What do you know about Feng Shui talismans? How to celebrate the New Year according to Feng Shui A gift for the New Year according to Feng Shui.

There are many different techniques that help us tune in to development, self-improvement, and program more successful developments of events. It is believed that one of the most successful practices is Feng Shui. In short, these are principles that allow you to competently organize the space around you. To ensure the free flow of positive vibrations and close the way to the house for negativity. Now we will figure out how to celebrate the New Year 2019 according to Feng Shui.

Bring order to your thoughts and emotions

Many people have heard that on the eve of the New Year a general cleaning of the home is necessary. This is a completely reasonable requirement, understandable from the point of view of traditional logic. But we need to approach ourselves even more responsibly at this critical stage.

Our brain, as experts say, is truly akin to a powerful computer. And even a very advanced PC requires care; it is necessary to reboot it from time to time, remove files that burden its functioning. And what most interferes with the activity of our mental functions? Most often, these are grievances, misunderstandings, and anger at someone accumulated over the years. In general, negative thoughts and emotions.

These are the ones files"and needs to be cleaned before the change of years. Otherwise, they will continue to haunt us all next year, preventing us from moving forward and developing. All religions and all productive psychologies, positive philosophies of the world talk about this: the importance, the vital necessity of forgiveness, of cleansing oneself from layers of negativity.

One Eastern sage subtly noted: gifts that we do not accept remain with the giver. In the same way, insults, reproaches, insults inflicted on us by other people will not destroy us if we put up a barrier and do not allow them to take possession of us. The New Year is an ideal occasion to make peace with those with whom you managed to ruin your relationship in the past. And if for some reason reconciliation is impossible, at least try not to overwhelm yourself and let go of past grievances.

« This is the hardest thing!“- many will say. They'll probably be right. But besides general advice, there is also a lot of special training, various techniques, and attitudes that help achieve this goal. Acupressure strengthens the nervous system, psychological attitudes help determine priorities, etc.

First, try doing at least this simple exercise. Remember the main insults inflicted on you recently. But don’t savor them, but in a detached way, mentally collect them in a barrel. Take this vessel and carry it to the bank of a very fast river with rapids and whirlpools. Imagine how you stood on the high bank of this river. Throw the barrel into the stream with a flourish, let it be thrown against the stones, crushed, and the debris, along with your problems, be carried far, far away. In the same way, you can “burn” the negativity at the stake and try to start the year with a clean slate, without the heavy burden of memories that interfere with life.

Preparing for the housing holiday

How to celebrate the New Year 2019 according to Feng Shui at home? If we want something new in the coming year, Chinese sages advise: first we just need to clear some space. It is very difficult for something bright and joyful to develop in a musty room where many objects are piled up, not always functional, sometimes dusty and simply hindering the flow of energy.

Therefore, it is extremely important, at a minimum, to bring cleanliness and order to the house, and ideally, to get rid of unnecessary things. We often spend years moving things from place to place, not daring to part with them. Some of them can indeed still serve in the country house, in the garage, some can be used as material for needlework. For example, unravel a couple of tired sweaters and knit a new rug from these threads for the same dacha.

But if the thing is completely capable”, but is outdated in terms of fashion, has become cramped or is simply boring, it should be taken to a social assistance center or to a church. There it will be given to those in need, and you will do two good deeds at once: you will free your house from excess deposits, and you will help those who are really having a hard time today, for whom this thing may become a godsend, a welcome gift.

Some household items are easier to throw away, especially broken, cracked dishes. It is simply dangerous to store it in an apartment: cracks become places where dangerous microbes accumulate, and such things are very damaging energetically.

So, while doing general cleaning, once again do an audit of the household. Sometimes this can be very useful: even things dear to our hearts that we considered irretrievably lost are discovered.

Regular wiping of dust, especially from mirrors, glass, and dishes, is very important both in terms of traditional improvement of the atmosphere in the house, and in the sense of oriental harmonization of the surrounding space.

When decorating windows, try not to overdo it with decor.. The more light that enters the house these days, the better. Even flowers from the windowsill can be removed for a week or two to facilitate the flow of light energy and the “irradiation” of our home with the stingy winter sun.

Decorating a house according to Feng Shui

If it is possible to carry out at least a minimum of cosmetic repairs, this will be an ideal ritual action. Renewal is always useful at turning points in our existence. No energy, money or time for repairs? At least change the curtains, rearrange the furniture, as you have been planning for a long time, but never got around to it.

Take out towels, napkins, capes of yellow, fawn, olive, golden color from the cabinets. Either combine or buy “golden” threads and decorate the tablecloth and throws on the sofa and armchairs with them. Red balls or bows always attract good emotions and help cleanse the aura of the house from negative deposits. Just there shouldn’t be too many such bright details, otherwise it will depress the nervous system.

Use natural materials to decorate your home: branches of coniferous trees, cones, flowers, etc. For this New Year, you need to stock up on square-shaped decorative elements. Even a traditional wreath over a door can be square. Since it is this geometric shape in the East that symbolizes the Earth, the energy totem of the year 2019.

Use appropriately shaped boxes for gifts. Place postcards or other tokens of attention in square red envelopes; it’s easy to glue them yourself if you don’t find ready-made ones on sale. In the kitchen, hang square oven mitts and small towels of the same size.

A very important element of New Year's paraphernalia according to Feng Shui is candles. They must be paired. Fire in all ancient traditions was a symbol of purification. Experts also advise using bells to harmonize the space. And, of course, figurines of the symbol of the year, Pig, will become one of the important interior elements.

How to properly place and decorate a Christmas tree

By placing the Christmas tree in the desired sector of the room, we will charge it to help complete a specific task.

  1. If it is installed in the eastern corner, then family relationships will become more trusting and durable.
  2. Southeast promotes success in business and financial well-being.
  3. Putting the fluffy forest beauty in extreme southern point premises, we activate the creative inclinations of family members and attract recognition to them. And the opposite, northern “pole” of the apartment is responsible for career growth.
  4. The West promotes childbearing. So anyone who is eager to add to their family should choose this particular orientation of the New Year’s tree. And the north-west is most favorable to travelers and discoverers.
  5. If you have a desire for knowledge, a desire to become wiser, then feel free to choose northeast as a localization of the “tree of light”. And the position in the center of the room is ideal for replenishing strength and supporting the health of children and household members.

As for the Christmas tree “outfits”, there are no special wishes; everyone does it in accordance with their preferences. Just one recommendation from adherents of Eastern rituals: don’t forget to hang tangerines on the Christmas tree! These same cheerful fruits are presented to guests, always two pieces each; this, according to the beliefs of Eastern sages, helps people avoid loneliness.

If you have your own ideas on how to celebrate the New Year 2019 according to Feng Shui, leave them in the comments!

New Year is one of the most long-awaited holidays of the year. It is on this night that we hope that our cherished desires will come true, our achievements will multiply, and our troubles and sorrows will remain in the past. Of course, people of all ages are eagerly awaiting this wonderful holiday - from the wise old people to small children. The very atmosphere of this day evokes thoughts of magic and takes us to a fairy tale full of goodness and joy.

To spend the New Year constantly grabbing luck by the tail, it is met according to the rules of Feng Shui. This ancient Chinese teaching helps to adjust the vibrations and strengthen the energy of your living space so that they help concentrate the circulating positive energy of the Universe in your home, which ultimately contributes in every possible way to the realization of your goals.

However, in order to achieve life and spiritual benefits, you will have to make efforts. A lot depends on whether you are able to capture the attention and receive the protection of the totem animal of 2018. Let us remind you that in the new period of our life the Earth Dog will dominate - a friendly, faithful and exclusively family sign.

Celebrate 2018 with your family - it will definitely be appreciated!

The dog values ​​friendly and family ties, so the holiday should be celebrated in a close circle, without allowing strangers into it. However, this condition is not enough! Attention should be paid to any little detail - from cleaning the room to decorations, gifts and dishes that should be to the taste of the symbol of the year. Let's find out what simple techniques will help you attract prosperity and joy into your home according to the Chinese teachings of Feng Shui.

How to celebrate the New Year according to Feng Shui?

Many people think that celebrating the New Year according to Feng Shui only means that you need to prepare an outfit and decorations in the main colors of the year. However, Feng Shui is a teaching that is multifaceted and takes into account many small details, so for the Chinese the process of preparing for the holiday begins with completely different things.

Step one: preparing the house

The main goal is to prepare your home for the symbol of the year so that it is joyful and prosperous. To do this, you must first get rid of all problems, sorrows and excess ballast. Cleaning the space for new positive events and emotions begins with a general cleaning of all premises.

In this case, Chinese residents do not just sweep, vacuum and dust the shelves. They believe that garbage that has been accumulating for a whole year in desk drawers or in the far corners of closets creates a barrier to the penetration of cosmic energy, so it is worth going through the closet, papers and email contents for anything unnecessary.

Provide a path for the energy of the Universe - free up the windowsills!

Empty your spam bin, throw away your supermarket receipts, and donate old clothes and shoes to charity. You should not feel sorry for old things - unnecessary items are an anchor that does not allow you to move forward, and old clothes are a serious absorber of your vital energy.

Provide a path for the energy of the Universe, which, according to Feng Shui experts, penetrates the house along with the rays of the sun. That is why it is necessary to free the window sills from any objects located there at least for the first few weeks of the new year. It is recommended to remove even indoor plants by placing them on special stands and stands.

At the next stage of preparation, you need to start the movement of energy at home, for which it is enough to simply swap a few pieces of furniture. Many Chinese undertake at least a small renovation before the holiday, but we will not require you to paint the walls or re-glue the wallpaper - in the current economic conditions, such annual feats are not possible for everyone.

Step two: prepare yourself

An important component of preparing for the celebration is preparing your own thoughts. Ancient Chinese philosophers believed that each new period should be met in a renewed state, for which it is necessary to get rid of problematic thoughts, anxieties and, most importantly, negative attitudes towards certain people or events.

It’s not enough to decorate a house according to Feng Shui – the psychological attitude is also important!

Before the New Year, you need to set yourself up in a positive mood, which will help attract the right energy from space. Even if you are unable to forgive some offenders, you should just let the situation go. For several days before the holiday, remember your family, friends and loved ones more often, saying that they are all happy and healthy.

Step three: home decor according to Feng Shui

The next stage of preparation is home decor, among the obligatory elements of which I would like to specifically mention the New Year tree. We are used to installing a holiday tree where it will look good or simply take up as little space as possible. The Chinese approach this issue from a completely different angle, and we have a lot to learn from them.

Of course, they don’t put up Christmas trees for the New Year, but the inhabitants of the Celestial Empire also have their own analogues - their main New Year’s tree is called the “tree of light”, and they place it in the sector of the house that is responsible for a certain energy, the concentration of which will help to achieve in the New Year year of the most important goals.

Decorate your home and Christmas tree according to the wishes of the totem of the year

Therefore, before installing the forest beauty, mentally divide the room into zones and think about what you want more than anything else. And we will tell you which energy sectors should be chosen in a particular case. The recommendations of Feng Shui experts are as follows:

  • the southeastern part of the room is responsible for material well-being, so if you want a salary increase, a bonus, or a profitable year for your own business, the Christmas tree should be placed in this part;
  • the eastern direction is responsible for peaceful and happy relationships in the family, so if you have frequent quarrels with your family or significant other, the forest beauty should be placed in the indicated sector;
  • people who passionately want to achieve recognition and fame in 2018 (for example, actors, singers, artists, writers) should install a tree in the southern part of the room;
  • frequent health problems mean that the forest beauty spruce should be installed in a place that is the center of the room, because this is where the energy that supports our vitality is concentrated;
  • Families planning a replenishment in 2018 are recommended to place a pine or Christmas tree in the western sector, which stimulates successful conception and;
  • careerists should understand where the northernmost part of the room is located, because a Christmas tree installed in this place will help your professional growth and advancement;
  • Chinese thinkers themselves always installed a New Year's tree in the northeastern zone, because it is in this place that the energy that stimulates mental activity is concentrated;
  • if you want to travel as much as possible in 2018, then the Christmas tree will need to be placed in the northwestern part.

As for the color of the jewelry, they should be predominantly yellow, because this color will be the main color of the year of the Yellow Earth Dog. You can dilute them with red balls and figures, since this tone traditionally symbolizes well-being in the Chinese teaching of Feng Shui. You should also hang golden and silver beads or rain on the tree, because the symbol of the coming year also likes metallic shades.

Decorate your room with envelopes containing bundles of Chinese coins

The shape that stimulates the attraction of the energy of the Earth element is considered to be a square, so you need to complement the Christmas tree decor with small square envelopes with bundles of Chinese coins, which will contribute to the wealth and prosperity of your home. Wrap gifts that will be placed under the Christmas tree in gold or yellow paper. And remember that the Chinese always give all guests two tangerine souvenirs, because only a paired gift will help a person not to feel lonely in the New Year.

Place a figurine of the 2018 totem on the shelves, tabletops or cabinets of each room, and place two candles of ocher, amber, yellow or golden tones next to it so that family happiness and peace will settle in your home. Remember that a family and home Dog appreciates comfort, so you need to treat home decoration with special care and diligence.

It’s very good if you can replace the bedspreads or sofa cushions with yellow and brown ones. The doors should be decorated with wreaths and be sure to hang small bells, which with their ringing will notify the arrival of guests, since it is important for Dogs to instantly learn about visitors.

Step three: New Year's treat according to Feng Shui

It is impossible to imagine the New Year without a beautifully decorated table filled with delicious dishes and snacks. Housewives will have to rack their brains over the question of how to please their guests and please the Yellow Dog at the same time. The symbol of 2018 prefers meat, so there should be plenty of it on the table. At the same time, the Dog is not picky about food, so it is worth roasting whole ducks or chickens, pork tenderloin or leg of lamb.

Use simple but convenient tableware for table setting!

The New Year's totem is especially fond of meat on the bone - if you place a dish full of fried ribs in the center of the table, her delight will know no bounds. You can choose the simplest side dishes - baked potatoes, mashed potatoes, pickles and herbs. The Chinese place small triangular dumplings on the New Year's table, which are sculpted before the holiday by the whole family.

Choose simple drinks - cocktails will be out of place on the table in 2018, but homemade fruit juice or compote must be on the menu. The decor of the New Year's table requires special attention. Firstly, make sure that it does not have any sharp edges that bring quarrels and discord into the family. According to the science of Feng Shui, the tabletop should be made in the shape of a circle or oval, smoothing out any misunderstandings.

If you don’t have a table of the correct shape, don’t worry - the sharp corners of a square or rectangle can be draped with a folded tablecloth. The tablecloth in 2018 should be made of natural materials and have a yellow color. It is perfectly acceptable to cover the table with an ivory tablecloth, but then you will need to buy yellow or brown napkins. In the center of the festive table, place a massive candle, complemented by spruce branches and golden ribbons.

Plates and utensils should be as simple as possible, so white bowls, gravy boats, dishes and plates will suit you. Your dog will also love pottery and wooden trays. Drape the chairs with covers designed in the main colors of the year, or simply tie golden bows and attach a couple of Chinese bells to them to ward off unkind spirits with the melodic chimes.

Make sure there are a couple of themed figurines on the table

What to wear on New Year's Eve?

When choosing for the most magical night of the year, remember that the totem has a list of colors that it especially likes. A dog is essentially an unpretentious creature, so it does not like excessive flashiness and brightness. It is best to choose muted tones, which, by the way, will help you hint to the hostess of 2018 about your deepest desires. For example:

  • clothes in yellow and golden tones will tell the patron of the year that for complete happiness it would not hurt you to improve your financial situation and have more money in your wallet;
  • the orange tone is responsible for the health sector;
  • brown color will help ensure that there are no quarrels, worries and sorrows in your family;
  • Those born in the year of the Dog are recommended to choose clothes in shades of green, because it is this color that brings them happiness.

The dog favors olive, ocher, khaki, coffee and ivory colors with a yellowish tint. There are practically no restrictions on prints. Only leopard spots and tiger spots are prohibited - the cat family is not particularly loved by Dogs.

As for the choice of textures, it is better to focus on natural fabrics - silk, satin, velvet, cotton and linen are priorities in 2018. The decor of lace or embroidery is quite to the Dog’s liking. The style of your outfit should not be pretentious - the laconicism of sheaths, long dresses made of weightless fabrics, pencil and tulip skirts, classic or flared trousers will be in place.

The patroness of the year favors discreet tones

Accessories for 2018 should be made of natural gold or silver, because the element of the new year is the Earth, and it is from the bowels of the planet that these precious metals are mined. Males should also try and choose a suit in a chocolate or calm coffee color. If you don't have many suits, get a tie in the right shade. Gold cufflinks and tie clips will come in handy.

Features of makeup and hairstyle

Any image can be considered complete only if there is thoughtful makeup, hairstyle and manicure. The dog will like most of the trends of 2018 - she will like long flowing hair, a careless low bun or with light curls. There are practically no restrictions in makeup and manicure. The main thing is to avoid shimmer shadows and nails with elaborate sculpting and rhinestones, because the mistress of the year loves to see soft powdery tones, muted shades and calm colors.

What to give and not give for the New Year?

A gift that will delight the New Year's totem is a live puppy or some other pet. Of course, it is better to discuss such gifts in advance with the recipient, since not everyone will be delighted with a pet brought under the Christmas tree. More universal gifts include slippers, blankets, bed linen, bathrobes, pajamas and other things that fill our lives with warmth and comfort.

Chains are on the list of prohibited items. Few dogs like to sit on a chain, so such a gift can greatly upset the owner of the year. In 2018, be especially careful when choosing perfumes – pungent and heavy aromas irritate Dogs’ delicate sense of smell.

The Chinese ward off evil spirits on New Year's Day with fun and firecrackers.

The above recommendations will definitely attract positive energy if you complement them with another important attribute of the New Year - colorful fireworks and firecrackers. The Chinese believe that on this night evil forces are trying to break into houses, which need to be thoroughly frightened with the help of screams, cheerful laughter, sparks of begal lights and explosions of fireworks.

The New Year, one might say, is already on the threshold and despite the fact that the end of the year is generally very busy with various matters, including worries about preparing for the upcoming holiday, these concerns also include the desire to organize it so that good luck and favorable circumstances prevailed throughout the coming year. Therefore, the question becomes very relevant: what are the recommendations for celebrating this magnificent, bright, family holiday from the position of the owner of the coming year - the Yellow Dog and the wise Chinese science of Feng Shui. And in this article we will learn what needs to be done to properly prepare your home and yourself for the New Year, and thus attract favorable energies into your life, as well as gain the favor of its patron.

Preparing the house for the holiday

As usual, one of the first and main recommendations of Feng Shui is to cleanse and free the space from dirt, trash, everything old and unnecessary - in a word, everything that is better left in the past, thereby making room for better, new and more favorable things. Or, to put it in Feng Shui language - for fresh Qi energy. Therefore, in addition to the standard general cleaning of the house, take the time to review all possible cabinets, drawers and any storage areas, and remove from the house everything that has been lying there for a long time as “dead” weight, awaiting repair, possible use or weight loss. If until now there has not been time for this or an opportunity to use it, then, believe me, it will never come. But it may well prevent something new from coming, taking the place of the best.

By the way, you shouldn’t limit yourself to sorting out the rubble only directly in the house, because in addition to it, work also occupies an important place in our lives - the office, the desktop in the study, and including the computer. Get everything you interact with most of the time in order: audit the files and folders on your computer, clean out your email, throw out everything unnecessary from your desktop, sort through sticky notes and documents. In addition, if you have a car, do not ignore it. Free up energy and mental space, make room for new opportunities and prospects.

Once you have made sure that no stagnant energies formed by dirt and trash no longer interfere with the smooth flow of beneficial Qi or transform it into negative Sha energy, you can consolidate the result by fumigating rooms and premises with incense, and begin to create a festive atmosphere with the help of New Year's decorations and installation of green beauty.

Setting up the Christmas tree

The central object of the holiday, with which its spirit and mood are associated, is a magnificent, fluffy New Year tree, shining with bright lights and various decorations. And if you also consider a garland shimmering with lights to be its obligatory attribute, and even more so, if the New Year’s beauty itself is not artificial, but very real - alive, then you should not neglect the issue of its correct location in the house. After all, not only does the living tree itself carry strong Yang energy, and therefore is a powerful activator of energies, but also the electric garland, endlessly shining, will activate the flows of Qi.

There are several approaches to choosing the location of the Christmas tree. Some sources recommend installing it in accordance with the zones of the Ba-Gua Octagon, depending on which area of ​​your life you want to activate. For example, if a promotion is needed, it should be installed in the Northern sector, and to attract love or strengthen relationships - in the Southwestern sector. At the same time, the decorations on it should prevail in accordance with the ruling element of the sector in which it will be installed.

However, this approach does not take into account the location of the Annual Flying Stars, which have a significant impact on the distribution of energies and events in our lives. Therefore, when deciding to install the Spruce, be sure to refer to the Flying Stars forecast and make sure that the chosen location is not occupied by one of the unfavorable stars. Otherwise, the joyful celebration of a new stage can result in a lot of problems and troubles. It should also be remembered that according to the Eastern calendar, the year begins not on January 1, as we are used to celebrating, but at the beginning of February. Therefore, it is necessary to refer to the location diagram, since during the celebration they will not yet change their location.

As for decorations - the main colors of the year in accordance with the element of its patron - Earth will be yellow, orange, gold and sand. Therefore, you can safely focus on these colors in your New Year’s decor and Christmas tree decoration. However, do not forget about the balance of energies, which Feng Shui cares so much about - do not overdo it with “Earth” decor, so as not to end up with a skew of energies towards this element - this is also not good. Practice moderation and mix up your holiday creativity with flowers and items from other elements.

Dresses and treats for New Year's Eve

Despite the fact that the mistress of the year, the Yellow Dog, has a completely friendly and unpretentious character, each of us would still like to enlist her support and favor. To do this, you can choose your holiday outfit in the colors of her element - Earth, which have already been mentioned above. These are all shades of brown, beige, gold, as well as yellow and orange. It is desirable that the colors are not too flashy, and even muted. It can be the color of ivory or ocher, cappuccino or even olive. In cut and style, it is also better to avoid pretentiousness and give preference to classics, smooth lines, soft outlines. And it’s better to choose natural textures: linen, silk, cotton, velvet, satin. Although this does not mean that the dog does not accept jewelry - lace, beads, embroidery will be a wonderful addition to the outfit. As for jewelry, the most suitable are accessories made of gold and silver, although beautiful high-quality jewelry in primary colors is also not rejected. In general, the whole image should be calm, natural, natural - this is what the Dog loves and appreciates.

The only thing Important Warning specifically for this year, it is to be attentive to alcohol: given that on December 31 - January 1 there will be very strong Yanskaya Water, this can lead to a desire to drown sadness in a glass, sort things out with someone, or cause a scandal. In general, create situations with very unpleasant consequences. There are no strict restrictions or recommendations regarding the treats on the holiday table. Of course, it’s good if there is a lot of meat on the table, especially with bones, fish and poultry, various appetizers and salads. Various sweets, cakes, and candies are also welcome - the main thing is to know in moderation in everything and not to overload yourself with a large number of heavy dishes.

Happy celebration and all the best for the coming year!

Read with this article

The most long-awaited and beloved holiday – New Year – is coming soon. Today you can hardly find or meet a person who would not love this holiday, because this is a time of magic, when everything around seems to be transformed. But every year the number of people who strive to celebrate and organize the holiday in a new, unusual and original way, so that this festive night will be remembered for a long time, becomes more and more. For example, today many are already thinking about celebrating the holiday in accordance with all the canons of Feng Shui. That is why beginners will definitely be interested and attracted attention by the question - how to organize and how to properly celebrate the New Year 2019 according to Feng Shui, so that the coming year will bring you happiness and good luck.

What is important to know?

If you decide to try to comply with all the canons of Feng Shui, you should definitely remember the following tips and recommendations that will definitely bring you luck and prosperity to your home and family.

  1. Position the tree correctly.
  2. If you have placed the tree in the wealth sector, then you should give preference to golden-colored balls, garlands and toys.
  3. If the tree is in the love sector, then the main emphasis should be on red and pink decorations.
  4. If the tree is located in the health sector, then preference should be given to decorations in the form of cones and toys, which are a kind of personification of flowering, flow and stability.

  • Fifthly, table decor. Don’t forget about the New Year’s table, which must be decorated and decorated according to all the rules. It is better to cover the table with a tablecloth of beige, yellow, golden, peach and brown colors. If you already have a white tablecloth prepared, then use the above colors for napkins, dishes and candles. Be sure to prepare a meat dish (preferably on the bone) for the table. The hostess of the year will undoubtedly appreciate this approach.
  • Sixthly, New Year's outfit. And, of course, you shouldn’t forget about what you’ll be wearing this night, that is, your appearance. In this matter you should also be extremely careful and attentive, because each color differs in its area.
    1. To attract love and prosperity, you should give preference to red and gold colors.
    2. White clothes promise quick marriage and a new addition to the family.
    3. Green and blue colors will bring harmony into your life.
    4. Yellow will charge you with energy and positive emotions for the whole year.

    But perhaps the most important rule is that you need to think only about the good, tune in to a positive wave. When considering the nuances of the sequence of the New Year's Eve, it is important not to lose such a necessary detail as clearing your head. Much of what happens has to do with how you feel about certain moments. Throw away all negativity. On New Year's Eve, bad thoughts should not be allowed. Find the strength to let go of all past failures and problems. Forgive those who have brought you disappointment and pain. As a last resort, just forget about such people. Be positive. Tell yourself that everyone who is dear to you and you are happy, everyone is completely healthy, instead of saying: “I wish that none of my loved ones get sick.” As a result, you will feel how your soul is cleansed and you are filled with new strength.
    The New Year, according to all the rules and canons of Feng Shui, can become truly unforgettable. But still, the most important thing is to leave all the old grievances and problems in the past, outgoing year, and think only about the positive, without dragging your problems and difficulties into the new year. Charge yourself with positive energy, then the whole year will be successful and happy.

    By following the rules of Feng Shui, you can attract luck, money and love into your life. Properly prepare your home for the New Year, and then happiness and success will await you in the future.

    Already a month before the New Year, we are looking forward to the holiday. During this period, we are tormented by the most important question - how to properly prepare for the event. It is necessary not only to buy gifts and think about dishes for the New Year's table, but also to decorate your home. Every year, according to tradition, we put up a Christmas tree, decorate it with toys and garlands and give our home a festive look. Thanks to the teachings of Feng Shui, you can not only create original decor, but also attract good luck. The site's experts offer you useful tips that will help you change your life for the better in the New Year. All you need is desire and creativity.

    How to decorate your home for the New Year according to Feng Shui

    Since ancient times, many people have followed the teachings of Feng Shui. Many years of practice show that by following simple rules, you can easily get what you want and get closer to your dream. New Year is the time for wishes to come true. At this time, we think about changes in life and want to start it from scratch. By decorating your home, you can attract good luck and find happiness in the near future.

    Get rid of dirt and old things. Surely every housewife cleans up her apartment before the New Year. However, few people know that in this way you get rid of not only dirt, but also negative energy. For the same reason, it is necessary to get rid of old and unnecessary things. Many of them witnessed unpleasant moments in life, and our minds store bad memories of them. To avoid negativity and troubles in the future, clean thoroughly and get rid of unnecessary trash without pity.

    Live Christmas tree. In recent years, artificial Christmas trees have gained enormous popularity. Their advantage is their price and durability, and after the holidays you don’t have to sweep up the fallen needles. Despite the fact that the Chinese completely avoid this decoration, they strongly recommend using a live Christmas tree as decoration. It gives your home positive energy, its scent has calming properties, and it will also create a cozy and festive atmosphere in your home. If you still prefer an artificial tree, you can bring a few real pine branches and put them in a vase.

    Zone of monetary well-being. According to Feng Shui rules, the southeastern part of the house is the sector of financial well-being. Of course, you shouldn’t place all the New Year’s decorations in one place, but you can install the tree in the “money” place. This way you will attract wealth and increase cash flow. You can put your wallet under the tree, and then next year it will never be empty.

    New Year's table decoration. Many people believe that the main decoration of the table is a variety of delicious treats. However, to attract good luck, you need to think about the decor of your apartment down to the smallest detail. On New Year's Eve, all the guests gather around the table, so it attracts even more attention than the Christmas tree or other apartment decorations. Try to choose a bright tablecloth. Avoid mourning flowers; after all, New Year is a fun holiday. Make sure it is not dirty or torn. You should get rid of damaged and worn things before the holiday. The dishes on the table should be full of variety. There must be a lot of them and for every taste, but the portions can be small. The richer your New Year's table, the happier the next year will be for you.

    Shades of precious metals. Before the New Year, we can often see various decorations and toys of gold and silver colors in Feng Shui stores. Their relevance is due not only to their noble appearance, but also to their special power. Silver attracts health and love. Gold is a symbol of wealth and good luck. Both colors can be combined: for example, both golden and silver toys can be present on the Christmas tree. They will attract prosperity and good luck to your home.

    Bright light. In China, one of the main New Year's attributes is a red lantern. Usually it is hung near the front door. It is believed to attract good luck and money energy. Chinese lanterns can be replaced with red candles or light garlands.

    The most important symbol of the New Year remains the spruce. This decoration has long become traditional for us and occupies the most important place in our home. However, it is important to give the coniferous tree a festive look. To do this, you can buy New Year's toys in the store, but it is much better to make them yourself. The site team wishes you happiness, success and wealth in the new year, and don't forget to press the buttons and

    06.12.2017 01:56

    Feng Shui expert Natalya Pravdina claims that decorations for the New Year should not only bring a festive mood, but also...
