Poetry. Igor Severyanin

Many people are probably familiar with its sonorous "Pineapples in champagne" and “I, the genius Igor the Severyanin.” Bold romanticization of urban and salon images, innovative presentation: word creation, alliteration, dissonant rhymes, musicality of phrases - cannot but attract attention. Invented and glorified by the poet, “ego-futurism” is expressed in sonorous, rushing, confident poetic structures, in the proclamation of the triumph of individualism, with the central role of the human “ego”, the primacy of desires and their satisfaction.

The future poet, born Igor Vasilyevich Lotarev, was born on May 4, 1887 in St. Petersburg, in the family of a military engineer. Among Igor’s distant relatives were such famous people as Russian revolutionary Alexandra Kollontai, historian Nikolai Karamzin, poet Afanasy Fet. After his parents broke up, a 9-year-old boy moved from St. Petersburg to Vladimirovka, the estate of his aunt and uncle in the Novgorod province, near Cherepovets. He studied for four years at the Cherepovets Real School, then went with his father to the Far East, but eventually returned to St. Petersburg to his mother.

In 1904, his first publications began to appear. For a long time, until recognition, samizdat thin brochures with pretentious and bold titles and poems - “Lightnings of Thought” (1908), “Intuitive Colors” (1908), “Princess Necklace” (1910), “Square of Squares” (1910), "Rocking Dreamer" (1912) - truly shocked the public. Thus, an indignant response to one of the poems by himself became widely known. Lev Tolstoy.

The first and greatest success came to the young poet in 1913 after the release of the collection "The Thundering Cup", the preface to which was written Fedor Sologub. The brave Northerner was greeted by the public with great enthusiasm: his numerous “poetry concerts” were very popular in the two capitals during 1913-1914. Then a tour of Russia began together with the Cubo-Futurists - Mayakovsky, Kruchenykh, .

In 1914-1915, the collections “Victoria regia”, “Zlatolira”, “Pineapples in Champagne” followed, but their success was not as unquestioned as the success of “Cup”. In 1915-1917 Northerner He was mainly involved in supporting young poets: organizing joint performances, tours, and publishing collections. On February 27, 1918, during a "poetry evening" in the Great Auditorium of the Moscow Polytechnic Museum, he was elected "King of Poets", beating Vladimir Mayakovsky.

After the revolution of 1918, Northerner immediately left for Estonia, where even before that he bought a dacha in the town of Toila. He lived in Estonia for the next twenty-four years until his death, touring with performances in France and Yugoslavia. In 1921, the poet married Estonian Felissa Kruut.

Severyanin's later lyrics are somewhat different from the style of the 1910s: while maintaining originality, they are calmer and more self-possessed. Among the most famous works of this period are the poems "Nightingales of the Monastery Garden", "Classic roses", autobiographical novels in verse “Bells of the Cathedral of the Senses”, “The Dew of the Orange Hour”, “Falling Rapids” and a collection of sonnets “Medallions” (portraits of classics and contemporaries: writers, artists, composers).

In addition to versification, Severyanin became one of the largest translators of Estonian poetry into Russian. He also translated Paul Verlaine.

The last years of Northerner’s life fell during the Second World War: the annexation of Estonia to the Soviet Union (1940), the occupation of Estonia by the Nazis, persecution by Estonian nationalists and the Gestapo. The poet died of a heart attack in German-occupied Tallinn, at the age of 54, and was buried in the city Alexander Nevsky cemetery.

On the day of memory of Igor Severyanin "Evening Moscow" invites you to remember his most famous poems.

1. Sonnet(1908, from the collection "The Thundering Cup")

I'm crowned on the morning of May

Under the young sunbeam.

Spring came from paradise

Decorate my forehead with a crown.

Jasmine, daisies, forget-me-nots,

Violets, lilies of the valley, lilac

They will give their lives - flowers are so sensitive! -

For my crown on a happy day.

A poet will come, a warrior with lies,

And he will tell me: "You are worthy

My heir; chiton,

Porphyry, scepter - I'm excited,

I give you... Ascend to the throne,

Blessed and crowned."

The orange west has turned pale,

The fogs were blue in the mountains,

Both flexible and tenaciously intertwined

There are vines in their arms above you.

Through the lace of openwork leaves

Arabesque palaces popped up,

The diamonds of the cascades laughed

Under their awakened splashes.

You heard the talk of nature,

Calls of dreamy branches,

And you admired the dance

Dragonflies, graceful coquettes.

The plants breathed fragrantly

With its evening aroma,

And the birds sang, blissfully -

Like you, admiring the sunset.

The whole world came alive at sunset

By some strange quirk...

And it was so strange, so wonderful

You, pathetic dark people!

And all this was alien to you,

But it’s so delightfully new

Why are you in a hurry... to wake up,

Fearing the awakening of another...

3. Overture(1910, from the collection "The Princess's Necklace")

Princess necklace - lyre chords,

Wreaths of constellations and ribbons of leagues.

And we, aesthetes, we are jewelers,

We are jewelers of such necklaces.

Princess necklace - heaven's palazzo,

Mockery, bitterness, love, sins,

A grimace of pain in the clown's eyes...

Princess necklace - my poems.

Princess necklace, princess necklace...

But who is the princess, but who is she -

To whom are all the hymns, to whom are all the masses?

My princess - Triumph-Dream!

4. A girl was crying in the park (to Vsevolod Svetlanov) (1910, from the collection “The Thunder-Boiling Cup”)

A girl was crying in the park: “Look, daddy,

A pretty swallow has a broken leg, -

I’ll take the poor bird and wrap it in a scarf.”...

And the father became thoughtful, shocked for a moment,

And forgave all the future whims and pranks

My dear little daughter, who began to sob with pity.

5. It was by the sea (1910, from the collection "The Thundering Cup")

It was by the sea, where the lacy foam

Where a city crew is rarely found...

The Queen played - in the castle tower - Chopin,

And, listening to Chopin, her page fell in love.

It was all very simple, it was all very nice:

The queen asked to cut the pomegranate,

And she gave half, and exhausted the page,

And she fell in love with the page, all in the tunes of sonatas.

And then it echoed, echoed thunderously,

The mistress slept as a slave until sunrise...

It was by the sea, where the wave was turquoise,

Where is the openwork foam and the page's sonata.

6. Sonatas in a Storm (1911, from the collection "The Thundering Cup")

Sonatas sounded on your spectacular nerves all night,

And you were reclining on the tower on a lily of the valley carpet...

The storm crackled and scorched, and the anchor ropes

It was as if titans-strings sounded the entire corvette.

But did you really care that somewhere they were crying and groaning,

That a furious storm is roaring, throwing a frigate onto the rocks.

You drank wine rebelliously. You struck a Mont Blanc note!

The agates of the brooches sparkled, but the agate was brighter to look at!

The storm crackled and scorched. The palace pier groaned.

People screamed and died. The ship was running into the ship.

And you, sowing pomegranates, laughing, kissed the artist...

He sat down at the piano like a genius, finished the game like a slave...

7. Rondo of an orange sunset (1913, from the collection “Pineapples in Champagne. Poets”)

Unsufferable torment, unthreatened thunderstorms

So much is behind us, and the beating of the heart is heavy.

Orange sunset overgrown with vines

Uneradicated torment.

Orange sunset! you are my old friend,

Like the babbling of grass, like the trembling of birches,

Like chirps of dreams... But what if you change? all of a sudden?

I would cry with the burn of rusty tears,

Drown the rings of snake boredom in them

And wait like a train driver waits for wheels,

Undying torments!

8. Overture (1915, from the collection "Pineapples in Champagne. Poets")

Surprisingly tasty, sparkling and spicy!

I'm all about something Norwegian! I'm all in something Spanish!

I'm inspired by impulse! And I take up the pen!

The sound of airplanes! Run cars!

Wind whistle of express trains! The wing of the boats!

Someone's been kissed here! Someone was beaten there!

Pineapples in champagne are the pulse of the evenings!

In a group of nervous girls, in a sharp society of ladies

I will transform the tragedy of life into a dream farce...

Pineapples in champagne! Pineapples in champagne!

From Moscow to Nagasaki! From New York to Mars!

9. Classic roses (1925, from the collection "Classic Roses")

In my garden! How they seduced my gaze!

How I prayed for the spring frosts

Do not touch them with a cold hand!

(1843, Myatlev)

In those times when dreams swarmed

In the hearts of people, transparent and clear,

How beautiful, how fresh the roses were

My love, and glory, and spring!

The summers have passed, and tears are flowing everywhere...

There is neither a country nor those who lived in the country...

How beautiful, how fresh the roses were

Memories of the past day!

But the days go by - the thunderstorms have already subsided


It was by the sea, where the lacy foam
Where a city crew is rarely found...
The Queen played - in the castle tower - Chopin,
And, listening to Chopin, her page fell in love.

It was all very simple, it was all very nice:
The queen asked to cut the pomegranate,
And she gave half, and exhausted the page,
And she fell in love with the page, all in the tunes of sonatas.

And then it echoed, echoed thunderously,
The mistress slept as a slave until sunrise...
It was by the sea, where the wave was turquoise,
Where is the openwork foam and the page's sonata.
February 1910


Round dance of rhymes

How sweet it is to breathe
In the evening air
When they sway
It contains the perfume of delicate roses!
How orange the heights are!
How far is the blue sky!
Forget your grief,
Come earlier!
Above a clear lake
In the acacia bushes
I will become a dream pen
Write variations
And sing elegies
Romances are passionate.
Without you, I’m like I’m in exile,
With you, I am in bliss.
Why are you delaying?
In the blush of gold?
Or the passion is wasted,
Are the words nonsense?
Moon ray fawn
I made my way through. Quail
In enamel foliage
I drank all the dew.
With heartache
I'll give myself to the muse,
I have illusions with me
You, eternal myths.
How nervously lightning
They sparkle like snakes.
I'll go through the alleys
I'll go in a canoe
On the waves of the lake
Drown powerlessness...
How is life without roses gray!
Oh, if only I had wings!
I'm an eagle in blue
Floated miraculously
Dream, despondency
Having cursed the cramped
But rose perfumes are deceitful, -
My illusions
Souls of shell shock -
It hurts more in the air.
The heights became gloomy.
The distance is violet,
And from this
The soul is gloomy from thoughts.
I'm getting quieter in my pulse
I count the pendulum
There are convulsions in the chest,
And happiness - a monument!
Thought armed with rhymes. ed.2e.
Poetic anthology on the history of Russian verse.
Compiled by V.E. Kholshevnikov.
Leningrad: Leningrad University Publishing House, 1967.


In a motor landau, in a luxurious landau
I'm driving through the Islands
Drunk with the oncoming vulgar face
Among the ladies there are simply “these” ladies.

Ah, in every “fairy” I looked for a fairy
Sometime before. Not so now.
But why do I fire,
When does the coat flash near?

How unrequited! How unquestioning!
How grotesque! But there is pain everywhere!
There are weeds in the alleys, there is dew in the clumps,
And Rocambole lives in every dandy.

And what's so great about it? And what is abomination here?
The night pointe is shameless and mournful.
Who would be more insolent?
Who would like to gently adjust the bow?
May 1911
Wonderful Moment. Love lyrics of Russian poets.
Moscow: Fiction, 1988.


In a noisy moire dress, in a noisy moire dress
Along the sun-lit alley you pass the sea...
Your dress is exquisite, your talma is azure,
And the sandy path is patterned with leaves -
Like spider legs, like jaguar fur.

For a sophisticated woman, the night is always a newlywed...
The rapture of love is destined for you by fate...
In a noisy moire dress, in a noisy moire dress -
You are so aesthetic, you are so graceful...
But who should be your lover? and will there be a match for you?

Wrap your feet in an expensive jaguar blanket,
And, sitting comfortably in a gasoline landaulet,
You entrust your life to a boy in a rubber mackintosh,
And close his eyes with your jasmine dress -
A noisy moire dress, a noisy moire dress!..
Silver Age. St. Petersburg poetry
late XIX-early XX centuries.
Leningrad: Lenizdat, 1991.


Perhaps because you are not young,
But somehow touchingly, painfully youthful,
Maybe that's why I always want it this way
To be with you; when, laughing slyly,
Open your eyes wide
And you will expose your pale face to kisses,
I feel that you are all bliss, all a thunderstorm,
All is youth, all is passion; and feelings without
They squeeze my heart with captivating melancholy,
And losing you is my immense fear...
And you, having understood me, are in anxiety with your head
You suddenly become nervous about your beauty,
And here’s another you: all autumn, all peace...
June 1912
Russian poetry of the Silver Age.
1890-1917. Anthology.
Ed. M. Gasparov, I. Koretskaya and others.
Moscow: Nauka, 1993.


No, positively, art was crushed,
Don't you dare argue, Count, stubborn man!
Let's look at it point by point, and from the very beginning;
Let's start with poetry: it is full of cripples.
For example Fofanov: a drunkard and a tramp,
And criticism gave him the role of a poet...
Poet! A good poet... a walking Malaga!..
And it’s not blood in his veins, but alcohol.
What did you say, Count? Don't we care about drunkenness?
And that we can only criticize work?
So you know, I haven’t even looked at his books:
I'm not interested!.. Moreover, here
It’s unlikely that you found interesting stories,
Refined people's habits, morals, taste,
Shiny balls, diamonds, epaulets,
Oh, I'm convinced that he writes "en russe". *
Naturally, we, raised on Shakespeare,
Aristocrats of thoughts, feelings and ideas,
He is uninteresting, rattling on the lyre
With drunken hands, a weak-willed slave of passions.
Oh, don't argue! Tavern poetry
I won’t get carried away, Count, no, a thousand times no!
A poet cannot be talented
With a last name - pardon! - so... stupid.
And how dressed! Mon Dieu! He's just a hooligan!..
Yesterday Paul and I were driving through the park,
He trudges towards - dirty, drunk;
Who will such a lout sing about?.. the cook?!
Greasey boots, a tattered sheepskin coat,
Some kind of terrible hat...
He talks to himself... The look is scary, arrogant and stupid.
Will you believe it? I almost died of fear.
Don't tell me: "He drinks from failure!"
I really don't care about the real reason.
And if he cries, this crying is funny to me:
Are men created to be sentimental?
Without position in society, without rank?!

* In the Russian spirit (French). - Ed.


Barley is ripe in the fields.
He makes me happy!
I wander all day
On the waves of barley.

July laughs at me
The fields nod to me.
And the cloud is like tulle,
And the sun burns, scorching.

I've been wandering all day
In the dry waves of the earth,
While the night shadow
Will not darken the stems.

I'll go down to the river and take a look
On the muddy atlas;
Will he get sad, well,
Well, sadness from the eyes.

Should I be sad now?
When is the barley ripe?
I'll kiss everyone
I would like to on this day!
July 1909
Igor Severyanin. Poems.
Poet's library. Small series.
Leningrad: Soviet writer, 1975.


She stood up on her toes
And she gave her lips to me.
I kissed her tiredly
In the damp autumn silence.

And the tears fell silently
In the damp autumn silence.
Gus was a boring day - and it was boring,
Like everything that is not in a dream.
Comp. E. Yevtushenko.


“Everything is as before...” she said tenderly.
Everything is the same..."
But I looked hopelessly into the eyes -
Everything is the same...
Smiled, kissed softly -
Everything is the same...
But something was still missing -
Everything is as before!..
July 1909
Stanzas of the century. Anthology of Russian poetry.
Comp. E. Yevtushenko.
Minsk, Moscow: Polifact, 1995.


Dear K. M. Fofanov

The spring day is hot and golden, -
The whole city is blinded by the sun!
I am again - I am: I am young again!
I'm cheerful and in love again!

The soul sings and rushes into the field,
I call all strangers by “you”...
What space! What a will!
What songs and flowers!

Hurry up - in a chaise over potholes!
Hurry to the young meadows!
Look into the faces of ruddy women,
Like a friend, kiss an enemy!

Make noise, spring oak groves!
Grow, grass! Bloom, lilac!
There is no one to blame: all people are right
On such a blessed day!
April 1911
Stanzas of the century. Anthology of Russian poetry.
Comp. E. Yevtushenko.
Minsk, Moscow: Polifact, 1995.


To the eyes of your soul - prayers and sorrows,
My illness, my fear, the cry of my conscience;
And everything that is here at the end, and everything that is here at the beginning -
To the eyes of your soul...

To the eyes of your soul - lilac rapture
And the liturgy is a hymn to the jasmine nights;
Everything, everything that is dear, that awakens inspiration -
To the eyes of your soul!

The eyes of your soul are visions of terrible clergy...
Execute me! Torture! Torment! Strangle! -
But you must accept!.. and the crying, And the laughter of the lyre -
To the eyes of your soul!..
June 1909
Igor Severyanin. Poems.
Poet's library. Small series.
Leningrad: Soviet writer, 1975.


I'm crowned on the morning of May
Under the young sunbeam.
Spring, coming from paradise,
Decorate my forehead with a crown.

Jasmine, daisies, forget-me-nots,
Violets, lilies of the valley, lilac
They will give their lives - flowers are so sensitive!
For my crown on a happy day.

A poet will come, a warrior with lies,
And he will tell me: "You be worthy
My heir; chiton,

Porphyry, scepter - I'm excited,
I give you... Ascend to the throne,
Blessed and crowned."
Igor Severyanin. Poems.
Poet's library. Small series.
Leningrad: Soviet writer, 1975.


The moon strokes the reeds
Through the lilac huts...
Everything is a soul, and not a soul.

Everything is a dream, everything is a deity,
Eternal secret magic,
A celebration of eternal life.

The forest is like a fairy reed,
And the reeds are like a baby forest.
Silence is like life, and life is like silence.

The fog sways -
Like my dreams are a deception,
Like a last novel...

How fragrant and good
Powder white apple trees...
Not a soul, and that's all - a soul!
December 1908
Igor Severyanin. Poems.
Poet's library. Small series.
Leningrad: Soviet writer, 1975.

The dream of a lily, the west of the day turns purple.
Again the heart is a trap for the mind.

As soon as I remember about you, I am attracted to you.
You know my thoughts contrary.

And whether I want or not, I come to you without words
I'm going... And the west is sad and purple.
Igor Severyanin. Poems.
Poet's library. Small series.
Leningrad: Soviet writer, 1975.


Sleepless night with champagne bowls
We raised and sang toasts
For life's happiness, for our happiness.
The stars were shining.

The wine hissed, the wine played.
Their eyes were blazing and they were hot.
“Our ideas,” you suddenly said, “
As bright as the stars!"

Tears flowed, tears of delight...
Minutes of happiness! Do I see you?
The morning began to sing. Dreams sparkled.
And the stars... went out.
Igor Severyanin. Poems.
Poet's library. Small series.
Leningrad: Soviet writer, 1975.


That's hate trying to love
Or would love want to hate?
I long to return to the past,
But when I return it, I’m afraid to offend him,
I'm afraid I'll offend him by returning.

There is no shrine for the heart of a blasphemer,
Like death's kindness... Branded
I am my conscience, and should I fear evil,
To the one who tramples the law of his love!

But sinners are sinless by repentance,
To return love is to return forgiveness.
But how afraid I am to deceive my heart
With your foggy, ghostly desire:

Isn't this revenge? Isn't it envy? Ruin
It’s easy not to see yourself and the light of heaven...
What is this: evil tries to love,
Or does love dream of hating?..
September 23, 1908
Igor Severyanin. Poems.
Poet's library. Small series.
Leningrad: Soviet writer, 1975.


Go out into the garden... How clear the weather is!
How shyly August faded!
The elderberry blossomed the coral,
And the amber hawthorn is wilted...
This berry is a gnome apple...
How beautiful the curly crotecus is.
Autumn will soon be shrouded in sleep
Warm garden, watered by rain.
In the meantime, there is still greenery around
And above is a serene blue;
And the maple has fancy hands -
Much like a geese's paw.
Like olive leaves of pears!
How invitingly their fruits hang!
Go out into the garden and destroy it a little, -
This autumn will forgive... Go out into the garden.
August 1909
Igor Severyanin. Poems.
Poet's library. Small series.
Leningrad: Soviet writer, 1975.


I have known this area for eight years.
He left and came, but always
It's icy in this area.
Inexhaustible water.

Full-flowing spring, full-sounding,
My dear, my natural spring,
Back to you (you can't get bored!)
I leaned down without being thrown away.

And they gave light to my eyes
Tears of proud happiness and I
I exclaim: you are a symbol of Russia,
An exhausting stream!
July 1914, Ivanovka Manor
S. Bavin, I. Semibratova. The fates of the poets of the Silver Age.
Russian State Library.
Moscow: Book Chamber 1993.


The pines swayed, the pines rustled,
The sea cried in white and gray,
We are silent, we are numb,
Suddenly the small house became silent.

Leaning on the windowsill,
I froze in thoughtless thought.
Mad horses galloping in the wind
They were rushing somewhere, the shaft was foaming.

You were lying on the bed trembling
Half-chilled, half-delirious.
The pines thundered, the sea cried,
It was quiet and gloomy in the garden.

The leaves of the yellow acacias shriveled.
Red puddles. Brown sand.
Did we dare to laugh in the morning?
You're lonely. I'm lonely.
June 1915
Igor Severyanin. Poems.
Poet's library. Small series.
Leningrad: Soviet writer, 1975.


Surprisingly tasty, sparkling and spicy!
I'm all about something Norwegian! I'm all in something Spanish!
I'm inspired by impulse! And I take up the pen!

The sound of airplanes! Run cars!
Wind whistle of express trains! The wing of the boats!
Someone's been kissed here! Someone was beaten there!
Pineapples in champagne are the pulse of the evenings!

In a group of nervous girls, in a sharp society of ladies
I will transform the tragedy of life into a dream farce...
Pineapples in champagne! Pineapples in champagne!
From Moscow to Nagasaki! From New York to Mars!
January 1915
Stanzas of the century. Anthology of Russian poetry.
Comp. E. Yevtushenko.
Minsk, Moscow: Polifact, 1995.


You are walking along the usual path,
He - to the snows of inaccessible peaks
Mirra Lokhvitskaya

The ashes of Mirra Lokhvitskaya were bespelled,
The cross was changed to a mausoleum, -
But still great
Her ecstatic stanza of alleys.

In the spring, when, breaking myself,
The sick Fofanov sang hoarsely,
The princess of May came to him,
Shrouded in a veil...

Alas! Deserted on the edge
Olympus of the dreaming forests...
For us, Pushkin became Derzhavin,
We need new voices!

Now there are airships everywhere
They fly, the propeller growling,
And assonances, like sabers,
They cut the rhyme in the heat of the moment!

We are alive sharp and instantaneous, -
Our spoiled whim:
Be icy but inspired
And every word is a surprise.

We do not tolerate cheap copies
Their familiar tones,
And amazing utopias
We are waiting like pink elephants...

The soul subtly becomes callous,
The culture was rotting like Roquefort...
But I believe: the fan will blow!
The juice of the amphorae will splash out like strings!

The Poet will come - he is close! close!-
He will sing, he will soar.
All the muses of the past into odalisques,
He will turn it into his mistresses.

And, intoxicated by his harem,
He'll go crazy...
And people will rush to the triremes,
The mermaids will rush into the houses!

Oh, the age of unreasonable pleasure,
Leafless-quivering spring,
Modernized Hellas
And dilapidated newness!..
Stanzas of the century. Anthology of Russian poetry.
Comp. E. Yevtushenko.
Minsk, Moscow: Polifact, 1995.


There is darkness in the grave, paradise in the arms,
Love is the land of delight!..
Al. Budishchev

Far from factories, far from stations,
Not in a dense forest, but not in a village either -
Old dam, dancing on the dam,
The villagers are dancing, everyone is tipsy.

The guys buy from the Duli merchant,
Pumpkin seed, brown horns.
There's a buttless wedding here, someone's been bullied there,
Whispers and squeals, songs and giggles.

Like the hum of bees - a humming sound in a clearing:
“Do you love me, Shark?..” - “Devil, don’t bother!..”
And to the sounds of a nimble, daring talyanka
Prince May himself dances on the dam.

The fiery handsome man went wild, -
The linden trees rustled and the lilacs bloomed!
The breeze kisses all the beauties on the lips,
May squatted with his hat on one side.

But people don’t see young May,
Feeling in my soul the closeness of the daredevil,
The village is cheerful, vaguely understanding
That the prince would throw two rings while dancing.

Whoever picks up the rings, life is fun for him!
The intoxication of life is not for brass foreheads!
Glory to May, glory! Glory to May, glory!
May the Sun and Love reign over the world!
Igor Severyanin. Poems.
Poet's library. Small series.
Leningrad: Soviet writer, 1975.



Dedicated to Peru I. I. Yasinsky

Spring apple tree, in unmelting snow,
I can't see without shuddering:
A hunchbacked girl - beautiful, but dumb -
The tree trembles, clouding my genius...

As if in a mirror, looking into a wide expanse,
She tries to wipe away the dewdrops of tears
And he is horrified and groans like a cart,
Listening to the reflection of the ominous hump.

When a steel dream flies onto the lake,
I am with an apple tree as with a sick girl,
And, full of tenderness and affectionate melancholy,
I kiss the fragrant petals.

Then trustingly, without holding back tears,
She touches my hair lightly
Then he takes me into a branchy ring, -
And I kiss her blooming face.

The Page of Cups is a card with a wild emotional imagination. It means love, not only romantic, but for the whole world. This lasso speaks of a gentle and compassionate person who wants to be surrounded by love. He cares about his surroundings and gives compassion. The card indicates artistry, dreaminess and intuitiveness.

Description of the card image

In the central part of the card is a beautifully dressed young man with one cup in his hand. The young man's pose reveals sophistication and tenderness. A chopping block protrudes from the goblet that the young man holds in his right hand. The young man looks at this fish with curiosity and kindness. There is sand under the young man’s feet, and sea waves can be seen behind him.

If you pay attention to the young man’s clothing, you will notice that it is quite colorful; it depicts a pattern of white lily flowers or water lilies, connected by green stems. In this you can see the desire for idealism and the desire to dream.

Interpretation of direct provision

Keys: learning, gaining new knowledge, skills, study, talent, creativity, travel. New things and opportunities. New trends. Intelligentsia. Sincerity. Emotionality. Openness. News. Affections. Innocence. Naivety. Perseverance. Romantic moods. Hard work, diligence. Meditations. Ability to think and analyze. Dreamer. Present. Invitation. Intuition. Responsiveness. Sensitivity. Meekness. Wealth of imagination. Impulsiveness. Chance. A push to action. Courtesy, helpfulness. Diligence, attention to detail and detail. Accuracy. Concentration of attention. Childhood friend.

The Page of Cups is a symbol of bright emotions and dreaminess, creativity and talents. In most cases, the card points to a specific person from the fortuneteller’s social circle. This person is a sophisticated person with a lively imagination, dreamy, sensitive to everything, inquisitive, and in some cases may be weak-willed.

Most often, the card indicates a close relative, friend, partner, loved one. You are informed that this person is reliable, there is sincerity, genuine feelings between you, you can open up and trust this person. At the right time, help and support will come from this person.

If we move away from the characterization of the person and return to the current situation, we can say that positive news, new love or an exciting journey, promising acquaintances await you. Perhaps you should turn your attention to education and start acquiring new knowledge. If you want to develop your talents, now is the right time.

You have many different interests in life and it’s difficult for you to choose just one thing, so you put all your energy into projects, a little of each, in order to achieve everything at once. But remember, it is better to do one project or realize one dream and do it at the highest level, than to ultimately achieve everything, but be left without the strength and emotions to rejoice at success.

Advice. Your hidden potential and internal resources have accumulated in sufficient quantities, now is the time to express yourself.

Don't take on everything at once. Do one thing, and at the same time prepare the ground for the next. Spend your strength and energy wisely.

Interpretation of the inverted position

Keys: deception, intrigue, gossip, flattery, fugitive, seducer. Wasted talent. Sink to the bottom. Laziness. Reluctance to develop and gain new knowledge. Alienation. Treason. False. Foul play. Lack of self-confidence. Doubt. A waste of strength and energy. Inaction. Narcissism. Rogue. Cunning, self-interest. Let. There is no imagination. Impressionability. Deviation from something. Attraction. Temptations. Your attention has been diverted from the main thing. Addictions and manias. A short truce. Hidden meaning. Melancholy. Sadness. Suffering. Absent-mindedness. Inability to concentrate. Monotonous work. An inclination towards something. Attachment. Addiction.

The card also shows a person from the fortuneteller’s close circle of friends, but now this person may be endowed with the following qualities: laziness, selfishness, false emotions, pursuit of personal gain, deception, lies, manipulation for one’s own purposes.

Be careful, you may be deceived or betrayed. You can find yourself in a chain of gossip and intrigue, and become an object for fraud.

Warning. You should not believe flattery and all the promises that are given to you.

Page of Cups in Health

The Page of Cups warns that you need to pay attention to your health. In this map you cannot see specific diseases and the prognosis for the condition. All that remains is to study the reasons for the state in which you find yourself.

Straight position. Pay attention to your psychological state.

Inverted position. Stress, depression, worries, suffering, shock. Oddities in behavior. Problems related to the head.

Advice. It is necessary to distract yourself from negative thoughts.

Page of Cups in relationships

The Page of Cups dreams of love. He idealizes this feeling; for him, relationships are a priority over other areas. Such a person is very romantic. Often expresses his love experiences in creativity.

If the lasso appears in questions about relationships, then you are likely to soon enjoy a new romance.

Straight position. Idyll, harmony, comfort, mutual understanding. All difficulties are resolved. The main thing is not to remember the past. Perhaps a new stage in the development of personal relationships awaits you.

Falling in love, romantic moods, daydreaming, physical attraction, passion, desire.

Restoring lost peace and harmony in a couple. If you had a quarrel or a difficult period, then rest assured that everything will pass. You have overcome difficulties and are ready to continue enjoying life.

Inverted position. Unpromising relationships. Lack of emotions and sincere feelings. Selfishness, immaturity. If you are faced with your partner’s indifference, then it’s time to think about the advisability of continuing this relationship. There has been a period of stagnation in the relationship, there is no development or movement forward. It's time to figure this out.

Take a closer look at your partner, what you see in him now. Remember what you saw at the beginning of the relationship and what attracted you to this person. What's left of this? Where did the feelings go or whether they really existed.

Page of Cups at work

Professions Page of Cups: poet, writer, copywriter, artist, waiter, service worker. Scientist. Actor, singer, musician.

Straight position. Promising development, new project. People who share your opinions and views will help you. Career advancement. You will be appreciated. Getting paid what you deserve.

Advice. Show hard work, take an interest in your work and look for a non-standard approach to solving problems. Open yourself up to new achievements and make your dreams come true.

Inverted position. Unsuccessful project, time wasted. Gossip and intrigue. Reconsider your communication with the team, think about what you say. Your laziness and lack of initiative will not lead to any good.

Most likely, the person himself is to blame for his failure due to excessive laziness and lack of initiative.

Warning. You do not respect yourself, do not believe in your strength, but with a calm soul you can trust someone. Stop acting like that. Learn to respect yourself and set priorities correctly, learn to take on work according to your strengths and do not be afraid of responsibility. Stop deceiving yourself.

Page of Cups about the current situation

Straight position. You should take action. It's time to implement your plans and words and show what you are capable of. Changes for the better. Receive news.

It all depends on you and your actions. Opportunities have presented themselves to you and you should take advantage of them. Direct your energy in the right direction and make efforts to achieve what you want.

Warning. You are overly trusting and kind to others. You need to be able to say “No” at the right time. If you are not happy with something, don't be afraid to voice it.

Inverted position. You find yourself in a quandary. Seriousness and analysis of the situation is necessary. Put everything in its place, remove the unnecessary and try to see the essence of what is happening. Perhaps your problems will be solved when you stop being lazy and deceiving yourself. It's time to get down to business and take the initiative.

You live in an imaginary illusory world in which everything is fine, where you don’t bother anyone and want to be left alone. You do not want to take responsibility and avoid it in every possible way. You are a loner, you hide from people and try to close yourself off from others. It's time to call it a day. Look around - the world is beautiful, communication enlivens and brings joy to life.

Remember that your habits and unfulfilled obligations can slow down your development and movement forward.

Ideas for understanding the meaning of the Page of Cups card:

  • Truce after a conflict, resolution of a controversial issue.
  • Be able to smooth out sharp corners.
  • Resolve differences.
  • Inability to focus your attention on only one goal.
  • Work with your intuition.

Questions for analysis after the Page of Cups card appears in the layout:

  • What is your carelessness? What made you who you are today?
  • Sentimentality – harm or benefit?
  • Do others take advantage of your trust and naivety? How often does this happen?
  • Do you see the world in rosy tones? Isn't it time to take off your glasses?

Interpretation of the Page of Cups in combination with the Major Arcana

With a jester. Frivolity, frivolity.

With a magician. Generate ideas. Inspiration.

With the High Priestess. Friendly advice. Pass on your knowledge.

With the Empress. Capriciousness, childishness.

With the Emperor. Change of professional field. New activity.

With the hierophant. Benefit, changes for the better.

With lovers. Changes in relationships. Acquiring another status.

With a chariot. Everyone has the right to make mistakes. Everyone makes mistakes.

With strength. It takes effort.

With a hermit. Misunderstanding. You took the wrong path.

With the wheel of fortune. Realize your ideas, get things moving.

With justice. Search for truth. Litigation.

C hanged. Stagnant situation. You have not distributed your strength and resources correctly.

With death. You need to be active.

With moderation. Care and seriousness are required.

With the devil. Sophistication. Deceptiveness. They are trying to lure you with attractive conditions or views.

With a tower of lightning. Material instability.

With a star. Waiting period. You are in the unknown.

With the moon. Hiding true motives.

With the sun. Success in business awaits you. Feel free to start implementing your plans.

With the court. Receiving an award.

With peace. New cycle, the situation will improve.

The meaning of the Page of Cups in combination with the suit of wands

With an ace. Receipt of proposals, development prospects.

With a deuce. Analyze the situation, then make a decision.

With a three. Discovering talent, obtaining new opportunities. Take action.

With four. A new project that can affect any area of ​​life.

With an A. You have no accomplices, you are not supported. Disagreement.

With six. Rapid development of the situation.

With seven. They are unhappy with your work.

With eight. Cooperation.

With nine. You may be deceived. Ambiguity.

With ten. You can't do more than you can.

With a page. Think about your actions.

With a knight. Impulsiveness.

With the queen. The start of something new.

With the king. Creativity, originality.

Page of Cups combined with the suit of cups

With an ace. New relationships are entering your life.

With a deuce. The offer will interest you.

With a three. Sophistication. The desire to follow your emotions.

With an A. Parting. Path.

With six. Desire for comfort, harmony and tranquility.

With seven. Truce. House.

With eight. Partnership.

With nine. Adventurism. The dubiousness of the planned business.

With ten. Long-term planning.

With a knight. Optimistic. Frivolity.

With the queen. A woman noticed you.

With the king. You can count on support.

Interpretation of the Page of Cups in combination with the suit of swords

With an ace. Making mistakes. Frivolity.

With a deuce. Conflict. We need to talk.

With a three. Strength of character and confidence in the decisions made are required.

With four. Review your principles.

With an A. You are in danger. Review your social circle.

With six. You want to take control of what is happening.

With seven. Receiving a reward for your work.

With nine. Someone is spreading rumors and gossiping behind your back.

With ten. You will receive information.

With a page. Someone wishes you harm.

With a knight. Indifference.

With the queen. A woman will stand up for you. Help from a woman.

With the king. Success awaits you, luck is on your side.

Page of Cups in combination with the suit of pentacles

With an ace. Success awaits you.

With a deuce. Well-functioning work. They support you.

With a three. Your desire to improve your financial situation will be successfully realized.

With four. Unnecessary expenses. Loss of funds. Lack of finances.

With an A. You are wasting your energy. The business will not bring pleasure and profit.

With six. New knowledge, development of skills.

With seven. Changes.

With eight. Collapse. Reluctance to move forward.

With nine. Be careful, check everything.

With ten. Consider your past mistakes, learn a lesson.

With a page. Extraordinary. Thinking outside the box.

With a knight. Rivalry.

With the queen. Duty.

With the king. You can become a leader.

It was by the sea, where the lacy foam
Where a city crew is rarely found...
The Queen played - in the castle tower - Chopin,
And, listening to Chopin, her page fell in love.

It was all very simple, it was all very nice:
The queen asked to cut the pomegranate,
And she gave half, and exhausted the page,
And she fell in love with the page, all in the tunes of sonatas.

And then it echoed, echoed thunderously,
The mistress slept as a slave until sunrise...
It was by the sea, where the wave was turquoise,
Where is the openwork foam and the page's sonata.

And in the mornings it’s very magical
Leaves are swirling in the yard.
And if you fell in love with autumn,
That was in October.

Never return to those places where you felt bad. Never ask from those who once refused. And don’t let those who once hurt you get close anymore.

Life is not where there are a lot of cars and money.
There is life where there are people who sincerely love you and are waiting for you.

I'll tell you this: a place where a person with a good heart can be an officer of the law is a place where life is not so bad to live. And even very much so.

Use the talent that you have: it would be very quiet in the forests if those birds who did it better than others sang.

In a world where vows are worth nothing at all. Where obligations are an empty phrase. Where promises are made only to be broken, it would be nice to arrange for words to regain their former meaning and power.

In a world where everything is bought and sold, the only value is loyalty.

It’s good and warm in that family where one sees clothes thrown on a chair and silently puts them away, and the other sees an unwashed plate and quietly washes it. And their crowns are somewhere out there, on the mezzanines, gathering dust...
