Methodical help. Basic concepts of the sphere of methodological activity of hoopoe

Target: Building a system of work to provide methodological assistance to young professionals, creating conditions in preschool educational institutions for the professional growth of young professionals that help reduce adaptation problems and successfully enter the professional activities of a young teacher.


1. Formation of a professional creative position teachers in the educational process of a preschool institution.

2. Use effective forms of improving the professional competence and professional skills of young professionals, provide an information space for self-mastery of professional knowledge.

3. Development of the ability to choose pedagogical technologies,

adequate to the priority tasks of education.

In one of his articles L.N. Tolstoy wrote that what makes a teacher modern is the combination of love for children with professional knowledge and passion for teaching. Such a teacher is characterized by the desire for constant professional growth. personal improvement. The rise of the general cultural level. This is the kind of teacher every child dreams of. This is what every young professional should be like.

smile on the children's faces.



Target: Building a system of work to provide methodological assistance to young professionals,creation of conditions in the preschool educational institution for the professional growth of young specialists, contributing to the reduction of adaptation problems and the successful entry into the professional activity of a young teacher.


1. Formation of a professional creative position teachers in the educational process of a preschool institution.

2. To use effective forms of increasing the professional competence and professional skills of young specialists, to provide an information space for self-mastery of professional knowledge.

3. Development of the ability to choose pedagogical technologies,

adequate to the priority tasks of education.

Actual problems.

Modern society and parents place high demands on the system of organizing the educational process in kindergarten, on the professional skills of the teacher.

But teachers of different qualifications work in a preschool institution:

Of Education,

by experience,

On a professional level.

Didactic principles

Working with teachers is based on the principles of pedagogical thinking.

The principle of dialogization is the equality of partners, openness and trust,

The principle of individualization is a focus on the specificity of the interests and ways of each, the obligatory consideration of the originality of each creative individuality, in the conditions of its activity, in order to create opportunities for self-expression of the individual,

The principle of differentiation implies the interdependence of the level of control on the results of the work of the entire teaching staff, in its individual groups, differing in the level of professional qualifications,

The principle of problemamization is to stimulate the tendency to intellectual growth, to create conditions for an independent search for solutions.

Ways to solve problems:

She began her work by studying the literature, where she singled out the necessary information for the development and formation of a certain approach to organizing methodological work with young teachers. As a result of the study:

Methodological literature on the organization of active forms of methodological work with teachers,

Experience on this issue, selected methodological materials

for diagnostic activities: questionnaires, diagrams, questionnaires, etc. (see appendix), compiled a card file of methodological literature to help young teachers, and also revealed the level of professional preparedness of young educators (see appendix).

She built a system of work with novice teachers, orienting them to the use of modern methods and techniques in working with children, to the development and improvement of professional skills.

All this involves solving problems:

1. To form a sense of confidence in a young teacher.

2. Bring up a pedagogical culture.

3. Increase the knowledge, skills and abilities of the teacher.

The period of entry of a novice teacher into the profession

is distinguished by tension, importance for his personal and professional development. It depends on how this period passes, whether the newly-minted educator will succeed as a professional, whether he will remain in the field of preschool education or find himself in another field of activity.

The basis of pedagogical success is its foundation. What will be the foundation, such will be the success of the work. Therefore, it seems to me that the basis of the successful activity of a teacher is an alloy for the love of children and love for your profession.

Love for children - the basis of the foundations of pedagogical work. Be in love children It means to find joy in communicating with them, to be able to understand and forgive them, to rejoice and empathize with them, to take their joys and sorrows to heart, and finally, to believe that every child will be a good person. And remember What along with preparing for future adulthood, the lives of foster children are just as important today.

Love for professional activity.As one popular proverb says, "A teacher is not a profession, it is a diagnosis." Therefore, the main thing for teacher, so that his profession is his destiny and "vocation." Perhaps it (i.e., vocation) is not so clearly manifested in the first year of work, but it will grow stronger every day, with every lesson, with every communication with children. This is the foundation, the foundation of success.

From birth, every person is given inclinations by nature, which can be represented in the form of a tree with green buds; under favorable conditions, they bloom, turning into pedagogical abilities. Leading pedagogical abilities:

* communication;

* goodwill;

* sociability; professional vigilance;

* pedagogical intuition;

* observation;

* imagination;

* creativity;

* the ability to think logically and persuade.

Another "support" in the development of a successful teacher isprofessional ~ pedagogical knowledge:

knowledge of pedagogy, psychology and teaching methods;

The teacher should be aware of the latest discoveries, research, achievements. In confirmation of these words, I will quote from the works of the Russian teacher Pavel PetrovichBlonsky: "Realthe educator is not an encyclopedic dictionary, but Socrates”;

Theoretical knowledge provides such quality of an educator as self-confidence. If you know how to present the most common fact as a discovery and achieve the surprise and delight of children, then you can consider that you have already done half the work.

In my opinion, professional teachinghas characteristic peculiarities:

Discounts for insufficient qualifications are not allowed;

High and stringent requirements for professional competence on the part of the educational environment are valid from the first to the last day of work;

The teacher does not have the ability to stop the process, postpone him, for example, to get advice;

The work of an educator often requires an instant, but professional, accurate response;

There is a high cost of errors and a significant period of manifestation of the final results. pedagogical activities, etc.

I solve all these tasks, taking into account the fact that a young specialist goes through several stages in his professional development:
І stage – 1st year of work: the most difficult period for both a newcomer and colleagues who help him adapt;
II stage – 2-3 years of work: the process of developing professional skills,gaining experience, searching for the best methods and techniques of working with children, developing one's own style in work, gaining authority among children, parents, and colleagues. The teacher studies the work experience of colleagues of his institution and other preschool educational institutions, improves his professional skills by attending open city events: methodological associations of educators, reports, etc. All interesting ideas, methods and techniques, on the recommendation of the senior educator, are recorded in the "Creative Notebook". At this stage, the senior educator proposes to determine the methodological topic on which the young teacher will work in more depth. Actively involved in showing classes at the kindergarten level;
III stage – 4–5 years of work: a system of work is being formed, there are own developments. The teacher introduces new technologies into his work;
IV stage – 6th year of work: there is improvement, self-development, generalization of one's work experience.
I would like to note that the passage of the stages of formation of a young specialist for each teacher is very individual.

Professional qualities largely depend on the character, temperament. Therefore, I approach each teacher differently. A variety of forms of work with a young specialist contribute to the development of his cognitive interest in the profession, the active development of methods of working with children and their parents, and have a positive effect on the growth of his professional significance.

For me, a special place in the system of improving the educational process is occupied by the organizationmethodological assistance to the novice teacher.Therefore, I try to provide special systematic and versatile assistance to a novice teacher.

When working with young specialists, I use various interactive forms and methods of work:



  • lecture, conversation
  • workshops;
  • psychological training,
  • problem-project seminar,
  • round table, etc.
  • game situations,
  • diagnostics,
  • role play,
  • brainstorm,
  • dialogue,
  • problem learning methods
  • heuristic conversation,
    research method,
  • six hats method

During the year I organize consultations:

- "Integration of educational areas";

Modern educational technologies as a means of implementing the Federal State Educational Standards”;

- "Building a developing environment in the educational institution";

- "Universal Declaration of Human Rights";

- "Education by art";

- "Health-saving technologies"

I run workshops:

- "Requirements for the organization of manual labor in kindergarten";

- "Forms of interaction with parents";

- "Production of calendars of observation and nature";

- "Targeted walks and excursions";

- "Game as a leading activity of a preschooler";

- "Group Design Design":

I issue to young professionalsmemos and methodological developments on the topics:

1. "Memo of specific cases of a young educator"

2. "The main indicators of the modern occupation" (see appendix)

3. "Stages of planning a lesson and preparing a teacher for it"

4. "Seven conditions under which, the occupation is wellness" (see appendix)

5. "Analysis by the teacher of the lesson" (see appendix)

At the initial stage, I conduct individual conversations, find out inclinations and personal interests. The first meetings are a setting for systematic self-educational work, for introspection and self-assessment. In the process of such conversations, I find out how the teacher evaluates their readiness to conduct specific classes; I determine what priority assistance he needs, and how in the future it is more rational to use him in social work.



Answer the questions of our questionnaire so that we can get to know you better and find ways to further your development as a teacher.

1. Why did you choose the profession of an educator?

2. How do you rate your professional training?


3. What difficulties did you encounter in your work? What help do you need?


4. How do you assess your relationship with the teaching staff?


5. What are your professional plans for the future?


6. What attracts you to the work of the team:

The novelty of the activity;

Working conditions;

Opportunity to experiment;

Example and influence of colleagues and leader;

Labour Organization;


Opportunity for professional growth.

7. What would you like to change?



Before the start of classes, I introduce the teacher to the premises in which he will work, with the uniform requirements that exist in our institution, with the traditions, with the daily routine, with the methodological achievements of the teaching staff, with the work of methodological associations, with the equipment of the classrooms.

The following questions are discussed:

How to prepare for classes, what are the didactic requirements for the lesson plan;

An exemplary program for studying the individual characteristics of children;

How to implement a differentiated and individual approach to learning;

I will definitely acquaint the novice teacher with our library, with the available visual aids, with the GCD schedule.

I attached a mentor to each young specialist - an experienced and good educator, so that the novice educator could get advice and help in work:

Experienced mentor

Young teacher

Gulyamova M.M.

Smirnova E.N.

Smirnova N.A.

Ilyina M.D.

Kozlov A.V.

Malinovskaya A.I.

We must pay tribute to experienced teachers who treated young professionals kindly, developed a long-term plan for the work of a mentor and willingly share their knowledge and accumulated material.

Perspective work plan

for 2014-2015 academic year

Mentor (Podshibyakina V.N.)



Target: development of professional skills and abilities of a young teacher.


  • Organization of the educational process in the preschool educational institution
  • Records management
  • Forms and methods of organizing joint activities of pupils with a teacher


  • Development of calendar - thematic planning
  • The structure of complex thematic planning
  • Scheduling structure


  • Briefing on the organization of work with parents and the introduction of documentation


  • Choosing a methodological topic for self-education
  • Selection of methodical literature
  • Interview on the studied methodological literature


  • Study and implementation of health-saving technologies in preschool educational institutions
  • Organization of preparation of children for holidays and pedagogical position during matinees


  • Organizing and conducting a walk
  • Ensuring joint activities of children and the teacher in their free time from GCD
  • Filling out diagnostic cards


  • Assistance in the preparation of the teacher's portfolio
  • Preparation for the organization of summer recreational work

With a young teacher (Smirnova E.N.)

One cannot but agree that the mentoring process affects the interests of at least three subjects of interaction: the student, the mentor himself and the administration of the preschool educational institution

Carrying out systematic work on the formation of mentoring traditions throughout the academic year allows:
to work out the content and methods of pedagogical support for the development of children, the interaction of parents and teachers of preschool educational institutions, learned during the period of study at the university in practice;
to master techniques aimed at rallying the teaching staff and transferring pedagogical experience from one generation to another.
Acquaintance with talented teachers, the experience of innovative activity and its fruits plays an important role in shaping the pedagogical ideal of a young specialist, and sometimes even in correcting it.For a beginner, the first lesson is very important. When to go for the first time to classes with a novice teacher? Initially provide enough time for the teacher to get comfortable, get to know the children, get used to the new environment, find himself and his place. At first, it is enough to talk with the teacher about how his first lesson went. It is good if the conversation is focused and substantive. To do this, I propose to the teacher in advance several leading questions so that he can prepare for a conversation on the merits, for introspection of his first lesson. Such an outline for a conversation can be, for example, the following questions.

1. Did you manage to implement the planned lesson plan?

2. To what extent?

3. How good is it?

4. Were there deviations from the plan?

5. Did the children learn the material?

6. How was the activity of the teacher and children organized in the classroom?

7. Who worked more intensively - a teacher or a pupil?

8. What moments of the lesson were the most successful?

9. What was clearly unsuccessful in class?

I believe that it is useful to first give the novice teacher the opportunity to analyze his lesson himself, evaluate it himself, determining to what extent the educational and educational goals that were outlined have been achieved. Self-analysis allows you to develop the habit of critically evaluating your actions, seeing your shortcomings and ways to eliminate them.

Professional adaptation of a novice educator in the process his entry into the educational environment will be successful if:

Labor motivation, pedagogical orientation are important factors when a teacher enters a job and are enshrined in the local regulations of the preschool educational institution;

Professional adaptation of the educator carried out inextricably linked with the process of his personal and professional development and is defined in the methodological work of the preschool educational institution;

In the organization of pedagogical work, there is a maximum consideration of personal characteristics and the level of professional training, active support personal and professional growth of the educator;

The material and technical support of the educational process meets modern requirements and helps the teacher to implement innovative approaches.

The fulfillment of the conditions listed above, which allow novice teachers to adapt, is largely facilitated by the organization of the School of a Young Teacher, in whose activities the leading role, of course, is assigned to the senior teacher of the preschool educational institution.

Work plan

"Schools of a young teacher preschool educational institution"

for the 2014-2015 academic year.

School of a young teacher - organization and creation of conditions for the professional growth of novice teachers.

The purpose of the "School of a young teacher":

  • Creation of conditions for the professional growth of young teachers, contributing to the reduction of problems of adaptation and successful entry into the professional activities of a young teacher.
  • Assistance to young teachers in organizing effective interaction with all subjects of the pedagogical process (with colleagues, with children and their parents).
  • Ensuring the gradual involvement of young teachers in all areas of professional activity; as well as the formation and education of young teachers of the need for continuous self-education.

Tasks for achieving the goal:

  • To ensure the easiest adaptation of young teachers, to support emotionally in the process of adaptation, to strengthen self-confidence, to form interest in pedagogical activity;
  • To form professionally significant qualities of young teachers, necessary for effective and constructive interaction with all participants in the pedagogical process.
  • To improve the quality of the upbringing and educational process by improving the professional skills of young specialists.


Head - Lebedeva Elena Viktorovna,

Senior teacher of the first category of Kindergarten No. 3, Nelidovo

Members: young teachers of the preschool educational institution





Round table "How to increase the motivation and professional mobility of preschool teachers necessary for self-realization in the profession"

  1. The teacher of the preschool educational institution and modern socio-cultural conditions.

Innovations, innovations, innovations in the activities of a preschool teacher.

Issues for discussion:

  1. What is pedagogical innovation and what are its main goals;
  2. Innovative procession and the participation of each teacher in it;
  3. The main aspects of the innovative activity of the teacher of the preschool educational institution.
  • "How to prepare and conduct GCD"
  • "Establishing and maintaining contact with parents"
  • "Difficult situation in the group and exit from it"

Lebedeva E.V.,

young teachers


Methodical gatherings: "Using the method of educational projects in the practice of the work of preschool educational institutions"

  • Approximate work plan of the educator for the preparation of the project.
  • Classification of projects used in the work of the preschool educational institution.
  • technologist

Individual consultations at the request of young teachers

Lebedeva E.V.,

young teachers


Thematic teachers' council - KVN

"The ability to communicate in happiness bathe."

Creative competition "Didactic manual for the development of communicative abilities of preschoolers."

Performances by young teachers:

  • Which includes the ability to communicate.
  • Tips for parents on the formation of an adequate assessment
  • Principles of dealing with an aggressive child
  • How to build relationships with conflicted children
  • Tips for Parents of Introverted Children

Lebedeva E.V.,

young teachers


Educational salon on the topic:

"Personally-oriented education of preschoolers"

Creative task for young teachers:

Prepare creative tasks and diagrams for children 3-7 years old (interesting drawings; painting tasks; pictograms, mnemonic tables, developmental tasks)

Lebedeva E.V.,

young teachers


Pedagogical run "Improving work to improve the health of preschoolers"

Cheat sheets for young teachers:

  • "Organization of physical activity of children in preschool educational institutions".
  • "Non-standard equipment as a means of increasing children's interest in physical activity."
  • "Forms of motor activity as a means of improving children"
  • "Walking as a method for the development of preschool children"

Lebedeva E.V.,

young teachers


Pedagogical Excellence Competition

"I am an educator."

Mini-essay in the form of a project "Portrait of a kindergarten teacher."

Cheat sheet for young teachers:

  • Informing parents about the life of children in kindergarten. Rules for the design of parental corners, the availability of material, the form of their design.

Individual consultations at the request of young teachers.

Lebedeva E.V.,

young teachers


Final meeting.

KVN for educators "Organization of summer recreational work in the preschool educational institution."

Analysis of the work of the Young Teacher School for the 2014-2015 academic year.

  1. Discussion of problems and difficulties in implementing the School's work plan.
  2. Identification of the main areas of work on

2015-2016 academic year.

Lebedeva E.V.,

Young professionals

To help young professionals in the methodological office of the kindergarten, the pedagogical material “Interesting Experience” was drawn up with the results of the activities of experienced preschool educators.

Today we can already talk about the results of our work.

  • A system of work with young specialists has been created in the preschool educational institution, which combines the activities of young teachers, experienced mentors, specialists, administration;

  • in preschool educational institutions, effective forms and methods of working with young specialists are used, which contribute to the further professional development of a young specialist;

  • young teachers carry out work on self-education, which allows them to replenish and concretize their knowledge, to analyze the situations that arise in working with children;

  • young teachers have formed the need for constant replenishment of pedagogical knowledge, the flexibility of thinking, the ability to model and predict the educational process;

  • assigning a mentor to a young teacher provides the necessary assistance and support at the most difficult stage of entering a new team and profession;

In one of his articles L.N. Tolstoy wrote that what makes a teacher modern is the combination of love for children with professional knowledge and passion for teaching. Such a teacher is characterized by the desire for constant professional growth. personal improvement. The rise of the general cultural level. This is the kind of teacher every child dreams of. This is what every young professional should be like.

The highest manifestation of pedagogical success -

smile on the children's faces.


  1. Belaya K.Yu. Methodical work in the preschool educational institution: Analysis, planning, forms and methods. - M .: TC Sphere, 2006.
  2. Volobueva L.M. The work of the senior educator of the preschool educational institution with teachers. - M .: TTs Sphere, 2003.
  3. Vinogradova N.A., Miklyaeva N.V. Quality management of the educational process in preschool educational institutions. - M .: IRIS PRESS, 2007.
  4. Miklyaeva N.V. Innovations in kindergarten. – M.: IRIS PRESS, 2008.
  5. Vershinina N.B., Sukhanova T.I. Modern approaches to planning educational work in kindergarten: reference materials. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2008.

senior caregiver
Kindergarten №3
Lebedeva Elena Viktorovna


Shepeleva Natalya Petrovna

Methodical help- this is a prompt and promising response of the methodologist to the requests and needs of children's groups, teaching staff, methodologists of the DOD system of schools and preschool institutions.

Methodological assistance is provided by various means- consulting, methodological guidance, methodological support, etc.

Thematic consultation allows you to deeply, comprehensively consider a specific issue, to reveal in detail the essence of the topic. As a rule, thematic consultations are planned by methodologists in advance and are included in long-term planning. Thematic consultations can be included in the program of training seminars. In preparation for the thematic consultation, the methodologist selects visual aids, methodological material.

Current consultation is carried out systematically on various issues that arise for teachers in the course of their professional activities. Operative consultations are carried out at the initiative of the methodologist, administration, teachers in the course of organizing and conducting specific educational affairs. The competence of the methodologist is manifested in an instant reaction to the miscalculations made and in the provision of immediate assistance.

Mentoring is used in work with young specialists of UODOD, as well as in the development of effective pedagogical experience. This type of assistance is based on the data of problematic introspection of the teacher’s activities, analysis of the process and conditions for testing new methods, educational programs, etc.

Methodists and teachers of additional education draw up the results of their activities in three main types of methodological products:

1. outreach,

2. organizational and instructive

3. applied.

1. Information and propaganda methodological products contain information to be disseminated, explanations of techniques and methods, analysis of experience, descriptions of pedagogical technologies, orients in current events, promotes the most important and relevant areas of pedagogical activity.

The methodological description contains a simple statement of the educational work carried out, the event seen or the means of its implementation. Often the narration is in the first person, there are personal impressions, emotions. The requirement for a methodological description is a detailed description and explanation of the event, action.

Suppose the methodologist describes the course of the intellectual game "Debate": a detailed description of the composition of the teams of players (team names, age composition, psychological attitude to the upcoming game, etc.); a step-by-step description of the "warm-up-greeting of the captains of the two teams, the methodologist's personal impression of the greeting he saw, possible comments, corrections, etc.; a detailed description of the technological aspects of the main course of the intellectual game "Debate".

Abstract is a summary of the essence, content and main features of the book, methodological manual, development, information about the author. The abstract reveals the purpose of this material. It must indicate by whom and where this methodical work, book can be used. In the methodological service, the annotation is also used for self-education, in preparation for personal certification.

An information poster allows you to familiarize a wide range of people with upcoming events of any type or the results of their implementation. As a rule, it is intended for public viewing, so the size and design of the poster must be appropriate. Information posters can also advertise and promote printed publications from work experience, informing about the addresses of this experience, calendar plans for the work of OUDOD children's associations, etc.

An information and methodological exhibition is organized to familiarize and promote methodological literature or handwritten methodological materials (including from work experience). The exhibition can be devoted to a specific topic, talking about the experience of a particular teaching staff or teacher, it can also introduce new scientific, methodological and pedagogical literature.

The exhibition can be:

1) stationary, working for a long time;

2) temporary, valid on the eve of holidays or at the end of the academic year;

3) mobile, the fund of which can be taken to a preschool educational institution, to a school, to a children's health camp, etc.

In its structure, a methodological exhibition has: a title that accurately reflects the theme of the exhibition, its purpose; destination; sections of the exhibition.

FOR EXAMPLE, informational and methodical exhibition: Theme of the exhibition: "Integration space of the Center for additional education of children"; addressee: pedagogical and children's collectives of the DOD system and general education schools; sections of the exhibition: Integration of general and additional education of children (Fields of integration: "Education", "Creativity", "Leisure", "Social practice", "Management"), etc.

The abstract is the most voluminous of all works of a descriptive nature. An abstract is a summary in writing of the content of one or more books, articles, scientific papers, as well as a critical review of sources. This is the result of in-depth independent work on a particular topic. The abstract should also reflect the author's point of view on the problem under consideration, the accumulated effective experience. The abstract does not contain instructive annotations, but describes the available material. By the nature of the information, it is information-analytical or propaganda in nature, draws attention to current topics and problems. The teacher in the essay demonstrates theoretical and practical skills on a specific problem; shows the ability to study, systematize and structure the material; summarize and draw conclusions.

Approximate abstract structure:

Introduction (contains a brief analysis of the chosen problem, substantiation of relevance; the introduction defines the subject, goals and objectives of the upcoming study, describes the research methods and technologies);

Theoretical part (contains an analysis of the conceptual provisions on the chosen problem, analysis of primary sources; reveals the scientific state of the problem, its new aspects that require further in-depth study, etc.);

Practical part (includes author's developments, description of positive, negative results of independent research activities, pedagogical technologies, etc.). This part is usually large in volume and contains a number of sections.

Conclusion (contains certain conclusions based on the results of the study);


Applications (applied methodological products based on the results of research and teaching activities)

2. Organizational and instructive products offer, indicate, explain the goals and procedures, technologies and methods for organizing the educational process, holding events, actions, demonstrating possible methods and forms of organizing mass affairs.

The instructive-methodical letter includes instructions and explanations arising from the normative document of the higher organization: determines the range of functions and activities of the teacher or teaching staff to implement the decisions of higher authorities, reveals more fully the content of normative documents, regulations, orders, however, without explaining private methods and recommendations . As a rule, an instructive-methodical letter is compiled by higher organizations and is addressed to one or more categories of employees. Regional instructional letters are sent to the heads of the OUDOD, usually from state educational authorities, on the basis of these letters, an institutional instructional and methodological letter can be developed for the relevant categories of pedagogical workers.

The methodological note gives explanations for the methodological materials presented more concisely (plans, graphs, tables, diagrams). A methodological note should answer the following questions: what tasks are solved by this methodological work; to whom it is addressed; on the basis of what documents, facts, the methodological work was compiled; What is the presentation system.

The methodological memo contains brief, most important information about the performance of any operations or the implementation of any functions. The most common type of methodological products, which allows in a concise form to give an algorithm of actions, terms of reference, a list of tips. The memo is small in size, usually no more than 1 sheet, has an exact addressee in the form of a short appeal or just a title. The presentation of the material is concise, without repetition, as a rule, point by point.

Methodological recommendations - a methodological publication containing a set of concise and clearly formulated proposals and instructions that contribute to the introduction into practice of the most effective methods and forms of education and upbringing. Methodological recommendations are developed on the basis of studying or summarizing the experience of school teachers or a study. They are created to assist the teaching staff, the teacher in making decisions based on the achievement of science and effective pedagogical experience, taking into account the specific conditions and characteristics of the activities of this teaching team, the teacher. One or more private methods developed on the basis of effective pedagogical experience are disclosed. Their task is to recommend the most effective, rational options, patterns of action, in relation to a certain group of persons or activities (educational affairs, activities). The methodological recommendations necessarily contain an indication of the organization and conduct of one or more specific cases illustrating the methodology in practice. Recommendations have the exact address.

The introductory part is an explanatory note that substantiates the relevance and necessity of these recommendations, provides a brief analysis of the state of affairs on this issue, indicates the address, and explains what assistance this work is intended to provide.

Guidelines for solving organizational issues. Approximate options for conducting with advice on how best to do it, what difficult moments to pay attention to, what technical and other means to use, etc. Description of the perspective of the results of the recommended, what tasks will help to solve, what specific effect will have on the participants, what will it teach. Here is a brief list of other forms of work that can consolidate the educational effect, develop acquired skills.

The guidelines contain a list of recommended literature on this topic, a list of literature used in the preparation of this work, as well as the full name of the author, the year of writing, an internal review issued by the OUDOD Methodological Council, a group of specialists, etc.

Methodological development is a complex form that includes recommendations for planning, organizing and holding individual mass events, methodological advice, scenarios, plans for performances, exhibitions, etc. Helps to better understand the theoretical ideas and practical possibilities of the recommended material. Approximate scheme of methodological development: name of the development; name and form of the event; an explanatory note that indicates the goals and objectives, proposed methods, the age of the children for whom the event is designed, the conditions for its implementation; equipment, design (technical means, versions of texts, posters); methodological advice for the preparatory period; scenario plan, course of conduct; a scenario where all compositional, plot parts are observed; methodological advice to the organizers and directors (what are the most important points to pay attention to, what mistakes to watch out for, where it is better to carry out, etc.); methodological advice for the period of the immediate aftereffect (how to sum up, what things to do to consolidate the result, etc.); list of used literature: full name of the author of the development, position, place of work.

Thematic folder combines:

Regulatory documents defining activities in this direction;

Applied methodological products;

Development of specific cases, scenarios of events;

Materials from work experience;


Applications (didactic material).

In the methodological departments, methodological offices of the OUDOD, a fund of methodological materials is accumulated. Methodists create thematic folders for all educational areas that exist in a particular institution.
For example, the considered educational institution has the status of "Center for additional education of children", respectively, implementing 4 educational areas: artistic and aesthetic, tourist and local history, environmental and biological and socio-pedagogical. Therefore, thematic folders on decorative and applied arts, on musical and aesthetic art, on ecological, biological and socio-pedagogical activities are created in the methodological department of the CDOD.

Thematic folder on arts and crafts may contain the following methodological materials:

Job descriptions of methodologists in charge of decorative and applied orientation;

Regulations on holding skill competitions, exhibitions of folk and arts and crafts, holidays, etc.;

Guidelines for holding a festival of folk crafts: "Fair of art crafts of the Don region", exhibitions and demonstrations "Old women's and men's Cossack costumes", "Kargopol folk toy", "Ornaments of the Semikarakorsk painting", etc .;

Scenario plans and scenarios for holidays, competitions, leisure and entertainment events;

Diagnostic and teaching methods for teachers of the arts and crafts department.

An educational program is a normative document that reflects the teacher's concept in accordance with the stated goals of the activity, conditions, resource provision, special content, methods and technology for achieving guaranteed positive results. This is an individual educational route of the student, after passing which he can reach one or another level of upbringing, learning, predicted by the teacher-developer.

3. Applied methodological products - auxiliary material that complements, illustrates, more fully reveals the topic reflected in other types of methodological products.

Scenario - the most common type of applied methodological products. A script is a concise, detailed record of a holiday, of any business. The script literally contains the words of the presenters, actors, lyrics. Stage directions are given in stage directions: artistic design, light score, movement of participants on stage, etc.

An example scenario diagram:

Name (scenario of the holiday "School years are wonderful!"); destination; goals and objectives; participants implementing the scenario, actors; full text of the selected scenario; References.

The script is supplied with methodological advice, remarks. The teacher is given the opportunity to use the script not letter for letter, but to develop their own versions without repeating mistakes.

The scenario may contain stable elements that are the basis of the form of the festive action:

Ceremonial - a solemn ceremony, a bright holiday (opening, closing, awarding, presentation of diplomas, diplomas, prizes to participants). Holiday organizers must strictly observe the rules and conventions on which the ceremony is based: the selection and distribution of music, the general style of formation (arrangement of participants as an element of style, intonation, speech, tempo).

Theatricalization - this is not about a performance, but about a dramatic action, performance. The main conditions for theatricalization are not a stage, but the presence of dramaturgy, a plot move, game roles;

The possibility of communication - the organizers strive to arrange everything so that the invited people have the opportunity to talk with each other before and after the solemn part of the holiday;

The atmosphere of elation, excitement is both a condition and a result of the successful implementation of the script idea. A feature of the festive atmosphere is that the holiday is experienced by all participants, as it were, at the levels: “with oneself”, “with others / all participants”, “through the story”.

A thematic selection is necessary when accumulating materials for writing recommendations, scenarios. This may be a selection of poems, songs, games, descriptions of KTD quotes, sayings, photographs, drawings, etc. on one specific topic. Thematic selection is made out in a folder for papers, in a binder, in an album, in large envelopes or in others.

Card file - a collection of cards with information and materials on methodological work, systematized in alphabetical order (as a rule - by topic or direction). Card indexes can be: methodical literature; newspaper and magazine articles; methodological developments; media library; video library, music library; games; sayings; quotes, etc. The card file consists of special catalog cards filled in according to a certain scheme. In form, the catalog can be either catalog cards combined into a card file, or simply linear text, or a folder with a selection of materials.

A methodological theme (problem) is a specific direction associated with the study and development of methodological aspects of a particular problem, the subject of methodological research. The choice of a methodological topic is determined by the personal practical pedagogical experience of methodologists, teachers, the needs of the subjects of interaction, the specifics of the work. The stages of work can be: selection and justification of the topic, definition of goals and objectives, drawing up a plan; selection of forms and methods of work on the topic; accumulation, systematization and analysis of theoretical and practical material on the topic; experimental study of the material, designing experience; issue of methodological products; determination of the value of the accumulated and the scope of its application.

When developing an annual plan for methodological activities, many OUDOD pedagogical teams at the beginning of the academic year determine a methodological topic that they will work on throughout the year. For example, "Mastering the principles of software and methodological support in OUDOD", "Determining the quality of educational activities in OUDOD"

Documentation of educational and methodological products includes the development of curricula, educational programs, teaching aids intended for implementation in the system of additional education for children.

The implementation of the main directions of methodological work was carried out through various forms and methods.

The most common forms of methodological assistance: methodological briefing (consultations, comments and reviews, calls of library workers to the methodological center, etc.), visits to libraries, methodological publications.

Methodical briefing- a form of methodological assistance to libraries, which concretizes methodological assistance, taking into account the characteristics of a particular library.

Methodological instruction was carried out during visits by a methodologist to libraries, through consultations in libraries - methodological centers, at meetings, conferences, during seminars or workshops.

Consultations are individual and group. Both can be oral and written. Individual consultations were held if a single issue arose.

Group consultations, both oral and written, as a rule, were held according to a predetermined plan, on topics that were of interest to all librarians in the region or their individual groups. Group consultations were usually timed to coincide with meetings, seminars, scientific and practical conferences, but could be organized independently. They were also held in those cases when it was necessary to urgently give explanations to librarians on a particular issue (implementation of the LBC, introduction of new rules, compilation of a bibliographic description, etc.).

Comments and feedback in written or accounting form were given by methodologists for methodological materials (plans, reports, minutes of reader's conferences or literary evenings, etc.) coming from libraries in the region.

Before giving comments on a plan or report (on work for a certain period of time, on a topic or on an event), the methodologist had to analyze the materials, determine whether they correspond to the tasks facing the library in this period, note the positive, new in the work , decide what can be used for propaganda among other libraries, draw attention to shortcomings and prepare proposals to eliminate them.

Visiting libraries(business trips) is one of the most effective forms of methodological assistance. They can be frontal and thematic. They visited libraries for various purposes: checking their work, studying activities (libraries as a whole or its individual areas), providing methodological assistance on a specific issue, etc. Objects of visit: library departments, the library as a whole, libraries of the region.

Methodical publications(guidelines, guidelines, methodological and methodological-bibliographic manuals) are one of the forms of influence of libraries-methodological centers on the libraries of the regions. Methodological publications were issued in the form of leaflets, posters, booklets, brochures, books.

The methodological publications regulated the procedure for implementing the main areas of activity of libraries and the performance of certain functions of libraries, their divisions, as well as employees; the content of the processes and the procedure for performing technological operations were determined; the content of the work of libraries in a certain period, in connection with the most important political events, was revealed; the methods, methods, techniques of rational implementation, decisions and instructions of higher organizations were specified, the procedure for implementing standards and recommendations was determined; the most effective forms and methods of promoting the book and reading guides, organization and technology of library work were proposed, taking into account advanced library experience.

Methodical help- this is a prompt and promising response of the methodologist to the requests and needs of children's groups, teaching staff, methodologists of the DOD system of schools and preschool institutions. Methodological assistance is carried out by various means - counseling, methodological guidance, methodological support, etc.

Thematic consultation allows you to deeply, comprehensively consider a specific issue, to reveal in detail the essence of the topic. As a rule, thematic consultations are planned by methodologists in advance and are included in long-term planning. Thematic consultations can be included in the program of training seminars. In preparation for the thematic consultation, the methodologist selects visual aids, methodological material.

Current consultation is carried out systematically on various issues that arise for teachers in the course of their professional activities.

Operational consultation are carried out at the initiative of the methodologist, administration, teachers in the course of organizing and conducting specific educational affairs. The competence of the methodologist is manifested in an instant reaction to the miscalculations made and in the provision of immediate assistance.

Mentoring is used in work with young specialists of the OUDOD, as well as in the development of effective pedagogical experience. This type of assistance is based on the data of problematic introspection of the teacher’s activities, analysis of the process and conditions for testing new methods, educational programs, etc.

In the practice of OUDOD, the following traditions have developed for maintaining methodological documentation on advisory matters: in the methodological office, department, methodologists keep records in the "Journal of Advisory Assistance to Pedagogical Workers" in the form: types of advisory assistance provided; Full name of the methodical worker conducting the consultation; Day, month, year of the consultation; Full name of the teacher receiving the consultation; feedback from a teacher about the consultation received, an application for the next thematic consultation; signature of a pedagogical worker (consultant) in a journal; signature of the methodologist (consultant) in the magazine.

Methodological guide is expressed in a clear definition by the methodologist together with the teaching staff of the promising and specific goals of joint creative activity, the appropriate ways to achieve them, outlines the stages and procedure for organizing educational activities, develops criteria and indicators for the effectiveness of educational activities, monitors the implementation of programs and work plans. Analyzes the progress of the implementation of the OUDOD Development Program.

methodical training- this is the participation of a methodologist in the creation and work of methodological associations in the OUDOD and the general education school, this is the creation of pedagogical workshops, problematic seminars, discussion clubs, creative laboratories in the OUDOD. These means of activity allow to increase the professional competence of teaching staff, to replenish the methodological fund, publishing activities.

These and other means of methodological assistance are most effectively implemented in the following forms of methodological activity:

l theoretical seminars (reports, messages);

l workshops (reports, presentations);

- disputes, discussions ("round table", dialogue-argument, debates, forum, symposium, "aquarium technique", "panel discussion", "ideas" cassette, etc.);

l "business games", role-playing games, simulation classes; panorama classes,

l lecture halls of didactic scientists, psychologists, sociologists, speech therapists and doctors;

ь discussion of modern latest methods, technologies, achievements of psychological and pedagogical science;

ь in the discussion of individual open, mutually attended classes, events or their cycle;

ь discussion of methods for diagnosing the development of children;

- various exhibitions, reports on self-education (reports, abstracts, development of classes, production of didactic and visual aids; exhibitions of the best children's works;

ь discussion of effective pedagogical experience and recommendations for its dissemination and implementation;

ь competitions "The best methodologist of OUDOD", "The best teacher of additional education of the year";

l pedagogical readings, scientific and practical conferences, etc.;

Generalization of pedagogical experience

Generalization of pedagogical experience is a type of methodological activity that involves the identification, selection, study, generalization, formation and further systematic description of the experience by a highly professional methodologist and a deep study of any specific positive pedagogical experience or institution, or one teacher or a group of like-minded people in OUDOD.

Generalization of experience is a scientific method of studying and analyzing the state of practice, identifying new trends that are born in the creative search of teachers, the effectiveness and availability of scientific recommendations. It is studied: mass experience (to identify leading trends), negative experience (to identify characteristic shortcomings and errors), best practices found in mass practice.

The activity of an expert (teacher, methodologist) is based, first of all, on comprehension, substantiation, analysis and a generalized systematic description of pedagogical experience. When choosing pedagogical experience and its further study, the expert needs to substantiate the circumstances indicating the presence of such experience (a long-term study of the real practical activity of the teacher, program and methodological materials of educational programs, indicating the high and stable effectiveness of the educational process in an institution or children's creative association over a number of years).

An important stage in the course of studying pedagogical experience is the setting of a clear goal-setting for further generalization. The expert must make a forecast and argumentation of the values ​​of the forthcoming generalization. To generalize is to derive and formulate the main ideas on which specific pedagogical experience is based. It is equally important to substantiate the relevance, productivity and prospects of the identified ideas, to reveal the conditions under which their implementation is possible. The expert should strive to identify objective patterns of creative use and development of specific pedagogical experience.

The procedural side of the generalization of pedagogical experience is made up of specific techniques, methods, methods of processing and describing the result.

The main method for the primary study of experience is self-diagnosis by the teacher of his professional activity (the effectiveness of the educational program, the effectiveness of educational activities, professional competence, etc.). The expert should familiarize himself with the individual author's or experimental educational program of the teacher, which is an original methodological development, which provides a rationale for the novelty, relevance of new conceptual provisions in one of the educational areas (artistic and aesthetic, cultural, socio-pedagogical, scientific and technical, tourist - local history, ecological and biological, etc.).

The educational program should contain the section “Management of the educational program (by stage control and effectiveness). Usually, educational programs of this type are equipped with a rich educational and methodological complex that reveals the technological features of the program. A teacher of additional education can also submit to the expert a program of educational activities of a children's creative association, drawn up on the basis of the Concept and Development Program, the Educational System of this OUDOD. For an objective assessment of the performance of a teacher, an expert or an initiative group can draw up an approximate plan for examining the scientific, methodological, educational and educational activities of a given teacher.

Methods for studying pedagogical experience: attending classes by prior agreement with the teacher; analysis of the class attended according to the proposed scheme; questioning; revealing the new; interview-survey; observation; testing; analysis of products of creative pedagogical activity.

The generalization of best practices begins with its description based on observation, conversations, surveys, and the study of documents. Further, the classification of the observed phenomena, their interpretation, summing up under known definitions and rules is carried out. A higher level of analysis involves the establishment of cause-and-effect relationships, the mechanism of interaction between various aspects of the educational process, the understanding of the internal patterns of achieving success in education and upbringing. From the description of the experience, it is necessary to move on to its analysis, to identify what is typical in the activity of an innovative teacher. For example, a consistent generalization of the effective pedagogical experience of overcoming poor progress in schools in the Rostov region showed that the results obtained were the result of a set of measures related to the optimization of the content, means and methods of teaching, the combination of collective and individual work in the classroom, with the strengthening of the educational potential of training, the creative nature of educational tasks.

Criteria for selecting pedagogical experience for generalization:

l the effectiveness of the pedagogical work of the teacher (high and stable results in educational and upbringing activities over a number of years);

ь the relevance and social significance of pedagogical activity (in achieving the goal and solving educational problems, in the content of pedagogical, methodological and managerial activities);

l taking into account health-saving systems in the educational process;

ь scientific foundations of pedagogical experience (scientific concepts, theories, provisions, methods, in the development of which a pedagogical experiment was carried out, pedagogical experience was gained);

l novelty of pedagogical experience (new content, forms, pedagogical technologies).

ь successful application of well-known scientific methods and positive pedagogical experience.

l rationalization of certain aspects of pedagogical, methodological, managerial work;

l reproduction with elements of modification of positive pedagogical experience in new pedagogical conditions.

If the generalized experience is focused on the development mode, it is recommended to develop parameters and criteria that are adequate to the requirements for self-organized pedagogical activity. In this context, the criteria, i.e. different levels can serve as criteria for assessing the quality of relevance, effectiveness, novelty, etc.:

l independence, competence, professionalism, productivity, self-education;

l the ability to implement the conceptual foundations and. principles of pedagogical synergetics;

l the ability to replace or revise the values ​​that influence the selection of the content of education;

ь original positions: innovative moments, the presence of high professionalism and special skill (pedagogical handwriting) of the teacher.

In general, a positive pedagogical experience should meet synergistic criteria: openness(does not contain unambiguous axiomaticity), additionality(focused on the opportunity to be supplemented by the subjective meanings of pupils), subjectivity(focused on updating the internal, creative activity of children, and not just the teacher), dialogue(contains grounds for the emergence of a dialogue).

Criterion of conceptuality- the ability of the teacher to give the subjects of training the characteristics of openness, ambiguity, complementarity, contextuality of discoveries, non-linearity, personal meanings, etc.

openness criterion focuses on the presentation in the material open for supplementation, unstable, non-equilibrium, paradoxical (phenomenal) facts that do not have an unambiguous interpretation. The method of their cognition is critical reflection, which makes it possible to turn to the meaning-creation of the subjects of learning instead of rote memorization.

Problematic criterion shows a meaningful attitude to the values ​​of skills. A meaningful emphasis falls on the formation of problematic ideas about the skills of creative activity and the experience of their application. They are based on the development of the skills of critical evaluation, reflection, self-motivation, search and detection of contradictions, supplementing with own meanings of various meanings of skills, etc.

The following indicators can serve as parameters for evaluation and generalization, How:

ь conceptual thinking, manifested in the construction and transformation of the content of the material;

ь development of variant scenarios of the same lesson;

observance of the conditions for ensuring interaction in pedagogical activity: recognition of the student's rights to his own point of view and its protection; ability to listen and hear the pupil; willingness to look at the subject of study from the perspective of the student; the ability to empathize and empathize;

- the ability to create conditions for the manifestation of the value-emotional and value-semantic attitude of the student to the material being studied, presented in the teacher's skills to claim these relationships in the course of classes;

- the ability to demand "ordinary" explanations by children of their own, pre-professional and intuitive understanding of the meaning of the actions, techniques, methods of creative activity presented by the teacher;

l the ability to refer to the sources of existence of the paradox (representation of the material as a phenomenon, with the properties of nonlinearity, problematic, openness, infinity, etc.);

- the ability to resonantly influence the course of the educational process, direct it to the emerging whole, possession of the means of maximizing the creative search, the active assumption of non-standard actions and ideas, ways of initiating the processes of self-completion of the subjects of education;

l openness and dialogue of the personality of the teacher, the ability to sympathize and empathize, etc.

Forms of presentation of positive pedagogical experience: collections; teaching aids; thematic exhibitions; articles; videos; movies; file cabinets.

Municipal educational institution

additional education for children

"Center for extracurricular activities


(to help a specialist in organizational and

mass and methodological departments)

Khabarovsk, 2010



Organization of methodological activities in institutions of additional education.

Professional and pedagogical competence. Self-assessment map of the professional competence of the methodologist of the organizational department.

Basic means and forms of methodological assistance.

Documentary support of the methodological activities of the organizational department specialist.

Scheme of analysis of educational activities.

Types of methodological products.

Individual self-educational work.

Methods of pedagogical diagnostics.

Methodist Dictionary

Used Books




Modern reforms of the Russian educational system have fundamentally changed the status and functions of institutions of additional education. In this regard, increased requirements are put forward for the methodological service.

Methodological work is one of the main elements of the activities of additional education.

The main goal of methodological work is to provide practical assistance to teachers in improving their teaching skills, developing personal culture and strengthening creative potential aimed at actively mastering new effective teaching and educational technologies and improving the quality of education.

In order for methodological work with teachers to be successful, it must have a systematic, purposeful, systematic and problem-oriented character, as well as be based on a diagnostic and analytical basis, taking into account the peculiarities of the development of the Center, the social order of higher institutions and all participants in the educational process, as well as problems identified in the process of methodological monitoring.

To methodically provide any type of activity means to come to the aid of the implementer of this activity in time, methodically competently eliminate difficulties, provide reasonable answers to emerging questions related to the organization and implementation of pedagogical, methodological, educational, educational activities.


Professional competence is formed in conjunction with the social attitudes of a specialist. The competence of a methodologist is expressed in his ability to analyze and solve problems in the context of specific situations of professional activity. Its development relies, first of all, on reflexivity and motivational foundations of self-development, combining the rational and creative principles of pedagogical activity.

Thus, the development of the professional competence of a methodologist is a continuous process of his professional activity, since the changing conditions for the development of education pose new problems for the methodologist, the solution of which requires a different nature of competence. The development of professional competence is largely ensured by the implementation of the functional skills of the methodologist and is ensured by the implementation of analytical and informational, constructive and communicative, research, design and implementation functions of methodological work, where the following research methods are of particular importance:


    1. private methods (study of literature, documents, testing);

      complex and general methods (monitoring, experiment, generalization of pedagogical experience).

      • theoretical: analysis and synthesis, abstraction and concretization, analogy, modeling.

For the development of professional competence of a methodologist, the most adequate methods are: reproductive, partially search, research, explanatory and illustrative, programmed, heuristic, problem and model.


When answering the question “How satisfied are you with your knowledge and skills”, fill in the columns.

Knowledge and skills



1. Pedagogical competence:

Knowledge of the main pedagogical paradigms, concepts, systems and theories

Knowledge of traditional and innovative technologies of education and upbringing

Knowledge of the theory of the children's team

Knowledge of the basics of pedagogical diagnostics and the ability to conduct it

Knowledge of patterns, principles and main components of a holistic pedagogical process

2. Psychological competence:

Knowledge of the psychological foundations of pedagogical activity

Knowledge of the age characteristics of personality development

Ability to anticipate and resolve conflicts

Knowledge of the basics of pedagogical communication

Knowledge of the psychological structure of personality and its cognitive sphere

Knowledge of the basics of psychological diagnosis and the ability to implement it

3. Methodological competence:

Ability to analyze pedagogical activity

Ability to plan activities (monthly, yearly)

Ability to conduct research

The ability to systematize and summarize information, methodological, didactic materials

Ability to provide advice

Ability to develop and design methodological products

Knowledge of forms, methods, means of cultural and leisure activities

Orientation of the methodologist to constant self-development

Knowledge of the scientific organization of labor and the ability to rationally organize their work



Methodological assistance is a methodologist's prompt and long-term response to the requests and needs of children's groups and teachers. Methodological assistance is carried out by various means: counseling, methodological guidance, methodological support.

Thematic consultation allows you to deeply, comprehensively consider a specific issue, to reveal in detail the essence of the topic. As a rule, thematic consultations are planned by methodologists in advance and are included in long-term planning. Thematic consultations can be included in the program of training seminars. In preparation for the thematic consultation, the methodologist selects visual aids, methodological material.

Current consultation - is carried out systematically on various issues that arise for teachers in the course of their professional activities.

Mentoring is used in work with young specialists, as well as in the development of effective pedagogical experience.

Methodological guide expressed in a clear definition by the methodologist together with teachers of promising and specific goals of joint creative activity, outline the stages and procedure for organizing educational activities, develop criteria and performance indicators for educational and creative activities, monitor programs and work plans, analyze their implementation.

methodical training - this is the participation of a methodologist in the work of methodological associations, pedagogical workshops, problematic seminars, discussion clubs, creative laboratories, methodological festival. These and other means of methodological assistance are most effectively implemented in the following forms of methodological activity:

    theoretical seminars (reports, communications);


    disputes, discussions (“round table”, dialogue-argument, debate, forum, “aquarium technique”);

    "business games", role-playing games, simulation classes, panorama classes;

    lecture halls of academic scholars, psychologists, sociologists, speech therapists;

    discussion of modern latest methods, technologies;

    discussion of individual open classes, events;

    discussion of methods for diagnosing children;

    various exhibitions, reports on self-education;

    competitions "The best methodologist of UDO", "The best teacher".


1. Scenario activity

2. Thematic counseling for teachers

3. Providing practical assistance to teachers, methodologists

4. Organizational activities (preparation of the event)

5. Analysis, self-analysis of activities

6. Information and analytical activities (study of scientific, pedagogical and methodological literature, development of methodological recommendations, design of a methodological corner, preparation of a speech for the teachers' council, methodological association, meeting - according to the work plan for the year or as needed)

7. Self-education

8. Reflection on the implementation of the work plan for the month



    "Planning, analysis of activities"

    "Preparation of events" (plans, estimates, regulations)

    "Script bank"

    "Speeches, news reports"

    "Diagnostics and forecasting"


    notebook "Self-analysis of events", "Method consultations"


    annual activity analysis

    accumulation of materials in thematic folders, script bank


    review notebook

    discussion at planning meetings of methodologists, artistic council

    attending events, analyzing, speaking at meetings, MOs, etc.

    quantitative accounting

    replenishment of the photo-video archive

    preservation of the method archive


Target setting → Task → Form → Method → ​​Means → Result → Deed


    Pedagogical goal




  • Creativity







  1. Event.

    The number of students present.

    FULL NAME. organizer.

    Work experience.

    Appearance of pupils.

    Who is involved in the event.

    Design of the audience, visibility, etc.

    Purpose of the event:

a) educational

b) developing

c) educational

10. The purpose of the analysis: to determine whether this lesson is of a systemic nature.


    Find out whether the teacher clearly enough, the organizer understands the purpose of the event and the objectives of each stage of the event, how consciously solves them.

    Determine whether the tasks of each stage of the event correspond to the main goal.

    Determine whether the methodology for its implementation meets the goals.

    Find out how the interaction between the teacher and pupils was carried out at all stages of the event.

    Establish the relationship of the event with other forms.






Activities of involved persons





    A clear definition by the teacher of the purpose of the event.

    Planning the stages of the event and the tasks of each stage.

    Organization of its preparation in accordance with the goal:

    • activities of the teacher and children at each stage;

      regulation of the course of activities for the preparation of the event;

      holding an event;

      analysis of results.

    Determination of the optimal content of the event (on this material it is necessary to solve the tasks set).

    The choice of the most rational methods and techniques of education at each stage of the event.

    Clarity of the event, tempo and rhythm.

    Flexibility and breadth of the educational moment:

    • lack of a template;

      the presence of a "zest", an element of surprise.

    The relationship of the stages of the event:

    • I stage of the analysis of the situation, the formulation of the goal.

      Stage II event planning.

      Stage III organization of the preparation of the event.

      IV holding the event.

      Stage V analysis of the event.

    The connection of the event with previous and subsequent forms of classes, with classroom and school-wide forms.


The first step is to find out:

    Did the guys take part in the analysis of the situation?

    Do they know the purpose of the event?

    Do they have an idea of ​​what a goal is?

    Did they take part in the formulation of the goal (will they consciously participate in the preparation of its implementation)?

    Did the teacher understand the objectives of each stage?

    What prompted this goal?

The second stage establishes:

    What activities are associated with the event.

    Participation of children in planning the event, its stages, setting tasks for each stage.

    Do they have an idea about the plan, what it is for, what helps?

    Communication of tasks of the first and second stages.

The third stage establishes:

    Was there a division of labor of the organizers.

    How were their activities regulated?

    How were the performers selected?

    How this stage contributed to the formation of students' organizational skills.

    How well the tasks have been accomplished.

    The reason for the high (low) quality of this stage.

Note: information on the first or third stage is found out from a conversation with the teacher and pupils.

At the fourth stage of the event, it turns out:

    Has the goal been achieved?

    What areas of education were implemented by the event;

    What direction was the main one;

    Correspondence of the content and form of the lesson, its goals and objectives;

    Compliance of methods, techniques with the goal;

    Preliminary conclusion about the strength of the influence of this stage of the event on the pupils;

    The managerial culture of the teacher, the availability of organizational skills, his erudition, the ability to navigate in difficult pedagogical situations, the ability to influence the individual and the team;

    The connection of this event with subsequent ones (assignments to the circle);

    Reasons for the high (low) quality of this stage.

At the fifth stage, it turns out:

    Has the level of analytical training of the children, the analytical culture of the teacher, his ability to consider an educational event in the interaction of all parts, as a systemic education, been determined;

    Service atmosphere;

    Depth of penetration into the essence of the event.


      output scheme

      Statement of fact

      The reasons for its appearance

      Specific proposals to eliminate the causes (if the fact is negative) or recommendations for its development (if the fact is positive).


    The purpose of the analysis is clearly and meaningfully formulated.

    Based on the goal, a program of observation and collection of information is planned.

    In the course of the analysis, the stages of the event are singled out and a description of each of them is given (the content of the teacher's activity, the content of the pupil's activity, the organization of this activity).

    The system-forming connections of the educational event are analyzed:

    • educational purpose of the event

      educational tasks of its stages

      educational tasks of one stage

      educational tasks of the next stage.

    It is determined how, as a result of the interaction of all stages, the final result is formed - a pre-programmed goal.

    The level of managerial culture of the teacher and pupils is analyzed.

    The relationship between the goal, the form of the lesson, its content, methods, and results is analyzed.

    The relationship of this event with the previous and subsequent events, its place in the general system of extracurricular educational work is revealed.

    Conclusions on the event are formed on the basis of the data obtained as a result of the analysis.

    Specific proposals follow from the analysis of the reasons, are determined by specific deadlines.


    Lack of a clearly defined purpose of the analysis.

    Inconsistency of the monitoring program with the goal.

    The unsystematic nature of the analysis of the event, the characteristics of its individual stages and timing.

    The general conclusion is made on the basis of one stage of the event.

    The evaluation of the event is not based on objective data, but on the impressions and personal attitude of the analyst.

    Illogical conclusions. Everything positive is listed, a positive conclusion is made, then a negative one, which, logically, crosses out the positive conclusion.


    The integrity of the event, the connection between the stages.

    The relationship of the goal - the content of the form - methods and techniques - results.

    Relationship between this form and other forms.


Methodists draw up the results of their activities in methodological products:

1. Organizational and instructive products offer, indicate, explain the goals and procedures, technologies and methods of the educational process, holding events, actions, demonstrate possible methods and forms of organizing mass affairs.

1.1. instructive-methodical letter includes instructions and explanations arising from the normative document of a higher organization: defines the range of functions and activities of a teacher or a team to implement decisions.

1.2. methodical note gives explanations of the methodological materials presented more concisely. The methodological note gives answers to the following questions: what tasks are solved by this methodical work; to whom it is addressed; on the basis of what documents, facts the methodical work was compiled; What is the presentation system.

1.3. methodical memo contains brief, most important information about the performance of any operations or the implementation of any functions.

1.4. guidelines- a methodical publication, content, a set of short and clearly formulated proposals and instructions that contribute to the introduction into practice of effective methods and forms of education and upbringing. Methodological recommendations are developed on the basis of studying or summarizing the experience of teachers. They are created to assist the team, the teacher in making decisions based on the achievement of pedagogical experience, taking into account the conditions and characteristics of the activities of the teacher, the team. Their task is to recommend the most effective rational options, patterns of action; applied to a specific group of people or events. Recommendations have the exact address.

The introductory part is an explanatory note that substantiates the relevance and necessity of these recommendations, provides a brief analysis of the state of affairs on this issue, indicates the address, and explains what assistance this work is intended to provide. Statement of the main thesis, what is recommended to be done to improve the existing situation. Guidelines for solving organizational issues. Approximate options for conducting with advice on how best to do it, what difficult moments to pay attention to, what technical and other means to use.


    Name of development;

    Name and form of the event;

    An explanatory note that indicates the goals and objectives, proposed methods, the age of the children for which the event is designed. Conditions for its implementation;

    Equipment, design;

    Methodological advice for the preparatory period;

    Scenario plan, course of conduct;


    Methodological advice to organizers and directors;

    Methodological advice for the period of the next aftereffect (how to sum up, what things to do to consolidate the result, etc.);




The teacher, methodologist determines for himself the topic of self-education and plans work on the topic; the structure, content and time of work depend on the level and nature of the study, the goals and objectives set.

The plan provides for the selection of literature, the search for PPO addresses, then the time is determined for studying the received data bank on the problem, analyzing the literature, getting to know the practical experience of others, attending classes, etc.

The self-educational process ends with analysis, evaluation and self-assessment of the effectiveness of the work performed.

The result of the next stage of work can be reports and speeches to colleagues as part of a creative report, a report on the topic of self-education, as well as reports and speeches at meetings, conferences, meetings of the MO, creative groups, etc. Work on the topic of self-education is documented.

    Magazine "Additional education" №1 2004

    Magazine "Additional education" №4 2004

    Magazine "Additional education" №2 2003

    Journal "Pedagogy" №2 2003

    Journal "Pedagogy" №3 2003

    Journal "Pedagogy" №5 2005


MTD - methods of diagnostic study in the system of pedagogical relations, which include general scientific (observation), socio-psychological (survey: conversation, interview, questioning), psychodiagnostic (personal questionnaires, tests, projective methods), pedagogical (study of documentation, products of labor ).

    Observation- the leading empirical method of pedagogical research, which consists in a deliberate, systematic, purposeful perception of a phenomenon, process, individual, group. The essence of observation is the fixation of the external manifestations of the observed object. Observation technology includes: setting a goal, designing a perception program, observing and fixing the observed, content analysis of the information received. Techniques include: protocol, audiovisual equipment.

    Survey- a method of collecting information, the source of which is the oral or written judgment of the individual. Types of survey: questioning, conversation, interview.

    Conversation- a way of obtaining information based on direct free communication, free dialogue.

    Interview- a conversation with rigidly planned questions and weakened feedback, since only the interviewer asks questions.

    Questionnaire- written survey using a questionnaire.

    Questionnaire personal- a standardized set of statements with which the subject can either agree or disagree. It is aimed at studying individual and personal characteristics: psychological well-being, self-esteem, forms of behavior, temperament, etc.

    Tests- standardized tasks, according to the results of which personality characteristics are measured (intellectual characteristics, mental processes - memory, attention; experience - knowledge, skills, emotional sphere; personal properties).

    Projective Methods- a kind of tests based on the projection of personal meanings (unconscious experiences, drives, attitudes).


Method - a way to achieve a specific goal, a solution to a specific problem, a set of techniques or operations for the practical or theoretical development of reality (Soviet Encyclopedic Dictionary).

Methodology - the doctrine of the structure, logical operation, methods and means of activity (Soviet Encyclopedic Dictionary).

Methodology (in education) - a description of specific methods, methods, techniques of pedagogical activity in individual educational processes (Pedagogical Dictionary of G.M. Kodzhaspirova).

Methods of training and education - a branch of pedagogical science, the doctrine of teaching methods, education. This training can be either general, if we mean the general methods of education inherent in all areas of education and upbringing of schoolchildren, or private, if it concerns only those methods that are used for training or education in any particular direction (Ped. Dictionary B .A. Mizherikova).

Methodical work - part of the system of continuous education of teachers, educators.

Objectives of methodological work :

    mastering the most rational methods and techniques of teaching and educating students.

    increasing the level of general didactic and methodological readiness of the teacher to organize and conduct educational work.

    exchange of experience between members of the teaching staff, identification and promotion of advanced relevant pedagogical experience.

Methodical development - a methodical publication containing specific materials to help the teacher (Dictionary-reference book of V.M. Polonsky).

Guidelines is a methodological publication containing a set of concise and clearly formulated proposals and instructions that contribute to the introduction into practice of the most effective methods and forms of education and upbringing.

Principles of organizing children's leisure - theoretical generalizations that reflect and include the main rules for the implementation of leisure pedagogy that have been established and proven by practice. The teacher is guided by the following principles:

    the principle of social significance, social effectiveness of leisure activities.

    the principle of amateur performance and individual approach to the participants of leisure activities.

    the principle of entertainment and entertainment.

    the principle of humanization of personality education.

    the principle of collective creative work with an emerging goal (I.P. Ivanov)

Leisure activities - purposeful activity that meets the needs and motives, implemented in the system of culture and leisure. Leisure is always active; is completely voluntary. Properly organized leisure is a school for the prevention of lack of spirituality, emotional poverty, intellectual narrowness, and practical limitations. Leisure objectively gives schoolchildren a chance to realize themselves. Leisure is a sphere of active self-education. There are conditions that contribute to the effectiveness of leisure activities: a company of different ages; leisure culture; creation of a conflict-free environment; availability of a leisure base (premises, equipment, sports equipment, etc.).

Reflection - internal psychological activity of a person, aimed at comprehending their own actions and states; self-knowledge by a person of his spiritual world.

self-education - the process of assimilation by a person of the experience of previous generations due to and through internal mental factors that ensure development. Self-education includes self-goal setting, self-regulation, self-management, self-knowledge, self-order, self-control, etc.

Success situation - a combination of conditions that ensure success, and success itself, that is, a state of joy, is the result of such a situation. The situation is what the teacher is able to organize, the experience of joy (success) is something more subjective, hidden to a large extent from the outside view. The task of the teacher is to give each of his students the opportunity to experience the joy of achievement, to realize their capabilities, to believe in themselves.

Heuristic - a science that studies the patterns of human creative activity.


    Borovikov L.I. Self-analysis of the teacher's professional activity. Siberian teacher. 2003.

    Bespalko V.P. Components of pedagogical technology. M.: Pedagogy. 1999.

    Koval M.B. Pedagogy of an out-of-school institution. Orenburg. 2002.

    Scientific and methodological support for the activities of out-of-school institutions. Ekaterinburg. 2002.

    Sitnik A.P. Methodical work or development of professional culture. School 2006 No. 2.

    Magazine "Class teacher". 2005 No. 5.
