Do men need to take vitamins when planning pregnancy, and which ones are better to choose? How should men and women take vitamins to conceive a child? What vitamins should a man take before conceiving a child?

There is no need to explain to any woman that the issue of pregnancy planning must be treated with great responsibility. It is clear that the state of health of the expectant mother plays a huge role during conception, during pregnancy and during childbirth. However, the health of the future father is no less important, since 50% of the DNA of the future baby will consist of his genetic data. Planning a pregnancy is as important an issue for a man as it is for a woman. In this article we will talk about all the features of preparing the strong half of humanity for conception.

Planning pregnancy for a man. What lifestyle changes need to happen?

  • Before planning a pregnancy, a man must first reconsider his daily routine. If he has a sedentary lifestyle, then he needs to diversify it with regular physical activity, preferably in the fresh air. Only when playing sports should you not overdo it; physical activity should be moderate. It is best to do race walking, jogging or cycling in the morning.

  • Frequent visits to a bathhouse or sauna are excluded, where due to the high temperature the scrotum overheats, which leads to the death of sperm. This fact was proven by American scientists from the University of Maryland during an experiment. They invited two hundred men to spend fifteen minutes in the sauna twice a week for three months. At the beginning of the experiment, the quality of all participating men was checked, and it was normal. At the end of the experiment, it turned out that in 87% of men, sperm had completely lost their motility.

  • The next important lifestyle factor is the use of pharmacological or synthetic drugs, such as analgesics, antibiotics, antidepressants and steroids. If a man takes any of the above, he needs to stop, since the chemicals included in the medications can have a detrimental effect on the mental and physical development of the unborn baby.

Alcohol and tobacco will have the same effect on the full development of the child if the man does not stop using them. Moreover, we are talking here not only about a categorical ban on strong drinks such as vodka or cognac. Low-alcohol cocktails and beer are also prohibited, because they also contain toxins that destroy healthy sperm. Doctors say that even in a healthy man who leads a normal life and does not have bad habits, 25% of sperm are defective. Just imagine how much higher this percentage is among those who allow themselves to smoke and drink periodically. And if the egg is fertilized by an unhealthy defective sperm, then the likelihood of having a healthy child is reduced to zero.

Planning pregnancy for a man. What changes need to happen in the diet?

Nutrition is one of the most important components for men when planning pregnancy. After all, our health is based on what we eat. If a potential father eats fast food, does not give up drinking carbonated drinks, or abuses fried and flour foods, then the likelihood of a quick pregnancy is greatly reduced. If the food is rich in useful microelements and substances and contains many vitamins necessary for the full functioning of the body, then there is a high probability that a man will never have problems with fertility and potency. Healthy products that will help improve sperm include those enriched with vitamins. This is about:

  1. Vegetable oil, nuts and legumes. These products contain vitamin E, which is necessary for men when planning pregnancy, which helps increase the number of healthy sperm and increase their viability.
  2. White cabbage, cranberries, black currants and rose hips are rich in vitamin C - the best natural antioxidants that strengthen the human immune system. For a man in preparation for conception, the question of immunity is extremely important.
  3. Liver and fish oil are sources of vitamin A, which can prevent men from aging ahead of schedule and have a positive effect on sperm motility.
  4. Meat, fish, dairy and fermented milk products are foods enriched with vitamin B11. It is very important for men, since this vitamin is responsible for the viability of sperm.
  5. Parsley, spinach, lettuce, cod liver, walnuts, egg yolks. All these products contain vitamin B9 or, as it is also called, folic acid in their beneficial composition of microelements. In addition, men who are planning pregnancy can take folic acid in tablets. It is available in all pharmacies, available without a prescription and at a price affordable to everyone. Normally, this substance should enter the male body in an amount of 200 mcg, that is, one tablet before or after meals, approximately (3-4 times a day). The tablet must not be chewed, simply swallowed and washed down with a glass of water. It is contraindicated to exceed the dosage of folic acid per day for a man planning a pregnancy, or in general for any person in general, since vitamin B9 promotes the rapid growth of cells in the body, which can lead to the formation of cancerous tumors.
  6. Watermelons, pumpkins, sunflower seeds, oysters, sesame seeds, beef, lamb - a source of zinc, which is responsible for male potency, which is important for preparing for conception.
  7. Seafood, wheat bran, tomatoes, mushrooms - products that contain such a trace element as selenium. It is also very important for male reproductive function, as it promotes the production of the hormone testosterone.
  8. Iodine, contained in foods such as red caviar, persimmon, buckwheat, almonds, pistachios, lentils and so on, contributes to the full erectile function of a man. Therefore, when planning pregnancy, this vitamin should also be consumed.

What tests does a man need when planning a pregnancy?

Before proceeding directly to conceiving a child, a married couple needs to undergo a medical examination. A woman should see a gynecologist, but it is not always clear which doctor a man should see when planning a pregnancy.

If the expectant father is completely healthy, he has not previously had any problems with the genitourinary organs or viral diseases, then he can contact any private laboratory without a doctor’s referral. As a rule, specialists working in such institutions know what tests are indicated for men when planning pregnancy. But there is a nuance here: any private clinic earns decent money by doing tests, so quite often laboratory assistants advise their visitors to undergo dozens of laboratory tests that are not at all necessary when preparing for conception. Therefore, it is much more correct to first go to an appointment with a urologist - the main male doctor. Of course, men do not like the procedures he performs, namely, examination of the genital organs and prostate gland, but the question is acute - the health of the future baby depends on the health of the potential father. If no external pathologies are detected in a man, then the urologist will immediately direct his patient to undergo tests that are indicated for a man when planning a pregnancy:

  • A blood test to determine the general health of a man; for the presence of HIV, hepatitis B and C, syphilis, and gonorrhea in the body; for the presence of sexually transmitted infections (chlamydia, gardnerella, candida, mycoplasma, ureaplasma, gonococcus, papilloma virus, herpes virus and Epstein-Barr virus); for antibodies to rubella, herpes, cytomegalovirus and toxoplasmosis; per group and Rh factor; to determine the level of testosterone, gonadotropin and insulin.
  • Urine examination to determine the condition of the genitourinary system.
  • A spremogram to determine a man’s ability to fertilize. This study is not included in the mandatory list of tests for a man when planning a pregnancy, but it can be decisive. Therefore, urologists often recommend doing it right away.

If there are any abnormalities in the tests, or they show the presence of an inflammatory process in the man’s body or a specific disease, then pregnancy planning will have to be postponed until the disease is completely cured. Only after recovery will the man have to take all the tests again, because during the treatment he will obviously take medications that will definitely affect his sperm counts. If everything is normal, then the doctor will prescribe a course of vitamins that both women and men should take during pregnancy planning. We mentioned these vitamins earlier. A man may be prescribed a special diet, which will include foods enriched with the necessary beneficial microelements, or prescribed ready-made medications.

Vitamin complexes for men when planning pregnancy

Unfortunately, we must admit that the amount of vitamins contained in products for men when planning pregnancy is not enough. It will not be possible to fully supply your body with everything necessary for conception to occur successfully and for the child to fully develop. Therefore, you have to use special vitamin complexes, of which there are already a large number in pharmacies. Some of the most common and effective drugs today include the following:

  1. "Vitrum Prenetal": it improves the quality and increases the quantity of sperm, and also ensures that they have the correct set of chromosomes due to the content of folic acid.
  2. "Alphabet": multivitamin complex, which includes 13 vitamins, 9 minerals and Siberian ginseng. These components together increase stamina in men, strengthen their immunity and promote better potency.
  3. "Orthomol Fertil Plus": a drug aimed at improving sperm quality, has a particularly beneficial effect on sperm, making them more motile.
  4. "Spematon": improves the production of hormones in men and increases their ability to conceive. Contains vitamins: E, B9, B11, zinc and selenium.
  5. "Spermstrong": a drug that not only improves sperm quality, but also treats infertility. It does not contain folic acid, but it does have many other vitamins and minerals, such as: zinc, selenium, manganese, arginine, astragalus plant extract, vitamins C, E, B5, B6 and B11.
  6. "Orthomol Fertil Plus": this drug belongs to the expensive class. Its composition, in addition to those found in any of the above complexes, includes additional microelements: levocarnitine, Q10, omega-3 and carotenoids, thanks to which a man’s fertility quickly increases.


The process of preparing a man to conceive a child is a responsible process that cannot be avoided. It’s not for nothing that they say that a man is a carrier of genetic information, and a woman is only its keeper. That is, the health and development of the future baby depends on the strong half of humanity at the moment of fertilization. Only by following all the above recommendations, any young couple will be able to ensure strong and happy offspring!

Video: “Folic acid”

This video is an excerpt from the TV show “Live Healthy” with Elena Malysheva. In it, experts talk about the importance of folic acid for human life, what foods contain it and in what quantity. They pay special attention to the issue of its importance when planning pregnancy for men and women.

The birth of a healthy baby is a great joy for parents. But in recent decades, the environmental situation has left much to be desired, and nervous tension is making itself felt. Multivitamin sets come to the rescue, creating favorable conditions for fertilization and survival of the embryo. Should you take vitamins when planning pregnancy? What vitamins are suitable for women and men?

Do you need vitamin supplements when planning to conceive, or can you get by with a balanced diet? This question worries young parents more and more often. Doctors unequivocally say that they are necessary. Before conception, the expectant mother must be fully examined, treat infectious and chronic diseases and adhere to a healthy lifestyle.

The female body bears a high load during gestation, so the body tissues need a powerful supply of nutrients. It is adequately selected vitamin complexes that can provide the body with important microelements. During the formation of the fetus, the mother's body gives it everything useful to the detriment of itself. That's why pregnant women's teeth crumble, hair strands fall off, and nail plates peel. These problems can be avoided with the help of diet and vitamin sets.

The first in the ranking of vital elements is , which protects the embryo from pathologies of the central nervous system. The vitamin is taken daily at 400 mg, it is drunk when planning fertilization and the first three months of pregnancy. If pregnancy is discovered suddenly, the acid is taken immediately, even before visiting the antenatal clinic.

Note! Folic acid is prescribed to every woman in the first three months of pregnancy.

There is no consensus on other vitamins, however, it is necessary to consider all useful preparations. The benefits of vitamins are obvious: they correct the course of all vital processes in the body. When there is a deficiency of any substance, health problems begin. This is especially true for pregnant women - they are most in need of microelements.

Consequences of hypovitaminosis:

  • fatigue, drowsiness;
  • frequent infections;
  • crumbling of teeth;
  • decreased vision;
  • muscle cramps;
  • thrush.

Mention should also be made of a decrease in immune defense in pregnant women. This is a natural process designed to protect the embryo from rejection by the mother’s body. Against the background of reduced immunity, a lack of vitamins has a detrimental effect on the well-being of a potential mother.

When and how to take vitamins when planning pregnancy? Gynecologists advise preparing for fertilization in advance. Two to three months is enough to saturate the tissues with useful elements.

Vitamin preparations cannot be taken at your own discretion - they must be approved by a gynecologist. In recent years, a high-quality Finnish drug Minisan Multivitamin Mama has appeared in our country, which is distinguished by a multifaceted approach to providing the female body with nutrients.

The drug is designed for planning fertilization, maintaining pregnancy and lactation. Pharmacists have carefully developed a complex composition that corresponds to the natural changes in the mother's body at different periods. Minisan contains all the key elements.

Common drugs:

  • Pregnakea;
  • Materna;
  • Elevit Prenatal;
  • Minisan Multivitamin Mom.

Daily dosage:

  • group E: from 100 to 300 IU;
  • group D: 400 IU;
  • group K: 1 mg;
  • group H: 300 IU;
  • group A: 3000 IU;
  • group C: 60 mg;
  • Group B: B6 2.3 mg.


The importance is difficult to overestimate: it controls the reproductive function of the body. The production of female germ cells depends on sufficient tissue saturation with this substance. Tocopherol prepares the reproductive organs of the expectant mother for stress. Also, the successful development of the embryo and spontaneous miscarriage depend on the presence of the vitamin in the tissues. The correct formation of the baby’s internal systems and organs and the prevention of deformity depend on this substance.

Positive effects of tocopherol:

  • controls the synthesis of progesterone, on which the correct formation of the embryo depends;
  • prevents infections of the reproductive organs;
  • controls blood pressure;
  • improves the elasticity of the uterine muscles;
  • controls the functionality of the ovaries;
  • improves microcirculation of capillaries;
  • controls the formation of the placenta;
  • improves health.

The dosage depends on the condition and well-being of the woman; it is determined by the gynecologist. For example, if the patient has previously had miscarriages or gynecological problems, a high dose is prescribed. If a woman’s health is in balance, a minimum daily dose of the drug is sufficient. The daily dose should be divided into two doses - morning/evening. The drug is sold in capsules, so it is convenient to use.

Many women worry about taking too much tocopherol, but there is no need to worry. Tissues and cells must be enriched with vitamin for the proper development of the embryo. The drug is completely non-toxic and cannot cause harm to health. Almost all women have a tocopherol deficiency.

Vitamin B6

This substance coordinates nerve cells in stressful situations and also ensures proper metabolism. The production of amino acids and protein structures in tissues should occur without failure, which is especially necessary during pregnancy. The coordinated functioning of the body’s systems, including reproductive ones, depends on proper protein metabolism.

Metabolism during gestation should work at an increased rate, as it also ensures the functioning of the fetus. It is B6 that helps speed up this process, and taking the vitamin in advance will help the body immediately transition to new operating conditions.

Irritability and nervousness are the companions of pregnant women. The nervous system will be balanced with B6 intake, which will have a beneficial effect on the general well-being of the woman and her fetus. How long should you take B6 before conceiving? Preferably six months, but not less than three months. Dose - 2.2-2.3 mg per day.

The remaining microelements have a beneficial effect on body tissues and successfully strengthen the mother’s body for nine long months. Vitamins can be taken together or separately. Preparations for the first three months of pregnancy are also suitable for the preparatory period for fertilization.

Multivitamins for men

Why do men need vitamins when planning pregnancy? The male body is directly involved in fertilization and needs nourishment. A potential father must be healthy in order to impart a high-quality genetic component to his child. It is unacceptable to carry out fertilization while drunk or under drugs.

A man must consciously approach the creation of offspring and adhere to the right lifestyle - eat well, avoid addiction to alcohol and do physical exercise. Multivitamins for men affect reproductive capabilities and sperm structure, which creates favorable conditions for successful fertilization.

Stress, overwork, poor diet and unwanted habits negatively affect male libido. Recently, the problem of couple infertility also affects men as well as women. A health check in the clinic before fertilization will not be superfluous for the potential father. The drugs are created taking into account the functioning of the body of the male half of humanity.

Important! High-quality sperm is important for conceiving a healthy child without pathological abnormalities.

When should men start preparing for fertilization? Doctors recommend taking care of your condition 4 months before the planned event. The time was not chosen by chance - it is during this period that sperm and the production of sex hormones can be qualitatively improved. If there are problems with reproductive function, you should start taking vitamins six months before fertilization.

Microelements for men

  • folic acid;
  • tocopherol (E);
  • ascorbic acid (C);
  • zinc;
  • selenium.

Folic acid controls the production of high-quality sperm and ensures sperm activity. Thanks to it, sperm form a symmetrical shape and acquire the ability to penetrate the egg.

Tocopherol ensures the vitality of the sperm, preserving the cell walls from deformation. Saturation of tissues with tocopherol helps the living creatures survive in the aggressive environment of the vagina and not die.

Ascorbic acid coordinates the production of male germ cells. Thanks to the successful functioning of hormones and their sufficient level, it is possible for a man to produce high-quality ejaculate. This all contributes to successful conception.

Zinc is necessary for men: it normalizes reproductive qualities and relieves all kinds of sexual disorders. Zinc also regulates a man’s hormonal levels.

Selenium helps restore libido in older men. This microelement helps maintain reproductive capabilities for many years. It is the full concentration of selenium in the tissues of the body that explains the secret of sexual ability until old age.

If you cannot consume all of the above vitamins, folic acid is not excluded from the list. It is considered the basic microelement for successful fertilization. How much acid should I take? 400 mg daily until conception. There is no further need to take the drug.

It is advisable to use tocopherol along with acid. The optimal level of germ cell production depends on it. If acid corrects the structure of sperm, then tocopherol is the basis for the formation of seminal fluid.

Medicines for men

  • Duovit;
  • Complivit;
  • Alphabet;
  • Spermastrong;
  • Spermactive;
  • Profertil;
  • Viardot (forte);
  • Selzinc plus;
  • Selmevit;
  • Orthomol Fertil Plus.

The listed composites are used in the preparatory time period for fertilization. The best vitamins for men are those that solve problems with reproduction.

Description of vitamins

Let's consider the advantages of the most popular vitamin compositions when planning fertilization.

Complex Elevit

Elevit combines all the necessary elements, for example, folic acid. Also in the composition is:

  • iron;
  • calcium;
  • zinc;
  • copper;
  • magnesium;
  • phosphorus.

Iodine is not included in the structure of Elevit: this substance will have to be taken separately (200 mcg daily). In the process of taking Elevit, the monthly cycle normalizes, pain disappears, well-being and health status improve. A bonus from taking it is an improvement in the structure of nails, hair and skin. The drug prevents the appearance of toxicosis at first, pregnancy passes without any problems. A side effect of taking Elevit may be increased appetite; you should know this in advance.

Complex Vitrum Prenatal

Also a popular drug among clients during fertilization planning. Unlike Elevit, the drug contains iodine compounds in sufficient volume, and therefore is preferable. The remaining components of both drugs are the same, except for zinc/copper/magnesium - their volume is much higher. Unlike Elevit, the complex does not increase food cravings and does not initiate a failure in bowel movements. The advantage of Vitrum is its lower price, which is why it is more popular among clients.

Drug Alphabet

To plan fertilization, pregnancy and breastfeeding, a drug called “Alphabet Mom’s Health” is used. Vitamins are produced in capsules, colored in different colors according to the compatibility of the components. It has been proven that not all substances can get along with each other and be well absorbed. Therefore, the developers combined the matching elements into separate tablets. The woman takes each tablet separately after four hours.

Note! After Alphabet there are no problems with bowel movements or other unfavorable side effects.

The composition combines all the microelements vital for the mother’s body, including iodine structures. The convenient form of release allows you to control the use of capsules - in the morning you need to take a tablet of one color, at lunch - another, after dinner - a third.

However, Alphabet is classified as a dietary supplement, so it causes mistrust among some clients. Pharmacists assure that the quality of the drug produced is at a high level. The drug received its name as a dietary supplement not because of its low-quality ingredients, but for other reasons - for example, a dietary supplement is easier to register than a medicine.

Drug Aevit

This drug cannot be used when planning fertilization due to the increased dose of retinol and tocopherol - 100,000 IU. Too high a dose of retinol can cause miscarriage at the beginning of pregnancy. The permissible amount of retinol (A) is no more than 5000 IU per day. If you have taken this complex, it is recommended to delay conception for several months - retinol has the ability to accumulate in body tissues. When planning fertilization, it is recommended to choose others with vitamins A and E, the volume of which is not more than 5000 IU.

Vitamin nutrition

Can a nutritious diet replace vitamin complexes? Unfortunately, it is not. For example, folic acid is much less absorbed by the body in its natural form than in its artificial form. This substance is found in green leaves, beets, tomatoes and carrots. Folic acid is also present in protein foods. However, under the influence of temperatures, this substance quickly decomposes, so you should not rely on the supply of an important element.

It is much easier with vitamin C - it is found in all citrus fruits, apricots, fresh herbs, cabbage, rose hips and black currants. The excess leaves the body, and the problem of hypovitaminosis should not be feared. Ascorbic acid helps overcome infections and strengthens the immune system well.

Vitamin D is used for the formation of fetal bones, so its consumption should be in fairly large quantities. In addition to medications, you should eat seafood, cottage cheese and milk. A lot of vitamin D is concentrated in eggs and spinach, respectively, in mushrooms.

Note! In an effort to replenish the body with missing elements, one should not overdo it. Unacceptable concentrations of vitamins A and D lead to negative consequences.

However, there is no reason to worry: an overdose of vitamins through food is impossible. It can be obtained by taking artificial components. Therefore, strictly follow the recommendations of the gynecologist and do not increase the dosage of drugs at your own discretion.

Bottom line

What vitamins are considered universal when planning pregnancy? According to surveys of women, the most successful drugs are Vitrum and Elevit. But it is not always right to listen to the feedback of others, because in medicine there is no concept of “rating”. Each organism is individual, so the doctor selects not the best, but the vitamin complex that is adequate to the situation. Even one woman may need different vitamin complexes at different times - this is due to the state of the body at a given time.

Since two people are involved in the process of conception, it is absurd to believe that only the expectant mother needs to prepare for pregnancy. The father also has a great responsibility, since he contributes exactly half to the health of his unborn child. Therefore, he needs to go through such an important stage as planning a pregnancy: give up bad habits, switch to proper nutrition, undergo a thorough medical examination and Maximize your body's health by taking vitamins. And why does a man need any vitamins for pregnancy, which ones exactly and whether they really have any benefit - we will now talk about this in detail.

In the modern world, there are many factors that can significantly spoil the health of a young man: unhealthy and monotonous diet, frequent stress, chronic fatigue, drinking alcohol and smoking, sedentary work, etc. Therefore, often unsuccessful attempts to conceive occur precisely through the fault of future fathers.

When planning the birth of a baby, what else do doctors advise you to do? 6 months before the expected date of pregnancy, both spouses need to undergo a thorough medical examination to identify any pathologies and find out the general picture of the body’s readiness for conception.

If no serious pathologies are found in the spouses, in particular in the young man, in any case the doctor will advise him to take various vitamin complexes that can very beneficial effect on his reproductive function. They can positively affect the process of spermatogenesis (the process of appearance and maturation of sperm), as well as the ability of these same sperm to qualitatively fertilize an egg for pregnancy.

The use of vitamins can bring many essential nutrients not only into the body of a young father, but also directly affect the health of the unborn baby. And besides, their mutual reception supports the expectant mother and demonstrates the seriousness of the father’s intentions in relation to her pregnancy, as in the future, for example.

What vitamins should a man take when planning a pregnancy?

Of course, for normal functioning, the male body needs a variety of useful substances, but among all their diversity, those that are able to qualitatively influence male reproductive function. The list of vitamins necessary for men when planning pregnancy is as follows:

  • Vitamin A. It helps improve immunity, normalizes the synthesis of male sex hormones, and increases the antibacterial properties of sperm. It is also capable of nullifying the oxidative effect of various negative radicals on the male reproductive organs and has a great influence on the development of the child in the first trimester of pregnancy, as it is necessary in the formation of many organs and systems of the embryo. Contained in milk, nuts, eggs, liver, carrots.

  • Vitamin C (L-ascorbic acid). Increases the body's resistance to various infections, promotes the production of viable and active sperm, restores tocopherol in the body, which is responsible for reproduction, and ensures complete transmission of genetic information. Contained in apples, dill, kiwi, strawberries, wild garlic, Brussels sprouts.
  • Vitamin E (tocopherol). It is directly responsible for the reproduction of offspring, even its name speaks of this (translated from Greek “tocopherol” - “carrying offspring”). It protects germ cells from damage, due to which sperm become more tenacious, active and less responsive to various negative environmental factors. Tocopherol generally has a positive effect on male hormonal levels. Contained in butter and vegetable oil, eggs, milk, meat, liver, and cereals.
  • Vitamin B9 (folic acid). It is most necessary for successful conception on the part of a young man. It is involved in the growth and development of all cells in the body. When taken in the required dosage, folic acid increases the volume of male semen and helps the body produce only healthy sperm, reducing the number of defective ones. She is also responsible for the synthesis of genetic information. Taking folic acid directly contributes to the conception of a healthy and strong baby. Contained in spinach, lettuce, broccoli, asparagus, pumpkin, beans, Brussels sprouts and cauliflower, avocado, celery, carrots.

  • Vitamin B11 (L-carnitine). Directly helps overcome the problem of male infertility. It significantly increases the quantity and quality of sperm and provides the man's body with the energy it needs to create and move sperm. Contained in meat, fish, dairy products.
  • . This microelement contributes to normal metabolism in the body. Its maximum quantity is contained in spermatozoa, so it is responsible for their vitality. Zinc also stimulates the production of such a male hormone as testosterone (the main male sex hormone, as in women), and also promotes the proper formation of organs in the baby. Contained in sesame, wheat germ, pumpkin seeds, lamb, beef, cocoa, peanuts.

  • Selenium. A lack of this microelement in the body can lead to the loss of necessary motility by sperm. It improves the functioning of the male genital organs and supports a man's sexual activity. Contained in corn, rice, beans, eggs, barley, walnuts, pistachios, almonds.
  • . It has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the thyroid gland, which secretes hormones that also affect reproductive function. Contained in seafood, seaweed, persimmon, cod liver.

These are just some of the beneficial substances that have a beneficial effect on a young father’s ability to conceive a healthy baby. The doctor can prescribe them separately, having identified a particular deficiency of one of them in the man’s body. However, the above vitamins are often prescribed in combination.

By taking the above vitamins and microelements in a comprehensive manner, of course, you can achieve much better results. Today, the domestic pharmaceutical market is simply teeming with various vitamin complexes, because, firstly, it is convenient (and the dosage is calculated and the composition is balanced), and secondly, it is more effective. Of course, you should not try to choose any of these complexes on your own; your doctor should tell you about this.

If a guy is young, healthy, has a satisfactory spermogram (fertility analysis for a man), and there are no pathologies of the reproductive system, then he for general maintenance of body tone, one of these universal complexes can be prescribed: Centrum, Supradin, Pikovit, Vitrum and others. Otherwise, the doctor selects the appropriate composition specifically for a particular case. In recent years, the following multivitamin complexes for male reproductive health have proven themselves well:

  • Speroton (Spematon). Ingredients: E, B11, B9, selenium and zinc. Provides blood supply to the pelvic organs, replenishes the lack of vitamin E, increases the tone of the male body and increases its performance. Manufacturer: Vneshtorg Pharma (Russia).

  • Spermstrong. Ingredients: zinc, astragalus plant extract, selenium, arginine, manganese, C, B5, B6, E and B11. Improves spermatogenesis and sperm quality indicators, improves the fertilizing ability of sperm, and is used in the treatment of various reproductive disorders in men. Manufacturer: VIS (Russia).

  • . Ingredients: E, C, B9, B6, B12, zinc, copper, selenium, levocarnitine, omega-3, Q10 and other elements. One of the most powerful and expensive complexes. It contains a large amount of nutrients and beneficial substances that have a very positive effect on male reproductive function. Manufacturer: Orthomol (Germany).

  • . Ingredients: L-arginine, L-carnitine, B9, E, coenzyme Q10, selenium, zinc, etc. Positively affects the quantity and fertilizing functions of seminal fluid and sperm motility. Manufacturer: Advance Pharma GmbH (Germany).

  • Doppelhertz Vip Spermaktiv. Ingredients: E, selenium, zinc and other excipients. This complex also enhances male sexual strength and has a general strengthening effect on the body. Manufacturer: Queisser Pharma Gmbh & Co (Germany).

In this video you will find useful information about how pregnancy planning should be carried out by a young man: how to prepare your body as much as possible for pregnancy, what medical examinations to undergo and what simple rules to follow for successful conception.

Under the influence of alcohol, nicotine and other harmful substances, a man’s sperm (up to half of the entire multimillion-dollar quantity) is destroyed and becomes defective. This increases the risk of conceiving a sick baby - with mental or physical disabilities.

Besides, Frequent drinking and smoking impair potency and weaken the entire body, “expelling” from it the vitamins necessary for normal metabolism and the formation of healthy cells (including sperm).

In order for the contribution to the genetics of the future baby to be worthy not only from the woman, but also from the man, and this baby himself is successfully conceived, it is of paramount importance to give up bad habits - drinking alcohol and cigarettes. You should take care of your body and eat healthy food, rich in vitamins to compensate for their deficiency.

The period of “maturation” of new, healthy sperm lasts 2-3 months, so you need to monitor your health and actively improve it during this entire period. Usually doctors prescribe taking vitamins for 75-100 days.

But that's not all. An integrated approach when planning pregnancy consists not only of taking a complex of vitamins for men and a proper diet. The following steps need to be taken:

What vitamins a man should take before conception is in the next section.

What elements are needed to improve sperm?

What vitamins should a man take when planning a pregnancy to improve sperm quality and a healthy conception?

First of all for all men when planning pregnancy Vitamin E is also important, but not only these substances are needed by the “stronger sex” for normal conception. A whole range of elements will be required.

List of vitamins for men when planning pregnancy in the table:

Name Function Sources Dosage (per day)
Improves sexual function;
Positively affects hormonal levels;
Prevents damage to sperm cells;
Accelerates the healing of damaged cellular structures;
Increases sperm motility and vitality;
Vegetable oils;
Soy and
200-400 mcg
Participates in the formation of sperm structure;
Controls their mobility and functionality;
Increases the volume of non-defective sperm and the chances of conception;
Spinach and other leafy greens;
Dark green vegetables;
Boiled lentils;
200-400 mcg (for problems with conception, up to 700-1000 mg)
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) Participates in testosterone synthesis;
Helps improve the production of healthy sperm;
Increases resistance to diseases;
Citrus fruit;
Rose hip;
Different varieties of cabbage;
Bell pepper;
Sea ​​buckthorn;
Black currant;
1000-1500 mg
Vitamin B11 (levocarnitine, L-carnitine) Improves spermatogenesis;
Increases the activity and number of sperm;
Increases the chances of conception;
Prevents male infertility;
Synthesized in the body with the help of vitamins B and C;
Dairy products;
300-500 mg (if problems with conception can be increased to 2000 mg)
Zinc Improves prostate function and spermatogenesis;
Regulates sperm motility;
Stimulates testosterone production;
Seafood (especially oysters);
Liver products (kidneys, liver and others);
Chocolate and cocoa;
11-15 mg
Selenium Improves the functioning of the genital organs;
Participates in testosterone synthesis;
Prevents damage to sperm tails;
Improves their mobility;
Seafood (especially shellfish);
Chicken yolk;
55-100 mcg
Iodine Necessary for the production of thyroid hormones, which also affect reproductive function; Iodized salt;
Sea kale;
Fish and cod liver;
200 mg

Ready-made complexes that can be taken

If it is impossible to diversify your diet so that you receive the entire daily dosage of vitamins for men before conception, turn to synthetic drugs or ready-made multivitamin complexes (only after consulting a doctor!)

We bring to your attention a list of the most suitable vitamin complexes for men when planning pregnancy, their brief description, method of use, estimated prices and reviews.

Speroton (Spematon)

Non-hormonal vitamin preparation that improves the production of male hormones and increases fertility. The complex increases the number and motility of sperm.

It contains all the elements necessary for conception, except iodine: vitamins E (30 mg), B9 (400 mcg), B11 (750 mg), zinc (21 mg) and selenium (70 mcg).

Application: 1 sachet is dissolved in a glass of water and drunk after meals every day for 2-3 months.

Price: For a package of 30 sachets - approximately 720-1050 rubles.

If earlier men shifted all responsibility for bearing a healthy child to the woman, now an increasing number of future fathers realize that the normal development of the baby also depends on them.

Therefore, they willingly participate in the programs and do not refuse to take vitamins.

Indeed, developing in the womb, the fetus takes all the nutrients from her body, so the expectant mother must take it. But what is the point of taking vitamins and mineral complexes for a man if he is not directly involved in bearing the baby?

In fact, the child receives a chromosome set from the father. In fact, the baby’s body consists of 50% of the father’s gene set and its development largely depends on the health of the father. In addition, a man’s condition often causes failure to conceive.

Poor nutrition, the presence of chronic diseases, decreased immune defense are factors that provoke male infertility.

Therefore, the young couple needs to get examined together and find out what health problems need to be corrected before starting planning.

At this stage, doctors not only treat existing chronic diseases, but also select the best options for vitamin and mineral complexes.

  • problems with potency;
  • monotonous diet;
  • chronic fatigue syndrome;
  • addiction to smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages;
  • frequent morbidity.

In this case, it is necessary to correct your own health at the stage of pregnancy planning in order to increase potency, improve sperm quality, increase physical endurance, and also get rid of the effects of stress.

What vitamins does a man need when planning a pregnancy?

Of course, the prescription of vitamins and mineral complexes occurs after diagnosing the health condition.

For each future father, a personalized program for taking vitamins and minerals is developed, the deficiency of which is felt in the body.

However, there is a group of substances that are considered most important during this period. Any vitamin complex for men taken during pregnancy planning should contain the following elements:

  • folic acid;
  • B vitamins;
  • vitamins C and E;
  • L-carnitine;
  • L-arginine;
  • selenium;
  • zinc.

To understand why their presence is important at the conception planning stage, you need to carefully consider what role these substances play in the male body.

B vitamins

Daily dose:

  • B1 - 1.5 mg,
  • B2 - 1.8 mg,
  • B5 - 7 mg,
  • B6 - 2.2 mg.

Necessary for the formation of the nervous system and oxygenation of the fetal blood.

A deficiency of B vitamins in dad leads to muscle weakness, irritability, decreased resistance to stress, increased depression, increased fatigue, and sleep disturbances. All these factors negatively affect potency and, therefore, reduce the likelihood of conception.

Vitamin C

The daily intake dose is:

  • 90 mg,
  • for smoking men - 125 mg.

Helps transfer stable genetic information from father to child.

In men, vitamin C increases stamina, significantly strengthens the body's natural defenses, increases iron absorption, normalizes amino acid metabolism, strengthens the walls of blood vessels and removes excess cholesterol.

In addition, vitamin C can make the action of other vitamins more effective and prevent the development of infections. Most importantly, the vitamin is an antioxidant, which means it rejuvenates the skin. Including cells of the reproductive system.

Vitamin E

Daily consumption dose:

  • 18 mg or 10 IU.

Tocopherol has a positive effect on the functionality of the reproductive system, increases sperm production and helps increase their motility.

When planning pregnancy, taking vitamin E is recommended for both women and men.

Vitamin E deficiency leads to more immature sperm in the ejaculate and reduces the chances of conception.

Tocopherol is also necessary for the normal functioning of the cellular structure of the brain, strengthening the nervous system and accelerating cell regeneration.

Folic acid

Daily consumption rate:

  • 0.4 mg.

The trace element reduces the number of sperm with genetic disorders, which can significantly reduce the risk of abnormal fetal development.

Vitamin B9 affects the formation of almost all internal organs of the embryo.

When vitamin B9 is consumed together with tocopherol, sperm production is stimulated. It is worth considering that folic acid is not synthesized in the human body, so it is necessary to maintain its level with the help of vitamin-mineral complexes and a balanced diet.


Daily consumption dose:

  • 15 mg.

The mineral is necessary to stimulate testosterone production and control sperm production.

Zinc deficiency causes a decrease in the quality of ejaculate and sperm count.

Zinc is directly involved in the process of cell division, helps synthesize proteins, and increases the functionality of the endocrine and nervous systems.

Zinc deficiency is a common cause of decreased potency, as the production of male hormones is disrupted.


Daily consumption dose:

  • 0.07-0.08 mg.

Protects cell membranes from the penetration of free radicals and reduces the risk of malformations in the fetus.

The trace element supports potency, increasing it even in men of the older age group. Selenium deficiency reduces the production of antibodies to infections, increases the risk of cell mutations and can lead to the destruction of cells in the brain, liver, joints, and heart muscle.

The mineral promotes the removal of toxic substances and the normal functionality of the thyroid gland.

In addition, selenium is actively involved in the production of testosterone, which can enhance the functioning of the reproductive system and improve the quality of the ejaculate.

Selenium is often used in the treatment of male infertility.


Daily consumption rate:

  • up to 3000 mg.

Widely used in the treatment of male infertility. Concentrating in the epididymis, the substance significantly improves sperm quality.

L-carnitine accelerates the maturation of sperm, increases their motility, and reduces the production of pathological specimens.


Daily consumption rate:

  • up to 15 years

It has a positive effect on the functioning of the prostate gland, increases blood circulation in the genital area, improves the quality of sperm, as well as their quantity in the ejaculate. Significantly reduces the risk of varicocele, prostatitis, prostate cancer, hemorrhoids.

The seminal fluid contains up to 80% L-arginine, which allows for a long-lasting erection and pronounced orgasm.

It is worth remembering that taking vitamins should not be haphazard. Exceeding the dosage, for example, of B vitamins can lead to poisoning. Therefore, when taking vitamin-mineral complexes, it is necessary to consult a specialist who will select the optimal complex and recommend the duration of the course.

Advantages and disadvantages of popular vitamin-mineral complexes

Modern complexes of vitamins and minerals make it possible to solve problems with deviations in reproduction, which is important at the stage of pregnancy planning.

However, it is better to entrust the choice of drug to a doctor, since based on diagnosis he will offer a truly optimal set. In addition, ready-made biological additives have a number of advantages and disadvantages, which can play a significant role in the selection of the product.


Manufacturer: Aquiton CJSC, Russia.

The drug is intended to increase male fertility, increase sperm production, and increase their number in the ejaculate.

It is taken not only to treat specific problems associated with male infertility, but also for preventive purposes.


  • content of vitamin E, zinc and L-carnitine;
  • increases the chances of conception;
  • reduces sperm viscosity and increases sperm activity;
  • relatively low cost;
  • convenient form of administration;
  • The drug should be taken once a day.


  • the content of vitamin E, zinc and L-carnitine is too high, so it may be necessary to adjust the dose;
  • not always effective;
  • some men do not like the sour taste of the drug.


Manufacturer: Evalar, Russia. Designed to increase sperm activity, improve their quality and general condition of the body.


  • content of L-carnitine and L-arginine;
  • stabilizes the production of full-fledged sperm, increases their concentration in the ejaculate;
  • The drug must be taken once a day;
  • has a pleasant taste;
  • natural ingredients;
  • affordability.


  • A side effect is an allergy to the components of the drug.

Alphabet for men

Manufacturer: Vneshtorg PHARMA LLC, Russia.


  • contains almost all the substances necessary at the pregnancy planning stage;
  • improves well-being;
  • division into 3 doses, which increases the effectiveness of the complex;
  • the presence of ginseng has a positive effect on potency.


  • side effects - insomnia, allergies to components, nervous excitability, hypertension;
  • the packaging lasts only 20 days;
  • you may forget to take your pill on time;
  • the cost of the course is significantly higher than when using other Russian complexes.

Selzinc plus

Manufacturer: Pro Med CS, Czech Republic. It is used to improve immunity and reduce the negative effects of emotional and physical stress. Recommended for men and women.


  • content of zinc, selenium, vitamin C and E;
  • improves the condition of the skin, nail plates, hair;
  • low cost.


  • possibility of allergies;
  • Most likely, you will have to additionally take other complexes.


Manufactured by Advance Pharma GmbH for Lenus Pharma GesmbH, Austria.

Designed to improve the functionality of the reproductive system.

The drug increases sperm production and improves their motility. can be used in men for preventive purposes at the stage of pregnancy planning


  • includes most of the substances necessary for planning pregnancy;
  • increases sperm concentration;
  • improves potency


  • lack of vitamin C;
  • possibility of allergies;
  • high price.



  • increasing potency;
  • reduction of fatigue;
  • feeling energized throughout the day;
  • reduction of emotional irritability.


  • possibility of allergies;
  • high cost compared to other Russian drugs.


Manufacturer: Pharmamed/West Coast Laboratories Inc, USA, Pharmamed/VitaPharm Canada Ltd, Canada.

It is used to treat male infertility caused by various reasons.


  • high efficiency;
  • natural ingredients;
  • significantly increases the production of full-fledged sperm.


  • possibility of allergies, uremia, liver diseases;
  • very high cost.


Manufacturer Orthomol, Germany. Intended for the treatment of male fertility disorders.


  • balanced composition;
  • You can take tablets and capsules at the same time;
  • high efficiency;
  • forms viable sperm, increasing their number in the ejaculate.


  • high price;
  • long course of treatment;
  • possibility of allergies.

Summary table of vitamin and mineral complexes for men when planning pregnancy

Vitamins Alphabet for men Selzinc PROfertil Spermastrong SpermActive Orthomol Fertil Plus Spematon
E 15 mg 35 mg 120 mg 15 mg 15 mg 120 mg 30 mg
C 40 mg 180 mg 35 mg 70 mg 250 mg
Folic acid 400 mcg 800 mcg 400 mcg 800 mcg
L-carnitine 45 mg 440 mg 125 mg 440 mg 750 mg
L-arginine 250 mg 176.30 mg
Zinc 8 mg 40 mg 7.5 mg 12 mg 40 mg 24 mg
Selenium 100 mcg 0.05 mg 60 mcg 0.15 mg 70 mcg 80 mcg
Coenzyme Q10 15 mg 15 mg
N-acetylcysteine 15 mg
B1 1.7 mg 1.7 mg
B2 1.6 mg 2 mg
B5 5 mg 7.5 mg
B6 2 mg 3 mg 2 mg 3.5 mg
B12 3 mcg 3 mcg 9 mcg
D3 5 mcg 5 mcg
A 0.6 mg
Beta carotene 3 mg 7.2 mg 1 mg 3 mg
PP 16 mg
Biotin 50 mcg 100 mcg
K1 120 mg
Omega-3 170 mg
L-taurine 60 mg
Iron 15 mg
Copper 1 mg 1 mcg
Magnesium 60 mg 150 mg
Manganese 2.3 mg 5.5 mg
Iodine 200 mcg
Chromium 50 mcg
Calcium 150 mcg 400 mg
Silicon 10 mg
Eleutherosides 1 mg
20 mg
Lycopene 1 mg
Lutein 1 mg
Glutathione 80 mg
25 mg
60 pcs,
RUR 384
30 pcs.
RUR 314
60 pcs,
6650 RUR
30 pcs.
836 RUR
30 pcs.
RUR 704
30 pcs.
5000 RUR
30 pcs.
930 RUR

Pregnancy planning should be done equally by women and men. By improving the quality of your own health, you don’t have to worry about the full development of the fetus. Therefore, you should listen to your doctor’s recommendations and be sure to take a course of prescribed vitamins.
