How to export to 1c from a bank client. Accounting info

Setting up an exchange with a client bank in 1C Accounting 8.3 begins with opening “Bank and cash desk” Bank statements».


Here, in the list of documents, click “MORE-Set up an exchange with the bank.”


Setting up an exchange in 1C with a client-bank for each settlement account of a company involves filling out the following fields:

  • Organization;
  • Serviced bank account;
  • Program name. Here you need to select an identification program. If you are not named in the specified list, then you must select any one from the list provided;
  • We enter the name of the file from which transactions on the account will be downloaded, and the file into which they will be downloaded;
  • Encoding. 1C 8.3 can exchange DOS and Windows formats, so we indicate the encoding corresponding to the client-bank.

Group of details that can be specified by default:

  • Group for new contractors
  • DDS articles.

Bottom of the window:

  • In the uploads, we indicate which documents will be included in the file and will be monitored during upload (correctness of the document number and security of exchange with the bank).
  • In Downloads on the right, we activate the automatic creation of unfound elements (i.e., when downloading a statement, the program will automatically create counterparties, agreements, accounts that it did not find in the directories), as well as demonstration of the “Exchange with the bank” form before downloading.
  • We immediately note that after downloading the documents must be processed automatically.


To load or unload documents from the client bank, in the “Bank Statements” journal, click “MORE-Exchange with the bank”.


The second option is to click on “Download” there.


Go to the “Exchange with bank” window.

We select the “Sending to Bank” tab, find the organization for which we need to upload documents, the bank account and the period for which we are uploading documents.


After that tabular part is filled in with documents, and the red font means that either it is filled out incorrectly or the payment is invalid. Black color indicates that the filling is correct, you can upload it to the bank-client file.


When selecting the documents that need to be uploaded to the Client Bank, we put a check mark next to them. In the “Upload file to bank” field, indicate the upload path and click “Upload”.


The file has been uploaded.


The tabular part will be filled with data from the file, while the lines with red font indicate that the program did not find in the directories the data (registered account, counterparty by matching TIN and KPP) to which the receipt or write-off documents need to be distributed. Correctly distributed documents are highlighted in black.


If in setting up the exchange with a bank client you checked “Automatic creation of unfound documents”, the program will automatically create unfound objects; if “Automatic creation of unfound documents”, the “Create unfound” button will be active, by which the “Creation of unfound objects” log will be available.


Here, by clicking on the “Create” button, you can create all objects or select specific objects that need to be created.


Having created the unfound objects, we select by ticking the documents from the extract that we want to download. Click "Download".


After downloading, we can view the “Download Report”.


It contains information on documents loaded and not loaded into the program.



You can view the downloaded documents in the “Bank and cash desk-Bank statements” block.


Uploaded documents will be displayed in the “Bank Statements” journal; completed documents will be marked with a green checkmark.


To set up a direct exchange with a bank, you need to use the DirectBank* service. Since the working conditions are set by the bank, you need to find out the settings from your bank.

*DirectBank is an alternative technology for organizing interaction between an enterprise and a bank. A total of 40 banks support this technology and a number of basic 1C configurations.

Let's look at how to work with bank statements and payment orders using a client bank integrated with 1C. This is necessary to automate the uploading of payment slips and downloading statements of debits and receipts of funds to the current account.

Conventionally, daily work with the bank can be divided into:

  • creating payment orders for the current day;
  • uploading/downloading bank data on receipts and debits for the previous day;
  • reflection of a bank statement on a current account in 1C.

To get started, we will generate payment orders to pay existing debts. In the “Bank and cash desk” section, select the “Payment orders” item; in the journal with payment orders that opens, we will use the automatic generation of payment orders using the “Pay” button:

We will pay for goods and services (select this type in the drop-down menu of the “Pay” button). The program will offer to generate payments for existing debts. You can do this for all documents, you can make selective payments.

Automatically generated payment orders are filled with data from the “Receipt of goods and services” document. However, before sending it to the bank, the document should be checked and only after verification should it be uploaded to the bank.

An order is sent to the bank by clicking the “Send to Bank” button in the top panel of the order log:

After clicking the button, a list of orders available for sending opens:

You need to select the time period for which the sending will be made, and select from the list of orders those that need to be sent.

Data is uploaded to the bank by sending a file in *.txt format. To exchange with the bank, you need to create such a file.

Setting up file preparation for the bank is done by clicking the “Settings” button. In the window that opens, you can specify:

    “Program name” - client-bank version;

    “Upload file to the Bank”, “Upload file from the Bank” – file location on the hard drive;

    “Group for new counterparties” - which group the newly created counterparties will belong to. If you leave the field empty, the program will create a new group;

    “The default DDS article is configured in the directory”;

The settings also indicate which documents need to be uploaded, whether or not to control document numbers, whether or not to create new counterparties if data is not found, whether or not to automatically carry out receipts and debits from the current account.

You should pay attention to the checkbox “Show the “Exchange with the bank” form before loading.” This makes it possible to check that the statement is filled out correctly before downloading. If the checkbox is not checked, then the statement is downloaded automatically, without the possibility of preliminary verification.

To write a file, create it (for example, on the desktop or in another directory) or select a ready-made file:

All data on payment orders is prepared for sending to the bank; they can be sent through the client-bank system. To view information about orders that were included in the file, an “Upload Report” is provided:

To load data from the client bank into 1C, you must first download the corresponding document and save it. Next, this file is selected in the “Download file” field:

You need to check that all contractors and documents are found correctly.

If 1C cannot find counterparties for which there is data in the statement, it will be proposed to create new ones. However, the counterparty may have already been created, but its details differ from those indicated in the statement.

They also require checking table fields. If necessary, they can be adjusted. If everything is filled out correctly, you can click the “Download” button.

Confirms the successful loading of data by the appearance of a link to the receipt document. If you click on the link, the document will open, you can check the correctness of the details, accounting accounts and other data.

How to generate an extract in the 1C 8.3 Accounting program?

In this article I will tell you how to use the functionality of bank statements and exchange with a bank client in 1C 8.3 Accounting 3.0:

  • where in the program interface are bank documents located?
  • how to create a new outgoing payment order
  • how to upload payment slips for payment to a client bank
  • how to download incoming payment orders and payment confirmations from a client bank

Working with the bank

The general scheme of work for a single day with statements in 1C is as follows:

  1. We download from the bank client into 1C: receipts for yesterday and confirmation of yesterday's outgoing payments (+ commissions)
  2. We create payment orders that need to be paid today
  3. We upload them to the client bank

And so every day or any other period.

In the interface, the journal of bank statements is located in the “Bank and Cash Office” section:

How to create a new outgoing payment order

A payment order is a document to be sent to the bank; it can be printed using a standard bank form. Entered on the basis of the Invoice, Receipt of goods and services and other documents. Be careful, the document does not make any entries on accounting! The postings are made by the next document in the chain, 1C 8.3 - “Write-off from the current account”.

To create new document go to the “Payment orders” journal in the above section and click the “Create” button. A new document form will open.

The first thing you need to start with is choosing the type of operation. The choice of future analytics depends on this:

For example, select “Payment to supplier”. Among the required fields for this type of payment:

  • Organization and organization account - details of our organization;
  • Recipient, agreement and invoice - details of our counterparty-recipient;
  • Amount, VAT rate, purpose of payment

After filling out all the fields, check that the details are correct.

Uploading payment orders from 1C to the client bank

The next stage is the transfer of data on new payments to the bank. Usually in organizations it looks like this: throughout the day, accountants create a lot of documents and at a certain time the responsible person uploads payments into the banking program. Uploading occurs through a special file - 1c_to_kl.txt.

To upload, go to the payment order journal and click the “Upload” button. A special processing will open in which you need to specify the Organization and its account. Then indicate the dates for which you need to upload and where to save the resulting file 1c_to_kl.txt:

Click upload, we get a file with approximately the following content:

It needs to be loaded into the client bank.

Loading client's bank statements into 1C

Almost any bank client supports uploading a file in the KL_TO_1C.txt format. It contains all the data on incoming and outgoing payments for the selected period. To download it, go to the “Bank Statements” journal and click the “Download” button.

In the processing that opens, select the organization, its account and the location of the file (which you downloaded from the client bank). Click "Update from statement":

We will see a list of documents 1C 8.3 “receipts to the current account” and “debits from the current account”: both incoming and outgoing (including for bank services). After checking, just click the “Download” button - the system will automatically generate necessary documents according to the list with the necessary accounting entries.

  • If the system does not find a counterparty in the 1C database using INN and KPP, it will create a new one. Be careful, there may be a counterparty in the database, but with different details.
  • If you use movement articles Money- be sure to fill them in the list.
  • If the created documents do not contain accounting accounts, fill them in the information register “Accounts for settlements with counterparties”. They can be set both for the counterparty or agreement, and for all documents.

Based on materials from:

In this article I will tell you how to use the functionality of bank statements and exchange with a client bank in 1C 8.3 Accounting 3.0:

  • where bank documents are located in the program interface;
  • how to create a new outgoing payment order;
  • how to upload payment slips for payment to the client bank;
  • how to download a statement from the client bank and post them;
  • How to download confirmation of successful payment of outgoing payments.

The general scheme of work for a single day with statements in 1C is as follows:

  1. We load from the client-bank into 1C: receipts for yesterday and confirmation of yesterday's outgoing payments (+ commissions).
  2. We create payment orders that need to be paid today.
  3. (or use the Direct Bank system).

And so every day or any other period.

In the interface, the journal of bank statements is located in the “Bank and Cash Office” section:

How to create a new outgoing payment order

A payment order is a document to be sent to the bank; it can be printed using a standard bank form. Entered on the basis of the Invoice, Receipt of goods and services and other documents. Be careful document does not make any postings in accounting! The postings are made by the next document in the chain, 1C 8.3 - “Write-off from the current account”.

To create a new document, go to the “Payment orders” journal in the above section and click the “Create” button. A new document form will open.

The first thing you need to start with is choosing the type of operation. The choice of future analytics depends on this:

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For example, select “Payment to supplier”. Among the required fields for this type of payment:

  • Organization and organization account are the details of our organization.
  • Recipient, agreement and invoice - details of our counterparty-recipient.
  • Amount, VAT rate, purpose of payment.

After filling out all the fields, check that the details are correct.

Our video about bank statements in 1C:

Uploading payment orders from 1C to the client bank

The next stage is transferring data on new payments to the bank. Usually in organizations it looks like this: throughout the day, accountants create a lot of documents, and at a certain time the responsible person uploads payments into the banking program. Uploading occurs through a special file - 1c_to_kl.txt.

To upload, go to the payment order journal and click the “Upload” button. A special processing will open in which you need to specify the Organization and its account. Then indicate the dates for which you need to upload, and where to save the resulting file 1c_to_kl.txt:

Click “Upload”, we get a file with approximately the following content:

It needs to be loaded into the client bank.

Our video on setting up, loading and unloading payment cards:

Almost any bank client supports uploading a file in the KL_TO_1C.txt format. It contains all data on incoming and outgoing payments for the selected period. To download it, go to the “Bank Statements” journal and click the “Download” button.

In the processing that opens, select the organization, its account and the location of the file (which you downloaded from the client bank). Click "Update from statement":

We will see a list of documents 1C 8.3 “receipts to the current account” and “debits from the current account”: both incoming and outgoing (including for). After checking, just click the “Download” button - the system will automatically generate the necessary documents according to the list with the necessary accounting entries.

  • If the system does not find the TIN and KPP in the 1C directory, it will create a new one. Be careful, there may be a counterparty in the database, but with different details.
  • If you use, be sure to fill them out in the list.
  • If the created documents do not contain accounting accounts, fill them in the information register “Accounts for settlements with counterparties”. They can be set both for the counterparty or agreement, and for all documents.

How to configure unloading and loading of a client bank in 1C 8.3

Let's look at setting up a client bank in 1C Enterprise 8.2.

Setting up a bank client is a very important setting of the 1C system. It greatly simplifies the life of an accountant from simple and routine work. This article will tell you about setting up data loading into 1C Enterprise Accounting 8.2 from bank client files. We will not consider downloading data from the client’s bank - it is different for each bank. Let's look at how to download statements from a bank client in 1c.

Setting up a bank client with 1C

To set up a client bank in 1C 8.3 you need to:

Go to the menu “Bank” - “Bank statements” - “Download”:

The system will inform you that there are no settings in the system, click yes:

In the Maintained bank account section, you must indicate the account to which payment orders will be sent. In the Program name list, select the program from which you are downloading the file. For Sberbank, this is the Client automated workplace of the Client-Sberbank AS of Sberbank of Russia.

Upload/upload file - setting up the disk space where payment orders will be exchanged between the client bank and 1C 8.3. By default the files are named kl_to_1c.txt and 1c_to_kl.txt.

That's all. Setting up the bank client is complete.

Loading payment orders

If your client bank is configured, loading payment cards into 1C 8 is very simple:

If you were unable to set up a bank client or need to set up a bank client that is not provided for in the standard 1C configuration, or you need other modifications, you can contact a professional 1C programmer for help.

List of banks that can exchange data with 1C:

  • Sberbank
  • VTB 24
  • Rosselkhozbank
  • Bank opening
  • Bank of Moscow
  • UniCredit
  • Rosbank
  • Alfa Bank
  • LOCKO-Bank
  • MPI-Bank
  • Sberbank of Russia
  • Lefko-Bank
  • Vanguard
  • Moscow Industrial Bank
  • Prio-Vneshtorgbank
  • Uralvneshtorgbank
  • Bank "New Symbol"
  • Raiffeisenbank
  • Sofia
  • and many others

Based on materials from:
