Educational project on the surrounding world. Educational project on the surrounding world Projects on the surrounding world 2


Age of participants : 2nd grade / 8-9 years old

Goals :

1.Expand students’ knowledge about the Sun and the Earth’s rotation around

The sun and its axis, about the benefits and its harmful effects on humans.

2. Prove that without the Sun a person could not achieve even the smallest

fraction of what he can do now.

3. Promote the acquisition of communication skills.

Methodological tasks:

    Introduce the concept of “problem”, teach how to identify a problem, design its solution and investigate.

    Learn to select the material needed on the topic.

    Learn to express your opinion, analyze, see the main thing, make generalizations.

    Develop students' attention.

    To provide as many students as possible with the opportunity to develop their creative abilities.

Creative name : « A star called the Sun"

Fundamental question: Why is a ray of sunlight the source of life on Earth?

Problematic issues of the educational topic :

    Why is it light during the day and dark at night?

    At what time of day is the Earth warmest?

    How does sunlight affect the nature of the Earth?

Student research topics (special questions):

    What is the Sun?

    How does solar activity affect humans?

    The influence of solar activity on inanimate nature.

Time spending: 4 academic hours.

Project activity plan.

I stage – preparatory:

Students are asked a number of problematic questions:

1. Find out why there is day and night.

2. Find out why the Sun is not in the sky at night.

3. Find out what the Sun is.

While working on questions, children put forward a hypothesis:

It is light during the day and dark at night because the Sun sets behind the other side of the Earth.

II stage - main:

Progress of the study:

The class is divided into three groups:

The first group finds out what peers, parents, and acquaintances know about the change of day and night.

The second group turns to encyclopedias for information about the Sun,

reference books and the Internet.

The third group conducts an experiment with a rubber ball and a lamp.

III stage – final:

First group report.

To the question of why the change of day and night occurs, 3 girls, 4 boys and 5 adults answered. We learned that the Sun does not set on the other side of the Earth, and the Earth rotates around its axis. As a result of this rotation, a change of day and night occurs.

Second group report.

Having studied articles from various sources and the Internet, we learned that the Sun is a hot spherical celestial body - a star. This is the closest star to Earth. The temperature of the Sun on the surface is about +6000 degrees C. The Earth moves around the Sun. The sun always illuminates the Earth. When the Sun illuminates one half of the Earth, the other is in its own shadow. It's night there.

Report of the third group.

After conducting an experiment with a ball and a lamp, we were convinced that an opaque ball cannot be illuminated from all sides by a light source. Our Earth is a ball, it is illuminated by the Sun. The earth rotates around its axis, like a ball. We saw that one half is illuminated and the other is shaded. As the ball rotates, the stripe of light gradually moves, and with it the shadowed one. This is how the change of day and night occurs.


The earth rotates around its axis.

It is day on the half of the Earth facing the Sun. The other half is in her own shadow. It's night there.

Project output:

1. Round table discussion of the results of the work done.

2. Processing and design of the project.

3. Presentation of the project “Why is it light during the day and dark at night?”

4. Creating a booklet “How does sunlight affect life on Earth?”


I'm exploring the world. Children's encyclopedia. M., 1995.

Everything about everything - an encyclopedia. M., 1998-2000.

Great encyclopedia. Cyril and Methodius. (Disk)

Analysis of the result.

The project was carried out during the study of the 2nd grade topic “Space” and covered 2 weeks (4 hours) of class time. Work on the project made it possible to create conditions for the development of special (natural history) and general educational skills among its participants. Students selected the desired piece of information from a large stream of information. We planned a laboratory experiment and carried it out, resolving any difficulties that arose during the work. The results of the experiment were comprehended and analyzed.

The practical significance of the project is that children understand the importance of sunlight for life on Earth.

This project allows students to develop creative thinking, the ability to acquire knowledge from various sources, analyze facts, make generalizations, and express their own judgments. Upon completion of the project, students become experts in this field and can advise on the importance of sunlight for life on Earth.

Municipal budgetary educational institution - secondary school No. 34 named after. Hero of the Soviet Union N.D. Zakharova

Environment Project


2nd grade student

Shklyaeva Danila

Objective of the project:- development of cognitive activity and horizons; - awakening interest in a person’s professional activity; - formation of moral values.

Project objectives:

  • get acquainted with various professions and their characteristics;
  • provide knowledge about the qualities that a person who wants to acquire a particular profession must have.

There are so many professions, and all are good: Everyone is able to find something for the soul.

The pastry chef prepares cakes and muffins,

The driver brings the cargo by car.

A brave fireman will put out the fire,

An artist dances on stage to the accordion.

A fisherman catches pike perch and cod,

Clowns in the circus will disperse the melancholy.

And the sellers sell it to us.

In the workshop, tailors will sew clothes,

Every business is valuable in its own way,

And it will always come in handy!

Can you understand now

What do you want to become next?

Where to work, who to work with,

Who should I go to study?

Yes, the questions are complicated

But there is a solution, guys!

You need to try, dream,

Go to different circles,

To understand who you want to be!

To be useful to society is the main goal of every person. And for this you need to work. Choosing a profession is a difficult and important stage in life. But this choice determines whether you can succeed in your business. You need to love your profession, and then the work will not be difficult.

All professions are needed, all professions are important!


2nd grade students on the topic:

“Birch is a symbol of my Motherland”


2nd grade students,


volunteer helpers

Project Manager:

teacher of the highest qualification category

Khripkova Tatyana Aleksandrovna

Relevance of the topic

It is known that birches grow in many countries of the world, but in none of them are these slender white-trunked trees treated with such warmth and love as in Russia. It happened again

since ancient times. The birch tree is dear to the soul of a Russian person,

Poems, songs, fairy tales, and riddles are written about her. Ask any Russian person, is there a tree in Russia to which poets would devote so many poems, and people - songs? Which tree can safely be called a symbol of Russia? We are sure that the answer will be almost unanimous – birch! For a Russian person there is no tree dearer and more dear. And, probably, not only because it grows everywhere in our country, from the Arctic to the southern borders. Perhaps because it evokes in us feelings consonant with the generous and responsive Russian soul?

Target: show that the birch is considered a symbol and pride of the Russian people, that it is the personification of our Motherland, that birch and Russia - these two concepts are inseparable.

Research objectives:

1. Through scientific information, find out the origin and meaning of the word “birch”; determine the classification of birch species; reveal its “secrets and mysteries”; reveal what it bestows on a person.

2. Through search work, show how an infinitely grateful person treats the birch and encourage students, who take care of nature, to remember that the birch is the symbol and pride of the Russian people.

Research hypothesis:

Stages of work on the project

    Choosing a theme Collection, systematization and storage of information Project Selection Project implementation Presentation (protection of projects)
1.Selecting a theme

Before going on an excursion into the forest, we had a conversation with the guys.

Conversation “What do we know about trees and birch in particular?”

Goal: Find out what children know about trees and in particular about birch. Deepen interest in birch, lead to the idea that birch wants to be friends with people.

1. How are trees different from other plants? 2. What trees do you know? 3. Are trees alive? Why do you think so? 4. Are there many trees growing near the school? What are their names? 5. Are there many trees growing near your house? What are their names? 6. Who plants trees? For what? 7. What is the name of a forest in which only birches grow? 8. Where are trees better - in the forest or in the city? 9. How can you determine the age of a birch? 10. Have trees ever helped you? What about you? Give examples. 11. Let's imagine that the trees have disappeared. What will happen on Earth? Why might trees disappear? The image of a birch tree surrounds us everywhere. Birches grow in our forest, on the streets of the village. Baksheevo, near our school, poems are written about birches. People who have moved to other countries miss the birch trees. And why? Why is birch important for humans? Why does it occupy such an important place in our lives? How does birch help a person? We would really like to find an answer to all these questions and prove that birch is one of the best plants in the world. We decided to develop a project “Birch is a symbol of my Motherland.”

2.Collection, systematization and storage of information

We are divided into sectors:


Writers Geographers

Technologists Artists: Writers: Geographers: Construction technologists: Olga Mozhaeva, Anastasia Bugaenko and parents of students
To write the report, the capabilities of the WORD text editor were used. The final material is also presented in the form of a presentation made in the Power Point editor. Illustrative material for the presentation was collected on the Internet and through scanning of drawn illustrations.
3.Selection of project.
We decided to fulfill research project.

Questions, which we would like to answer in our


Why is the birch a symbol of Russia?

What types of birch exist in the world?

The importance of birch in human cultural heritage.

4.Project implementation. See project matrixSee the table “Interaction between teacher and student”

Project Matrix

Project name

Interaction between teacher and student

Roles and positions of students and volunteers

5. Main part of the project:

Creative groups report

Geographers provided material about different types of birch trees:

Birch is the most common tree species in the Northern Hemisphere. There are about 120 species in the genus throughout the northern hemisphere, of which 40 species are in Russia. Birch trees grow up to 30 -45 m tall. There are also dwarf birches. Birch bark is usually smooth, covered with a layer of cork tissue, birch bark, peeling off in thin plates, most often white, yellowish or pinkish, in some species gray, brown and even black. The maximum age of most birches does not exceed 100-120 years, for yellow birch - 150 years, some trees reach an age of 300 years. Most birches are frost-hardy, with the exception of Himalayan-Chinese, some Japanese and American black birch, which are more demanding of heat.

Be the cut is warty or drooping.
Tree up to 20 m tall, with an openwork, irregular crown and smooth, white, peeling bark. In mature trees, the lower part of the trunk is covered with a thick blackish crust, with deep cracks. This distinguishes it from most white-trunked birches. The branches are mostly drooping, the young shoots are warty. Distributed throughout the European part of Russia and beyond the Urals to the Ob River.

Be Karelian cut.
A tree with six growth forms - from creeping to erect. Protected in nature reserves. It is found within the range of the main species from Belarus and to the north of it. In the arboretum, trees reach heights from 4 m to 18 m.
Paper birch.
Ra Found in eastern and central North America, in all types of forests, swamps and river valleys. Powerful tree up to 30 m tall, with a wide dense crown. The bark of the trunk is bright white, pinkish in young trees, and easily peels off in leaf-shaped, transverse stripes. “Paper” got its name from the whiteness of the bark.
Cherry birch.
A very decorative North American species. Grows in the mountains mixed with other deciduous trees. Tree up to 25 m tall, with a pyramidal crown when young. Mature plants are rounded, with hanging branches. The bark of the trunk is dark, cherry-red (hence the name “cherry”).

Daurian or black birch.
Ra spread throughout the Far East, Mongolia, Northern China, Japan, and Korea. It is considered an indicator of soil suitability for agriculture. Protected in nature reserves. Tree up to 25 m tall with a widely spreading, openwork crown. It is easily distinguished from other species by its original bark: in young trees it is pinkish or even slightly reddish, in old trees it is dark gray, sometimes even black-brown, cracking along its length.

Fluffy birch
Ra stet in Europe, Western Siberia, Kazakhstan. Protected in nature reserves.
It grows in damp forests, the edges of swamps, and the shores of lakes. Tree up to 15 m tall, with a pure white trunk that does not form a dark crust at the base; with a broadly branched, ovoid crown formed by upwardly directed branches. The bark of young branches is smooth, reddish-brown, later pure white.

Ribbed birch, or Far Eastern birch.
One of the distinctive features of this species is its shade tolerance. Young plants can only develop in the shade. Very rare in culture.
The shaggy trunk, covered with shiny light yellow bark, and the peculiar shape of the crown give it an original appearance throughout the year. Resident of Khabarovsk and Primorsky territories, Northeast China and North Korea.
B woolly erez.
Representative of mountain slopes, clearings, cleared areas of dark coniferous forests of the subalpine zone of Eastern Siberia, the Far East and Korea. A tree completely different from our birches, up to 15 m tall. Notable is the presence of fluff on young branches, as well as woolly buds.
B Erman's erez, or stone one.
Distributed in Kamchatka, Sakhalin, the coast of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, the Kuril Islands, and Japan. Protected in nature reserves. Grows in mountain forests. Tree up to 15 m tall, with a widely spreading crown. The bark of the trunk is variously cracked, dark gray, brownish, chestnut-gray or yellow-gray, often hanging on the trunks and branches in rags.

Writers conducted a study “The Image of the Birch in Poetry”:

Artists organized an exhibition of works

“There was a birch tree in the field”

Geographers remembered folk festivals with the participation of birch:

B Heresa wakes up first. She is a symbol of blossoming nature, its beauty. In Russia they believed that birch saved from witchcraft; birch decorations made for Trinity were considered especially miraculous.

Like we have three holidays a year,

The first holiday is Semik honest,

Another holiday is Trinity Day,

And the third holiday is the swimsuit.

The national holiday Semik falls on Thursday, the seventh week after Easter, two days before Trinity. On this day, houses are cleaned with birch trees and the floor is strewn with grass. In folk holidays, green branches, grass, flowers are a symbol of an ever-renewing world. Celebration of the seventh semester

usually took place in the forests. Having prepared pies, kvass, boiled eggs and other treats, they went into the forest, where they put everything under a birch tree. In the forest, birch trees were decorated, wreaths were curled on the branches, braids were braided with ribbons on the birch trees; they tied the tops of two birch trees together to form a gate, tied the ends of the trees with rings, and wove the birch tops with grass, bending the birch to the ground. The wreath formed by the branches was a magic circle.

On Trinity Day they came again to the same forest to develop their wreaths. The girls watched the wreaths curled on the birch tree: if the wreath was dry, they dropped it from their heads into the river and watched where it would float. And where the wreath lands, the groom will be on that side. Whose wreath is brought first to the shore by the water, she will marry before her friends; if the wreath is in one place, it won’t work; if the wreath sinks, it’s bad, death.

H man and birch are friends.

Birch is not only a beautiful symbol, but also a real healing tree. The bark, leaves and buds are used for medicinal purposes. The plant contains betulin, tar, methyl salicylate (similar to aspirin) and resin.C With the arrival of spring, resinous fragrant droplets are released from the axillary birch buds, which were called “tears” back in Ancient Greece, which attract bees. They use them to produce propolis. The buds are collected in early spring during the swelling period, but always before the leaves bloom. They are stored in paper bags for two years. Used for cardiovascular diseases.
It has been found that pathogenic microorganisms die on birch leaves faster than on other plants. Externally, birch leaves are used for warming compresses and poultices for arthritis, rheumatism, and in the treatment of eczema and lichen. An infusion of birch leaves is drunk for swelling. Be raz juice is a colorless, sweetish, odorless liquid that contains glucose and fructose, vitamin C, calcium, sodium, copper, iron salts, organic acids, enzymes and other useful substances. You can drink the juice for gout. rheumatism, edema, furunculosis, and as an external products used for eczema and many other skin diseases. In addition, birch sap is widely used as a refreshing and tonic drink. In Belarus, kvass has long been prepared using birch sap. This drink can be stored for 2-3 months. To increase the body's resistance and remove toxins from it, it is recommended to take an infusion of silver birch leaves.

Technologists have discovered the features of birch bark

Each people inhabiting Russia has developed long-standing, original traditions of making household items from local natural materials. Birch bark is the top layer of birch bark, white on the outside and golden yellow on the inside. Birch bark is a surprisingly flexible and warm material. It is not for nothing that in Rus' it was indispensable in the manufacture of various household items. Our ancestors used birch bark to make roofs of houses, light summer dwellings and boats, floats for nets, household utensils (tues, boxes, baskets, purses), bast shoes, and toys for children. It was also used as paper, as evidenced by birch bark letters found in large quantities in Novgorod among ancient things made of birch bark. Before you start making products from birch bark, you need to learn how to determine the type of birch that produces the best birch bark.

Birch is a representative of deciduous tree species. Of the forty species of birch trees growing in Russia, only downy birch or its hybrid forms with warty birch can serve as a source of birch bark suitable for making products.

Summing up the research:

Children's stories about participation in the project


During the work on the project, 10 species of birch trees were considered. I learned about the external differences between one type of birch and another. I also saw that different types of birch trees require their own climatic conditions for good growth: some need sun, others need shade. Some need moisture, others are unpretentious to frost.
I understood why the birch is a symbol of Russia. After all, since ancient times, people have used wood, leaves, buds, sap, and birch bark. They used the components of birch for medicinal purposes, in construction, in the manufacture of objects and in design. And since birch grows throughout Russia in large quantities, people could obtain its gifts without much difficulty. In addition, birch has roots in the ancient religion of the Russian people, in their beliefs. Working on the project allowed me to expand my knowledge not only about birch, but also about the history of my country.

6.Project evaluation

a) Internal reflective self-assessment of students:

(Please mark with + the qualities that you acquired while working on the project)

I learned:


Survey questions

During the lessons of the surrounding world, second-grade students were asked to complete project work on topics that interested them. Despite the fact that this was the students’ first individual project activity, they managed to create interesting projects. In many ways, their parents helped the children. Classmates got acquainted with the works of their comrades with great interest.



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RESEARCH WORK of 2nd grade students A of HBO at Central Educational Center No. 1816 Andrey Isychenko and Nadezhda Razina on the topic: “Ink”

It is difficult to meet a person who does not use ink and does not know what it is. But how many of us know the history of ink, the composition of ink, and the production process? The purpose of the research work: - to find out the history of ink; - ink production in-house.

The most ancient ink recipe belongs to the Egyptians. Long before our era, they used a mixture of ash from burning papyrus roots and a solution of sticky thick acacia or cherry juice for writing.

In ancient times, people made ink from... cuttlefish. Cuttlefish and their octopus cousins ​​have a special ink sac from which the animals release an “ink bomb” in a moment of danger for camouflage. Based on these ink sacs, we learned how to prepare ink for writing.

But even today ink continues to be widely used. For example, printing houses use special inks to print magazines and newspapers, as well as our favorite comic books. A regular printer cartridge is also filled with ink. And some chefs use cuttlefish ink in cooking to give them an exotic black color. Interestingly, in our time the best black paint is prepared from soot obtained by burning grape seeds.

In northern Africa, in Algeria, there is a unique lake. This one-of-a-kind reservoir is filled with real ink, quite suitable for writing. In such a poisonous body of water there are no fish, no plants grow, and there are no living organisms in this place at all. Two rivers meet in this inky lake. One water contains a large amount of iron, while the other contains a high content of compounds from peat bogs. When two such different waters combine, chemical reactions are formed and, as a result, ink.

There are a great many ink recipes. The simplest and at the same time entertaining recipe is the invisible (sympathetic) ink recipe. In the past, they were successfully used by spies. There are many methods for this type of secret writing, and they all use colorless or slightly colored liquids. The messages they write become visible only after certain actions.

Ink has a long history and plays a huge role in our daily lives. Ink can be made from old rusty nails, kvass, honey and even sour cabbage soup. And on your own at home.


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Why do people need emotions, and how to manage them?

Emotions are what people and animals experience and feel.

Emotions help animals adapt to their environment.

A person needs emotions to correctly assess the situation in which he finds himself.

Emotions are the result of brain activity.

Emotions are expressed through facial expressions, gestures, and voice.

Types of emotions:

Negative emotions can be destructive, so they need to be managed. “I want to help myself. Go away, insult, away!”

How to manage your emotions? If you are worried or angry, take 3 deep breaths and count to 10, this will help you calm down. Learn to express your emotions: tell your friends or family about them, draw or write a fairy tale about them. Imagine your negative emotion in the form of a balloon and let it fly away!


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Research work Why does a cat need a mustache? Completed by student 2 “A” of class Central Educational Center No. 1816 Maria Popova

Why does a cat need a mustache?

Purpose of the work: Find out what role the whiskers play in the life of a cat? Objectives: * consider the functions of whiskers in cats, * observe the behavior of the cat; * read additional literature; * draw conclusions based on observations.

We have a cat at home. Her name is Monica. I take care of her, feed her, and when I have free time, I play with her. Watching Monica, I thought - why does she need such a long mustache? What role do they play in a cat's life? I asked these questions to my parents and close relatives. As a rule, everyone said that whiskers are needed to catch mice. It seemed to me that this was not entirely true. Then I started reading animal magazines and searching for information on the Internet.

And this is what I understood: the mustache is a vital organ that performs a number of irreplaceable functions. Whiskers are at the same time a guide when moving in the dark, and an important means of hunting, and even a “weather vane” of a cat’s mood. Each solid object that the cat approaches slightly changes the direction of the air currents, and this allows it to detect these objects without even touching them.

I found out that on average each cat has 24 whiskers - 12 on each side, and their average length is 6 - 7 cm.

At the base of a cat's whiskers there are nerve endings with which the cat receives information about the world around it, about objects, about the wind, about air temperature and much more. Thanks to the whiskers that stick out on both sides, the cat determines whether it will fit through the hole! Also, I learned that the cat family includes animals from small cats to large tigers. Also, I learned that the cat family includes animals from small cats to large tigers.

By the location of a cat's whiskers, you can learn about its internal state; if the whiskers, for example, are directed forward, this means that the cat is interested in something, or it wants to scare its opponent with this look. When a cat's whiskers are directed back, it means fear, or simply a reluctance to communicate.

A cat's whiskers, like its main coat, are subject to shedding. But this does not happen simultaneously with the main molt. When a mustache falls out, it is constantly restored. The cat's whiskers are renewed as they wear out. But under no circumstances should you cut a cat’s whiskers, otherwise you can deprive it of one of the important organs of smell and touch.

Conclusions: Whiskers play the role of highly sensitive antennas and provide the cat with invaluable assistance in near orientation. Thanks to the whiskers, the animal receives a wide variety of information and helps it move and hunt. When preparing for the performance, in addition to articles on the Internet, I used information from the magazines: “My Friend is a Cat” and “Friend (for Cat Lovers”), as well as from children’s books: “Cats and Kittens” and “All About Cats”.

Thank you for your attention!

Crossword 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 h 9 10

Questions 1. What should you never do with a cat’s whiskers? 2.Big cat. 3. The cat always says this word. 4. Why does a cat glow in the dark? 5.Cat weapons. 6. The cat uses it as a rudder in flight. 7. A cat’s favorite object of hunting. 8.Mom always finds and cleans the sofa and clothes from her 9.The name of the main character of my research work 10.The TV and cats have

Answers: 1 cut 2 tiger 3 m 4 eyes 5 claws and 6 tail 7 mouse 8 fur h 9 Monika 10 aerials


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The history of the legendary Soviet and Russian film studio began in 1920.

The territory of Mosfilm is impressive in its size. Crossing the threshold of the entrance, you feel as if you find yourself in a small town with many streets, pavilions and buildings. An excursion to the Mosfilm film studio is a small journey into the world of cinema. Illusion and reality are inseparable here.

First we were taken to the vintage car museum. It is noteworthy that each car here has its own special story. Each of the cars presented here was filmed in a film, or even several at once.

Here you can also see carriages from various feature films.

When the film is shot, the sets are dismantled and thrown away.

There were a lot of different wigs there.

The guide told us one remarkable fact. It turns out that some actors refused to make masks with their eyes closed for superstitious reasons. For example, casts of the faces of Vladimir Menshov and Nikolai Karachentsev were made with open eyes.

In general, there is a whole city here. There are shops, hotels, taverns, restaurants, and a church. Half of the scenery is a city, the other half is a village. In one part there are smooth paving stones, in the other there is a crooked cobblestone street.

Origin of crystals Natural crystals originate and grow in the depths of the Earth for a long time under conditions of high temperatures and enormous pressure. People have learned to grow artificial crystals not only in laboratories, but even at home.

Substances that form crystals Crystals are not only diamonds, amethysts, emeralds, sapphires and other precious and semi-precious stones. In addition to these most famous and beautiful crystals, there are many other substances in nature that have the ability to form crystals. The most common such substance is ordinary water. Everyone knows what water crystals look like - ice and snowflakes.

Copper sulfate crystal
