Legend of how the name of the city Pereslavl came about. The city of Pereslavl-Zalessky: year of foundation, history

Sights of the Golden Ring of Russia. A brief history of Pereslavl-Zalessky. What to see in Pereslavl in 1-2 days. The main attractions of Pereslavl-Zalessky. Photo. Description. Addresses. Museums, churches, monasteries of Pereslavl-Zalessky. Boat of Peter the Great.

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Pereslavl-Zalessky. Brief history and main attractions of Pereslavl.

Yaroslavl region | Population: 48 thousand people. | From Moscow: 142 km

Pereslavl-Zalessky- an ancient Russian city located on the shore Lake Pleshcheyevo. The names of Yuri Dolgoruky, Alexander Nevsky, Ivan the Terrible, and Peter I are associated with these regions. coat of arms The city depicts a vendace fish; since the 15th century the city was supposed to supply it to the court of the Moscow princes.

In the year of Pereslavl’s founding, a white stone Spaso-Preobrazhensky
- the main attraction of the city. This is one of the oldest churches in Russia,
it served as a tomb for the Pereslavl princes. In the Spaso-Preobrazhensky Cathedral,
in 1220 the prince was baptized Alexander Nevskiy- a native of Pereslavl.

The city has preserved many ancient buildings: churches,
five active monasteries, ramparts. Pereslavl
-Zalessky is one of the 8 cities that was included in
1960s in route " Golden ring».

Finno-Ugric tribes lived on the shores of Lake Pleshcheevo.
In the 8th century, the Slavs appeared here and founded a settlement
Kleschin. IN 1152 Yuri Dolgoruky pawned Pereyaslavl
(precisely with the letter “I”, over time it was “lost”), called
in honor of the city of the same name in what is now Ukraine. Zalessky meant - in the lands beyond the forests, now these areas are exactly covered by the Golden Ring route.

Over the years, about 50 monasteries existed in Pereslavl and around it. Has survived to this day five monasteries. The most ancient - Nikitsky, in honor of the great martyr Nikita, was founded in the 11th century. And he became famous thanks to the hermit St. Nikita the Stylite, who spent his life in a stone pillar, chained in chains. Before the relics of St. Nikita, Ivan the Terrible prayed for an heir, and when his son was born
Ivan, he ordered the construction of a new Nikitsky Cathedral and walls.

IN 1238 Pereslavl-Zalessky was devastated by the Golden Horde. In total, during the Tatar-Mongol yoke the city was destroyed eight times. In 1302, Pereslavl became an ally of the rising Moscow, and later became part of the Moscow principality.

Dormition Goritsky Monastery was founded on a low mountain (goritsa). In 1382, the monastery was destroyed by Khan Tokhtamysh. Miraculously, Princess Evdokia, the wife of Dmitry Donskoy, who was then in the monastery, managed to avoid death. She and several townspeople escaped on rafts, floating to the middle of the lake. Works on the territory of the monastery Pereslavl Museum-Reserve- one of the largest provincial museums in Russia.

There is an opinion that Ivan the Terrible considered the Nikitsky Monastery as a place where he was going to move along with the oprichnina court, but in the end he chose Alexandrov. Among the guardsmen there were many people from Pereslavl, one of them, known for his cruelty, Malyuta Skuratov.

Feodorovsky Monastery was founded in 1304. The Fedorovsky Cathedral of the monastery was built in honor of the birth of the son of Ivan the Terrible - Fedor. At the entrance, from Moscow, stands the Fedorovskaya Chapel (“ Cross"), according to legend, Fyodor was born in this place.

Many private themed events are open for guests of Pereslavl. museums with original exhibitions. There are museums here dedicated to sewing machines, gramophones, radios, irons, the history of money, Russian ingenuity, etc. In the village. Talitsa is a museum,
where a section of a narrow-gauge railway with a collection of railway and automobile equipment has been preserved.

The "youngest" - Trinity-Danilov Monastery was founded by the monk Daniel in 1506. It was built with the money of Prince Vasily III. Daniel baptized the children of the Grand Duke, including Ivan, the future Terrible.

Pereslavl is the cradle of the Russian fleet. In 1689, with the direct participation of young Peter I, the first ships were launched onto the waters of Lake Pleshcheevo " funny flotilla" Three years later, the “amusing fleet” consisted of about a hundred ships, the largest “Mars” had more than 30 guns.

The boot has survived to this day "Fortune". Rest
the ships (more than 80) were burned in a fire in 1783. "Fortune"
survived because it was stored separately. For the 7-meter boat, through the efforts of the local nobility, it was built
building - it has survived to this day. The boat is the main exhibition museum-estate "Boat of Peter I".
(Veskovo village,

In the 18th century, Pereslavl became a district town of the Moscow province. Further
it was part of the Vladimir province and the Ivanovo region, and since 1936 became
one of the cities of the Yaroslavl region.

For the defense of the city they were poured earthworks, which have survived to this day. Their length is more than
2 km, the height of the shafts is about 10-12 m. Pereslavl was the most
a large city in North-Eastern Rus' at that time.

Yury Dolgoruky

Nikolsky Monastery was founded in 1350 by Dmitry Prilutsky, a student of Sergius of Radonezh. The two main buildings of the monastery - St. Nicholas Cathedral and the bell tower were destroyed; the existing ones were erected today. The main shrine of the monastery is the Korsun Cross. One of the ten crosses that Prince Vladimir brought to Rus' from Korsun.

Monasteries of Pereslavl-Zalessky

Nikitsky Monastery


"Boat of Peter I"

Dormition Goritsky Monastery / Museum-Reserve

Holy Trinity Danilov Monastery

St. Nicholas Convent

Fedorovskaya Chapel ("Cross")

Map of Pereslavl-Zalessky with the main attractions

Church of the Forty Martyrs

Feodorovsky Convent

I decided to accompany this local history material not with photo illustrations, as usual, but with my old sketches of this wonderful ancient Russian city. In 2005, my wife and I lived there with great pleasure for five days; we had time to sit with an album and a pencil.

View of Lake Pleshcheyevo (eastern shore) from the Goritsky Monastery

In the 11th–12th centuries, southern Rus' suffered from endless princely civil strife and devastating raids of the Polovtsians. Fleeing from these troubles, many residents of the Kyiv south rushed to the distant northeastern outskirts of Rus', separated from the Dnieper region by dense forests and therefore called Zalesie. The settlers brought with them southern Russian cultural traditions (for example, epic epics), as well as familiar geographical names. Thus, in Zalesye many rivers and settlements appeared that had South Russian names. One of these new cities was Pereyaslavl-Zalessky on Trubezh, whose foundation is associated with this wave of migration of the ancient Russian population.

The city’s fortifications were founded in 1152, under the Rostov-Suzdal prince Yuri Dolgoruky. A number of chronicles under this year report that Yuri “moved the city of Pereyaslavl from Kleshchin and created more than the old one, and the church in it erected the Stone of the Holy Savior.” In ancient times Lake Pleshcheyevo was called Kleschin. The transferred city of the chronicle is called Pereyaslavl New (later Suzdal, then Zalessky). In the 15th century, the letter “ya” dropped out of pronunciation, and the city began to be called Pereslavl.

The transfer of a city from an old place to a new one is a fairly common phenomenon in the history of ancient Rus'. But in relation to Pereslavl-Zalessky, historians and archaeologists cannot yet say exactly which of the ancient settlements discovered on the shore of Lake Pleshcheevo should be considered Pereyaslavl Old. It is only obvious that there were serious reasons for moving the administrative and strategic center of the district from the high coastal hills to the lowlands - at the mouth of the Trubezh River. It is no coincidence that the earthen fortifications of Pereslavl became one of the most powerful in the Rostov-Suzdal volost. Only a few years later they were surpassed by the defensive structures of the new capital of northeastern Rus' - Vladimir.

A unique earthen structure - the Pereslavl shaft - has miraculously survived to this day. In the 19th century, in many old Russian cities, boulevards were laid on the site of the rampart ring, but the authorities of Pereslavl-Zalessky did not have the funds for this. Underfunding, as we see, sometimes has positive sides.

Nikitsky Monastery. Chapel at the site of the feat of St. Nikita

The first appanage prince of Pereslavl-Zalessky was Yaroslav Vsevolodovich, the third son of Vsevolod the Big Nest. He sat on the Pereslavl table in 1212, after the death of his father, and reigned until 1240. Under him, Pereslavl became a major political and cultural center of North-Eastern Rus'. This is evidenced, in particular, by the fact that independent chronicle writing was carried out in the city. At the court of Yaroslav, a manuscript was compiled, now called “The Chronicler of Pereslavl-Suzdal”.

A quarter of a century later, the peaceful period of development of the Pereslavl principality was interrupted by the invasion of Batu. The Mongols destroyed 49 Russian cities, including Pereslavl-Zalessky. In 1240, Yaroslav Vsevolodovich moved from the deserted city to Vladimir, and in 1243 he was the first among the Russian princes to go to the capital of the Golden Horde - Sarai, where he received from Batu a label for the great reign of Vladimir. Two years later, he again had to go to the Horde at the call of the Khan. He never returned to Rus', dying on the way home. Historians believe that he was poisoned in the Horde with a slow poison.

Transfiguration Cathedral. XII century In ancient times it served as a tomb for the Pereslavl princes. In front of the entrance is a monument to Alexander Nevsky

After Yaroslav moved to Vladimir, the Pereslavl inheritance passed to his second son, Alexander Nevsky, who was born here. Later, at the birthplace of the hero and heavenly patron of the Russian land, next to the former princely court, the Transfiguration Cathedral was erected, which has survived to this day. Now there is almost nothing inside it except white plastered walls, but they charge money for entry.

Alexander Yaroslavich retained Pereslavl until his death in 1263. Nevsky's heir in the Pereslavl reign was the eldest of his sons, Dmitry (the second, Andrey, received the Gorodets principality, and the youngest, Daniil, the Moscow principality). As was common at that time, the brothers immediately entered into a long internecine war. In 1293, Andrei finally won, bringing a huge Tatar army to Rus'. 14 cities were destroyed. The Principality of Pereslavl suffered especially hard.

In 1302, Dmitry's heir, the childless Prince Ivan, bequeathed the Pereslavl principality to his uncle and ally Daniil Alexandrovich of Moscow. So Pereslavl-Zalessky became the first city from which the gathering of Russian lands around Moscow began. In memory of the voluntary annexation of Pereslavl to Moscow, the surprisingly tasty vendace fish, for which Lake Pleshcheyevo is famous, was supplied to the coronation dinner of Moscow sovereigns right up to Peter I.

Goritsky Monastery. Cultural center of the city with a local history museum

The Pereslavl residents provided all possible assistance to Moscow in its struggle for primacy in Russian lands.

At the beginning of the 14th century, the most dangerous enemy of Moscow was the Tver prince Mikhail Yaroslavich. In 1304 he decided to capture Pereslavl. But Pereslavl and Muscovites were well prepared to meet the enemy. On June 8, under the walls of Pereslavl, the united Moscow-Pereslavl army defeated the Tver inhabitants. “And there was great sadness and sorrow in Tver, and great joy and joy in Pereslavl,” the chronicler says about this. The battle took place on the day of remembrance of St. Theodore Stratilates, the patron saint of warriors. On the site of the victory, the Pereslavl people founded the Fedorovsky Monastery. From then until the revolution of 1917, folk festivals were held annually near the walls of the monastery in memory of the deliverance of Pereslavl from the Tver army.

Trinity-Danilov Monastery. Cathedral church with the chapel of St. Daniil Pereslavsky. Bell tower of the 17th century.

Having suffered defeat on the battlefield, the Tver prince decided to strike a blow at the spiritual authority of the Moscow principality. The fact is that from the end of the 13th century the head of the Russian Church lived in Pereslavl, where the metropolitan court was built. In 1310, Peter, a supporter of the Moscow princes, was the Metropolitan of All Rus'. Wanting to deprive him of power, the prince of Tver and his archbishop accused the bishop of trading in church positions. On this occasion, a church council was convened in Pereslavl. In fierce disputes, the Metropolitan managed to prove his innocence. Thus, he strengthened not only his influence, but also the position of his patron, the Moscow prince.

In 1382, the Pereslavl people provided an important service to the Moscow prince Dmitry Donskoy. At that time, Khan Tokhtamysh came to Rus' with a large army. The Tatars captured and burned Moscow and Pereslavl. The chronicles preserve the news that the Pereslavl residents survived thanks to the fact that everyone got into boats and rafts, went to the middle of Lake Pleshcheevo and stayed there while the Tatars plundered and burned the city. Grand Duchess Evdokia, the wife of Dmitry Donskoy, also escaped from persecution by the Tatars with the help of the Pereslavl people. In gratitude for the rescue, she rebuilt the ancient Goritsky Monastery at her own expense. Nowadays the Pereslavl Museum-Reserve is located on its territory.

Cathedral of the Feodorovsky Monastery

In the 15th-16th centuries, Pereslavl was one of the largest Russian cities. Noble boyars lived here (including such famous families as the Pleshcheevs and Vorontsovs), many merchants and townsman artisans.

Pereslavl falconers, fishermen and coachmen played a special role in the life of the city.

Grand ducal and royal falconers raised and trained game birds and protected hunting grounds. According to the documents, there were about 20 of them, including women. In memory of the hunting amusements of the Moscow sovereigns, several villages in the vicinity of Pereslavl bear appropriate names: Big and Small Sokolniki, Sokolskaya Sloboda, Sokolnya tract.

At the mouth of the Trubezh River there was the sovereign's Rybnaya Sloboda, which consisted of 99 fishing yards. The fishermen who lived here enjoyed the exclusive right to fish on the Grand Duke's Pleshcheyevo Lake for a certain rent. They also supplied fish to Moscow, to the table of great sovereigns.

Since the end of the 15th century, along the “Pereslavl Great Road”, which cut the city into two parts, the Yamskaya chase was carried out - the delivery of mail and passengers from Moscow to Kholmogory and back. Pereslavl coachmen were in public service and lived in their own settlements. One Pereslavl village is still called Yam today. In those days it consisted of fifty coachman's yards.

Among the Moscow sovereigns who provided special patronage to Pereslavl was Tsar Ivan the Terrible. It was believed that the very birth of Ivan occurred thanks to the prayer of the abbot of the Pereslavl Trinity Monastery, the Monk Daniel, who became the godfather of Grozny. In his mature years, Ivan retained his affection for Pereslavl and visited here several times with his family, including to pray to the local saint Nikita Pereslavsky. By personal order of Grozny, two local monasteries were fortified - Fedorovsky and Nikitsky, which guarded the entrances to the city. In 1557, Tsarevich Fyodor, the future heir of Grozny, was born near Pereslavl. Nowadays there is a chapel on this place. In honor of the birth of his son, the tsar ordered the construction of a new cathedral in the Fedorovsky monastery in the name of Fedor Stratilates.

Temple on the territory of the museum complex "Boat of Peter the Great"

In order to start Russia's first navy, Peter I had to travel a lot by land. Thanks to the young sovereign’s interest in the “big water,” Pereslavl became the birthplace of the Russian fleet.

Peter’s interest in “sea fun” arose in the spring of 1688, when in his residence in the village of Izmailovo near Moscow he discovered an old English boat capable of sailing even against the wind. The Tsar had fun riding it along the Izmailovsky ponds, the Yauza and Moscow rivers. But he soon became bored with the shallow water.

In search of a larger reservoir, 16-year-old Peter came to the shores of Lake Pleshcheevo near Pereslavl-Zalessky. Here in July 1688 a shipyard was founded and the construction of yachts and other small vessels began. But the struggle for power with Princess Sophia distracted Peter from building the flotilla for a long time. Again he returned to Pereslavl only in the winter of 1691. On Mount Gremyach near the ancient village of Veskova an “amusing palace” and a “business yard” were built and things started to get more lively.

By the spring of 1692, a significant flotilla had gathered on Lake Pleshcheyevo - about a hundred ships. These included the 30-gun three-masted frigates Mars and Anna, three yachts, galleys and smaller vessels.

On May 1, the first naval holiday in Rus' took place - the ceremonial launching and consecration of ships. And in August, Peter received the first parade of the first Russian military flotilla. So 1692 can rightfully be considered the time of the birth of the Russian navy.

The “amusing” flotilla had no practical use. But it turned out to be a good school for the first Russian shipbuilders and professional sailors. In May 1693, Peter sailed on Lake Pleshcheevo for the last time, and in July he left for Arkhangelsk to build a real fleet. The “amusing” flotilla was left to rot in Pereslavl. In 1783, its remains were destroyed during a great fire. Miraculously, only the bot “Fortune” survived, according to legend, built by Peter himself.

Nikolsky Monastery. Cathedral

On August 1, 1803, in Pereslavl, on the initiative of the Vladimir governor, Prince Ivan Mikhailovich Dolgoruky, the grand opening of the first provincial museum of Russia took place. Its central exhibit was the bot “Fortuna,” nicknamed “the grandfather of the Russian fleet.” On the pediment of the museum pavilion there was a sign with the inscription: “To Peter the Great, zealous Pereslavl.”

City, district center, Yaroslavl region. It was first mentioned in the chronicle in 1152. like mountains Pereslavl, founded by Prince. Yuri Dolgoruky. Oikonym was transferred from the Kyiv land, where Mt. Pereyaslavl was mentioned already in 907. From the 15th century. to differentiate from others... ... Geographical encyclopedia

Pereslavl-Zalessky- Pereslavl Zalessky. View of part of the city. PERESLAVL ZALESSKY (until the 15th century Pereyaslavl), a city in the Yaroslavl region, in Russia, on the shore of Lake Pleshcheyevo, at the mouth of the Trubezh River. 43.4 thousand inhabitants. Railroad station. Production of magnetic tape,... ... Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

PERESLAVL-ZALESSKY- (until the 15th century Pereyaslavl), a city in the Yaroslavl region, on the shore of lake. Pleshcheevo, at the mouth of the river. Trubezh, 21 km from the railway station. d. st. Berendeevo. 45.2 thousand inhabitants (1998). Slavich software (production of magnetic tape, photographic paper, etc.); light, food industry.... ...Russian history

Pereslavl-Zalessky- (until the 15th century Pereyaslavl), a city in the Yaroslavl region of the RSFSR, on the shore of Lake Pleshcheyevo. Founded in 1152 by Prince Yuri Dolgoruky as one of the fortified points covering the Rostov-Suzdal land. The remains of urban earthworks have been preserved... Art encyclopedia

Pereslavl-Zalessky- Pereslavl Zalessky. Pereslavl Zalessky, a city in the Yaroslavl region, the center of the Pereslavl region, 124 km southwest of Yaroslavl. Located in the northeastern part of the Klinsko-Dmitrovskaya ridge, on the southeastern shore of Lake Pleshcheyevo, at... ... Dictionary "Geography of Russia"

PERESLAVL-ZALESSKY- (until the 15th century Pereyaslavl) a city in the Russian Federation, Yaroslavl region, on the shore of lake. Pleshcheyevo, at the mouth of the river. Trubezh. Railroad station. 43.5 thousand inhabitants (1993). Production Association Slavich (production of magnetic tape, photographic paper and... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

Pereslavl-Zalessky- noun, number of synonyms: 1 city (2765) ASIS Dictionary of Synonyms. V.N. Trishin. 2013… Synonym dictionary

Pereslavl Zalessky- City of Pereslavl Zalessky Flag Coat of Arms ... Wikipedia

Pereslavl-Zalessky- (until the 15th century Pereyaslavl) a city of regional subordination, the center of the Pereslavl district of the Yaroslavl region of the RSFSR. Located on the southeastern shore of Lake Pleshcheyevo, at the confluence of the river. Trubezh. Connected on a branch line with Berendeevo station (on... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

PERESLAVL-ZALESSKY- (until the 15th century Pereyaslavl) city, r. ts, Pereslavl district in the Yaroslavl region. RSFSR. Located on the east. shore of the lake Pleshcheevo, at the confluence of the river. Trubezh, 21 km from the railway station. d. st. Berendeevo. As of 1 Jan. 1964 27 t.zh. (1897 approx. 9.5 t.). Basic in 1152 books... ... Soviet historical encyclopedia


  • Pereslavl-Zalessky, Novikov Rostislav, Cherkasova Ariadna. Pereslavl-Zalessky - one of the oldest Russian cities - is located one hundred and forty kilometers from Moscow, on the picturesque shores of Lake Pleshcheevo. It is included in the Golden Ring of Russia and is famous for not... Buy for 4143 UAH (Ukraine only)
  • Pereslavl-Zalessky, Novikov R., Cherkasova A.. Pereslavl-Zalessky - one of the oldest Russian cities - is located one hundred and forty kilometers from Moscow, on the picturesque shores of Lake Pleshcheyevo. It is included in the Golden Ring of Russia and is famous for its…

In the southern part of the Yaroslavl region, the center of the Pereslavl district.

Population 40.9 thousand people (2013). The location is on the south-eastern shore of Lake Ple-shchee-vo, at the place where the Tru-bezh River flows into it. Railway station (freight association). Through Pereyaslavl-Zalessky there passes the federal highway "Khol-mo-go-ry" (Moscow - Yaro-slavl - Vo-lo-gda - Arkhangelsk).

The city of Pe-re-yas-lavl (from the 15th century Pereyaslavl-Zalessky), probably founded between 1100 and 1108 by Pere-re-yas-lav-sky (Pe -re-yas-lav-la Yuzh-no-go) by Prince Vla-di-mir Vse-vo-lo-do-vi-chem Mo-no-ma-hom on the eastern shore of Lake Ple- shche-vo (Kle-shchi-no) as one of the out-posts on the borders of Suz-dal-Opo-lya. For the first time it was mentioned in Ti-po-count's le-to-pi-si under 1152, when Prince Yuri Vladi grew up in Suz-dal -mi-ro-vich Dol-go-ru-kiy moved the city to its modern place and founded the stone Spa-so-Pre-ob-ra-zhen-sky Cathedral. On the left bank of the Tru-bezh River, when the Mur-mazh River flows into it, a uk-re-p-le-niya is created (kept a shaft - length about 2.35 km, height up to 10 m). Through Pe-re-yas-lavl there is a so-called Great Pe-re-yas-lavskaya road to Ros-tov and Yaro-slavl. Since the 12th century, there have been large monasteries around the city, the oldest of which is the Nikitsky monastery. Center of the Pere-yas-lav-skogo prince-st-va (last third of the 12th - beginning of the 14th centuries). In Pe-re-yas-lav-le in 1190, Prince Yaro-slav Vse-vo-lo-do-vich was born, and in 1221 his son, Prince Alexander Yaro-slavich Nev- skiy. In 1194, by order of the ruler of the world, Prince Vse-vo-lo-da Yuri-e-vi-cha Big Nest on the ridge of the wa-la voz-ve- de-to a new fortress. A large center of culture: in the 1st half of the 13th century, there was a let-to-pi-sa-nie, a memory of someone became “Le-to-pi-sets Per-re-yas-lav-la-Suz-dal-sko-go”; ve-ro-yat-but, here it is on-pi-sa-but “Mo-le-nie” Yes-ni-la For-exactly. In 1238, during Mon-go-lo-ta-tar-sko-go na-she-st-viy, and in 1252, Or-dyn-tsa-mi was taken and ra-zo-ren. In 1281, as well as in 1293 (in the course of “Du-de-ne-voy ra-ti”), the defeat of Prince An-d-ray Alek-san-d -ro-vi-cha and his co-yuz-ni-ka-mi or-dyn-tsa-mi. In 1294 he was co-burned by Prince Fedor Ros-ti-sla-vi-chem Black. In 1302, he was captured by the Moscow prince Da-ni-l Alek-san-d-ro-vi-chem, until 1305 he was under the control of the Moscow princes. From the end of 1305, the city came under the control of the Vladimir great princes, and from 1362, it was finally under the control of the Moscow princes. In the XIV-XV centuries, more than once, they fed the Lithuanian princes and the appanage princes of the Russian principalities who traveled to serve in Moscow. Za-khva-you-val-sya and ras-zo-ryal-sya or-dyn-tsa-mi in the course of Tokh-ta-my-sha na-be-ha of 1382 and Ed-gay na-be- ha 1408. In 1403 the fortress was renovated.

In the 15th-16th centuries, it developed as a large craft industry (for example, in 1595 there were 38 forges) and trade. industrial center (salt production, commercial fishing, hunting, etc.). An important center of right-of-glory, the great princes have come here more than once -kovsky and Russian kings: Va-sil-e-vich Iva-no-vich (1510, 1516, 1525, 1528), Ivan IV Va-sil-e-vich the Terrible (1552, 1555, 1556 years), Bo-ris Fe-do-ro-vich Go-du-nov (1598), Mi-kha-il Fe-do-ro-vich (Ro-man-nov) (1619, 1638), Fe -dor Alek-see-vich (1676, 1679). During the Time of Troubles in 1608, the city was occupied by the Polish-Lithuanian detachments of A.I. Li-sov-sko-go, da-viv-she-go at the end of the year there will be a re-birth of the inhabitants. In 1609, a war was formed under the command of Prince M.V. Sko-pi-na-Shui-sko-go and Ya.P. De la garde. In 1611, there was a collection point for the transfer of troops from the First Militia of 1611. In the same year, withstood the siege of Ya.P.’s troops. Sa-pe-gi. In 1618, Pereyaslavl-Zalessky was without assistance on foot by the Polish-Lithuanian detachment of Colonel S. Chaplinsky. In 1666, the fortress was renovated (it had 12 towers and 3 gates, in the Tai-nitsa tower there was a secret drink-e- howl well), ra-zo-bra-na in 1759. The city suffered from fires more than once (in 1687, 1753, 1783, 1786, 1847). In 1691-1692, near Pereyaslavl-Zalessky, at a shipyard in the village of Ves-ko-vo, Peter I and Dutch craftsmen built ships of the so-called flotilla.

The center of the Pere-Slavl district and the Pere-Slavl-Za-Les province (1719-1778), the Moscow province (1708-1778), the Vladimir province (1778- 1929, until 1796 Vladi-Mir-skoe na-st-ni-che-st-vo). In the 18th century, the transfer of trade routes to the Baltic Sea was slow in the development of the city; from the middle of the 18th century, -no-ka-yut po-lot-nya-nye ma-nu-fak-tu-ry (in 1758 Ug-ri-mo-vyh, since 1889 under-le-zha-la Partnership Per-re -Slav-skoy ma-nu-fak-tu-ry; in 1781 Te-me-ri-nyh). In 1849, the Moscow-Yaroslav highway opened, passing through Pereyaslavl-Zalessky. After the opening of the Ser-giev Po-sad - Yaro-slavl railway line in 1870 The trade value of the city fell sharply. On October 26 (November 8), 1917, Soviet power was established. Center of the Pere-Slavsky district of the Ivanovo Industrial Region (1929-1936), since 1936 of the Yaroslavl region. In 1931, the first film production factory in the USSR (now not the Slavich company) went into operation. In 1937, traffic was opened along the narrow railway line Usolye - Pere-slavl-Za-les-sky, built for the maintenance of tor-fo-raz-ra-bo-tok (in 1994, the drainage section from Mos-kovskaya street to shi-ro-ko-ko-ley -noy railway road, in 2004 - a section from Pereyaslavl-Zalessky to Vek-sa station). In 1956, movement began along the freight railway line Beren-dee-vo - Pere-slavl-Za-les-sky.

In the Old Town, in the ring of earthworks, buildings have been preserved since the 12th century: a white stone one the main Spa-so-Pre-ob-ra-zhen-sky cathedral (1152-1157) on Red Square, the tented church of St. Peter Mi-tro-po-li-ta on the Go-su-da-re-voy yard (1585; in the under-kle-te - the Ar-khan-ge-la Mi-khai-la church, late 18th century; ko-lo-kol-nya - 1821); 5-domed baroque churches of the Sre-te-niya of the Vladimir Icon of God Ma-te-ri (1745; cathedral from the beginning of the 20th century) and St. Alek-san-dr. -mi-na-et-since 1660, up-divided in 1764); the building of the men's gymnasium in the Art Nouveau style (1913-1916, architect M.E. Tyurin); houses of the 18th-19th centuries, etc.

To the south-west and south of the ramparts, in the historical region of Zem-st-vo, is the St. Nicholas Convent (os-no-van as a husband about 1348; from 1898 for women; closed in 1923, revived in 1994; refectory with the Bla-go-ve-shchen-skaya church, 1748 ; above-the-gate church of Saints Peter and Paul, 1750; 5-domed St. Nicholas Cathedral, 1999-2003, architect V.N. Izhikov; church Truncated the head of Io-an-na Pre-te-chi with the ringing, 2000s), Smo-lensk-Kor-ni-li-ev-skaya church ( 1701-1705) of the former Bo-ri-sog-leb-skogo Pe-sots-ko-go monastery (founded between the 13th and 15th centuries, united in 1764) . To the south, in the Na-mountain slo-bo-de, is the Feodor-rovsky convent (os-no-van pre-residing in the 15th century as a husband -skaya; since 1667 for women; closed in 1923, re-established in 1998; 5-headed Cathedral of St. Theodore Stra-ti-la-ta, 1557-1564; Church of the Entry into the Temple of the Most Holy God, 1655-1684, rebuilt in 1710; hospital pas -la-you from the church-view in honor of the Kazan icon of God Ma-te-ri, 1714; Holy Gates of the 18th century, etc.), Wednesday church (founded in 1785), den-ro-logical garden named after S.F. Kha-ri-to-no-va (founded in 1952; area 58 hectares; part of the National Park "Ple-shche-vo Lake"). On the opposite Yes-no-lo-vo-Tro-its-ko-mo-na-sta-rya of the Gorits-ky Us-pen-sky mo-na-styr, the State Is-to-ri-ko-architectural and Art Museum is located in some building (1918 , opened in 1919, current name and status since 1989). Near the mo-na-sta-rya there is a wooden house of D.N. Kar-dov-sko-go (1885; ku-p-len hu-dozh-ni-kom in 1915).

On the shore of Lake Ple-shchee-vo, at the mouth of the Tru-bezh River, in Ryb-naya Slo-bo-de, there is the So-ro-ka Mu-che-ni-kov Se-va-stiy church. skikh (So-ro-kos-vyat-skaya, 1755). On the right bank of the Tru-bezh River there are baroque churches of St. Si-me-o-na Pillar with a tent-ro-voy stake (1771 year) and Po-Krovskaya (1789); manor, residential houses of the late 18th-19th centuries. On the northern outskirts of Pereyaslavl-Zalessky, on the city cemetery, there is a Cher-nigov chapel in the style of Na-Rysh-Kin ba-rock-ko (1702). Since the late 1990s, the Church of St. George Po-be-do-nos-tsa was built (1999-2002, architect V.N. Izhi-kov), Zna-menskaya (year 2001). Remember: V.I. Le-ni-nu (1929, sculptor B.D. Ko-ro-lev), Saint Alek-san Dr. Nev-sky (1958, sculptor S.M. Or-lov ). In Pereyaslavl-Zalessky they say: “UGP named after A.K. Aylamazyan" (1993, modern name since 2010; non-state university); frequent museums - iron-ga (2002), hit-ro-stey and sm-kal-ki (modern name since 2011); Center for the preservation and development of folk traditions and folk artistic productions “House of Beren-day” (2005), ad-mi-ni-st -ra-tion of the National Park “Ple-shche-in Lake-ro” (in the house of the Varen-tsovs, early 20th century; founded in 1988, modern name since 1998) .

Pereyaslavl-Zalessky is an important tourist center, part of the “Golden Ring of Russia”. Every year the city has about 300 thousand people (including over 250 thousand ex-kur-sans; of which about 3% are foreign citizens, 2013 year). We serve tourists for about 4% of workers (mainly res-to-ran-noe business, gos-ti-nich -ny business, pro-ve-de-nie ex-kur-siy, trade-gov-la su-ve-ni-ra-mi).

In the first half of the 2000s, the Pe-re-Slav Techno-Park was created in the city, where over 100 enterprises, specialties are located -cya-li-zi-ru-sya in the production of chemical and poly-graphic products, construction-ma-ter-ria-lovs on poly-mer-noy os-no-ve. The largest steam enterprise is the Slavich company (comprising production capacity fo-to-bu-ma-gi, fo-to-pla-stin, ma-te-ria-lov for the needs of micro-electro-ni-ki, flexible packaging materials -te-ria-lov with multi-color printing; in the company there is also the Research Photographic-Technical Institute); in co-sta-ve park - plant of the French-Russian group of companies LACOS (la-ko-kra-soch-nye ma-ter-ria-ly), company " Nordenia Slavnika" (packaging film), etc. Operating plant "LIT", production company TMT (both enterprises you-put-ka-yut te-p-lo-isol. ma-te-ria-ly, etc.), company "Po-liER" (pl-sti-ko-vaya in su -yes, upa-kov-ka), plant “Pe-re-slav-skaya ke-ra-mi-ka” (po-su-yes, su-ve-nir-naya production), factories "Za-les-sie" (technical fabrics, including filter-ro-val-nye) and "New World" (high-quality fabrics, sew- tyo, kru-zhe-va). Production of souvenir products, corrugated cardboard packaging, etc. Enterprises de-re-vo-about-ra-ba- you-waiting, food industry.

In the northern suburb of Pereyaslavl-Zalessky, in the village of Nikitskaya Slo-bo-da, there is the Nikitsky Monastery. In the village of Go-ro-di-sche - the Church of Ro-zh-de-st-va Bo-go-ro-di-tsy (1791-1795); around the village is the Kleshchinsky archaeological complex, including two cities and seven villages (two - VIII-X centuries, on se-li-sche Brem-bol-ka - on-hod-ki molded ke-ra-mi-ki, ha-rak-ter-noy for me-ri; two - X-XIII centuries, three - XI- XIII centuries). The first go-ro-di-sche is dis-po-lo-same-but to the se-ve-ru - se-ve-ro-behind-pa-du from the center of the village (Alek-san-d -ro-va mountains, Yari-li-na bald; area 80×35 m), among the na-ho-dok - uk-ra-she-niya, mo-not-you Ta-gi-ri- Dov and Sa-ma-ni-dov (2nd half of the 9th century), Or-dyn-sko-go ha-na Dzha-ni-be-ka (about 1350), griv-na novo-go-rod- high type (weight about 179 g), Russian coins (2nd half of the 15th - 16th centuries), tweezers, weapons (1st half of the 1st millennium AD - beginning XVII century). The second city is in the southwestern vicinity of the village (oval in plan, area 175 × 120 m, surrounded by a ring of fishing height of 2.8-3.5 m, with a ditch up to 10 m deep on the ground). First-in-the-first-but there was a ras-po-la-gal-sya of Per-re-yas-lavl, and after it per-re-no-sa - Kle-schin (lastly mentioned once in the “List of Cities Near and Far,” 1380-1390s; the remains of buildings, foundations were studied men-you of the wooden church, etc.). On the shore of Lake Ple-shche-vo, not far from the towns, - Blue stone (va-lun ice-no-ko-vo-go -is-made with weight up to 12 tons, oval shape - 3-3.1×2.6 m, thickness up to 0.8 m; possible but, associated with the pagan cult of the god Ve-le-sa, the subject of a lot of local life -te-ley).

Near the entrance to Pereyaslavl-Zalessky from the Mo-sk-va side, at the “place of birth” of Tsar Fedo-ra Iva-no-vi-cha, - cha- house "Cross" (1889, architect V.V. Su-slov); in the village of Eli-za-ro-vo - the tent-ro-vaya church of Nik-ki-ty Mu-che-ni-ka (1566-1567; pri-de-ly, refectory and co-lo- kohl-nya, 1822); in the village of Sol-ba - Niko-lo-Sol-binsky women's monastery (founded as a male pre-resident in the 15th century; in the modern place - those since 1711; closed in 1918, revived as a women's church in 1999; Assumption Church, 1713, rebuilt in 1861); in the village of Bolshaya Brem-bo-la - Trinity Church of the “eight-me-rick on four-ve-ri-ke” type (1706); in the village of Okho-ti-no - da-cha K.A. Ko-ro-vi-na (worked here since 1888). In the village of Gor-ki - Museum-estate-ba of Gan-shi-nykh (1969; fi-li-al of Pere-slavl-Za-les-skogo state is-to-ri-ko-ar -architectural and artistic museum-for-ved-ni-ka): main house (19th century, restored in 1968-1969), Hunting-house ( XIX century, restored in 1985). On the southern shore of Lake Ple-shchee-vo, in the village of Ves-ko-vo, there is the Museum-estate-ba “Bo-tik of Peter I” (founded in 1803, now - not fi-li-al of the Per-re-slavl-Za-les-skogo state is-to-ri-architectural and artistic museum-for-ved-ni-ka) : the so-called Bot house (1803, in the inter-re-re - bot “For-tu-na”, late 17th century), three-um-false arch (1852, architect N .F. Zhe-reb-tsov), White Palace (1853), wooden ro-ton-da (1850s), Petrovsky ob-lisk (1852, sculptural tor A.S. Campio-ni); frequent museums: “House of Tea” (2003), history of money “Coin Yard” (2010); Institute of Programming Systems RAS. In the village of Ta-li-tsy there is the Pere-Slav Railway Museum (founded in 1990; dedicated to the history of the Uzbek women) forest roads).,

Pereslavl is one of the cities of the “Golden Ring” of Russia. This is the birthplace of Alexander Nevsky and the birthplace of the Russian fleet. The city on the shore of the beautiful Lake Pleshcheevo is small and cozy, full of ancient temples and monasteries. It has collected unique museum collections and stores many interesting legends.


Origin of the name

The city was originally called Pereyaslavl. The Slavs gave this name, which came from the male name Pereyaslav - “who took over the glory,” to several of their cities. The first was founded on the left tributary of the Dnieper Trubezh.

Goritsky Monastery

It has been mentioned in chronicles since 907. Then they spoke of it as Pereyaslavl the Russian, and now this city is known as Pereslavl-Khmelnitsky. A little later, in 1095, Pereslavl of Ryazan appeared, which in 1778 was renamed Ryazan.

And finally, in 1152, Prince Yuri Dolgoruky founded a city beyond the forests from southern Pereyaslavl, and it received the name of Pereyaslavl-Zalessky. Just as we, when naming a child in honor of a respected relative or famous person, want the name to help him build his destiny and “adopt glory,” so the people who founded the city on the shores of Lake Pleshcheevo wished him prosperity and power equal to the former capital of the Pereyaslavl principality. Even the river flowing into the lake near the new city began to be called, like the Dnieper tributary, Trubezh.

Temples, monasteries and other architectural monuments of Pereslavl-Zalessky

Pereslavl-Zalessky has preserved many church traditions. There are six active Orthodox monasteries within the city limits and suburbs, the oldest of which, Nikitsky, was founded in 1010, during the period of the spread of Christianity in Rus'. Its buildings, which have survived to this day, date back to the 15th-19th centuries and are historical and architectural monuments.

Nikitsky Monastery

The historical center of the city is decorated with the most ancient Pereslavl Orthodox church - the Transfiguration Cathedral. The white stone single-domed church in the Byzantine style was built on a rampart in the 12th century. And she's not the only one. Temples and ancient chapels stand throughout Pereslavl-Zalessky, delighting its residents and guests with the grace of forms and beauty of lines, and are real objects of cultural heritage.

In addition to Orthodox churches and monasteries, there are also interesting civil buildings in Pereslavl-Zalessky: the factories of Pavlov, Holmberg and Borisov, founded in the middle of the 19th century, the buildings of the parish and city schools, women's and men's gymnasiums, built in the late 19th - early 20th centuries, and also several private houses and estates that have preserved the traditions of wooden and stone architecture of the 19th-20th centuries.

Museums of Pereslavl-Zalessky

In this small city, whose population is only 40 thousand people, more than 20 museums have been created. The largest Pereslavl-Zalessky museum-reserve is located on the territory of the Dormition Goritsky Monastery. In it you can see a collection of ancient icons of the 15th-18th centuries, a memorial exhibition of F.I. Chaliapin, collections of wooden sculpture, carvings and paintings.

Fedorovsky Monastery

In the village of Veskovo, on the shore of Lake Pleshcheevo, the oak boat of Peter I is kept - the only ship of Peter’s amusing fleet that has survived to this day. The Teapot Museum and the Mint Museum of the History of Money are located in the same village. And a few kilometers away, in the village of Talitsy, there is an unusual Museum of Steam Locomotives, dedicated to narrow-gauge railways. It displays a collection of old locomotives, carriages, machines and mechanisms that were used by railway workers in the 19th and 20th centuries.

In order to preserve folk traditions and crafts, the “Berendey House” was created in the city in the mid-2000s (Uritskogo St., 38). Here you can attend master classes of artists and carvers, see with your own eyes how works of folk art are born and buy original designer souvenirs.

Legends of Lake Pleshcheyevo

The city stands on the shore of a large lake, one of the most beautiful on the Central Russian plain - a real pearl of the “Golden Ring of Russia”. People have long settled on its shores and revered this lake as a holy place. To this day, on its northeastern shore you can see a large boulder - the Blue Stone - a place of worship of ancient pagans.

Transfiguration Cathedral

The lake itself has a round shape and receives water from 19 rivers and streams. Its largest tributary is the Trubezh River, which originates in the Berendeyev swamp. It’s not difficult to get around the lake - the whole way around will take about 30 km.

It is shallow off the coast and has long been favored by fans of windsurfing and kiteboarding. It is convenient to learn to “control” the wind here. And even if a beginner is inadvertently carried away from the shore, he can always return on foot through the shallow water.

While taking an excursion around the lake, you cannot help but visit several earthen ramparts remaining from the ancient Russian city of Kleshchina. He was the predecessor of Pereslavl-Zalessky. And, of course, a special protected area here is the Pleshcheyevo Lake national park, created to preserve and restore the natural-historical complex around Pereslavl-Zalessky.

Tourist infrastructure

Arriving in the city, you can always stay overnight in hotels, mini-hotels, motels, guest houses at a recreation center or boarding house. It is easy to find accommodation options here that satisfy the quality of services and price. And as the annual flow of tourists traveling along the Golden Ring grows, the hotel network in the city continues to be built.

Sretenskaya Church

In addition, it is possible to pitch tents on equipped sites around Lake Pleshcheyevo (in Ureva, Yazevka, Botik and Kukhmar) in the territories of the Pleshcheyevo Lake national park and in several shelters, as well as at recreation centers.

In Pereslavl-Zalessky there are many restaurants and cafes designed for visitors. So it’s difficult to stay hungry in the city. In the city center (Narodnaya Square, 11) there is even a whole cultural and entertainment complex “Golden Ring”, which has several halls and is ready to feed guests dishes of Russian, Japanese and Italian cuisines.

Armed with a map and guides, traveling around the city and its surroundings is not difficult on your own. But, if you wish, you can use the services of local travel companies and go on interesting organized excursions to the famous dendrological garden, ecological trails of the national park, rural tours and take part in folklore festivals.

And, of course, any trip is unthinkable without souvenirs. In Pereslavl-Zalessky there are many shops, salons and souvenir shops with beautiful works of folk craftsmen. Connoisseurs try to be sure to purchase in this city souvenirs with elegant Pereslavl embroidery, which are made at the Novy Mir embroidery factory, and bright souvenirs from the House of Berendey.

Nikolsky Monastery

How to get to Pereslavl-Zalessky

Pereslavl-Zalessky is located 120 km from the Moscow ring road and 125 km from the regional center - the city of Yaroslavl. By car. From the Moscow Ring Road to the city you need to drive along the Yaroslavskoye Highway and the M8 highway. The journey will take 2.20 hours.

By bus. Buses to the city run from the Moscow central bus station, located near the Shchelkovskaya metro station - 8 trips daily. In addition, Pereslavl-Zalessky can be reached by buses going to Kostroma, Yaroslavl, Rybinsk, Gavrilov Yam and Makaryev. Travel time – 3.05 hours.

Mona-ri of Pereslavl

Museums of Pereslavl

Preobrazhensky sob.

Ts. Peter Met.

St. Vladimir's Cathedral

Ts. A. Nevsky

Simeonovskaya c.
