Where in 1s 8.3 to set the percentage of the advance. "1C Accounting Enterprise" edition "3.0": setting up an advance payment and parsing a new document "Writ of execution

Let's consider the operation of the typical functionality of "1C" (in the configurations "1C: Production Enterprise Management for Ukraine", "1C: Payroll and Personnel Management for Ukraine" and "1C: Agricultural Enterprise Management for Ukraine" (from release 2.1.40 and higher).

To calculate and pay an advance in the above configurations, create a document "Payroll to employees of the organization" with the "Preliminary calculation" flag turned on with the date of advance payment. To automatically fill in and calculate the document, press the button "Fill and calculate all" (Fig. 1).

Fig 1. Document "Payroll to employees of organizations"

To account for hours worked:
When using the deviation method, register absences, vacations, sick days, etc. relevant documents;
When using the direct timesheet method, it is necessary to generate the document "Timesheet". The document can be filled out both for the first half of the month (strictly from the 1st to the 15th), and for an arbitrary period.
Configurations include options for easy filling this document. For example, a document can be filled with a list of employees for whom the advance amount is calculated (the "Fill" button in the "Employees" tabular section), fill in the accruals (the "Fill" button in the document's command panel or in the "Accruals" tabular section) and perform the calculation (button "Calculate" in the command panel of the document or in the "Calculate" tabular part).

You can analyze the accrual process for a specific employee using the "Calculate" and "For employee with comments" buttons (Fig. 2).

Fig 2. Document "Payroll for employees of organizations" with comments

Consider the example of an employee Lutskova L.P. The accountant calculates the advance for September, a document dated 09/15/15. All primary data are entered using the document “Employment in the organization” and are stored in the information register “Planned accruals of employees of the organization” (Fig. 3).

Fig 3. Document "Employment in the organization"

In the comments to the document “Payroll for employees of organizations” (Fig. 2), it can be seen that “Salary by day” is the type of calculation (indicated when applying for a job), the calculation method is “At the monthly tariff rate”, the calculation procedure is indicated in the in the form of calculation "Plans of the type of calculation"\"Basic accruals of organizations" (Fig. 3).

In our example, the paid time in days was calculated according to the “Five-day” work schedule (the schedule is specified when applying for a job) until the date of the document (09/15/15) and amounted to 11 days. The time norm of 22 days is also taken from the work schedule (Fig. 4).

Fig 4. Directory "Work schedules"

The tariff rate is indicated in the document "Employment of organizations" and can be changed using the documents "Entering information on the planned accruals of employees of organizations", "Personnel transfer of organizations".

The calculation result is 8500 =17000/22*11
Advance payment for the hours worked is documented by the document “Salary payable to organizations” with the type of payment “Advance payment (according to preliminary calculation)” (Fig. 5).
This document calculates all taxes that should be transferred from this advance payment by clicking the "Calculate taxes" button. The column "Amount" will indicate the calculated amount to be paid.

Fig 5. Document "Salary payable to organizations"

The program provides payment methods through the bank and through the cashier. In order to make a payment through a bank, you must fill out the document "Entering information about bank cards of employees."

Fig 6. Document "Entering information about bank cards of employees"

Depending on the method of payment, on the basis of the document “Salary payable to organizations”, a document “ Payment order outgoing” (with operation type “Transfer wages”) or the document “Expenditure cash warrant” (with the type of operation “Payment of wages according to the statement”).

Fig 7. Document "Outgoing payment order"

Fig 8. Document "Expenditure cash warrant"

You can automatically generate payment documents for the payment of an advance, payment of taxes using the processing called by the button "Go" from the document "Salary payable by organizations".

Fig 9. Processing "Formation of payment documents for contributions to funds"

When you click the "Create" and "Post" buttons, the documents "Outgoing payment order" with the type of operation "Transfer of tax" will be generated.

To automatically generate payment documents for the payment of taxes, it is necessary to fill in the information register “Parameters of payment documents for contributions to funds”.

Registration of an advance invoice is only necessary if the counterparty has received the prepayment to the account of the organization being sold, and the goods have not yet been loaded. Let's figure out how to properly issue an invoice for an advance payment in 1C 8.3 in several ways.

Suppose that the counterparty-buyer transferred a certain amount to the account of the organization against the future delivery of goods. It is necessary to reflect the receipt of money in the program. We will do this with the help of the document “Receipt to the current account”. To do this, let's go to the magazine " Bank statements", it is located in the" Bank and cash desk "section, and we will issue an receipt Money from the buyer.

Fill in the fields:

    Type of operation - payment from the buyer;

    Reg. Number and date - skip, as they are created automatically;

    Payer - the organization from which the advance was received;

    Amount - indicate the amount of the payment received;

All other fields are not required. Just check.

And now consider the option if the counterparty was shipped goods for a larger amount than the advance payment made. Postings will be generated with a breakdown into payment for shipment and debt:

In this case, you will need to issue an invoice in advance.

And we will consider another option, when the payment was received from the client, it was carried out in 1C through the document “Receipt to the current account” and the shipment takes place on the same day. It would seem that there should not be any advance, but if you look carefully, the receipt of money is formalized earlier in time than the implementation was created. Let's check the postings and see that the program also places this amount on account 62.02: Dt51 - Kt62.02 "Settlements on advances received." And the implementation is the same:

    Dt90.02.1 - Kt41.01 - for the shipped goods, the purchase price of goods without VAT;

    Dt62.02 - Kt62.01 - offset of the buyer's advance;

    Dt62.01 - Kt90.01.1 - reflection of debt;

    Dt90.03 - Kt68.02 - VAT has been charged.

To prevent this from happening, you need to draw up a receipt on the current account at least a second later than the sale.

Let's move on to the main question: how to issue an invoice for an advance payment in 1C 8.3. There are two ways: automatic and manual. Manual mode implies the creation of the document "Invoices for advance payment" directly from the document "Receipt to the current account". This is done through the "Create based on" button, select "Invoice issued". The generated document will open. You can check the filling and carry out.

Now consider automatic. We find the tab "Bank and cash desk" in the menu, the section "Registration of invoices", go to the journal "Invoices for advance payment". A processing form opens, with the help of which you can perform this action. Here we put down the period for which you want to register invoices and press the "Fill" button. The program independently finds advance receipts and fills in the tabular part with them:

At the bottom of the screen are the settings for this processing. Let's see what they include.

Setting "Invoice numbering" - allows you to choose from two options:

    Uniform numbering of all issued invoices;

    Separate numbering of advance invoices with prefix A.

    Dt62.01 - Kt90.01.1 - reflection of debt;

    Dt90.03 - Kt68.02 - VAT has been charged.

    Register invoices always upon receipt of advance payment;

    Do not register invoices for advances set off within 5 calendar days;

    Do not register invoices for advances set off before the end of the month;

    Do not register invoices for advances offset before the end of the tax period;

    Do not register invoices for advances (g. 13, article 167 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

The first option is set by default. This means that all advances received will be invoiced.

After setting the necessary settings, click "Run". Invoices for advance payments will be generated for the displayed receipts. From here you can go to the generated invoice and check the correctness of filling. You can also go to the general list of documents of this type. To do this, click on the link at the bottom of the screen "Open a list of advance invoices". The created invoice will be displayed with the prefix "A", number "A1":

In the general journal “Invoices Issued”, it will be easy to distinguish them from others:

If you need to print several documents at once, hold down the key " Ctrl"Select required documents and send it to print.

How to charge an advance in "1C: 8.2"? How to pay an advance in "1C: 8.2"?

Accrual and payment of advance payment to employees of the enterprise includes several interrelated stages, and begins with the formation of the document "Payroll". This article discusses the procedure for filling out the documents “Salary for the issuance of organizations” and “Payroll” in an abbreviated form, specifically for the advance.

First you need to open the "Payroll" tab, which is located on the function panel. Next, in the journal of documents of the same name, you should create new document using the "Add" button. A field will open where the required details are filled in. Before creating a new accrual, you need to pay attention to filling out the production regulated calendar. As soon as the details in the header are filled in, and the selection of an employee is completed, check the box "Preliminary calculation", which serves as a mandatory item when calculating the advance.

Then you will need to click the "Fill" and "Calculate" buttons in this example for an employee. Information about the selected employee will be filled in, which fully meets the time standards at the time of the advance payment calculation. Further, the document is recorded and held:

Now you should go to the “Salary payable” journal, create a new document in it and fill in its header with the necessary details. Then you will need to set the "Type of payment" item to "Advance payment" and draw up a document according to the type of payment.

After filling in the information about the accrued advance in automatic mode, we will change the data from “Via bank” to “Via cash desk” in the menu column “Payment method”. This action is necessary for the formation of the RKO (expenditure cash order) and for the payment of an advance to the employee through the cash desk.

Next, the document is recorded and posted, and then in the journal of payroll documents on the generated document, by clicking, the item “Based on” is selected in which the “Expenditure cash order” is marked, this is necessary for payment through the cash desk.

Now we fill in all the required details in the created "RKO" and post this order.

After completion of all the above operations, the accrual and payment of the advance payment is completed. If all actions were performed carefully and correctly with the correct filling in of the required details, then further processes for paying the remaining amounts until full accrual for the specified period of time will take into account the advance payment operation.

) in 1C 8.2. Today we will consider the advance payment in the configuration 1C Enterprise 8.2 Accounting for Ukraine.

The process of calculating and paying advances to employees of an organization consists of several interrelated stages and begins with the formation of a document ... "Payroll". For the convenience of the reader, we will consider filling out the documents “Payroll” and “Salary for the issuance of organizations” in short, with reference specifically to the advance. For more information, please see the links at the top of the article.

So let's get started. Open the "Payroll" tab of the function panel. In the journal of documents of the same name, create a new one by clicking on the "Add" button. In the document that opens, fill in the required details. Before creating a new accrual, we pay attention to filling out the regulated production calendar. After filling in the details in the header and selecting an employee, we pay attention to the “preliminary calculation” checkbox, this is a mandatory item when calculating the advance.

Next, go to the "Salary payable" journal, create a new document, fill in its header with the necessary details and pay attention to the "Type of payment" item. Set it to "(behind the front rosette)". Next, fill out the document on the nature of payments.

After automatically filling in the accrued advance with the data, we will change the data in the "Payment method" column from "Through the bank" to "Through the cash desk". This is necessary for advance payments to the employee through the cash desk and the formation of an expense cash warrant (RKO).

We fill in all the necessary details in the cash receipt created on the basis of the cash order and after that we save and post the cash settlement document.

If you have any questions about the article or there are unresolved problems, you can discuss them at

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Let's consider the operation of the typical functionality of "1C" (in the configurations "1C: Production Enterprise Management for Ukraine", "1C: Payroll and Personnel Management for Ukraine" and "1C: Agricultural Enterprise Management for Ukraine" (from release 2.1.40 and higher).

To calculate and pay an advance in the above configurations, create a document "Payroll to employees of the organization" with the "Preliminary calculation" flag turned on with the date of advance payment. To automatically fill in and calculate the document, press the button "Fill and calculate all" (Fig. 1).

Fig 1. Document "Payroll to employees of organizations"

To account for hours worked:
When using the deviation method, register absences, vacations, sick days, etc. relevant documents;
When using the direct timesheet method, it is necessary to generate the document "Timesheet". The document can be filled out both for the first half of the month (strictly from the 1st to the 15th), and for an arbitrary period.
The configurations provide options for convenient completion of this document. For example, a document can be filled with a list of employees for whom the advance amount is calculated (the "Fill" button in the "Employees" tabular section), fill in the accruals (the "Fill" button in the document's command panel or in the "Accruals" tabular section) and perform the calculation (button "Calculate" in the command panel of the document or in the "Calculate" tabular part).

You can analyze the accrual process for a specific employee using the "Calculate" and "For employee with comments" buttons (Fig. 2).

Fig 2. Document "Payroll for employees of organizations" with comments

Consider the example of an employee Lutskova L.P. The accountant calculates the advance for September, a document dated 09/15/15. All primary data are entered using the document “Employment in the organization” and are stored in the information register “Planned accruals of employees of the organization” (Fig. 3).

Fig 3. Document "Employment in the organization"

In the comments to the document “Payroll for employees of organizations” (Fig. 2), it can be seen that “Salary by day” is the type of calculation (indicated when applying for a job), the calculation method is “At the monthly tariff rate”, the calculation procedure is indicated in the in the form of calculation "Plans of the type of calculation"\"Basic accruals of organizations" (Fig. 3).

In our example, the paid time in days was calculated according to the “Five-day” work schedule (the schedule is specified when applying for a job) until the date of the document (09/15/15) and amounted to 11 days. The time norm of 22 days is also taken from the work schedule (Fig. 4).

Fig 4. Directory "Work schedules"

The tariff rate is indicated in the document "Employment of organizations" and can be changed using the documents "Entering information on the planned accruals of employees of organizations", "Personnel transfer of organizations".

The calculation result is 8500 =17000/22*11
Advance payment for the hours worked is documented by the document “Salary payable to organizations” with the type of payment “Advance payment (according to preliminary calculation)” (Fig. 5).
This document calculates all taxes that should be transferred from this advance payment by clicking the "Calculate taxes" button. The column "Amount" will indicate the calculated amount to be paid.

Fig 5. Document "Salary payable to organizations"

The program provides payment methods through the bank and through the cashier. In order to make a payment through a bank, you must fill out the document "Entering information about bank cards of employees."

Fig 6. Document "Entering information about bank cards of employees"

Depending on the method of payment, on the basis of the document "Salary payable by organizations", the document "Outgoing payment order" (with the type of operation "Transfer of wages") or the document "Expenditure cash order" (with the type of operation "Payment of wages according to the statement") is formed .

Fig 7. Document "Outgoing payment order"

Fig 8. Document "Expenditure cash warrant"

You can automatically generate payment documents for the payment of an advance, payment of taxes using the processing called by the button "Go" from the document "Salary payable by organizations".

Fig 9. Processing "Formation of payment documents for contributions to funds"

When you click the "Create" and "Post" buttons, the documents "Outgoing payment order" with the type of operation "Transfer of tax" will be generated.

To automatically generate payment documents for the payment of taxes, it is necessary to fill in the information register “Parameters of payment documents for contributions to funds”.

Fig. 10. Information register "Parameters of payment documents for contributions to funds"

The program allows you to pay advances in a fixed amount.
To do this, it is necessary to fill in the information register "Advances to employees of organizations" and form the document "Salary payable" with the type of payment "Advance payment".

Fig 11. Information register “Advances to employees of organizations”

Fig 12. Document "Salary payable", payment type "Advance"

It should be noted that in the document “Types of payments: Advance payment” the flag “Calculation from the reverse” is set, therefore, the amount “net” is entered into the information register “Advances to employees of organizations”, that is, what a person should receive “on hand”. In our example, Sergei Dmitrievich Filin will receive UAH 2,500 in his hands. (Fig. 11 and 12), but the entire amount will be credited in the system (“Dirty Amount”).

Fig 13. Directory "Types of payments"

Ludmila LUTSKOVA, 1C:Enterprise product consultant, Implementation Center [you must register to view this link], PhD in Economics.

Source: [You must register to view this link]
