What do 1 year olds understand? We develop a child in a year

your child

Nutrition and baby care

Sleep and safety

Educational games

Develop coordination and vision

Game 1. "Making beads"

The game is aimed at developing the coordination of movements of both hands, as well as improving hand-eye coordination.

You will need

10 large beads (wheels from a pyramid or any other parts with a through hole), thick fishing line or wire, opaque bag.

Game plan

1. Put the beads in a bag and sit next to your child, putting the bag behind you. 2. Show your baby the line, take out one of the beads and slowly thread it onto the line. 3. Remove the second bead from the bag and invite the child to do the same. 4. When all the beads are on the fishing line, tie the ends in a knot and put on the child's neck. Express your admiration for the resulting decoration.

Note to parents

1. If the child enjoys the game, you can gradually reduce the size of the beads to develop manual dexterity. 2. Do not leave the baby unattended with ready-made beads, so that he does not harm himself when trying to put them on or take them off. The game was prepared by Maria Baulina, a neuropsychologist, candidate of psychological sciences, a specialist in child neuropsychology and the development of the child's psychological functions.

Development: watching the baby

Behind the first birthday of the baby. In just 12 months, the baby turned from a helpless bundle that was brought from the hospital into a completely independent person with his own character and habits.

During this period, children grow and gain weight unevenly, approximately 100-300 g and 1.0-1.2 cm per month. By the age of one and a half, boys weigh 9.8-12.2 kg with a height of 79.6-85.0 cm, the corresponding figures for girls are 9.1-11.6 kg and 77.8-83.6 cm*. The proportions of the child's body are changing: the arms and legs gradually become longer, the stomach becomes flatter. All children are different: tall and not very tall, chubby and thin. The main indicator of the physical health of a child at this age is not the number of kilograms and centimeters gained, but stable development.

At the age of one year, most children move confidently around the house, holding on to a support, many begin to walk on their own. By the age of one and a half, kids will start running and even playing “football”: roll the ball, kick it with their feet and throw it forward or up.

The child continues to explore the world around him with interest, especially now that there are more opportunities for this. He can climb to previously inaccessible peaks with the help of a chair or armchair.

Item games are getting harder. Now the little experimenter needs to find out if the object can be divided into its component parts. If it is not possible to divide the toy into parts with his hands, he can throw it on the floor - so it will definitely fall apart into pieces. Taking apart a pyramid of cubes into pieces, and then trying to put it back together again is one of the favorite activities of a baby at this age.

Children's vision and hearing develop: children distinguish small objects well and see better into the distance. The depth of perception increases - the ability to perceive objects "volumetrically" and estimate the distance to them. For the full development of all the senses, children need a change of impressions.

By one year, many children have already skillfully imitated the speech of adults, now this skill continues to improve: babies are more fluent in intonation, actively help themselves with gestures, pronounce almost all sounds separately, and some in syllables. The vocabulary of the child is growing - that is, the number of those words, the meaning of which he understands well. A child of this age is already able to fulfill complex requests, consisting of several stages: "Come to dad, take a book from him, bring it to mom." He knows all family members by name and can find them in a photo.

At a year and a half, the baby actively uses a few words to communicate and correctly answers simple questions, pointing to parts of the body, objects and people around. However, there is still no coherent and understandable speech for an adult: kids continue to “babble” in a special children's language, which only loving parents and relatives can understand. But the baby knows how to express his emotions with facial expressions and gestures perfectly, so that everyone will understand what exactly your child wants at the moment.

*Based on data provided by experts from the World Health Organization (WHO) based on the results of the Multi-Focus Growth Standards Study (MGRS).

It included children who were cared for in accordance with WHO health guidelines, such as breastfeeding and the mother not smoking. To date, the results of the MGRS are recognized world standards against which the development of children can and should be compared, regardless of their place of residence, type of feeding, and belonging to different ethnic groups and cultures.

Behavior: understand the baby

One-year-olds actively strive for independence: they decide for themselves where to go and what toy to take. At the same time, kids try to show independence, acting contrary to the wishes and requests of adults. The word “no” during this period can cause a negative reaction in the baby, up to hysteria. Mom and dad will have to be patient and allow the baby to "assert itself" and expand personal boundaries.

New "unpleasant" features in the behavior of babies at this age are often associated with the "crisis of the first year." Having learned to walk and speak (albeit in his own, special, language), the child tries to realize his place in the world and no longer feels such an inseparable connection with his parents as before. Being independent is not so easy: the baby wants to get a toy from the shelf, but cannot reach it; he wants to say that he doesn't like those pants, but he can't find the words; he wants to run to the hill without the help of his mother, but they do not obey him and he falls. Is it any wonder that a child faced with such a discrepancy between his desires and abilities begins to act up, may suddenly scream or behave aggressively.

Showing "character", children at this age still remain "kids". They still need to feel the care and protection of their parents in order to feel safe. Touches and hugs will help the matured baby feel parental love and care. Always be ready to support the child: the baby may be “building” or “tidying up” in his toy box alone, but he needs to know that his mother is nearby and will immediately come to the rescue if he gets scared or falls.

In order to get what they want from adults, a lot of ways gradually accumulate in the arsenal of a child, from smiling and hugging, to whimpering, screaming and crying. The kid is constantly experimenting, trying to figure out how best to attract attention to himself, and what behaviors cause a positive reaction from mom and dad. For example, a child quickly realizes that crying “does not help matters” in communication with parents, and grandparents are more likely to fulfill the request if they cry loudly.

Closer to the age of one and a half years, children are happy to copy the complex behavior of adults, including doing ordinary homework. Although the buzz of a vacuum cleaner can cause anxiety in a baby (loud noises at this age begin to be associated with danger), he will soon forget about his fear, helping his mother brush the carpet. And washing dishes will become his cherished dream at all, because most children love to mess with water.

At this age, most children are not immediately ready for active socialization. At first, they do not like being in the company of unfamiliar adults or playing with other children. The kid actively defends his territory, not wanting to share the attention of his parents and his toys with outsiders. Gradually, the baby learns to interact with the outside world, showing the features of his character and behavior. It will be interesting for the child to play with older children who can be imitated. They will take on the role of leader and demonstrate by their own example how best to play in the company. Communication with peers follows a different scenario: at first, kids can just play side by side, then they begin to repeat certain actions one after another. Once used to, they can exchange toys, or take them away from each other, carefully observing the reaction of a peer.


Children at this age like to be at the common table in the company of mom and dad. Try to arrange "family" meals more often: imitating adults, the child quickly learns to use cutlery and "adult" dishes on his own. For the safety and convenience of the baby, be sure to put him in a special chair.

The growth rate of children slows down by the age of one and a half years, which can lead to a decrease in appetite and interest in new foods. Your baby's taste preferences may also change, which he will quite convincingly tell you with gestures and facial expressions. Do not ignore his wishes. If he does not like any foods and dishes at all, try replacing them with others containing the same vitamins and nutrients. Children's eating habits can change. If a year a child refused to even try fish, then one and a half fish cakes can become his favorite treat.

By the age of one and a half years, the baby usually gets used to the "adult" diet, which includes breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner. It is advisable to feed the child at the same time so that the intervals between meals are approximately the same.

In the second year of life, children can eat almost any adult food, however, it must be crushed. Homemade food can be combined with industrial baby food. If possible, continue breastfeeding. Mother's milk helps the baby's digestive system.

Mobile children should not be limited in drinking. To quench your thirst, boiled water or weak tea is perfect. Herbal teas, such as fennel or chamomile, are soothing and aid digestion.

To prevent allergies, limit the amount of natural spices in your baby's food and avoid artificial additives. It is too early to include cocoa or other chocolate-based drinks in the child's diet. Buns, cookies, yeast pies, waffles and ice cream are also not the best treats for children under 18 months old. An ideal dessert for a little sweet tooth is a fruit salad dressed with yogurt, or a mousse based on semolina with fruits and berries.

Soups and main dishes for one-year-old children are best steamed or boiled.

Baby care

At this age, children need more physical activity than before. Let your child crawl, walk, run and jump until he gets tired.

You will have to bathe your baby more often, because he is actively exploring the world: he is happy to stand in a puddle, taste the earth and try to pet any animal that gets in his way. Pay attention to the condition of the skin after bathing. If necessary, use moisturizers or remedies for prickly heat.

While the child is learning to walk and run, be prepared for bruises and abrasions: stock up on a band-aid with fun "children's" pictures, disinfectants and bruise gel. Don't worry, very soon your baby will learn to stand firmly on his feet!

Turn hair care into a fun game. Comb the doll together with the baby. Having understood how to handle the comb, the child will willingly comb both the doll, and dad, and mom. If it is the mother who is the main children's stylist, click the scissors next to the doll's hair to prove that it does not hurt at all. A trip to the hairdresser for a boy can become part of a special “male” ritual, because dad also has to cut his hair.

When you go to a scheduled check-up with a doctor, prepare in advance a list of questions on which you want to get advice: sleep patterns, speech development, height and weight, behavioral patterns, etc.

Education and communication: we are engaged with the baby

In the period from a year to a year and a half, kids are rapidly expanding the boundaries of their world, improving motor skills. Encourage your child to be physically active and explore. Give him a safe space to play and the opportunity to transform him himself. To store toys, you can use lightweight boxes on wheels, baskets and boxes that can be easily moved or turned over.

Your baby learns to think ahead to get what he wants, such as using objects at hand to climb higher and get an interesting toy. Put a chair, a bench or a small ladder with two steps in his room so that he can move them to the chest of drawers on which an interesting book lies or a teddy bear sits.

For the development of vision, the child needs color stimulation. Use multi-colored toys and picture books, colorful details in the interior of the children's room and children's clothes in bright colors. Regular walks on the street also contribute to the development of color vision.

The kid will be happy to collect the cubes in a box, trying to give them the correct shape, and then pour everything on the floor to start the process again.

The game of "matryoshka" will captivate the little researcher for a long time. Instead of a matryoshka doll, you can use cardboard boxes of different sizes. In the smallest box, put a prize - a piece of biscuit or a seedless grape.

Soft colored pencils or crayons are a great gift for a future artist. The kid will be happy to study an interesting property of objects - the ability to leave color marks on paper (or clothes and wallpaper).

Grandpa's old wallet, an unnecessary bunch of keys and mom's purse can be a life saver for parents on a rainy day. An active kid will willingly try to behave “like an adult” and use these “treasures” for their intended purpose: insert the key into the keyhole, check how many compartments are in the wallet, whether it fits in a purse, etc.

Sand is a great object to study. If the weather does not allow you to play in the sandbox - it does not matter. Lay an oilcloth on the floor, prepare a plastic sieve and sand. Show your child that if you raise the sieve to different heights, you can better see how sand pours through the holes. Instead of sand, you can use ordinary semolina.

Introduce your baby to new words and concepts not only during the game, but also while eating, dressing, bathing and other daily joint activities. When trying new foods and foods, describe the tastes and smells aloud. When going for a walk, ask your child which socks he prefers - blue or red, whether he wants to take a spatula or another toy with him. If you go to the store, clearly pronounce the names of all the goods you buy and “consult” with your child when choosing apples or a type of milk. Climbing the stairs with your baby, do not forget to count the steps aloud, and every time you walk, discuss the weather and natural phenomena.

Do not be upset if classes with a child do not give instant results. The most important thing is that you and your baby have fun and interesting. The child, like a sponge, absorbs all the information received and one day will surprise his mother by pronouncing the word “geese” in the right place, listening to his favorite rhyme.


Good sleep is essential for a child's physical and emotional health. The mode and number of daytime sleep can be different and depend on the activity of the baby, however, it is important to follow the daily routine. An approximate sleep schedule for babies from a year to a year and a half: night sleep - 10-11 hours, the first daytime sleep - about 2-2.5 hours, the second daytime sleep - 1.5 hours *. Children agree to sleep more easily during the day and calm down faster in the evening if they are put to bed at the same time every day, following a certain ritual. No matter how you wrap the baby before going to bed, at night he will definitely throw off the blanket. Dress the little fidget in warm pajamas.

Even if the baby, tired during the day, quickly calmed down and fell asleep in the evening, this does not mean that parents can relax until the morning. At this age, children often wake up at night and cannot fall asleep again without the help of mom or dad. Whatever method you choose to put your baby to sleep, remember that it must be versatile enough. The baby will surely require a repetition the next time he cannot fall asleep. Having received a sip of water and a piece of biscuit from his mother, he is unlikely to calm down until he refreshes himself, waking up once again in the middle of the night.

The child feels safe if he knows what to expect. A tireless explorer of everything new during the day, in the evening he turns into an inveterate conservative, resisting any changes in the usual order of things. Therefore, although one-year-olds do not yet experience fear of the dark, they will not be able to sleep peacefully in a dark room if they are used to the light of a night lamp. If the baby is used to falling asleep to quiet music, then the silence of the night will only confuse his sleep.


(*) The above norms are averages, the duration and time of sleep depends on the temperament of the baby. The main criterion of the "norm" is always the well-being of the baby, smiles and cheerfulness. If you still have any doubts, consult your pediatrician.


The house in which a child grows up changes with the baby. Fragile and dangerous items are hidden in hard-to-reach places, doors and drawers in wardrobes and chests of drawers can now only be opened by adults, and there are no sharp corners in the room where the baby lives and plays.

By the age of one, children begin to move around the house on their own. Place special lattice doors, blocking the child's path to a dangerous place - a staircase, a door to a closet or a balcony. Check the handles and shutters on the windows: they must be equipped with a protective mechanism so that the child cannot open the window on his own.

One-year-old children already know how to lift and throw fairly large and heavy objects, and by the age of one and a half years they are building ladders from any available materials in order to climb higher. Be sure to check the strength of boxes and boxes for toys, as well as all large toys.

If you regularly travel with your baby in a car, make sure that the size and type of child car seat is appropriate for your child's height and weight.

The first year of life occupies a special place in the development of the child. The development of a child of the 1st year of life in comparison with the development of older children occurs most rapidly. In the 1st year of life there is a rapid physical development of the child. Weight doubles by 5-6 months, and triples by the year. During the first year of life, growth increases by 25 cm; the ratio of the circumference of the head and chest changes; resistance increases, the body's thermoregulation improves, etc.

Brain functions develop rapidly, conditioned reflexes from all analyzers are developed early, the working capacity of the nervous system increases, and its endurance increases.

Changes in the duration and nature of wakefulness and sleep. The duration of quiet wakefulness increases from 20-30 minutes in the 1st month to 3-3 1/2 hours by the year; the daily amount of sleep decreases - from 18 hours in the first months to 14 1/2 hours - by the year. Already in the first months of a child's life, it is possible to develop a rhythm of wakefulness, sleep and feeding.

Under the influence of the active influences of adults and the interaction of the child with the environment, significant changes occur in his neuropsychic development.

From the first months, the activity of all sense organs develops rapidly - connections with the outside world are quickly established. In the first year of life, positive emotions arise and become more complex, which are of great importance for the overall development of the child. Rejoicing, a small child moves a lot, which contributes to the development of movements. Positive emotions are one of the conditions for the development of the preparatory stages of speech in the 1st year of life. And, on the contrary, frequent crying, crying of a child or a sluggish emotional state lower the vital activity of the organism, negatively affect the physical development of the child and the state of excitability of his nervous system.

During the 1st life, the child masters the basic movements. In the first months, the child's movements are chaotic and uncoordinated; by the 1st year, he masters independent walking.

For a long time it was believed that the movements of a child, especially the 1st year of life, develop in the process of organic maturation, for which it is only necessary to provide good conditions for his physical development, i.e., proper nutrition and hygienic care. However, the study of Prof. N. M. Shchelovanov and his students (M. Yu. Kistyakovskaya and others) showed that the pace and sequence of the formation of movements depend on the conditions of education and the influences of people around. For example, in some cases the child, having mastered sitting, bypasses crawling and proceeds to independent walking; in others, the child masters crawling, then sitting and walking.

By the end of the 1st year, elementary actions with objects are formed, which are of great importance for the sensory development and active activity of the child. Performing even the simplest actions with toys, the child gets acquainted with their properties (shape, material, etc.). Actions with toys make the child's wakefulness more active and calm.

In the first year of life, the preparatory stages of a specific human function, speech, develop. Voice reactions begin to develop from the first months of life; by the age of one, a child can already pronounce about 10 simple, facilitated words. In the second half of the year, the ability to imitate sounds and syllables arises, and understanding of the speech of others develops. At the end of the first year, a primary generalization of some words in an adult's speech is formed.

In the first year of life, orienting activity develops - the basis of the child's cognitive activity. The development of higher mental functions begins: perception, memory, attention.

mental cognitive subject conceptual

In the 1st year of life, the child masters the basic skills during the feeding process, he learns to eat from a spoon, drink from a cup. A child can be taught the skill of neatness.

In the 1st year of life, children show a close interdependence of physical and neuropsychic development. The absence or insufficiency of influences on the neuropsychic development of children, in particular on the development of positive emotions and movements in them, negatively affects their physical development and may be one of the causes of malnutrition (N. M. Shchelovanov). At the same time, the positive emotional tone is determined by the physical condition of the children. It is much easier to cause a smile and develop movements in healthy, physically strong children than in weakened ones. In a cheerful, good condition, children better perceive the influences of others and actively respond to them.

A newborn baby has a need for sensory and motor activity. Already in the first hours of life, it is possible to evoke a visual orienting-motor reaction. The child reacts with an eye movement under the action of a moving light stimulus (movement of a luminous light bulb). The motor activity of a newborn is determined by the presence of external and internal stimuli. A distinctive feature of children of the first year is a pronounced emotionality. All reactions to the environment are of a pronounced emotional nature. However, the emotional state of children of the 1st year of life is very unstable, they easily move from positive to negative emotions and vice versa.

A characteristic feature of children of this age is the great vulnerability of their body and relatively low resistance to various diseases. Despite the fact that during the 1st year of life, the thermoregulation of the child's body gradually improves and he begins to better adapt to various conditions, changes in temperature and other environmental conditions often affect his health.

Already in the first months of life, communication with surrounding adults becomes a need and the main activity of the child. In order to ensure the timely and normal development of children of this age, adults must not only meet their organic needs in time and correctly (feed them in time, put them to bed, etc.) and create conditions for their wakefulness, but also specifically deal with them, with the purpose of developing new skills.

The next feature is the high plasticity of the organism, in particular the nervous system, of children of the 1st year of life, this explains the great dependence of their development on the environment and, in particular, on the educational influences of adults.

During the first year of life, the significance of the various skills of the child at different stages is different. Due to the rapid pace of development, the first year is divided into the following qualitatively different periods:

from birth to 2 1/2 - 3 months (at this age, the neonatal period is allocated up to 3 - 5 weeks);

from 2 1/2 - 3 to 5 - 6 months;

from 5-6 to 9-10 months;

from 9-10 months to 1 year

Young parents often ask themselves: what can children do at 1 year old? When the first child is born, mom and dad also learn new things, just like their baby. The first year of life is extremely important for the family, because during this period a new personality is formed.

And now the time has come when the baby is one year old, he has already become an independent, understanding little man. He has more and more desire to learn something new.

At this stage, it is important to know what the child should be able to do. 1 year is the time when it is not too late to turn to specialists if the baby has developmental problems.

Child's height

At this age, the height and weight of the baby increase unevenly - about 100-300 grams and 1-1.2 cm per month. The proportions of the body gradually change: the arms and legs lengthen, the tummy becomes flat. During this period, the children are all different, someone weighs a lot, someone a little. The main thing is to monitor the stable development of the child.

The weight norms of babies accepted by doctors: boys - 8.9-11.6 kg, girls - 8.5-10.8 kg. The height of both sexes is 71.4-79.7 cm.

Baby speech

About 10 simple words in the first year of life a child already knows how to speak. 1 year - only the beginning in the conversational speech of the baby. As a rule, the speech of the child is associated with emotions. He often communicates with himself, communicates with adults with gestures, showing what he needs.

At this age, the child already distinguishes "possible" from "impossible", understands when they praise and scold. On an intuitive level, he is aware of everyday words.

Also, the baby learns to imitate sounds, movements, repeating words with the right intonation after adults. Therefore, it is very important not to use swear words with the baby so that the child does not remember them and does not use them later in his speech. It is also worth excluding the clarification of the relationship with the child, so that the baby does not learn to experience negative emotions at that age.

The kid may not say exactly what is happening. He continues to babble, to add syllables.

The normal development of a child is considered if he has a certain vocabulary, points to objects that are called to him, and submits any things at the request.

In a year, the baby acquires perceives simple melodies. Putting music on him every day, you can form a musical taste.

Baby's stubbornness

The child begins to show his independence, tries to insist if he fails, is able to throw a tantrum with tears and rolling on the floor. At this point, you need to help the baby cope with negative emotions, but in no case should you heat up the situation. - a very important period in which special attention should be paid to the development of the child's psyche. Reassure the baby, say that you understand his feelings, explain calmly how he needs to behave.

Let your child feel independent more often. It is also very important that the child has the opportunity to choose, whether he chooses food for lunch, clothes for a walk or a toy in the store. It is important for the baby to feel that his opinion is taken into account.

It is necessary to constantly observe what children at 1 year old can do, because each new step is a real happiness for parents, and everyone wants to remember for a lifetime how the baby makes his first attempts to understand the world.

Baby movement

What children at 1 year old can do is move confidently, relying on objects, some even walk on their own. In six months, the children will already be running.

The kid wants to know all the places in the house that were previously inaccessible to him, he walks through all the rooms, climbs on sofas, crawls under the table, climbs into cabinets and other furniture that comes his way. During this period, it is better to accustom the child to useful things: collect a pyramid, feed animals, open a nesting doll. The kid is interested in everything, so he will repeat your every action.

The child can already climb to new places with the help of a chair. With the advent of more opportunities, the baby explores the world around him with genuine interest.

At one year old, children especially love toys that can be rolled in front of them, so you can buy a ball or a stroller.

Provide a safe place for your child to exercise and play. To store toys, you can use boxes on wheels that the child can move independently.

If a child at this age did not go, then you should not be upset, you should also not believe that he is lagging behind in development. It is better to pay attention to massage and gymnastics so that the baby's joints are flexible.

What children can do at 1 year old depends to a large extent on temperament. Some are mobile, while others are more calm and do not strive at all costs to stand on their feet.

There is an opinion that if you constantly carry a child in your arms, he will go later than usual. However, scientists have proven that this is not at all the case, and there is no connection here.

What a child can do at 1 year old is a relative concept, since all babies develop at different speeds. Just be with the child during this period and help him in learning about the world around him.


Children at the age of one are still reluctant to make contact, they are not ready for socialization. They may act up around strangers or show reluctance to play with other children. The baby develops a sense of ownership, he defends his territory, does not want to share toys and the attention of his parents with anyone.

Skills in life

The kid is already gradually beginning to adapt to life and begins to learn to hold a mug and drink from it. A child (1 year old) knows how to chew and can already hold a spoon, is quite capable of piercing food on a fork. When dressing / undressing, the baby can already raise his arms and legs, helping his mother. When washing, he pulls his hands to the water.

What the child should know

The kid is already learning to think ahead, what to do in order to achieve his goal. This mainly concerns the desire to get an object from a height. In order for the baby to independently learn to climb ledges and get the necessary things, you should put a bench in his room so that he himself can move it where necessary and get the necessary things.

It is necessary to pay attention to the development of the child's vision. To do this, use the method of color stimulation. Use colorful toys, pictures, clothes in bright colors.

Kids really like to play with "nested dolls", and not necessarily with dolls, you can use boxes of different sizes. As a reward, put a cookie or any other treat in the very last box.

Children begin to feel a craving for art, so the baby needs colored crayons or pencils to play. In this case, the child (1 year old) will demonstrate natural development for his age. The kid should be able to draw the simplest images.

To help him learn new words faster, introduce your child to them both during the game and while swimming, eating, walking. Describe tastes and smells, name the colors of objects around. Take your child to the store and name the products so that the child can hear new words.

Baby whims

In the process of psycho-emotional development, the baby understands how to behave with different people. Attitude towards mom and dad, other kids becomes different. One can trace the following trend: the worse a child knows a person, the more well-mannered he behaves with him.

As a rule, a baby with his mother behaves capriciously, can stomp his feet, express discontent. So he checks if his mother loves him by anyone. If you accept the child as he is, then he will soon calm down and begin to behave normally, but if you do not accept, then such checks can last a lifetime.

cognitive development

By providing the baby with some toys, you can see how it develops.

At a year old, the baby can already remove and string 3-4 rings on the pyramid on his own or repeating after the adult.

If you show the baby various actions with toys, he will memorize them and try to repeat them. So, for example, he will be able to put a cube on another cube, open and close the lids.

Also, the baby can choose one toy and feed it, comb it, put it to bed.

In many ways, what your child can do at 1 year old depends on his abilities and the efforts of his parents.

Baby care

At one year old, the baby simply needs constant physical activity, so it is worth providing him with all the conditions for walking, crawling, running, jumping without restrictions.

The baby becomes more active, so you will have to carry out water procedures more often. He enjoys exploring the new world, he can pull earth into his mouth, touch animals, splash in a puddle. After bathing, check the condition of the baby's skin, use moisturizers and, if necessary, remedies for prickly heat.

As the child learns to walk and run, he will have abrasions and bruises. Do not worry about this, the baby will soon learn to move. In the meantime, stock up on plaster and disinfectants.

You also need to take care of your baby's hair. In order for the baby to learn how to handle a comb, show him how to do it on a doll. The child will be happy to comb the doll, and then the parents. Many kids are afraid of scissors, believing that cutting their hair hurts. In the same way, this process can be demonstrated on a doll.

And, of course, you must visit the doctor often and take tests to make sure that everything is in order with the baby.

Children are the flowers of life. Having a baby in the house is a great joy, because watching your child grow up, become a conscious inhabitant of this planet, is unforgettable. Much depends on the parents in the first years of a child's life. Giving your baby love and care, you are able to bring up a harmonious personality with the right attitude to life.

It is very important to guide the baby on the right path. Of course, he has an instinctive sense of the right thing to do. However, he cannot always cope on his own. Help the baby in all endeavors, teach him.

At the same time, there is a sharp increase child's desire for independence. No wonder - after all, he himself has already risen to his feet and even learned to walk. Thanks to hitherto unprecedented freedom of action, the baby felt independent from his parents. And to their surprise: he begins to demonstrate his stubbornness, nervousness. Unexpectedly for you, he can turn from a calm and submissive angel into a capricious and uncontrollable imp. Calmness, only calmness - this is the crisis of the first year of life- the main event taking place at the junction of the age of infancy and early childhood. You can read about how to overcome the crisis of the first year of a child's life in the article: "The crisis of the first year of a child's life - how to overcome it?"

Leading lines of child development

Responding to various situations in the world around him, the child shows curiosity, tries to orient himself, explore them. He is interested in literally everything - an icicle falling from the roof, breaking into small pieces of ice, and sparrows fussily chirping in the yard, a tractor raking snow, and much more. The kid enters a new world of human relations, acquires new qualities, skills and abilities that will remain with him for the rest of his life - walking, talking and thinking. The leading lines of development are still cognitive, social, speech and motor development.

In the development of speech little progress is expected: the baby uses simple short words, sometimes only remotely reminiscent of the words of adults. How many words should a child be able to pronounce? It makes no sense to say this, since absolutely healthy and normal children all speak differently, on an individual basis.

Of course - the baby understands much more words than he can pronounce. Communicating with a child is better and more fruitful - based on an emotional sensory base - show a toy, play "Okay", "Let's go, let's go", "Hide and seek". Folklore for the little ones will also help: nursery rhymes, songs, poems. The main thing is to sing and read them from memory, very emotionally, changing the facial expression, intonation of the voice and its strength.

As before, the greatest role in mental development is played by sensory development (actions with objects). Of particular importance from 1 year to 1 year 3 months is the development of movements, the improvement of the child's walking.

Reflexes of curiosity!

Is your baby increasingly looking like Curious Barbara? Scientists have proven that the curiosity of a child at this age comes from an innate reflex - a reaction to novelty, which is given to him by nature itself. Yes, such is the nature of childhood - in many ways, the behavior of the crumbs is based on reflexes and instincts: and he cannot behave differently!

It is very important to understand and take into account this feature of the baby: the world beckons the child with its uncertainty, so it is necessary to instill in the baby the concept of caution.

Your baby and society

The socialization of the baby, that is, entry into the world of people, is in full swing. And entering society, the child gradually begins to understand himself, his own "I", to feel his place in the social environment of his relatives and friends.

The time has come when the baby begins to feel more independent and discovers the "doer" in himself. And therefore it is difficult for him to sit still, he certainly needs to touch everything, feel, and certainly see the reaction of an adult to his actions. Communication with the mother and "business" contacts with her in games with toys are the necessary conditions for the mental and physical development of the baby.

It is easy to see that the child is especially attached and singles out the adult who plays with him most often and interestingly. With examples of educational games with a child aged 1 year - 1 year and 3 months - you can find in the article "Developing games with a child aged 1 year - 1 year 3 months."

The subject activity of the baby is a game

In the first three months of the second year of life, the child has an increase in motor skills. He imitates an adult in everything, gradually mastering more and more new actions with objects.

The source of a child's development is games with educational toys: balls, cubes, pyramids, mothers, insert toys, surprise toys, game logic centers.

Such toys develop his visual-effective nature of thinking. Moreover, analysis and synthesis, comparison and first generalizations in the mind of your child occur so far only in practical action: for example, connecting and disconnecting the rings of the pyramid, rolling balls, putting in colored caps, liners, nesting dolls.

Does your child take everything apart, break, tear books and paper? There is no reason for concern here - this is not hooliganism, in fact, this behavior indicates that the baby is setting up his experiments - this is how he learns their properties in practice.

That is why the baby needs toys consisting of different parts. By disassembling and assembling them, the child improves and confirms this new knowledge from time to time in his memory. An excellent didactic example of such toys is insert toys (for more details - "Educational toys - inserts")..
The baby gradually builds in his mind "internal" connections between objects, uniting them according to some signs. Every day he develops his sensorimotor intelligence, or as it is also called - intelligence at his fingertips. Abstract thinking is still inaccessible to him, the baby reacts only to what is in his hands and in front of his eyes, or what he directly sees in your hands.

As before, the child shows great interest in the objects that are in your hands and which you discuss in his presence. But now he is keenly interested in other toys. Sound and musical toys are especially loved by babies of the beginning of the 2nd year: these are bells, rattles, and a drum, metallophone, tambourine. The child quickly begins to recognize their timbre. He not only finds them at the request of adults, but also "plays music" on his own.

A child of the second year of life still requires an “eye for an eye”, so this is a very difficult year in the life of parents. Many objects have hidden and sometimes dangerous properties that the child does not yet know anything about. But how can a baby know what is sharp - blunt, cold - hot, prickly - smooth, if he does not touch it?

About developing video, techniques and so on..

But it’s not recommended to buy and let a small child watch a “Developing” video at all - more on that in the article "Developing children's video - the other side of the coin." You also need to limit the child from TV, cartoons.

Secrets of education

That exciting word is "Crisis." How to avoid the crisis of the first year of the child?

The turn of the first year of life is an important stage in the development of the child's personality: he begins to realize himself as an independent person. And now, with a scandal, he is trying to defend his own gastronomic preferences, he doesn’t want to go to bed if it’s time to sleep, which confuses his parents. How to behave with the baby in order to avoid the troubles of the first crisis in his life? Read about it in the article. "The crisis of the first year - how to overcome it? "

Education by love...

Raise a child with love- this means, in his own "language" to prove that he is loved, that he is safe: confidence in mother's love for a baby is a source of vitality that helps him develop properly, without fear of life. On the basis of maternal love, his own self-esteem, self-confidence and security are already laid in the subconsciousness ...

How to say "no" to your child

And what to do so that there are fewer bans - read

How to praise a child

When to start potty training?

The Union of Pediatricians of Russia recommends that parents start teaching their child toilet skills after they have reliably identified signs of readiness for learning, such as motor skills and the ability to control the sphincter muscles. According to authorities, these signs usually become apparent around the age of 18 months.
For now, the most you can do is skip diapers during the daytime and only wear them at night.

Physical development of the child


To learn how to properly harden a baby with air and sun baths, water procedures - read in the section: "Tempering Children". . These articles are based on the recommendations of professional pediatricians.

How quickly time flies! It seems that only yesterday you brought a snoring newborn into the house, and today your baby is already celebrating his first birthday! Parents are concerned about questions: how is the development of their baby, what should a child be able to do at 1 year old and what can their child do from this. Of course, all kids are different and learn new things at different times. But there is a certain average set of skills, most of which children should master by the age of one.

First skills

The first year is not easy for a little man. There is so much to learn! By the annual milestone, the baby approaches with basic skills on which his further achievements will be based:

  1. can follow the movement of an object (or light) with his eyes;
  2. moves his eyes after the rattle, hears and is interested in its sound;
  3. gives loved ones the first smiles;
  4. is able to keep his head in an upright position;
  5. changes positions, rolls over from the stomach to the back and to the other side;
  6. reaching for a rattle;
  7. is sitting;
  8. learns to roam.

Physical development of the child

By the age of one, children can sit, stand (holding on to an adult or pieces of furniture), stand up, crawl. Babies can stand up from any position. Some babies skip the crawling stage.

Basically, babies are able to walk along the support, or with support for one or both handles. Particularly nimble children walk without support and even run.

The physical development of the child goes forward by leaps and bounds:

  • at 1 year old, the baby can walk up the stairs with the support of an adult;
  • crawl up the stairs;
  • climb on chairs, sofas, other pieces of furniture;
  • children also descend from beds, sofas down, slide down ladders.

Important! Therefore, do not leave the child in a room with open windows, sockets, heavy objects that he can drop.

Even if it seems to you that the baby does not know how to climb onto the windowsill, know that you underestimate him! At this age, children guess to substitute a chair.

Psychomotor development of the baby

At the age of one, children actively learn about the world around them. The kid is interested in how this or that toy is arranged, how several large parts of the designer are connected into one whole.

By the age of one, the child has the following skills:

  1. knows how to assemble and disassemble a pyramid of two or three rings;
  2. can make a tower of two cubes;
  3. knows how to remove lids from pots and boxes, can put some object into a box and close the lid;
  4. masters the first sorters: can push small objects into holes cut in the lid of a cardboard box;
  5. plays with dishes: “eats” with a spoon, “drinks” from a cup;
  6. can “comb” a toy, feed it or put it to bed;
  7. plays with his clothes, hats, boots;
  8. takes toys with one or two hands, shifts from hand to hand;
  9. can take small objects with two fingers (thumb and forefinger);
  10. rolls a stroller, carries a car, can push a ball to make it roll;
  11. tries to throw and catch a ball or other objects;
  12. knows how to open cabinet doors, push and pull drawers, get things out of there, put them back;
  13. copies the actions of other children: digs, claps, knocks with a stick on objects;
  14. plays “in adults”: for example, he twists a screwdriver like dad, or paints his lips like mom.

Emotions and integration into society

  • Closer to the year, babies begin to express their emotions more often with sounds, smiles, facial expressions, and not just crying;
  • The tactile expression of feelings also becomes more active: most children know how to hug, kiss (parents, other babies, toys);
  • If you carefully observe the baby, you begin to understand his body language. Close people usually know well what the child wants to “tell” them. With strangers, children can be more withdrawn;
  • The kid knows well those whom he often sees: parents, other relatives; recognizes them in photographs and knows how to show them at the request of adults. He can also show cats, dogs, other animals or objects in pictures;
  • At this age, children already know how to flip through books. For the sake of justice, it should be noted that not everyone is interested in books in one year, and this is normal: the rest of the kids will appreciate the charm of this lesson a little later;
  • One-year-old children actively show both positive and negative emotions: they rejoice at the return of their parents from work, the appearance of a new toy. At the same time, they may cry if an outsider addresses them, or gets angry at the word “no”. Read the article on how to explain to a child what is not allowed?>>>
  • At this age, the baby often imitates adults: "communicates" on the phone, "reads" a book, fiddles with dad's tools.
  • In addition, children copy the facial expressions of their parents and use it. In a year they are able to distinguish facial expressions. Children also understand the intonation with which they are addressed, they can copy it when walking;
  • The baby knows how to fulfill simple requests: “give me a toy”, “show the cat”, “where are the eyes”. Children learn this skill quickly, it is enough to play such games with them several times;
  • The kid knows how to dance to the music that he likes, "sings along" to children's songs. If your child does not do this, show him an example - he will immediately learn. This activity is very popular with one-year-old children;
  • Imitating adults and peers, kids master the first games. Yearlings know how to clap their hands, play “coo-coo” (hide their faces in their hands);
  • Children are interested in their reflection in the mirror, they can actively spin in front of him, admire themselves.

This is not a complete list of what a child can do, because at 1 year old the social and emotional development of the crumbs primarily depends on the people around him. At this age, kids do amazing things. It is enough to engage in their physical development and demonstrate their own example, and your baby will amaze you with his quick wits.

See also in my video tutorial about the development of a baby at 12 months:

The formation of speech

At one year, the child understands the speech addressed to him. He focuses on intonation, knows simple expressions. The more you talk to him, the wider his passive vocabulary (that is, the words he understands) becomes. From 2 to 10 words a child can speak at 1 year old.

Abbreviated words and onomatopoeia at this age are also considered words if they always mean the same thing. For example, if “mu” is always “cow”, then this onomatopoeia is also considered a word.

Important! But do not worry if the child does not say anything. It is much more important that he understands you. If this does not happen, the baby must be shown to a specialist.

The child may have problems with hearing, speech apparatus, neurological, psychological disorders.
Most deviations from the norm at this age are successfully compensated if you start exercising with the baby in time.

What else does a child know at one year old:

  1. answers the question "who is this?" in separate words: mother, av, me-me;
  2. knows how to show familiar actions at the request: how he smiles, how he stamps his foot, how he eats, etc .;
  3. knows his name, responds to his name;
  4. tries to repeat new words;
  5. knows the words "can" and "impossible".

You can speed up the speech development of a child if you constantly talk to him, comment on your actions and what is happening around. You can pronounce words, clearly articulating sounds, encouraging the baby to repeat after you.

When talking to children, do not distort and abbreviate words. In this case, the child remembers the “wrong” sound, and it can be very difficult to retrain him. Talk to your baby like an adult, only more emotionally.

Yearlings and their skills self-service

In a year, a small person already strives for independence. Here are some everyday skills of one-year-old children:

  • They can (or at least try to) eat with a spoon. There are even children who successfully use a fork at this age;
  • They drink from a non-spill cup, and sometimes from a mug;
  • They try to dress themselves. If you are not in a hurry, give the baby the clothes that you plan to put on him, let him practice a little;
  • They know how to bite and chew solid food (cookies, bread, banana). See also: how to feed a child?>>>
  • They know how to wash their hands, dry them with a towel. It is very easy for children to teach this action by showing their own example several times. Read more about how to develop independence in a child?
  • Little by little they are starting to potty train. Find out at what age to potty train a child?

At this age, it is enough if the baby knows what the potty is for, knows how to correlate wet pants and his natural needs.

It is good if he accepts some conditional sound that indicates a desire to go to the potty, although such an understanding can come much later than one year of age. To do this, you can seat the children on the potty, pronouncing this very conditional sound. They will remember it very quickly.

Each child approaches the yearly milestone with a certain set of skills. What this set will be depends largely on the parents. At this age, it is necessary not only to show the baby the world around and talk to him, but also to give the baby more independence (under the supervision of elders). Let your child learn from experience and soon you will be surprised by the result!
