How to correspond with a girl on VK. How to get a girl to like you over text on social networks

You can meet the girl of your life anywhere: at university, on the street, on a social network, in transport. However, many young people, for fear of being rejected, simply pass by without even starting a conversation. What if the young lady doesn’t want to communicate or leaves a message addressed to her on VKontakte without an answer?

All these fears will significantly decrease or even disappear altogether if the guy knows how to start a conversation with a girl and continue the conversation in the future.

The World Wide Web offers young people much greater opportunities for establishing relationships than the street - here you can meet people, communicate, without being embarrassed by a pretty stranger.

At the same time, the Internet narrows the field for maneuvers, since there is no way to express your emotions with your eyes and movements. Therefore, many young people use social networks as a starting point for further acquaintance with young ladies in “real life”.

Standard techniques for starting communication on VKontakte do not always work, since pretty girls receive many offers to meet, to which they do not even pay much attention. And to the tired phrase “Hello, how are you?” Some of them develop allergies.

You should start a conversation with a girl in such a way that she has a desire to at least continue communication on VK, and at maximum, to meet in a cafe for a cup of espresso.

How to properly build a dialogue on social networks?

  1. First of all, put your page and profile on the social network in complete order - add photos (your own), write in more detail about your hobbies. Girls will not want to meet a guy whose page does not have personal photographs.
  2. Carefully study the profile of a pretty stranger. A more detailed analysis of the page will allow you to find common points - hobbies, favorite books and films, vacation spot or preferred sport. This will help spark a more productive conversation.
  3. Ditch the corny dating phrases. Originality is the key to success and the key to normal communication. The girl will probably want to get closer to someone who doesn’t write the standard “How are you?” However, you should not get carried away with overly complex sentences, otherwise there is a risk that you simply will not be understood.
  4. If the young lady takes the bait, start communicating with neutral topics - literature, cinema, work or study. Be sure to include humor, it will smooth out some of the awkwardness of the situation. Diversify the conversation with funny stories from life.
  5. Do not post all the information about yourself en masse, leave some understatement. Also, you shouldn’t pull the “blanket” of the conversation onto yourself by not being interested in the girl at all. Ask her opinion on various points, but avoid questions related to her personal life.

Good to know! Why with a pretty girl on VK or other social networks? Certainly not from a lie. Don’t post other people’s photos of brutal handsome men, don’t attribute unusual character traits to yourself, and don’t pretend to be the son of a millionaire. Such deception will negate the possibility of further meeting in the real world.

Where to start a conversation on VK? First of all, greet your interlocutor and roughly describe the reason for meeting her.

Let us repeat once again - away with boring formulations, since they cause persistent antipathy in girls. Well, she won’t tell a stranger what she does and what the state of her affairs is!

Let's do the right thing...

  1. Presentation of motive. In the first sentence you need to state the purpose of the letter. For example: “Greetings. I noticed you in the group (name of the community), and since I’m also interested in this issue, I decided to get to know you.” Yes, it’s not a very original introduction, but your politeness will not allow the girl to be rude in response.
  2. Common interests. The reason for meeting her could be her hobbies indicated in the questionnaire: “Hello! I was looking for interesting films online and eventually found your page. We have the same tastes. I also like horror. Recommend some exciting film in this genre.” The advantage of this method is that you immediately move on to the discussion, and the conversation can be continued in a personal meeting.
  3. Request for help. Young ladies love to come to the rescue and give recommendations. Take advantage of this: “Greetings! My sister’s birthday is coming soon, and I don’t understand girls’ gifts at all. I’m looking on VKontakte for girls her age who can give me a hint.” This topic can be developed further by finding out what she likes and what gifts she prefers.
  4. Romantic acquaintance. You can start communicating on social networks with romantic phrases. Young girls usually respond with “understanding” to messages such as: “Beautiful stranger, do you believe that dreams come true? Today in a dream I saw a girl similar to you, and suddenly I meet you here..."

The described methods can be used in Contact on completely unfamiliar young ladies.

It’s another matter if a pretty person is a friend of your friend. In this case, you should greet the girl and refer to a mutual friend: “I saw your comments under his photographs, I liked your view of the world (humor, attitude to life). Maybe we can talk?”

At this stage, you need to start a conversation with the girl, add yourself to her list of friends and generally make a good impression.

After chatting a little on VKontakte, you can invite them on a personal date and then react according to the situation. The first step has been taken!

How to start a conversation with a girl on the street, in a cafe, at a party? This question worries many guys who feel insecure in front of pretty young ladies and are afraid of being rejected.

However, it’s still worth starting a conversation with an unfamiliar girl who you like. How to do it right?

  1. Start with a greeting. This is a mandatory condition and a manifestation of basic politeness. You need to approach the young lady in such a way as not to scare her (it is better to approach her face to face, but without blocking the passage), say hello and introduce yourself.
  2. The next step is to ask a question that cannot be answered in one word. Of course, give up the banality; it’s better to ask something that lies on the surface. For example, if she is walking with a dog, ask about the characteristics of the breed. This question is a kind of “hook” that you throw out for a “catch.”
  3. , just do them unobtrusively so as not to create the image of a pickup artist. The best praise is the one that describes the real qualities of an unknown girl.
  4. When thinking about where to start dating, don't forget about jokes. A man who can make a woman laugh is halfway to success. However, exclude sarcasm and evil irony; jokes should be kind and pleasant.
  5. Do you like the girl? You can give her a small nice present. If you met on the street, give them a balloon - it's very nice. If the meeting took place in a cafe, try ordering her a cup of coffee.

The next burning question is how to start communicating with a girl on the first date. To make a good impression on a young lady, use the following recommendations:

  1. Since you met not on VK, but on the street, the young girl doesn’t know you at all. So talk about yourself, but don't brag.
  2. Be interested in the personality of your interlocutor, ask her about her hobbies, literature and cinema.
  3. Give the girl the opportunity to speak out while talking at the same time. If the pause drags on, remember stories from your childhood; usually young ladies like such cute incidents.
  4. Do not ask questions of a personal nature, and do not talk about your former relationships yourself. It is especially important not to discuss ex-lovers by talking about them in a negative way.

Psychologists assure that a woman usually needs one meeting to decide whether her relationship with this man is necessary.

If you are a boring and uninteresting interlocutor, she will definitely not come to the next date and will not even pick up the phone.

Also, a girl will not want to meet if your behavior unpleasantly surprises her. For example, you interrupted her, spoke negatively about your ex-partners, condemned her hobbies or hobbies.

Advice! Therefore, on the street, in a cafe or cinema, your main task is to show your best sides and be sure to demonstrate that you like the girl.

When looking for information on how to start a conversation with a girl on VK or on the street, you should mentally prepare for possible refusals. You should not fall into despair, since often the reason for the reluctance to communicate lies not in you, but in the young lady herself.

She is probably not in the mood or has a boyfriend. If the acquaintance ends in failure, move on to another pretty person. After all, there are many free and no less beautiful girls walking nearby who also dream of meeting pleasant guys.

Hello, I am Nadezhda Plotnikova. Having successfully completed her studies at SUSU as a specialized psychologist, she devoted several years to working with children with developmental problems and consulting parents on issues of raising children. I use the experience gained, among other things, in creating articles of a psychological nature. Of course, I in no way claim to be the ultimate truth, but I hope that my articles will help dear readers deal with any difficulties.

Do you know how to correspond correctly? Do you know what to chat with a girl about?

It often happens that you are handsome and got the number of a girl you like. But what to do next? What to write to a girl about?

You need to write in such a way that she wants to answer you. So that you only fuel her interest in you. So, what should you write to a girl to make her like you?

Principles of correspondence with a girl:

1. Be original.

Do you know what your problem is? The fact that you are tedious, boring, monotonous and stereotyped. Why would she want to waste time on you?

You think you're right. You are afraid of offending her, of losing her. You're like an excellent student. But this does not evoke any emotions in her. And that's your big problem.

You write to her standard phrases: “Hello, how are you?”, “Good night”, “Good morning, did you sleep well, what did you dream?”, “How was your day?” I'm tired of all this, thousands of men write this way!

Firstly, wit is important: jokes, jokes, non-standard answers. You should put all this in a small SMS, or in correspondence on social networks.

Write outside the box: “May you dream about pink penguins”, “Did you dream that you robbed a bank?”, “Have you already conquered space today?” And so on. Act according to the situation and be unlike anyone else. That's what rules. The first contact is very important, remember this.

2. Ask the right and open questions.

Open questions are those that she cannot answer in one sentence. For example, yes/no/ok.

These are questions like “What did you do today?”, “What emotions did this film evoke in you?”, “What aftertaste did you have after our meeting?”. She will begin to list and answer you in detail. And you will start a conversation.

And further. Don't ask her how she's doing. Better ask how she's feeling. You are communicating with a girl and want to evoke emotions in her. So appeal to these emotions, ask about them! “Why did this interest you?”, “What feelings remained after this event?”

3. Write ambiguously.

When a man wants to say something to a man, he says it. And the second man hears what you told him.

A woman always looks for subtext in your words. What message do you want to convey to her? What did you want to say with this phrase?

So always use ambiguity: “I thought about you and my mood lifted, I want a hug”. When she went to shower, say: "You're wet, have a nice night."

Another advantage of ambiguous communication is that you give her the opportunity to figure out what you wanted to convey. And here the female fantasy comes into play. Women love to speculate.

Do you want to communicate with a girl in the same language? Do you want to understand her? Do you want to conquer her?

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Reasons why you are having difficulties with a girl;
- The mindset of a successful man;
- 7 critical mistakes you make when communicating with a girl.

from which you will learn:

1. The reasons for your problems with the girl;
2. Limiting beliefs that prevent you from conquering her;
3. How to win over a girl you really like.

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4. Humor.

Where would we be without humor? In winter I write to girls: “There are carrots for the snowman, let’s go build it.” She will immediately have positive emotions from your message.

In the summer you can write something like: “We went to the zoo to feed the giraffe.”

When she doesn't respond to your message for a long time, don't write "Hey where are you?". Better say: "Are you alive?". She will immediately turn on her imagination to answer you in a more original way, and you will both laugh.

Don't be boring, boy. Use your brain. Because the brain is the sexiest part of a man.

5. Don't give a fuck.

In the literal sense of the word. You don't need to text her every hour. There is no need to ask whether she has eaten or not, how she is feeling, where she is going and whether something hurts or not.

There is no need to pester her with questions. Give her freedom and personal space.

6. Stop the correspondence first.

No cool correspondence can replace live, high-quality communication. While you are chatting with her, someone else will already invite her on a date and fuck her. Women don't like hookups, they love men who act.

Have you read the article? But how can all this information be put into practice? How to get step-by-step and comprehensive instructions to woo a specific girl?

You will learn about this in a paid training “How to turn a feminine NO into a feminine YES”.

Everyone has experienced that awkward feeling when, while in a relationship with a girl, there are no more topics to talk about and there is complete silence. For couples who have just entered into a relationship and are beginning to develop it, this is a blow below the belt. Below you will find out what to talk about with a girl when you run out of topics to talk about?

You began to notice that conversations on the phone or in a meeting are becoming shorter and shorter every day. Instead of pleasure and pleasant communication, conversations turn into short battles and arguments. It's time to do something, or such communication promises you failure and a break in the relationship.

Then, what to talk about with a girl when you run out of topics to talk about? Let's figure it out.

Option #1. This method, when used correctly, can help you have endless conversations not only with your friend on VK, but with almost anyone on a dating site.


The girl says: “I’m looking forward to the new movie “Superman” to go to the cinema. I’ve watched the trailer for it 10 times already. The music is so beautiful and the actors are very cool!”If you want to make this conversation boring and quick, then simply answering: “I think the movie should be good.”

  • how cool it would be to go and watch this movie on the big screen in a theater, and if it was also in 3D, it would be more exciting;
  • remember the last time you were at the cinema and what you watched there, maybe funny stories happened to you at that time;
  • share with her other interesting movie trailers;
  • ask what genres of films she likes most (horror films, comedies, melodramas, thrillers, etc.);
  • ask which famous actors play in the film she told you about, and also what she knows about them... and so on.

Every new word in your conversation can be used for a new topic. Now you know what you need to talk aboutgirl when all the topics are over.


Option #2. The second method can be used when asking the girl what she did today and how her day was. Listen carefully and ask additional and clarifying questions for each of her lessons. This will start a long conversation and the girl will be glad that you are interested in her life. Can be used on a walk or in VK if there is nothing else to ask.


The girl says: “I read an interesting book today. I also listened to cool music, did fitness exercises and prepared a delicious salad.”

Take each of her activities individually and start asking questions: “What book exactly did she read?” or “What did she find so interesting about her?” When you've exhausted the topic of reading, you can safely move on to music, and then to fitness and salad. The greater your curiosity and desire to find out more details, the more interesting and long your conversation will be.

Option #3. The third method is to write down on a piece of paper a few things you want to tell her or talk about before calling her on Skype or the phone.

Trust me, after this you will never worry about what to say next. In some cases, you may even forget about the things you wrote on paper. Because you will have many spontaneous topics that need to be discussed. But having a little cheat sheet like this gives you a lot of relief and helps you focus on the conversation itself (instead of thinking about what to say next) and make it more natural.

Option number 4. Don't forget that relationships are a team game, so both partners must keep the conversation going.

Encourage your partner to communicate; you should not be the only one in the conversation. Moreover, not all women like talkers. There are times when a girl is in a bad mood or has other problems, so she is closed to communication. Try to find out what's going on or just end the conversation for a while.

Option #5. The next method is to use fantasy in your conversation. Can be used on a first date (examples).

For example, in We saw a couple walking with their dog. A wonderful topic for conversation! Ask if she has a pet, if she has dreamed of having someone, or fantasize together about the topic, if you had the opportunity, who exactly would you like to have.

Option number 6. When you're leading a routine day-to-day life, it's no surprise that you don't have much to talk about with your girlfriend. You urgently need to diversify your own life.

This way you will have new stories and topics to discuss. To do this you need to do something new. For example, go to the cinema with a girl and discuss the film, read the news, books every day, go on a trip somewhere, discover some new sport, meet new people, and so on.

Option No. 7. And of course, the easiest and sometimes most effective way to avoid silence and find topics for conversation is to take a little break from each other.

Take a break in the relationship and some new conversational topics will begin to emerge on their own. Every new thing you do in the few hours or days you're not talking can be a great subject for further conversation together. Well, now you know exactly what you can talk about with a girl when all the topics are over.

During the first meeting with a girl or on the next date, if there were few of them, uncomfortable hesitations or pauses in the conversation arise. The reason for silence is often excessive excitement, which causes even a very sociable person to awkwardly fall silent at the most crucial moment.

To avoid such problems, it is worth preparing in advance for conversation topics that will come to the rescue in difficult times.

The difficulty of communicating by correspondence lies in the impossibility of determining a person’s emotions. It is difficult to understand whether the girl likes the topic of conversation or whether it is unpleasant.

If the answers are monosyllabic, the conversation “does not go well” - she probably does not like the subject of discussion.

This is a slippery slope, so it is important to choose themes that are universal and innocuous:

  • animals;
  • hobbies, hobbies;
  • dreams, goals;
  • study, work;
  • rest;
  • trips;
  • favorite, memorable places;
  • literature, cinema, music;
  • relationship;
  • food, drinks;
  • holidays;
  • Friends;
  • clothes, fashion.

Best topics to talk on the phone

If you get the impression that the girl is trying to avoid the conversation, you should immediately change the subject.

There is no need to “put the pressure on” or stubbornly ask questions that she is reluctant to answer. The conversation will be pleasant for both if you follow the rules.

It is forbidden:

  1. Always talk only about yourself.
  2. Interrupt the girl.
  3. Discuss exes.
  4. Ask too frank questions.
  5. Treat the answers with disrespect (her hobby may seem funny or ridiculous, but this is the choice of the girl you like - you need to respect it).

Topics for conversation at the first meeting (date, walk)

Before a first date, guys and girls are nervous, so they prepare for it carefully. But at the time of the meeting, so that worries do not develop into panic, it is better not to allow long pauses in the conversation. Awkward silence will only increase the excitement.

Topics to talk about on a first date:

  1. Favorite food. A good topic for discussion with many areas: national cuisine, the best restaurants, etc. When food preferences are not yet known, you should not speak negatively about a certain dish, because it may end up on your interlocutor’s list of favorites.
  2. Animals. It is not necessary to discuss only pets; conversation about wild animals will also be interesting.
  3. Rest, leisure. Methods of relaxation, preferred options for filling free time.
  4. Art (cinema, music, theater, painting). An extensive topic with a 100% hit on the interlocutor (there are definitely preferences).
  5. Trips. You can discuss your recent travels: where you went, what you liked, talk about your vivid impressions.
  6. Social connections. Do you have any friends? One or two close people or a large company - it is important to find out at the first meeting; perhaps the interests do not coincide.
  7. Interests, hobbies. An excellent topic for rapprochement if there are common points (both are fond of swimming, reading, games). In the absence of these, there will be a reason to learn something new, perhaps change your formed opinion.
  8. Anecdotes, funny stories. On the first date, it is better to talk about harmless situations in life. Black humor and vulgarity should be avoided, since the reaction of the interlocutor is unknown.
  9. Study, work. You need to know where a girl studies or who she works in order to avoid getting into an awkward situation. You shouldn’t immediately talk about the hated profession, in case she works in exactly this field or studies in a similar direction.
  10. Future plans. What goals do you want to achieve? Imagine your life in 5 or 10 years, invite her to do the same and describe the picture of the prospects.

Vulgar and anonymous topics for heated conversation

Similarity in sexual preferences with a girl is an excellent connecting link for a couple’s relationship.

To get a more vivid picture, several situations can be suggested:

  • Alone with the guy, excitement grows, but he makes no attempt to get closer. Will you take the initiative?
  • The guy is not your type, but he is nice enough and offers to get intimate. Would you have sex out of pity?
  • A friend and girlfriend are hinting at a threesome, but you are not attracted to the girl. What will you do?
  • You're dating a guy who turns out to be a virgin. Will you help him become a man?
  • In a compartment alone with a guy, desire arises between you. Ready to have sex with a stranger without obligation?
  • Imagine that for one day you turned into a man. What will you do? Who would you like to try new sensations with?
  • The guy suggests using sex toys. How do you feel about this? Do you like role-playing games?
  • You understand that the only thing connecting you with a young man is sex, there are no other interests. Will you continue the relationship? For a long time?
  • He invited me over to watch a movie. We agreed to watch a comedy, but obscene photographs suddenly appear on the screen. What's your reaction? Will you take a look?
  • Is it nice when they seduce you, talk openly about their desire to engage in intimacy? Do you like intimate compliments?
  • I found out about a sale in a sex shop with a crazy discount (90%!). What will you buy?

If you run out of topics to talk about, what to talk about?

  1. Events for the day. Ask how the girl spent her day, what she did. Ask leading questions so that the answers are detailed. If she admits she's sad, find out why.
  2. Shared fantasies. Set an unusual situation and imagine the development of events. For example, you are left alone on the planet or find yourself on a desert island. What will your life be like?
  3. Global problems. Discuss/suggest alternative ways to solve the problem of world hunger, wars, and prevent environmental disaster. There is a wide choice of destinations here. You can fantasize or offer real, relevant methods.
  4. A new common hobby. Together with your girlfriend, choose a hobby that neither of you has been into before. Joint learning (if it is required) will unite, fresh topics for conversation will appear.
  5. Details of past conversations. Among the topics that have already been discussed, there are bound to remain unsaid. For example, a girl talked about her favorite movie. Find out which actor's performance impressed her the most. What other films did she watch with his participation? You can take any topic: a book, a painting, a cartoon...

Don't slow down. . .

And you have no idea what topics you can talk about? Many guys just don't know where to start a conversation.

There is a long but sure way - this is experience. If you have a lot of dates, you will stop asking the question “What topics can you talk about with a girl?” Everything will happen automatically for you.

In the meantime, I will help you and tell you what and on what topics it is better to communicate with girls.

Topics for communicating with a girl:

1. Cinema.

This is a neutral and good topic, especially if you are on a first date. Everyone loves movies, and you will definitely have something to say.

You can safely discuss her favorite films, genres, actors. But don’t forget to include your opinion about them.

Ask which movie made a deep impression on her and why. Discuss your opinions and powerful moments of the film. The main thing here is to start, then everything will go by itself.

Remember that you are asking this for a reason. And to arm yourself with the necessary information that will be useful to you in the future.

Listen to her carefully and ask related questions. It's also the perfect topic to set up a second date at the same time.

For example, if a girl says she likes to skate, you can ask her to teach you.

Do you want to communicate with a girl in the same language? Do you want to understand her? Do you want to conquer her?

Get it 3 video lessons from a closed course

Reasons why you are having difficulties with a girl;
- The mindset of a successful man;
- 7 critical mistakes you make when communicating with a girl.

from which you will learn:

1. The reasons for your problems with the girl;
2. Limiting beliefs that prevent you from conquering her;
3. How to win over a girl you really like.

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3. Travel.

Ask her about travel. Where has she already been, where does she dream of going, which country made the greatest impression on her and why?

What does she pay attention to when traveling? How many cities in her country has she visited?

Be sure to tell us where you were and what you remember most. Such topics seem very simple, but they are the ones that can work wonders.

She will share with you something personal, emotions, impressions, dreams. And this already means a lot.

4. Sports.

This is something that is always relevant and interesting to almost everyone. But there is one important warning: if a girl is overweight, it is better not to touch on the topic of sports. This is a danger zone.

If everything is clear with her figure, then ask what her favorite sport is. Does she work out in the gym, what does she prefer?

Don't forget to praise her result. Tell me how great shape she is in. You can also tell us about your preferences.

You can discuss your diet with her and give her some tips on what is best to eat before and after training.

5. Friends.

Talking about friends is a great idea to get to know a girl better.

Don't be afraid to ask additional questions. Just make sure it doesn't sound like an interrogation.

You can also talk about your friends and what qualities you value in them. You can discuss the topic of friendship between a man and a woman, it’s quite interesting.

6. Childhood.

In most cases, people have very good and warm memories associated with this time. Ask what kind of child she was, how she liked to play, what adults said about her.

She will feel like a little girl and you will evoke positive emotions. This will be a very important moment in your date that she will remember.

If you have any funny and cheerful stories from your childhood, be sure to tell them. You will make it clear that you trust her. And closer contact will be established between you.

7. Relationships.

Shitty topic for conversation. Would you want to tell if your ex left you? Stopudov there will be an awkward pause. But you can ask her about what kind of man she wants to see next to her. What qualities should he have, how to behave in a relationship.

It is clear that she will give you the image of her ideal. But you can take some traits into your arsenal.

She may ask you the same questions. And don’t answer that the main thing in a woman is the ability to cook and clean up shit on time. Say that you want to see an active, cheerful, smart girl next to you. Someone who will support you and motivate you.

Have you read the article? But how can all this information be put into practice? How to get step-by-step and comprehensive instructions to woo a specific girl?

You will learn about this in a paid training “How to turn a feminine NO into a feminine YES”.

Get it 3 video lessons from this course:

1. Reasons why you have difficulties with a girl
2. The mindset of a successful man;
3. 7 critical mistakes you make when communicating with a girl.
