Are Libras a good match? Libra zodiac sign best compatibility

People born under the sign of Libra are distinguished by their delicate taste, special charm and sophistication. They are extremely confident in themselves, constantly try to achieve justice, and besides, they love everything original. The ordinary seems gray and boring to them; they are constantly looking for new experiences. It is not easy to like such a person, but it is even more difficult to keep him close to you. The ideal couple for Libra - what is it like? We'll talk about this now.

How old are you?

It is common for every person, including those born from September 23 to October 23, to look for a suitable partner. Libra, entering into a relationship, is absolutely confident that everything will work out in the best way. And they are extremely surprised when the situation does not change the way they would like. There is a need to make a decision quickly, but this is something Libra does not like. Any decisive action causes internal rejection in them; they always hope that everything will work out. Is it really?

Young Libra

This happens with some zodiac signs. Time passes, everything resolves itself and it turns out that this particular sign is the ideal match for Libra. For young Libra people, the most suitable partners are:

  • Twins;
  • Aquarius.

Important! These two signs are united with Libra by the element Air. These are kindred spirits, and there are many chances to create a strong union.

True, the Gemini partner must fully meet the requirements of the one born under the sign of Libra:

  • immediately choose a path in life;
  • firmly follow the intended path;
  • Don't try to achieve a beautiful life the easy way.

Something else is required from Aquarius. Aquarius must overcome his isolation and accept his partner's friends, everyone, regardless of gender and age.

Libra, who...

Youth passes, and with it, so do addictions. Of course, Libra is capable of a lasting union that lasts for decades. But situations when a person who is already over forty is forced to build a new life are not so rare. In this case, the best pair for the scales is:

  • Sagittarius;

True, the Libra man has certain requirements for ideal partners, otherwise there will be no trace of any union.

Mature Libra and Sagittarius

Libras are extremely demanding of both themselves and others. Actually, because of this, they most often have problems in family life. A career for them is not an empty phrase, but a vital necessity. By the age of forty, Libras usually achieve high positions and a stable financial position. They demand the same from Sagittarius.

Unfortunately, ardent and enthusiastic Sagittarians do not always satisfy the requirements, which they themselves consider too high. But if Sagittarius agrees that he needs a high social status, and even managed to achieve a stable position, the union will become the most reliable of all possible.

Union with Leo

Leos quite often have a penchant for gambling. These are the most avid casino visitors, who, moreover, go there not for the sake of spending time, but with the goal of winning. A loss unsettles them, Leos try to win back and... spend everything they have in their pockets, and even manage to get into debt. Libras are not inclined to tolerate such frivolity. If Leo does not give up his addiction, the union will fall apart very quickly.

Ideal match for Libra women

What is the compatibility of Libra with other signs and which of the girls suits Libra the most? Gemini, Leo, Sagittarius and Aquarius go well with Libra, regardless of whether it is about love or friendship. But do people born under these signs always create ideal families with Libra? It must be said that horoscopes that perfectly coincide with each other do not exist in nature. People are all different, and even people born under the same sign can have very different aspirations in life.

The Libra woman liked the man, but he was born under the wrong sign? There is nothing to worry about, true love can overcome all obstacles and smooth out all contradictions, even stellar ones. But first, look inside yourself and see how much you match your sign and whether you are compatible with others.

Libra Women:

  • appreciate art;
  • have natural elegance and grace;
  • they love beautiful places and beautiful people - they are breathtaking from the beautiful view from the window or the appearance of the person sitting opposite them;
  • very sensitive and easily distinguish true beauty;
  • are distinguished by high intelligence and logical thinking;
  • tend to listen to other people's opinions and agree with reasonable arguments;
  • pay attention to the words of their man and rejoice in his approval;
  • they trust their loved ones and do not seek to convict them of something bad;
  • are critical of themselves and know how to emphasize their strengths and divert attention from their shortcomings;
  • They do not overuse cosmetics and do not seek to ruin their life partner by purchasing expensive clothes and luxurious jewelry.

Accordingly, the partner must have qualities that are in harmony with these characteristics. The ideal match for Libra women is a man who:

  • loves art;
  • must be an erudite and be able to conduct intelligent conversations on a variety of topics;
  • appreciates and knows how to create beauty around him;
  • admires his beautiful lady;
  • gives her a feeling of security and self-confidence;
  • She is calm about the fact that she takes a long time to get ready and can only return halfway to change clothes.

Since the Libra woman is partial to everything beautiful, she is unlikely to be interested in a man who does not pay any attention to his appearance. In addition, a man must be patient - in this case, things cannot be rushed. Libra is called that because it weighs every little thing. They do not give in to momentary impulses. At the same time, a man who has connected his life with a Libra woman should be calm about noisy companies and crowded holidays.

Important! The Libra woman does not forgive vulgarity and stupidity.

A little about sex

Libra women prefer beautiful sex. For them, this is, first of all, art; sex must necessarily be preceded by spectacular courtship, flowers, gifts, interesting conversations. No random connections, no strange places. Just your own bed in an elegant, clean room. Libra women in this sense are real aristocrats, and a man should take this for granted.

Moreover, ladies born under this sign are very good at seducing. They are attractive and know how to highlight their qualities. But they also treat flirting as an art, as a game with strictly defined rules. Therefore, the ideal men for such women are often those who are either similar in everything or very different:

  • Aries;
  • Scales:
  • Calf;
  • Sagittarius;
  • Aquarius.

Aries Man

They say opposites attract. This fully applies to the Libra - Aries pair. They are very different, but this is what creates the basis for stable relationships that very often last a lifetime.

a lion

Leo is suitable for Libra, regardless of gender and age. As for a couple, when a woman is born under the sign of Libra and a man is born under the sign of Leo, then the basis of the relationship very often becomes male vanity. Leo is proud of his lady, emphasizes her advantages, looks after her beautifully - in a word, he does everything that his life partner likes.


A completely opposite situation arises when both partners are Libra. They understand each other perfectly, they do not need to adapt, they have common tastes and common life aspirations. Only one thing can interfere with an ideal relationship - if one of the partners starts working too hard for the public.


Sagittarius is a freedom-loving person, he knows no restraint and openly expresses his attitude. At first he may seem rude to a Libra woman, but after a while she will be able to discern and appreciate his true essence. He will often emphasize her advantages in front of strangers, and Libra really likes this.


Libra women fall in love with Aquarius men at first sight. The basis of harmony is sexual attraction. The Libra woman not only falls in love herself, she skillfully makes a man fall in love with her. These relationships usually last a long time.

Important! Sometimes disagreements arise between partners, but they do not lead to serious discord. It’s just that even in an ideal relationship, small shocks are needed that only strengthen the internal connection.


Taurus is the most suitable partner for sex. He is sensitive, attentive, knows how to speak beautifully, and appreciates the beauty of his partner. However, such unions are not always ideal. Taurus does not like the sociability of Libra, they do not like noisy companies and are generally quite secretive and reserved.


The best match for Libra women sexually is a Gemini man. He not only attracts a potential partner with his appearance. These two can talk on a variety of topics, they both love art and strive for beauty. Both love fantastic sex, and this very often brings them together for many years. The Gemini man is also a reliable friend.

Not a very good choice

Libra women can get along quite well with some signs, but it all depends on the circumstances. These signs include:

  • Fish.

Cancer and Libra can fall in love with each other, but it is usually difficult for them to build relationships - they are too different. But if the love is real, the union can be very strong. A relationship with Pisces is also quite possible if both partners have the patience to overcome Pisces’ indecision.

Bad choice

The worst options for Libra women are Virgo and Capricorn. A man born under the sign of Virgo is very demanding of his partner, but he forgives himself everything. Sex is usually interesting, but sexual relationships cannot replace everything else:

  • mutual understanding;
  • common interests;
  • careful attention to the strengths and weaknesses of partners.

The Libra woman very often quarrels with the Capricorn man. The reason for the disagreement is different attitudes towards material well-being. For Libra it is secondary, for Capricorn it is primary.

Ideal match for Libra men

All people born under the same sign have some common features, which means that Libra men also love art, appreciate external beauty, they have a logical mind, they think about a decision for a long time, and do not do anything out of sudden insight. For Libra men, the ideal unions are:

  • with Aquarius;
  • with Gemini;
  • with Sagittarius.

Aquarius Woman

The Libra man not only falls in love with such a woman. This union is strong because the partners not only have sex, but also become friends. They can have intellectual conversations on a variety of topics, they find it interesting and fun together. Quite often, partners are truly creative individuals who achieve great success together.

Gemini Woman

She is desperate, spontaneous, and constantly surprises her partner. This couple will always look for bright impressions, and will certainly find them. The partners do not care about everyday problems, both strive for pleasure and understand each other perfectly. In general, a Gemini woman and a Libra man are what is called “husband and wife – one Satan.”

Sagittarius Woman

The restraint of Sagittarius in such an alliance is balanced by the sociability of Libra. Their relationship is beautiful. The Libra man surrounds his partner with tenderness, emphasizes her advantages in every possible way, and the woman responds with admiration and devotion. A Sagittarius woman is perceived by her partner as an adventure hunter. It doesn't matter whether this is actually true. However, she usually does not disappoint him.

Failed Alliances

A Libra man will feel somewhat uncomfortable with a Pisces woman. He won’t like a partner born under the sign of Cancer either. With Pisces, everything usually starts off well. The first days of the novel promise a long, happy life together. The partner gives luxurious gifts and is ready to drink champagne from a shoe. Both speak kind words to each other.

However, the Libra man cannot provide Pisces with the reliable protection that his partner desperately needs. Conflicts most often arise on this basis. Libras are very skeptical about such manifestations, considering them to be an ordinary female whim. Frivolity sometimes costs them dearly - relationships deteriorate forever.

In a relationship with a Cancer woman, a Libra man lacks decisiveness and certainty. The partner needs to be appreciated, and she also needs protection. The partner cannot provide either one or the other. The result is coldness and alienation, which often ends in a complete break.

Taurus Woman

Difficult relationships between Libra men and Taurus women. Taurus really don’t like frivolous entertainment; they also dislike Libra’s sociability. A woman born under this sign is unlikely to like it when her partner constantly spends time in noisy companies. She doesn't understand that this is important to him. In turn, he cannot accept the seriousness and determination of Taurus, which sometimes border on tyranny. A union is possible if one of the partners wants it so much that they are ready to sacrifice their natural inclinations.

Half the middle

A Libra man can have a successful relationship with an Aries woman. Both of them like qualities in their partner that are absent in their own character. Aries is impulsive, often acting on the spur of the moment - Libra never does this. But the Aries woman is stubborn, often striving to prove that she is right at all costs. If a man accepts this, the relationship will work out well.

Of course, the stars most likely leave some kind of imprint on our lifestyle and character. But true love can unite even those people who, according to friends, will never get along together. Look for your ideal match according to your heart and your own vision of the person, and not according to star combinations and the advice of others!

The most suitable partners for a Libra man are Gemini women and Libra women. When paired with a Libra man, they create wonderful partnerships based on a deep spiritual connection and mutual respect. With a representative of his zodiac sign, the Libra man feels comfortable and confident, since they have the same views on life, love and family.

The union of a Libra man and a Gemini woman at the very beginning of a relationship can be almost ideal. Both of these signs are distinguished by a flexible mind, changeability and emotionality, so they understand each other perfectly, find many common interests and enjoy spending time together. But astrologers believe that this couple has a chance for a long and strong relationship only if both partners make every effort to do so.

Compatibility with fire signs

Among the representatives of fire signs, Sagittarius is best suited for Libra. A man in this union will have everything he strives for in a relationship - understanding, mutual support, warmth and harmony. There are practically no conflicts between a Libra man and a Sagittarius woman, and therefore the life together of this couple will be calm and prosperous.

Compatibility with earth signs

The Libra man has excellent relationships with all earthly zodiac signs, but for a serious relationship, Taurus is best suited for him. Libra and the Taurus woman are united by a love of earthly pleasures and the ability to enjoy life. The relationship of this couple will be romantic and sensual. It is difficult for him to find a common language with Virgo and Capricorn only at the beginning of the relationship, but as the partners learn to understand each other, their chances of a happy union increase.

Compatibility with water signs

According to astrologers, the most suitable water sign for Libra is Pisces. Both partners are able to accept each other with all their strengths and weaknesses; in addition, the Libra man is happy to share the creative hobbies of his chosen one, thanks to which their relationship can be very harmonious and comfortable.

A good match for a Libra man can also be a Scorpio woman, who is able to conquer him with her sensuality and passion. True, for their relationship to last, Scorpio will have to pacify his excessive emotionality and hot temper, since this will inevitably disrupt the fragile harmony, which is what Libra men value so much in love relationships.

Women and men born under the sign of Libra have innate charm and charm. They were sent to Earth to give love, charge everyone with optimism, teach everyone to enjoy every moment of life, and enjoy the beauty of the world. Representatives of this zodiac sign are romantic; they tirelessly search for their ideal. At the same time, they lack balance. It is difficult for both women and men to find harmony and self-confidence. The compatibility of Libra with other zodiac signs in friendship, love, and marriage is very important, since they do not feel comfortable with all people.

Relationship between Libra woman and Aries man

This couple is able to live together for many years in peace and harmony. Despite the fact that Aries and Libra are opposites of each other, they marry very often. These signs often have contradictory views on certain situations. But at the same time, the beauty of Libra conquers Aries, makes them obey their woman. Marriage should be built on the principles of democracy, only in this case can we talk about a happy life together.

Is a union possible between a Libra woman and a Taurus man?

Different views on life, interests, attitudes towards certain situations do not allow these two to live under the same roof for a long time. There can be no talk of a long and happy marriage here.

Prospects for the relationship between a Libra woman and a Gemini man

This is an ideal union based on open relationships. The compatibility of Libra in love with Gemini is beyond any doubt: they are made for each other. A man will always admire his beautiful chosen one and worship her beauty. A couple can be at the stage of an open relationship for a long time; they get married after several years of dating.

Relationship between Libra woman and Cancer man

Representatives of these signs are very rarely happy together. They are constantly dissatisfied with each other, the woman makes great demands on her chosen one, and he is not able to meet them. Libra's compatibility with Cancer is practically zero; the beginning of a relationship can be fabulous, but the end is sad.

Relationships between Libra woman and Leo man

Promising marriage. Representatives of these signs break up very rarely. Libra and Leo feel mutual attraction, they feel good together. Only together they achieve great success in all areas of life.

Is marriage possible between a Libra woman and a Virgo man?

Representatives of these signs can either live in harmony or separate soon after meeting each other. Libra's compatibility with Virgo is very high. A man is proud of his chosen one, admires her beauty, and a woman understands perfectly who her beloved is, so she does not create any illusions about him. At the same time, she does not lose hope of rehabilitating her husband, and this is her gravest mistake.

Libra woman and Libra man: pros and cons

Representatives of this sign are a mirror image of each other. They understand their soulmate perfectly, have the same views on life, but at the same time they cannot bring anything new into the relationship. They get bored. Libra is such a zodiac sign: compatibility will be favorable only if he finds support and support in his partner. A woman and a man of the same sign cannot find harmony together, so they are uncomfortable under the same roof. Very often, such couples break up, maintaining warm friendly relations.

Scorpio man and Libra woman: couple compatibility

The relationship between these two sooner or later fails. Scorpio is fascinated by Libra, ready to fulfill any whims of his beloved, to put up with her inconstancy, the eternal search for harmony, the lack of comfort and peace in the family nest. At the same time, Libra and Scorpio have completely different ideas about their ideal intimate life. Over time, such a relationship will become a heavy burden for both.

A calm marriage between a Libra woman and a Sagittarius man

The relationship begins with a whirlwind romance, but over time the fire of passion subsides. The Sagittarius man is captivated by the Libra woman with her charm. The couple's compatibility is good. After several years of living together, the novelty wears off, and a man may become bored, but there is unlikely to be a reason to break off the relationship. Sagittarius with Libra can live in peace and harmony for many years.

Ideal couple: Libra woman and Capricorn man

These two can create a good marriage. Capricorn sees an ideal in his chosen one and admires her, but a woman finds peace and inner harmony under the wing of her lover. The lovers complement each other perfectly.

Harmonious marriage between a Libra woman and an Aquarius man

This couple tries to resolve all controversial issues peacefully, avoiding conflicts and loud scandals. The compatibility of Libra with Aquarius can be called almost ideal. They manage to build a cozy nest, live in peace and harmony.

Libra woman and Pisces man - two strangers under one roof

Such marriages can last for many years, but they do not bring happiness. Pisces try to avoid conflicts, and Libra tries with all their might to preserve their happiness. These people have different interests and outlooks on life.

What will a Libra man give an Aries woman?

The compatibility of such a couple is in question. Aries are too impulsive, bright, and have their own opinion on everything. Libra seeks balance and harmony. At the beginning of a relationship, these two cannot get enough of each other, but over time, disagreements spoil everything.

A calm marriage between a Libra man and a Taurus woman

The couple was made for each other, even after many years they manage to maintain mutual respect, peace and comfort in the house. At the same time, they will not be bored in each other’s company; lovers will always have something to talk about.

Libra man and Gemini woman are soul mates

Libra man and Cancer woman - a marriage full of disagreements

These two won't have an easy time together. Libras are used to evaluating and analyzing everything, but Cancers cannot understand this. A woman often tends to deceive, pretend, and hide something from her partner, but he immediately recognizes the falsity. Compatibility is unsuccessful.

A wonderful union between a Libra man and a Leo woman

What has the restless and all-knowing zodiac prepared for these two? Libra's compatibility with Leo is almost perfect. A man strives to find an ideal, and his chosen one is precisely the embodiment of brilliance, luxury, and attractiveness. A strong and happy marriage.

A short-term and joyless union of a Libra man and a Virgo woman

Their house is always cozy and clean, but there is no warmth. A man will always feel like a stranger and suffer from frequent reproaches from his chosen one. The relationship between lovers cools down very quickly.

Libra man and Scorpio woman: a marriage full of misunderstanding and hatred

It's better for these two not to even get together. Conflicts, quarrels, showdowns - all this kills the Libra man. Such a couple has zero marital compatibility. Each time the quarrels will become more and more violent, people will simply hate each other. In such a situation, it is better to break up and forget about each other.

A favorable union between a Sagittarius woman and a Libra man

The couple suits each other intellectually and intimately. The marriage cannot be called ideal, but the lovers feel comfortable with each other.

Uneasy union between a Libra man and a Capricorn woman

Earth signs are always confident in themselves; they are irritated by the fluctuations of people of the air element, and this is precisely what Libra belongs to. The zodiac sign, whose compatibility largely depends on finding an ideal in the person of a partner, has a very hard time experiencing constant scandals, quarrels with or without cause. The union is unfavorable.

Libra man and Aquarius woman: in search of harmony

The lovers will have to get used to each other and find common ground. Overall, this is a successful union. Partners value each other.

A difficult marriage between a Libra man and a Pisces woman

A union is possible, but it does not bring joy to anyone. The couple almost never has mutual sincere feelings. Pisces strive to find an ideal, but Libra does not live up to their hopes.

A true child of Venus, the Libra woman is in love with the very thought of being loved. Therefore, she often puts on a subtle love performance, trying to charm her partner.

According to the compatibility horoscope, the Libra woman does not belong to the category of those spoiled ladies who like to hang on her husband’s neck. Thanks to her logic, intelligence, and erudition, she manages to make a good career, while all her “masculine” qualities are surprisingly combined with emphasized femininity.

The mood of such a woman changes every minute; she expects those around her to guess her desires. The Libra lady is always looking for the ideal companion, but does not understand that he exists only in her imagination.

With compatibility, the Libra woman expects that her lover will be a worthy frame in which she will be a diamond. This is why many Libra women choose men much older than themselves.

When the romance fades, they try to transform the relationship into friendship. . Well, if you are not going to part with her, the Libra woman will become a charming wife, talented, sociable and charming.

Sometimes it even seems that Libra, knowing full well that men are afraid of smart women, deliberately puts on the mask of an elegant flower.

Indeed, she can chat for hours about anything - from politics to the latest season's fashion - and only if you have the strength to listen, you will be surprised to realize that her reasoning is smart and accurate. The Libra woman has something to say about everything in the world, and therefore she gladly enters into disputes and arguments, forgetting about time and enjoying the process itself.

Before the wedding, you may be touched by the fact that in these disputes you always have the last word. However, when Libra becomes your wife, you will be surprised to find that the roles have changed. Libra is great at putting everything into perspective and making the interlocutor (that is, you) agree with herself, it’s just that while she doesn’t have a wedding ring on her finger, she wisely hides it.

In marriage, her ability to analyze will be very useful for you. Tell her more often about what is happening at work, and be sure to listen to her advice - they are truly valuable. Despite the fact that your home may look like a flower shop, despite the fact that your wife loves to shower you with affectionate nicknames and kisses even in front of strangers, despite the fact that she can talk on the phone for hours and loves sweet donuts, remember that this The pretty head can also think wonderfully.

Compatibility of Libra woman and Taurus man

In terms of compatibility between a Libra woman and a Taurus man, this couple resembles twin children who are unlike each other: so different, but so close and elusively similar. Their union can be called the union of two true aesthetes and gourmets. The love for comfort and pleasure brings the Taurus man and the sensual Libra woman closer together, in life together it manifests itself in literally everything - from their common love of eating delicious food to the desire to own beautiful things and the ability to give each other pleasure in bed. All this contributes to the creation of strong and long-term, harmonious relationships, because it is so nice when you are connected with a loved one not only by solving pressing problems, but also by the ability to receive joy from life even in the smallest things...

Compatibility of Libra woman and Gemini man

In terms of compatibility between a Libra woman and a Gemini man, this couple is very harmonious. Their relationship begins and develops easily and naturally.

The fickle Gemini man can hardly be called a sign striving for family life, but in this union he is closer to this than ever. Although she and Libra are not very similar, they sometimes see their own reflection in each other. The Libra woman, with her frequent mood swings and conflicting feelings, is understandable to the Gemini man like no other sign, and for both such mutual understanding is rare...

Compatibility of Libra woman and Cancer man

According to the compatibility of a Libra woman and a Cancer man, each partner in this union has the opportunity to feel like a pearl fisher. After hard work, obstacles and stress, they may, with luck, obtain the beautiful pearl of true love. But, of course, there is also a risk of being left with nothing.

The Cancer man is cautious, but the Libra woman is contradictory and sometimes doesn’t know what she wants, which is why such an alliance is rare. However, the sensitive Cancer man and the loving Libra woman have many pleasant points of contact, but the indecision of both leaves an imprint on their entire life together...

Compatibility of Libra woman - Leo man

According to the compatibility of the Libra woman and the Leo man, this couple is literally created for a long and happy life together. Both are beautiful, regal, and simply impossible to miss wherever they appear. People around them are eager to communicate with them, as both have a warm, pleasant demeanor, are polite and have good manners.

According to statistical data, the marriage between a Leo man and a Libra woman has the lowest divorce rate. They have excellent mutual understanding, interest in each other appears from the very first minutes of meeting. The life together of a Libra-Leo couple is full of joy and happiness, warmth and mutual understanding. Partners quickly and easily get used to each other, become attached and rise together...

Compatibility of Libra woman and Virgo man

In terms of compatibility between a Libra woman and a Virgo man, this couple does not have very good compatibility and most often they are united by a difference in character and abilities: one has what the other lacks. They complement each other and learn from each other.

The Libra woman is too independent, her feelings are too contradictory, and over time she often begins to be burdened by family ties with the predictable and overly rational Virgo man. On the other hand, divorce for a Libra woman is too serious a step, which, due to her character, she may never decide to take. Because of this, there are situations when the marriage of Virgo and Libra exists only due to inertia and habit...

Compatibility of Libra woman - Libra man

This union has all the prerequisites to be long-term and durable. In each other, the contradictory Libras find their second self. In terms of compatibility between Libra women and Libra men, they have good mutual understanding and excellent sexual compatibility. They perfectly understand each other's thoughts, feelings and aspirations. But there is also a minus in this marriage - their emotions are also not inferior to each other in strength.

In everyday life, they can result in conflicts, which, however, rarely lead to a break. Thoughtful Libra needs a very serious reason to dare to divorce. That is why, if Libra expects from this union not only long-term, but also comfortable relationships, they should learn to compromise and give in to each other more often...

Compatibility of Libra woman and Scorpio man

In terms of compatibility between a Libra woman and a Scorpio man, this union resembles a battle of ice and fire. The sophisticated, secular Libra woman is incredible and desirable for the temperamental, strong and sensual Scorpio man.

In the Libra-Scorpio couple, passions are constantly raging. Both the Libra woman and the Scorpio man know how to control themselves, both are successful manipulators, and mutual attraction turns their struggle into an exquisite erotic action...

Compatibility of Libra woman and Sagittarius man

According to the compatibility of a Libra woman and a Sagittarius man, they form a wonderful couple. Their relationship is filled with harmony, mutual understanding and love for each other. The Sagittarius man is the most ideal partner for the Libra woman from the entire Zodiac Sign. The same can be said about a Libra woman for a Sagittarius man. Together they can achieve stunning results and conquer more than one peak.

The emotionality of the Libra woman and the temperament of the Sagittarius man give this couple excellent compatibility in sexual relationships. In other areas of life, partners, as a rule, also find a common language well: the fickle Libra woman, like no one else, is able to understand the fickle Sagittarius man, he, in turn, does not put pressure on her, for which the Libra woman is very grateful...

Compatibility of Libra woman and Capricorn man

According to the compatibility of a Libra woman and a Capricorn man, a family union between them is one of the most difficult unions.

If a Libra woman is wondering who to choose from her suitors, then she should make a choice not in favor of the Capricorn man. If the Libra-Capricorn relationship has already developed and love has come, then the Libra woman should be prepared for the fact that she will have to make a lot of efforts to save this marriage...

Compatibility of Libra woman - Aquarius man

According to the compatibility of the Libra woman and the Aquarius man, there is no special warmth and comfort in their family union, but there is also no strong tension and dissatisfaction with each other.

Both partners do not seek to change or somehow put pressure on their half. Equal, respectful and friendly relations develop between them....

Compatibility of Libra woman and Pisces man

According to the compatibility of the Libra woman and the Pisces man, the relationship in this pair can turn out well. Both partners are united by a love of beauty. The Libra woman in this union receives from the Pisces man so much warmth and tenderness, kind words and attention, as, perhaps, from no other sign of the Zodiac. And the Pisces man in alliance with the Libra woman finds a quiet, cozy haven.

Quarrels in a Libra-Pisces couple begin over money. The Pisces man usually does not know how to make money. The only exceptions are those who have found their calling. But the Libra woman is used to living in comfort, and is not ready to be limited to little. In a stable environment, she can make good money herself. But if a crisis occurs, she is helpless. And, besides this, the Pisces man cannot support her. Therefore, couples of a Libra woman and a Pisces man often break up during financial crises...

Text: Sascha Gluwein

The constellations under which we are born can influence our character and choice of partner. the site presents a series of articles in which it will tell about representatives of all zodiac signs.

This article should not be considered the ultimate truth. “Ideal” representatives of any zodiac sign who 100% fit the given description do not exist in nature, just as phlegmatic people, choleric people, melancholic people and sanguine people in their pure form do not exist. However, getting a general idea of ​​who you need is quite possible. In no case do we encourage you to ruin your existing relationship if it suddenly turns out that, according to this text, you are not suitable for each other.

Libra Woman

The Libra woman admires beauty in all its forms, from music and architecture to people. She makes very high demands on men; in fact, her companion must perform the same functions as a diamond ring on her finger - be aesthetically attractive and raise self-esteem. As a rule, those with beer bellies and other individuals who reject sports are eliminated in the quarterfinals. Libra women like creative personalities; they are attracted to actors, singers, writers, artists and musicians.

The well-known Buridan donkey, who died of starvation between two armfuls of hay, was probably born under the same zodiac sign. When making a decision (no matter what we are talking about - what shoes to wear or who to marry), a Libra woman can hesitate indefinitely. Sometimes, in order for her to make at least some choice, outside intervention is necessary. However, such indecisiveness does not mean a lack of intelligence. This person has an analytical mindset and is “friendly” with logic. The expression “There are two points of view - one is wrong, and the other is mine” - in no way applies to Libra, they take into account the opinions of other people, the opinion of the beloved man - without fail.

“Personal space” for Libra is not just a set of words, so she is unlikely to rummage through her partner’s pockets in search of “evidence,” check his email, or read SMS messages on his mobile phone.

The Libra woman is a chatterbox by nature; she can talk endlessly, pouring from empty to empty in the absence of some important topic for conversation. Among Libras there are a lot of extroverts who pathologically cannot stand loneliness.

She always has a very difficult relationship with money - deep down, this woman is sure that money is created in order to spend it, although she is not always ready to admit this out loud. Crispy banknotes by themselves are unlikely to bring a Libra woman into a state of wild delight; they mean for her the opportunity to acquire something beautiful.

As a rule, a Libra woman knows all her shortcomings and advantages, and emphasizes the latter very skillfully with the help of makeup and clothing. In most cases, Libras look charming even in simple jeans. It’s true that they are late because at first they spend too much time in front of the mirror, thinking about what to wear, and at the last moment they change their mind.

The Libra woman is constantly torn between career and family; she wants to achieve success in both fields at the same time. If she is late at work, she feels guilty towards her family. If she is forced to spend some time at home, she will definitely worry about how the office is coping without her.

The Libra woman is productive, but her performance varies throughout the week. She does not know how to work according to a plan and do “from now to now”, evenly distributing the load: one day she is bursting with ideas, on another she dreams of a vacation in the morning, on the third she is able to make a weekly plan.

Woman - Libra and sex

The Libra woman prefers the love foreplay to be long. Why rush when the nights are made for love? She enjoys every minute of the “erotic introduction” and finds even the exchange of relevant remarks delightful.

From the point of view of Libra, seduction is an art that requires suitable decorations - a play of light and shadow, a mirror placed on the ceiling, etc. If a Libra woman is confident in her sexuality, she will emphasize it - sometimes even in very unconventional ways. Libra may take the time to create an intimate design with a heart or the initials of a lover, they are able to create a fashionable erotic “ensemble” of jingling bracelets and a naked body, or openly provoke a man by not wearing a bra under a transparent blouse.

Women born under this zodiac sign are distinguished by their extraordinary ability to control their intimate muscles; some of them are able to bring a man to orgasm, practically without moving. In addition, they are confident that sex is an activity for two, and not a man's sport, which includes erotic exercises on a balance beam. So Libra always thinks not only about themselves, but also about their partner. However, crazy sex in an elevator, car or in the forest does not really attract this person. The Libra woman will prefer to make love in the bedroom, with the bathroom taking an honorable second place.

Suitable for Libra

The Libra woman and the Aries man once again prove the correctness of the statement that opposites attract. They complement each other very well (like the Irish and the riots, cake and cream roses), forming together a union that can last for many years.

A Libra woman and a Leo man are a very successful combination, the charming “Weighing Lady” is for Leo the very “trophy” that can be proudly shown to others. However, here we are dealing not only with external harmony - they not only look good, but also feel very comfortable next to each other.

A Libra woman and a Libra man are able to give each other love, romance and... balance, which they both so desperately need.

A Sagittarius man can make the “Weighing Lady” smile on the first date, understand that her views on life are very consonant with his views on the second, and on the third he can seriously think about marriage. All this time, the Libra woman will enjoy his relaxedness and constant desire to demonstrate his feelings in public. In short, a bright future awaits them, unclouded by family scandals.

A Libra woman can fall in love with an Aquarius man, if not at first sight, then certainly at the second. Despite the fact that the dates cannot be called “classics of the genre” (they will come out too eccentric), a long and tender relationship awaits them. To an outside observer, it may seem that these two do nothing but quarrel, but in fact, they need a verbal spat so that love does not become too cloying.

Not the most successful and not the most unsuccessful combinations

The “Weighing Girl” is unlikely to be able to resist the onslaught of a man - Taurus and will not regret it - the sex will be simply divine. The bone of contention can be different attitudes towards the presence/absence of people nearby. The Libra woman is a creature with a pronounced social overtones, while Taurus, as a rule, does not care about others.

A Gemini man and a Libra woman always have something to talk about, but this is unlikely to help them somehow organize their dating schedule. However, if they do end up “in the same place, at the same hour,” the sex will be enchanting. True, despite the mutual attraction, most likely only sex will be magical, and not the entire short affair.

The relationship between the “Weighing Lady” and the Cancer man is more like a long, difficult job, they are too different. It can take a lot of time to find common ground and learn to hear and understand each other. Sometimes there is too much, so both of them run out of patience faster.

If a Libra woman and a Scorpio man manage to overcome the stiffness and tension, without which the sweet-and-bouquet stage of a romance will probably not happen, then a relationship may arise between them that claims to be strong.

A Pisces man and a Libra woman can beat around the bush for a very long time, not daring to take the first step, but if it is taken, there is a chance for the success of this enterprise.

Not suitable for Libra

The “Weighing Lady” and the Virgo man have catastrophically little in common, except perhaps a very high level of expectations as far as their partner is concerned. Despite the good sex, this relationship is unlikely to have a future.

The Libra woman and the Capricorn man, although they “get along” well with each other in bed, will constantly sort things out over money.
