Cucumber salad for the winter “You'll lick your fingers”: the best recipes. Appetizer of cucumbers with onions For the winter, cucumber fingers without peel

Today I’ll tell you how to prepare lady fingers cucumber salad for the winter. You won’t find a simpler recipe than this one, since there will be no fuss with marinade and brine. In addition, the problem with overgrown cucumbers will be solved. In this preparation they will be given an honorable first place.

But of course, you can use those that are not overgrown. 🙂 Try to prepare such a tasty and, at the same time, simple preparation yourself. A step-by-step photo recipe will help you easily and simply prepare a delicious lady fingers salad.

How to make lady fingers salad from overgrown cucumbers

And so, let's take 2 kilograms of normal or overgrown cucumbers. Fill them with cold water for 4 hours or overnight. This will add crunchiness to the finished cucumbers. Dry the soaked cucumbers with a towel, cut them into finger-like slices approximately 7 centimeters long and no more than 1 centimeter thick. Large cucumbers will have to be cut lengthwise not into 4 parts, but into 6 or 8. The number of slices cut depends on the diameter of the cucumber. Large seeds, of course, should be removed.

Let's decide on the size of the cans. I have them in 700 grams. Place 4 cloves of garlic, previously cut in half, at the bottom of clean and sterile jars. Add 4 black peppercorns and a piece of hot pepper. If you don’t like spicy preparations, then you don’t have to add hot pepper.

Next, arrange the sliced ​​cucumbers as tightly as possible. Top the cucumbers with 1 heaping tablespoon of sugar and 1.5 teaspoon of salt. Add 1.5 teaspoons of 9% vinegar and 1.5 tablespoons of vegetable oil. Let me remind you that the calculation is based on 700 milliliter jars.

The next step is to fill the jars with cold boiled water.

Cover with lids and place the workpieces in the pan in which we will conduct. At the bottom, under the jars, we first place a piece of fabric. Only after all the jars are installed, pour cold water into the pan up to the hangers of the containers being sterilized. As soon as the water boils, reduce the heat and start counting down the time - 20 minutes.

During sterilization, the cucumbers will give juice and the jars will be completely filled with brine.

Then we twist or roll up the blanks and cover them with a warm blanket until they cool completely.

As you can see, everything is extremely simple. Cucumbers should be stored in a cool place: a cellar or basement. From the declared volume of products, 4 jars of 700 milliliters each were obtained. Enjoy your meal!

The cookbook of an experienced housewife contains a huge number of ways to preserve cucumbers. These include blockages with mustard, ketchup, and other various additives! And most of them are salads and snacks - the simplest and easiest to make and, moreover, the most delicious winter rolls. In great demand Cucumber salad for the winter “You'll lick your fingers”. It is closed in different interpretations and with different additives. But the main thing is that it fully lives up to its name!

Cucumber salad for the winter "You'll lick your fingers": Recipe 1

Clogging the “gifts of nature” without a sterilization procedure is an excellent opportunity to preserve them for a long time and thereby preserve the entire range of vitamins in them. Without much time investment, not overcooked, crispy, absolutely everyone will like it! The ingredients for this method will be the following products: 4 kilos of greens, several heads of garlic, dill umbrellas and parsley (selected depending on the number of jars), black pepper grains, 1 glass of granulated sugar, 3-4 tbsp. table salt, 100 ml of vegetable oil and 200 ml of 9% apple cetacean.

To make the dish delicious, you must fulfill all the requirements for the culinary technology of this step-by-step recipe. So, to begin with, the cucumbers are thoroughly washed and soaked in water for a short period. Afterwards, the ends are cut off and nailed and damaged places (if any) are cut out. Small fruits will be canned whole, but larger ones should be cut in half lengthwise. In the second case, they will be better saturated with the marinade, and it will be much more pleasant to treat yourself to such portioned cuts.

Next, the prepared greens are placed in a voluminous enamel basin, and the remaining components according to the recipe are added to them. After carefully and intensively mixing, the mixture is placed in a dark, cold place for 3-4 hours, during which the juice – the future marinade – will release abundantly. While the marinating is taking place, glass sealing jars with tin lids are sterilized. After calcining and cooling slightly, 8-9 grains of black pepper, an umbrella of dill and a couple of sprigs of parsley, and another 3-4 garlic cloves are dropped into them.

Properly pickled vegetables are transferred to glass containers, evenly moving the marinade filling along with them, and immediately close tightly. By the way, if the filling turns out to be not enough and the fruits are not completely covered with it, don’t worry. You can add more vegetable oil to the container or initially to the salad. sent to a cool room where it will be stored until winter. In a raw appetizer, basil or oregano would not be out of place; but this inclusion is not for everyone. And for a special aroma, add dill seeds.

Cucumber salad for the winter "You'll lick your fingers": Recipe 2

There is a way " How to make a finger-licking cucumber salad for the winter with hot marinade filling. It is also not sterilized, and is accompanied by onions, like.

You can make a similar meal from:

    2.5 kg greens,

    0.5 kg of onion,

    a large bunch of dill,

    2 bay leaves,

    5 grains of black pepper,

    25 g table salt and

    50 g granulated sugar,

    100 ml table octa.

Cucumbers washed for preparation are cut into thin circles. After rinsing, the dill greens are crushed. The bulbs are chopped into half rings. The chopped ingredients are mixed and left to infuse for half an hour and at the same time release their own juice. Then spices are added to the vegetables, and the appetizer is placed on the stove to boil, stirring the mixture regularly. As soon as the pieces of greens change color to dark green, the dish is removed from the heat, placed in baked jars and filled with marinade. The salad is immediately sealed, turned upside down to check for leakage, and wrapped in a blanket to slowly cool the preservation.

A delicious cucumber salad comes in a layered presentation. At the same time, it also contains other vegetables. In winter, all you have to do is drain it, season it with vegetable oil and enjoy!

To prepare the preparation in the amount of eight half-liter jars you will need:

    2-2.5 kilos of cucumbers,

    8 carrots,

    15-18 onions,

    1 large head of garlic,

    bay leaves,

    allspice and ground black pepper,

    8 tsp dry dill seeds.

And for 1.5 liters of water for pouring, take 1 glass of octa, 75 g of table salt, 150 g of granulated sugar. If you do this, you will also need a small pod of hot pepper.

After wet processing under running cold water, the greens are cut into circles 1 cm thick. The onions are peeled and cut into thinner rings; The onion slices should be separated. The carrots are peeled, rinsed and grated on a larger grater; or even better, grind it on a Korean grater. The garlic is cut into slices.

Having prepared the vegetable components, you can start preparing the packaging for seaming. Glass jars are washed with soda and calcined in a steam bath. In them, 1 chopped clove of garlic is placed on the bottom, 1 tsp. dried dill seeds, 2 allspice peas, 2 bay leaves and a pinch of ground black pepper. Then a layer of onion rings is made; on them there is a layer of carrots. The thickness of the auxiliary layers is approximately 1 cm. Cucumber circles are placed next, filling approximately 2 cm of space in the jar with them in height. In this way, the layers are alternated until the container is filled to the hanger. In this case, the “laying” needs to be lightly compacted.

Sometimes for this recipe greens are cut into long sticks rather than circles. Then filling with layers immediately loses its meaning. And you can simply combine vegetables and fill the container with them.

Marinade on " Cucumber salad for the winter “Finger lickin’ good”"Brewed from water, salt and granulated sugar. Having stirred and dissolved the crystals and brought the solution to a boil, it is seasoned with table otsot and poured into jars while boiling. The containers are covered with lids and placed for sterilization in low boiling water for 35 minutes. Then 1 tbsp is poured into each container. hot vegetable oil, and the appetizer is rolled up. The preservation is wrapped in a blanket and left to cool to room temperature for a day.

Cucumber salad for the winter "You'll lick your fingers": Recipe 4

Overgrown, old cucumbers can also be used. You can’t eat them entirely for future use, and summer salads made from them are not tasty. Such fruits will find worthy use in the finger-licking dish, as well as in other winter snacks, such as etc. In addition, the spices that complement the dish radically transform the natural cucumber flavor, and the unusual cut attracts attention.

So, for 2 kilos of cucumbers you will need:

    6 grains of black and allspice pepper,

    6 buds of cloves,

    100 g granulated sugar,

    15 g coarse table salt,

    5 g citric acid and

    1 liter of water.

Greens washed under cold running water are completely peeled; since the hard and rough outer shell of overgrown vegetables will be completely unnecessary in the dish. Afterwards, the fruits are cut in half lengthwise and cut into slices 1 cm thick. By the way, it is also advisable to remove the seeds; especially if they have already become hard.

To make the marinade, water is boiled and salt, sugar and other spices selected for this are poured into it. “Limonka” has not been added yet. Slices of cucumbers are added to the boiled liquid, poured into an enamel bowl. The container is covered with a flat plate or a lid of a smaller diameter, and pressure is placed on it for 30-35 minutes. This time will be enough to thoroughly wash the glass containers and sterilize them along with the lids.

The present preparation should be transferred to jars, compacting the pieces more tightly. The marinade with the released juice of the greens is brought to a boil, boiled for 7-8 minutes and added to the salad container on top. Also, before pouring the marinade, 2.5 g of citric acid is poured into each jar, and the containers are sealed hermetically. The main feature of this is that instead of table otst, “lemon” is used. And if someone does not want to include ocete in winter recipes, then the described method of corking will be a very appropriate replacement.

Cucumber salad for the winter "You'll lick your fingers": Recipe 5

Fans of sweet and sour flavors will like the following preservation method. In addition to the fact that the resulting unique, but quite pleasant-tasting snack can be used as an independent dish, or you can prepare more complex recipes based on it. There are not many vegetable components in composition; but with spices there is complete scope for action. But the main thing is to add cumin. Or you can replace it with coriander beans or ground. And a small piece of hot pepper included in the list of ingredients will make the preparation more interesting. Yes, on " Cucumber salad for the winter “You'll lick your fingers.” Recipe with photo"For three liter jars you will need: 2.5 kg of greens, 1 kilo of onions (it would be good to select small turnips), 100 ml of vegetable oil and 6% otta, 1 tbsp. table salt and 100 g of sand-sugar, spices (cumin, coriander, chili pepper, black pepper grains - in any combination). And, of course, dill is added if desired.

Thoroughly washed cucumbers are “freed” from the ends and chopped into circles 0.5-1 cm thick. The onions are cut into rings of the same height as the previous product and sorted into layers. The chili pepper (if used) is chopped into small cubes. Dill is cut into small sprigs. Next, the greens and onions are transferred to a suitable cooking vessel, poured over with otstom and stirred. Then the mixture is seasoned with vegetable oil and mixed again. Next, herbs and spices are poured in, and the salad is thoroughly “invigorated” one more time. You need to stir the ingredients slowly, because the vegetables should release their juice abundantly.

Jars and lids are wet processed and sterilized. The bowl with the salad is placed on moderate heat, where the preparation is boiled for about 20 minutes. You can tell when it’s completely done by the changed color of the pieces of greens: they will turn from bright green to olive and slightly soften. There is no need to allow intense boiling; otherwise, the dish will lose its crispness and become overcooked. The completed snack is filled into jars and immediately sealed. Like, the salad should brew for about 1.5-2 months. Therefore, you should not use it right away - it will not reach the peak of its maturity.

Cucumber salad for the winter "You'll lick your fingers": Recipe 6

The last method in the proposed list of recipes advises rolling up pieces of greens in a spicy mustard-garlic sauce. Such " Cucumber salad for the winter “You’ll lick your fingers” quickly"It comes out crispy, spicy and extremely tasty. This is also an excellent option for rolling gherkins at home. Although the fruits are large, cut lengthwise into 4-6 pieces the result is delicious! Apart from cucumbers - no auxiliary vegetables; just parsley leaves. The ingredients for preservation will be: 4 kilos of greens, a large bunch of parsley, 2 large heads of garlic, 1 tbsp. with a heap of powdered mustard, 200 ml each of 9% octa and vegetable oil, 1 cup granulated sugar, 3 tbsp. with a top of coarse table salt, 2 tbsp. ground black pepper.

After washing the greens, you need to let them dry a little, and you can cut off the ends and cut them into 4 pieces lengthwise. The parsley is rinsed and finely chopped. The greens are placed with cucumbers in a large cooking vessel. Next, prepare the filling-sauce. For this, sugar, table salt, ground black pepper and mustard powder are combined in a separate bowl. Also, crushed garlic is added to the sauce, ocet and vegetable oil are poured in; and after each new addition, intensive stirring follows until the mass has a uniform consistency.

The resulting sauce is poured over pieces of greens and left to soak in the spices for about 6 hours. The mixture needs to be stirred every half hour. Over time, the fruits will release a sufficient amount of liquid, and stirring the mixture will become easier each time. Glass containers are sterilized and dried. and put the garlic into jars, pouring them with the resulting sauce with its own cucumber juice.

Filled containers are covered with baked lids and sterilized for 20-25 minutes. Once warmed up, the snack is immediately corked, turned over and covered with a blanket; in this form it is left for a day or two.

Autumn is moving towards winter. For lovers of homemade preparations, the busy season of mass salting and pickling of various vegetables and fruits is coming. Today, when you can buy almost any vegetables and fruits all year round, people’s craving for homemade pickles does not weaken. Each chef has his own secrets, his own baubles and additives. Mass production of canned vegetables will never replace hand-crafted products. With the arrival of summer, the smallest gherkins are salted and marinated for the winter. In September, it’s time to harvest large ripe fruits in the form of salad cuts with marinade poured over them. Cucumber salad for the winter has fifty varieties. It all depends on the composition of the vegetables. Naturally, cucumbers dominate the salad. They go well with onions, carrots and garlic. A beautiful multi-layered cucumber salad is obtained by adding a small amount of bell pepper.

Ingredients for 1.5 liters of salad:

  • ripe cucumbers, large – 5-6 pcs.;
  • large onion – 1 pc.;
  • medium carrots – 3 pcs.;
  • sweet red pepper – 1 pc.;
  • red hot pepper – 0.5 pcs.;
  • garlic, cloves – 6 pcs.;
  • bay leaf – 4 pcs.;
  • black peppercorns – 10 pcs.;
  • allspice peas – 4 pcs.;
  • salt – 2 tbsp. spoons without top;
  • vinegar 9% - 2 teaspoons.

How to prepare a salad of fresh cucumbers for the winter with onions and carrots “You will lick your fingers”

I warn you right away that this recipe is not suitable for lovers of boiled cucumbers with sugar. Sugar is a dangerous component when canning for the winter. Fermentation begins from sugar, so special measures are needed to sterilize the preparations. Many housewives cook this salad for 15-20 minutes, then package it in jars. There are experts who suggest boiling cucumbers for half an hour. Is this a salad?

Let's prepare all the ingredients for the cucumber salad.

Cucumbers need to be washed and peeled, carrots and onions also need to be washed and peeled well. Cut out the core with seeds from the sweet pepper and wash it.

Now we need a jar sterilized in boiling water (in our case, 800 ml), a classic grater and a sharp knife. Everything should be scalded with boiling water. Grate the carrots, cut the cucumbers crosswise into rounds, cut the onion into rings and cut the bell pepper into strips.

Place a layer of grated carrots, chopped onions, peppers and cucumbers in a jar. Add a chopped clove of garlic and a piece of hot pepper. Add some spices. You can add dill seeds in small quantities.

We repeat the cycle. Gradually we begin to see beautiful layers of vegetables in the jar.

We lightly compact our cucumber salad with our hands and finish laying the top layer of salad.

We fill the second jar much faster.

Pour salt and vinegar. Then fill the jars with boiling water. We try to release the air from the salad (rotate the jars).

We roll up the cucumber salad for the winter with lids and turn the jars over several times to dissolve the salt. Salad ready. It should cool down. Then we put it in the refrigerator. When serving, add vegetable oil. Serve with boiled or fried potatoes, it turns out very tasty, you'll just lick your fingers.

This cucumber salad will diversify your winter menu and will please your loved ones.

Cucumber salad for the winter Winter King

how to make cucumber salad recipe with photos

  • cucumbers – 1 kg,
  • white onion – 200 g,
  • granulated sugar - 2.5 tablespoons,
  • rock salt - 1 teaspoon,
  • vinegar - 25 g,
  • dill - 1/2 bunch,
  • bay leaf, pepper.

Cut the cucumbers into slices, about 2-4 mm thick.

Place the slices in a bowl, add sugar and salt, mix and leave for 1 hour.

Cut the onion into half rings and mix with cucumbers.

Add vinegar and spices and place on low heat. Bring to a boil.

After the cucumbers change color, add dill and boil for 2-3 minutes.

Place the hot salad tightly in sterile jars and pour in the juice formed during cooking.
Roll up the jars, place them on the lid, and wrap them up.

Recipe No. 2

Many summer residents who cultivate their plots only on weekends are faced with the problem of overripe cucumbers. Still a very small green cucumber, in just a few days it grows to enormous size. Such fruits go, at best, to feed pets, and at worst, into the trash. Meanwhile, from such unpresentable cucumbers you can make a delicious salad for the winter, you will lick your fingers!

Large fruits will go into winter cucumber salad, perhaps with a slightly yellowish side. Cucumbers with delicate green skin do not need to be peeled, but if the surface begins to turn yellow, be sure to remove it with a knife or vegetable peeler. The recipe suggests a method of cutting vegetables for salad into cubes or fingers, but you can choose your most suitable one - for example, cut cucumbers into circles or crescents.

Cucumber salad for the winter is to die for

A spicy salad made from overgrown cucumbers for the winter will be appreciated by lovers of spicy, garlicky dishes. Moreover, you can eat the snack immediately after preparation. But it’s better, of course, to roll the cucumbers into jars and taste them in the winter, when they’re steeped.
Cucumber salad with butter and garlic can be preserved for the winter without sterilization; the recipe is very simple and not troublesome.

cucumber salad for the winter recipe


  • overgrown cucumbers – 2 kg,
  • garlic – 1 large head,
  • ground black pepper - 1 tbsp. (with a slide),
  • granulated sugar – 0.5 cups,
  • salt – 2 tbsp.,
  • vinegar 9% - 0.5 cups,
  • odorless sunflower oil – 0.5 cups,
  • young parsley.

Cooking process:

Wash the cucumbers, remove the skin, cut the fruit into 8 parts: in half along the cucumber, then each part into two more halves, after which each long block is cut horizontally into two equal parts. Pepper the prepared cucumbers. Don't skimp on the spices; ground black pepper tastes great in the company of cucumbers.

Add salt and sugar to the pan with vegetables.

Then pour in 9% vinegar and sunflower oil. By the way, it must be refined. So as not to spoil the taste of the salad with its specific aroma.

Aromatic garlic, which must be peeled and passed through a press, will give the cucumbers in the salad a special piquancy.

Add finely chopped parsley to the cucumber salad, mix the ingredients thoroughly and leave for 3 to 4 hours.

After the specified time, quickly pickle the cucumbers, which have managed to release their juice, and place them on low heat.

Boil the cucumber salad for 10 minutes, then place it in sterilized jars, roll it up with metal lids and wrap it upside down in a blanket. Then store in a cool, dry place.

Cucumber salad for the winter is to die for: recipe and photo by Ksenia

See the article for recipes for winter preparations. In the essay you will learn how to preserve sliced ​​cucumbers.

If you have your own dacha, then in the summer there are always healthy, homemade vegetables and fruits on the dining table. Sometimes there is such a harvest that it is impossible to eat everything. In such cases, it would not hurt the owners to stock up on vitamins for the winter and make delicious preparations. Moreover, there are many recipes. In particular, let's find out some (one of the most delicious) - sliced ​​cucumbers in various preparations.

Finger-licking sliced ​​cucumbers for the winter: delicious recipe

If you have grown a lot of cucumbers and you are a food lover, then this canning option is just for you. These cucumbers are good to serve with main courses and with strong drinks on a festive table.

Finger-licking cucumbers in their own juice for the winter


  • Medium-sized cucumbers - 2.4 kg
  • Onion - 6 pcs.
  • Dill - 75 g
  • Granulated sugar - 45 g
  • Salt - 20 g
  • Allspice peas - 6 pcs.
  • Bay leaf - 2 pcs.
Homemade canning of sliced ​​cucumbers

Cooking process:

  1. Wash the vegetables thoroughly. Peel the onion and also rinse under cold running water.
  2. Cut the cucumbers into four to five pieces. Onions can be cut into rings. Chop the dill. Mix all ingredients. Let it sit for 40 minutes until the juice appears.
  3. Sterilize the jars in the microwave. Pour boiling water over the iron caps.
  4. Place the cucumbers on the stove. Boil a little until they become a different color.
  5. Carefully scatter the vegetables into the jars. Then distribute the marinade equally among all containers.
  6. Roll up the jars. Then put them upside down and wrap them in a warm blanket.
  7. After a day or two, transfer it to the bins.

Recipe for sliced ​​cucumbers in Polish for the winter in jars

Any woman can prepare such vegetables, as making them is as easy as shelling pears. You just need to carefully read the explanatory instructions for preparing dishes for the winter.

Sliced ​​cucumbers with butter: recipe


  • Cucumbers, any size possible - 4.25 kg
  • Refined oil – 180 ml
  • Regular vinegar (9%) - 95 ml
  • Salt - 45 g
  • Garlic - 5 cloves


  1. First, wash fresh vegetables, then place them in very cold water for several hours.
  2. At that time, prepare jars and lids for canning. Wash the dishes and sterilize them.
  3. Cut the cucumbers lengthwise and chop the garlic in a way convenient for you.
  4. Prepare the brine over the fire in an enamel pan. Dissolve salt in 3 liters of water, add oil and vinegar.
  5. Divide the vegetables into jars. Then pour them with the prepared marinade.
  6. All that remains is to sterilize (20-25 minutes) the cucumbers and roll them up with lids.

Recipe for Korean sliced ​​cucumbers in jars for the winter

Many people have long known Korean carrots for their unique taste. Thanks to various additives, it goes well with other dishes. By the way, it will be very tasty if you use these carrots to prepare a preparation for the winter with cucumbers.


  • Cucumbers - 1.85 kg
  • Carrots – 225 g
  • Seasoning for Korean carrots - 25 g
  • Vinegar - 125 ml
  • Oil – 130 ml
  • Garlic - 7 cloves
  • Sugar - 45 g
  • Salt - 25 g


  1. Peel, wash the carrots, grate on a special grater. Add spices.
  2. Cucumbers should be washed and cut lengthwise, having previously trimmed the top and bottom of the vegetable.
  3. Pass the garlic through a garlic press.
  4. Mix everything in a large bowl, add salt and sugar. pour vinegar, oil. Leave to settle for 4-6 hours.
  5. Then place the salad in jars and pour the resulting brine.
  6. Cover the jars with lids and sterilize for 23-25 ​​minutes. At the end, roll up the iron lids and cover the inverted jars with warm clothes. When the salad has cooled down for the winter, move it to the basement.

Recipe for chopped Finnish cucumbers in jars for the winter

Those who love cucumbers have fewer problems with heart health and thyroid gland. After all, these vegetables contain useful components such as potassium and iodine. In addition, if you have cucumbers in your diet, the metabolism in the body improves and kidney function normalizes.

Finnish cucumbers


  • Cucumbers - 12 pcs.
  • Water – 425 ml
  • Sugar - 200 g
  • Dill - 75 g
  • Vinegar (6%) – 65 ml

Cooking process:

  1. Wash the cucumbers thoroughly. Cut them crosswise into circles. You can cut them into thin circles, then the cucumbers will look great in a salad.
  2. Cut the dill. Dissolve sugar in water, add vinegar.
  3. Place the cucumbers in jars and pour in the marinade. Cover with lids.
  4. Place the jars in water and sterilize over heat for 26-30 minutes. Roll up the finished product with lids.

Pickled cucumbers cut into slices with onions in marinade: recipe with garlic, dill

If you love aromatic cucumbers with garlic, then this winter preparation recipe is right for you. The salad goes well with porridge, meat and potatoes. This new way of preparing cucumbers will definitely please your household.


  • Cucumbers - 4.5 kg
  • Onion - 0.9 kg
  • Garlic - 5 cloves
  • Pepper - 10 pcs.
  • Dill - 95 g
  • Salt - 45 g
  • Sugar - 90 g
  • Vegetable oil – 450 ml
  • Vinegar (6%) – 95 ml
  • Spices - to taste


  1. Wash the vegetables, peel the onions and garlic. Cut the cucumbers into circles.
  2. Onions and sweet peppers can be cut into cubes or half rings. Grate the garlic. Then mix the vegetables in a deep container.
  3. After an hour, add the remaining ingredients and turn on the gas.
  4. Cook over low heat and pour into jars. Roll up the lids and cover the upside down jars with a warm blanket.

Cucumbers, preserved with mustard and mustard seeds, cut lengthwise: recipe

Cooking for cold weather with mustard and cucumbers has a unique piquant taste. Thanks to this vegetable appetizer, your dishes on the table will be eaten with great appetite.


  • Cucumbers – 4 kg
  • Sugar - 225 g
  • Vegetable oil – 225 ml
  • Vinegar - 195 ml
  • Salt - 45 g
  • Mustard – 45 g
  • Garlic - 50 g
  • Dill - 80 g
  • Pepper – 15 g


  1. Choose small, pimply cucumbers. Wash them in cold water. Cut lengthwise into thin pieces.
  2. Chop the greens, chop the garlic. Add these products to the total mass.
  3. Then add the rest of the ingredients according to the recipe, mix everything and put in a cool place for 2-3 hours.
  4. Pour the resulting salad into prepared clean jars. Sterilize it for 20 minutes. Roll up the lids with a machine.

Sliced ​​cucumbers and assorted tomatoes: a recipe for the winter

Salad lovers will love the preparation with cucumbers and tomatoes. This assortment can simply be opened in winter and eaten without any additives.


  • Tomatoes (thick consistency) - 1.6 kg
  • Cucumbers - 1.6 kg
  • Onion - 725 g
  • Oil – 225 ml
  • 9% vinegar - 45 ml
  • Sugar - 60 g
  • Salt - 40 g

Marinades - assorted

How to cook?

  1. Prepare the vegetables. Wash them, cut them and pour them into a deep container. Peel the onion, wash it too and cut into half rings.
  2. Add the remaining ingredients to the mixture and mix everything thoroughly. When the juice appears, place the salad in jars.
  3. Place the jars in a container with water, sterilize for 20-24 minutes.

Cucumbers, sliced ​​lengthwise, with parsley: preparation, recipe

Delicious crispy cucumbers with parsley will please even the most picky eaters. Moreover, the method of preparing them is simple; you do not need much effort to make such cucumbers.

Large cucumbers, cut for the winter: recipe with parsley


  • Cucumbers - 2.4 kg
  • Oil – 90 ml
  • Vinegar - 90 ml
  • Salt - 45 g
  • Currant leaves - 6 pcs.
  • Sugar - 90 g
  • Garlic - 5-8 cloves
  • Parsley, allspice


  1. Cut clean cucumbers into several pieces lengthwise. Peel the garlic and pass it through a garlic press.
  2. Mix chopped herbs and vegetables in a saucepan.
  3. Add all the ingredients in the recipe. Mix and let sit. After 15 minutes, pour the salad into jars.
  4. Marinate for 20 minutes.

Sweet cucumbers, sliced ​​with carrots, onions and honey: recipe

Any hospitable hostess can always surprise her guests with a new dish. Try making delicious sweet cucumbers with honey as a winter preparation.

Sweet sliced ​​cucumbers with bell peppers for the winter


  • Cucumbers – 350 g
  • Honey - 40 g
  • Water - 20 ml
  • Carrots - 3 pcs.
  • Pepper - 3 pcs.
  • Onion - 4 pcs.
  • Salt - to taste
  • Greens, peppercorns


  1. Remove the seeds from the pepper and wash it. Peel the onion, rinse it under running water, and chop it. Wash the cucumbers, cut into circles.
  2. Finely chop the greens.
  3. Mix greens with honey. Then place the vegetables in a container, add salt, and wait until the juice appears.
  4. Place the contents in jars, pour honey and herbs into each jar.
  5. Next, all that remains is to sterilize the jars and seal them.

Sliced ​​cucumbers in tomato paste



  • Water – 1150 ml
  • Paste – 220 g
  • Sugar - 220 g
  • Salt - 25 g
  • Oil – 55 ml
  • Cucumbers – 1 kg
  • Garlic, peppercorns


  1. Make a brine from water, paste, salt, sugar, spices, vegetable oil
  2. Wash, peel and cut cucumbers and other vegetables
  3. Place the products in jars, pour hot, aromatic marinade
  4. It is advisable to sterilize jars for 24-26 minutes

Sliced ​​cucumbers with chili ketchup for the winter



  • Cucumbers - 2.8 kg
  • Greens – 125 g
  • Salt - 35 g
  • Sugar - 185 g
  • Vinegar - 185 ml
  • Water – 925 ml
  • Chili - 95 g


  1. Rinse the cucumbers under running, cold water. Cut them into circles. Place in a bowl.
  2. Add some greens there.
  3. Fill an enamel pan with water for the marinade. Put it on gas.
  4. Next, add salt and granulated sugar to the brine.
  5. Finally, pour in the vinegar.
  6. Place the cucumbers in jars and pour the marinade on top. Sterilize the salad for 24 minutes.

Sliced ​​cucumbers in tomato sauce: recipe in jars without sterilization

Sliced ​​cucumbers in tomato juice without sterilization: recipe


  • Cucumbers - 4.5 kg
  • Tomato juice - 2 l
  • Oil – 225 ml
  • Garlic
  • Salt - 65 g
  • Sugar - 225 g
  • Vinegar - 45 ml


  1. Chop clean vegetables and mix in a saucepan
  2. Add salt, sugar, juice, butter
  3. Place on the fire and let it simmer for 10-15 minutes
  4. At the end, add vinegar and seal the jars.

IMPORTANT: Each housewife can adjust any of the above recipes to suit herself. For example, you can add your favorite spices to the preparation or reduce or increase the dosage of a particular product.

Video: Sliced ​​cucumbers with ground black pepper
