Several love spells from a Siberian healer - how to attract a man’s love. Husband's thirst for smoke

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Love! Many people strive to experience this feeling. Young ladies dream of love. For the sake of love, strong men are ready to do the most impressive things. Love can be tender, passionate, ardent, bright. But when the feelings are not mutual, it is very difficult and painful.

If there is no love, then life is boring, and sometimes even sad. You can cry because love doesn't work out. There is an option to look for a new object of adoration. Oh, you can turn to white magic and read love spells. This is exactly what they did in forgotten ancient times, beautiful maidens.

Below are the spells of a Siberian healer for love. These few examples are especially popular among the people.

Conspiracy of a Siberian healer for her husband’s love

The most valuable and desirable is the love of a man with whom he has lived years of life and acquired a common “baggage.” But life together is not always cloudless. It happens that the spouse suddenly grows cold. And, even worse, if the road began to glance to the side. It is for such cases that the following ritual is suitable.

You need to go to the window in the evening, while your husband is not home yet. You need to close your eyes and vividly imagine how your husband goes home, opens the door, and, smiling, heads towards his wife. Such thoughts will create the necessary energy field. Once you manage to get in the right frame of mind, you should read these words:

I (wife's name) call him (husband's name) home

I give you four angels

They will stand on the sides, front and back

Home of the legal spouse

Bring you to your beloved wife

Let him come back in reality

And he will never forget about me again

He loves only me

Only with me will he be happy

Spells of a Siberian healer for the love of a man

The following few examples are applicable in situations when it comes to relationships with a man. Those. there was a relationship, but for some reason the guy lost interest and stopped paying attention to his beloved.

To cast a spell, you need to pour clean water into a basin and stand in it with your bare feet. Then you need to say the following words:

There is an entrance in our world

Who will enter it

He will find this water

I will take God's servant (name) by the right hand

Yes, I will bring eternal love to his boredom

How can he avoid eating and drinking?

And without God’s servant (name) he will not know happiness and joy

I will become to him like water and bread

Give me your heart

Mother earth, protect yourself from trouble

The power of water is under my feet

You will follow (guy's name) only after me.

After reading the words, you need to dip the man's shirt into the water. Then the dried item must be given to your loved one. Let him wear it without washing it for three days.

The next version of the plot is read on Easter. To cast a spell, you need to take 9 colored eggs. Each colored egg must be kissed in turn and said:

How people value and honor Holy Easter

How do people remember mother's affection?

So let the man (name) love me and appreciate me

Follows me on my heels

He can’t find a place for himself without me.

Let him come to me

Yes, he will ask me to get married.

After reading these words, you can forget about the ritual for a while. But these colored eggs should not be given to anyone. More often than not, agonizing expectations only make it more difficult to achieve what you want. If you forget about your dream, you may not notice how it gets closer.

Love spell for a guy with candles

For this hex you will need three church candles and a photo of your lover.

You need to put the photo right in front of you, and take the candles in your hands. Without taking your eyes off the photo of your loved one, you need to braid candles and say:

How a wax candle is intertwined with church candles

So the hearts of the servant of God (name) and the servant of God (name) will be intertwined together

To be together forever

After reading the first part of the plot, you need to install wicker candles in a candlestick, and place the photo in front of the candles. Then, you need to light the wicks and say the second part:

How the candles came together

So the servant of God (name) must be inseparable from the servant of God (name) forever.

Many people use magic spells today. Almost all women resorted to similar tricks in ancient times.

There are complex rites and rituals that require preparation.

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My main principles: Individual approach to each person and work for results.

Now there are a lot of people who have learned to deceive others and earn pretty good money from it. A person who finds himself in a difficult situation will believe anyone who just says that he can help get rid of the problem. I am sure that some of you have also been at least once in such a difficult situation that the only way out of it is magic. But, you need to know someone who is truly endowed with abilities and can help others, or you can learn how to do various conspiracies yourself, although many are afraid to do such things. Learning to speak to something or someone is not too difficult. You just need to have a guide at hand, which describes step by step what to do and why, so as not to bring trouble on yourself and achieve the desired result. Such benefits already exist. They are written by a famous healer living in Siberia. Her name is Natalya Stepanova and her books have actually helped many people. In this article we will look at Stepanova’s most effective conspiracies for what the average person may need most.

A little biography

The healer was born in 1952. From birth she was endowed with abilities, because Natalya’s mother is a hereditary witch, who at one time was also no less famous thanks to her gift. But, nevertheless, Stepanova began practicing magic and learning how to cast spells just a few years ago. It was then that her interest in such things awoke, which had been living inside her all this time, waiting in the wings.

Natalya Stepanova has written more than two hundred books, which have become a real guide for those who have begun to get involved in magic and do not know where to start or how exactly to carry out the necessary rituals. The healer's books contain information about absolutely everything that might interest a person who finds himself in a hopeless situation and wants to turn his existence into a full and colorful life.

People in need of urgent help are lining up to see Natalya. They come not only from all over Russia, but also from neighboring countries. She helps remove evil eyes, damage, casts spells, and heals. All this is written in her books. In order to read Stepanova’s conspiracies correctly, you should do everything exactly as she describes.

Healer Stepanova's conspiracies to improve her financial situation

Natalya herself does not consider conspiracies to be anything complicated. She is confident that any person can perform the necessary ritual at home and will ultimately achieve what he needs. Conspiracies are simply our desires, which we express verbally and order them to come true as soon as possible.

In the world, people are divided into two categories - poor and rich. Money is not considered a guarantee that you will live a happy life, but it is something that will solve many problems and open all doors and paths for you. A person who has wealth not only has power over his own life, but can also manipulate other people. In the modern world, a person is ready to do anything for money, because without it it is impossible to exist.

If your financial situation leaves much to be desired, and you really want to provide your family with everything they need, then do not be afraid to resort to the help of white magic and try the spells of the Siberian healer Natalia Stepanova. You will be surprised at how effective they will be and how dramatically your life will change.

Money endowed with special energy, which is transferred to it during a conspiracy, has the ability to attract other money. Remember that you cannot spend charmed bills for some time. They should be stored exactly as much as indicated in a particular plot. Do not neglect this rule, because then nothing will work out for you.

One of Natalia’s money spells is suitable for every day. There is no need to perform any rituals. It’s just that every time you buy something at a market or in a store and they give you change, then you, taking it from the hands of the seller, mentally say these words: “Your money has arrived in my wallet. Now your income is also my income. Let it be as I wish." As you can see, there is nothing complicated in this conspiracy, and everyone who has tried to use it has already seen for themselves its effectiveness.

Sometimes Stepanova’s conspiracies need to be read over money, as if casting a spell on them, endowing them with positive energy and, thereby, turning them into talismans that you need to carry with you every day, without putting them out of your wallet. If you have chosen just such a conspiracy and want to use it, then pay attention to the fact that the money you are charming must be earned by honest labor. You cannot read prayers and conspiracies over stolen money or money that you received by deceiving another person. It’s interesting that if you don’t take this into account, then your own conspiracy will turn against you. For example, you read a conspiracy to improve your financial situation, but it will only get worse.

In order to attract more money into your life, the following plot is perfect. Use the lunar calendar and calculate when the new moon will be. At night, take twelve coins of any denomination from your wallet and go outside with them. Choose a place where no one will see you and it needs to be well lit by moonlight. Raise your hands with coins to the sky, palms up, and say out loud the following words: “Multiply, my money, from the moonlight. I invite you to my home and promise to spend it wisely. Luna, I ask you, help me not to need anything. Let it be as I wish." These words should be repeated seven times in a row. After this, return home without looking back, because from that moment you will have a new life and you cannot look back at the past. When you get home, put your coins back in your wallet and keep them there for a few weeks. In order not to accidentally spend the charmed money, mark it with a felt-tip pen, for example, if you cannot remember.

Natalia Stepanova's conspiracies are quite simple. The whole difficulty is to remember the sequence of actions in the ritual and not to confuse anything. Before performing the ritual, make sure that you remember well what to do and say.

Stepanova's conspiracies for happiness and good luck

One day, a healer wrote in one of her books about a woman who asked to help her. The woman was already over forty years old, and she complained that her whole life consisted of problems and bad weather. She was never lucky with men, she never started her own family. She also didn’t feel at ease at work. The woman was absent-minded and clumsy, so she was fired as soon as the opportunity arose. She asked Stepanova for advice and for her to write in her next book about conspiracies for good luck, which the healer did. There is no information about the further fate of that woman, but all those who tried to make Natalya Stepanova’s spells for happiness and good luck speak about them in the best possible way.

If you consider yourself an unhappy person and you have never been lucky in life, then know that it is never too late to change it. People are given life to live only once. So why suffer, suffer and live with empty dreams about how well everything could have turned out well for you if you had been born under a lucky star? It is necessary to live well today, at this very moment, because no one knows how much more time is allotted to him.

One of the most effective conspiracies from Stepanova for attracting happiness into your life is the following conspiracy. You need to buy a whole raw chicken and do it in such a way that you don't have to give change. If this doesn’t work out and you still have to give a few rubles in change, then ask the seller not to do this.

For the ceremony, you will also need a headscarf that has never been worn. If there is no such thing, then you need to purchase it in the same way as you bought chicken, so as not to have to take change. When you return home, wrap the chicken in this scarf and set it to cook with the words: “May whoever eats my chicken give me a lot of luck and happiness. Amen". When your chicken is ready, there is no need to remove it from the pan. Just drain the cooking water. Early in the morning, the next day, you need to remove the scarf from the chicken, but it is better to do this in such a way that you do not have to remove the chicken from the pan. You will no longer need the scarf; you can throw it away.

Now take the chicken along with the pot and give it to the people who are in need. It could be beggars, for example. You cannot give it to your friends or relatives. The person must be unfamiliar to you. Until you give the chicken back, you cannot eat or drink anything. For seven days after this ritual, it is forbidden to lend money or things to someone.

Do not think that such a conspiracy will somehow affect the people who eat the chicken. It is absolutely safe for them. Now, if you perform the ritual incorrectly or say different words during it, the result may be unpredictable.

Healer Stepanova's spells for love

Natalya's books contain a huge variety of different love spells that are suitable for a variety of situations. These are conspiracies for those who:

Wants to find his soul mate soon;

Wants to make a certain person fall in love with you;

He wants to protect himself from his beloved’s betrayals and tie him to himself;

Has a desire to revive his beloved’s former feelings;

He wants to push his loved one to take a serious step, marriage for example.

You should be very careful with love spells, because they will affect not only your life, but also the life of another person. If you want to make someone fall in love with you, for example, then just imagine how a person will feel who does not understand what suddenly happened to him and why he is so madly drawn to you, if just yesterday you were not even friends. You will have to bear responsibility for the rest of your life for the situation of the person you spoke to. Some may even commit suicide. You must clearly understand that a person is not a toy, and you do not have the right to control his life for someone. If you decide to plot, then this is no longer love, but rather a manifestation of your weakness. The spells of the Siberian healer Natalya Stepanova are so strong that they can do terrible things to both you and the person under the spell. Have you changed your mind yet? Then read on.

This conspiracy is suitable only for those women who live together with their boyfriend or husband and want to charm them not so that love will appear in their hearts, but so that it will intensify exponentially and bind the lovers together forever. For the ritual you will need a medium-sized basin of water. The ritual should be carried out only at midnight and only when no one is at home, because the plot needs to be read quite loudly, and you cannot allow anyone to hear it, because any ritual is a special sacrament that is your personal business. If you want the conspiracy to bear fruit, then keep it secret from others, not only before performing the ritual, but even after you get the result.

Stand with both feet in a basin of water. Say the following words clearly and loudly: “I take my slave (the name of the person you need) by the right hand and instill in him eternal strong love for me, so that he can neither eat, nor drink, nor sleep, but only dream and think about me all the time. I appeal to higher powers to send (name in the dative case) happiness, which he can only find next to me. He should no longer look at other women, only see my face in everyone. I ask you so, I command you, let it be so. Amen". After you finish reciting the spell, bow four times and stand in the bowl of water for a few more minutes with your eyes closed, imagining the face of your loved one at this time. Now you should wash your man’s shirt in the charmed water and let him wear it the next day.

Be careful with magic and if you are not sure that you can perform the ritual you need correctly, then it is better not to undertake it at all. I wish you happiness and all the best, dear women.

Love is the most important thing in our life. We all dream of finding our one and only person so we can spend many happy and joy-filled days next to us.

Conspiracies from the Siberian healer Natalya Stepanova are the best way to find your true happiness. She helps to find knowledge and strength capable of miracles. After all, love is a feeling that is achieved not only with the help of a person’s personal qualities, but with the help of luck.

Love spell on food

The main thing is to find your loved one. And a food love spell will help increase your chance of pleasing the person you desire. Speak a special spell for any dish, food or drink, and then treat the one who needs to bewitched.

This method is suitable for family dinners, corporate events, and friendly meetings. It is enough just to treat your chosen one, and he will be tied to you with strong ties. Natalya Stepanova notes that this ritual is not performed on even days, so be careful.

God bless you with bread.
Reward with holy water,
And so that my husband (name)
He was with me forever and ever.
Blood in the liver
Salt in food
Your flesh is in me.
Key, lock, tongue.

This is an ancient love spell that is used by a huge number of people. Effectiveness is enhanced by true faith in the power of words.

Conspiracy for reconciliation

If you already love and are loved, but quarrels often take place in your personal life, then do not despair - use reconciliation spells to normalize the situation, restoring balance in love. Below is the most effective conspiracy, according to the Siberian healer, for grievances, quarrels and misunderstandings.

Take two candles and twist them into one (to make them bend better, put them briefly in a warm place where the wax becomes soft). When you light candles, read these spell words:

I don't burn candles
And I unite two hearts
For bread and salt at the table,
For a good life, for family happiness. Amen.

In the next 24 hours, you will experience warmth in relationships and mutual understanding. It is worth resorting to the help of a conspiracy only in extreme cases. The effectiveness of the ritual is high only when you use it as little as possible.

Conspiracy of jealousy

It's no secret that the most sworn enemy of any relationship and love is jealousy. She is capable of killing the strongest love, so constantly read the following plot.

Arrows of fire from the jealous heart
They don't stick into the ground,
They break about people,
The soul is taken out
Life is destroyed, the body is tormented.
So those arrows would fly by
On tall spruce trees, on a rotten swamp,
To the dry forest, so that jealousy will disappear as if by hand. Amen.

You can resort to this remedy every Thursday. The words are read with water or any other drink. It should be given to your spouse or boyfriend to drink.

Natalya Stepanova advises using these three rituals, respecting the power of nature and the energy of the cosmos. Be careful and focused as much as possible when resorting to them. We wish you good luck in love and relationships. Let love become a source of warmth and kindness for you, not disappointment. Be happy and don't forget to press the buttons and

The great Dante said that love is the main force that moves the world. This is the mystical union of two beings into a single whole. If a person is not lucky enough to satisfy his need for this feeling, his whole life will suffer. Unrequited love brings a lot of pain and suffering. I don't have the strength to wake up and start a new day. Nothing can help a lover. Nothing but magic. Magic rituals and love spells will help you find reciprocity.

Witchcraft and love

Magic is one of the most powerful forces on earth. Nothing is impossible for her. She is able to influence the weather, heal diseases, give success, wealth and, of course, love.

Magic has two directions: black and white. Sometimes gray magic is highlighted, but most experts say that such a direction does not exist. Unfortunately, the vast majority of love spells are black.

Harmless, at first glance, conspiracies that do not require bloody sacrifices are black witchcraft. All of them are aimed at subordination or manipulation. Rituals can only be white if a person is warned and agrees to perform the ritual.

Few people think about the possible consequences of witchcraft when it comes to love. Priests and some white magicians warn of a terrible retribution for the use of black rituals. Indeed, there are women whose lives were ruined after using love spells. Nevertheless, there are those who live happily for many years and do not even know about any retribution.

No one can say for sure why this happens. Perhaps some witches perform rituals according to all the rules and carefully prepare for this. And others, during or after the magical ceremony, make mistakes. For which they receive punishment from entities that live in the invisible world, the subtle world.

Magic rules

Anyone who decides to resort to witchcraft must know and adhere to certain rules. When conjuring, a person is no longer on his own territory. He turns to forces he cannot control for help.

It is impossible to subjugate something that has enormous power and does not obey physical laws. You can only ask these forces for help and hope for their favor. And to do this you need to act according to their rules.

You cannot make any changes to simple or strong conspiracies for a guy’s love. They must be read only as indicated in the description. There are many other important rules:

The rules are simple, but they must be followed. It is advisable to memorize the words of spells or incantations. If you don’t have time for this, copy it in your own hand onto a blank sheet of paper and read it.

Siberian healer

People who are interested in magic know Natalia Stepanova's books well. They say that this woman is a healer and lives somewhere in Siberia. There are a lot of rumors about her, but exact information is impossible to find. There are few people who were lucky enough to see Stepanova in person.

Natalya Stepanova has numerous followers around the world. They say that with the help of her knowledge they were able to heal and improve their lives. Many followers consider the healer to be a deeply religious Orthodox Christian.

The clergy have a different opinion. They say that Stepanova’s books and numerous conspiracies for love, luck and health contain Satanism. Sometimes the healer is declared a charlatan. Sometimes - a servant of the devil himself. There are people who claim to have suffered because of her teachings.

Conflicting rumors only fuel interest in the healer. Her spells are extremely popular. And this means that they work and help.

Strong rituals

Magic rituals are very diverse. There are some that are quite simple. There are also complex ones, the implementation and preparation for which can take several days. Professional magicians know well when and what method needs to be used.

Beginners always try to find the most powerful ritual that gives a 100% guarantee. But there is no such thing. A lot depends on the magician. A strong magician is able to move mountains with the help of an ordinary whispering spell. And the weak and constantly making mistakes will not achieve anything, even if he uses bloody sacrifices.

A beginner should select his first rituals based on his intuition. There is no need to look at the complexity or simplicity of the process. If, after reading the description of the ritual, you have confidence in your abilities, then you can begin to implement the plan.

Stepanova's conspiracies

There are about a thousand spells by Natalia Stepanova for a man’s love. You can read them both at home and outdoors. Some rituals cannot be performed indoors, since their activation requires the help of natural forces.

A conspiracy with a photograph will help to return the love of a cold husband. You can read it any day of the week except Friday and Sunday. You should prepare in advance:

  • a recent photo of the spouse, in which he is shown alone;
  • 33 church candles;
  • red silk ribbon.

You need to take off your shoes. Combine the candles into one large one and tie them tightly with a red ribbon. Place the candles on the floor and light them. Place the photo of your spouse on the floor and step on it with your left heel. Repeat the words twelve times: “Your spirit is with me forever. He will be a servant to my smooth heel. With me you will live forever. Without me you will suffer and suffer. Even for a day my image will not leave you. Your hand will not hug another woman. Amen!"

Quite often, men read the love spells of the Siberian healer for food. In this way you can bewitch both your own spouse and any man. To do this, you need to bake yeast-free bread with natural sourdough.

Taking the bread out of the oven while it is still warm, the following words are read over it seven times: “My words will be fixed in the food, they will be passed on to God’s servant (name). Words will flow into his soul like wax. You will never be with someone else! Don't smell her hair, don't call her affectionately. You dream about me at night, you suffer without me during the day. Only next to me you will know peace and quiet. Key. Lock. Language".

A spell for the waxing moon will help the birth of strong love. You need to read it near an open window. Moonlight should fall on the person reading the plot. If the sky is overcast, the ceremony is not performed.

At midnight, standing by the window, say three times: “Love arises and grows. Takes strength from the moon. Mother Moon, become a good godmother for our love! Protect her from envious people and evil. Never let it fade away. May it always shine brightly for us! Let it be so! Amen!"

A love plot against a married man will help separate him from his legal wife. Casting a spell is allowed only if there is no love in the family. When a man himself wants to leave his wife, but cannot decide to take this step. If a conspiracy is used to destroy a loving and happy family, the homewrecker will face severe punishment.

The ritual is performed at midnight in front of an open window. Prepare for witchcraft:

  • faceted glass;
  • holy water;
  • a new needle;
  • three church candles;
  • new red thread.

Place the candles on the windowsill and light them. Take the thread and thread it through the needle. Pour water into a glass. Throw a thread and a needle into a glass and whisper: “Mother Moon, help me! Drive God's servant (name) away from his wife! Tie his soul to me with a red thread. Stick a love needle into his heart. Let him come to me and stay in my bed forever. He will forget his wife, and he will suffer without me. Key. Lock. Language!"

Carefully sip a little water from a glass and leave it on the windowsill until the morning. In the morning, wash with the rest of the water. Bury the needle and thread in the ground as close as possible to the house of your beloved man.

A flower plot on a new moon for a man’s love gives a good result. For witchcraft you will need a white rose and a clear night. At midnight, put a rose on the windowsill and say: “Fill the flower of love with the magical light of the moon!” After this you can go to bed. Leave the flower on the windowsill until the morning.

In the morning, transfer the rose to any holy book, for example, the Bible, Koran, Torah. Leave the flower in the book until the next new moon. During this time the book cannot be touched. On the next new moon, get a flower. Take turns plucking the petals from it, placing it in your palm and repeating: “O brilliant spirit, I give you my soul. In return, I ask for the love of your servant (name). When all the petals are in the palm of your hand, blow them out the window.

Love rituals

Love rituals require a little more time and preparation than regular spells. Very often they act more aggressively. A man does not fall in love gradually, but loses his head in an instant. If a charmed lining was used in the process, the witchcraft will begin to act even faster.

At home, you can perform an effective and simple ritual to attract love. They spend it on the full moon. For magic you will need:

  • new red tablecloth;
  • two church candles;
  • red wax candle (paraffin is not suitable);
  • new pin;
  • foil.

Cover the table with a new tablecloth. 15 minutes before midnight, light a red candle with matches and slowly say 13 times: “Great goddess, I ask for your help! With your power, kindle love in the hearts of your servant (name) and your servant (name). Don’t let it go out, nourish it with your strength.”

When the plot has been read 13 times, light the church candles. You need to look at the flame and think about your loved one. The red candle should burn out first. On the remaining wax, while it is still warm, write your loved one’s name and yours. Make a wax heart and pierce it with a pin. Do not remove the pin.

Wrap a pin with a wax heart in foil. The package must be quietly dropped into your loved one’s house. If this is not possible, leave it under the threshold. The witchcraft will begin to act as soon as the man steps over the lining.

A ritual with photographs will help to bind your loved one to you for a long time. This method can only be used during the waxing moon. Prepare for magic:

  • red wool thread;
  • your photo and a photo of your loved one. Photos must be fresh, there should be no strangers in the picture;
  • red candle;
  • holy water;
  • seven thick church candles;
  • seven stacks of thick glass;
  • 140 ml alcohol;
  • seven chicken hearts;
  • a new box or casket. It can be wooden or cardboard.

At midnight, place the candles in a row on the floor. Place stacks in front of the candles. Put a heart in each and pour 20 ml of alcohol on top. Use matches to light the candles, then the alcohol in the shot glasses. Light a red candle from the fire in the stacks. Take a photo of your loved one and draw a big heart on it with melted red wax. While the wax is still warm, glue your photo on top with the front side.

Tie the glued pictures crosswise with a thread. Secure the knot with melted wax and sprinkle with holy water. Put the photos in a box.

When the alcohol in the shot glasses burns out, take out the remaining hearts and place them with the photographs. Bury the box near the man's house.

Love spells affect the life of a woman and her lover in different ways. Some people live happily all their lives. And some pay with their health, the lives of loved ones, or their own happiness. Magic is an inexact science. It is impossible to control it and accurately predict the final result. Therefore, anyone who turns to magical rituals for help always acts at their own peril and risk.

Attention, TODAY only!

Let your hair down, barefoot and without any belts, stand facing your threshold, not outside, but inside the apartment. Bow and read:

Father brownie, call my husband home. Call him to the threshold: in the morning, during the day and in the evening, on a black moonlit night, on a black moonless night. Send nine winds, nine whirlwinds after him. Let them find him, whether walking, standing or sleeping, whether drinking, or looking for a hedgehog. Meet him from the front, shoot him with longing in the heart. So that he could neither live, nor be, nor spend the day, nor spend the night with my rival (name). He would keep me on his mind, he would see me during a short sleep. Just as this threshold always stands in its place, dries and crackles, so would my husband (name) stand in front of me, crackle, squeal, dry. Bless my words, God. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

To be happy in marriage, they pray to the holy martyr Tryphon:

“O holy martyr of Christ Tryphon, quick helper to all who come running to you and pray before your holy image, quick to obey the representative! Hear now and at every hour the prayer of us, unworthy of your servants, who honor your holy memory in every place.

For you, servant of Christ, you yourself promised before your departure from your mortal life to pray for us to the Lord and ask Him for this gift: and if anyone in any need and sorrow begins to call upon your holy name, let him be delivered Every excuse is evil.

And just as you sometimes healed the daughter of the Tsar in the city of Rome from the torment of the devil, you saved us from his cruel machinations all the days of our lives, especially on the strange day of our last breath, intercede for us, when the dark visions of evil demons begin to surround and frighten us : Be then an assistant to us and a quick drive away of evil demons, and a leader to the Kingdom of Heaven, where you now stand among the saints at the Throne of God, pray to the Lord to grant us also to be partakers of the ever-present joy of joy, so that with you we may be worthy to glorify the Father and the Son and Holy Comforter of the Spirit forever. Amen.

From any separation from your loved one

Grab a live fish with your hand right in the water and say:

Just as a fish cannot live without water, just as a person cannot live without food, so that my dear servant of God (name), could not live without me, the servant of God (name), could never go far from me. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Conspiracy for strong love

Read for drinking and eating:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Face towards the icon, towards the rival with the ridge, towards the husband, the servant of God, with the shoulder. He would love me and not see enough, he would tell me that he would be with me, but not talk too much, he would sleep with me, but not get enough sleep, he would kiss me, but not kiss me. As a hungry man thinks about food, so would my husband dream about me, about his married wife, God’s servant (name). Be picky about my words, be conspiratorial in my speeches. To my words the key and the lock. The lock is in the mouth, and the key is in the sea. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Strong love spell

God's house. God's threshold. God's Throne. The power of love is mighty, the tear of jealousy is flammable. Go, melancholy, to every hair, to the servant of God (name), to his crown, to his temple, to the liver and heart, to the blood and veins, to all his joints, to all his thoughts, to his chest white, rosy cheeks, for lust and sighs. He wouldn't be able to sleep, he wouldn't be able to eat. Ten winds, the tenth is a whirlwind. Twist his brain so that he doesn’t eat, doesn’t sit, doesn’t lie down, but rushes and runs to me from everywhere. Locks won't hold him, bolts won't stop him. Sweethearts won’t cajole you, aunts won’t persuade you, guys won’t ever bother you. He would keep me, the servant of God (name), in his head, and would not let me go out of my mind. Let him hear my voice everywhere, without me he cannot breathe clean air. Just as a fish on the shore dies without water, grass dries without its mother earth, there is no sky without clouds, so may the servant of God (name) never forget me with anyone. And whoever begins to treat him will be tired from the first day. Amen.

Spell for strong love

Place three candles on a new white tablecloth. They read the spell three times and after each time they extinguish one candle. When all three candles are extinguished, tie them together and light them again until there is nothing left of the candles. Chad, let the smoke out the window, let them leave with a spell.

O Eternal Lord, I pray to You with tenderness. Create a high wall, create a deep pit, an impenetrable fence, an insurmountable melancholy. The depth is three fathoms of earth, the height is immeasurable height, and the melancholy is immeasurable depth. Lock it, Lord, and block it, so that the servant of God (name) does not leave me and find another girlfriend. Lock it and take it for yourself, help, Lord, God’s servant (name). Until this lock is opened, until then the servant of God (name) will not stop loving me. Key, lock, tongue. Amen.

Spell words for love

Read into the open stove door as soon as the wood lights up:

Smoke Dymovich, Veter Vetrovich, do not fall on the water or on the ground. Fall on the servant of God (name), on the zealous heart. As smoke curls in a furnace, so the servant of God (name) hangs about the servant of God (name). My words will be strong and molding. Stronger than stone, stronger than damask steel. Amen.

For ardent love (very strong love spell)

Made with salt. They read while holding the salt in the salt shaker in their right hand. They count nine morning dawns in this way, while the stoves are not yet lit and no one in the house has washed or eaten. This salt is used to salt food for your loved one on the tenth day. No woman will ever be interested in your husband after this love spell.

Oh my God. I’ll sigh heavily and shake my head violently. Leave the cemetery, longing, come, find, attack the servant of God (name), so that without longing for me, for his married, lawful wife, he does not sleep, does not get up, does not lie down, does not remember his father and mother, but me, servant of God (name), never to forget. Just as pain in the body does not allow you to forget about yourself, just as you can never forget bread and salt, nine winds, and the tenth whirlwind, take away from all the widowers and widowers, from abandoned orphans and young women, all their hot tears. Turn them into salt, twist, twirl, fall on my salt in your right hand, enter with food into the body of the servant of God (name). Be there, live there. Let him be sad without me and suffer. It rushes to all four corners. Meet him, winds, either walking or standing. Take the soul out of him, drink the blood from him, push him in the back. All to me, God's servant (name), see off, drive and send: from oak tables, maple beds, from friends and girlfriends. Bread is my friend, salt is my mother. There is no one who can break my conspiracy. And to the servant of God (name) age after century, from now on and forever, so as not to forget me (name). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Love spells and spells (a spell that is valid until death)

Three memorials are served on one day, in three churches at the same time, for the repose and health of the one who needs to be dried. Then they go to a place where the wind blows, and there they throw the earth, brought in advance from the cemetery, from three graves of the dead who bore the same name as the husband. They throw the earth against the wind and say:

Just as the dead servant of God (name) can no longer wear a hat, so the servant of God (name) who is alive can no longer live without me, the servant of God (name). Just as the dead servant of God (name) can no longer walk, so the servant of God (name) cannot live without me. Amen. Amen. Amen.

For devoted love

There is a willow tree in an open field, on that willow a bird built a nest, and dropped an egg and chick into the sea. Like this bird’s heart ached for the egg, so that God’s servant (name)’s heart ached and itched for me, God’s servant (name). So that he doesn’t overeat me with food, so that he doesn’t wash me down with wine, so that he doesn’t forget me with young girls, and doesn’t stop loving me until he’s gray in his old age. I would seem to him like the Moon at night, at dawn like a morning star, when I’m thirsty like sweet water, when I’m hungry like food. My hands are wings, my eyes are arrows. A century to love, a century to never forget me, never to change with anyone. I’ll lock them with keys, I’ll bury the locks in the sand, I’ll throw the keys into the hole. Whoever gets those keys will only become an obstacle to my love. Key, lock, tongue. Amen.

Love spell for twenty years

Buy two wedding candles for your Angel Day. They recite a spell on them, and then stand in church at someone’s wedding (be sure to take candles with you). After the wedding, the candles must burn out completely. Store the leftovers at home, in a secluded place.

Read like this:

You are wedding angels, you are wedding rings, you are saints’ candles, you are golden images. Just as people trust you, entrust their destinies to you, pray and hope, so I, God’s servant (name), believe and hope in you. Bless the heart of God's servant (name) for long-lasting love, for twenty years of life for me, God's servant (name). Just as the red Sun cannot exist without rays, just as it is difficult for a person to live without his clear eyes, a baby without milk, a hundred-year-old man without a batog, just as a fish cannot live without water, a living person without food, so my husband could not exist without me. , his wife, God's servant (name). Just as it is difficult for a person to live without sleep, just as there is no house without doors and windows, a head without a thought, so he would have pulled her to the altar to get married this time, on my orders. My word is strong. Key, lock, tongue. Amen.
