indicated incorrectly in the case of 1) luminary, old wise man 2) declaration, an official document with a message of some kind necessary information 3) catalog list of homogeneous documents 4) barter exchange of goods or services without money 06. The norms for the compatibility of words are violated in the phrase 1) be proud of successes 2) passionately resist 3) protest 4) forgive mistakes 07. The lexical meaning is indicated incorrectly in the case 1) debut first successful public performance 2) sold out announcement that all tickets have been sold 3) rarity equal relationships, equal position 4) politician unprincipled political figure 08. The highlighted word is used figuratively in the phrase

7 1) black dress 2) black mascara 3) black work 4) black eyes 09. In this sentence, the nature of the speech error is In former times, students were punished with soldiering for great deeds. 1) verbosity (pleonasm) 2) tautology 3) violation of lexical compatibility 4) confusion of paronyms 10. Lexical compatibility is broken intentionally in the case of 1) first premiere 2) overwhelming majority 3) obvious-incredible 4) night serenade 11. Lexical compatibility is broken intentionally in case 1) private property 2) progress forward 3) tiny little things 4) leading leader 12. In one of the options, homophones are 1) opened the door, boiled vegetables 2) sparrow beat the thief 3) hands (of the clock) hands (brave) 13. Synonymous series , in which there is an “extra” word, this is 1) founder, initiator, founder 2) upset, sadden, deceive 3) aspiration, dream, hope 14. The option accurately conveys the meaning of the highlighted word Each applicant for the position of manager should take care of his image. 1) authority 2) characterization 3) image 15. The version of N. Berberova was already 70 years old when she began working on her famous memoirs “My Italics” accurately conveys the meaning of the highlighted word. 1) autobiography 2) memoirs 3) diary entries 16. The option accurately conveys the meaning of the highlighted word. At the mouth of this small African river, researchers discovered rich flora. 1) nature 2) fauna 3) vegetation 17. The lexical meaning of the word is indicated incorrectly in the example 1) aboriginal person living in the jungle 2) subscriber person or institution with a subscription

8 3) tricky intrigue, evil trick 4) phantom ghost, apparition 18. The lexical meaning of the word “time pressure” is 1) wrong decision 2) acute lack of time 3) advantage 4) natural disaster 19. Pairs of words are not antonyms it is 1) a lot little 2) above under 3) my yours 4) I you 20. The correct meaning of the word adaptation, given its spelling, is 1) adaptation of the body 2) adoption 21. The correct meaning of the word campaign, given its spelling, is 1) society 2) activity 22. A synonym for the word crow, used in a figurative meaning, is 1) a gape 2) a weakling 3) a bird 23. A synonym for the word hare, used in a figurative meaning, is 1) a hare 2) a coward 3) a white hare 24. The phraseological unit to go all in means 1) go forward 2) act, risking everything 3) act stupidly, imprudently 25. The phraseological combination of throwing pearls before swine means 1) trying to please someone 2) in vain to prove something to someone who cannot or does not want to understand 3) to do something aimlessly 26. A paronym for the word judge is 1) humanistic 2) humane 27. A paronym for the word tribe is 1) military 2) warlike 28. A paronym for the phrase complexion is 1) earthy 2) earthy

9 Practical work 3 Complete the practical tasks in your notebook: Task 1. Indicate: a) the morphological spellings of prefixes and roots being tested; b) unverifiable morphological (traditional) spellings of roots; c) writing prefixes and roots that deviate from the morphological principle. Page 81 exercise 102. Practical work 4 General repetition on the topic “Morphemics and word formation.” Task 1. Fill in the table “Ways of forming words” with your examples. Method of formation Examples 1. Prefixal 2. Suffixal 3. Prefix-suffixal 4. Non-suffixal 5. Addition 6. Merger 7. Transition of words from one part of speech to another Practical work 5 1. Define the concept of “spelling” 2. Place emphasis in words , in case of difficulty, consult the dictionary: meteorologist, growth, charm, winter, paradox, become embittered, pullover; 3. Rewrite, inserting the missing letters, opening parentheses and placing punctuation marks: Ra(s, ss) it was damp, cold, (milky) white wisps of fog hung over the Angara. (For) the (un)forgotten pictures of the little bridge on one side of which there is calm Angarsk water and on the other there is sandy soil; two gigantic excavators shot arrows from the banks. In the silent morning silence, their motors howled without a beetle with a clanging sound so that the earth shook under their feet and sank into the morning soil into lice with large teeth polished to a shine. Having used special powerful lighting installations, the cinematographers began filming the ceiling. A sigh swept through the crowd and water appeared. Another blow to the lice and the foamy heavy handle floated with clods of earth (in) the bottom, into the tlovan. pan. Practical work 6. Completing a task on the topic “Spelling N and NN in different parts of speech.” Write by inserting the missing letters. (p. 220 exercise 350) Task 2.

10 Prepare an oral explanation of the spelling. Practical work 7. Completing grammatical tasks related to numerals. Rewrite, replacing numbers with words. To 795 rubles 72 kopecks add 11 rubles. The ship set sail with 778 passengers. From subtract 34. The travelers traveled from 340 to 350 kilometers. How many kopecks are there in 1893 rubles? The commander with 899 soldiers descended into the valley. How many tens of rubles are there in rubles? Subtract 18 from 2892. Practical work 8. Read. Find the pronouns and indicate their category. (p. 171 exercise 264) Practical work 9. Completing test tasks on the topic “Spelling of pronouns.” Tsybulko I.P. Unified State Exam Russian language. Training tasks. M.: Enlightenment, Eksmo, p. Practical work 10. Completing test tasks on the topic “Morphology and ilphography”. Complete test tasks 01. The correct version of the use of numerals is 1) two sick 2) five children 3) for three days 4) work for three 02. The incorrect version of the entry (surnames in I.p. are given in brackets) is Roses for 1) Olga Zaretskikh (Zaretskikh) 2) Alexey Stepanenko (Stepanenko) 3) Andrey Makarevich (Makarevich) 4) Margarita Yantsen (Yantzen) 03. The gender of the highlighted noun is Little sweet tooth Petya ate all the candies. 1) general 2) average 3) female 4) male

11 04. The sentence with a grammatical error is 1) The Academy has seven comfortable dormitories and four canteens. 2) Seven girls and five boys left school. 3) On both sides of the road there were slender pine trees. 4) The Bolshoi Theater opens its two hundred and tenth season. 05. Incorrect entry (surnames in I.P. are given in brackets) are Stamps for 1) Nadezhda Poteyko (Poteyko) 2) Zinaida Walter (Walter) 3) Sergei Kuzminykh (Kuzminykh) 4) Vladimir Karasik (Karasik) 06. Sentence with a grammatical error it is 1) Vershok is an old Russian measure of length equal to one sixteenth of an arshin, approximately four point forty-four hundredths of a centimeter. 2) All twenty-two teams serving one thousand three hundred hectares of vineyards are under contract. 3) A week and a half has passed. 07. Incorrect entry (last names in I.P. are given in brackets) is Flowers transferred to. 1) Antonina Shevchuk (Shevchuk) 2) Vitaly Remnya (Belt) 3) Dmitry Chernykh (Chernykh) 4) Natalia Shabinyago (Shabinyago) 08. The gender of the highlighted noun is Masha the big sweet tooth. 1) female 2) male 3) average 4) general 09. Incorrect entry (surnames in I. p. are given in brackets) this Application was submitted from. 1) Oleg Mitskevich (Mitskevich) 2) Antonina Venda (Venda) 3) Konstantin Zhivago (Zhivago) 4) Natalia Sedykh (Sedykh) 10. With an error in the formation of the word form example 1) I miss you 2) lay down on the bed 3) forty grams 4) three girls 11. Sentence with a grammatical error 1) Three students received “excellent” marks in the exam 2) The girls had beautiful bracelets on both hands 3) Two presidents came out to the journalists 4) Holiday candles were burning in both windows 12. Feminine noun this is 1) rail

12 2) shampoo 3) callus 4) penalty 13. A noun that is used only in the plural form is 1) dirty 2) name day 3) schools 4) officers Practical work 11. Completing assignments based on the Unified State Exam materials. Practical work 12. Exercise on the topic “Fine and artistic means.” Fill out the table “Language means of speech styles.” Speech style Speech objectives Linguistic means (lexical, grammatical) Conversational style Scientific style Official business style Practical work 13. Exercise on the topic “Language means of journalistic style.” Fill out the table “Language means of journalistic speech style.” Speech style Speech objectives Language means (lexical, grammatical) Journalistic style Practical work 14. Argumentation of the student’s own position when working on an essay. Based on a fragment of a story by M. Khudyakov. Write an essay based on the text you read. Task 2. Formulate the author’s position. Write whether you agree or disagree with his point of view. Explain why. Justify your answer based on knowledge, life or reading experience. The essay should be at least 150 words. If the essay is a retelling or completely rewritten of the original text without any comments, then such work is scored zero points. Practical work 15. Copy by putting the required sign at the end of the sentence.

13 (p. 250 exercise 383) Copy it by putting the required sign at the end of the sentence. Task 2. Indicate declarative, motivating and interrogative sentences. Which ones are exclamation marks? Task 3. Explain the use of ellipses. Practical work 16. Copy, placing a dash where necessary. (p. 255, exercise 392) Write it down, underlining in sentences with a nominal compound predicate the subject with one line, and the predicate with two. Task 2. Place a dash where necessary. Practical work 17. Determine the types of connections between words in a simple sentence. (p. 252 exercise 388) Indicate the types of connections between words in a simple sentence. Practical work 18. Training exercise “Addition in the form of the genitive case for verbs with negation.” (p. 258 exercise 396) Copy it by inserting the negation not instead of dots and rearranging the sentences accordingly. Practical work 19. Write off, find clarifying circumstances. Explain punctuation. (p. 291 exercise 430) Read, find clarifying circumstances. Exercise. Explain punctuation. Practical work 20. Training exercises on the topic “Introductory words, introductory sentences, introductory constructions.”

14 (p. 295 exercise 437) Find introductory words, addresses and interjections. Task 2. Tell us about the role of introductory words in our speech. Practical work 21. Copy using punctuation marks. Explain their arrangement. (p. 308 exercise 453) Form a complex sentence from a simple common sentence. Task 2. Explain punctuation marks. Practical work 22. Presentation. A collection of texts for conducting a written exam in the Russian language for a basic school course. Rybchenkova L.M., Sklyarova V.L. M.: Bustard, Tests.

15 1. Thematic control on the topic “Phonetics. Orthoepy. Spelling". Dictation Benefit performance of a nightingale Test and test work in the Russian language class. : Textbook / Comp. V.V.Ezhov-Stroitelev; - M.: Astrel Publishing House LLC, (p. 474) 2. Thematic control on the topic “Expressive word-formation means.” Training assignments in the Russian language on the topic “Morphemics and word formation.” 3. Control dictation. Tests and tests in the Russian language class. : Textbook / Comp. V.V.Ezhov-Stroitelev; - M.: Astrel Publishing House LLC, (p. 473) 4. Analysis of the control dictation. Dictation A gardener from a small town. Work on mistakes. 5.Completing Unified State Exam assignments. Tsybulko I.P. Unified State Exam Russian language. Training tasks. M.: Enlightenment, Eksmo, p. 6 7.Final work in the form of the Unified State Exam. Tsybulko I.P. Unified State Exam Russian language. Training tasks. M.: Enlightenment, Eksmo, p. 8. Test on the topic “Peculiarities of the use of minor members of a sentence.” (p. 260 exercise 399) Copy it, putting the words given in brackets in the correct case. If necessary, add appropriate prepositions. 9. Thematic control on the topic “Homogeneous members of a sentence.” Tests and tests in the Russian language class. : Textbook / Comp. V.V.Ezhov-Stroitelev; - M.: Astrel Publishing House LLC, (p. 180) Place punctuation marks. Task2. Indicate the members of the sentence (in 5, 10 sentences) and ways of expressing them. 10.Completing test tasks based on Unified State Examination materials.

16 Tsybulko I.P. Unified State Exam Russian language. Training tasks. M.: Enlightenment, Eksmo, p. 11. Test on the topic “Isolation of minor members of a sentence.” Tests and tests in the Russian language class. : Textbook / Comp. V.V. Ezhov-Stroitelev; - M.: Astrel Publishing House LLC, (p. 207) Dictation Ryty Mar. Grammar tasks. Indicate the members of the sentence and ways of expressing them. 12Analysis of test work. Work on mistakes. 13. Thematic control on the topic “Complex sentence”. Tests and tests in the Russian language class. : Textbook / Comp. V.V.Ezhov-Stroitelev; - M.: Astrel Publishing House LLC, (p. 344) 14. Test dictation on the topic “Complex sentences.” Tests and tests in the Russian language class. : Textbook / Comp. V.V.Ezhov-Stroitelev; - M.: Astrel Publishing House LLC, (p. 269) Dictation The Frozen Sea. 15. Test control based on Unified State Exam materials. Tsybulko I.P. Unified State Exam Russian language. Training tasks. M.: Education, Eksmo, with Final test (2 hours). Tests and tests in the Russian language class. : Textbook / Comp. V.V.Ezhov-Stroitelev; - M.: Astrel Publishing House LLC, (p. 577) Dictation. Grammar tasks.

17 I option. Do a phonetic analysis: smooth surface II option Do a phonetic analysis: city. Task 2. I option. Make a morphological analysis: (on) the ground. Option II. Make a morphological analysis: (in) the city. Task 3. I option. Parse the fourth sentence. Option II. Parse the tenth sentence. Bibliography

18 1Antonova E.S., Voiteleva T.M. Russian language and culture of speech. Textbook for secondary specialized educational institutions. M., Bylkova Russian language and culture of speech: / S.V. Bylkova, E.Yu. Makhnitskaya. M.: Rostov-n/D: MarT, with 3Vvedenskaya L.A. Culture of speech: textbook / L.A. Vvedenskaya Rostov n/a: Phoenix, p. (Secondary vocational education) with 4. Vlasenkov A.I., Rybchenkova L.M., Russian language: Grammar. Textbook for classes M, Voiteleva T.M. Russian language and speech culture: didactic materials: textbook. allowance for students avg. prof. textbook institutions M., Golub I.B. Russian language and speech culture: textbook. manual ov / I.B. Golub. M.: Logos, p. 7. Goldin, V.E. Russian language and culture of speech: textbook / V.E. Goldin, O.B. Sirotinina, M.A. Yagubova; edited by ABOUT. Sirotinina; Saratov. State University named after N.G. Chernyshevsky. 3rd ed., erased M.: URSS, p. 8. Grekov V.F. A manual for Russian language classes in high school. M.: Education, Russian language and culture of speech, ed. Chernyak V.D., SPO, St. Petersburg M.: Saga forum, 2005

The work program for the Russian language in grades 0 and 1 is compiled on the basis of the Program “Goltsova N.G. Program for the textbook “Russian language. 0-grades" (Authors: N.G. Goltsova, I.V. Shamshin, M.A. Mishcherina) / N.G.

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Saratov State University named after N.G. Chernyshevsky Office of the Regional Center for Pre-University Education APPROVED " " 20 Working

Thematic planning with the definition of the main types of educational activities Subject of the lesson Type of activity of students in the lesson. Type of control Sample homework 1 2 3 4 5 The role of language in society.

The working curriculum of the academic discipline was developed on the basis of an exemplary program of the academic discipline “Russian Language”, author Voiteleva T.M., Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of the Federal State Institution “FIRO” of the Ministry of Education and Science

Specification of the annual control dictation in the Russian language in the 6th grade. 1. Purpose of intermediate certification Interim certification is carried out to determine the level of mastery by students of grade 6

Norms and main criteria for assessing students' written work Dictation is one of the main forms of testing spelling and punctuation literacy. For dictations, it is advisable to use coherent texts,


Norms for assessing students' knowledge, abilities and skills in the Russian language “Assessment Norms” are designed to ensure the same requirements for students’ knowledge, abilities and skills in the Russian language. Assessment of students’ oral responses

CALENDAR AND THEMATIC PLANNING OF LESSONS in the academic discipline OUD. 01 Russian language Group 11 A Teacher: Pupaeva S.A. Number of hours for the training period: 78 hours Practical training - 46 hours

Russian language requirements have been developed for VIESU applicants in 2016 entering a bachelor's degree program on the basis of secondary general education. The requirements are based on the federal government

CALENDAR AND THEMATIC PLANNING OF LESSONS in the academic discipline OUD. 01 Russian language and literature: Russian language Group 13-T (part-time department) Teacher: Pupaeva S.A. Number of hours per period


Codifier of content elements, Russian language, grades 10-11 Section 1. The list of content elements tested during the final test in the Russian language in grades 10-11 has been compiled

PROGRAM of the entrance exam in the Russian language for applicants on the basis of basic general secondary education for the specialty 44.02.02 TEACHING IN PRIMARY CLASSES 39.02.01 SOCIAL WORK

AUTONOMOUS NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION OF HIGHER EDUCATION "INSTITUTE OF ECONOMICS AND MANAGEMENT" (ANO VO "IEU") AGREED Decision of the Academic Council Minutes 27/02 dated February 27, 2017 Admissions program

The work program for the Russian language consists of 4 sections: 1. Planned results of mastering the academic subject 2. Content of the academic subject 3. Thematic planning (indicating the number of hours


MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Kazan National Research Technical University"

Contents 1. General information... 3 2. Contents of the general education entrance test in the Russian language... 3 3. References... 6 1. General information This program is formed on the basis

The work program was developed in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of Secondary (Complete) General Education (grades 10-11), the Federal State Educational Standard

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Federal state budgetary educational institution of higher education Tolyatti State University APPROVED THE PROGRAM

Technical planning of a distance course in the Russian language for grade 10 of the Specialized Educational and Scientific Center of NSU (68 hours in total) Topic The role of language in society 1 Russian language in the modern world I. Module


PROGRAM OF ENTRANCE TEST IN THE RUSSIAN LANGUAGE 1. General provisions The purpose of the entrance test in the Russian language: to show intellectual, social, general cultural and communicative

Municipal budgetary educational institution of the Togliatti urban district “School 75 named after I.A. Krasyuka" Adopted by the pedagogical council Minutes 12 of 06/28/2017 APPROVED by: Director of the MBU "School"

Standards for assessing the knowledge, skills and abilities of students in the Russian language Monitoring of learning results is carried out in three areas: - the student’s ability to analyze speech sounds, words,

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION federal state budgetary educational institution of higher education 14>lya1 State University ADMISSION PROGRAM

Program of the entrance test for the general education subject “Russian language” I. Explanatory note. Entrance tests in the Russian language are conducted in written form using test tasks.

I. The work program was revised at the meeting of the PCC: Minutes dated 0. Chairman of the PCC (signature) (I.O. Last name) II. The work program was revised at the PCC meeting: Minutes dated 0. Chairman of the PCC (signature)

Appendix of the Basic General Education Program of the educational program of secondary general education, approved by Order 240 of 08/30/206 Work program of the subject “Russian Language” 0-grade

2 1. Duration of the entrance test: 90 minutes 2. Evaluation criteria, grading scale: Practical work is assessed in accordance with the content and objectives of the work on a 100-point basis

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation NOU HE "Institute of Economics and Law (Nazran)" PROGRAM OF ENTRANCE TESTS IN THE RUSSIAN LANGUAGE (INTERVIEW) Nazran 2015 1 Program

Approximate planning of Russian language lessons in 7th grade Textbook: “Russian language. Textbook for 7th grade" (authors: Natalya Beresneva, Natalya Nechunaeva). *Planning is based on

Municipal state educational institution “Secondary school named after. A.Yu.Baisultanova" Work program in the Russian language for grade 0 for the 07-08 academic year of teacher Fatima Bazieva

CALENDAR-THEMIC PLANNING (grade 0) sub-topic Lesson topic Number of hours Calendar dates According to plan In fact Note General information about language (7 hours) Language and society. Language and culture. Languages

PROGRAM FOR ENTRANCE TEST IN THE RUSSIAN LANGUAGE Explanatory note As an academic subject, the Russian language is of great importance when studying in higher educational institutions, since it is not only

Classes Name of sections and topics Number of hours Introduction 3 Subject and objectives of the course “Russian language and speech culture” Numbering of lessons Calendar dates for studying topics Equipment and form of conducting classes

Explanatory note. The program was developed on the basis of: 1Order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated 03/05/2004 1089 “On approval of the federal component of state educational standards for primary

1 Explanatory note In connection with the modernization of Russian education, the introduction of a new Federal basic curriculum, as well as the Unified State Exam, the requirements for the level of

Appendix.. to the Basic educational program of secondary general education of MAOU Lyceum 39, approved by order 62-2 of August 3, 207. WORK PROGRAM of the academic subject “RUSSIAN LANGUAGE” for grade 0 Explanatory

Ministry of Education of the Nizhny Novgorod Region State budgetary educational institution of secondary vocational education Bogorodsk Polytechnic College Entrance test program

Program for the entrance test in the Russian language 1. General information about the language Modern Russian literary language as a subject of scientific study. Russian literary language standardized and processed

The program of the general education entrance test, conducted independently by KubSU, in the Russian language. Language system. Basic concepts of phonetics, graphics, orthoepy. Sounds and letters. Phonetic analysis.

Russian language. Textbook: Russian language: textbook. for 7th grade of general education institutions / M. T. Baranov, T. A. Ladyzhenskaya, L. A. Trostentsova and others; scientific ed. N. M. Shansky. M.: Education, 2007. Students

Criteria for assessing spelling literacy In students' written works, there are two types of incorrect spellings: spelling errors and typos. Spelling errors constitute a violation

After receiving the test tasks, pay attention to their completeness and check the quality of the printed documents. During the test, all participants must: after the announcement by the organizer

St. Petersburg State University RUSSIAN LANGUAGE entrance test PROGRAM Section I. Main questions and topics. At the Russian language exam, the applicant must demonstrate fluent

EXPLANATORY NOTE The work program is compiled in accordance with the Mandatory minimum content of secondary (complete) general education, based on program and methodological materials in the Russian language

Abstract to the work program The work program in the Russian language for grades 10-12 is compiled on the basis of the Federal Component of the state standard of secondary general education of the author's Program

2 includes open-type tasks, during which it is necessary to formulate an answer and format it in the form of a word (phrase), number or combination of letters and numbers. 6. Number of tasks in one option

Explanatory note This additional educational program is designed to help prepare primary school students (9th grade) for the final certification in the Russian language. It does not involve replacement

1. CRITERIA FOR EVALUATING KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS OF APPLICANTS The entrance test in the Russian language is carried out in the form of testing. The entrance test includes 50 tasks, divided into sections: phonetics

Appendix 3.1. to the educational program of basic general education Work program for the Russian language 7th grade basic level for the 2016-2017 academic year Developed by: MO teachers of Russian language and literature

The textbook provides the necessary theoretical information on the main sections of the Russian language course; exercises are provided to consolidate acquired knowledge and develop the ability to analyze language material,

CONTENTS CONTENTS 2 I. EXPLANATORY NOTE 3 Objectives of the entrance test 3 The procedure for conducting entrance tests (type, forms, time 3 allocated for their conduct) Criteria for assessing written

Codifier of content elements and requirements for the level of training of graduates of general education institutions for conducting diagnostic tests in the RUSSIAN LANGUAGE Codifier of content elements

1 Marketing - a system of measures to study the market and actively influence consumer demand

2 Mentality - the vocabulary of a nation

3 Analogy - similarity in some respect between objects

4 Adaptation - a state of complete indifference, indifference

5 Parity - equality, equal position, equal rights of the parties

6 Incident is a case. incident (usually of an unpleasant nature), misunderstanding, collision.

7 Alternative - the need to choose from two or more mutually exclusive possibilities, as well as each of these possibilities

8 Digest - the first public presentation, official introduction to any new product (product, book, magazine, etc.)

9 Euphoria - a feeling of elevated, overjoyful mood or complacency, not justified by objective conditions

10 Confrontation - rallying forces, uniting and strengthening efforts to achieve any goals

11 Profanation - distortion, perversion; disrespect for what is worthy of respect; vulgarization, desecration (of someone’s memory, teaching, work of art)

12 Relaxation is a relatively short-term, strong and violent emotional experience

13 Sensation - processing and study of any quantitative indicators

14 Odorology is the science of smells.

18. Circle the numbers of sentences in which the highlighted foreign words are inappropriate

1 The decline in inflation and the revival of production in a number of industries encourages banks to return to leasing as a very effective support for sponsored enterprises (Gas.).

2 Vasily Shukshin would be pleasantly surprised that the heroes of “Carlito’s Way” liked his plot so much... Of course, this is not remake“Kalina Red”, and Carlito is far from Shukshin’s hero, but here the motives are similar (Gaz.).

3 Only on this basis can the issue of presentations educational material and the most effective methods for developing relevant skills and abilities.

4 The reality is that candidates for the elections will be leaders of various parties already well known to society, as well as those completely unknown to citizens creatures powerful mafia structures (Gaz.).

5 Auteur cinema has lost spontaneity; it reluctantly laid bare its rational supports. And it was replaced by the author's model of cinema, mannerist constructed from fragments of old genres and myths (Gaz.).

6 A bus was fired upon on its way to shopping to Turkey, two shopper in this case three were killed and three were wounded.

7 Many pre-revolutionary intellectuals considered liberals were indifferent to questions of religion.

8 Passengers rested in canvas sun loungers on deck comfortable liner.

9 Girl confidentially admitted to her friends that she changed her name Katya to Carmen, because the latter is more impresses her appearance.

10 The friendly play of our team did not allow the Swedish players to achieve success in debut match.

11 The speaker spoke very concisely.

12 I am very pleased that today the architect quoted to such a high post (from the speech of a deputy of the Russian Parliament).

13 After the meeting of the heads of government of the CIS countries, briefing.

14 I must say that the initiative is developing. Maybe we shouldn't pass a resolution on this? I think it's quite natural. And make it out of it hype - not entirely correct (from a speech by a member of the Russian Parliament).

19. In which sentences were errors made that arose when using phraseological units?

1 The graduates, joyful and cheerful, sang their swan song at farewell.

2 A cheerful, homeric laugh was heard in the next room.

3 No one has managed to get it around their finger.

4 This student's performance leaves much to be desired.

5 The situation at the plant remains extremely bad.

6 Pavel Konstantinovich knew all his ins and outs.

7 Life did not spoil us, but we did not lose heart.

8 He doesn’t want to work, but is chasing long rubles.

9 The Gordian knot of an applicant is not to make mistakes in an essay.

10 I expressed my opinion about the play, and if anyone disagrees with me, well, may they rest in peace!

11 In a sunny clearing, the children killed the worms and walked along the road to the station.

12 The writer keeps up with the times.

13 It is necessary to give the most serious attention to preparation for exams.

14 The lecturer’s use of real-life examples has a significant effect on the audience.

15 Your proposal is of interest to us.

16 It's time to lift the curtain on this story.

17 This year Aeroflot managed to keep the flow of passengers at a high level.

Two friends met. “In general, Galochka, it’s in the bag. Yes, it’s in the bag, Galochka,” one of them says with a contrite look about her upset plans.
