Unloading a bank statement in 1s. How to download bank statements and upload payment orders

Before setting up the exchange, let's answer the question: "Where is the exchange service with the bank in 1C?".

And, as it turns out, everything is not so clear-cut.

As a rule, we are pointed to the Bank Statements magazine, where the developers have placed a magic button Download and stop there. But we will go further and explore all the possible ways to access this wonderful service.

Unloading from the Bank's Client in 1C 8.3 from the journal of bank statements

So, we have already named the first option - downloading bank statements is possible by clicking the button Download from the magazine of the same name in 1C. This is a typical download option that developers offer for use. According to it will be performed:

But that is not all!

Unloading statements from the Bank's Client in 1C 8.3 from processing Exchange with the bank in the Service group (section Bank and cash desk)

We can upload and download banking information from the processing itself Exchange with bankom. We can launch it traditionally through the Main menu - All functions, or by adding this processing to the active commands of the section Bank and Cashier.

You can do this from the action bar settings by adding the available command Bank exchange to the selected commands of the section:

Team Bank exchange will appear in the Service group (section Bank and cash desk):

But that's not all!

Unloading statements from the Bank's Client in 1C 8.3 from the form Exchange with the bank in the journal of bank statements

In the Bank statements journal itself, it is possible to open a form Exchange with bankom by the action menu command MORE - Exchange with the bank.

This same command can be placed on the command panel of Bank statements. Since we, of course, want to be somewhat different from the monotonous coverage of this issue on the Internet, now we will consider this option.

We are sure that it will be useful to you in your future work.

Changing command properties Bank exchange. From the menu of actions "More - Change form" of the Bank statements journal, we will include the Exchange with the bank service in the command panel of the journal:

Processing Exchange with a bank is available in the list of bank statements:

All options for calling the Exchange with a bank service:

  • Directly from the form Exchange with the bank (section Bank and cash desk);
  • From bank statements for the book. Download;
  • From Bank statements by the action menu command More - Exchange with the bank;
  • From the Main menu - All functions - Processing - Exchange with the bank.

Let's move on to the second part of the question - the settings for the Exchange with the bank.

How to set up an upload from the Client's Bank in 1C 8.3 Accounting 3.0

Before you start setting up an exchange with a bank, enter the banking program and find the item Unloading in 1C. Copy the file name to yourself on a piece of paper - this will be needed when setting up the data exchange download in 1C.

Now open the processing form Bank exchange in 1C 8.3:

We present in the form bank exchange organization and bank account for which we will perform the operations of downloading statements and open the Settings form.

Exchange parameters settings are stored in a special information register. Settings for data exchange with the Bank's Client: ch. menu - All functions - Information registers:

After specifying the organization and bank account for which we will create the exchange setting, according to the book. Settings, go to the exchange settings form with the bank.

Program name and upload/download file parameter settings:

Serviced banking check- is set by default.

The name of the program- the name of your banking program with which you work. Choose the name of the program from the drop-down list provided by the developers.

For example, for SBERBANK, this is a program AWP “Client” AS “Client-Sberbankbank” of Sberbank of Russia:

Download file fromjar is the name and location of the file to which the data from the Bank's Client will be uploaded. Usually, the text file kl_to_1c.txt is used. But you can use other options.

The only condition: the name of the upload file in 1C must match the name of the upload file on the bank side. This is where the data written on the sheet from your banking program according to the upload file in 1C will help. Pay close attention to this. This is the most common mistake sharing settings. If the path is incorrect, the exchange will not work.

Another very important note: enter the file name without spaces, spaces, extra extensions. After entering, check that the file in the 1C window “Download file from the Bank Client” and “Upload file in 1C” of your banking program completely match!

Check with the technical support service of your bank about upload data encoding. It can be either DOS or Windows. 1C supports both encodings.

Default substitution credentials

These settings are optional:

You can set the Article of Motion Money for substitution in new documents Write-offs from the current account and Receipts to the current account. But in fact, it rarely happens that the DDS article is the same for all occasions. Therefore, in order not to get confused and not make a mistake, these fields are left blank. Filling in data on them comes after the exchange.

Groups for new partners

Also with filling in the Group settings for new business partners. The right of the accountant to decide how he will control in the database of counterparties created by uploading bank statements in the event that 1C 8.3 did not find the necessary payers and recipients in.

Load/Unload block

This block already works with the data received from the bank, and before generating new documents in 1C, it asks you to decide on the loading and unloading actions:

We are now considering downloading statements from the Bank's Client, and here the user chooses whether to automatically create new objects in the database, post new documents. But, probably, the checkboxes for posting documents of receipts to the current account and debiting from the current account will be convenient.

Uploading from the Client's Bank to 1C 8.3 Accounting 3.0

After saving the settings, you can start uploading documents.

After the data on cash flows from the banking program have been uploaded to a file and received by an accountant, you can upload them to 1C. During the upload process, the Receipts to the current account and Withdrawals from the current account documents are created.

The sequence of actions of an accountant when uploading statements is as follows:

  1. Specify the bank account of the organization;
  2. Choose an organization;
  3. Check the path to the download file;
  4. We control the information in the data loading file;
  5. Uploading bank statements
  6. We generate a report on the downloaded statements:

If no errors were made in setting up the exchange with the bank, then the program will cope with the download without any problems. Your task is to check the data before uploading:

What you need to pay attention to first of all:

  1. When checking the data before uploading, pay attention to the icon in the column next to the date:
  • The checkmark icon indicates that the document is in the database and posted;
  • An unchecked icon indicates that the document is in the database, but has not been posted;
  • The icon with the "sun" signals that it will be created new document.
  1. When loading data, the message "not found" is issued:
  • By counterparty, if neither the bank account specified in the download file nor the TIN is found;
  • According to the account of the counterparty, if the account number is not found in the download file;
  • Under the contract, if the owner of the contract and the required type of contract are not found in the 1C database;
  • If there are several identical objects in the database, the first one from the list will be selected and a warning will be issued according to the situation;
  • When reloading documents, the program analyzes the Amount and Type of payment data. If they change, the data is overwritten.

After downloading bank statements, you can print a report on the downloaded documents in 1C:

How to automatically monitor the payment of an invoice, how it is affected by the status of payment of an invoice, that is, quickly report to the manager on paid and unpaid invoices, you can study the features of processing banking transactions in 1C 8.3 on our

On a note: if the recommendations below are incomprehensible to you, and the setting needs to be done, then I recommend contacting us - Smart1С.ru. We are in short time we will configure the client bank for any 1C configuration.

All settings for the exchange with the bank in the 1C: Accounting 8 program are placed on a single form. To configure the communication for bank account with the "Client Bank" program, in the "1C: Accounting 8" program (rev. 3.0) do the following:

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In the 1C: Accounting 8 program, to reflect the received payment, the document "Receipt to the current account" with the type of operation "Payment from the buyer" is used, and to reflect the payment, the document "Debit from the current account". All these documents can be viewed by clicking on the menu tab - "Bank and cash desk" - "Bank statements".

This completes the client-bank settings from the Accounting 3.0 side. It remains only to work correctly in it, performing the exchange - loading / unloading.

The principle of working with a client-bank is reduced to the following actions:

  1. We open the processing "Exchange with the bank" - "Bank and cash desk" - "Bank statements" - the button "More" - "Exchange with the bank";
  2. When payment is received from the supplier, you export the file from the client-bank to 1C - "Exchange with the bank" - "Download bank statement" - button "Download", the document "Receipt to the current account" automatically appears;
  3. If you need to pay the supplier, you enter a new counterparty in the "Counterparties" directory, enter the "Bank accounts" data for it, then in the program start a new document "Debit from the current account" with the type of operation "Payment to the supplier", post it, export this document from 1C programs - "Exchange with the bank" - "Sending to the bank" - "Upload" and import in the Client Bank. Thus, you will have a 2-way exchange: 1C and Client-Bank programs.

Video - Client bank in 1C 8.3 setting up, uploading and downloading statements

Setting up an exchange with a client bank in 1C Accounting 8.3 begins with the opening of "Bank and cash-Bank statements".


Here, in the list of documents, click "MORE-Set up exchange with the bank."


Setting up an exchange in 1C with a client-bank for each account of a company involves filling in the fields:

  • Organization;
  • Maintained bank account;
  • Program name. Here you need to select an identifying program. If you are not the name of such in the specified list, then you must select any of the provided list;
  • We prescribe the name of the file from where the operations for r / sch will be loaded, and the file into which they will be loaded;
  • Encoding. 1C 8.3 can exchange DOS and Windows formats, so we specify the encoding corresponding to the client-bank.

A group of attributes that can be set by default:

  • Group for new partners
  • DDS articles.

Bottom of the window:

  • In the uploads, we indicate which documents will be included in the file and will be controlled during upload (the correctness of the document number and the security of exchange with the bank).
  • In the Downloads on the right, we activate the automatic creation of not found elements (i.e. when uploading a statement, the program will automatically create counterparties, contracts, accounts that it did not find in the directories), as well as demonstrating the “Exchange with a bank” form before downloading.
  • We immediately note that after loading the documents must be carried out automatically.


To upload or download documents from the client-bank, in the “Bank statements” journal, click “MORE-Exchange with the bank”.


The second option is to click on "Download" in the same place.


We go to the "Exchange with the bank" window.

We select the tab "Sending to the bank", we find the organization for which we need to upload the documents, the bank account and the period for which we upload the documents.


After that tabular part filled with documents, while the red font means that either it is incorrectly filled out, or the payment is invalid. Black color indicates that the filling is correct, you can upload to the bank-client file.


When choosing the documents that need to be uploaded to the Client-Bank, put a tick in front of them. In the "Upload file to the bank" field, specify the upload path and click "Upload".


The file has been uploaded.


The tabular part will be filled with data from the file, while the lines with red font indicate that the program did not find data in the directories (r / account, counterparty by matching TIN and KPP), to which it is necessary to distribute receipt or write-off documents. Correctly distributed documents are highlighted in black.


If you checked "Automatic creation of documents not found" in the exchange settings with the bank's client, the program will automatically create objects not found, if "Automatic creation of documents not found" - the button "Create not found" will be active, by which the log "Creation of not found objects" is available.


Here, by clicking on the "Create" button, you can create all objects or select specific objects that you want to create.


Having created objects not found, we select by ticking the documents from the statement that we want to download. Click "Download".


Once downloaded, we can view the "Download Report".


It contains information on loaded and unloaded documents into the program.



You can view the uploaded documents in the "Bank and cash desk-Bank statements" block.


Uploaded documents will be displayed in the "Bank statements" journal, completed ones will be marked with a green checkmark.


To set up a direct exchange with a bank, you need to use the DirectBank service. Since the working conditions are set by the bank, you need to find out the settings parameters from your bank.

Setting up a client bank in the 1C: Enterprise program can be considered based on version 8.3.

Setting up the client's bank plays a very important role, as it allows you to automate a significant part of the routine work, unloading the accountant, and reducing the likelihood of errors caused by the human factor. It is only necessary to consider uploading data to the client bank, since uploading is individual for each of the banks and cannot be described within the framework of a universal assistant.

Setting up a bank client in 1C

To carry out the settings, you need to go to the "Bank" - "Bank statements" - "Download" section.

The system will inform you that the settings are not set and will prompt you to configure them. It is necessary to agree.

The column "Served bank account" contains data on the account to which the receipt of payrolls is carried out. The “Program name” column contains data on the program from which the file is loaded, for example, when working with Sberbank PJSC, this is the “Client” workstation of AS “Client-Sberbank”.

The default upload/download files are named kl_to_1c.txt or 1c_to-kl.txt. You will also need to set up a storage location for these files. This is where the work ends.

If the bank client has been set up, the procedure for uploading payment documents no longer has any difficulties.

In the event that for some reason it is not possible to set up a client bank or it turns out to be incompatible with the standard configuration provided for 1C, it is necessary to contact professional programmers who will cope with the task without any problems.

It should be noted that today data exchange with 1C is supported by several dozen Russian banks, including all the largest ones (Sberbank, VTB, Rosselkhozbank, Otkritie, Bank of Moscow, and so on).
