Scientific research paper writing example. Rules for writing a research paper

The purpose of competent design of research work is to demonstrate students’ skills in independent development carried out using modern methods. In addition, it consists in analyzing the results obtained and comparing them with book data. Schoolchildren and students must demonstrate the ability to come to scientifically based conclusions.

Today we’ll talk about both the structure of a research paper and the basic principles of its design. The main requirements here are accuracy, capacity, brevity and maximum compliance with the content. There are even examples of how to design research papers for kindergartens! But today we will talk about the works of students and schoolchildren.

What to write about in the introduction

The purpose of this section is to briefly characterize the problem in its current state, justify the relevance of its implementation, and its significance from the point of view of science (as well as practice). In addition, formulate the main objectives and identify the subject of research and its object, put forward the main hypothesis. Even the design example contains the same requirements (perhaps in a somewhat simplified form).

When justifying the relevance of the chosen topic, avoid verbosity. The main thing is to show its significance and timeliness, as well as the essence of the existing problem.

A classic example of the rules for formatting a schoolchild’s or student’s research work requires the formulation below of the main goal and clarification of the specific tasks that this work will have to solve. As a rule, information is presented in the form of a list - which aspects should be identified, studied, restored, described, and so on. With one single goal, several tasks can be put forward at once. Their optimal number is from three to five.

The goal statement should contain an indication of the general meaning and direction of the study. It should be contained in one sentence. The goal is organically tied to the topic and must be completely in tune with it.

What are tasks?

With the identified tasks, we clarify our goal and pave the way to achieving it. The wording of each of them corresponds to the next stage of content and most often serves as the title of a specific chapter.

In the introduction, it is necessary to formulate both the object of the study and its subject. The first refers to the phenomena (or processes) that gave rise to a given problem situation that are to be studied. The subject of research is only part of the object. It determines the topic that appears as a title on the title page.

If there is an example of the design of a research work with the formulation of the topic in a figurative style, the title should be duplicated in more scientific terms.

A hypothesis is one of the most important elements of research. What it is? This term refers to a scientifically justified assumption regarding the (rather conditional) explanation of certain phenomena, their causes or natural connections. The area of ​​the hypothesis is the natural environment, social life or the human mind.

Literature review section

It requires the author to demonstrate knowledge of the main works that are available on the topic of the issue being studied. Another necessary skill concerns the ability to purposefully work with book materials, select, analyze and compare the facts contained in them. Any example of the design of a research paper encourages the author to demonstrate his own familiarity with the designated area in the context of at least several sources, which allows him to set himself serious scientific tasks.

The text of the section is accompanied by links to the material used for the work. The same applies to existing tables and figures. When conducting a literature review, you should only touch on selected topics. There is no need to present in detail all the information you have read, most of which only indirectly affects the problem.

Examples of the design of research work for schoolchildren and students demonstrate that it is recommended to end this section with a brief conclusion regarding the prospects for future study of the topic.

If our work is conceived in the natural sciences and concerns materials obtained in field natural conditions, then the following sections should be provided.

Research methodology and material

An example of the design of a research work in this part contains an indication of the area where the data was collected, the dates of collection of materials, information about who carried out the observation, and its objects are listed. If we are talking about experimental work, it is necessary to indicate the place where it will be carried out.

Research methods mean those methods and techniques that the author resorts to in his work. They depend on the assigned tasks and act as tools in obtaining factual material. Among these, we can distinguish methods related to general (in the form of observation, comparison, measurement, modeling, synthesis, analysis, experiment, questioning, testing, interviewing) and others (of a specific nature), which are used when deprived of only a narrow range of tasks.

What is the difference between method and methodology? You will find these concepts in any example of research paper design. The latter concerns diagnostics and data processing methods, and also explains the result. If the technique is not the author’s (its description is contained in the existing literature), a detailed presentation of the essence is not required. It is enough to confine yourself to a link to the appropriate source. If changes are made to it, they must be described in detail with justification for this need. The same applies to a completely original technique.

What else needs to be provided

An example of the design of a schoolchild's and student's research work implies, among other things, in this section a listing of the tools and devices used in the work, indicating the permissible measurement error of all parameters.

The section characterizing the study area is compiled using the literature. Its importance is quite great in developments of a natural science nature, geo- and biological, etc. In such works, this section is very extensive.

About the research results

The "Results" section is usually the main one. Here you can find examples of the design of the practical part of a research paper. It is usually divided into several parts in accordance with a number of specific tasks. Its content consists of a detailed presentation of the identified results with their illustration (if necessary) with drawings, tables, graphs, diagrams and photos. A comparison with data obtained from third-party sources is provided.

References to tables or figures in the text of this section are required. According to the design rules, which we will discuss below, each subsection briefly summarizes the most important points (usually without using the word “conclusion”).

In case of a large volume of material, a separate section may be devoted to the identified data. Here the author will have to show off his ability to think, draw the necessary conclusions and compare facts or data. This is where his agreement with the generally accepted point of view or a reasoned objection is given.

The results, given in strict order, must be subject to statistical processing. This is done using well-known computer programs like Excel or thanks to special algorithms written specifically for this study (which may be one of its tasks).


The purpose of this section is to briefly formulate the results in the context of each point, give practical recommendations and outline the prospects for future research. In the absence of specific results obtained, conclusions are replaced by a more or less lengthy conclusion. It acts as an ending, logically formalizes the results obtained and links them to the tasks being solved and the overall goal of the work.

The conclusions must indicate whether the author achieved his goal and to what extent. This requirement is always presented as an example of the correct design of a research paper.

"Literature" and "Applications"

These sections are devoted to listing in alphabetical order a complete list of works used. If some of them are published in foreign languages, they are also given in alphabetical order, after the list of Russian-language sources. The numbering is continuous in nature.

Most of the additional and auxiliary materials are placed in the “Appendices” to avoid cluttering the main text. Their content can be very different. We are talking about the originals of certain documents and research protocols indicating specific data.

The form of materials can be graphics, text, map, table, illustration, photo, etc. Any of the applications exists in the form of a separate sheet, in the corner (top right) of which the word “Appendix” is written with a specific title. If there are several of them, they are numbered without the No. sign using Arabic numerals. It also has a cross-cutting character and is a continuation of the numbering of sheets of the entire text of the work. They link applications to the main document through links ("see Appendix 1").

Research work: example (sample) of design

It is performed on standard sheets of white writing paper in A4 format. The location is vertical. Each sheet contains margins (2 cm at the top and bottom, 1 cm on the right and 3 cm on the left). There is no need to circle them.

The optimal total volume of sheets should be adhered to. It shouldn't be too big. It is best when the number of pages is from 15 to 20.

The text is printed, as a rule, on a computer using a line spacing of one and a half characters. Place it only on one side of each sheet, align it with word wrapping along the width of the text. A dot is used as a decimal sign.

Necessary nuances

All abbreviations must be deciphered. If abbreviations are necessary, each of them is explained at the first mention.

Pages are numbered starting from the fourth. The number is placed in the middle of the sheet. The first page is the title page. If there are references to plants, animals, microorganisms, after each of them their species name is given in parentheses in Latin. The name of the author who first described this phenomenon is also indicated.

If the research is carried out in the field of botany, an appropriate herbarium must be attached to the work.

Work structure

The first (title) page indicates the full name (legal) of the institution where the work was carried out. Next, in capital letters - the name of the work itself, then the surname, first name of the person who performed it, his class or group, as well as information about the leader and consultant (if any). If available, it is necessary to mention the position and academic degree of each. This applies mainly to examples of the design of student research papers. At the bottom is the designation of the locality and the year of completion.

The second sheet is always devoted to the content of the work (table of contents). It must contain the full composition of headings and subheadings of the study, whose strict compliance with the text must be observed. The page numbers from which each section begins are given.

Any title is written with a capital letter. There is no period at the end. Headings are numbered according to the indexing system (1.1, 1.2, ...).

Let's go to the text

The third page is devoted to the introduction. Its volume, as stated in the classic example of designing a research paper, usually does not exceed the size of a page.

Starting from the fourth sheet, we move on to the main part of the work with the sections named above. It is always presented in the form of continuous text, separated by small intervals. Each section must be double numbered (3.1, 3.2, etc.), and the headings of all subsections must also be included in the bibliography.

At the end of the main part, a conclusion is made (or conclusions are written). To do this, use separate sheets of paper. The literature is also listed on a new page.

How to design illustrative material

All tables are numbered in continuous order. Their location on the sheet can be horizontal or vertical. On the right should be indicated: “Table number...”. In the middle of the line below is its name.

In case of reprinting from any literary source, a reference to it must be indicated in parentheses after the title. If the table consists of an alternation of results and literature data, references are placed in the appropriate parts. If necessary, all necessary notes are provided below the table.

When its size is too large (does not fit on one sheet), it can be transferred to the next one (in brackets - “continuation” or “end”). The table title appears only once.

All graphic images, which can exist in the form of diagrams, photographs, diagrams, graphs or drawings, also have continuous numbering and are designated as drawings. They are done with ink or black paste. The designations necessary for the author are shown in the drawing using numbers or icons. Below the figure is its designation - “Figure (number)” and its name. Below is a numbered list of symbols.

As in the case of tables, a link is placed on figures borrowed from the literature. If the picture is reproduced with changes relative to the original, this should be indicated next to it.

Research work: example of reference design

The form in which they are indicated depends on the source. The latter are articles or books that have an author or several, as well as reference books, dictionaries and school textbooks.

If a book or article has one or two authors, links are issued with their surnames in brackets without initials, listed separated by commas along with the year of publication. Another option is to indicate the author's name in the text of the work itself. In this case, initials are indicated and the year of publication is indicated in brackets.

If the team of authors consists of more than two people, only the name of the first of them is mentioned with the addition of “etc.” or "with co-authors". In cases where there are too many authors (this applies to encyclopedias, dictionaries, etc.), instead of the surname, only the title with the year of publication of the book is given.

As a rule, long names of literary sources are given no more than once. In the future they are subject to reduction. If a verbatim quotation is used in the text, the page number with the quoted fragment is indicated, separated by commas.

How to prepare a list of references

This is done according to certain bibliographic rules for different sources. An example of preparing a research paper for a schoolchild or student contains exactly the same requirements. Any of the articles or books is written in alphabetical order from the red line. First, as already mentioned, works in Russian are given, below - in foreign ones.

It is mandatory for all types of sources to indicate information about the authors, titles, imprint data and quantitative characteristics. Imprint means information about the name of the publishing house, its location and year of publication. The names of cities are given in full, with the exception of Moscow and St. Petersburg, which are usually used in abbreviations.

By quantitative characteristic we mean the number of pages. If we are talking about a magazine or collection, only those pages that relate directly to the publication are given. In this case, the information exists in the form of indicating the numbers of the first and last of them through a dash.

When referring to an Internet site, the list of sources, in addition to the author and title, includes the address of the web page.

Taking these steps will significantly increase your chances of inflating your final estimate. It is even possible that after reviewing a perfectly written introduction, reviewers will not pay attention to the main text and conclusion. Therefore, the researcher should focus all his attention on writing the introduction.

Undoubtedly, the rationale for choosing your topic is one of the main points of the introduction; one can conditionally call it “an introduction within an introduction.” It is with its writing that a good introduction should begin, which will impress both the supervisor and all kinds of inspectors. Therefore, the main focus of this mini-review will be on writing this part of the introduction.

Writing an introduction begins with an introductory word

Any introduction should begin with an introductory word. For many novice authors who are faced with writing scientific papers for the first time, the first problems begin with the introductory word. What is this introductory word and how to form it correctly?

The introductory word plays the role of a “support” from which further description should begin. Without it, the introduction will be incomplete, since the narrative cannot begin immediately with relevance or with a description of goals and objectives.

If you do not have an introductory word, then during your defense the inspectors may have unnecessary and unpleasant questions that will cause you a lot of trouble.

The introductory word, as a rule, consists of two or three pages of clear text, which in its content fully reveals the problems of your topic.

A correctly written introductory word should contain the following main points:

  1. Disclosure of basic concepts and research problems. There should be no questions here, you simply point out the main problem of the study and define the main concepts with which you will work.
  2. You must show the features of interaction between the main object of your research and the outside world. This is a very important question that can show your level of understanding of the topic you have chosen. Since this is the main point of the “introduction to the introduction,” we will describe it in more detail. So, the theme we have chosen will sound like this:

An example of writing an introduction to a scientific paper

Subject: the problem of moral values ​​in modern politics.


The main difference between morality and other organizational and control spheres is that morality does not have material forms, is not materialized in administrative apparatuses, institutions of power, does not have a control center and means of communication, and is reflected only in language, speech and social behavior. Despite this, it is present in all spheres, influencing the stereotypes that govern society, and especially the phenomenon of politics as a social phenomenon. All moral prescriptions have the character of ideals with which all your actions should be coordinated. Morality evaluates the internal experience of actions. Politics, as such, is the most “down-to-earth” object and goal-oriented, i.e. it is focused on achieving specific goals and results. The most important feature of the policy is its reliance on force, the use of coercive sanctions for non-compliance with requirements. Morality rests mainly on the “sanctions” of conscience.

  • drew a clear parallel between the main points of his work;
  • briefly revealed the essence of their interaction;
  • showed what is the main difference between one sphere of control and another.

With this description, there will be no problems with protection.

Afterwards, an ideally written introductory statement should contain a paragraph indicating the development of the problem situation in certain time periods.

Example. It should be noted that the relationship between politics and morality is decisively influenced by the nature of social development in a certain time period and the prevailing sociocultural environment. The mutual influence of politics and morality in classical society, where the main attention is paid mainly to the inertia of consciousness and behavior, is one thing. A completely different situation arises with the transition to the era of technogenic civilizations. To be more specific, the basic content of the interaction between morality and politics reflects the main features of culture and traditions.”

It is important! The introductory word should be a short announcement of the entire content of your work.

Tip #1. Many researchers mistakenly believe that the introduction must be written immediately and completely. This is wrong. Before starting work on the main part of the research paper, it is necessary to write only part of the introduction, namely: relevance, goals and objectives. Everything else is written after the work is completed.

Tip #2. According to the rules, the size of the introduction should range from five to ten percent of the total size of the entire work. On defense this can be given special attention.

Tip #3. The introduction of a research work should be interconnected with its conclusion. At a minimum, the conclusion should list the general results of the work done, and these results must be based on the assigned research tasks.

For the sake of conclusion, it should be noted that the presented scheme for writing an introductory word is not absolutely exhaustive. However, if you follow the recommendations and advice described above, then during your defense you will not have any problems associated with unnecessary questions about writing an introduction to a research paper.

Updated: February 15, 2019 by: Scientific Articles.Ru

Let's consider the most important section of the research work - Introduction to Research Paper and give an example of the introduction of a project or research work of a School student or student. The main points of introduction can also be used in a project for a preschool educational institution (kindergarten) student, which is carried out together with parents.

In this section, we will give answers to questions about how to write an introduction to a research paper, give an example and find out what should be in the introduction of a student’s research paper or in a planned project.

To decide how to write an introduction to a research paper, it is necessary to consider the structure and plan for the introduction of the research paper, correctly formulate the relevance, subject and object of the study, the purpose and objectives of the project, novelty and methods of research activity.

Below we will give an example and a sample format for the introduction of a research work, and we will consider in detail each point of the introduction. These examples of writing an introduction also relate to the research work of schoolchildren and students; this material can be used by the teacher in project activities in preparation for the lesson.

What does the Introduction section cover?

In the "Introduction" chapter, it is necessary to concisely present the main ideas of the research work!

- the first section of the research project, located on the third sheet after the Contents of the research work.

It reveals the relevance of the topic, the purpose and objectives of the project, the object of research and the hypothesis, which is formulated in the presence of a practical part in the research work, the presence of experiments, experiences, observations.

proves the significance, modernity, and necessity of the results of the research.

A model of the desired end result of the child’s research is also formulated.

It is also important to indicate specific ones that need to be addressed throughout the course of the work. In the Introduction of the research work, you can also indicate the degree of development of this topic in the literature and formulate it.

Structure of the introduction of a research paper

Here is an example of a plan for introducing a student’s research work (project):

1. Relevance of the research topic
2. The problem that the research aims to solve
3. Object and subject of research
4. Purpose of the research work
5. Objectives of the research work
6. Hypothesis (assumption)
7. Main stages of work, organization
8. Research methods
9. Scientific novelty of the research
10. Theoretical significance of the work
11. Practical significance of the work
12. Characteristics of the main sources of information.

Each of the above paragraphs of the Introduction to a research project is described in a new paragraph without numbering and without a heading.

Relevance of the work, subject of research, object of research, purpose of research, objectives of research, etc.

Scope of the section Introduction- usually 1-1.5 pages.

Section Introduction is being drawn up according to the rules for preparing research work.

Benku Z.A., 4MP10, [email protected]

Meshkov I.A., 4МЭО8, [email protected]



Research paper title page

The title page of the research work is drawn up on an A4 sheet and is the first page.


    left margin of the sheet - 30 mm

    right - 10 mm

    top and bottom - 30 mm each

Line spacing is one and a half.

The title page is not numbered.

The full name of the educational institution/organization is written in the upper field of the title page of the research paper (font size – 16 pt.).

In the middle of the sheet is written without quotation marks “Research work” (font – 24 pt.)

On the next line, the title of the research work is indicated in capital letters without the word “topic”, without quotation marks and without a period at the end (font – 28 pt.).

The name should not be long, “standard or hackneyed”, but, if possible, short and intriguing. The title on the title page should correspond to the general content of the project and make it interesting to read the work.

The title, if necessary, can contain a subtitle to more specifically present the topic of the project, but it should be very brief and not turn into a second title of the work.

In the lower right corner of the title page information about the author of the research work is indicated (last name, first name, course, faculty, groups), below - about the head of the research work (write “Leader” and indicate his last name, initials and position. If there are several heads of the research project, All are indicated separated by commas.

If a consultant helped you in your work, then his initials and surname are placed below the manager with the indication “Consultant”.

At the very bottom of the title page, in the center, the place where the student's research work was performed is indicated: Moscow, on the next line - the year the work was completed - 2014 - without a period, quotation marks, the word "year" or "y" (font - 14 pt.).

So, the design of the title page of a research paper is almost standard:

    full name of the educational institution

    title of research paper

    last name and first name of the student, course, faculty, group

    surname, initials, position of project manager

    city ​​or town

    year of work completion

Designing the title page is the first step.

All chapters in the Contents begin with a capital letter.

When designing, the headers of steps of the same level must be placed one below the other. The headings of each subsequent stage are shifted five characters to the right. They all start with a capital letter without a period at the end.

Chapters and paragraphs are numbered according to a multi-level system, that is, they are designated by digital numbers containing in all levels the number of their section and the section to which they are subordinate (for example, 1.1, 1.2, etc.).

Sections "Introduction", "Conclusion", "Bibliography" and "Appendices" are not numbered.

Introduction... 3

(The introduction usually describes: the rationale for choosing the topic of the work, the object and subject of the study, the purpose and objectives of the study, the hypothesis, research methods, the novelty of the research work (if any), the theoretical and practical significance (if any) of the work)

1. Preparation for research (for example) ... 5

1.1 Historical information... 5

1.2 Collection of information... 7

1.3 Conducting a survey... 8

1.4 Safety precautions... 9

(Safety rules are described if necessary)

2. Conducting research (for example) ... 10

2.1 The first stage of the study... 10

2.2 The second stage of the study... 11

2.3 The final stage of the study... 12

Conclusion... 13

(Results of the research work)

References... 14

Applications... 15

Introduction of a research paper

Introduction is the first section of the project, located on the third sheet after the Contents of the research work. It reveals the relevance of the topic, the purpose and objectives of the project, the object of research and the hypothesis, which is formulated in the presence of a practical part in the research work.

Justification of the relevance of the research work proves the significance, modernity, and necessity of the research results.

The purpose of the research work is formulated - a model of the desired final result of the research.

It is also important to indicate the specific research problems to be solved.

In the Introduction, you can also indicate the degree of development of this topic in the literature and formulate the planned result of the research.

Thus, the Introduction reflects:

    Relevance of the research topic

When justifying the relevance of the study in the Introduction section of the research work, it is necessary to decide why this particular problem needs to be studied at this time.

The relevance of a study is the degree of its importance at the moment and in a given situation for solving a specific problem, task or issue.

The relevance of the research problem is the demand for studying and solving this problem in society.

Justification of the relevance of the study is an explanation of the need to study this topic and conduct research in the process of general knowledge.

Justification of the relevance of the research topic is the main requirement for research work.

The relevance of the research topic is due to the following factors:

    filling any gaps in science;

    further development of the problem in modern conditions;

    your own point of view on an issue on which there is no consensus;

    generalization of accumulated experience;

    summarizing and promoting knowledge on the main issue;

    posing new problems in order to attract public attention.

    The relevance of the research work may be the need to obtain new data, test completely new methods, etc.

    Often in a research project, the word “novelty” of the research is used together with the word “relevance”.

Examples of justification for the relevance of the research topic:

1. Relevance: the topic is relevant due to the high decline in the birth rate in the village. Previously, in our village there was a custom to have many children; not having children was considered the greatest misfortune and was seen as a punishment.

2. It is difficult, very difficult, even for a moment to imagine that now on the deserted foothills of the right bank of the river the life of tens of thousands of people was once seething and seething. A life full of dangers, vicissitudes of fate, the life of explorers, warriors, diplomats, traders, teachers and workers. This city played a progressive role in the historical fate of the region. Our city had to experience and see a lot; it knew the glory of take-off and the bitterness of fall.

Therefore, researching the history of my city, its glorious page in history, is a relevant topic for studying the cultural heritage and local history of our region.

3. SMS was invented in the early 90s by specialists from a British company. In England, SMS is so popular that there is even a separate word for it: “texting” and a verb: “to text”. Popularity leads to good earnings. And behind the seeming cheapness of SMS there are enormous incomes of those who offer these services. The SMS industry is growing and growing. SMS can be sent by phone, via the network, via a PDA. Is it any wonder that the number of SMS-addicted people is increasing. And some even set records. Thus, recently a report appeared in the press that a resident of India sent almost two hundred thousand SMS messages in a month. Last October, Dr. Mark Collins suddenly became a household name. And all thanks to an unprecedented disorder - SMS addiction. Therefore, the study of this topic is relevant.

4. This is the cry of the soul of a girl – a pupil of an orphanage. Every child left without parental care, who finds himself in a difficult life situation, no matter how warm and cozy it is in the orphanage, dreams of a loving, caring family, of a future and believes that the dream will come true. There are 4,375 orphans and children left without parental care in our region. Currently, 1,012 orphans and children left without parental care are being educated in educational and social institutions; 3,363 children are placed in foster families. Today, one of the priority forms of living arrangements for orphans is placing them in foster families. In the current situation, along with the concept of an orphan, the concept of a social orphan appears and is strengthened. A social orphan is a child who has biological parents, but for some reason they do not raise the child and do not care for him. Orphans, children left without parental care and who have not received a positive experience of family life cannot create a healthy, full-fledged family. They often repeat the fate of their parents, deprived of parental rights, thereby expanding the field of social orphanhood.

The problem of orphanhood today is the most pressing problem of the modern reality of our country.

5. The relevance of my research work lies in the fact that all children have a problem when they need to learn a large amount of information. And all children like to play, so I decided to turn the boring into interesting and exciting.

6. According to statistical data, there is a sharp deterioration in the health of children in Russia. 30-35% of children entering school already have chronic diseases. Over the years of schooling, the number of children with musculoskeletal disorders increases 5 times. There are many factors that influence such health problems. It is believed that a primary school student should not lift more than 1/10 of his own weight.

While studying the topic “Body Mass,” I did practical work: I measured the mass of different bodies, and I became very interested in why the mass is so different. The teacher suggested that I investigate this issue, check whether the backpacks worn by our classmates meet these requirements.

Since the health of a child is always of great importance and value for parents and society as a whole, my research work is relevant.

7. I believe that there is not enough research devoted to the study of dialectisms as a stylistic device. Special studies devoted to the study of dialectisms in the works of V.P. Astafiev is not there. Therefore, I consider my research project relevant.

8. In the green zone of the village, the number of trees affected by insects and their larvae increases every year. There is a need to preserve, restore and expand the green area. Since red forest ants are the “orderlies” of the forest and can help preserve it, my research is relevant.

    The problem the research aims to solve

    Object and subject of research

After the relevance of the research problem, the object and subject of the participants' research are written down in the introduction of the research work.

The research object is something that will be taken by the participants for study and research. It does not have to be any inanimate object or living creature. The object of research can be a process or a phenomenon of reality.

Usually the name of the research object is contained in the answer to the question: what is being considered?

The subject of research is a special problem, individual aspects of the object, its properties and features, which, without going beyond the scope of the object under study, will be investigated in the work.

Usually the name of the subject of research is contained in the answer to the question: what is being studied?

Examples of object and subject of research:

Object of study:

Subject of study:

properties of magnets

Mount Chatyrdag

legends and myths about Mount Chatyrdag

trigonometric equations and their systems

methods for selecting roots in trigonometric equations and systems

school students and teachers

SMS addiction

English sentences

ways and reasons for the arrangement of words in English sentences

family and tribal customs

native ritual

social orphans in a rehabilitation center

the process of social support and protection of orphans and children left without parental care

properties and structure of the eye as an optical instrument

microclimate of classrooms

microclimate conditions in classrooms

a magnetic field

magnetic field in school classrooms

Description of the research object:

Object of study: sterilized and filtered apple juices in aseptic packaging.

Subject of research: iron and copper content in sterilized and filtered apple juices.

Sometimes, instead of the phrase “Objects of research,” “Objects of observation” is better suited:

Objects of observation: two seal pups brought to the zoo from the Baltic Sea coast.

Subject of research: adaptation of seals to zoo conditions.

    Purpose of the research work

Competent formulation of the goal in the project is very important.

The purpose of the research work is the desired end result that the student plans to achieve as a result of his work.

The purpose is described to the student in the Introduction of the research paper in simple words and one or two sentences!

A simple scheme for drawing up the purpose of a research work (project):

1. Choose one of the words like:

study, investigate, find out, identify, define, analyze, establish, show, check, involve in a problem, justify, generalize, describe, find out, etc.

2. Add the name of the research object

Examples of received formulations of the purpose of research work:

    Research the names of the streets of our village and demonstrate street attractions.

    Investigate the main parameters of the microclimate of school classrooms.

    Research on the iron and copper content in the foods we eat every day.

    A study of the history and role of the city in the history of the country on its eastern borders.

    Explore and learn the legends and myths about the mountains, which are places of worship for the local people

    Explore the significance of plastic bottles in human life and nature.

    Study the process of growing crystals from salt and copper sulfate

    To study the behavior of gray Baltic seal pups in an enclosure in a zoo.

    To study the problem of social orphanhood and how, in particular, these issues are resolved in our area.

    To study the diet of schoolchildren - high school students.

    To study the problem of the emergence of social orphanhood.

    Study the effect of a steam bath on health.

    Study the conditions of the Center for Social Assistance to Families and Children of our city, where social orphans live.

    Study the life of bees, their behavior, relationships and activities.

    Study the characteristics of salt, its properties, qualities and uses.

    Explore different ways to select roots in trigonometric equations and systems.

    Study the force of friction and its impact on human life.

    Explore the types of mushrooms and their importance in the environment.

    To study the features of the story “The Bashkir Mermaid” related to its folklore basis and the traditions of the natural school developing in it.

    Study economic phenomena such as inflation and deflation.

    Explore the use of numbers in proverbs and sayings.

    Study of schoolchildren's diet.

    Studying the nature of red forest ant settlements in our forestry and assessing the ecological state of the forest.

    Study of food additives in food products and their effect on human health.

    To identify the influence of SMS mania on the human psyche.

    To identify the influence of the weight of a schoolchild’s backpack on his health.

    Identify the conditions necessary for the growth of spores of the mold fungus mucor.

    Identify patterns of phenomena...

    To determine the dependence on SMS among school students and teachers.

    Identify a manufacturing company that produces apple juices that meet the standards for iron and copper content.

    Determine the similarities between people and birds.

    Determining the causes of poor posture in adolescent children.

    Determine the role of birds in people's lives.

    Determination of the quality of fast food products.

    Determination of products that do not contain harmful food additives and products that contain harmful food additives.

    Find out the secret of the invisible and feel like a sorceress.

    Find out why the chameleon is considered an unusual animal.

    Find out what kind of bird attacked the sparrow, identify the characteristics of this bird.

    Find out why exactly the eagle is depicted on the coat of arms of Russia.

    Find out what the Sun is and show its significance in human life.

    Find out the secrets of creating animated films.

    Find out what properties magnets have and how people use them.

    Analyze the main methods and mechanisms for solving the problems of orphans and children left without parental care by the state.

    Analyze the features of the use of dialect vocabulary in the story by V.P. Astafiev "Last bow".

    Show a reflection of the country's historical events in the work of my great-grandfather.

    To attract students' attention to the problem of maintaining eye health and good vision.

    Involve the problem of homeless animals in our city.

    Prove that there are predators among plants.

    Get acquainted with the history of the development of the village, its inhabitants, traditions, because Every year there are fewer and fewer inhabitants.

    Check: is ice cream good or bad?

    Predicting the likelihood of disease due to poor nutrition.

    Justification of the justified use of computer slang and identification of its distribution in the speech of modern youth.

    Summarize material on the history of brands

    Set decay period...

    Objectives of the research work

After formulating the goals of the project, we will indicate specific tasks to be solved during the research process.

The objectives of the research work are all the successive stages of the participant’s theoretical and experimental work from beginning to end.

To determine the objectives of a research project, you need to consistently answer the question: “What should I do to achieve the research goal?”

Objectives are written in the Introduction of the research paper immediately after the objective.

Typically, the tasks of a creative project are listed and begin with the words: find out, study, carry out, find out, analyze, explore, define, consider, find, propose, identify, measure, compare, show, collect, make, compose, summarize, describe, establish, develop , get acquainted, etc.

Examples of research paper tasks:

    Find out the history of the creation and use of plastic bottles

    Find out the significance of historical monuments related to the life of the city

    Find out the historical significance of the people of the city who left their mark on the history of the region

    Find out what a magnet and magnetic force are

    Find out how people use magnets in life.

    Study the chemical properties of plastic bottles

    Study the activities of the Decembrists as the first explorers

    Study the history of your native village

    Study the history of animation

    Learn the process of creating a cartoon

    Learn historical information about salt

    Study the composition of ice cream

    Study morbidity from medical records

    To study the problem of the emergence of social orphanhood

    Learn ways to eat food

    Study youth slang as a linguistic phenomenon

    Study the requirements for a school backpack

    Explore the range of school backpacks

    Learn exercises to preserve and improve vision

    Study the biography of my great-grandfather

    Study information about inflation and deflation from various sources

    Explore the effects of inflation

    Study literary and scientific publications

    Study literature about the life of bees

    Study the conditions of the Center for Social Assistance to Families and Children of the city

    Study scientific, methodological and reference literature on the issue of creating programs in the Borland Delphi programming environment.

    Conduct a survey of class students

    Conduct experiments with salt

    Conduct the "Spy Note" experiment

    Observe the motor activity of seals

    Conduct a chemical experiment to determine the presence and amount of iron and copper in apple juices

    Conduct measurements of the main parameters of the microclimate of school classrooms

    Conduct a qualitative analysis of fast food products

    Conduct statistical research to identify the number of students and teachers using SMS

    To assess the specific activity of Cs-137 decomposition of a number of food products.

    Find out what kind of bees there are and what they do

    Find out the importance of salt in human life

    Find out how old the candy wrapper is and who invented it

    Find out where the candy wrapper can be used when the candy has already been eaten

    Learn the history of ice cream

    Find out the types of ice cream

    Find out what properties magnets have.

    Analyze the results

    Analyze the creative heritage of A.S. Pushkin

    Analyze the ecological state of the mixed forest in the green zone of the village

    Analyze the problem of ecological soil indication

    Analyze the level of inflation in the Ukrainian economy since 2005.

    Analyze the main methods and mechanisms for solving the problems of orphans

    Research the weight of schoolchildren's backpacks

    Investigate the ecological state of the soil in the school area

    Investigate the density of ant populations in the forest

    Investigate the spread of computer slang among various social groups using interactive questionnaires and a testing program created in the Delphi programming environment.

    Determine the calorie content of the food products being studied.

    Determine the temperature regime of the ground part of the red ant nest

    Determine the weight of schoolchildren's backpacks

    Determine the artistic goal that guided the writer

    Determine the most rational way to select roots for each type of task.

    Consider the importance of mushrooms in the environment

    Consider possible vision defects

    Consider different types of problems containing trigonometric equations

    Consider examples of solving systems of equations where it is necessary to select roots.

    Find information about salt

    Find information about the benefits and harms of mineral water

    Find features of a physiological essay in the text

    Find a useful use for the item being researched

    Find information about invisible people in scientific, fiction and the Internet.

    Suggest your own ways to improve soil condition

    Suggest possible replacements for instant foods

    Suggest biological methods for controlling forest pests to improve its condition.

    Identify students with poor posture

    Identify the influence of various food components on the functions of human organs

    Identify the reasons that cause the inflationary process

    Find out the percentage of students in my school who have various eye diseases.

    Measure the background level of gamma radiation in residential areas

    Measure the beta radiation flux density from operating TV screens and computer displays

    Measure the main parameters of the microclimate of school classrooms.

    Compare survey data and medical records

    Compare the data obtained as a result of observations with literature

    Compare the story with its folklore sources.

    Show the role of figures who lived in our city

    Show the attitude of society to the merits of D.I. Karyakin.

    Collect material about different types of mushrooms

    Collect legends and myths about...

    Collect material about the mold fungus mucor by studying literary sources.

    Make a comparative analysis...

    Draw a conclusion based on the results of the work.

    Compile a short dictionary of the most frequently used words in youth computer slang

    Summarize the results obtained

    Summarize information about inflation and deflation.

    Describe a practical experiment

    Describe aspects of the influence of SMS on the human psyche.

    Establish the main causes of visual impairment.

    Trace the literary connections of V. Dahl with Bashkiria.

    Develop a resettlement plan for red forest ants.

    Coordinate the plan with the forestry department.

    Get new information about the mountains.

    Get acquainted with the legends about the village.

    Work out in detail the chemical methods of qualitative and quantitative analysis of iron and copper.

    Hypothesis (assumption)

    Main stages of work, organization

    Research methods

Research methods are ways of achieving the goal of a research work.

The rationale for research methods is described in the Introduction to Student Research section. Often this section contains a simple listing of research methods.

In justifying the research methods, it is necessary to indicate:

Research methods used in the research work;

It is advisable to explain your choice of research methods, i.e. why these methods are better suited to achieve the goal.

At each level of work, the researcher determines the research methods to be used.

Types of research methods

Empirical level methods:









With the help of these research methods, specific phenomena are studied, on the basis of which hypotheses are formed.

Methods of experimental-theoretical level:


    laboratory experience

  • modeling



  • induction



These research methods help not only to collect facts, but to test them, systematize them, identify non-random dependencies and determine causes and consequences.

Theoretical level methods:

    study and synthesis




    analysis and synthesis

    induction and deduction


These research methods make it possible to carry out a logical investigation of the collected facts, develop concepts and judgments, make conclusions and theoretical generalizations.

Examples of recording research methods

Research methods: observation, interviews, statistical analysis, study of the media, literature.

Research methods:

1. theoretical: theoretical analysis of literary sources, newspapers;

2. empirical: interviews, sociological surveys.

Research methods: theoretical analysis and synthesis of scientific literature, periodicals about the history of the city from the archives and funds of museums, libraries, excursions in the vicinity where historical events took place.

Research methods:

1. bibliographic analysis of literature and materials on the Internet;

2. taking temperature measurements;

3. system analysis;

4. isolation and synthesis of the main components.

Research methods:

Study and analysis of literature;

Schoolchildren survey;

Carrying out measurements of the weight of the backpack;

Analysis of the obtained data.

Research methods:

1) First, we will draw up questions and conduct a survey. Then, knowing the energy value of foods, we calculate the amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates consumed by each student.

2) We will process the results of the survey we conducted using a computer program. Based on the data obtained, it will be possible to observe the dynamics of changes in the risk share of liver and gastrointestinal diseases.

In different industries, some research methods may have their own special names:

Research methods:

1. Scanning method: observing the motor activity of seal pups by recording the position of the animals in the pool and on land at regular intervals.

2. Method of recording individual behavioral manifestations: observing animal contacts and recording them with icons in a table.

3. Photography method.

4. Analysis of the obtained data.

    Scientific novelty of the research

    Theoretical significance of the work

A description of the theoretical significance (value) of the research results should be present in the introduction of the research paper if the results of your research can have further useful theoretical applications.

The theoretical significance of the work is the disclosure of the theoretical significance (application) of the research work, a description of how the results obtained can be applied.

The theoretical significance of a research work means that it is necessary, and usually answers the question, why was this work done?

Typically, a description of the theoretical significance of a research work can begin with: “The theoretical significance of my research work is that the results of the research can be used in... for...”.

It is advisable, first of all, to focus on the benefits that your work will bring to the school.

Perhaps the results of the research work will summarize the collected information, tell people something new and interesting, help improve the environmental situation, improve attitudes towards animals and nature, etc.

Examples of describing the theoretical significance of the work

The theoretical significance of my research work lies in the fact that, based on studying the topic of SMS mania, I identified the influence of SMS mania on the psyche and raised this issue at my school.

The theoretical significance of my work lies in the fact that many teenagers and others will probably pay attention to my research and draw conclusions, confirming them with actions. Cellular workers should also think about it, because... It is in their power to provide a happy future for healthy children.

    Practical significance of the work

A description of the practical significance (value) of the research results should be present in the introduction of the research work if the results of your research can have useful practical applications.

The practical significance of the work is the disclosure of the practical significance (application) of the research work, a description of how the results obtained can be applied.

The practical significance of research work means its necessity, and usually answers the question, why was this work done?

Typically, a description of the practical significance of a research work can begin with: “The practical significance of my research work is that the results of the research can be used in ... for...”.

It is advisable, first of all, to focus on the benefits that your work will bring to the school.

Perhaps the results obtained will bring economic benefits, help improve the environmental situation, improve attitudes towards animals and nature, help in studying the topic at school, etc.

Examples of describing the practical significance of the work

The practical significance of my research work lies in the fact that the work can be used in the school course “Social Studies”.

The practical significance of my research work lies in the fact that, based on studying the topic of SMS mania, I developed a questionnaire for surveying respondents.

The practical significance of my work: it can be used in the school course “Ethics and Psychology of Family Life.”

The practical significance of the work is that it can be used by schoolchildren to improve their educational level when studying topics in biology in the 9th grade.

The practical significance of the work is that it can be used by schoolchildren to improve their educational level, by a biology and physics teacher to explain topics and conduct an entertaining health lesson.

My work has practical significance because research materials can be used to prepare for lessons and to prepare for exams.

The practical significance of the study lies in drawing up recommendations for the consumption of certain food products containing food additives.

    Characteristics of the main sources of information

Each of the above points of the Introduction to the research work is described in a new paragraph without numbering and without a heading.

It is advisable to highlight the following words in bold, italic, and underlined font: relevance of the work, subject of research, object of research, purpose of research, objectives of research, etc.

The Introduction section is formatted in accordance with the rules for formatting a research paper. The volume of the Introduction section is usually 1-1.5 pages.

Historical background on the research problem

The main part of the research work

Searching for the necessary information and knowledge to conduct research.

Selection of ideas and options, their justification and analysis.

Selection of material and methods for conducting research.

Selection of equipment and organization of a workplace for research (if this is experience).

Description of the stages of the study.

Safety precautions when performing work (if this is experience).


(brief conclusions based on the results of the research work, assessment of the completeness of the solution to the assigned tasks)

It consistently presents the results obtained, determines their relationship with the general goal and specific tasks formulated in the introduction, and provides a self-assessment of the work done. In some cases, it is possible to indicate ways to continue researching a topic, as well as specific tasks to be solved.

Used Books

After the conclusion, it is customary to place a list of literature used in the research work. Each source included in it must be reflected in an explanatory note. Work that has not actually been used should not be included in this list.

References or List of used literature in a research paper is arranged in alphabetical order and numbered.

The reference list of the research project is placed on a separate sheet.

According to the rules, the list of used literature is usually placed after the Conclusion.

The list includes all sources that are referenced in the text and that were used to work on the research paper. Sources in the list are numbered in the order they are mentioned in the text using Arabic numerals without a dot.

Information about sources should include: surname, initials of the author, name of the source, place of publication, publisher, year of publication, number of pages.

It is convenient to arrange the literature alphabetically.

Official documents are placed at the beginning of the list of references in a certain order: Constitution; Codes; Laws; Presidential Decrees; Government Decree; other normative acts (letters, orders, etc.).

Literature in foreign languages ​​is placed at the end of the list after literature in Russian.


Topic of the work and rationale for choosing the topic

The research work brought to the attention of the reader is devoted to...
Have you ever wondered why...? I noticed.../thought about this question when...
I've always wondered why...
The desire to know... appeared in my childhood. I was interested in …
The topic of our work: “...”. I chose this particular topic for research because...
In the future, I would like to connect my life with ... that’s why I’m already interested in ... and chose ... as the topic of my research.
I became interested...after one day...
When I... it struck me/I became interested...


... has become an integral part of our lives today. We use... without thinking...
The relevance of the topic of our work is determined by the fact that currently...
In the modern world... is of great importance because...
In recent years, we have often heard and used the word...
Many people are interested/fascinated/think...
Today the problem... is one of the most pressing because...
The question... has become the focus of research in recent years...
The topic is the subject of lively discussions...
This is explained by the fact that... affects our health / mood / success
The problem ... attracts close attention of scientists and the public due to the fact that ...
Recently it has appeared... and people have begun to think more and more often about...
Probably every person at least once in his life thought about...
...has always raised a lot of questions among people...
Today there are two opposing views on this problem...
Today there is debate / there is no consensus on this issue...


Today there are works devoted to... in general. However, we decided to study this topic using the example of our class/school, and this is the novelty of our research.

Goal of the work

The goal of the work is to find out why...
The main goal of the work is to answer the question ... / prove that ...


To achieve this goal, we need to solve the following tasks:
To achieve this goal, we set ourselves the following tasks:
Job objectives:
The tasks of the work include:
Study literature on the topic
Find out the meaning of the terms...
Find examples ... in ... / collect material ... / study the composition ... / measure the level ...
Conduct a survey / experiment / observation
Compare/contrast/analyze the results obtained
Draw conclusions about...


First chapter (theoretical)
Basic terms and concepts, history of the issue

The key concepts for our study are….
... called...
On the official website... we found the following definition of the term... "..."
Ivanov V.V. in the book... defines the concept... as...
Petrov V.V. understands the term...
Sidorov S.S.
Andreev A.A. in the book "..." gives the following definition...
… - This …
The site... offers the following definition of the concept...
Ivanov’s article “...” in the magazine “...” states that...
It is generally accepted that...
It is generally known...
First, let's look at the history of the issue...
The history of the issue is covered in detail on the pages of modern encyclopedias, for example..., as well as on the website... For the first time....
From the book...we learned that...
As Ivanov I.I. writes. ... in the article ... "...", ...
According to Ivanov V.V. ...
Perhaps this is related...
Besides, …
It's interesting that...
It is a common belief that...
It must be emphasized that...

Chapter two – description of the study

In order to find out... we decided to conduct a survey... among the students/parents of our class. The survey was conducted through a questionnaire/social media survey. The survey involved ... students and ... parents.
Respondents were asked the following questions: ...
The study was conducted on the material…
We took… as material for the study.
The examples came from...
The results of the survey are presented in Table 1.
In Figure 2 you can see...
Figure 3 shows...
In this case we see ... / we are dealing with ...
At the same time, it should be noted...
Noteworthy is the fact that...
The diagram shows...


Conclusions by chapter

Based on all of the above, we can state...
All of the above allows us to draw the following conclusions: ...
Thus we see...
Hence …
It's obvious that …
As can be seen from everything said above...
From the above it follows that...
Summarizing the above, it is necessary to note the following...
To summarize Chapter 2, it is necessary to emphasize...
Summing up the interim results, we can say that...
As a result of our research, we found that...
In conclusion, it should be noted...
The study allowed us to draw the following conclusions...
The main conclusion I made: ...
During the study, it was revealed/established that...
Thus, we are convinced...
All of the above proves that...
Based on the above, it is logical to assume that...
All of the above convinces us that...
The most plausible version seems to us..., because...
The examples we found and analyzed allow us to identify the following pattern: ...

Prospects for further research

We see prospects for further research of the problem in a more detailed study...
In the future it would be interesting...
In our opinion, it would be interesting to study / explore / consider...
In addition to ... discussed in this work, in our opinion it would be interesting to study ...
The work examines only one aspect of the problem. Research in this direction can be continued. This could be a study not only... but also...

Purpose of work

The study may be useful and interesting for school students who are interested in..., as well as for everyone who is interested in...
The results of our research could help children in...
The work may be of interest to...
The results of the study can be used by teachers when preparing lessons / competitions / quizzes on the topic ....
The work can be used for further research...
With my work I wanted to draw the attention of my classmates to the problem...
The practical significance of the study lies in the fact that its results formed the basis for the rules I developed ... / reminders on ... for ...

What did the work give to the researcher himself?

In the process of writing the work, I learned/learned/discovered/found out...
The work helped me understand / realize / solve the problem / take a fresh look...
In the process of working on the research, I gained experience... I think that the knowledge I acquired will allow me to avoid mistakes / help me correctly...
The results of the study got me thinking...
What gave me the most difficulty was...
The research has fundamentally changed my opinion/perception about...
