Dishes from cottage cheese recipes quickly. Cottage cheese recipes with photos - what can be cooked cold or hot at home

Culinary community Li.Ru -

I bring to your attention a surprisingly tender, fragrant and completely uncomplicated dessert - a banana cheesecake in a slow cooker.

Love cheesecakes? Then I bring to your attention the most delicate, airy cheesecake in a slow cooker from cottage cheese.

I bring to your attention a healthy, tasty and very soft cottage cheese cake in a slow cooker. Cooking it is a pleasure!

It will be faster and easier to cook only cottage cheese Easter. But if you still want the spirit of baked cakes to float around the house, try this recipe.

Outrageously simple and incredibly tasty delicacy - a casserole of condensed milk and cottage cheese. Healthy and very tasty, and most importantly quickly prepared.

Tender, creamy, fragrant and very tasty! Kalachi with cottage cheese will decorate any holiday, especially Christmas. Give to loved ones, bring them to visit, treat your friends. And cooking them is easy!

If you ever cook a cottage cheese casserole in a bread machine, you will no longer use other methods (oven, microwave, etc.), believe me! In the bread machine, the casserole is tender, airy, soft. They say she doesn't get stale even on the second day. I don’t know - she has never lived with me even an hour!;)

A good recipe for curd cream for a cake is useful to anyone who bakes cakes at home at least occasionally. Curd cream for the cake is prepared very quickly and simply - I tell you how.

In order to create a great mood for yourself and tune in a positive way, you need quite a bit! Today we have a unique dessert on our menu, with which life will become brighter and sweeter!

I will tell you a wonderful summer recipe for making awesome curd buns with berries. Delight your loved ones with this delicacy!

Such an original and unusual cottage cheese Easter is an excellent table decoration on this bright holiday. For your attention - an extremely clear and simple recipe for cooking Easter from cottage cheese with berries.

Looking for an idea for a light and easy-to-make dessert? Then pay attention to the cottage cheese cake without baking. Such a cake is not only healthy, but also very tasty.

The cottage cheese cheesecake recipe is a great dish for children and adults. The recipe for cheesecakes from cottage cheese is very simple, it will take very little time to prepare this dish.

Cookies "Houndstooth"

Baking from cottage cheese dough always turns out tender and tasty. And the Houndstooth Cookies just melt in your mouth! This simple recipe will make several baking sheets of cookies!

Today we will prepare a very tasty cottage cheese cake with a delicate filling. We will not spend much time and effort on this, but we will prepare an excellent delicacy for the whole family and guests.

I dedicate this excellent recipe to all lovers of delicious and sweet. And do not be afraid of extra calories, because this cottage cheese and yogurt cake is very light, and it is also quick and easy to prepare.

An excellent recipe for healthy cheesecakes, in which we will use semolina and oatmeal instead of flour. Quite unusual, but the taste is incredible, and the texture is very soft and airy.

If you love cheesecakes as much as I love them, then you will definitely be interested in the recipe for making cheesecakes with apples. Absolutely new taste, and the aroma is simply amazing!

I tell you how a tasty and tender cheesecake is made for those who sorely do not have enough time to cook. Everyone can whip up a cheesecake!

Delicious, tender and beautiful cottage cheese pie in haste. And yes, it's also useful. Easy to make and a masterpiece!

Probably, everyone knows the taste from childhood of their favorite thin pancakes with cottage cheese. Delight your loved ones with these delicious memories!

Cottage cheese casserole baked in a bread machine is tender and airy. And most importantly - without any extra effort and no additional control on your part.

Healthy, tasty and incredibly beautiful cottage cheese casserole with carrots will definitely appeal to both adults and children.

Pies with potatoes and cottage cheese - a budgetary, tasty and easy-to-cook dish. Such pastries are ideal for a festive table, a snack during a trip and just as a lunch to the office.

Such cheesecakes are perfect for a quick breakfast or for capricious children who do not like to eat cottage cheese. Everyone eats hot and fragrant cheesecakes in a hurry!

The most delicate taste of this casserole will conquer you and your children. Very healthy dish, quick and easy to prepare. We are studying the recipe for curd casserole in a hurry!

One of the many options for making cheesecakes is a healthy recipe for making cheesecakes with carrots, in my opinion, one of the most successful combinations of cottage cheese with vegetables.

Fruit casserole is perfect for a hearty breakfast or a light dinner. In addition, it is suitable for children's and diet food. I share the recipe.

A tender casserole with cottage cheese and apples can replace a light dinner. It's also great for an afternoon snack. And the dessert is absolutely amazing! You can eat the casserole both warm and cold.

Charlotte with apples and cottage cheese is easy and quick to prepare. Apples and cottage cheese go well together, add cinnamon and you get a wonderful dessert with a wonderful aroma and taste. Baked for half an hour.

Cottage cheese charlotte with apples - delicious! Apples and cottage cheese go well together, and almond chips and cinnamon bring unique notes of taste and wonderful aroma. Plus, the scarf looks great.

Yeast cheesecakes are the best memory of my childhood. I still feel the euphoria that I experienced while waiting for my grandmother's cheesecakes. So, the best classic recipe for yeast cheesecakes!

Strasbourg Plum Pie is a delicious and simple cottage cheese pie made with fresh plums. Pie dough is made from flour, margarine, sugar and one egg. Everything is simple and ingenious!

Cheesecakes in a slow cooker are cooked much longer than traditional ones, but they also turn out to be many times more tender, soft and healthy. The most delicious cheesecakes I've ever tasted!

Cottage cheese with blueberries is a very beautiful, hearty and incredibly tasty dish for breakfast. Healthy food lovers, aesthetes, gourmets and lovers of sweet delicacies will be incredibly delighted!

Cottage cheese casserole in the microwave is prepared easily and simply, and most importantly - very quickly. And it turns out no worse than the traditional one. Who cares about saving time and electricity, try it.

Curd casserole with cherries is a very beautiful, tasty and attractive casserole that can safely claim the title of an exquisite dessert. It is important to note that the dish is low-calorie!

Cheesecakes cooked in the microwave, with sour cream and a cup of tea or coffee - this is the perfect breakfast for both children and adults. Hearty, nutritious and very useful. Cooking cheesecakes in the microwave!

Cheesecake or simply cottage cheese pie is one of the favorite desserts of Europeans. I bring to your attention a simple recipe for a cottage cheese pie in a slow cooker, which has a delicate texture.

The recipe for cottage cheese casserole with raisins is a classic of home cooking. It's hard to imagine a more delicious, nutritious and easy-to-prepare breakfast than cottage cheese casserole. Ready!

The recipe for making cottage cheese casserole is to help everyone who wants to cook cottage cheese casserole at home. Do everything exactly according to the recipe - and you will get a cool casserole.

The recipe for making cookies from cottage cheese is for your attention. For me, traditional Russian curd cookies with a glass of milk are the taste of childhood. I share the recipe for cottage cheese cookies - I hope it will come in handy!

I tell you how to cook cottage cheese cheesecake at home - a delicate and tasty dessert with a crispy crust, which was originally popular in America, but gradually "won" the whole world.

To your attention - a recipe for cooking Easter from cottage cheese. This is the traditional royal Pascha, which for centuries from year to year dominates the table during the bright holiday of Pascha.

A proper breakfast is the key to a good day. Cheesecakes with raisins - the right breakfast.

Cheesecakes "Fruit Snake"

To your attention - a man-made work of culinary art. Perfectly cooked cheesecakes, a beautiful and original fruit snake - the dish looks too appetizing to resist.

Delicious syrniki is a well-known dish, ideal for a hearty and healthy breakfast. The dish is simple, but to cook really tasty cheesecakes, you need to know a few secrets.

Cheesecakes in a double boiler are especially tender and as useful as possible, because, unlike ordinary cheesecakes, they do not need to be fried in oil. They look so-so, but they taste amazing cheesecakes!

Banana syrniki is the easiest to prepare and very nutritious breakfast dish. The taste of syrniki with banana turns out to be even richer and richer than the taste of classic syrniki.

Cottage cheese cake with polenta is a very simple, rustic dish of Moldovan traditional cuisine. This delicious and nutritious cake is prepared in just half an hour and from four ingredients - it couldn't be easier!

Perhaps the most popular variation of stuffed pancakes is many favorite pancakes with cottage cheese. As for me, pancakes with cottage cheese are just a great breakfast, tasty and healthy at the same time.

Pancakes with cottage cheese - an excellent breakfast. Delicious, healthy and nutritious, and also very easy to prepare. I tell you how to cook pancakes with cottage cheese.

Cottage cheese and apple pie is a regular on our tea table in the autumn season, when delicious fresh apples are in abundance, and you want to warm yourself with tea more and more often. I share a simple recipe.

Delicious cottage cheese cake can be prepared without berries. I bring to your attention no less tender and soft pistachio curd muffins.

Fiadone is a traditional Corsican Easter cake. Fiadone is wildly popular - cook according to this recipe with a photo and you will understand why.

Cottage cheese casserole with strawberries is the taste of my childhood. If you love cottage cheese casseroles as much as I do, this recipe will surely interest you.

Cottage cheese casserole with blueberries is a tender, soufflé-like texture, very tasty and nutritious casserole. Quick and easy to prepare - a great Sunday breakfast!

If you like cottage cheese pastries, then you will definitely like cottage cheese cake with blueberries. Soft, tender and slightly moist texture, pleasant sourness from blueberries - well, just a luxurious cupcake! :)

Cottage cheese lemon cookies are another useful and very simple recipe for a home confectioner. All sweet tooth will be delighted.

Western Ukrainian cheese cake, or simply cheese cake, is a very popular village cake in Western Ukraine, which is prepared in every village from fresh cottage cheese. Yummy!

Village pizza - easy to prepare, a little primitive, but very tasty pizza stuffed with cottage cheese and chicken meat. Very satisfying!

The casserole can be cooked both in the oven and in the microwave. Microwave cooking is quick and easy. It turns out soft and juicy. Tasty and healthy. The dish is suitable for children and expectant mothers.

Recipe for cottage cheese cake with raisins. This cupcake is perfect for a festive tea party.

Cottage cheese casserole is considered an ideal option for a hearty breakfast or a light dinner. Apples give a delicate and delicate taste to this dish.

Recipe for making cottage cheese cookies. According to this recipe, cottage cheese cookies are tender, crumbly and very tasty.

Cheesecakes with poppy seeds are just the perfect breakfast. Quick to prepare, healthy and satisfying dish - just what you need at the beginning of a good day. I share a simple but effective recipe.

Recipe for making cheesecakes. According to this recipe, cheesecakes are tender and very tasty. And this despite the fact that eggs are not added to the dough for cheesecakes!

Recipe for cottage cheese with strawberries. The cottage cheese according to this recipe is tender, light and tasty.

Classic cottage cheese pancakes

The first thing that comes to mind when the question arises of what is delicious to quickly cook from cottage cheese, and when looking for recipes with photos, is cheesecakes. A traditional Russian dish that will not leave indifferent any lover of cottage cheese products.


  • dry cottage cheese - 560 g;
  • eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • wheat flour - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • salt;
  • vegetable oil;
  • jam or sour cream (for serving).


  1. Pound dry cottage cheese with a fork or wipe through a sieve. You can also use liquid cottage cheese, but before that, you must first throw it on a sieve and wait until all excess moisture has disappeared.
  2. Add eggs, sugar and a pinch of salt to the curd. Mix thoroughly.
  3. Sift the flour and add it to the curd mass, mix until smooth.
  4. Now you can start forming cheesecakes. To do this, roll the sausage from the dough and cut it into thin circles. Roll in flour.
  5. Add a little vegetable oil to a hot frying pan, put the cheesecakes. When they are browned on one side, flip to the other. When ready, turn off the heat, cover the pan with a lid and let the cheesecakes brew.

Quick casserole

Cottage cheese casserole with fruits

Considering what can be prepared from cottage cheese so that it is quick and tasty, you cannot ignore the recipe with a photo of a quick casserole.


  • cottage cheese - 300 g;
  • semolina - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • butter - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • sugar - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • salt;
  • soda.


  1. For this recipe, it is also better to take dry cottage cheese, but liquid cottage cheese is also suitable if you get rid of unnecessary moisture with a sieve.
  2. Add semolina, sugar, eggs and 2 tablespoons of butter to cottage cheese. The remaining 2 tablespoons will go to lubricate the mold.
  3. Before adding soda to the dough, it must be extinguished with boiling water or vinegar. In this case, the method with boiling water would be more appropriate, since the casserole has a delicate creamy taste and even the sweet taste of soda will be completely inopportune. After soda, add salt and vanilla, if desired. Mix well.
  4. The main advantage of this casserole is that it is baked in only 8 minutes in the microwave. It is worth noting that you can also cook this dish from cottage cheese quickly and tasty in the oven. Our photo recipe is based on the traditional oven casserole recipe.
  5. So, grease the baking dish with 2 tablespoons of butter, put the dough in it and put it in the microwave for 8 minutes or in the oven for 40 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees.
  6. When the casserole has cooled, remove it from the mold and serve.

Important! Do not forget that it is forbidden to bake anything in iron objects in the microwave. If you decide to cook a casserole using this particular kitchen technique, use a glass mold or a deep plate.

Vareniki with curd filling

Vareniki with cottage cheese

Vareniki went down in history as a dish that takes a long time to prepare and is difficult: first you need to prepare the filling, then the dough, mold them and only then cook them. But what if we improve this recipe and turn it into a quick-cooking dish without losing taste?


  • cottage cheese - 200 g;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • semolina - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • sugar - to taste;
  • raisins and other dried fruits - to taste;
  • vanillin - to taste.


  1. Mix all ingredients in a deep bowl. Make dumplings from the resulting dough. Immediately place them on a flat, even surface, which you will later put in the freezer. If this is not done, dumplings that have warmed up from your hands may break or flatten during transfer to the freezer.
  2. As is already clear from the previous subparagraph, the dumplings must be frozen before cooking. This requires at least one night. At sub-zero temperatures, dumplings can be stored for about 1 week.
  3. When dumplings are frozen, take them out of the freezer and drop them into boiling water. Cook, stirring occasionally, until the dumplings float to the top.

Cottage cheese dumplings are considered not only a tasty and satisfying lunch, but also a sweet, appetizing breakfast. It will especially appeal to children who are tired of the same type of cereal in the morning.

Donuts with cottage cheese

Sweet cottage cheese donuts

Such a dessert as donuts is considered a harmful product due to the large number of preservatives that are used in their manufacture in large enterprises. All myths about the dangers of donuts will be destroyed if you cook them yourself at home.


  • cottage cheese - 500 g;
  • eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • vegetable oil - 0.5 l;
  • sugar - 8 tbsp. l.;
  • flour - 4 tbsp.;
  • lemon juice - 2 tsp;
  • soda - 1 tsp;
  • sugar, salt, vanillin - to taste.


  1. Beat eggs and sugar with a mixer. In the resulting mixture, add cottage cheese and slaked soda. It can be extinguished with vinegar or freshly squeezed lemon juice. In the same bowl, add flour, a little salt and vanilla.
  2. Mix thoroughly. The dough is ready! It should be sticky.
  3. Roll the dough into small balls. To prevent the mixture from sticking to your hands, grease them with vegetable oil or sprinkle with a little flour.
  4. In order to cook donuts from cottage cheese just as in the recipe with the photo - quickly and tasty, you will need a large amount of sunflower oil, because donuts are not fried on it, but rather boiled. Therefore, pour 0.5 liters of sunflower oil into the pan, bring it to a boil and immediately reduce the heat.
  5. Put the balls into the hot oil and keep them there until they are browned on all sides. On average, this process takes 2-3 minutes.
  6. Remove donuts from oil, place on paper towels to drain excess oil.
  7. Sprinkle with icing sugar or drizzle with maple syrup. Delicious donuts for tea are ready!

Macaroni with cheese and cottage cheese

Macaroni with cottage cheese and cheese

Perhaps the name of this dish seemed strange to you. But as soon as you try it, all your doubts about the taste will disappear. This recipe with a photo dispels the myths that only sweet dishes can be prepared quickly and tasty from cottage cheese.


  • pasta - 700 g;
  • cottage cheese - 500 g;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • hard cheese - 200 g;
  • cream - 1 tbsp.;
  • fresh greens;
  • salt, pepper, ground ginger - to taste.


  1. First you need to do the preparation of the basis of this dish - pasta. You can use any pasta except spaghetti, but cones are the best option. And also, before buying, pay attention to the composition of pasta: products made from durum flour will be much tastier and healthier.
  2. When you have decided on the type of pasta, they must be boiled. This should be done in accordance with the instructions on the package, but there is a classic version that is suitable for almost all types. Add pasta to boiling water, based on the proportion of 100 g of pasta per 1 liter of water, salt. Cook for 7 to 10 minutes, periodically checking readiness. After the time has elapsed, drain the water and let the pasta cool.
  3. Now let's move on to another equally important component of the dish - cottage cheese. Put it in a saucepan, add spices and heavy cream there. Mix the ingredients well together and heat over low heat.
  4. At this time, heat the pasta in a frying pan greased with vegetable oil and arrange them in portions on plates. When the curd is soft, pour it over the pasta.
  5. Grate the cheese on a coarse grater and sprinkle it over the finished dish. Top with fresh parsley or dill. The dish is ready!

Pomeranian gates

Pomeranian gates with cottage cheese

This is another salty cottage cheese dish that even the most demanding gourmet can get enough of. By the unusual name of the dish, you might think that it is prepared for a long time and difficult. In fact, it's not like that at all.

Dough Ingredients:

  • flour - 500 g;
  • sour cream - 500 g;
  • butter / margarine - 120 g;
  • salt;
  • soda.

Filling Ingredients:

  • eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • cottage cheese - 500 g;
  • flour - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • sugar - 0.5 tbsp.;
  • sour cream - 1 tbsp.


  1. Despite the large number of ingredients and steps, it is worth noting that you can cook cottage cheese wickets quickly and tasty if you strictly follow the recipe with the photo. The first step is to prepare the dough. To do this, add sour cream to soft butter or margarine. The butter can be softened in a water bath, in the microwave, or taken out of the refrigerator in advance. Beat the butter and sour cream with a mixer or mix well by hand for a few minutes.
  2. Add flour sifted through a sieve, soda slaked with boiling water or vinegar, salt to the sour cream mass. Thoroughly mix the dough until smooth.
  3. Divide the resulting dough into small balls of the same mass (about 50 g). If the dough sticks to your hands too much, add some flour to it.
  4. Roll out the balls and put the stuffing on it. How to cook it, see the following steps. Spread the filling evenly over the dough, leaving 5 mm intact from the edge.
  5. To prepare the filling, first you need to wipe the cottage cheese through a sieve, then add eggs, sugar, flour to it and mix everything thoroughly. You should get a homogeneous consistency without lumps. Put sour cream on top of the filling and send the dish to the oven at a temperature of 180 degrees for 20 minutes.


Sochniki with cottage cheese filling

Now let's cook Tver succulents. They can be prepared both for a regular dinner and on the occasion of the arrival of invited guests. Below are the ingredients with the expectation that from a given amount, according to the recipe with a photo, you can quickly cook 7-10 delicious cottage cheese succulents.


  • flour - 2.5 tbsp.;
  • water - 0.5 tbsp.;
  • butter - 25 g;
  • cottage cheese - 350 g;
  • eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • sour cream - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. l.


  1. This recipe for succulents involves preparing a dish from unleavened dough, consisting of two ingredients - flour and water. Mix them well, after which you will have a dough.
  2. Divide the dough into equal parts, roll out with a rolling pin. The resulting cakes should be no more than 15 cm in diameter. Put the rolled dough on a dry frying pan and dry it. Make sure that the cakes do not start to bake.
  3. While the cakes are drying in the pan, prepare the filling. To do this, mix cottage cheese, sour cream, eggs and sugar.
  4. Immediately after you have removed the dough from the pan, put the filling on one half of it, close the juicer on top with the other half. Pinch the edges with your fingers so that the filling does not leak out during baking.
  5. Send the juicers to bake in the oven at 160 degrees for 20 to 40 minutes, depending on how thick the dough turned out to be and how long you kept it in the pan.
  6. When ready, pour melted butter on top of the succulents.

Cottage cheese is a useful product in all respects, and dishes from cottage cheese should definitely be prepared. It improves the tone of the body, improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and strengthens the nervous system. The composition of cottage cheese is rich and varied. These are lactose, amino acids, calcium, protein, minerals (calcium, iron, phosphorus), fat, carbon dioxide and vitamins. We can say that almost all the beneficial substances that are in milk are concentrated in cottage cheese. Nutritionists advise everyone to use cottage cheese and cottage cheese dishes - children and adults, healthy and sick.

Cottage cheese itself is an excellent dish, much healthier than fast food. An ideal snack or dessert for tea, an invigorating breakfast or a light dinner - you can cook cottage cheese dishes as often as you like! The simplest thing that can be prepared from cottage cheese is sweet or unsweetened curd mass. Mix cottage cheese with sour cream, add honey or sugar, nuts or dried fruits, candied fruits or fresh fruits or berries, and a hearty afternoon snack is ready! And if you don’t want sweets, then you can cook cottage cheese with greens: mix cottage cheese with sour cream, add a little salt, 1-2 cloves of garlic squeezed through a press, chopped greens. Or add finely chopped cucumber or grated radish to the cottage cheese, and put homemade mayonnaise instead of sour cream. Such green cottage cheese is both tasty and healthy, because greens are solid vitamins. Green cottage cheese can be wrapped in thin pita bread or laid on a savory bun, stuffed with cucumber halves or squeezed on tomato circles ... But you always want to diversify your menu a little, and therefore we decided to collect in one article all (well, or almost all) dishes that can be made from cottage cheese. There are not so few of them, so you can always cook something tasty.


400 g cottage cheese,
1 egg
3-4 tbsp Sahara,
3 tbsp semolina,
1-2 packs of coconut flakes
1 sachet of baking powder.

Mix all ingredients. The dough should turn out to be plastic, but not heavy, otherwise the cheesecakes will turn out to be dense and not baked. Form cakes, roll in flour or semolina and fry in vegetable oil. Serve with sour cream. Wheat bran (1-5 tbsp) can be added to the dough for cheesecakes - this will only add benefits.

500 g cottage cheese,
2 eggs,
3 tbsp Sahara,
1 sachet of vanilla sugar
1 sachet of baking powder
50 g semolina,
100 g raisins (or other dried fruits to taste).

Mix all ingredients. Grease a baking dish with oil and sprinkle with breadcrumbs. Put the curd mass in a mold, level it and place in a hot oven for 20-25 minutes.

500 g cottage cheese,
2 eggs,
2 tbsp semolina,
2 carrots
300 g pumpkin,
sour cream, salt.

Grate carrots and pumpkin on a coarse grater and simmer in a pan with a little water until soft. Cool down. In the meantime, mix cottage cheese with eggs and semolina, add vegetables and mix. Salt to taste. The dough will be thick, like pancakes. Fry cheesecakes in hot vegetable oil. Serve with sour cream.

500 g cottage cheese,
2 eggs,
1 tbsp semolina,
1 tbsp flour,
1 tbsp chopped greens,
1 sachet of baking powder
salt, cheese - to taste.

Mix cottage cheese, eggs, semolina, flour, baking powder, salt and herbs. Put in a greased form, sprinkle with grated cheese on top and put in a hot oven. Bake until browned.

600 g cottage cheese,
3 eggs,
40 g sour cream
60 g flour
20 g starch.

Mix all the ingredients, knead the dough and form small balls. Boil water, salt and dip the dumplings into it. Boil until they float. Throw the finished dumplings on a sieve, place on a dish and pour with melted butter.

1 stack water,
1-2 tbsp vegetable oil,
flour, salt.
500 g cottage cheese,
1 egg
raisins (dried fruits), sugar - to taste.

Pour cold boiled water into a bowl, add vegetable oil, a pinch of salt and add flour (about 2-3 cups). While adding flour, knead a fairly stiff dough. It will take a long time to knead. Put the dough in a bag and leave for 1 hour at room temperature. For the filling, mix cottage cheese, egg, sugar and raisins. Roll out the rested dough into a thin layer, cut out the circles and stick on the dumplings, placing the filling in the center of the circles and pinching the edges. The dough is tough, but molded well and does not sag. Dumplings can be frozen in the freezer and put in a bag. Boil the finished dumplings in boiling salted water until tender.

500 g cottage cheese,
1 egg
50 g butter,
2 tbsp Sahara,
½ tsp salt,
1 sachet of vanilla sugar

Mix these ingredients into a soft dough. Divide it into parts, roll each into a sausage shape and cut into small pieces. Boil dumplings in boiling salted water. Then put in a greased and sprinkled with breadcrumbs form, pour sour cream and put in a hot oven. Bake until browned.

200 g cottage cheese,
200 g butter,
1 egg
2 stack flour,
1 tsp soda,
1 tbsp lemon juice.

Chop the butter and cottage cheese with a knife. Mix baking soda with flour. Whisk the egg. Mix the curd-butter mixture with flour, pour in the lemon juice, add the egg and knead the dough. Roll out into a layer 0.5 cm thick and cut out circles. Dip each circle in sugar, fold in half and place on a baking sheet. Bake in a hot oven until golden brown.

300 g boiled veal,
150 g prunes,
250 g cottage cheese,
150 g mayonnaise or fresh sauce,
3- garlic cloves,

Cut the boiled veal into thin sticks, prunes into strips. Pass the garlic through a press and mix with cottage cheese. Mix cottage cheese with mayonnaise or fresh sauce (you can use natural yogurt without additives). Lay the salad in layers: half the prunes, on it a layer of curd cream, half the meat, cream, prunes, cream and the remaining meat. Spread the whole “cake” with curd cream and decorate with greens. Place in refrigerator.

250 g cottage cheese,
1 egg
1 tbsp Sahara,
5 tbsp flour,
½ sachet of baking powder
a pinch of salt.
1 apple
sugar - to taste.

Mix the ingredients for the dough. Peel the apple and grate on a coarse grater. Mix apple with sugar. Divide the dough into small pieces, make a depression in the center, put the filling and form balls. Deep fry the balls and sprinkle with powdered sugar. As a filling, you can use nuts mixed with honey, dried fruits, turned through a meat grinder, boiled condensed milk (it can be mixed with grated chocolate), coconut flakes mixed with condensed milk.

200 g cottage cheese,
200 g butter or margarine
1 tbsp Sahara,
1 egg for brushing
1 stack chopped nuts,
½ stack Sahara,
1 tsp cinnamon.

Rub cottage cheese with butter thoroughly. Gradually adding flour, knead an elastic dough, roll it into a ball and put it in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. Divide the dough into 2 parts, roll each part into a circle 0.5 cm thick and spread half of the filling over the surface. Cut the circle into 12 segments and fold the resulting triangles into bagels, starting with the widest part. Place on a baking sheet lined with baking paper, brush with beaten egg, sprinkle with powdered sugar and bake at 190°C for 15 minutes.

250 g fat cottage cheese,
100 g cream cheese,
2-3 garlic cloves,
salt, ground black pepper, natural yogurt - to taste.

Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve, mix with soft cheese, crushed garlic in a press, salt, pepper and season with yogurt to make a soft mass. It can be used for making snack sandwiches, as well as for dipping crackers - you get a great snack for beer.

200 g cottage cheese,
1 avocado
1 bunch parsley or dill
salt, garlic - to taste.

Cut the avocado in half and remove the pit. Grind the pulp with a fork, mix with cottage cheese and chopped herbs. Salt to taste, add garlic (optional).

300 g cookies,
1 glass of milk
500 g cottage cheese,
100 g butter,
½ stack Sahara,
1 tbsp cocoa.
50 butter,
2 tbsp milk,
2 tbsp cocoa,
6 tbsp Sahara.

Prepare a cream from cottage cheese, softened butter, sugar and cocoa powder, beat well with a mixer. Dip cookies in milk and spread in a single layer in a mold. Brush with a layer of cream, then a layer of biscuits and a layer of cream on top. Place in refrigerator. Cook the glaze: Boil the butter with milk in a saucepan, add sugar and cocoa, mix until smooth and cool. Pour the fondant over the cake, leveling with a hot knife. Store the cake in the refrigerator. You can add nuts, marmalade or candied fruits to the cottage cheese for the cake.

200 ml heavy cream
500 g cottage cheese,
8 tbsp Sahara,
1 lemon
5 tbsp oatmeal.

Whip cream with 5 tbsp. Sahara. Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve, mix with lemon zest. Meanwhile, melt 3 tbsp in a dry frying pan. sugar, add oatmeal and fry until golden brown. Add the whipped cream to the curd and mix in with most of the toasted cereal. Arrange in bowls, sprinkle with flakes and pour over lemon juice.

1 liter of milk
2.5 tbsp lemon juice
150 g sugar
350 ml of water.

Boil milk. Whisking constantly, pour in the lemon juice. Strain the separated cottage cheese (paneer) through cheesecloth, rinse with running water and squeeze. Put the cottage cheese on the table and start kneading it with your hands until the whole mass becomes homogeneous. Roll the resulting mass into small balls. Make syrup from water and sugar. Pour the syrup into a wide bowl and place the balls in it. Rasgulls grow greatly in size, so there should be enough free space between them. Cover and simmer for 10-15 minutes over low heat. Dip the bowl with rasgulls in cold water and leave for a day. Ready rasgulls are soaked in syrup.

200 g butter,
2 stack flour,
1 stack Sahara,
500 g cottage cheese,
3 eggs,
½ tsp vanilla sugar
soda on the tip of a knife.

Chop the butter with a knife, add sugar, flour and grind so that you get butter crumbs. For the filling, mix the fat cottage cheese, sugar and eggs until smooth. Put half of the butter crumbs into a greased form, lay out the filling and cover with the remaining crumbs. Put the mold in an oven preheated to 200 ° C and bake until browned for 40 minutes.

500 g cookies,
150 butter,
500 g cottage cheese,
20 g gelatin,
1.5 stack. Sahara,
300-00 ml heavy cream,
1 tbsp starch,
300 g jam.

Crumble cookies and mix with softened butter. Line a hemisphere shape with cling film. Spread the cookie and butter mixture in a thin layer, reserving a little for the bottom layer. Soak gelatin according to package directions. Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve, rub with sugar, add whipped cream and prepared gelatin and beat until fluffy. Stir in the jam. Put the curd filling in the mold. Roll out the remaining mass of cookies and butter into a layer and lay on top. Cover the form with cling film and place in the refrigerator overnight. Frozen dessert turn on a flat dish, remove the film. Beat egg whites with 50 g of sugar and 1 tbsp. starch into a thick foam. Spread it over the surface of the cheesecake, put it in a very hot oven for 4-5 minutes.


250 g cottage cheese,
100 g powdered sugar,
250 ml heavy cream
100 g white chocolate,
white chocolate, milk chocolate, nuts - for glazing and sprinkling.

Wipe the cottage cheese through a sieve (you can twice). Whip the cream with powdered sugar, gradually add the cottage cheese and beat the mass until fluffy. Melt white chocolate in a water bath and add to the resulting mass. Spread the soufflé in plastic cups, stick wooden sticks (or tube cookies) into the middle and put in the freezer. Melt white and dark chocolate, crush nuts with a rolling pin or chop with a blender. Dip "ice cream" in chocolate and sprinkle with nut crumbs.

Bon appetit!

Larisa Shuftaykina

On the site, recipes from cottage cheese with photos for every taste. Cottage cheese is a versatile product from which you can cook many delicious dishes. Recipes for cooking from cottage cheese are especially diverse when it comes to baking: cottage cheese can be put in the filling and kneaded dough with it. Snacks are prepared from cottage cheese, adding herbs and spices to it.

The dough for homemade chebureks is kneaded without eggs and dairy products, in water and vegetable oil. And it turns out elastic, easy to mold, and after frying it acquires the texture we need - slightly layered and crispy. The main thing is exactly

chapter: Chebureki

Do you want to quickly and effortlessly prepare a large hearty dessert with a delicate juicy filling? Then this recipe is a pie with cottage cheese and poppy seeds. Sour cream dough for the base of the pie is kneaded in a matter of minutes, and the filling is so varied in taste, h

chapter: Curd pies

If you want to prepare a hearty and simple dish for breakfast, then this recipe for an unusual cottage cheese casserole with cheese, olives and sausages is exactly for you. It seems to be nothing special, but no one has yet guessed the secret ingredient in its composition. It is he and

chapter: Curd casseroles

Cheesecakes do not have to be with berries or fruits. How do you like the recipe for cheesecakes with carrots? Cottage cheese is mixed with grated carrots, sugar, eggs and semolina are added. If you grate the carrots on a fine grater, then the dough for cheesecakes will turn out brighter

chapter: Syrniki

Traditionally, a slice of white bread soaked in milk or grated raw potatoes are added to minced meat cutlets for softness and juiciness. Have you tried cottage cheese patties? No? Try to cook. Cutlets are juicy and soft. Who

chapter: Cutlets (from minced meat)

A delicious casserole recipe for the perfect weekend breakfast, when you can slowly and with feeling cook something special. The combination of a white layer of cottage cheese with raisins and an orange layer of pumpkin makes an ordinary casserole brighter and more appetizing.

chapter: Pumpkin casseroles

It is customary to treat such cakes, really reminiscent of a handbag on a small clasp, at a Turkish wedding. The cake recipe is simple, and the treat itself is a small biscuit cake baked in a dry pan, filled with

chapter: Turkish cuisine

In Russian cuisine, krupeniki are made from various types of porridge mixed with cottage cheese. Millet krupenik is very similar to a casserole. It is easy to cut into portions and serve with sour cream or jam for breakfast. In this recipe, the special lightness and splendor of the finished b

chapter: Krupeniki

Kutaby - Azerbaijani flat cakes. The dough for kutabs is fresh. The filling is usually prepared from meat (more often from lamb), herbs, pumpkin, cheese and onions. But kutabs can also be made sweet by making a filling of cottage cheese and apples. As in the usual

chapter: Azerbaijani cuisine

Cottage cheese goes well with herbs. Cheesecakes with dill are just another confirmation of this. To prepare dough for cheesecakes, cottage cheese of any fat content is suitable. The main thing is that there should be a minimum of liquid in it so that you do not have to add too much flour.

chapter: Syrniki

A budget recipe for a delicious pie with an interesting filling, which includes not only cottage cheese and cherries, but also semolina. More precisely, semolina porridge or cream of semolina porridge. The preparation of the pie can be divided into 2 days: on the first day, prepare the dough and filling

chapter: Curd pies

We offer a recipe for unusual cheesecakes with potatoes. Unlike the traditional version, these cheesecakes contain no sugar at all. The dough is kneaded from cottage cheese with the addition of mashed potatoes, eggs and flour. Cheesecakes with potatoes can be served as a side dish for meat and

chapter: potato dishes

Recipe for unusual cottage cheese cakes with the addition of cumin and paprika. I assure you - it's delicious! Cooking cottage cheese cakes with cumin and paprika in a dry frying pan will not be difficult even for a cook with no experience. Paprika and cumin will add raisins

chapter: flat cakes

The recipe for tender cheesecakes with dates will appeal to all lovers of cottage cheese baking. Adding dried fruits to the curd mass will give ordinary cheesecakes a new taste and diversify your menu. Do not forget to serve sour cream or yogurt with hot cheesecakes for breakfast.

chapter: Syrniki

From the most ordinary products you can make an unusually delicious cake. The recipe for Coconut Cottage Cheesecake Cake is simple. The basis of baking is made from soft dough on sour cream, into which TV chilled in the freezer is pressed.

chapter: pies

Even a novice hostess can handle the recipe for cottage cheese casserole with oatmeal. For cooking, you will need exactly granular cottage cheese, because thanks to it the casserole does not fall off, it turns out crumbly and soft. Oat flakes also influence

chapter: Curd casseroles

Cottage cheese and banana are wonderfully combined in taste with each other, so they are often combined in one or another dish. Try to cook a healthy cottage cheese casserole, and you will get a delicious afternoon snack or dinner. To prepare it, you need a tiny

chapter: Curd casseroles

It will take a few minutes to mix cottage cheese, sugar and sour cream - and breakfast is ready. But you can spend a little more time and fry cheesecakes. Many people cook syrniki with wheat flour or semolina. But you can replace semolina and wheat flour with rice and

chapter: Syrniki

Cottage cheese is a source of animal protein that is well absorbed by a healthy body. Syrniki, sucniki, pancakes with cottage cheese filling, cottage cheese casseroles - many people cook these dishes with cottage cheese. But did you know that cottage cheese and gelatin make delicious

chapter: Curd desserts

What to cook unsweetened cottage cheese? — 13 interesting appetizers and main dishes: sandwich masses, salads, casseroles, cheesecakes, dumplings, meatballs, pies, pastries...

  • 1 can canned tuna in oil (250g), b
  • 200g soft curd
  • 50~60g cheese,
  • 1 small bell pepper (100g),
  • 1 small garlic clove

Transfer the tuna from the jar to a bowl, remove the spinal bone and mash with a fork.
Add soft cottage cheese and grated cheese on a medium grater.
It is advisable to warm the cottage cheese a little - on a battery or in a microwave - so that it becomes softer and easier to stir.
Bulgarian pepper cut into small cubes.
Press the garlic through a press.
Mix all.

Recipe 2: Unsweetened cottage cheese with herbs

Cottage cheese with greens can be served with toasted bread or with fresh vegetables such as tomatoes, celery or carrots. You can also stuff eggplant or zucchini with this mixture and bake in the oven.

150 g fresh cottage cheese
sprig of parsley
2-3 garlic cloves
2-3 green onions
4 basil leaves
1 teaspoon cumin
pinch of black pepper (optional)
1 teaspoon olive oil
salt to taste

1. Wash all herbs, dry and chop.
2. Mix all the ingredients very well.

Recipe 3: unsweetened cottage cheese salad with Moldavian cheese

  • 200 gr cottage cheese,
  • 200 gr cheese,
  • 100 gr onions,
  • 7 cloves of garlic
  • salt, pepper, herbs

Finely chop the onion, rub the garlic with salt. Mix everything with cottage cheese, cheese, mix thoroughly, rub through a sieve and pepper.
Decorate the finished salad with herbs.

Recipe 4: Unsweetened Cottage Cheese Casserole with Herbs

Recipe 5: Unsweetened cottage cheese casserole with herbs and cheese

Beat 4 eggs in a bowl with a fork. Add 500 grams of cottage cheese and carefully grind into a homogeneous mass. Mix half a teaspoon of soda in 2 tablespoons of sour cream. Combine with curd. Add 2 tablespoons semolina, finely chopped dill and green onion. Grate 100-120 grams of cheese on a coarse grater and mix with the curd mass, leaving a little for sprinkling. Mix everything thoroughly and put in a mold sprinkled with breadcrumbs, preferably silicone. Bake in a moderately heated oven for 40 minutes. Sprinkle the finished casserole with cheese on top and return to the oven for 5 minutes. Remove the casserole from the mold completely cooled.

Recipe 6: Spicy Tomatoes with Cottage Cheese and Garlic (Appetizer)

Mix cottage cheese with a small amount of sour cream, add salt, garlic, chopped herbs. Carefully remove the middle from the tomatoes and stuff with cottage cheese. Tasty!

Recipe 7: Unsweetened Cottage Cheese Gnocchi with Cream Sauce

200 g of dry cottage cheese;
1 egg;
0.5 cups of flour;

For sauce:
20 g butter;
2 cloves of garlic;
100 ml cream;
1 tsp "heaped" flour;
zest of 1 lemon;

From the indicated ingredients, knead a fairly dense dough, form a sausage, cut into small pieces, lightly roll each in flour, striving for a round shape.
Flatten each ball with a fork, stripes should remain on the gnocchi.

Cook in boiled salted water for about 3 minutes.

Prepare the sauce - fry the garlic cloves and zest in melted butter, remove them. Fry the flour until light golden, pour in the cream, bring to a boil, salt, add nutmeg, turn off.

Serve gnocchi with sauce and herbs.
And preferably with a glass of white wine.

Recipe 8: Unsweetened Cottage Cheese Pie

  • puff (or yeast) dough (2 packs, 275 g each, I had a layer size of 25 * 42 cm.)
  • cottage cheese (any) 250 g
  • eggs 2-3 pcs
  • herbs (dill/parsley)
  • garlic 1-2 cloves
  • tomatoes 4 pcs
  • ham/sausage
  • mushrooms 100 g
  • salt/pepper to taste
  • cheese (grated) type "Gouda" 100-150 g

We spread the dough on a baking sheet (with parchment), so that we get sides (that's why I got 2 packs, the size of the dough was small), pierce the dough over the entire surface with a fork.
Cottage cheese, eggs, finely chopped greens and garlic are well stirred, then carefully poured onto the dough and leveled over the surface.

Next, lay out the tomatoes cut into thin circles, mushrooms - salt and pepper to taste, then - cutting the sausage.

Sprinkle generously with cheese and bake in a preheated oven until golden brown.

Recipe 9: Unsweetened Baking with Cottage Cheese: Yeast Pie

500 g puff pastry
- 450 g cottage cheese
- 4 hard boiled eggs
- bunch of fresh dill
- 2 garlic cloves
- a mixture of peppers
- salt
- some flour for cutting
- sunflower oil for lubrication

First of all, I took the puff pastry out of the freezer, freed it from the packaging and left it to defrost on a cutting board, covering it with a clean napkin. At room temperature, this took about 30-40 minutes.

I cut the pre-cooked and cooled eggs into a cube, as usual for salads.

Washed the dill, dried it, removed the hard stems and chopped it with a knife.

I combined cottage cheese (I have an 18% spread), eggs and greens together. I also crushed the garlic here. Then salted and ground a mixture of peppers.

Everything was thoroughly mixed.

Started cutting the test. The first 250-gram layer was rolled out on a board, pre-sprinkled with flour.

She laid it out in a greased form.

I spread all the filling over the surface, leaving a little free space around the edges.

I rolled out the second layer of dough, pricked it with a fork. Carefully transferred to the form, covering the filling. Again, I walked along the contour with a fork (I powdered it with flour so that it would not stick) - in this way I pinched the edges.

I covered the form with a napkin and put it in a warm (and draft-free!) place for 2 hours. After this time, when the dough has risen, I sent it to the oven preheated to 220 "C.

After 7 minutes, I lowered the temperature to 180 "C and baked for another 15-20 minutes.

Cut into 6 serving pieces. The pie is delicious and quite satisfying! 😉

Recipe 10: Curd mayonnaise (savory dish)

  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • ½ tsp mustard (dijonska)
  • 100 gr. fat-free cottage cheese
  • 3 art. l. milk
  • 1 tbsp lemon juice
  • 1 yolk
  • To taste: salt, sugar

Salt the yolk and grind with olive oil and lemon juice until foamy.

Gradually add cottage cheese, mustard and milk.

Add sugar and salt to taste.

Recipe 11: unsweetened fish cutlets with cottage cheese

I have already made cutlets with cottage cheese, I was satisfied. So I decided to try it with fish. The result pleased. Soft, tender. Tasty and cold too. Tip: it is better to take fat cottage cheese. If it is very wet, be sure to squeeze out the liquid. I made from saithe. The author suggested frying cutlets, but I prefer from the oven. If you decide to fry, then roll the cutlets in breadcrumbs.

  • For 800 gr fillet of white fish (hake, pollock, etc.):
  • Cottage cheese 250 gr
  • Onion 1 small onion
  • Eggs 2 pcs
  • Dill 1 small bunch
  • Semolina 3 tbsp
  • Pepper, salt to taste

Twist the fish fillet with onions in a meat grinder.

Add cottage cheese, eggs, salt, pepper, finely chopped dill, semolina and leave for 20 minutes to make the semolina swell.

After the time has elapsed, form tunics of your favorite caliber with wet hands, place on a baking sheet (pour a little water on the bottom of the baking sheet) and in a warm oven for 20 minutes.

Bake at a temperature of 200 gr.

Bon appetit!

Recipe 12: unsweetened dumplings with cottage cheese

The recipe for dough for dumplings with cottage cheese, mixed with water, is considered a classic for making real Ukrainian dumplings.

  • wheat flour - about 300 g;
  • chicken egg - 1 piece;
  • water - ½ cup;
  • vegetable oil - 1 tablespoon;
  • table salt - 1 pinch.

  1. Pour water into a large bowl and immediately add vegetable oil, break an egg and salt.
  2. Pour a quarter of the required amount of flour, mix with a spoon or hands. Start adding flour and, constantly stirring the mass, achieve such a density that the dough can be kneaded with your hands.
  3. Cover the well-kneaded dough and put it in heat for half an hour to swell the gluten and increase elasticity.

Unsweetened filling for dumplings:

  • fat cottage cheese - 500 g;
  • chicken eggs - 3 pieces;
  • parsley - 1 bunch;
  • young dill - 1 bunch;
  • table salt - to taste;
  • granulated sugar - to taste (optional).
  1. Wipe the cottage cheese to get a small crumb (this is especially important for homemade fatty cottage cheese).
  2. Finely chop the parsley and dill, add to the filling.
  3. Break the eggs, sprinkle them with salt.
  4. It is enough to dilute cottage cheese, which is sour according to your feelings, with sugar, but just a couple of pinches to remove the acid.
  5. Mix everything well, and you can start sculpting dumplings.

This recipe for dumplings with cottage cheese and herbs can be slightly changed by adding green onions instead of dill. To do this, just chop the onion finely (take a large bunch) and push it well, and after that, combine it with the rest of the ingredients.

Dish 13: Unsweetened syrniki with cottage cheese

Mix 500 grams of cottage cheese with 2 lightly beaten eggs and 50-70 grams of hard yellow cheese grated on a medium grater. Add to them a teaspoon of curry (or other spices you like), salt, dry green onions or fresh dill, 2 tablespoons of flour. Mix everything thoroughly. Take a mass of 1 tablespoon. Roll into balls, roll in flour, flatten on top. Fry in a hot mixture of vegetable oil and butter on both sides until browned. Close the lid for 3-5 minutes.

From this amount of products, 12 pieces of cheesecakes are obtained.
