1s 8 accounting 3 0. Cash flow accounting

Leasing is a type of financial service, the essence of which is the lending of purchased fixed assets. This financial instrument perfectly combines the characteristics of a long-term lease and a financial loan.

A leasing company acquires ownership of specific property and transfers it for use to a third party for a long term. The subject of leasing can be any non-consumable things (usually fixed assets), with the exception of land plots and environmental management facilities.

During the term of the leasing agreement, the consumer pays the cost of the acquired fixed assets plus a leasing fee. After the specified time has passed and the agreed amount has been paid, the property becomes the property of the tenant. Collateral, unlike a loan, is not required for a leasing transaction, and long-term installment plans significantly reduce the size of payments.

Let's look at how leasing transactions are reflected in the lessor's accounting using the example of the 1C Accounting 8.3 program.

Reflection of transactions with payment cards in 1C Accounting 8.3

I have already written about how to reflect payments by bank cards in the 1C Accounting program.

Since then, the functionality of the program has been significantly expanded and changed. Let's consider the new capabilities of the program in terms of operations with plastic cards.

Starting from version 3.0.34, a new document “Payment by payment cards” was added to the program.

The document is intended to reflect in the accounting of bank card payment transactions in retail trade, as well as to reflect the fact of receipt of payment from a wholesale buyer via a payment card.

Today’s article will be addressed primarily to my fellow 1C programmers, but will also be useful to advanced users of 1C programs.

We will talk about problems that arise when transferring data from 1C Enterprise 7.7 information databases.

Error when creating an object from the v7plus.dll component

When switching from the 1C Accounting 7.7 program to working in 1C Enterprise Accounting 8, first of all, it is necessary to transfer data from “seven” to “eight”.

Today, one of my friends asked me a question: “I often buy goods as one item and sell them as another. How can this be reflected correctly?

I decided to answer the question in a new article.

Complete set of items in 1C Accounting Enterprise 8.3

Quite often, a situation arises in an organization when one product item is sold, assembled from several other units purchased earlier.

Disabling the pop-up window with server performance parameters in 1C programs.

Hello! Today I will have an article on a “technical” topic, which it would be nice for users working in 1C programs to have an idea about.

Sometimes users ask questions regarding the technical settings of 1C Enterprise 8.

Many people note that when performing any actions in the program, a small window pops up in the lower left part of the screen with information about indicators that are not at all interesting to the user, and often interfere with him and irritate him.

The window usually says “Current calls” and “Accumulated calls” indicating their number:

The entry was published by the author in the category ,.

Verification of counterparties by TIN - new service 1C Accounting 8.

Description of the new service of the Federal Tax Service and 1C.

Starting with edition 3.0.35, a new service feature has appeared in 1C Enterprise Accounting that allows you to check the presence of a counterparty by its TIN and KPP when entering a new counterparty into the database, and also automatically fills in the details of the counterparty.

Calculation of vacations and sick leave in 1C Enterprise Accounting.

Hello, dear readers of my blog!

Expanding the functionality of 1C Accounting in terms of payroll calculation.

Users of this program who keep records in small companies often asked me a question about the nuances of payroll calculation in 1C Accounting. The fact is that until recently the payroll calculation functionality in this program was the most primitive; it was impossible to calculate the amounts of sick leave and vacation pay - to expand the capabilities, it was proposed to purchase the Salary and Personnel Management program, the cost of purchasing which is not always justified if the organization employs only 15-30 people.

Surpluses identified during the inventory process are included in financial results in the amount of the market value of the discovered property.

Data on the actual availability of goods and materials are entered into the inventory list of goods and materials using the INV-3 form.

Deviations identified during the inventory between accounting data and the actual availability of valuables are reflected in the matching sheet INV-19.

For accounting purposes, surpluses identified by the organization are taken into account as part of other income.

The value of the surplus is determined as of the date of the inventory and must be confirmed by documents or expert evidence.

Let's get acquainted with the new “Taxi” interface in 1C Enterprise Accounting 8.3.

A new release was released on May 30, 2014 programs 1C Enterprise Accounting 8 (version 3.0).

Among other changes, it introduced the ability to use a new interface called "Taxi". In this article I want to talk about what the new interface is for, how to switch to it and how to work with it.

Purpose and general description of the Taxi interface.

Due to the fact that 1C configurations can now be worked via the Internet using a web browser, an increasing number of users use mobile devices for work. The screens from which the 1C program opens are much smaller than a regular monitor. Often, information is entered using a touch-sensitive touch screen..

In my new article I will continue to look at various settings in the "Main" section. Last week, several accountants who switched to the 1C: Accounting 8 edition 3.0 program in their work called me with completely different, but with one solution, questions.

One said that she had heard that in the new version of the program it was possible to work with payments by payment cards, but she could not find how this was implemented. The second asked why in such a modern program it is not possible to print a transport and waybill. The third accountant was unable to reflect the transaction for which the organization acts as a tax agent for VAT.

It would seem that such different questions. But answering them, I realized that I needed to write ONE article to help possibly many more accountants. Because all these features, and many others, are included in the 1C: Accounting 8, edition 3 program when setting up functionality in the “Main” section.

By opening this setting on the "Main" tab, the program offers us three options for functionality:

Basic – when only basic functions will be installed in the program;

Selective – when the user himself installs certain features of the program;

Full – when all functionality is installed in the program.

I believe that it makes sense to carefully install all the settings we need ourselves, without thereby overloading the program with capabilities we do not need. To do this, we install selective functionality.

Go to the "Bank and cash desk" tab. This is where the settings for paying with payment cards, connecting a cash register or fiscal registrar, etc. are located. For each feature of the program there is a fairly informative description of what it means to check a particular box. If the option to uncheck the box is not available, this means that the database already has operations associated with this setting and it is impossible to disable this functionality.

By checking the “Payment cards” checkbox, go to the “Bank and cash desk” section and make sure that payment card payment documents are available to us:

Let's return to the functionality settings and go to the "Inventory" tab. In addition to the ability to work with returnable containers, workwear, special equipment and imported goods, which was familiar in the previous version of the 1C program, the new version of 1C Accounting has a very interesting and necessary for many users opportunity to complete and change the composition of a set of items. After checking the "Item assembling" checkbox, the corresponding documents will be available in the "Warehouse" section.

On the next tab “Fixed assets and intangible assets”, functionality for working with fixed assets and intangible assets is enabled:

The "Calculations" tab contains new features of the 1C program: Accounting - this is an indication of payment terms for receipt and sales documents. In addition, the functionality of a VAT tax agent is also included here.

When you check this box in contracts with a supplier, it becomes possible to indicate that under this agreement our organization acts as a tax agent for VAT:

The next tab in the functionality settings is the most saturated. Here is the setup of retail and commission trade, export and labeling of fur products. Here you can also set the ability to print transport and invoices from the document “Sales (acts, invoices)”, a separate checkbox for the ability to print an act on the transfer of rights:

And the last, most laconic “Production” tab. Includes the ability to record production operations:

That's all I wanted to tell you about setting up the program's functionality. And also, feel free to open this section and check the boxes you need. As some of my clients say, you can’t “break” anything here. What cannot be deleted, the program will not allow you to do so. And experiments with other settings will help you discover new interesting features of the 1C Accounting 8 version 3.0 program

If something remains unclear to you, then you can ask questions about working in 1C to our specialists in our groups on social networks. Join our groups and stay up to date with our new publications.

Your consultant, Victoria Budanova.

"1C Accounting 8" is a software product that is designed to automate tax and accounting. It provides solutions to accounting problems in an enterprise. “1C: Accounting” is constantly updated, thereby preventing any types of errors that are associated with the preparation of reporting. The program itself carries out the basic calculations. These calculations include tax and accounting documents.

What areas of accounting does 1C Accounting 8 include?

Firstly: intangible assets, otherwise referred to as intangible assets;

Secondly: buying and selling;

Third: main production;

Fourth: this includes the bank and cash desk;

Fifthly: the production itself

What are the advantages of the 1C Accounting 8 configuration?

1. The user can customize the program according to his own needs;

2. The program has analytical and accounting components to increase the efficiency of organization management;

3. Within a single information base, you can keep records of legal entities. There is no need to adjust the program for different types of accounting;

4. Here companies with different types of business can keep records; it is possible to detail a separate balance sheet;

5. The program itself can check the completeness of reporting fields;

6. “Start Assistant” makes it easier to enter the data that is necessary to start working in the system;

7. Using the program, you can analyze databases, display error data, and highlight documents in which this or that error occurred;

8. Without hassle, you can close the month in the 1C Accounting 8 program. This is done in an extremely short time frame.

9. 1C Accounting 8.2 combines the functionality of the three most important application solutions of version 1C Accounting 7.7 (accounting 1C: Enterprise, 1C: Accounting, including “Simplified Taxation System”, “1C: Entrepreneur);

10. A convenient intuitive interface simplifies working with the 1C Accounting system, making it more comfortable for both experienced users and beginners;

11. The ability to maintain the work of several companies at once in a single tax and accounting database, which is very convenient if these are related or similar types of activities, regardless of taxation systems;

12. Operational maintenance of batch accounting, the use of the FIFO method when assessing written-off inventories become available if you buy 1C Accounting;

13. Accounting for goods in retail trade at sales prices;

14. V1СAccounting 8.2 analytics of warehouse balances can be carried out both in quantitative and quantitative-monetary terms;

15. When conducting business transactions, the accounting and tax components are clearly reflected;

16. Accounts and sub-accounts, if you buy 1C Accounting 8.2, can be added directly by the user; when using this data in documents, no additional changes to the basic configuration are required.

For appropriate use, the company uses versions of “1C: Accounting 8”, “Basic” CORP and PROF. Versions differ in their functions. The version “1C: Accounting 8 CORP” has the richest potential. If the program does not sufficiently meet your requirements, then it can be replaced with another without any problems or difficulties.

The functionality of the old version is of lower quality in terms of its performance. This is manifested in the fact that in version “1C: Accounting” - 7.7” it was impossible to maintain batch records, it was not possible to maintain records for several organizations that would be combined in one information base. There is no accounting for separate divisions.

One of the most pressing questions from clients when migrating from version 7.7 to 1C Accounting 8.2 is the transfer of data - this is best done from edition 4.5 of the “Accounting” configuration to the “Enterprise Accounting” configuration. To thoroughly study the issue, we recommend studying the book on the transition guide to the new version of 1C Accounting 8.2, which can be purchased as part of the purchased system (the cost of the book is included in the price of the 1C Accounting 8.2 system).

In general, the composition of the reference literature for the operation of 1C Accounting 8.2 differs from version 7.7 - now for goods, materials, work, services, work clothes and equipment there is a general reference book “Nomenclature”, while items of production costs, business expenses, etc. are placed in a separate directory.

When choosing a partner from whom you plan to buy 1C Accounting, check that he is a 1C franchisee, this can be checked on the official website Thus, you can be convinced of the credentials, competence and experience of your future partner, choosing the most reliable and geographically convenient company.

3.0 for many accountants is a new and complex program with an unusual interface. But this is at first glance. If you understand the program, you will find that performing many operations has become much easier. And the interface has become more suitable for the convenience of an accountant.

How do we increase the working space on the screen in 1C: Accounting 3.0?

There is more and more information in accounting documents every day; the text in columns and lines in invoices is so small that everything fits in A4 format! And how can you fit all this into the screen, and you also want a larger font?
The new TAXI interface will help you with this. If important information does not fit on the screen, then you should part with the familiar old interface. This is what your workplace looks like with a maximum working area:

You can set up your workplace in 3 clicks, but first let’s remember the new images of old concepts:
- The main menu of the program is now hidden here. We configure the workspace through the main menu:

While in the panel editor (in the picture below), you retain the right to decide what and where will be on your desktop. This is easy to do - select the panel and drag it with the mouse to the selected part of the workspace. The width of the panels cannot be changed.

The size of the section panel can be changed using a combination of “pictures” and “caption”:

Setting up the display of the section panel is in your hands:

1. Either you use the names of sections, or a picture, or both at the same time

2. For your subordinates, you can specify only those sections with which they will work, i.e. by accounting areas.

Now the choice is yours - which setting will be more comfortable for you to work with.

How to quickly find a product item in 1C: Accounting 3.0?

We search and quickly find the Nomenclature. We have already appreciated the advantage of filling out the tabular part of primary documents in 1C: Accounting 8 not only by selecting from a directory, selecting, but also by typing text. Previously, the program searched only at the beginning of the line. But I want more. Today “1C: Accounting 8”, edition 3.0 in the “Search” field can search by “contains” and highlights the desired combination of program letters in a friendly green color:

Working with counterparties in 1C:Accounting 3.0 in 3 clicks

Another year is coming to an end. This means that the time has come for a total reconciliation of settlements with counterparties. This means that you need to plan enough time for the Reconciliation Acts. In addition to reconciling balances, it is required to generate and print a reconciliation report, sign, stamp, scan the document and send by mail.

Since edition 3.0 was developed on the basis of the previous edition 2.0 of PROF, an experienced user will find a lot in common between them. But there are also some improvements for the convenience of the accountant. The main advantages of edition 3.0 are as follows:

1. Working with the 1C: Accounting 8 program has become possible on any computer. Even where there is neither the program itself nor the corresponding information base. All you need is an Internet connection to run the program through a web browser on a site that provides such a “cloud” service, from which you can return to local mode with the transfer of credentials.

2. Simplified navigation with the ability to customize it to your liking. Each section of the program is equipped with a navigation bar, so you can switch between them with one click. The necessary directories and document journals are just as easy to open.

3. The “Favorites” section, in which you can place those objects that are most often used in accounting work, so as not to waste time and search for them later. In the “Desktop” section, where work begins after starting the program, you can display reference books and magazines that you have to look into every day. "History" button - one click on it opens a list of documents that were recently created or edited.

4. Working on mistakes has become much easier. Now the program itself not only checks the correctness of filling out the documents and highlights the details in which the error was made, but also gives a hint as to what exactly this error consists of.

5. The work of an accountant in accounting for personnel and wages has been made easier. In version 3.0, you no longer need to fill out separate document forms for each employee. All data, including salary and position, personnel orders are entered and then edited directly in the employee’s card. One common document reflects the calculation of wages, insurance premiums, and personal income tax. All personal data is protected in accordance with Federal Law 152-FZ.

6. Payroll pay slips can now be generated by department. You can also pay the salary of one employee separately by department.

7. In edition 3.0, it became possible to use the format of well-known office applications (for example, Microsoft Word, OpenOffice) when outputting printed documents. Very convenient for those who are more familiar with them.

8. Access to the information base has been expanded. Now access with the right to view data once in read mode has also become possible.

9. Long-term operations can be performed in the background and at the same time, without waiting for completion, for example, the end of the month, you can continue to work on other documents in the program.

10. Expanded customization options depending on user preferences. You can choose a convenient creation mode for new documents. You can easily change the appearance of the form of each document - the order of fields, bookmarks, etc. All changes can be saved for other users. For any object included in the information base, you can create an internal link through which another accountant will accurately find and open this object with one click if necessary.

It's easy to navigate the capabilities of edition 3.0 and find quick answers to all changes. This can be done using methodological support tools built into the configuration. With them it will be easier for the accountant to get used to it and evaluate all the changes for the better.
