Equipment for school science projects in physics. Research topics in physics

Project activity of students is one of the methods of developmental (personally-oriented) training, aimed at developing independent research skills (posing a problem, collecting and processing information, conducting experiments, analyzing the results obtained), which contributes to the development of creative abilities and logical thinking, combines knowledge, received during the educational process contributes to the formation of certain professional competencies. A list of topics for implementing projects in various forms is proposed.



Topics of abstracts (reports), individual projects in physics

for 1st year students

Alexander Stepanovich Popov - Russian scientist, inventor of radio.

Alternative energy.

Acoustic properties of semiconductors.

Atomic battery and radioactive lights

Physical principles of functioning of information and telecommunication systems

Astronomy of our days. Asteroids.

Atomic physics. Isotopes. Application of radioactive isotopes.

Non-contact methods of temperature control.

Bipolar transistors.

The greatest discoveries of physics.

Electrical discharges in human service.

The influence of defects on the physical properties of crystals.

The Universe and dark matter.

Holography and its application.

Wireless transmission of electricity

Diffraction in our life.

Liquid crystals.

The significance of Galileo's discoveries.

Albert Einstein and digital technology (cameras, etc.).

Use of electricity in transport.

Classification and characteristics of elementary particles.

Cryoelectronics (microelectronics and cold).

Capabilities of modern lasers.

Leonardo da Vinci - scientist and inventor.

Microwave radiation. Benefit and harm.

Method of labeled atoms.

Methods for observing and recording radioactive radiation and particles.

Nanotechnology is an interdisciplinary field of fundamental and applied science and technology.

Nikola Tesla: life and extraordinary discoveries.

Nicolaus Copernicus is the creator of the heliocentric system of the world.

Niels Bohr is one of the founders of modern physics.

Nucleosynthesis in the Universe.

Optical phenomena in nature.

Discovery and application of high-temperature superconductivity.

Alternating electric current and its application.

Plasma is the fourth state of matter.

Planets of the Solar System.

Semiconductor temperature sensors.

Application of liquid crystals in industry.

Application of nuclear reactors. The nature of ferromagnetism.

Environmental problems associated with the use of heat engines.

Origin of the Solar System.

Piezoelectric effect and its application.

CMB radiation.

Touch screens and physical processes

The birth and evolution of stars.

Modern satellite communications.

Modern physical picture of the world.

Modern means of communication.

The sun is the source of life on Earth.

Controlled thermonuclear fusion. Charged particle accelerators.

Physics in modern technologies

Physical properties of the atmosphere.


Black holes.

Electromagnetic wave scale.

Environmental problems and possible ways to solve them.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

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All the crystals that surround us were not formed once and for all ready-made, but grew gradually. Crystals are not only natural, but also artificial, grown by humans. Why do they also create artificial crystals, if almost all solid bodies around us already have a crystalline structure? When grown artificially, it is possible to obtain larger and purer crystals than in nature. There are also crystals that are rare and highly valued in nature, but are very necessary in technology. Therefore, laboratory and factory methods have been developed for growing crystals of diamond, quartz, sapphire, etc. In laboratories, large crystals necessary for technology and science, precious stones, crystalline materials for precision instruments are grown, and those crystals that are studied by crystallographers, physicists, and chemists are created there , metallurgists, mineralogists, discovering new remarkable phenomena and properties in them. In nature, in a laboratory, in a factory, crystals grow from solutions, from melts, from vapors, from solids. Therefore, it seems important and interesting to study the process of crystal formation, find out the conditions for their formation, and grow crystals without the use of special devices. This determined the topic of the research work.

Almost any substance can give crystals under certain conditions. Crystals are most often formed from the liquid phase - solution or melt; It is possible to obtain crystals from the gas phase or during phase transformation in the solid phase. Crystals are grown (synthesized) in laboratories and factories. It is also possible to obtain crystals of such complex natural substances as proteins and even viruses.

  • Many people know that the solubility of substances depends on temperature. Typically, with increasing temperature, solubility increases, and with decreasing temperature, it decreases. We know that some substances dissolve well, others - poorly. When substances dissolve, saturated and unsaturated solutions are formed. A saturated solution is a solution that contains the maximum amount of solute at a given temperature. An unsaturated solution is a solution that contains less solute than a saturated solution at a given temperature.

I used the simplest method of growing crystals of copper sulfate and rock salt from a solution. First you need to prepare a saturated solution. To do this, pour water (hot, but not boiling) into a glass and pour a substance (copper sulfate or rock salt powder) into it in portions and stir with a glass or wooden stick until completely dissolved. As soon as the substance stops dissolving, this means that at a given temperature the solution is saturated. Then it will cool, when the water begins to gradually evaporate from it, the “extra” substance falls out in the form of crystals. On top of the glass you need to place a pencil (stick) with a thread wrapped around it. Some kind of weight is attached to the free end of the thread so that the thread straightens and hangs vertically in the solution, not reaching a little of the bottom. Leave the glass alone for 2-3 days. After a while, you can find that the thread is overgrown with crystals. The results of the formation of crystals by the cooling method are presented in the photograph.

In 2015, from May 25 to June 30, when taking long-term courses at CHIPKRO under the guidance of Ganga Bekhanovna Elmurzaeva under the program “Requirements for a modern lesson,” the project method is used very widely both in class and outside of class work. I decided to use this 2nd generation program and test project activities. The use of project activities is a phenomenon of the times, as it contributes to the formation of new technological thinking, gaining experience in creative work, solving specific school problems, identifying and using in the educational process an active part of students who have a penchant for organizational work and leadership. In the public consciousness, a transition is taking place from understanding the social purpose of the school as a task of simple transfer of knowledge, skills and abilities from teacher to student to a new understanding of the function of the school. The priority goal of school education is to develop students’ ability to independently set educational goals, design ways to implement them, monitor and evaluate their achievements. In other words, the formation of the ability to learn. The student himself must become the “architect and builder” of the educational process. As the famous parable says, to feed a hungry man you can catch a fish and feed him. Or you can do it differently - teach how to fish, and then a person who has learned to fish will never go hungry again. We are talking about the formation of universal learning activities (ULA) in the student. Not knowledge, not skills, but universal actions that a student must master in order to solve different classes of problems in certain life situations. In this regard, the basic results of school education could be the ability to learn and understand the world, cooperate, communicate, organize joint activities, investigate problem situations - set and solve problems.



Physics project

"Amazing Physics"

Object of study: The process of teaching physics in grades 7-8.

Subject of research: Organization of project activities of students using information technologies in physics lessons.

Project manager: Dzhamilkhanova Dzhamilya Alievna, physics teacher at MBOU “Secondary School No. 10” in Grozny, highest qualification category.

1.Introduction 1

2.Project abstract _ 3

3.Problems and Relevance of the professional project 4

4. Project implementation stages 5

5. Expected result 8

6.Using the project method in physics lessons 9

7. Project implementation results for 2016 10

8. Practical significance of the project 12

9.Conclusions 17

10.References 18


In 2015, from May 25 to June 30, when taking long-term courses at CHIPKRO under the guidance of Ganga Bekhanovna Elmurzaeva under the program “Requirements for a modern lesson,” the project method is used very widely both in class and outside of class work. I decided to use this 2nd generation program and test project activities. The use of project activities is a phenomenon of the times, as it contributes to the formation of new technological thinking, gaining experience in creative work, solving specific school problems, identifying and using in the educational process an active part of students who have a penchant for organizational work and leadership.

The project is designed for 3 years (from 2016 to 2018)

In the public consciousness, there is a transition from an understanding of the social purpose of the school as a task of simple transfer of knowledge, skills and abilities from teacher to student to a new understanding of the function of the school. The priority goal of school education is to develop students’ ability to independently set educational goals, design ways to implement them, monitor and evaluate their achievements. In other words, the formation of the ability to learn. The student himself must become the “architect and builder” of the educational process. As the famous parable says, to feed a hungry man you can catch a fish and feed him. Or you can do it differently - teach how to fish, and then a person who has learned to fish will never go hungry again. We are talking about the formation of universal learning activities (ULA) in the student. Not knowledge, not skills, but universal actions that a student must master in order to solve different classes of problems in certain life situations. In this regard, the basic results of school education could be the ability to learn and understand the world, cooperate, communicate, organize joint activities, investigate problem situations - set and solve problems.

2.Project abstract:

In natural science lessons, it is possible to use various types of educational activities: cognitive, research, analytical, project, experimental. Physics as an academic discipline provides ample opportunities for students to realize themselves in them. One of the key ideas of modern education is the idea of ​​developing competencies. The personal competence of a teenager is not limited to a set of knowledge and skills, but is determined by the effectiveness of their application in real practice. To be competent means to be able to mobilize existing knowledge and experience to solve a problem in specific circumstances.

The formation of competencies in middle school age occurs on the basis of a certain picture of the world, which children develop by the 7th-8th grade. Gradually, interest in physics lessons disappears when problem solving begins. The reasons may lie in the complexity of the subject and lack of knowledge on the subject, as well as in the fact that children do not see the need for the acquired knowledge and the possibility of applying this knowledge in everyday life.

One of the most effective methods that create conditions for ensuring a sustainable communication process aimed at developing the competence of adolescents is working on a project.

The implementation of this project will solve the following problems:


  1. Weak interest in the subject of physics.
  2. Lack of knowledge in physics.
  3. Possibilities for applying the acquired knowledge in everyday life.

3.Relevance of the project

Experience at school has shown that in developing interest in a subject one cannot rely only on the content of the material being studied. If students are not actively involved, then any meaningful material will arouse in them a contemplative interest in the subject that will not be supported by cognitive interest. In order to awaken active activity in schoolchildren, they need to be offered an interesting and significant problem. The project method allows schoolchildren to move from mastering ready-made knowledge to their conscious acquisition.

The nature of the organization of the content of educational material, the implementation of practical work and frontal experiments in virtually every lesson contribute to the formation of universal educational actions and, ultimately, the ability to learn.

Active participation in the project will allow the children to increase the level of their competencies. This is the second year since I launched my project.

The project method is based on the idea that forms the essence of the concept of “project”, its pragmatic focus on the result that can be obtained by solving a particular practically or theoretically significant problem. This result can be seen, comprehended and applied in real practical activities. To achieve such a result, it is necessary to teach children or adults to think independently, find and solve problems, using for this purpose knowledge from different fields, the ability to predict results and possible consequences of different solution options, and the ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships.

The project method is always focused on students’ independent activities - individual, pair, group, which students perform over a certain period of time. This method is organically combined with group methods.

The project method always involves solving some problem. The solution to the problem involves, on the one hand, the use of a combination of various methods and teaching aids, and on the other hand, it presupposes the need to integrate knowledge, the ability to apply knowledge from various fields of science, technology, technology, and creative fields. The results of completed projects must be, as they say, “tangible”, that is, if it is a theoretical problem, then a specific solution, if it is a practical one, then a specific result, ready for use (in the classroom, at school, in real life).

If we talk about the project method as a pedagogical technology, then this technology involves a set of research, search, problem methods, creative in their very essence.

The project method allows, in the least resource-intensive way, to create operating conditions that are as close as possible to real ones for the development of student competencies. When working on a project, there is an exceptional opportunity to develop problem-solving competence in schoolchildren (since a prerequisite for implementing the project method in school is for students to solve their own problems using the project’s means). There is an opportunity to master the methods of activity that make up communicative and information competence.

At its core, design is an independent type of activity that differs from cognitive activity. This type of activity exists in culture as a fundamental way of planning and implementing changes in reality.

4. Project activities include the following stages:

Development of a project plan (situation analysis, problem analysis, goal setting, planning);

Implementation of the project plan (implementation of planned actions);

Evaluation of project results (new altered state of reality).

Project goals:

Increasing interest in the subject.

Increasing student activity

Professional orientation of students to technical professions.

Development of communicative UUD

Development of competencies.

Project objectives:

Create creative groups of middle and high school students.

Collect a collection of entertaining experiments (for demonstration and frontal experiments).

Collect a selection of interesting educational information about scientists, phenomena, professions, i.e. about everything related to the subject “physics”.

Independent research

Self-collection of information

Analysis of the information received

Clarification and formulation of each student’s own task

Using your own experience when working with information

Exchange of information between group members

Studying specialized literature, information from the media, the Internet

Analysis and interpretation of the obtained data

10. Federal State Educational Standards http:/

11. Festival “Open Lesson” http:/festi

12.Network of creatively working teachers




Braking distances.

Filippova Anastasia Viktorovna

students of 10th – “B” grade

Scientific adviser:

Titkova Raisa Vasilievna physics teacher

Educational institution:

MBOU "Pervomaiskaya secondary

Comprehensive school"

(academic building No. 1)


I. Introduction. 3-4

II. Main part.

1. Public opinion research 5-6

2. What is braking distance (a little theory)

2.1. Car braking distance 6-7

2.2 Calculation of braking distance using formula 7

3. Results of experiments 8-9

III. Conclusion. Conclusions. 10-11

IV. List of used literature. eleven


Problem : Understand whether we need to take into account the braking distance when we use transport or cross the road in front of transport.

Why is it forbidden to cross the road in front of nearby vehicles? What distance do they consider safe from a moving vehicle? How to explain the high percentage of injuries on the roads and traffic accidents.

The answers to these and many other questions related to the movement of bodies are given by the laws of mechanics.

Relevance of the topic.

Many of those who are currently studying at school will in the future become drivers or pedestrians who must know that braking distance depends on the initial speed and the coefficient of adhesion of the tires to the road.

The main goal of this project:


To achieve our goals, we worked on this project in the following areas:

1) Public opinion research;

2) Study of the theory of braking distance;

3) Experiment;

4) Conclusions

Hypothesis. The braking distance depends on the speed and the coefficient of adhesion of the tires to the road.

Practical significanceconsists in applying the dependence of the braking distance on the speed and on the coefficient of adhesion of the tires to the road. It is also necessary to take this into account in everyday life.

Scientific interest is that in the process of studying this issue, some information was obtained about the practical application of the braking distance phenomenon.

To find out what factors the braking distance depends on, I studied the following literature: 1) Bytko N.D. Physics, parts 1 and 2. Mechanics. Molecular physics and heat. IN The manual includes a large number of problems with solutions for a better understanding of physics. Many examples are given showing the connection between physics and technology. 2) Ivanov A.S., Leprosa A.T. World of mechanics and technology: Book. for students. The book, using numerous examples, tells about the fascinating world of technology, based on mechanical laws. 3)Elementary physics textbook: Study guide. Ed. G.S. Landsberg. T.1 Mechanics. Molecular physics.The advantage of this manual is the depth of presentation of the physical side of processes and phenomena in nature and technology.


Research on the availability of vehicles among MBOU employees

"Pervomaiskaya Secondary School" educational building No. 2

Table 1

Conclusion: The survey showed that each family owns an average of two vehicles.

Research on the availability of vehicles among students of the Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution “Pervomaiskaya Secondary School”, educational building No. 2

table 2


Number of students

Number of vehicles (moped, bicycle)

percentage of provision of a vehicle for students, %




Conclusion: the period under study shows an increase in vehicles among students.

Questionnaire: population’s attitude towards vehicles.

Table 3

Conclusion: a car is not a luxury, but a means of transportation.

2.What is braking distance (a little theory)

2.1 Braking distance of a car.

Braking distance is the distance covered by a car from the start of braking to a complete stop.

The beginning of the braking distance is the moment when the car's braking system is activated, and its end is the moment the car comes to a complete stop.

It goes without saying that a moving car at high speed will not be able to stop instantly. He will walk some distance before stopping. Thus, a modern car on a highway at a speed of 100 km/h travels up to 28 m every second. It is clear that a certain distance is needed to stop it completely.

Its value is directly dependent on the speed of movement, the method of braking and road conditions. At a speed of 50 km/h the average braking distance will be about 15 m, and at a speed of 100 km/h about 60 m i.e. four times more.

The braking distance of a car depends on many factors:

1- movement speed

2- road surface

3- weather conditions

4- condition of wheels and brake system

5-braking method

The length of the braking distance is often the decisive factor in a critical situation on the road.

An extra meter traced by tires on the asphalt can cost not only a broken bumper, but also your life.

2.2 Braking distance formula.

There are several formulas for calculating braking distance. They are based on Newton's second law.

The main braking distance of a car can be determined by the formula:

S = V²о/2gµ,


S - braking distance in meters;

Vo is the speed of the vehicle at the moment of braking, m/sec;

g - gravity acceleration equal to 9.81 m/s 2 ;

µ - coefficient of tire adhesion to the road.

The above formula is only suitable for simultaneous braking of all wheels to the point of skidding.

The formula shows that the braking distance depends only on the speed and coefficient of adhesion of the tires to the road. However, the value of the latter may change depending on the type and condition of the road surface, the type of vehicle tires and the air pressure in them.


1. Dependence of braking distance on bicycle speed

Table 4

Table 5

Table 6

Table 7

Conclusion: The higher the speed, the longer the braking distance. When driving a car both on a dry summer road and on a slippery winter road, the braking distance and braking time depend on the initial speed, and the braking distance is directly proportional to the square of the initial speed

2. Dependence of braking distanceon the coefficient of tire adhesion to the road.

Table 8

Vehicle speed, km/h

Braking distance on a dry road, m



Braking distance on a wet road, m




Braking distance on a winter packed snow road.

Braking distance on a road covered with ice crust, m



Conclusion: the coefficient of road adhesion depends on weather conditions. The worse the road, the lower the coefficient and the longer the braking distance.


Many accidents could have been avoided if drivers had followed the golden rule - keep your distance. In our work, we found out what distance should be maintained for our own safety and how to determine the required distance

Now we know exactly what the braking distance depends on. More specifically, braking distance depends on:on the speed and coefficient of tire adhesion to the road.

We conducted a series of experiments, performed approximately the same experiments as scientists, and obtained approximately the same results. It turned out that experimentally we confirmed all the statements we made.

We created a series of experiments to help understand and explain some “difficult” observations.

But most importantly, we realized how great it is to gain knowledge ourselves and then share it with others.


Research has shown that:

  1. The braking distance of a car depends on speed and oncoefficient of tire adhesion to the road.
  1. To ensure traffic safety in any road conditions, when driving at any speed, the following rule must be observed: the stopping distance must be less than the visibility distance.
  1. When driving a car both on a dry summer road and on a slippery winter road, the braking distance and braking time depend on the initial speed, and the braking distance is directly proportional to the square of the initial speed and the braking time is its first power (t ~ 0);
  1. Since in winter the coefficient of friction of rubber on asphalt decreases, braking distance and braking time increase;
  1. Stopping traffic requires time and space: you cannot cross the road in front of nearby traffic. This should be remembered in order to avoid accidents for both pedestrians and motorists.


  1. Elementary physics textbook: Study guide. In 3-xt. /Under the editorship of G.S. Landsberg. T.1 Mechanics. Molecular Physics. M.: Nauka, 1985, 218 p.
  2. Ivanov A.S., Prokaza A.T. World of mechanics and technology: Book. for students. – M.: Education, 1993.
  3. Bytko N.D. Physics, parts 1 and 2. Mechanics. Molecular physics and heat. M.: Higher school, 1972, 336 p.



    Anastasia Filippova, student of class 10B

    MBOU Secondary School (educational building No. 1) Pervomaisky village

    R.V. Titkova, physics teacher

    MBOU Secondary School (educational building No. 1) Pervomaisky village

    Braking distances

    Section: Natural science direction

    Project topic: Braking distances. What does it depend on, how is it determined.

    Supervisor: Titkova R.V. Physics teacher at MBOU "PSOSH" (building No. 2).

    Relevance. In our country, every year there is an increase in vehicles and roads have become an object of increased danger, which leads to the need to study this issue.

    Novelty . Study first-hand the impact of braking distance, speed and tire adhesion coefficient.

    Target: investigate the factors on which the braking distance depends.


    1. Study the literature on this issue.

    2. Organize a survey, questionnaire for the purpose of vehicle availability and systematize the information received.

    3. Find out the dependence of the braking distance on the speed and coefficient of adhesion of the tires to the road.

    4. Organize experiments to confirm the dependence of the braking distance on speed and the coefficient of tire adhesion to the road.

    5.Think over and create demonstration experiments that prove the dependence of the braking distance on the speed of the vehicle and on the coefficient of adhesion of the tires to the road.

“Heat and cold are the two hands of nature, with which she does almost everything.”

Francis Bacon

Academic subject (disciplines close to the topic): physics - topic “Thermal Phenomena”, integration with geography, biology, history, astronomy.

Student age: 8th grade.

Project type: role-playing, search.

Project goal: developing competence in the field of independent cognitive activity:

  • skills of independent work with large volumes of information,
  • ability to see a problem and outline ways to solve it,
  • group work skills.

Fundamental Question: Are “Infinite” + " And " - ” ? (Do high and low temperatures have a limit?)

Let's ask historians, geographers, biologists, experimenters, astronomers, and physicists.

Project products: eight presentations made in Power Point (the works are linked by hyperlinks to the general presentation made by the teacher); collection of thermometers; entertaining demonstration experiments.

First group of historians

The creative title of the work is “The Progenitor of Modern Thermometers.”

Problematic question: what is the history of the creation of the first device for measuring temperature - the thermoscope?

Assignment: recreate a thermoscope and demonstrate its operation.

Ancient scientists judged temperature by direct sensation. It was only in 1592 that Galileo Galilei designed a device for measuring temperature - the thermoscope. Thermoscope - from the Greek words: “thermo” - heat “skopeo” - I look. The thermoscope consisted of a glass ball with a glass tube soldered to it and a glass of water.

Let's try to create a thermoscope: heat a glass flask, turn it upside down, and lower the open end into a glass of water. The thermoscope is ready. By the height of the column of water in the neck of the flask, one can judge changes in temperature: when the air in the flask is cooled, the column of water rises, and when heated, it falls.

  • The thermoscope is 415 years old, but it works
  • A thermoscope can see temperature changes, but cannot measure them.
  • Indications depend on atmospheric pressure
  • The device does not have a scale

The entire subsequent history of the creation of a thermometer is the history of improving the thermoscope. The air was replaced with colored alcohol and later with mercury. By pumping out the air from the tube and sealing the open end, we eliminated the influence of atmospheric pressure. But the main improvement was the creation of a scale.

Second group of historians

Creative title of the work: “Different scales are needed, all kinds of scales are important”

Problematic question: What scales exist for measuring temperature, and what is the history of their creation?

Fahrenheit Gabriel Daniel (1686-1736), German physicist and glassblower. Worked in the UK and the Netherlands. He made alcohol (1709) and mercury (1714) thermometers. He proposed a temperature scale that bears his name - the Fahrenheit scale is a temperature scale, 1 degree of which (1 °F) is equal to 1/180 of the difference between the temperatures of boiling water and melting ice at atmospheric pressure. Fahrenheit took as one of the reference points of his scale (0 °F) the lowest temperature he could obtain - the temperature of a mixture of water, ice, ammonia and salt. The second point he chose was the temperature of the mixture of water and ice. And he divided the distance between them into 32 parts. The human body temperature on his scale corresponded to 96 °F, the boiling point of water was 212 °F. The Fahrenheit scale is still used in England and the USA.

Reaumur René Antoine (1683-1757), French naturalist, zoologist, foreign honorary member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences. In 1730, he proposed a temperature scale that bears his name - the Reaumur scale - this is a temperature scale, one degree of which is equal to 1/80 of the difference between the temperatures of boiling water and melting ice at atmospheric pressure, i.e. 1 °R = 5/4 °C . The Reaumur scale has practically fallen out of use.

Celsius Anders (1701-1744), Swedish astronomer and physicist. He proposed a temperature scale in 1742 - the Celsius scale is a temperature scale in which 1 degree is equal to 1/100 of the difference between the temperatures of boiling water and melting ice at atmospheric pressure, but Celsius took the boiling of water as zero, and the melting of ice as 100 degrees.

The famous Swedish botanist Carl Linnaeus used a thermometer with rearranged values ​​of constant points. He took the melting temperature of ice as 0 0, and the boiling point of water as 100 0. Thus, the modern Celsius scale is essentially the Linnaean scale.

Annex 1

Group of technicians

Creative title of the work: “Modern devices”

Problematic question: Are there thermometers without liquid?

Assignment: collect a collection of thermometers for various purposes.

Liquid thermometer, a device for measuring temperature, the action of which is based on the thermal expansion of a liquid. Depending on the temperature area of ​​application, liquid thermometers are filled with ethyl alcohol (from -80 to +100 °C) or mercury (from -35 to +750 °C). Initially, thermometers were used only for meteorological observations. Later they began to be used to measure air temperature in residential premises, in medicine, in chemical research, etc.

Currently, thermometers are used whose action is based on other physical phenomena. This made it possible to increase the accuracy of measurements and expand the scope of application of the instruments.

An electronic thermometer is more accurate than a regular indoor or outdoor thermometer. It shows the temperature both indoors and outdoors with an accuracy of tenths.

A resistance thermometer is a device for measuring temperature, the action of which is based on the change in electrical resistance of metals and semiconductors with temperature.

Gas thermometer, a device for measuring temperature, the action of which is based on the dependence of the pressure or volume of a gas on temperature. A cylinder filled with helium, nitrogen or hydrogen, connected via a capillary to a pressure gauge, is placed in a medium whose temperature is measured.

Group of experimenters

Creative title of the work: “Experience - criterion of truth."

Problematic question: what temperatures can be obtained in laboratory conditions?

Assignment: conduct experiments with water in a school laboratory, obtain the highest and lowest temperatures. Film the progress of the experiments with a digital camera and present the results in the form of a presentation. Conduct entertaining demonstration experiments.

A study of water boiling showed that 100 0 C is the boiling point of pure water at normal atmospheric pressure (760 mm Hg). The boiling point increased with increasing external pressure, so at atmospheric pressure above normal the boiling point of pure water was 101 0 C, and at atmospheric pressure below normal - 96 0 C. However, adding salt to the water increased the boiling point to 108 0 C.

To the question - is it possible to boil water with boiling water - the answer was no. An experiment was set up and carried out on boiling water with snow.

The temperature of the mixture of snow and salt was minus 18 0 C. The experiment “Freezing an aluminum cup to the table” was carried out.

Group of biologists

Creative title of the work: “Biology in the world of temperatures”

Problematic question: What are the features of a medical thermometer and what is it connected with? What are the temperatures of living things?

Assignment: Interview the school doctor:

  • How does a person feel at temperatures of 34 0 C and 42 0 C?
  • When does this happen?
  • How to help a person under such circumstances

This is interesting: in the 19th century, English physicists Blagden and Chantry conducted experiments on themselves to determine the highest air temperature that a person can withstand. They spent hours in the bakery's heated oven. It turned out that with gradual heating in dry air, a person is able to withstand not only the boiling point of water, but also much higher - 160 0 C.

Body temperatures of some animals: horse body temperature 38 0 C, cow body temperature 38.5 0 C, duck body temperature 41.5 0 C.

The body temperature of a living organism allows us to judge its condition and begin treatment in case of illness.

Appendix 2 - presentation on this topic, made in Power Point.

Group of geographers

Creative title of the work: “Geography of Temperatures.”

Problem question: Where is the coldest and hottest place on Earth?

Assignment: Consider planet Earth from the point of view of temperature.

The earth's crust is replaced by the mantle. Its thickness is about 3000 km, and its temperature is approximately 2000 - 2500 °C. The mantle consists of hot rocks, which in some parts begin to melt to a semi-liquid state. Molten rocks from the mantle erupt to the surface as lava during volcanic eruptions. At a depth of 10 km, the temperature reaches 180 0 C.

The coldest continent is Antarctica, and the hottest is Africa, so a temperature of +58 0 C was recorded in Tripoli. This is 1.30 higher than the maximum temperature of Death Valley.

Antarctica is the world's largest cold desert with an area of ​​14 million square meters. km. It is covered by 90% of all land ice. The maximum ice thickness is 4800 m. About 70% of the world's fresh water reserves are concentrated in glaciers. This most isolated continent has no indigenous population. No one has ever lived here longer than 18 months. The air temperature at the earth's surface was -88.3 0 C observed in August 1960. at the Soviet Antarctic station “Vostok” in 1922. Judging by the climate map of Russia, in the Krasnodar Territory the air temperature in summer reaches +43 0 C, and in Yakutia in Oymyakon in winter the temperature drops to -77 0 C.

Group of astronomers

Creative title of the work: “Ice and Fire of Space.”

Problem question: What are the temperatures of space objects?

Cosmos (Greek kosmos), synonymous with the astronomical definition of the Universe; often distinguish between near space, explored with the help of artificial Earth satellites, spacecraft and interplanetary stations, and deep space - the world of stars and galaxies.

The temperature on the surface of the moon, in its illuminated part is +17 0 C, and in the shadow the temperature is 130 0 C.

Artificial satellites and spacecraft, the overheating of which occurs mainly due to radiation, are characterized by a sharp change in the temperature of the skin - while passing in the shadow of the Earth it drops to - 100 0 C, and when leaving the shadow it increases to + 120 0 C. To maintain in the cosmonaut cabin there is a constant temperature (from 10 0 to 22 0 C), the double shell of the spacecraft is filled with gas - nitrogen.

On the surface of the sun, the temperature reaches 6 thousand degrees. In the depths of the sun, the temperature, according to calculations, is about 15 million degrees. The temperature of the spots is about 3700 degrees.

As the planet closest to the Sun, Mercury receives 10 times more energy from the central body than Earth. The long duration of day and night leads to the fact that temperatures on the “day” and “night” sides of the surface of Mercury can vary from approximately 320 0 C to -120 0 WITH. But already at a depth of several tens of centimeters there are no significant temperature fluctuations, which is a consequence of the very low thermal conductivity of the rocks. The temperature on the surface of Venus (at the average radius of the planet) is about 500 0 C, this is more than on Mercury, because Venus has a dense atmosphere that retains heat. Temperature conditions on Mars are also harsh. Around noon at the equator, the temperature reaches 10 0 -30 0 C. By evening it drops to -60 0 C and even to -100 0 C. The average temperature on Mars is -70 0 C, on Jupiter -130 0 C, on Saturn - 170 0 C, on Uranus -190 0 C, on Neptune -200 0 C. The temperature on the planet Pluto, to which light from the Sun takes more than five hours, is low - its average value is about -230 0 C.

The temperatures of most stars range from 3,000 to 30,000 degrees. Hot, bluish stars have temperatures of about 30,000 degrees. Many stars have temperatures around 100,000 degrees. In cold - red stars - the surface layers are heated to approximately 2 - 3 thousand degrees. But in the center of stars the temperature reaches more than ten million degrees.

Appendix 3- presentation on this topic, made in Power Point.

Group of Theoretical Physicists

Creative title of the work: “Striving for the Absolute.”

Problem questions: What is absolute zero temperature? Is it achievable? What is cryotechnology?

What do we know about temperature theoretically? Temperature is a measure of the average kinetic energy of molecular motion.

What happens if the speed of molecules decreases? The temperature will decrease.

Absolute zero temperature is the temperature at which the thermal motion of molecules ceases. Absolute zero of temperature, the beginning of the temperature reading on the thermodynamic temperature scale - the Kelvin scale. Absolute zero is located 273.16 °C below the freezing point of water, for which the value is 0 °C.

Temperatures of some liquid gases: oxygen minus 183 0 C, nitrogen minus 196 0 C, hydrogen minus 253 0 C, helium minus 269 0 C.

The physics of ultra-low temperatures is called cryogenic physics. The main problems solved by cryogenic physics: liquefaction of gases (nitrogen, oxygen, helium, etc.), their storage and transportation in a liquid state; design of refrigeration machines that create and maintain temperatures below 120 K (-1530 C); cooling electrical devices, electronic devices, biological objects to cryogenic temperatures; development of apparatus and equipment for conducting scientific research at cryogenic temperatures.

The use of cryogenic temperatures in a number of areas of science and technology has led to the emergence of entire independent areas, for example cryoelectronics and cryobiology.

Can we reach absolute zero?

American researchers worked with sodium vapor, the temperature of which was only millionths of a degree above absolute zero. According to the laws of physics, it is impossible to reach absolute zero temperatures (-273.16 0 C).

So, we have found the limit only to low temperatures.

Appendix 4 - presentation on this topic, made in Power Point.

The project ends by answering the fundamental question and discussing the following questions:

  • What new did you learn?
  • What difficulties did you encounter?
  • Did you study him?
  • What will you need next?


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