Levels of IQ values ​​and their interpretation. IQ test result: what do the scores mean? Iq is considered

Many of us have heard about the IQ test, which shows the level of intelligence of a person. However, most people know virtually nothing about it. Before you start taking the test, you must find out what the IQ of a normal person should be.

general information

The abbreviation IQ stands for what can be translated as “amount of intelligence.” In the Russian-speaking language environment, the established expression “intelligence quotient” is more often used. However, it is believed that in order for the results to be as truthful as possible and really be trusted, it is worth taking into account not only the results of the test itself. Other factors such as age and gender need to be taken into account.

Many also believe that the results of this test are more likely to indicate a person's aptitude for a particular type of task, rather than actual intellectual ability. Therefore, you can prepare for it by solving problems that resemble those presented in the tasks.


Attempts to study the IQ of a normal person began in the 30s of the last century. Researchers have made a number of attempts to determine IQ through various experiments. Scientists tried to find a pattern that would connect the processes of the central nervous system, reaction characteristics and mental abilities, even taking into account the size and weight of the brain. In addition, they studied the relationship between the IQ of parents and children, its relationship to social origin, age, and so on.

IQ test today

It is now generally accepted that IQ depends on many factors, mostly heredity. However, the IQ level of a normal person can be increased by solving various problems and tests. In addition, in the modern world, it is not so much intelligence that is the source of success, but rather motivation and perseverance. Individuality, determination and ambition also play an important role. However, it is a high level of intelligence that can help in solving difficult life circumstances and contribute to more advantageous conditions.

Despite the fact that the first tests were created exclusively with vocabulary exercises, today they use a wide variety of tasks. These include counting exercises, logical series, the ability to find a missing geometric figure, the ability to recognize a fragment, remember facts, technical drawings and identify the missing letter.

How much IQ does a normal person have?

The average level of human intelligence ranges from 100 to 120 units, which is about half of correctly solved problems. The person who completes all the tasks receives 200 points. In addition to the level of intelligence, the test also determines other indicators; it helps to identify the way of thinking of the person who is taking it. By identifying the category in which the test taker has the lowest level of ability, you can help him identify gaps in his abilities, practice with different types of tasks, and raise his IQ.

First tests

For the first time, V. Stern spoke about the IQ, who considered the determination of the level of skills on the Binet scale to be incorrect, since it had a serious disadvantage related to age. The scientist proposed to determine by dividing mental age by chronological age. The IQ test of a normal person demonstrates a quantitative assessment of an individual's abilities in relation to the average representative of the same age.


It is rightfully believed that an IQ test does not show a person’s level of erudition, but only an assessment of general indicators. They are designed specifically to produce a distribution of results with an average score. The IQ of a normal person can vary, but there are common indicators. So, about half of the people who passed the test show a result between 90 and 100 points, a quarter - below 90, and the other quarter - above 110 units. The average score for graduates of American universities is 115 points, with excellent students ranging from 135 to 140. An IQ level that is less than 70 points is usually considered a sign of mental retardation.


IQ tests show a person, but they should not be assumed to in any way indicate the level of erudition. They only help to understand in what area and in what direction a person needs to develop.

It is believed that the IQ level of a normal person varies from 90 to 120 conventional units. The Eysenck test is most often used to determine IQ. However, do not forget that the most accurate results will be those obtained the very first time you take the test, and all subsequent attempts will only distort them.

Recently, various tests for determining intelligence quotient or IQ tests (IQ - intelligence quotient, read IQ) have become increasingly popular. They are carried out not only for entertainment. Some employers and educational institutions have included such tests in their admissions programs. What does this give and how to check your IQ (IQ)?


The abbreviation IQ denotes a quantitative assessment of the intellectual abilities of the person being tested in relation to the level of mental development of the average person of this age.

This abbreviation was first used at the beginning of the last century in the Stanford-Binet scale.

What is intelligence? Translated from Latin, intellectus means understanding, perception, sensation. This is the quality of our psyche that helps us adapt to new circumstances. Thanks to mental abilities, we can adapt faster, learn new things and apply knowledge in practice. Mental abilities are divided into innate and acquired.

Innate abilities play a big role in our lives. They are formed under the influence of genetics and begin to appear in childhood. Primary intuition is not related to mental functions and does not depend on our skills. It is believed that it is formed on the basis of the architectonics of the cerebral cortex. Acquired abilities are what we will achieve throughout our lives.

IQ is influenced by:

  • individual genes;
  • heredity;
  • external factors.

If everything is clear with the first two points, then the last point raises many questions.

Scientists have found that mental abilities can be influenced by: environment, nutrition, race and even country of residence. The highest rate is among Jews, followed by Asians, and then only people of the white race. Therefore, some are considered smarter simply by nature, because they were born “in the right place.”

Nutrition is also a very important component of the full and comprehensive development of an individual. It has been proven that a lack of iodine in a teenager’s body reduces intelligence by almost 10 points, but breastfeeding helps increase the score by 7 points. True, disputes on this issue still do not subside, since every scientist has his own opinion.

But don’t despair, there are exceptions to every rule.

It’s not difficult to check your IQ, the main thing is to know how.


You can test your mental abilities on your own or under the supervision of a psychologist. For this purpose, various tests have long been developed that allow you to identify the hidden resources of your mind and show everyone what you are capable of. Each of them has tasks of varying complexity.

They are usually arranged in ascending order, from easy to more complex. Points are awarded for each answer option. The maximum number is 180. Tests are divided by age, each category has its own scale of results.

The most common questionnaire is the Eysenck test. In addition, the methods of R. Amthauer, D. Wexler, R. Cattell and J. Raven are often used. They are more accurate. You don't have to choose just one option. To test your mental abilities, you can take all the proposed tests. The average result will most objectively show your IQ.

Tests can be found on the Internet and taken online. However, before starting the inspection, it is better to carefully read the conditions. Some resources offer to take the test for free, but to get results you will have to pay money. There are options without paying, you just need to search online.

Unfortunately, all these developments will not show 100% reliable results. A lot during the test depends on the level of reading and outlook of the person being tested. Poor health or fatigue can have a negative impact on the quality of the test, so taking the test twice can result in completely different results.

Last update: 06/03/2017

There's a lot of talk about IQ tests these days, but many people still don't know what these scores actually mean. What exactly is a high IQ? What about the average? How many points do you need to score to be considered a genius?

IQ, or intelligence quotient, is a score obtained on a standardized test designed to measure intelligence. Formally, it is believed that in the early 1900s with the introduction of the Binet-Simon test, but later it was revised, and the Stanford-Binet test acquired universality.
IQ tests have proven to be very popular not only among psychologists, but also among other specialists, but there is still a lot of debate about what exactly IQ tests measure and how accurate they are.
In order to adequately evaluate and interpret test results, psychometricians use standardization. This process involves administering the test to a representative sample of the population. Each participant takes the test under the same conditions as all other participants in the study group. This process allows psychometricians to establish norms or standards against which individual results can be compared.
When determining the results of an intelligence test, as a rule, the normal distribution function is used - a bell-shaped curve in which most results are located near or around the average score. For example, the majority of scores (about 68%) on the WAIS III test tend to fall between 85 and 115 points (with an average of 100). The remaining results are less common, which is why the area of ​​the curve on which they are located is directed downward. Very few people (approximately 0.2%) score more than 145 (indicating a very high IQ) or less than 55 (indicating a very low IQ) on the test.
Because the average score is 100, professionals can quickly evaluate individual scores by comparing them to the mean and determining where they fall on a normal distribution scale.

More about IQ scores

In most modern IQ tests, the average score is set at 100 points with a standard deviation of 15 points - so that the scores follow a bell curve. This means that 68% of the results fall within one standard deviation from the mean (that is, between 85 and 115 points), and 95% fall within two standard deviations (between 70 and 130 points).
A score of 70 or below is considered low. In the past, this mark was considered an indicator of mental retardation and intellectual disability, characterized by significant cognitive impairment. Today, however, IQ test results alone are not used to diagnose intellectual disability. Approximately 2.2% of people score below 70 points.
A score greater than 140 is considered a high IQ. Many people believe that a score of more than 160 points can indicate a person’s genius.
A high IQ is certainly closely related to academic performance, but is it related to success in life at all? Are there people truly more successful than their counterparts with lower IQs? Many experts believe that other factors, including .
That is, the scores are interpreted as follows.

An IQ test can be used for many reasons. It allows you to determine your level of ability to learn, understand, form concepts, use information, apply logic and reason, in comparison with the population. It speaks volumes and can affect characters that are not the norm in society, whether they are interpersonal, such as isolation, rejection and withdrawal, or intellectual, such as ease or difficulty in performing intellectual activities. On the other hand, it can also explain the successes achieved by individuals in a simpler way than other people.

The effectiveness of this test

The IQ test we offer was developed by a research group of specialists in the field of psychology. It is used worldwide by millions of users and new ones are added every day. Statistical data established on the basis of the overall results make it possible to verify its reliability in relation to IQ scales represented by the Gaussian curve.

Super gifted

People with very high IQ levels, compared to the average (> 130), also called “super-gifted,” tend to have more opportunities for intellectual activity than others. The most well-known characteristics of the super-gifted are:

  • Curiosity and thirst for knowledge: They ask a lot of questions and are able to acquire knowledge on their own.
  • Self-improvement, the need to do something with precision and excellence.
  • Fear of himself, of his capabilities, the consequences of overwhelming thoughts and emotions.
  • An interest that becomes obsessive in certain topics.
  • Hypersensitivity is often invisible from the outside.
  • Prolonged concentration and concentration.
  • Metacognitive Awareness: They are able to identify and use plans, concepts, and strategies to solve problems.

Mental disability

People with very low IQ (

Our statistics

We accompany each IQ result with individual statistics that rank candidates based on several parameters (population, age, education level, field of study).

Every person is familiar with the term " IQ" and the abbreviation IQ. Many also know that IQ is assessed using special tests.

The founder of the development of special test programs, currently known as the IQ Test, was the French psychologist Alfred Binet. The test very quickly gained popularity in different countries. It began to be used to determine the IQ level not only in children, but also in military personnel. More than 2 million people have been tested. Later, IQ levels began to be determined among students and employees of private companies.

IQ level allows you to determine the speed of thinking processes, and not a person’s ability to think. In this regard, the use of tests has lost relevance today.

To solve problems, you need a well-developed ability to concentrate attention, the ability to highlight the main thing, developed memory, a large vocabulary and fluency in spoken language, logical thinking, the ability to manipulate objects, the ability to perform mathematical operations and perseverance. As you can see, these are more psychological characteristics of the individual than mental abilities.

What is an IQ test used for?

Currently, the test is the only way to determine a person's intelligence level.

There are two options for defining mental abilities. The first is intended for children 10-12 years old, with the help of the second the development of children from 12 years old and adults is assessed. They differ in the level of complexity, but the principle of use is the same.

Each test includes different tasks. To earn 100-120 points, which constitute the average IQ, you do not need to strive to complete all tasks. Half of the proposed tasks are sufficient. You are given 30 minutes to complete the task. The most reliable result for a person is 100-130 points.

IQ level of a normal person - what is considered good?

An intelligence level of 100-120 points is considered the norm, which is half of correctly completed tasks. The person who completes all tasks receives 200 points.

This test also helps determine a number of psychological characteristics: attention, thinking, memory. By identifying deficiencies in abilities, you can help in their development and increase your IQ index.

What does IQ level depend on?

Psychologists are trying to establish the dependence of the level of intelligence on heredity, physiological data, gender or race. Several areas of research are being developed.

In the 19th century, scientists conducted a number of experiments to establish the dependence of the level of intelligence on physiological data and gender. They showed no connection. Other scientists have repeatedly stated that intelligence directly depends on a person's race. These studies also found no relationship.

A number of researchers link mental abilities with musical preferences. Music affects the emotional sphere. British scientists have found that the IQ is higher in people who prefer classical music, hard rock and metal. In their opinion, fans of hip-hop and R'N'B have the minimum IQ level.

What to do to increase your IQ ratio

Increasing your IQ requires constant training and brain development. Logical tasks and intellectual games, chess, crosswords and poker are considered one of the effective ways. They help improve memory and increase concentration. Studying the exact sciences develops analytical thinking. Mental development is influenced by reading fiction and learning foreign languages.

How much IQ does a normal person have?

The average level of intellectual development is 100-120 points. However, scientists have long proposed to determine IQ level taking into account chronological age. The test does not show the degree of erudition of an individual, but evaluates general indicators. The tests are designed to distribute results around the average. The test indicates the direction in which a person should develop. An IQ level of 90-120 is considered good. However, it should be remembered that the results of the initial testing will be the most accurate; further data will be distorted.

Human intelligence is very difficult to define and almost impossible to measure. The accumulation of knowledge, abilities and skills occurs throughout a person’s life.

The basis of intelligence is made up of several determining factors; genetics, environment, and environment are important. Scientists have established a direct dependence of mental development on genes. The percentage of influence can range from 40 to 80 percent.

The level of intelligence and the IQ index are influenced by the development of the brain. The more developed a person’s frontal lobes, which are responsible for thought processes, the higher the IQ level.

Scientists pay special attention to the development of children in the first years of life and upbringing. The level of mental development was associated with the order of birth of children in the family. For a long time it was believed that first-born children have a higher level of IQ. Compared to younger children. Recent studies have shown that the birth order of children determines the developmental potential, ability to reason and think, and as a result determine the level of intellectual development. On average, first-born children test within the norm for their age, but score a few points higher than their younger siblings.

The development of mental abilities is influenced by health status. It is normal for a person to follow good habits and lead a healthy lifestyle. This allows you to maintain brain activity in good shape. Scientists have proven that among people with a high level of intelligence, there are fewer patients with chronic diseases and their life expectancy is higher.

Aikyu scale level table by points

If the IQ test results are:

  • 1-24 - profound mental retardation;
  • 25-39 - severe mental retardation;
  • 40-54 - moderate mental retardation;
  • 55-69 - mild mental retardation;
  • 70-84 - borderline mental retardation;
  • 85-114 - average;
  • 115-129 - above average;
  • 130-144 - moderately gifted;
  • 145-159 - gifted;
  • 160-179 - exceptionally gifted;
  • 180 and above - deeply gifted.

Criticism of IQ tests

Determining the level of intelligence using the proposed tests cannot be taken as a basis, since the units of measurement are average indicators that change over time, which means they are not a standard.
A person’s intelligence depends on many factors, ranging from the time of day to the state of health.

You can’t take gender as a basis: among men and women there are people with both high and low IQ levels.
