Presentation "Learning to read and write (letter) by L.F. Klimanova (EMC "Perspektiva"). Workbook "Draw, think, tell"

Sections: Primary School

Primary school is the most important stage in the process of general education of a student. In four years, he needs not only to master the program material, but also to learn how to study, to become a “professional student”. The Perspektiva educational and methodological kit has been published by the Prosveshchenie publishing house since 2006. The set was created in parallel with the development of the Federal State Educational Standard for Primary General Education, therefore it meets the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, and the textbooks of the Perspektiva UMC practically embody the ideas of new state general educational standards. Methodological basis new complex is a system-activity approach. In this regard, in the textbooks of the Perspektiva EMC, tasks aimed at including children in activities are built into a system that allows you to build the learning process as a two-way one:

- learning as a tool formation of universal educational activities and personal qualities of younger students;

- learning as a goal- obtaining knowledge in accordance with the requirements for the results of mastering the main educational program of the Federal State Educational Standard.

The purpose of training for the set "Perspective":

- the formation of the child's personality

– development of universal learning activities

- the development of the ability to learn, to know the world around and to cooperate.

The first textbook for first-graders is, of course, the ABC. In UMK "Perspective" is the "ABC" of the authors L.F. Klimanova and S.G. Makeeva. In the new system of teaching literacy, the assimilation of written speech for the first time begins with its prehistory (gestures, drawings, various types of written characters, etc.), acquaintance of children with the cultural and historical aspect of written speech, presented in drawings and games, gives the opportunity to teach not only technical skills reading and writing, but to teach real writing.
What could be more important than a well-developed written language of a student? Without it, there is no genuine success in learning, no real communication, no intellectual development of the child's personality. Working on the textbooks of the Teaching and learning materials "Perspektiva" it becomes possible for each teacher to achieve high results. Textbooks instill interest in the native language, reveal its secrets, bring up attention and respect for the word. Work in the classroom is built creatively - students learn on a communicative and cognitive basis.

Almost every lesson makes the children cooperate with their peers, play with different situations. "Let's get acquainted!" - this is the first topic of the textbook in which children talk about themselves, their friends, family, favorite books, first day of school, etc. Pupils, learning to communicate, comprehend the rules of speech, get to know each other better, which makes it easier for them to cope with the period of school adaptation. In the lessons in this topic, children play out various situations, make up stories from illustrations, guess riddles of words using acrophonic schemes and rebuses.

The theme "Country ABVGDEyka" is a letter period in teaching literacy. It is dedicated to the study of the letters of the Russian alphabet, the development of writing and reading using sound-letter schemes. Schemes for sound analysis are simplified. They are built on articulation - (solid consonant sound - a circle with a straight horizontal line "firmly closed lips"; soft consonant sound - a circle with a wavy line "softly closed lips"; vowel sound - a circle without marks "open mouth"). These icons help students learn and use diagrams faster when analyzing words. On each page of familiarization or consolidation of a new letter, rich material is presented: poems, tongue twisters, proverbs, riddles, rebuses, small texts that allow students not only to mechanically learn to read, but also to think and reason.

The textbook material is structured in such a way that each student has an interest in learning the language. We read together, work in pairs, speak, listen, compare - these are the tasks that are widely presented on the pages of the ABC. The main attention in teaching reading is paid to children's mastery of the mechanism of reading syllables and words of various syllabic structures, to the gradual development of reading skills.

The post-letter period serves to consolidate the acquired knowledge about language and speech, exercises in reading and writing.

During this period, the task is to form not only syllabic reading, but also reading in whole words, which is the most important structural component of the reading skill as a mental-speech action.

The theme of the post-literal period - "About everything in the world" includes funny poems by S. Marshak, B. Zakhoder, A. Barto, D. Kharms, as well as informative stories by V. Bianki, N. Sladkov, K. Ushinsky and others.

The content of the "ABC" L.F. Klimanova and S.G. Makeeva is aimed at the parallel development of written and oral speech of children, she introduces fascinating, developing, specially selected literary and artistic material - wise texts, sayings, proverbs, sayings, games with words, questions and practical tasks. It is successfully distinguished by an introduction to the theory of literature through a comparison of genres, authors, texts, a comparison of texts according to style features, as well as good printing performance, and the widespread use of vivid illustrations.

In the textbook "ABC" L.F. Klimanova and S.G. Makeeva systematically built theoretical material, to which practical, research and creative tasks are proposed, allowing to intensify the child's activity, apply the acquired knowledge in practical activities, and create conditions for the realization of the student's creative potential.


  1. Set "Perspective". (Programs for elementary school): M. "Enlightenment", 2007
  2. Implementation of new educational standards in elementary school by means of UMK "Perspektiva" (a manual for a grade 1 teacher)
  3. Set "Perspective" - ​​a step into the future!

Rumyantseva O.A. , primary school teacher
MOU "Gymnasium" mountains. Arzamas

The textbook "ABC" by L.F. Klimanova and S.G. Makeeva is intended for teaching children to read and write on a communicative and cognitive basis. The methodological concept of the authors is fully implemented in the content of the textbook, its structure, selection of material, organization of educational activities - communicative speech situations are introduced that show children the diverse world of communication.
The undoubted advantages of the ABC manual include:

  • Systematic, purposeful work on vocabulary, which forms children's attention and respect for the word, instills interest and love for their native language.
  • The presence in the content of exercises for the development of phonemic hearing. They lay the foundation for literate writing, prevent the occurrence of errors in skipping, inserting and replacing letters.
  • The presence in the content of a large number of various tasks for the development of the thinking abilities of younger students.
  • The presence of the manual "Reader" by L.F. Klimanova, which is intended to improve reading skills, individual work with children. In addition, this manual continues and deepens lexical work, develops students' communication skills and their thinking abilities.

Solovieva M. N. , primary school teacher
school number 213 mountains. Petersburg

What could be more important than a well-developed student's speech? Without it, there is no genuine success in learning, no real communication, no intellectual development of the child's personality.

The obligatory minimum of the content of educational programs makes high demands on the speech development of a modern student. Working according to the textbooks of the teaching materials "Perspektiva", you can actually achieve high results in this area.

The textbooks of the Perspektiva UMC instill interest in the Russian language, reveal the secrets of its “revival”, introduce the science of language into the world, help to perceive it as a harmonious and harmonious system, introduce children to the art of the word, help the younger student to understand and feel the aesthetic value of Russian language.

This EMC is distinguished by a new, non-standard way of organizing speech creative activity - teaching children to read and write on a communicative-cognitive basis.

Practically at every lesson, a communicative-speech situation is created that allows you to cooperate with your peers and with adults, which allows you to organize the constant speech activity of students. So, already at the very first lesson “Let's get to know each other!” authors of the ABC L.F. Klimanova and S. G. Makeeva create a communicative-speech situation based on bright entertaining illustrations, which aroused an ardent desire among first-graders to talk about their favorite activities, aroused interest in listening to the performances of other children.

In the first grade, the foundations of the speech skill are laid: it is here that young students first encounter the literary language, with its written version, with the need to improve their speech.

There are 3 lines in the development of speech according to the program of the EMC "Perspective": work on a word, work on a phrase and a sentence, work on a coherent speech. Working on the word at each lesson, a coherent methodological system is traced for studying the word from different angles: semantic (lexical), sound and graphic, and it acts as an integral element of the sentence.

Contents of the Alphabet L.F. Klimanova and S.G. Makeeva is aimed at the parallel development of written and oral speech of children, she introduces them to fascinating, developing, specially selected literary and artistic material - wise texts, sayings, proverbs, sayings, word games, questions and practical tasks. It is successfully distinguished by an introduction to the theory of literature through a comparison of genres, authors, texts, a comparison of texts according to style features, as well as good printing performance, and the widespread use of vivid illustrations.

At each lesson according to the “Draw, think, tell”, “My alphabet” prescriptions, a lot of intellectual analytical work is carried out, which prevents speech errors from being made. Not a single task and exercise is one-sided, they are educational, developing, cognitive and educating.
A successful combination of tradition and innovation in the textbooks of the Perspektiva teaching and learning materials make it possible today to conquer the modern teacher, to excite his creative thought and imagination, to satisfy the strict methodological requirements of a demanding teacher audience.

Belyankova N.M. , assistant professor, methodologist
to accompany the testing of the kit
"Perspective" in the mountains. Arzamas


The textbook "ABC" for the 1st grade by L.F. Klimanova and S.G. Makeeva is compiled in the best traditions of domestic alphabet writing.
As in most modern alphabets, teaching in this textbook is divided into pre-letter, alphabetic and post-alphabetic periods (the authors named them as preparatory, basic and generalizing periods).

In the preparatory period of the “ABC” by L.F. Klimanova and S.G. Makeeva, the basic principle of teaching literacy on a communicative-cognitive basis is laid, which, according to the authors, on the one hand, introduces children to the world of communication, gives the child an idea of ​​the speech situation and the role of the word in communication, and on the other hand, puts the word as the main unit of language at the epicenter of the development of thinking and speech of children.

The content of the first (pre-primary) section reflects the truly innovative nature of the “ABC” by L.F. Klimanova and S.G. Makeeva in comparison with the construction of similar sections in the ABCs of other didactic systems. At the same time, attention to the semantic and communicative side of speech does not cause damage, but, on the contrary, contributes to a deeper comprehension by children of the concepts traditional for this section about the elements of sounding speech, preparing for the assimilation of its transmission with the help of letters, contributes to the development of oral speech and phonemic hearing.

The main section of the "ABC" is built more traditionally in terms of the order in which children are introduced to letters: first, letters are given to indicate non-ioted vowels AOUYIE, then letters to indicate consonants, depending on their frequency, and, finally, letters to indicate iotized vowels E, E, Yu ,I and the most rare letters Х,Ц,Ч,Ш. This order of filing letters is typical for Russian letter writing and is the most rational.

In this ABC, the analytical-synthetic method developed by K.D.Ushinsky and actively used by the authors of almost all ABCs adopted in modern elementary school is chosen as the main method of teaching reading.

When considering the concept of a syllable, the authors abandoned the classification of syllables (syllables-mergers, letters outside of mergers, open, closed syllables, etc.). At the same time, the classification of consonants according to hardness-softness and the identification of their opposition on the model of not only the syllable, but also a whole word (mouse - bear, cat - whale, chalk - mayor, scrap - flax, nose - carried). The same can be said about the opposition of voiced and deaf consonants (mountain - bark, tooth - soup, volume - house, awl - lived). The results of the consideration of these oppositions are entered in the tablets “Knots for memory” (p. 77, 91, 108-109 in Part I and p. 22-23, 44-45, 68-69 in Part II). In general, these tablets resemble those in the Russian alphabet.

The exercises of the analytical-synthetic type used in the "ABC" are rich and varied: composing and reading syllables of the SG - GS type, rearranging and replacing letters that show their meaningful function (wasps - axes - mustaches, notes - threads - mud, mountain - bark , caviar - a game, making words from the studied letters according to diagrams and drawings.Game methods are also widely used: charades, rebuses, crosswords, riddles, making words from "lotto" syllables.

A characteristic feature of the textbook is that constantly, purposefully, but not intrusively, lexical work is carried out on homonyms (onion - onion), homoforms (washed - washed), homographs (castle - castle), homonymy of roots (goose - goose - caterpillar), ambiguity (spruce needles, hedgehog and sewing), thematic groups of words (jackdaw - magpie - oriole, aster - iris - primrose, marmot - gopher - rat), antonyms (easy - difficult), nests of single-root words (snow - snowball - snowballs - snowflakes), phraseological units (winter on the nose, chop on your nose). An interesting feature of the main section of the alphabet is that it ends with a re-address to the issues of semiotics, as they say, on a new “turn of the spiral”, after studying the alphabetic composition of the Russian language, which allows children to meaningfully perceive the conclusion that the letter is a sound icon, and the word is a sign of the phenomenon of reality.

Attention is also paid to the study of spelling. Traditionally, during the period of literacy, the spelling of capital letters is given at the beginning of a sentence and in proper names, the spelling of the combinations JI-SHI, CHA-SCHA, CHU-SCHU. This material is presented in this textbook.

The words and texts used as illustrative and training material in the main section of the alphabet do not raise objections: they are accessible for perception by first graders, moderately playful, but also moderately serious, there is no predominance of "entertainment". Russian proverbs, sayings, riddles, tongue twisters, texts of Russian classical children's literature are widely used.

As in most modern alphabets and primers, the authors take into account the fact that children come to grade 1 with varying degrees of readiness for school. Therefore, for children who already know how to read, texts for reading are placed in the preparatory and main sections so that they do not lose interest in learning, and if the class as a whole is “advanced” (for example, in schools of the so-called advanced level of education), then in the methodological manual accelerated study of letters with more in-depth work on spellings is provided, tk. usually even well-read children come to school without being able to write.

In the post-literal period, children are offered to read samples of Russian folklore (proverbs, riddles, sayings, counting rhymes, fairy tales), classical works by V.A. Zhukovsky, A.S. Pushkin, A.K. Tolstoy, L.N. Tolstoy, A. A. Fet, V. Maykov, K. D. Ushinsky, works of poets and prose writers of the twentieth century - S. Marshak, A. Barto, D. Kharms, B. Zakhoder, V. Berestov, I. Tokmakova, N. Matveeva and others and popular science articles by V.Bianchi, N.Sladkov and A.Pleshakov. The repeated appeal to semiotics is interesting: children are invited to observe how the same natural phenomenon can be reflected in a scientific article, an artist's painting, a piece of music and a poem. Work on the word is not forgotten either: children are invited to think about why the rhinoceros beetle, sawfish are so named.

Thus, this textbook is a further development of the theory and practice of Russian alphabet writing in line with the concept of the line of teaching materials "Perspektiva" and new approaches to learning proposed by the Concept of the State Standard of General Education of the second generation.

The novelty lies not only in increased attention to the issues of communication, to the lexical side of the word and to the issues of semiotics, but also in the presence of the so-called "loop", that is, additional teaching aids. In addition to traditional copybooks and a teaching aid for a teacher, there is also a collection of didactic materials "Reader".

At the same time, the authors tried to preserve in their textbook the best achievements of domestic alphabet writing: the arrangement of letters in the order of their frequency, tables of letter opposition for vowels and letters for consonants, the development of phonemic hearing, attention to the semantic role of phonemes, the analytical-synthetic method of teaching reading , the integration of writing and reading during the period of literacy, taking into account the different levels of preparedness of students, attention to the spelling side, to the formation of beautiful handwriting and an excellent selection of illustrative material and texts.
This combination of novelty and adherence to traditions makes the ABC textbook harmonious, solid and harmonious.


Copybook 1 “Draw, think, tell” (authors L.F. Klimanova, V.I. Romanina, L.N. Boreyko) is intended for work in the pre-letter period, copybooks 2 and 3 “My alphabet” (author L.F. Klimanova) - in alphabetical and copybook 4 "I write beautifully" (authors L.F. Klimanova and L.Ya. Zheltovskaya) - in the post-alphabetic period.

Of particular interest is prescription 1 “Draw, think, tell”, which is designed to train fine motor skills of the hand and eye as preparatory exercises for writing letters. All the necessary types of work are collected here: a variety of hatching (vertical, horizontal, oblique, multidimensional, multidirectional, broken line), drawing geometric shapes (squares, triangles, circles, ovals, arcs), drawing generalized outlines of objects (houses, snowmen, mice, beetles etc.), tracing and coloring drawings, writing out elements of block letters. But, besides this purely utilitarian function, prescriptions contribute to the development of spatial and temporal perception of the surrounding world. Children should reflect on the concepts: what is the center of a square and a circle, which object is larger and which is smaller, which path is longer and which is shorter, where the direction is to the right and where to the left, which objects are similar and which are different. Children learn to compare, compare, group, distinguish, practically get acquainted with the concept of a set and its elements. Similar information is given in the pre-numerical period of the mathematics textbook by G.V. Dorofeev and T.N. Mirakova, which allows the teacher to organize integrated education in the very first days of the child at school, that is, to practically implement one of the fundamental ideas of the “Perspective” Concept. And what is even more valuable is that the material of the copybooks "Draw, think, tell" is closely connected with the life and life of a modern child. This is not only a world of fairy tales familiar to children from preschool age, not only toys, domestic and wild animals and birds, household utensils and sports equipment, but also a computer (p. 21), a vacuum cleaner (p. 26-27), shorts (p. .29), electric kettle (p.7), electric iron (p.7, 30), camera (p.30), patchwork blanket (p.49). In the mind of a child, the world of his home is not separated from the world of school. This idea echoes one of the main ideas of the textbook "The World Around" by A.A. Pleshakov and M.Yu. Novitskaya. Moreover, in the copybook and in the textbook on the world around there are a number of common topics: life at home (p. 7, 13, 26, 27, 45, 48 - copybook), zoo animals (p. 9, 60), the animal world (p. .15), forest and meadow life (p.18, 30, 31, 31, 33, 36), sports (p.40, 41, 56), walks in the park and city (50, 51). As we can see, the prescription "Draw, think, tell" is very successfully inscribed in the system of lessons of the EMC "Perspective".

The copybooks "My alphabet" in two parts also contain a number of interesting finds. Given the great complexity of the writing process for first graders, the author introduces game moments: rebuses, sections "Riddles of words", metatheses (composing words by rearranging syllables), adding "lost" elements of letters, "letter mosaic" (composing letters from disparate elements), chainwords, coloring.

Much attention is paid to various work with sound-letter schemes of words. Vocabulary is not forgotten either: exercises are given to determine the polysemy of words, homonyms, and to compose thematic groups of words. Quite often, exercises are given to develop speech: compiling sentences and texts with the inclusion of the studied words.

The copybook "I write beautifully" is intended for further development of calligraphy skills. Writing assignments are much more difficult. This is the writing of whole phrases, proverbs, answers to questions, stories. At the final lessons, this is writing notes and letters, that is, the practical assimilation of such a communication-oriented genre as epistolary.


The collection of didactic materials "Reader" includes a variety of exercises to develop reading skills. It is designed to interest first graders, to get them excited about the process of reading, which is very important in modern conditions, when children have almost stopped reading books. The "Reader" contains a huge didactic material of an entertaining nature: comic poems, chainwords, crosswords, tongue twisters, proverbs, sayings. In a comic form, easily, entertainingly, a lot of work is being done on understanding the essence of single-root words, on the role of alliteration in poetry, on thematic groups of words, on the selection of rhyming words, on the assimilation of orthoepic norms.

Teaching materials for teaching literacy in the process of approbation proved its effectiveness. The children who came to the gymnasium, in the course of preschool training at the “School of the Future First Grader” at the gymnasium, were generally able to read quite well, but they were not taught to write. In the first grade, the experimental teacher Rumyantseva O.A. paid great attention to teaching writing. When teaching reading, the "Reader" was actively used. As a result of such an integrated approach, using all the additional aids from the ABC “loop”, the children of the experimental class not only read fluently, but also wrote quite quickly, beautifully and accurately. This was especially evident on their final control sheets.

The teachers who attended the open lessons of Rumyantseva O.A. highly appreciated not only the ABC itself, but also additional manuals from the “loop”.

Literacy (writing) L.F. Klimanova


KADNAY Irina Vakilievna

primary school teacher

GBOU secondary school No. 23 named after B.A. Kucher

  • The authors of the teaching materials "Perspektiva" are the developers of the Federal State Educational Standards, well-known scientists-teachers, methodologists:

L.F. Klimanov, A.A. Pleshakov, M.Yu. Novitskaya, V.G. Dorofeev and others.

Lyudmila Fedorovna


author of the program "Introduction to Literature" and a unique system of teaching literacy on a communicative-cognitive basis, which allows you to form elementary ideas about the language as the most important means of communication and knowledge of the world around. It was this system that formed the basis of the new generation of textbooks on teaching literacy, the Russian language and literary reading, which are published as part of the Perspektiva teaching materials.

Educational and methodical set "Teaching literacy" (letter) Grade 1 authors: L.F. Klimanova, A.V. Abramov

  • The literacy course is distinguished by its communicative-cognitive and spiritual-moral orientation.
  • The main goal of the course is the active formation of all types of speech activity: the ability to write, read, listen and speak, the development of speech thinking in first graders, the ability to communicate and understand themselves and others.

Workbook "Draw, think, tell"

  • designed to work in the preparatory period of literacy.

Working with it, children have the opportunity to draw, color, hatch, etc., which helps to strengthen the small muscles of the fingers, develop coordination of hand movements when writing, and thus be well prepared for writing the letters of the Russian alphabet, words and sentences.

Copybooks "My alphabet" (in 2 parts)

give samples of printed and written letters, the simplest structural and semantic models of words, include exercises for writing words, sentences and small texts, form initial spelling skills.

Workbook "Write beautifully"

Serves as an addition to the textbook "ABC. 1 class". The manual contains exercises to teach writing skills. Mastering the written font, first-graders simultaneously consolidate calligraphic skills and develop fine motor skills of the hand. The material helps students achieve

1 class meta-subject and subject learning outcomes.


  • EMC reveals in a new way the possibilities of integrating the cognitive and personal development of younger students;
  • contains tasks for varying degrees of complexity, giving the opportunity to offer students different options depending on the preparedness of the child;

  • tasks are offered in a form that revives interest and activity in cognition and curiosity, while directing activity into the sphere of free creativity;
  • the task system helps to develop logic, imaginative thinking, imagination, intuition, value worldview, moral position of the individual in schoolchildren.

Summary of a lesson on teaching reading during the period of literacy.

Lesson topic: Acquaintance with consonant sounds [k] and [k’], and the letter K, k.

Program: UMK "Perspective" L. F. Klimanov, S. G. Makeeva "ABC" part 1

Class: 1 class

Target: Educational: Maintaining new knowledge about the sounds [k] and [k '], about their characteristics and about the letter K, k; the formation of skills to isolate sounds [k] and [k '] from the flow of speech; the ability to designate sounds [k] and [k '] with the letter K, k; the formation of skills to synthesize sounds [k] and [k '] with other vowels into syllables; the formation of skills to read syllables-fusions, words, sentences and understand what they read.

Developing: The development of the child's personality on the basis of the UUD formations providing the ability to learn:

Reflective awareness of the boundaries of one's knowledge and not knowledge (when repeated);

Formation of universal regulatory actions self-control and mutual control (checking d / z, checking the scheme, intonation);

Formation of the sign-symbolic action of modeling (drawing up models of the words mole and crayfish);

Educational and informational skills (when working on illustrations);

Development of the universal logical action of analysis, synthesis (when analyzing a letter, when reading syllables, words and text);

Development of universal communicative actions (when communicating "student - teacher" and "student - student", when working in a pen and in a group)

Educational: Formation of the ability to enter into educational interaction with the teacher and students; to instill an interest in reading, to cultivate a love for nature, animals, work.

Lesson plan:

    Organizational moment (greeting children, checking readiness for the lesson, positive attitude)

    Systematization and repetition of previously studied material (vowels and consonants)

    Checking d / z (reading in pairs and explaining the meaning of phrases)

    Introduction of new material:

    New sound introduction:

A) Syllabic - sound analysis of the words MOLE, CRABI.

B) Comparison of sounds [k] and [k ']

C) Exercise in hearing sounds [k] and [k ']

D) Story by picture (Group work)

E) Synthesis of sounds

    Physical education minute

    Introduction of a new letter:

Presentation of the new letter K, k as a sign for the sounds [k] and [k ']

Looking at a letter

Comparison of a letter with the outside world

Analysis of the letter (drawing up the letter K, what elements it consists of, what letters it looks like and how it differs)

Placement of the letter K in the tape of letters

    Reflective-evaluative stage

Linguistic methodological analysis:What students know: Characteristics of vowels and consonants. Sounds [m] and [m '], [s] and [s '], [n] and [n '], [l] and [l '], [t] and [t '], [a], [o], [y], [i], [s], [e] and the letters denoting them.

What's new to learn: They learn that the sounds [k] and [k ’], are denoted by the letter K, k. What difficulties do students experience? To isolate the sounds [k] and [k ’], from the syllables of the fusion, to compose a story from the picture, to produce a syllable-sound analysis of words, it is difficult to synthesize the S + G sound.

Equipment:For the teacher: ABC, copybook, tape of letters, presentation, circles for models of the words "mole" and "crayfish", pictures of the words: whale, cat, glass, fry, pomegranate, pictures for a story from a picture + a story plan.

For a student: Alphabet, copybook, colored pencils, cash register letters.

During the classes:

Organizing time :

The bell rang, the lesson began.

And so that the lesson goes to everyone for the future,

Get more active, my friend.

Guys, let's check the readiness for the lesson. You should have an alphabet on your table - put your hand on it, a copy - put your hand on it, a notebook - put your hand on it, colored pencils - put your hand on them, a cash register of letters - put your hand on it.

Raise your hand who doesn't have any of what I have mentioned.

Guys, today we continue our journey through the ABC country.

Systematization and repetition of previously studied material :

What is the difference between vowels and consonants? (Vowels are pronounced with the help of the voice, when pronouncing from the side of the organs of speech there is no barrier. Consonants are pronounced with the help of voice and noise or only with the help of noise, when they are pronounced, the air meets an obstacle from the side of the organs of speech.)

What vowel sounds have we already studied? (We have already studied the vowels a, o, u, i, s, e)

What consonants have we already studied? (We have already studied the consonants m, s, n, l, t)

What groups are consonant sounds divided into by softness, hardness? (Consonant sounds are divided into hard and soft by softness, hardness)

What groups are consonant sounds divided into depending on voice and noise? (Divided into voiced and deaf)

What voiceless consonants do we already know? (We already know the voiceless consonants with, t)

What voiced consonants have we already studied? (We have already studied the voiced consonants m, n, l)

Guys, what consonants and letters did we meet in the last lesson? (We got acquainted with the consonants [t] and [t ’] and the letter T t)

Checking d / z:

Guys, we will now check the d / s.

If you didn't do it, please raise your hand.

We start checking d / z.

You will need to check the reading of the words in pairs. For example, a couple of Misha and Katya. Misha reads the first line, and at this time Katya watches how Misha reads, if Misha is wrong, then Katya corrects him. Then Katya reads, and Misha follows her reading.

Do you understand the task? (Yes)

Let's check how you explained the meaning of the phrases.

How did you explain the meaning of the phrase "winter on the nose"? (Winter is coming)

Guys, touch your nose with your hand. Got it? So the nose is close? Winter is coming too.

And how do you explain the meaning of the phrase "kill yourself on the nose"? (Remember)

Does anyone have a different opinion?

That's right guys, "hack yourself on the nose" - remember.

Well done, you've done a good job!

Introduction of new material :

Isolation of sounds [k] and [k ']:

Given two pictures:

    Guys, let's take a look at the first picture with you. (3 slide)

What is shown in the first picture? (Mole).

Let's say the word KPOT with you.

How many syllables? (One syllable). (BRING THE HAND TO THE CHIN)

Let's pronounce the first sound. (kkkrot)

Hard or soft? (Solid)

Deaf or voiced? (Deaf)


Let's pronounce the second sound. (krrrr)

Is it a consonant or a vowel? (Consonant)

Hard or soft? (Solid)

Deaf or voiced? (Voiced)

What circle on the diagram will we designate it? (in blue) (HANGING BLUE CIRCLE)

Pronounce the next sound. (crooot)


Pronounce the next sound. (crott)

Is it a consonant or a vowel? (Consonant)

Hard or soft? (Solid)

Deaf or voiced? (Deaf)

What circle on the diagram will we designate it? (in blue) (HANGING BLUE CIRCLE)

Let's summarize the received information about the sound [k]. (Sound [to] consonant, deaf, hard)

    Guys, let's look at the second picture with you. (4 slide)

What is shown in the second picture? (Crayfish).

How many syllables? (Two syllables). (BRING THE HAND TO THE CHIN)

Let's make a model of this word.

Let's pronounce the first sound. (rrraki)

Is it a consonant or a vowel? (Consonant)

Hard or soft? (Solid)

Deaf or voiced? (Voiced)

What circle on the diagram will we designate it? (in blue) (HANGING BLUE CIRCLE)

Let's pronounce the second sound. (raaaki)

Is it a consonant or a vowel? (Vowel)

Striking or unstressed? (Shock)

What circle on the diagram will we designate it? (in red) (I HANG RED CIRCLE, I STICK)

Pronounce the next sound. (rakkki)

Let's characterize this sound. (This is a consonant, soft, dull sound)

What circle on the diagram will we designate it? (Green) (I HANG THE GREEN CIRCLE)

Have we identified all the sounds? (No, not all)

Pronounce the next sound. (rakii)

Let's characterize this sound. (This is a vowel, unstressed sound)

What circle on the diagram will we designate it? (in red) (I HANG RED CIRCLE)

And now let's check if we have selected all the sounds? (That's it)

Let's summarize the information received about the sound [k ']. (Sound [k '] consonant, deaf, soft)

    Compare the sounds [k] and [k ']:

What common? (These are consonants, deaf sounds)

What is the difference? (One hard, another soft sound)

Exercise in hearing sounds [k] and [k ']:

    Find the sounds [k] and [k'] in the words. (I HANG PICTURES ON THE BOARD)

Prove they exist (Children must pronounce this sound). (kkkit, kkkot stakkkan, malkkki).

Do all words have these sounds? (No)

In which word did we not find these sounds? (The word pomegranate does not contain these sounds)

    Picture story: (Group work)

Guys, let's unite in groups (5 groups of 5 people).

You need to make a story in a group according to the picture that is shown on your card using words with sounds [k] and [k '] according to the plan. Once you have completed your story, you will need to choose a student to present your group's story.

Prove that you used words with these sounds. (DURING THE STORY, THE PICTURE APPEARS ON 5 - 9 SLIDE)

    And now let's do the synthesis of sounds with you. I will call you sounds, and you need to merge them into syllables: k - a (ka), k - y (ku), k'- and (ki), k'- e (ke), k - o (ko) , k'- y (kyu).

Physical education:

Now, guys, get up.

Raised hands quickly

Sideways, forward, backward.

Turned right, left

We sat down quietly, back to business.

Acquaintance with the letters K, k:

The consonant sound [k] and [k '] can be written with a letter, which is called the consonant letter K, k.

Look at the slide. There are two pairs of letters. One pair of capital letters, the other pair of capital letters Kk. (10 Slide. I SHOW THE LETTERS ON THE SLIDE).

One capital, large. They begin a sentence with a capital letter, they write the names of people, the names of animals, the names of cities, countries with a capital letter.

And the other letter is lowercase, small.

We will learn how to write the lowercase letter K in the next lesson.

Let's find this letter in our individual cash registers.

For a better memorization of the letter K, let's get up from our desks and show this letter.

What elements does the letter K consist of? (From slanted lines)

What does the letter K look like in the outside world? (A bird with an open beak, a crocodile opened its mouth.)

What letters does this letter look like? (Children's answers. To the letter F, I)

How is it different from other letters? (Children's answers. Half of the letter Zh)

Let's open our ABC to page 86 and look at the image of the letter at the top of the page. Now make the same letter K in a pair of colored pencils. (I walk through the rows and check how the children completed the task)

In which square shall we place the letter K on the ribbon of letters? (We'll put the K in the blue box because it's a consonant.)

Top line or bottom line? Why at the bottom? (Children's answers. The letter Ks means a dull sound)

Reading syllables, words and text with a new letter:

Guys, let's read the syllables with you:

    ak ok ik (11 Slide)

Let's name the letters.

Let's call sounds.

We read the syllable.

    Let's read the syllables in the ABC on page 86 in the box:


KA syllable: Let's name the letters.

What did we get? (syllable KA)

KO syllable: Let's name the letters.

Let's try to combine two sounds with you.

What did we get? (syllable KO)

KU syllable: Let's name the letters.

Let's try to combine two sounds with you.

What did we get? (syllable KU)

KY syllable: Let's name the letters.

Let's try to combine two sounds with you.

What did we get? (syllable KY)

CI syllable: Let's name the letters.

Let's try to combine two sounds with you.

What did we get? (syllable KI)

    Let's read the words with you (ABC p. 88). Let's read the first two columns:

Cat: Let's name the letters. (Cat)

How many syllables? How did you know? (One syllable, because one vowel o)

Let's call sounds. ([cat])

What word did you read? (Cat).

Whale: Let's name the letters. (K, i, t)

How many syllables? How did you know? (One syllable, because one vowel and)

Let's call sounds. ([k '], [and], [t])

What word did you read? (Whale).

Scythe: Let's name the letters. (K, oh, s, ah)

How many syllables? How did you know? (Two syllables, because two vowels o, a)

Let's call sounds. ([k], [o], [s], [a],)

What word did you read? (Scythe).

Fox: Let's name the letters. (Fox)

How many syllables? How did you know? (Two syllables, because two vowels and, a)

Let's call sounds. ([fox],)

We read the first syllable. (whether)

We read the second syllable. (sa)

What word did you read? (Fox).

Lacquer: Let's name the letters. (L, a, k)

Let's call sounds. ([l], [a], [k])

Reading. (lacquer)

Poppy: Let's name the letters. (M, a, k)

How many syllables? How did you know? (One syllable, because one vowel a)

Let's call sounds. ([m], [a], [k])

Reading. (Poppy)


    And now guys, let's read the text with you (ABC p. 87) (text with tasks).

What do you think this text will be about? (Text about the circus)

Let's read this text. Some words hide pictures. While reading, we must uncover what words are hidden in the pictures.

We have holidays. We are near the circus. There are horses, elephants and a donkey. Elephants are smart. The elephant was rolling a dachshund. The clown threw a sausage to the elephant, and a carrot to Toto the donkey. The donkey played the drum.

Now let's check how you understood the text:

Who's on vacation? (Guys are on vacation)

Where are the guys? (The guys are near the circus)

Who performs in the circus? (Horses, elephants and a donkey perform in the circus)

What was the elephant doing? (Elephant rolled a dachshund)

What did the clown throw to the elephant? (The clown threw a sausage to the elephant)

What was the donkey's name? (The donkey's name was Toto)

And what did the clown throw to the donkey Toto? (The clown threw a carrot to the donkey Toto)

What did the donkey do? (The donkey played the drum)


Open ABC page 89 and cursive page 35.

In the recipe on page 35, you will need to color the clown if you wish.

Have questions about d / s?

Reflective-evaluative stage:

Guys, did you like the lesson? (children's answers)

What sounds and letter did we meet today? (Today we got acquainted with the sounds [k] and [k’], and the letter K, k).

What did we repeat? (Consonants and vowels; sounds [t] and [t ’], and the letter T, t)

What was difficult? (children's answers)

How to overcome these difficulties? (children's answers)

Well done! Lesson over!
