And Kuprin is a wonderful doctor summary. Miraculous doctor

“This story actually happened,” the author claims from the first lines of his story. Let's give a brief summary of it. "The Miraculous Doctor" is distinguished by its capacious meaning and vivid language. The documentary basis gives the story a special intriguing flavor. The end reveals the mystery.

Summary of the story "The Wonderful Doctor" hungry children

In front of a showcase with a gastronomic abundance, two little boys stopped and, swallowing their saliva, they are animatedly discussing what they saw. They are amused by the sight of a ruddy man with a sprig of greenery in his mouth. The author gives the story of the "still life" behind glass in a highly aesthetic and appetizing way. Here are "garlands of sausages" and "pyramids of pale golden tangerines." And the hungry kids cast “love-greedy” looks at them. Kyiv, preparing for the Christmas holidays, looks too contrasting in comparison with the pitiful thin figures of beggar children.

fatal year

Grisha and Volodya went on behalf of their mother with a letter of help. Yes, only the doorman of an influential addressee drove away the little ragamuffins with abuse. And so they returned to their home - a basement with "walls weeping from dampness." The description of the Mertsalov family causes acute compassion. A seven-year-old sister is lying in a fever, next to her in a cradle, a hungry baby is torn from screaming. An emaciated woman “with a face blackened with grief” gives the boys the remnants of cold stew, which there is nothing to warm up. The father appears with his hands “swollen” from frost. We learn that in that fateful year he fell ill with typhus and lost his position as manager, which brought a modest income. One after another, misfortunes rained down: the children began to get sick, all the savings were gone, the daughter died, now another was seriously ill. No one gave alms, and there was no one to ask. Here is a description of the misfortunes, their summary.

Miraculous Doctor

Despair seizes Mertsalov, he leaves home, wanders around the city, hoping for nothing. Tired, he sits down on a bench in the city garden and feels the urge to commit suicide. At that moment, a stranger appears in the alley. He sits down next to him and starts a friendly conversation. When the old man mentions the gifts bought for the children he knows, Mertsalov breaks down and begins to shout hotly and angrily that his children are "dying of hunger." The old man listens attentively to the confused story and offers to help: it turns out that he is a doctor. Mertsalov leads him to him. The doctor examines the sick girl, writes out a prescription, gives money to buy firewood, medicine and food. On the same evening, Mertsalov recognizes the name of his benefactor by the label on the bottle of medicine - this is Professor Pirogov, an outstanding Russian physician. Since then, it was like an “angel descended” on the family, and her affairs went uphill. So says Kuprin. The wonderful doctor (let's summarize this conclusion to the end) acted very humanely, and this changed not only the circumstances, but also the worldview of the heroes of the story. The boys grew up, one of them took a big post in the bank and was always especially sensitive to the needs of the poor people.

Kuprin's story "The Wonderful Doctor" is based on real events in ancient times in Kyiv. The author only changed some of the names.

Two brothers - Volodya and Grisha stood near the window and looked at what was behind it. And there was something to see - mountains of red apples, oranges and tangerines, smoked and pickled fish, chicken legs, sausages and even a pig with greens in its mouth. Swallowing saliva and sighing heavily, the boys unstuck from the glass and went home. They were returning from the task that their mother gave them - to take a letter to the master asking for help.

Soon they reached their dwelling - a rickety dilapidated house with a stone basement and a wooden top. Having gone down to the basement and found their door, they again plunged into their usual poverty. The basement smelled of dirty baby clothes, rats and dampness. In the corner, on a large dirty bed, lay a sick seven-year-old girl, and under the ceiling was a cradle with a screaming baby. An emaciated, pale mother was kneeling near the sick girl, not forgetting to rock the cradle.

Hearing that the guys had come in, she immediately turned her face to them and, with hope in her eyes, began to ask them if they had handed over the letter to the master.

However, the brothers disappointed her, saying that the porter did not take a letter from them for the master and drove them away. And Volodya even gave a slap on the back of the head.

The mother stopped asking questions and offered them borscht.

Suddenly, steps were heard in the corridor and everyone turned to the door, waiting for someone to enter it. It was Mertsalov, their father and husband. The wife did not question him, she understood everything from his eyes. He was in despair.

This year in the Mertsalov family was full of troubles. First, the head of the family fell ill with typhoid fever, and all the money was spent on his treatment. When he recovered, it turned out that his place was taken and he had to look for a new job. The family is mired in poverty, pledge and re-pledge of things, hunger, lack of money. And then the kids started getting sick. One daughter has died, now the second lies unconscious in the heat, and the mother still needs to feed the baby and go to the other end of the city, where she washed clothes for money.

All day today, Mertsalov walked around the city and asked for money from anyone he could. And the children were sent with a letter to Mertsalov's former employer. But everywhere there were only refusals and excuses.

After sitting a little on the chest, Mertsalov resolutely got up and went to beg. Imperceptibly he reached the garden and sat down on a garden bench. Suddenly, a thought crossed his mind and he put his hand under his vest, where there was a thick rope. He decided to die quickly, not gradually. He did not want to think about poverty and the sick Mashutka.

In the meantime, the creak of footsteps was heard in the garden, which pulled Mertsalov out of his reverie. Soon an old man came up to the bench and asked permission to sit on the bench next to Mertsalov.

Mertsalov turned away and moved to the edge of the bench. They were silent for several minutes while the unfamiliar old man smoked.

The old man began to tell Mertsalov that he had bought gifts for the children, which infuriated Mertsalov, and he yelled at the old man and told him about his plight. But, the old man was not offended, but said that he was a doctor and asked Mertsalov to show him the sick girl.

Soon they were already at Mertsalov's house. The doctor examined the girl and prescribed medicine. And then he left, shaking hands with his parents and wishing him good luck. Mertsalov was dumbfounded, and then rushed after the doctor to find out his last name. But he did not catch up and did not recognize. Returning, Mertsalov found money under the saucer.

He went to the pharmacy for the medicines prescribed by the doctor and there, on the prescription, he saw that the wonderful doctor was named Pirogov.

And soon the family's affairs improved - Mashutka recovered, Mertsalov found a job, and even Grishka found a good place in the bank. The whole family believes that this is all thanks to their savior - the wonderful doctor Pirogov.

Title of the work: Miraculous doctor

Year of writing: 1897

Genre of work: story

Main characters: Mertsalov- poor man Elizaveta Ivanovna- his wife, Volodya and Grisha- sons Pirogov- Professor.

Reading the reader's diary summary of the story "The Wonderful Doctor" reveals the incredible change that came about through one chance meeting.


Mertsalov fell ill with typhoid fever. All savings went to treatment. Because of this, the master gave the job of managing the house to another. Misfortune simply surrounded the family. The children started getting sick. One girl died, and nursing Masha became seriously ill. Food was scarce. The father of the family did everything necessary, but the situation could not be corrected. In desperation, he tried to beg, but received only reproaches and threats. Finding no way out, Mertsalov decides to commit suicide in the park. Fate brought a meeting with the old man. Hearing a sad story, he helped with funds. Then he said that he was a doctor. After the examination, the stranger wrote out a prescription for the patient and gave more money. When asked what his name was, to thank the doctor did not answer. It soon turned out that this was the famous Professor Pirogov. And for the family, this case was a turning point. Everyone got to their feet.

Conclusion (my opinion)

This story is based on real events. Having met a lot of suffering along the way, you need to believe that better times will come. There are many virtuous people in the world, the main thing is not to despair. Like a professor, doing good should not attach great importance to your person. Selfless help will bring happiness and will be rewarded in the future. An important lesson is that it is illogical to divide people by status. Everyone deserves support and help.

Two brothers - Volodya and Grisha stood near the window and looked at what was behind it. And there was something to see - mountains of red apples, oranges and tangerines, smoked and pickled fish, chicken legs, sausages and even a pig with greens in its mouth. Swallowing saliva and sighing heavily, the boys unstuck from the glass and went home. They were returning from the task that their mother gave them - to take a letter to the master asking for help.

Soon they reached their dwelling - a rickety dilapidated house with a stone cellar and a wooden top. Having gone down to the basement and found their door, they again plunged into their usual poverty. The basement smelled of dirty baby clothes, rats and dampness. In the corner, on a large dirty bed, lay a sick seven-year-old girl, and under the ceiling was a cradle with a screaming baby. An emaciated, pale mother was kneeling near the sick girl, not forgetting to rock the cradle.

Hearing that the guys had come in, she immediately turned her face to them and, with hope in her eyes, began to ask them if they had handed over the letter to the master.

However, the brothers disappointed her, saying that the porter did not take a letter from them for the master and drove them away. And Volodya even gave a slap on the back of the head.

The mother stopped asking questions and offered them borscht.

Suddenly, steps were heard in the corridor and everyone turned to the door, waiting for someone to enter it. It was Mertsalov, their father and husband. The wife did not question him, she understood everything from his eyes. He was in despair.

This year in the Mertsalov family was full of troubles. First, the head of the family fell ill with typhoid fever, and all the money was spent on his treatment. When he recovered, it turned out that his place was taken and he had to look for a new job. The family is mired in poverty, pledge and re-pledge of things, hunger, lack of money. And then the kids started getting sick. One daughter has died, now the second lies unconscious in the heat, and the mother still needs to feed the baby and go to the other end of the city, where she washed clothes for money.

All day today, Mertsalov walked around the city and asked for money from anyone he could. And the children were sent with a letter to Mertsalov's former employer. But everywhere there were only refusals and excuses.

After sitting a little on the chest, Mertsalov resolutely got up and went to beg. Imperceptibly he reached the garden and sat down on a garden bench. Suddenly, a thought crossed his mind and he put his hand under his vest, where there was a thick rope. He decided to die quickly, not gradually. He did not want to think about poverty and the sick Mashutka.

In the meantime, the creak of footsteps was heard in the garden, which pulled Mertsalov out of his reverie. Soon an old man came up to the bench and asked permission to sit on the bench next to Mertsalov.

Mertsalov turned away and moved to the edge of the bench. They were silent for several minutes while the unfamiliar old man smoked.

The old man began to tell Mertsalov that he had bought gifts for the children, which infuriated Mertsalov, and he yelled at the old man and told him about his plight. But, the old man was not offended, but said that he was a doctor and asked Mertsalov to show him the sick girl.

Soon they were already at Mertsalov's house. The doctor examined the girl and prescribed medicine. And then he left, shaking hands with his parents and wishing him good luck. Mertsalov was dumbfounded, and then rushed after the doctor to find out his last name. But he did not catch up and did not recognize. Returning, Mertsalov found money under the saucer.

He went to the pharmacy for the medicines prescribed by the doctor and there, on the prescription, he saw that the wonderful doctor was named Pirogov.

And soon the family's affairs improved - Mashutka recovered, Mertsalov found a job, and even Grishka found a good place in the bank. The whole family believes that this is all thanks to their savior - the wonderful doctor Pirogov.

>Kuprin's works

Very short content (in a nutshell)

The Mertsalov family is going through bad times - the father cannot find a job, and because of this they have no money to treat their daughter Mashutka, who is seriously ill. Mertsalov is in despair, but then he accidentally meets a doctor who helps them, and their life is getting better.

Summary (detailed)

The two brothers stood near the window and looked at various hams, sausages, fish, tangerines and many other delicacies that they could only dream about. Sighing, they went home to the basement where they lived. It was a very bad place: damp walls, musty smell, cold, rats.

Arriving home, they saw the same terrible picture - their seven-year-old sister is rushing about in a serious illness, her mother is sitting next to her, not forgetting to rock her baby in the crib. They told their mother that the porter did not want to give her letter to the master, despite all their persuasion.

And now the stove is heating, the samovar is heating up, and Mertsalov has brought groceries from the store. The doctor examined the sick girl and prescribed medicine for her. After that, he said goodbye and left without even saying his last name, which they found out only later, after reading it on the recipe - Professor Pirogov.

After that, their life improved - Mashutka got better, Mertsalov found a job, and Grisha and Volodya got a job at the gymnasium.

Explaining difficult words from the text

Ham- part of a pork carcass.
Delicacy- a rare, tasty dish, delicacy.
Musty- foul-smelling from dampness.
doorman- a person who meets visitors at the front door.
Barin- a man of one of the upper classes, a rich gentleman.
typhus- an infectious disease, often ending in the death of the patient.
Gymnasium- secondary general educational institution.
