Name color: meaning of letters. What color is your name? The meaning of names and numerology Which flower corresponds to a man’s name

Name and Birthday Color What color is your name? Color, in fact, like sound, is a vibration, and a person’s name is nothing more than the order of sounds that together make up the original consonance.

Each name has its own specific color, and this has been known since ancient times, since a lot of attention was paid to choosing a name for a newborn and many factors were taken into account. The consonance of a particular name is vibrations of energies, which in turn have their own colors. The human body is created in such a way that energy replenishment is vital for its normal functioning, and inevitably responds to color vibrations and reacts adequately to it.

Thus, having one name or another, a person attracts to himself colors that fuel the aspirations and character traits of the individual, which are reflected in his individuality. To balance the motivating factors, we need harmony of primary colors. As a result, the question arises: how to attract the right colors to yourself? and what color is my name?

Each Name has its own set of colors, and represents a kind of colored label, which corresponds to certain color characteristics. The connections between the letters of a name, consonances, words and colors have their own meaning, and an entire work by the famous American healer Lillian Bonds is dedicated to the topic of the color of a name.

Using the researcher’s method, it becomes possible to calculate your name color, date of birth and find out the deficiency of the color you are missing, perhaps which is so vital for the harmonious functioning of the body.

Name Color Chart:
Red 1 A I S b
Orange 2 BYTS
Yellow 3 V K U E
Green 4 G L F Y
Blue 5 D M X Y
Blue 6 E N C
Purple 7 Y O H
Pink 8 F R W
Golden 9 Z R Shch
Using this table you can determine the color of your name and number. It contains nine colors and their corresponding numbers and letters. So, write your name on a piece of paper (first and last name, full name, nickname, nickname, diminutive, then put down the corresponding numbers and sum them up. If the number is more than 10, add up the numbers until you get a number less than 10. For example , if you received the number 123, then we summarize as follows: 1-2 + 3 = 6. We get the number 6, corresponding to the color blue.

Let's look at an example of defining the color of a name

Lilian = 4+1+4+1+1+6 = 17 = 1+7 = 8
So, the number of the name is 8, which corresponds to the color pink.
The next step is to determine which colors are missing in the name.
L = green; And = red; L = green; And = red; A = red; N = blue.

Now let's see how many of each color are represented in the name.
Red - 3 Orange - 0
Yellow - 0 Green - 2
Blue - 0 Blue -1
Purple - 0 Pink - 0
Golden - 0

So, the name in question "Lillian" apparently lacks the colors orange, yellow, blue, purple, pink, gold. The lack of energy of missing colors can have a completely negative impact on behavior and other factors in everyday life, so it will be important to make up for the lack of the desired color - for example, with the color of clothing.

The lack of certain colors in the name helps to understand why it is not always possible to get what you want from life. This influence extends to all levels of the organism’s existence: physical, emotional and conscious. Therefore, when dressing in clothes of the same color, it is not difficult to notice that there is some change in a person’s mood; however, it is not always suitable for the desired situation.
Birth date color

The date of birth is another fixed point in life. It also has its own special color, often matching the color of the name. If this is not the case in your case, consider whether the colors of your name and date of birth could be matched.
To determine the color of your date of birth, sum up the digits of its constituent numbers, remembering to sum each time to a single number. Don't forget to add thousands to the year.
Let's assume that the date of birth is January 1, 2004, i.e. 01/01/2004.
We get: 0+1+0+1+2+0+0+4 = 8, which corresponds to pink.
In a particular case, the combination of the color of the name and date of birth is ideal. We can also find out the color energy for each current day. This information will help us choose the right colors of clothes and shoes, answer questions about choosing jewelry, and even create a menu for a given day.

The color of our clothes says more about us than we would like. When choosing clothes of different colors and shades, we are most often guided by the criteria “like - don’t like” and “suitable - does not suit.” It happens that for a long time a person has “his own” color, with which he tries to surround himself, preferring it in clothes and the furnishings of his home to all other colors. Such love exclusively for one color can indicate internal problems and contradictions.

Name Color Meaning

Red name color

Color Red is the color of energy, passion, desire, physical activity and strength, determination and strength of character. People whose names are associated with the color red are very restless and, in extreme situations, uncontrollable.

They are sociable, love noisy companies, but are easily irritated and any dispute turns into a verbal skirmish. They find it difficult to build their personal lives, have several marriages, and are dictators in the house. Often, in old age, people are left alone, lost and dissatisfied. The personal life of women is especially difficult: they are powerful, unpredictable, and highly dependent on their momentary mood.

These people have an uncontrollable desire to be first and unsurpassed, which is why quite a few professional athletes emerge from their number. These people are unusually talented, only the methods of their assertion are somewhat different from the usual, and therefore are perceived as indecent and shocking. Such people are often not happy with themselves and easily become depressed, prone to quickly becoming addicted to alcohol and drug addiction. In a good mood - they are cheerful people, they know how to win over their interlocutor, but one carelessly thrown word at their address is enough to cause a flash of anger and irritation in them. Such names include:

Anatoly, Andrian, Arkady, Walter, Benjamin, Witold, Vladislav, Dmitry, Donat, Kirill, Luka, Makar, Mark, Miroslav, Nikon, Platon, Semyon, Stanislav, Yakov.

Ada, Alexandra, Alina, Bella, Berta, Valeria, Victoria, Vladislava, Eva, Ekaterina, Elizaveta, Zhanna, Zemfira, Marietta, Nika, Oksana, Praskovya, Tatyana, Emma.
Scarlet color of the name

Color Scarlet- people whose name corresponds to the color scarlet are unbalanced, unpredictable, achieve goals in any way, and are easily influenced. They do not know how to correctly calculate their strengths, make many mistakes and often “step on the same rake” several times, because they do not know how to draw conclusions from their mistakes. They really need a sensible person who will always be there and will be able to guide and predict their actions. This type of character includes:

Apollo, Boris, Efim, Zakhar, Karl, Nikanor, Radomir, Richard, Spartak, Erast, Yaroslav.

Evlania, Zarema, Lada, Leah.
Raspberry name color

Color Raspberry- people whose name corresponds to the color crimson have an unstable nervous system since childhood. They cannot stand loneliness, but at the same time they have difficulty getting along with people. People born in December are especially difficult to communicate with: they are very hot-tempered and overly vulnerable. Among them there are many talented artists, mostly avant-garde artists. Such names include:

Hilarion, Maxim, Maryan, Rodion, Stepan

Aza, Ariadna, Zara, Matilda, Neonila, Yana.
Pink name color

Pink colour- The character of such people is balanced, they are calm, restrained, skillfully conduct a conversation, and give the opportunity to their interlocutor to speak, even if they do not agree with him. These people are free from prejudices, do not expect anything from others, and try not to be obligated to anyone. You rarely hear harsh words from them, although with close people they can take such liberties. People born in January, March, and July are more emotional. They do not tolerate injustice and protest against hypocrisy and lies. The character of such people greatly depends on their patronymics. These people are capable of compassion, purity and nobility, love and beauty. This color is the color of self-sacrifice, the ability to bring love, warmth and openness into the world. Names of this color include:

Valentin, Evstigney, Thomas

Aurora, Asya, Venus, Deborah, Sofia, Harita, Erna.
Burgundy name color

Color Burgundy- people with a name of the color “Bordeaux” are restless, energetic, love to travel, so they choose work that involves business trips. They are stubborn and difficult to communicate, although they cannot imagine their existence without communication and cannot tolerate criticism of any kind. They are constantly beset by the vicissitudes of fate. But it is difficult to meet more persistent and assertive people than them. They stoically endure all failures and certainly achieve their goal. Such people are the driving force of the team, they are good organizers, and help those around them to make a career. They infect others with their energy and optimism. This type of character corresponds to people with the names:

Witold, Vladimir, Gury, Kuzma, Platon.

Praskovya, Rosa.
Black name color

Black color- they have a difficult fate, are difficult to communicate, stubborn, hot-tempered, unpredictable in a fit of anger. Their personal lives are complicated; men often have conflicts with law enforcement agencies. These people are fair, kind, sympathetic, but they defend justice with the help of force. Society does not always accept them for who they are, tries to correct them, influence the psyche, which hurts and embitters the bearers of these names. These people are in dire need of human warmth, increased attention, participation and love. These include:

Gordey, Nikolai, Timur, Fedot.

Veronica, Melania.
White name color

White color- a color that unites the entire color palette. The correspondence of a person’s name to this color speaks of his wisdom, enlightenment, high intuition, and religiosity. Often people with such names become clergy, righteous people, and preachers. They are persistent in achieving their goals, they have their own views on life. These people are talented, intelligent, tactful. They do not set material well-being as an end in themselves, part with money easily, and willingly help others. Such names include:

Agathon, Albert, Arnold, Arthur, Gabriel, Heinrich, Rodoslav, Rual, Flor, Jan, Janus.

Alevtina, Dominica, Clara, Lilia, Patricia.

Orange name color

Orange color- a color that reflects creative activity, nobility of thoughts, self-confidence. Such people are responsible and firm in their decisions. These are strong personalities who attract others with their positive approach to life. However, such people are very emotional and are not always restrained. This type includes people with the names:

Alfred, Harry, Eremey, Kapiton, Nazar, Pavel, Prokhor, Rudolf, Socrates, Thaday.

Angela, Dora, Giselle, Camilla, Capitolina, Marta, Olga, Rimma, Julia.
Yellow name color

Yellow color - symbolizes vital energy, the color of intelligence, rationality, logical and analytical thinking. People with the name of this color are strong in character, practical, and gravitate toward exact sciences and natural history. Even if they receive a liberal arts education, they often find their calling in economics, innovation, and scientific activity. Such names include:

Anton, Vadim, Victor, Vlas, Denis, Zinovy, Orest, Raphael, Robert, Seraphim, Ustin, Fedor, Filimon.

Anna, Valentina, Wanda, Vera, Vesta, Diana, Nadezhda, Nellie, Larisa, Melissa, Susanna.
Name color green

Green color - the color of harmony, stability and fortitude. People whose names correspond to the color green are warm-hearted, sympathetic, kind, indifferent to material values, but they know how to earn money and are rarely penniless. They love nature and people. They try to help everyone, but rarely receive gratitude in return. They have many envious people, whom they manage not to notice. Green is the color of growth, upcoming changes, the color of healing energy. These people are not afraid of difficulties, easily take risks, and know how to adapt to any circumstances. Often they start from scratch and never lose. They are smart, practical, and have a sparkling wit. Being around them is interesting, although not easy. Such people are sensitive and vulnerable; they can be offended even by simple indifference towards them, especially if they are close people. They part with the offenders once and for all, but they don’t look for friends - they appear on their own, people are drawn to them like a magnet. This type includes people with the names:

Aristarchus, Bogdan, Borislav, Vasily, Vitaly, Gregory, Dementy, Eugene, Elizar, Erofey, Igor, Casimir, Konstantin, Korney, Leonard, Mitrofan, Mikhail, Nester, Peter, Terenty, Felix.

Agnessa, Anastasia, Bronislava, Julieta, Eugenia, Zinaida, Zoya, Karina, Cleopatra, Constance, Laura, Lyudmila, Marianna, Mirra, Natalya, Serafima, Silva, Teresa.
Blue name color

Blue color - the color of trust, harmony, calmness, contentment. These people are self-confident, internal, protected natures. They are highly sensitive, receptive to the grief of others, spiritual, sincere, trusting, deep natures, talented individuals. They often have healing abilities. Such names include:

Akim, Artem, Gleb, Daniel, Evdokim, Egor, Ephraim, Lazar, Leonid, Modest, Oleg, Savely, Sofron, Khariton, Edgar.

Viola, Violetta, Henrietta, Gloria, Irina, Christina, Lola, Lolita, Lyubov, Marina, Maria, Maryana, Polina, Rada, Renata, Simona, Sophia, Hristya, Evelina, Emilia.
Name color blue

Color Blue- the color of calm, wisdom, contemplation. People whose name corresponds to this color are devoted friends, faithful to loved ones, to their ideas and principles. They are somewhat secretive and overly restrained in expressing their feelings. In communication, they are difficult, distrustful, find it difficult to get along with people, have difficulty finding a common language with loved ones, are too strict and demanding towards them. Such people have the ability to prophecy, know how to foresee the future, and are capable of telepathy. The integrity of these people prevents them from being happy in their personal lives, but they know how to be friends. They are stable, thorough, practical. This type includes:

Avenir, Andrey, Andrian, Ambrose, Arsen, Askold, Boleslav, George, Gennady, Evsey, Elisha, Siegfried, Lyubomir, Paramon, Theophilus, Trofim, Christian, Yuri.

Vasilisa, Galina, Evdokia, Gisela, Isabella, Isidora, Magdalena, Nonna, Stefania, Ulyana, Eurydice, Edita.
Lilac name color

Color Lilac- people whose names correspond to the color lilac are very secretive, distrustful, taciturn, patient, and steadfastly endure the vicissitudes of fate. There are many difficulties along their life path, but this does not embitter them. They are responsive and sympathetic, happy to help anyone who deserves their trust. They are prone to depression, but know how to get out of it, do not complain about fate, and do not lose optimism. People with such names, having patronymics Nikolaevich (na), Dmitrievich (na), Arnoldovich (na), Stanislavovich (na), or those born in December, March, May, are picky, boring, women are grumpy. These include:

Gerasim, David, Joseph, Svyatoslav.

Anfisa, Leona, Louise, Stella, Ninel, Eliza, Elvira, Esther.

Name color purple

Color Purple- the color of the spiritual power of a person who bears a name corresponding in vibration to this color. These people are able to penetrate into the essence of human nature, live for others, are committed to high ideals, and have great opportunities for spiritual growth. However, they are sensitive, prone to various forms of love experiences, extravagant in their choice of betrothed, delicate, amorous natures. Women are devoted wives, capable of taking a pitiful man rejected by everyone as their husband, instilling in him faith in himself and in the future. Prone to compassion and empathy. However, such people themselves are rarely happy in their personal lives, and often remain lonely and misunderstood. Men are very vulnerable, somewhat selfish, narcissistic. But they easily adapt to changes in life, are friendly with people, and always rush to help their loved ones. This type includes:

Avdey, Alexander, Alexey, Anfim, Athanasius, Benedict, Valery, William, Ivan, Klim, Nikita, Nikifor, Prokop, Samuel, Timofey, Philip.

Agata, Agnia, Albina, Antonina, Glafira, Daria, Elena, Ilaria, Irma, Lydia, Maya, Naina, Nonna, Regina, Rufina, Taisiya, Tamila, Faina.
Name color brown

Brown color- the character of these people is difficult, with a difficult fate. They are very kind, but too contradictory, unbalanced, and often explosive, in a fit of anger, like a hurricane, they sweep away everything in their path. Many have complications with law enforcement agencies. They are hardworking, good-natured, and love animals. However, they are wayward and proud, do not listen to the opinions of others, and always act in their own way. This type includes:

Abram, Boniface, Horace, Ermak, Innocent, Kondrat, Martin, Pakhom, Roman, Taras, Tryphon.

Alice, Gertrude, Kira, Claudia, Olvia, Raisa, Roxana, Stanislava, Yuna, Yaroslava.
Ash color of name

Color Ash- this color can be considered “masculine”. Because it is men who correspond to the character of this color. They find it difficult to get along in a team, in a family, are married several times, are very squeamish, picky, petty, and trust few people. They are often unsure of themselves and plagued by doubts. At first glance they seem spineless, but this is not so. They have a character, but it is peculiar. They are cunning and cunning, it is difficult to catch them in anything. They get away with any situation and can evade responsibility. Such men cannot be forced to marry against their will. They do not like to be obligated to anyone, although they themselves willingly accept someone's help. Such people are often difficult and unpleasant to communicate with. This type includes:

Azarius, Anufry, Vincent, Elijah, Isaac, Leo, Moses, Nahum, Solomon.

Gray name color

Color Gray- the color of distrust, uncertainty. People whose names correspond to this color are contradictory, not influenced, and difficult to convince them of anything. They are irreconcilable with injustice, do not tolerate lies, and can break down if faced with dishonesty and hypocrisy. They are not very happy in their personal lives; they are in several marriages. They are devoted to friends to the point of self-forgetfulness. Such people include:

Anisim, Vissarion German, Demyan, Ignat, Miron, Micah, Protas, Savva, Sevastyan, Severin, Sergei, Tikhon, Eduard.

Greta, Isolde, Ksenia, Nora, Sabina

Andrey Dementyev wrote:
The color of my name is blue.
The color of your name is ocher.
The sound of my name is strong.
The sound of your name is kind.

The color of your name is blue-gray

The color of your name is blue-gray.
And the same canopy
And the same light ash tree.
And the same black dome over fate
Immensely amazingly beautiful.
We keep every day of madness,
But not much time is measured.
Who is inseparable from rock crystal,
That's a road for two hundred years and winters.

The color of your name is gray-blue,
Hills and mountains, sleepy valleys.
Take your guitar
Sit with me and sing.
You and I have a similar long path.
The dew will wake you up, the cold will refresh you.
Cheerful light will give good spirits.
And the bird whistle will enchant you,
And you will understand that everything
Fell in love
Stanislav Prokhorenko

Our names are colored

Imagine for a moment
That names have colors...
Now, girlfriends, as if as a joke,
I will draw our portrait:

"Larissa" white gull
Over the turquoise wave,
Soaring free...Serenity
The color is sky blue..
Well, when in the autumn field
The cornflowers have already withered,
Larisa's funny eyes
Reminds me of summer days!

Here is "Lydia" - tender as poppies,
But any boundary will be defended,
Under an elegant beige dress
Khaki passions are raging.
will be able to demonstrate
She's black and white chic to you
Its simple, uncompromising,
Such a shy SOUL...

Two completely different “Elenas”:
One, like a peach blossom,
Well, the other one at the same time
Just like raspberry sorbet...
Soft orange and scarlet
They argue with each other for an hour
Well, try to figure it out,
The one with you now!

It seems to you that with "Violetta"
Everything is clear without further ado -
Violet baby
Violet from the southern shores...
But only if Violetta
You will manage to anger
This shy violet
In an instant she will cease to be -
Purple sky before the storm
The look will instantly fill,
If you decide to offend Violet -
So you won’t be happy with yourself!

Do you see the sea in Marina?
You are mistaken, friends,
There is no trace of blue there -
She's all emerald!
Like May greens in the window
It sparkles when the storm passes;
The dragonfly sparkles so much in the sun
Or mermaid eyes...

And “Sofia” will whisper insinuatingly,
That she's just gray
Like a downy shawl on your shoulders -
So weightless, but... HEAT
A deceptive, foggy haze
It will mislead you
And then in ancient silver
It will sparkle in the light of the torches!

The picture would be incomplete
Without the festive and tender Nina:
Light green (but not green!)
"Nina" has color. In love with spring
He is all like the first leaves,
Like a bow in my daughter's hair...
The color of the elf's light wings is
Without heaviness and without relief,
The same as Nina, gentle
The color of affection, youth, hope...

So different, but TOGETHER
The palette contains one
Each has its own place in it,
And yet we are ALL at the same time!

Numerology is an accurate and quite interesting science, with its help you can find out both the future and the present, as well as the character of your partner and the number of children, opportunities and your potential, and much more. But the most interesting thing is that this science makes it possible to find out what color your name is. Thanks to this knowledge, you can find out your positive and negative character traits, as well as adjust what is necessary to achieve your life goals.

In addition, if you know the meaning of names, you will be able to choose your ideal business partner, and you will also learn what to expect from your loved one and how to react to his behavior in life situations, since usually the owners of a certain name almost always behave equally, although, of course, upbringing, time and place of birth, environment, as well as other factors influence, however, one can always find something in common among namesakes.

To calculate the color of a name, you need to make certain calculations by referring to the table below.

Write the name by which the person is constantly called, so Sofia can be called Sophia, Natasha - Tasha, Elena - Alena, Oksana - Ksyusha, etc. For example, you want to know the meaning of a name:

T A T b I N A
2 1 2 3 6 6 1

We count: 2+1+2+3+6+6+1 = 21 = 2+1 = 3. The number of the name Tatyana is Troika. This is yellow.

Find out the color of the name and what it means in terms of numerology.

Enter your name:

You can calculate the color of the name yourself using the scheme shown above and read its description below:

The color of the name is red. People with this color are very kind and sympathetic, they will always come to the rescue, but they will wait for a response and, if it does not follow, they may be seriously offended, but they will not show it, they will simply move away from the person for a while. Among them there are many leaders who lead to the end to the goal, demanding full dedication from their followers, which is why they are often disliked. They are true friends, but, alas, they don’t have many friends.

Positive character traits - kindness, responsiveness, leadership.

Negative character traits - selfishness, intolerance to the vices of others.

Orange name color. People with this color are charming and charming, they are bright both externally and internally. They can be noticed by their original clothes and appearance. They are smart and cheerful, however, they say about them that there are too many of them, so they have a lot of acquaintances, but there is only one real friend, because he must have angelic patience and the ability to listen and correct the orange comrade who is gushing with stupid ideas.

Positive character traits - sociability, originality.

Negative character traits include lack of culture and even some rudeness.

Yellow color of the name. People who have this color, as numerology shows, are sunny and positive, energetic and logical; with them you always feel comfortable and cozy, because you know for sure that they will never let you down. They have a strong character and practicality, which brings some discomfort to family relationships, since they are not used to leading a wasteful lifestyle and demand the same from their loved ones.

Positive character traits are sociable, open and active.

Negative character traits are tight-fistedness and stubbornness.

Green color of the name. People with this color are kind and warm-hearted, ready to give their last. They are not afraid of changes in life, they easily take risks for the sake of material well-being, however, money rarely lingers in their pocket - “green” people like to have fun in a large and noisy crowd, treating everyone. They are very vulnerable and sensual, so they often take offense at family members, feeling misunderstood and unloved, although they forgive as quickly as they are offended.

Positive character traits are kindness and optimism.

Negative character traits are vulnerability and touchiness.

Blue color of the name. People with this color are trusting and talented. They do not like conflicts, so they avoid them - they are even ready to ask for forgiveness from the offender, just so that no one harbors anger at them in their hearts. It is very easy to be friends with them and work with them, but they often have disagreements in their families, since they are ready to give up everything for the sake of friends who are supposedly in trouble. But, as soon as a friend is saved, the apology to family will be so sincere that it is impossible not to forgive them.

Positive character traits - creativity and creativity, lack of conflict.

Negative character traits are some irresponsibility and dependence on the opinions of others.

Blue name color. People with this color are true friends, they will always come to the rescue, sympathizing and listening, but you won’t be able to expect real actions and money from them. The fact is that the meaning of the name blue is such that its owner cannot do otherwise - this is inherent in nature, and you cannot argue with it. By the way, very often, due to their inaction, these people cannot find a tolerant employer, so they do not stay in one workplace for a long time, although they are loved and respected in the team - they have many friends among their former colleagues.

Positive character traits are sociability and loyalty.

Negative character traits are laziness and irresponsibility.

The color of the name is purple. People with this color are idealists and very amorous people. They have a big soul, they are ready to warm everyone with their warmth, they have many like-minded people. However, it is very difficult for them in the family, since they will always feel unhappy, therefore, having lived with their spouse for many years, in old age they separate and live the rest of their lives alone. But, surprisingly, this does not upset them; on the contrary, they close themselves in their shell, where they are comfortable.

Positive character traits are sensual and responsive.

Negative character traits are closedness and sadness.

Pink color of the name. People with this color are reserved and good listeners; they never argue, although they always have their own opinion, which they strictly follow. It is impossible to hear criticism of others from them, but they always evaluate themselves critically, which is why there are frequent mental hoards and depressive states. They are wonderful family men, because it is impossible not to love them.

Positive character traits are philanthropy and sincerity.

Negative character traits are depression and criticality.

Gold color of the name. People who have this color are stubborn and unshakable, they are intolerant of the shortcomings of others, since they themselves consider themselves ideal, in principle, it is impossible to find fault with them externally - a carefully selected wardrobe and well-groomed appearance. But, if you look under the golden shell, you can see a powerful and insensitive person. They are often disliked at work, as they are tough and domineering, and at home they are dictators.

Positive character traits are fortitude and steadfastness.

Negative character traits are imperiousness and rigidity.

It turns out that our name has a color that can characterize its bearer and also endow him with special energy. That is, the owner of a certain name attracts colors that nourish him and reflect his individuality. Finding out the color of a name is not difficult, you just need to carry out predefined calculations by referring to the table below.

Name Color Chart

Red 1 A I S b

Orange 2 BYTS

Yellow 3 V K U E

Green 4 G L F Y

Blue 5 D M X Y

Blue 6 E N C

Purple 7 Y O H

Pink 8 F R W

Golden 9 Z R Shch

You need to write your full name, signing the corresponding numbers below. For example, your name is


Now we calculate the sum of the numbers - 7+3+1+1+6+1=19=20=2 (Orange color). This means that the main characteristic of your name is Orange. Creative person. The next stage is to see which ones there are in the name - Oksana - the most units, which means another important color - Red - energy. By the way, it is worth paying attention to this fact: even if in your passport you are Oksana, but everyone calls you Ksyusha, then it is worth choosing this name when calculating, it will characterize your inner self and energy, which has a great influence on you. The same can be said about such names as Natalya-Tasha, Tatyana - Tata, Sasha - Shurik, Misha - Mikha, etc.

If the name lacks some color shades, then they need to be replenished with the help of clothes in order to feel like a harmonious person. In addition, at the level of intuition, you yourself will understand what color scheme you are missing, so it will definitely be present in both your clothes and the interior of your home.

Name color meaning


People whose name is red are active both physically and emotionally. These are often uncontrollable and restless individuals. They love noisy companies and vigorous communication. Those who like to argue turn any dispute into a harsh verbal skirmish. In the family they are dictators, at work they occupy a leadership position. Old age is spent alone, dissatisfied with life. This is especially true for women who are powerful and unpredictable; their mood changes several times during the day.

Holders of red names easily fall into depression, many of them are alcoholics and drug addicts, but there are also many great athletes. They are talented and always achieve what they want.

Examples of names:

Anatoly, Dmitry, Kirill, Makar, Semyon, Yakov; Alina, Victoria, Eva, Nika, Tatyana.


Creative personality, noble, self-confident. These people are firm in their decisions, responsible, strong and positive. They are emotional, therefore they are often unrestrained in their words, for which many people do not like them. It is difficult for them to find a common language with people whom they immediately dislike; the first impression of a person is important to them.

In the family, scandals and quarrels always arise due to the intolerance of people with names of Orange color; they are the initiators of divorces and termination of transactions.

Examples of names:

Gary, Nazar, Socrates, Paul; Marta, Olga, Yulia.


These people have vital energy, are intellectuals, and have high analytical and logical thinking. Owners of yellow names are firm in character, practical and pragmatic. They often receive a liberal arts education, but often find themselves in economics and the exact sciences.

It is very difficult with them in a family, because they always have to be aware of the money spent, they are stingy and do not tolerate waste. But on the other hand, they always have enough for a comfortable existence.

Examples of names:

Anton, Denis, Ustin, Fedor; Anna, Vera, Nadezhda, Larisa.


Harmonious “green” individuals are the owners of this name, they have a strong character, but at the same time they are kind and warm-hearted, for them the financial side is not important, they are ready to give the required amount to those in need. These people know how to earn money, so they always have the means for a well-fed life. They love nature and animals. They are not afraid of change and difficulties, they know how to take risks and adapt to any situations. Witty and funny. It is interesting to work with them, but also difficult, since they are vulnerable and sensual.

In a family, it is their touchiness that will become the cause of many conflicts and omissions; the spouse and children have to carefully select every word so that the house is peaceful and tranquil. Colleagues can also hurt a person with a green name, but, however, at work they carefully hide this character trait.

Examples of names:

Vasily, Gregory, Igor, Mikhail, Peter; Anastasia, Zinaida, Lyudmila, Natalya.


These people are calm and harmonious, self-confident. Heartfelt, the grief of others is their grief. Trusting and talented. By the way, they are capable of healing and witchcraft. It is difficult to quarrel with them, since they will always back down in conflicts.

They are easy to work with both in the family and at work - reserved and friendly, forgiving the vices of others, but not tolerating their own - constantly working to get rid of them. Excellent employees who do not refuse to help their colleagues and do not enter into conflict with their superiors.

Examples of names:

Akim, Egor, Leonid, Oleg; Violetta, Irina, Marina, Sofia.


People who bear a blue name are loyal and loyal friends who will always come to the rescue even to their own detriment. Although, for all their positive qualities, they are secretive and restrained in their feelings. They are difficult to communicate with and distrustful.

The family is demanding and strict. They know how to foresee the future, thanks to which they can predict the consequences of disobedience. In addition, they are practical and restrained in spending, which also angers the family. They are respected and valued at work.

Examples of names:

Andrey, Arsen, Georgy, Trofim, Yuri; Galina, Ulyana, Edita.


These people are committed to high ideals, have spiritual strength, sensitive and amorous, subtle natures. They have a big soul and will never refuse to help those in need.

Devoted spouses who forgive the vices of their other half. Although they are unhappy and misunderstood in their family, they remain alone in old age, as they become vulnerable and selfish with age. They are loved at work for their responsiveness and lack of conflict.

Examples of names:

Alexey, Valery, Ivan, Nikita, Timofey; Daria, Elena, Lydia, Taisiya.


These people are balanced, calm and reserved, they always listen to their interlocutor, even if they do not agree with him. They don't like commitment, but they don't demand the same from others. They never criticize anyone, although sometimes they may express dissatisfaction with someone, but this happens very rarely. This color is a symbol of compassion, peace and...

For these people, family comes first; for its sake they are ready to make any sacrifice, even give up a well-paid job.

Examples of names:

Valentin, Foma; Sofia, Asya, Erna.


Usually this color of the name corresponds to the masculine principle, therefore representatives of the fair sex who bear the golden name have the qualities of men - stubborn, tough, purposeful and uncompromising. These people trust few people, are picky and unrestrained.

They are the rulers both at home and at work. They are always the heads of the family who will not tolerate objections, love to command and manage money. They are not liked in the team, since these people often structure their work in such a way that everyone owes them money, but they themselves will never offer their help.

Examples of names:

Ilya, Lev, Naum, Miroslava.

Each color in the spectrum corresponds to a specific wavelength. The shortest wavelength is that of violet, and the longest wavelength is that of red. Color, like sound, is a vibration, and our name is nothing more than a combination of sounds that together make up a unique melody.

Psychologists recommend relaxing and imagining your name as a certain color. Then visualize the name of your loved one and see how the color of his name combines with yours. This way you can test your intuition. Below are the colors that are offered to us name color therapy.

Names are red

Red color symbolizes energy, passion, activity, determination, strength. People whose names are colored red are very lively, emotional, restless, and sometimes uncontrollable.. They are sociable and powerful. The personal life of such people is difficult, since they are by nature leaders, often unpredictable and authoritarian. They are unusually talented, always strive to be first, cheerful and active, but at the same time very hot-tempered.

TO names in red include: Alexander, Arkady, Artem, Ada, Alla, Alexandra, Alina, Boris, Vladislav, Vladislava, Elizaveta, Ekaterina, Zhanna, Maxim, Margarita, Miroslav, Nikolay, Oksana, Semyon, Stanislav, Tatyana, Yakov.

Pink names

Pink is the color of optimism, romance, tenderness. Red and white colors are combined here. The character of people with names of pink color is balanced, calm, and reserved. These are diplomats who conduct a conversation competently, listen carefully and give the interlocutor the opportunity to speak. These are people free from stereotypes and prejudices. Their strength is that they do not expect anything from others, so they are not disappointed. They are polite, sensitive, patient and do not allow themselves harsh words addressed to anyone. They are capable of compassion, nobility, love, purity and beauty. The color pink symbolizes self-sacrifice, giving the world love, warmth, tenderness.

TO pink names include: Anatoly, Aurora, Asya, Valentin, Valentina, Venus, Zinaida, Sofia.

Names in orange

Orange is the color of health, maturity, joy, warmth. It reflects optimism, creativity, self-confidence, and responsibility. Such people are persistent and stubborn, firm in their decisions. These are strong spiritual leaders.

TO orange names include: Angela, Galina, Marta, Pavel, Rimma, Svetlana.

Names are yellow

Yellow color symbolizes wealth, fantasy, courage, youth, creativity. This is the color of intelligence, clarity of thinking, analysis. People with the name yellow are firm in character, rational, practical.. Even if they receive a liberal arts education, they often find a calling in more precise and applied fields of activity: economics, engineering, construction, design, scientific activity.

TO yellow names include: Anton, Anna, Vadim, Victor, Denis, Dmitry, Zoya, Larisa, Nadezhda, Nellie, Fedor.

Green names

Green is the color of harmony and balance. People with green colored names are warm-hearted, open-minded, helpful and kind.. They love nature and try to help everyone. This is the color of growth and change, so such people are not afraid of difficulties and are willing to take risks. They are smart and interesting in conversation, often sensitive and vulnerable. If a person loves the color green, it means that he was able to retain a little of his childhood.

TO green names include: Vitaly, Grigory, Evgeny, Evgenia, Inna, Igor, Lyudmila, Natalya, Yulia.

Blue names

Blue is the color of calm, peace, contentment. People with a blue name are confident in themselves, they feel protected and complete. They are sensitive, receptive to the grief of others, sincere, trusting, and talented. These are spiritual people who often have healing abilities.

TO blue names include: Alexey, Valeria, Gleb, Daniil, Egor, Christina, Lyubov, Leonid, Lolita, Marina, Oleg, Polina, Ruslan.

Names are blue

Blue color symbolizes wisdom and contemplation. People named blue are calm and balanced.. They are loyal to their close friends, ideas and ideals, a little secretive and reserved. Such people are demanding of themselves and others, and often their integrity prevents them from being happy in their family.

TO blue names include: Vasilisa, Georgy, Gennady, Maria, Olga, Ulyana, Yuri.

Names in purple

Purple color means mystery, mysticism. People with a name of purple color are able to see more than others and penetrate into the essence of human nature. They live for others and have good opportunities for spiritual growth. Women with this name become devoted wives, capable of instilling in a man self-confidence, confidence and energy. Men with this name are vulnerable and often have selfish natures, but they can easily adapt to changes and always help loved ones.

TO purple names include: Alexey, Afanasy, Veronica, Valery, Victoria, Lydia, Maya, Nikita, Nina, Regina, Taisiya, Faina.

Names are white

White color speaks of purity, innocence, freshness, clarity. A person with this name is wise, religious, spiritual. Often such people become clergy and preachers. They are strong, persistent, self-sufficient, intelligent, tactful. They easily part with money, help others and serve higher goals.

TO white names include: Arthur, Anastasia, Alevtina, Clara, Lilia.

Everything in our life matters: date of birth, zodiac sign, name chosen by parents. helps us understand the hidden meaning of our names, better understand ourselves and determine our path. But no matter what we are called, none of us is better or worse than others. AND everyone deserves happiness and love! Therefore, be loved and love!

Especially for LadySpecial. ru- KaterinaSent

From an esoteric point of view, all our names are colored in one color or another. People with red names are energetic and decisive, yellow ones are romantic and jealous, green ones are balanced and harmonious. What color is your name?


The color of energy, passion, desire, physical activity and strength, determination and grit. People whose names are associated with the color red are sociable, love noisy companies, but are easily irritated and turn any dispute into a verbal skirmish. They are dictators in the house and marry more than once. Often in old age they remain alone. Women are powerful, unpredictable, and always strive to be first in everything, which is why many of them become professional athletes. Men tend to quickly become addicted to alcohol and drug addiction. In a good mood, they are cheerful and jokers, but one word is enough to cause them to burst into anger.

Red names include: Arkady, Vladislav, Artem, Makar, Semyon, Stanislav. Alexandra, Alina, Elizaveta, Zhanna, Oksana, Praskovya, Tatyana, Emma.


The color of intelligence, rationality, logical and analytical thinking. People with the name of this color are strong in character, practical, and gravitate towards exact sciences and natural history. Even if they receive a liberal arts education, they often find their calling in economics, mathematics, physics, and medicine.

Yellow names include: Vadim, Denis, Robert, Fedor. Akulina, Anna, Nadezhda, Nelly.


The color of harmony, stability and fortitude. People whose names correspond to the color green are warm-hearted, sympathetic, kind, indifferent to material values, but they know how to earn money and are rarely penniless. They love nature and people. They try to help everyone, but rarely receive gratitude in return. They have many envious people, whom they manage not to notice. They are not afraid of difficulties, easily take risks, and know how to adapt to any circumstances. Often they start from scratch and never lose. They are incredibly witty, practical, and being around them is always interesting, although not easy. Such people are sensitive and vulnerable, they can be offended even by simple indifference. They part with the offenders once and for all.

Green names include: Evgeniy, Igor, Felix. Evgenia, Natalya, Zoya, Yulia, Inna.


The color of calm, wisdom, contemplation. People whose name matches this color are calm and balanced, loyal to their friends and their principles. They are stable, thorough, practical, but secretive and overly restrained in expressing feelings. They are difficult to communicate with, distrustful, find it difficult to get along with people, and have difficulty finding a common language with loved ones due to excessive severity and exactingness. They have the ability of divination and telepathy.

Blue names include: Arsen, Georgy, Gennady, Peter, Vitaly. Vasilisa, Evdokia, Nonna, Ulyana, Maria.


These people have a difficult character and a difficult fate. They are very kind, but too contradictory and unbalanced. In a fit of anger they destroy everything in their path. Hardworking, good-natured, love animals. However, they are wayward and proud, do not listen to the opinions of others, and always act in their own way. Society does not always accept them for who they are, tries to correct them, influence the psyche, which hurts and embitters the bearers of these names. As a result, they often have conflicts with law enforcement agencies. In fact, these people are in dire need of human warmth, increased attention, participation and love.

Such names include: Gregory, Taras, Konstantin, Boris, Gordey, Timur, Yakov, Lev. Kira, Claudia, Raisa, Lyudmila, Arina.


A symbol of purity and innocence, truthfulness and clarity. Bearers of white names are wise, religious, selfless. Often people with such names become clergy, righteous people, preachers, and soothsayers. They are persistent in achieving their goals, they have their own views on life. These people are talented, intelligent, tactful. They do not set a goal for material well-being, part with money easily, and willingly help others.

White names include: Gabriel, Yan, Yuri, Ivan, Anton. Alevtina, Lilia, Anastasia, Olga.


The color of optimism. People with pink names are calm, reserved, and correct. They will not argue with their interlocutor, even if they do not agree with his opinion. These people are self-sufficient and independent, do not expect anything from others and try not to be obligated to anyone. You rarely hear harsh words from them, although with close people they can take such liberties. Women are capable of compassion, love and nobility. Men do not tolerate injustice, protest against hypocrisy and lies, and often do not complete the work they start.

Pink names include: Valentin, Anatoly, Rodion, Maxim, Rostislav. Venus, Valentina, Zinaida, Varvara, Karina, Nina.


A color that reflects creativity, nobility of thoughts, and self-confidence. Such people are responsible and firm in their decisions. These are strong personalities who attract others with their positive approach to life. However, such people are very emotional and not always restrained.

Orange names include: Nazar, Pavel, Prokhor. Angelica, Svetlana, Rimma, Galina.


The color of trust, harmony, calmness, contentment. These people are self-confident, very sensitive, susceptible to the grief of others, sincere, trusting, talented, and often have the ability to heal.

Blue names include: Gleb, Oleg, Daniil, Egor, Efrem, Leonid, Savely, Ruslan, Alexey (for example Alexey Vorobyov). Viola, Christina, Lyubov, Marina, Polina, Sofia, Valeria.


People whose names correspond to the color lilac are very secretive, distrustful, taciturn, and patient. There are many difficulties along their life path, but this does not embitter them. They are responsive and sympathetic, happy to help anyone who deserves their trust. They are prone to depression, but know how to get out of it, do not complain about fate, and do not lose optimism.

Lilac names include Svyatoslav, Victor, Vyacheslav, Eduard, Elvira, Alisa, Antonina, Margarita.


These people are able to penetrate into the essence of human nature and live for others. They are committed to high ideals and have great opportunities for spiritual growth. In addition, they are sensitive, amorous, extravagant. Women are devoted wives, capable of taking a pathetic, rejected man as their husband, and instilling in him faith in himself. Men are very vulnerable, somewhat selfish, narcissistic. They easily adapt to changes in life, are friendly with people, and always rush to help their loved ones.

Purple names include: Alexander, Valery, Nikita, Timofey, Philip. Veronica, Victoria, Lydia, Maya, Regina, Taisiya, Faina.


This color can be considered “masculine”, since it is men who correspond to the character of this color. They find it difficult to get along in a team, in a family, they are married several times, they are very squeamish, picky, petty, and trust few people. They are often unsure of themselves and tormented by doubts. At first glance they seem spineless, but this is far from the case. Women are stingy and calculating. Men are hard. They cannot be forced to marry against their will. They do not like to be obligated to anyone, but despite this they willingly accept help from loved ones.

Such names include: Andrey, Ilya, Lev, Nikolai, Roman. Yana, Irina.


The color of distrust and uncertainty. People whose names correspond to this color are contradictory, stubborn, uninfluenced, and difficult to convince them of anything. They do not put up with injustice, do not tolerate lies, and can break down if faced with dishonesty and hypocrisy. They are not very happy in their personal lives; they are in several marriages. They are devoted to friends to the point of self-forgetfulness.

Gray names include: German, Demyan, Sergei (as Sergei Zverev), Tikhon, Gleb. Ksenia, Larisa, Tamara, Dina.

Victor BOYKO, psychologist
