Planning for every day in the senior group. Calendar-thematic planning in the senior group of kindergarten on the topic "man"

Day of the week

with parents.


Monday -25. 04.16

Conversation with children on the topic: "The importance of the book."
Purpose: to introduce children to some of the works of children's writers and explain the importance of reading books.
Word game "Associations" on the theme of children's books.

Motor exercises "Pinocchio stretched."
Purpose: to form the ability to follow the rules of the game;
cultivate independence.
Game "Help Fedora". Purpose: to teach to understand the essence of the concepts: “funny”, “sorry”, “rejoice for another”; cause the desire to be accurate, to consolidate previously acquired knowledge about the work. (see Gubanova N.F. Development of gaming activity p. 141)
on ecology: repeat the plants of the forest. Polina, Liza, Darina.
Choose books to read and review.
Communication / motivation for the role-playing game "Bookstore"
Purpose: To continue to teach how to convey in the game the professional actions of store employees.

Consultation « Educational games in the sandbox."
Sliding folder "Children's books and their role in a child's life."
Individual consultations

9:00 Cognitive development ( the world) "Games in the yard."
Purpose: to acquaint children with the elementary basics of life safety; discuss possible dangerous situations that may arise when playing in the yard of the house, riding a bicycle within the city; to acquaint with the necessary precautions, with the telephone number "03". (see O.V. Dybina "Introduction to the subject and social environment" p. 3246)
9:30 Physical education "Book Day"
Purpose: To exercise children in walking and running with the search for their place in the column, in rolling hoops; repeat exercise with balls. Teach children to move in a column, holding on to each other tightly, without breaking the clutch. Develop the ability to act in concert, dexterity.
10:00 Application "Invitation card for parents to celebrate Victory Day"
Purpose: to consolidate the ability of children to conceive the content of their work. Practice using familiar scissor techniques. Learn how to choose colors beautifully, correctly convey the ratios in size. Develop aesthetic feelings, imagination. (see T.S. Komarova "Visual activity in kindergarten" p. 93)

Walk #1:
Weather observation.
Invite children to note the state of the weather, highlight characteristics spring, to tell what changes in nature make them happy, give a feeling of the arrival of spring.
mobile game
"Sly Fox". (5-6 times) Purpose: To teach children to regulate the strength of their voices. Exercise in loose running (do not bump into each other).
Phys. ex. "Hit the target." Exercise children in throwing. The development of the eye, coordination of movements. (individual)
Work. Area cleaning.
Contribute to the improvement of the performance of relevant labor operations by children.
(see card file of walks April No. 11)
Word game "Does it happen or not?" Development logical thinking and sense of humour.
Milana, Vova, Garman.

Independent games with remote material.
Role-playing game "Drivers"
Purpose: To continue to teach to act in accordance with game plot and assumed role

work before bed
Reading the fairy tale by V.I.
Purpose: To continue work on the formation of interest in the book. Continue to regularly read fiction and educational books to children. To form an understanding that a lot of interesting things can be learned from books.

C / R game "Travel around the world": "What can I travel on?" (conversation, drawing of various ships)
Ex. "Name the first last sound in a word
Communication "On the water, in the sun."
Purpose: To explain to children that swimming, swimming, sunbathing is good for health only if certain safety rules are followed. (Program "Security" p.108)

m\n game "Paints".

Fairy tale "How to cook compote".

by application with Misha, Bolot, Darina Fix the technique of symmetrical cutting - "Rocket".
Consideration of illustrations depicting rockets.
The introduction of the board-printed maze game "Help the astronaut fly to Mars", having learned. literature tours "Cosmos".
Suggest schemes for building space rockets from building materials.

Walk #2:
Watching starlings.
Hanging birdhouses.
Purpose: To provide knowledge about the benefits that starlings bring, to form a caring attitude towards birds.
mobile game
"Zhmurki" 5-6 times
Purpose: to improve basic movements, develop attention, tactile capabilities.
(see card file of walks April No. 12)
"Run faster than the wind."
individual work on the development of basic movements.
Purpose: to exercise in running at speed.

Remote material: shovels, scoops, panicles, buckets, molds for sand.
Purpose: To teach children to act as the organizer of the game, explain the rules, monitor their implementation.

April VI week from 04/25/16 to 04/29/16 was: Simonova A.N.

Day of the week
Educational activities during regime moments
Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children (activity centers, all rooms of the group)

with parents.


Tuesday 26.04.16
Conversation "Such different books"

Morning exercises "With handkerchiefs".

“Our daring gingerbread man” Purpose: to develop the ability to mark characteristics each character (voice, movements, facial expressions) Listening to V. Bianchi's fairy tale "Gingerbread Man - a prickly side" with a display of a table theater.

Game "Name the words". (book related)
Purpose: to consolidate the knowledge gained about children's works.
Individual work on the development of speech:
Purpose: to exercise children in compiling a story according to a given beginning, based on a series of pictures: "Spring". Develop coherent speech, imagination.
Alina, Polina P.
Occupational duty. Discuss with the children the importance of the duty officer. Teaching kids how to cook workplace according to the content of the lesson.
Entering pictures depicting constellations (zodiac signs).
Suggest the game "Zoological Lotto" (classification of animals inhabiting planet Earth).

Place in genus. corner folder-slider "Development cognitive interests in preschoolers"
Exhibition of literature for reading to children at

9:00 Cognitive Development (FEMP)
Purpose: to continue to learn to understand the relationship of adjacent numbers within 10. To improve the ability to compare the size of objects according to the presentation. To consolidate the ability to divide a circle and a square into two and four equal parts, learn to name the parts and compare the whole and the part. (see I.A. Pomoraeva, V.A. Pozina “Formation of elementary mathematical representations” p. 62)
9:30 Drawing "Children dancing at a holiday in kindergarten"
Purpose: to develop the ability to depict a human figure in motion. Learn to achieve expressiveness of the image. To fix drawing techniques with pencils, the ability to use pressure on a pencil of different strength when fixing. Develop an emotionally positive attitude towards creating images. (See T.S. Komarova "Visual activity in kindergarten" p. 100)
10:00 Music
Purpose: Formation of musical and creative abilities of children in various types musical activity(listening to music, singing, musical rhythmic movements). Mastering ways of interacting with other people and children
through the perception of music.

Walk #1:
Talk with the children about which birds fly to the site and how they feel the arrival of spring (they have become more lively, they sing more often and louder)
Labor activity: Bird feeding.
mobile game
"Sparrows and the car". (5-6 times)
Purpose: To exercise children in jumping from a bench to a designated place.
Didactic. game "Who hears what?"
Purpose: To develop auditory perception, attention in children, to teach them to play the roles of players, drivers, leaders.
Game exercise: "Thread, needle."
Purpose: To exercise children in walking with a change in direction of movement and the performance of related tasks (walking in a snake, raising their hands up; in a circle, hands on their belts).
(see card file of walks senior group April No. 14)
"Catch the ball." Improve your ability to throw and catch the ball.
Situational conversation "Who picks you up from kindergarten"
Purpose: to consolidate knowledge of the name and patronymic of the parents. Vanya, Bolot, Nastya.

Independent games of children c
flat and bulky
toys for playing

work before bed
Reading the fairy tale by D. Mamin-Sibiryak "The Tale of Komar Komarovich - Long Nose and Shaggy Misha - Short Tail."
Purpose: to please children by reading a poem.

Education of KGN, self-service skills and mutual assistance in dressing. Goal: Encourage children to help each other with getting dressed after sleep.
Design "Forest Kindergarten".
Purpose: to teach children to organize space for design; plan activities, model; design various pieces of furniture; combine buildings with a single plot. Encourage the creation of new versions of already familiar buildings, involve them in joint activities, develop design abilities, form an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bgeometric shapes, develop spatial thinking (see L.V. Kutsakova Construction from building material p. 34)
Making sentences about the family: “Grandma, sock, knitting needles”
"Mom, compote, cook"
“Daddy chair, repair” Alina, Darina.

Plot - role-playing games: "Family",
Game "Fix the bugs"
Didactic games "Find a Pair", "Puzzles"

Walk #2:
Observation: the sky in the evening
Purpose: To teach children to highlight the features of the evening sky in spring, talk about them, characterize the color of the sky, the type of clouds.
Role-playing game "Firefighters"
Purpose: To teach children to perform familiar game actions, taking into account a new game situation, to transfer a profession in the game.
(see card file of walks senior group April No. 13)
“Who will run faster?”, “On the pebbles”.
Purpose: to exercise in running, balance in walking on "pebbles" (bricks), the ability to act quickly on a signal with Liza and Darina.
Independent activity of children on a walk.
Role-playing games at the request of children.
Experimenting with the wind (pinwheel).

April VI week from 04/25/16 to 04/29/16 was: Simonova A.N.

Day of the week
Educational activities during regime moments
Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children (activity centers, all rooms of the group)
with parents.


Wednesday -27.04.16
Conversation "My home address". Purpose: to consolidate knowledge about their place of residence.
Morning exercises "With handkerchiefs".
Playing the plot "Bookshop".
Purpose: To consolidate the ability of children to beat the plot of the game, using the attributes for their intended purpose.
Game exercise "Do as I do!"
Purpose: To promote the improvement of children's performance of basic movements when walking. Develop observation, attention, coordination of movements. Teach children to follow the actions of the driver. copy the movements exactly.
Role-playing game "Builders"
Purpose: To form in children the ability to agree on what they will build, to coordinate actions among themselves.
"I do everything myself"
Purpose: To form in children a conscious attitude towards their appearance. Teach children to carefully examine themselves, evaluate the condition of clothing, hairstyles, comment on the results of the examination.
with Lisa, Vika, Alina.
Work in the corner of nature. Comparison indoor plants. To teach children to inspect plants, carefully examine them with their fingers, compare plants by color, shape, size, number of leaves, length, thickness of stems.

Offer a selection of poems about space for memorization with children.
Invite the Tivonenko family to learn a poem by roles.

9:00 Drawing "Rooster painting"
Purpose: to teach children to paint a toy based on the Dymkovo ornament. Develop aesthetic sense. Develop creativity. To cultivate respect for the work of folk craftsmen. (see T.S. Komarova "Visual activity in kindergarten" p. 94)
9:30 Drawing 2
11:30 Physical education (on the street)
Purpose: formation in children of interest and value attitude to physical culture, harmonious physical development through the solution of the following specific tasks: physical qualities(speed, strength, flexibility, endurance and coordination); accumulation and enrichment of motor experience of children (mastery of basic movements); formation of pupils' need for motor activity and physical improvement.

Walk #1:
Observation of flying aircraft.
Identify the similarities and differences between an airplane and a rocket.
Work. Remove dry branches from the site.
Discuss with the children the meaning of the work ahead. Offer to tell what will happen if you do not sprinkle the tracks. To instill in children the desire to be useful to others.
mobile game
"Higher feet off the ground." (5-6 times)
Get kids to run. Increase the motor activity of children, develop the speed of reaction
Game exercise: "Knock down the skittle"
Purpose: To exercise in performing game actions, to learn how to independently organize the game.
Didactic game: "Man and nature"
Purpose: To systematize children's knowledge about what nature gives us and what a person does. (see card file of walks April No. 7)
Didactic exercise "Far-close". To teach children to distinguish and use the concepts far, close, near; include them in speech constructions in accordance with the results of the examination of subjects. Nastya, Polina, Roma.
Suggest stencils for productive activities on the theme "Heroes of fairy tales".
Offer Board games for teaching literacy.
. Pay attention to the relationship of children, to the way out of conflict situations.

work before bed
Guessing riddles about fairy-tale characters
Purpose: to consolidate and generalize knowledge about fairy-tale heroes.

Director's game "How did the little animals save the forest?".
Purpose: To introduce the theatrical screen, riding puppets on the gape. To consolidate the ability to carefully watch and listen to the puppet show, to focus on what is happening on the screen, after watching the performance to participate in the discussion.

Exercise after sleep. hardening procedures.
Cultivating a culture of behavior during an afternoon snack.
Purpose: to consolidate the ability to use a napkin.
Quiz game "Favorite fairy-tale hero."
Purpose: to consolidate existing knowledge about fairy-tale heroes.
m\n game "Paints".
Purpose: development of mindfulness, quick wit, memory, observation, dexterity, speed of reaction. (see M.M. Borisov "Sedentary games and game exercises" p. 24)
Fairy tale "How to cook compote".
Purpose: To teach to listen to a work, to develop memory and logical thinking.
Theatrical game "Little Red Riding Hood is going to visit her grandmother."
Purpose: to involve children in improvisation, to teach them to enter an imaginary situation, to cultivate a love for fairy tales, to form a positive attitude towards the game.
Exercise Misha, Vanya in the design of sheds and fences. Vanya, Misha.

Organize an exhibition of children's works on the theme "Heroes of fairy tales".

Children's games with building material "theatre for animals".
Stenciling the silhouette of the heroes of fairy tales. Purpose: development of creative imagination.

Walk #2:
Observation: types of soils
Purpose: To invite children to find out which part of the site dries out faster (with clay soil or sandy). Teach kids to infer.
Sports exercise: “Passers-by can’t get through here”
Purpose: To exercise in jumping rope, develop coordination of movements, strengthen the muscular apparatus.
Outdoor game "Whoever was called, he catches the ball"
Purpose: To develop gross motor skills of the hands, improve the skills of playing with the ball. (see card file of walks April No. 6)
Individual conversations: “What I saw on the way to kindergarten” Vanya, Seryozha, Bolot.

Independent activity of children on the site, games with remote material - development of skills for joint gaming activities

April VI week from 04/25/16 to 04/29/16 was: Simonova A.N.

Day of the week
Educational activities during regime moments
Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children (activity centers, all rooms of the group)
with parents.


Thursday -28.04.16
Conversation "Such different books"
Purpose: To give an idea of ​​the difference between books in content, their significance in human life
Morning exercises "With handkerchiefs".
Theatrical and artistic activity.
"Princess - Frog" "Goal: to develop the ability to note the characteristic features of each character (voice, movements, facial expressions) Listening to V. Bianchi's fairy tale "Kolobok - prickly side" with a table theater show.
Purpose: to introduce new fairy tale. Examining pictures for a fairy tale with a discussion of the characteristic features of the characters.
P. and "Help the Animals", "The Wolf in the Den".
Purpose: to develop independence in the organization of outdoor games, dexterity, the ability to follow the rules.
Didactic exercise "Tell me a word." Children should know the purpose of body parts, be able to determine the part of the body by action, call it in rhyme. Develop attention, speech, speed of reaction; generate interest in games in which you can test your knowledge. Masha B., Alina, Polina B.

Household and household work “Bathing dolls”, “Car wash” Discuss with the children the purpose of the upcoming work.
Purpose: To teach children to correctly perform the appropriate labor actions, include them in the outline of a role-playing game, and bring the work started to the end. Encourage initiative in helping comrades, adults.

Offer to fix names with children spring months and their sequence

9:00 Cognitive development (construction) of the “Court”
Purpose: to expand the generalized ideas of children about different types ships, the dependence of their structure on the destination; exercise in building schematic images of ships and designing according to them, in building elementary drawings of ships in three projections, in the ability to reason and establish cause-and-effect relationships and logical relationships, to argue decisions; develop attention, memory. (see L.V. Kutsakova "Construction from building material" p. 46)
9:30 Speech development (introduction to fiction). Reading the story of K. Paustovsky "Cat-thief".
Purpose: to introduce the story. (See V.V. Gerbova "Development of speech in kindergarten" p. 104)
10:00 Music
Purpose: Listening to the song “You know what a guy he was! ", music. A. Pakhmutova, sl. N. Dobronravova from the cycle "Gagarin's Constellation". To form timbre hearing and metrorhythmic skills in children using game situations and didactic games. Develop coherent speech and figurative thinking creating a creative atmosphere.

Walk #1:
Willow watching in spring.
Purpose: To expand children's ideas about changes in the plant world in spring period. Learn to distinguish trees and shrubs in appearance. Draw the attention of children to the features of the appearance of the willow, the fluffy lumps that appeared on its branches.
Work. Cleaning dry leaves. To improve the performance of relevant labor operations by children, to cultivate accuracy, responsibility.
Mobile game "Hares and the wolf". (5-6 times)
Purpose: To promote the improvement of children's performance of jumps on two legs and on one leg moving forward. To form the ability to perform movements in accordance with the text. Cultivate self-confidence.
Game exercise "Jumping rope".
Purpose: To teach children to jump rope, to develop coordination of movements; contribute to the improvement respiratory system to strengthen the muscular system.
Exercise "Hit the target"
Purpose: To develop accuracy and eye. Roma and Seryozha.

Game exercise "Race cars". Purpose: To train children in running with acceleration, to form the ability to run, coordinating the movements of the arms and legs; develop speed skills. Enhance functionality of cardio-vascular system.

work before bed
Reading the fairy tale by P. Bazhov "The Silver Hoof"
Purpose: to consolidate the ability to listen to fairy tales.

Game "Collect a couple".
Purpose: to teach children to navigate in the past and present of objects, to develop a retrospective view of objects (O.V. Dybina "Introduction to the subject and social environment" p. 77)
Journey to the fairy tale "Sivka - Burka".
Purpose: To continue acquaintance with the theatrical screen, with riding puppets on the gape. Teach children how to manipulate riding puppets. Learn the first fragment of the play: Journey to the fairy tale "Sivka - Burka". Encourage the desire of children to participate in dance improvisations.
d \ and "Dunno - master."
Purpose: to acquaint with the activities of a beauty salon, with the profession of a hairdresser. (see Gubanova N.F. Development of gaming activity p. 38)
D / and "Name your family"
Purpose: We teach Milan, Yana, Lisa to call I.F. parents (grandparents, brothers and sisters).
Education of cultural and hygienic skills. Cultivate the habit of following the neatness of clothes, hairstyles; correct shortcomings in a timely manner. Teach children to quickly, neatly undress and dress; keep order in your closet.

Walk #2:
Observation of the work of adults: pruning trees and shrubs.
Purpose: To clarify the need for this type of operation, to discuss where damaged branches appeared on trees and shrubs in spring. To form a desire to provide effective care for trees.
Didactic game: "Find out what has changed" (5-6 times)
Purpose: To develop attention, memory, to activate in speech concepts that characterize the spatial arrangement of objects.
Mobile game: "Hunters and ducks"
Purpose: To teach children to follow the rules of the game, to develop accuracy, dexterity and speed of reaction. (see card file of walks April No. 8)
To improve the ability to sculpt the main form of an object with the hands of both hands, and the details - with the fingers of Vika T., Vika M., Alena
Independent children's activities
(role-playing games at the request of children)
Purpose: To develop gaming activities, continue to teach how to build interactions with peers.

April VI week from 04/25/16 to 04/29/16 was: Simonova A.N.

Day of the week
Educational activities during regime moments
Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children (activity centers, all rooms of the group)
with parents.


Friday -29.04.16
Conversation "what is time".
Purpose: to introduce children to the concept of time, hour, minute; introduce the clock. Reading the fairy tale "Time and baby."
Morning exercises "With handkerchiefs".
m\n game "The cat came to the stove."
Purpose: development of mindfulness, quick wit, memory, observation, dexterity, speed of reaction. (see M.M. Borisov "Sedentary games and game exercises" p. 10)
Iso \ Game "Kiselnye shores".
Purpose: to teach children to apply strokes without going beyond the contour of the depicted object. (see Gubanova N.F. Development of gaming activity p. 148)
Ind/r, drawing with Darina, Umar, Nastya. Work in the corner of fine arts. To teach children to use the techniques and skills they have mastered to realize their ideas, to develop Creative skills, fantasy
Book corner:
Books for reading and viewing.
Collection of illustrations about spring.
Center for role-playing games: creation of a developing object-spatial environment and joint production of attributes.

9:00 Speech development. Didactic game with words. Reading tales.
Purpose: to activate the vocabulary of children (see V.V. Gerbova "Development of speech in kindergarten" p. 104)
9:30 Physical education
Purpose: to teach rebuilding in a column of two; exercise in continuous running up to 1 minute; to teach walking with an added step on a gymnastic bench; exercise in jumping over the cords and throwing the ball; walking on a gymnastic bench; jumping on two legs through the cords; passing the ball with two hands from the chest; repeat walking with high knees; continuous running up to 1.5 minutes; learn to roll the ball with the right and left foot; dribble with the right and left hand;

Walk #1:
Sun watching. Reading Russian nar. Proverbs "Sunshine"
Purpose: To help children see the features of the spring sun (shines brighter, warms the earth), write a description of it (affectionate, warm, radiant) Invite children to warm their cheeks and palms in the sun.
Work. Site cleaning.
Purpose: To develop the ability to work together, to subordinate their interests to a common goal. Cultivate a sense of responsibility.
Mobile game "Sun Bunnies", "Geese - Geese". (5-6 times)
Develop coordination of movements. Train in the ability to perform actions with one common object. Cultivate endurance and the ability to coordinate their actions with others. (group)

(see card file of walks April No. 10)
Didactic game " Sweet words»
Purpose: to teach children to form nouns using diminutive suffixes. Dima, Seryozha, Polina
Independent activity of children on the site, games with remote material - the development of skills for joint gaming activities.
Hand out spatulas

work before bed
Reading and learning nursery rhymes “Don! Don! Don!”, “Geese, you are geese.”
Purpose: To teach children to read nursery rhymes and short poems by heart.

Work to educate the culture of behavior at the table during lunch.
Encourage children to follow the elementary rules of behavior during lunch.
Creating conditions for S.R.I. Creating an album "Collection fashion clothes».
Purpose: To form children's ideas about seasonal clothes, develop creative imagination (teamwork).
"On a visit to the crocodile Gene."
Purpose: to consolidate children's knowledge about the rules of behavior on the street; O road signs"crosswalk". (see T.F. Saulina “We introduce preschoolers to the rules traffic» page 22)
m \ n game "Frogs", "Hands". Purpose: development of mindfulness, quick wit, memory, observation, dexterity, speed of reaction. (see M.M. Borisov "Sedentary games and game exercises" p. 45)
Grouping and classifying familiar objects. Count items from more. Based on the account, establish equality (inequality) of groups of objects Misha, Darina, Masha

Center for productive activities: layout "Spring Forest", a selection of illustrations; materials and tools for drawing, modeling, appliqué, art work

Walk #2:
"The height of the sun's rise above the horizon"
Purpose: To help organize the measurement of the shadow from the reference object, record the results in the observation diary, compare with previously obtained results, and draw a conclusion.
Outdoor game: "Swallow" (5-6 times)
Purpose: To consolidate the ability to run easily and rhythmically, to coordinate the movement of arms and legs when running. Develop dexterity, coordination of movements, strengthen the health of children.
Sports game "Shooting at the target."
Exercise children in throwing objects at a horizontal target from a distance of 2-2.5 m. Develop accuracy. Improve the functionality of the body.
(see card file of walks senior group April No. 3)
Movement development.
Purpose: to consolidate the skills of jumping in place (legs apart together; one forward the other back) with Nastya, Vanya.
Independent children's activities
Purpose: To contribute to the prevention of nervous overstrain, to identify the level of ability to independently organize motor

Calendar-thematic planning (senior group) on the topic: "Man". Planning of educational work

Group: 2nd senior - 2
Subject:"Human. Taking care of your health."
Target: consolidate knowledge about a person, form an idea of healthy way life and self-worth.
Monday 01/15/2018
Work in a corner of nature
"Caring for the leaves of plants (wiping the dust with a brush and a dry cloth)".
Examining illustrations.
Tasks: To teach children to provide all possible assistance to the teacher in caring for indoor flowers: remove dust from the leaves, being careful.
Independent activity.
Purpose: to teach children to independently find an activity to their liking.

D / I "Collect a picture" with Dasha.K, Anton.K
Purpose: to remember the types of transport, to develop motor skills, thinking. Conversation "Learning to forgive our friends"
Purpose: to develop the ability of children not to be offended by each other; to form the ability to distinguish an unintentional slip from an intentional one and respond accordingly; to bring children to the understanding of the words "peaceful", "touchy". Enrichment of visual material on a lexical topic: plot pictures, coloring pages. Labor assignments for the canteen. Independent activity of children.

Individual consultations at the request of parents
Invite parents to have a conversation with their children “How to cross the road”

Directly Educational activities
Mathematics. "Reinforcement of counting skills within 5"
Objectives: To continue to form ideas about the equality of groups of objects, to learn how to make groups of objects according to a given number, to see the total number of objects and call it one number.
Continue to develop the eye and the ability to find objects of the same height, equal to the sample.
Learn to navigate on a sheet of paper. (Pozina, Ponomareva, p.41, section 3)
ISO. Drawing "Children walk in winter"
Program content: To teach children to convey a simple plot in a drawing. To consolidate the ability to draw a human figure, convey the shape, proportions and arrangement of parts, simple moves hands and feet. Exercise in drawing and painting with pencils (crayons). (Komarova, p.66)

snow watching
Job: Clear the snow
Game: P / and "Cat and Mice"
Purpose: to exercise in crawling under an obstacle in an agreed way. FIZO. “Who will throw the snowball further” (Egor.K, Maksim.S)
Conversation: "How many months in winter, what are they called"
Remember the names winter months. Independent activity on a walk. Role-playing game "Shop" Experimenting with snow.
Work before going to bed Reading proverbs and sayings about sports and a healthy lifestyle. Canteen duty Anya.t and Ilya K.
Evening: Gymnastics, hardening

Gymnastics, hardening.
D / and "Fix the mistake"
Purpose: to learn to install correct sequence actions.
Theatrical activity
Together with the teacher.
Game: "Merry Old Man-Forester"
Purpose: to teach how to use different intonations. Manipulation skills for bi-ba-bo dolls.
Di. OBZH "Main number 112" with Varvara.L Nikita.G;.Sasha.D; Arina.P
Purpose: to continue to teach children that there are objects that are not toys. Situational conversation “Offer help yourself” Build a house from a constructor, beat the building. Independent activity of children in activity centers.
Walk Observation of the weather. Children's games with sand and snow. Labor assignments. The mobile game "Mice and the Cat" - to develop motor activity, learn to act on a signal.

Download Planning educational work

,Day of the week


Educational areas

Working with parents




Monday 13.03.2017


Physical development,


social and communicative,


artistic and aesthetic.

Reception of children.

Conversation with children on the topic: “Where were you at the weekend? What interesting things did you see?

C: continue to develop dialogic speech.

Individual work in notebooks "Mathematics"

Work on the formation of the CGT

Self-service: learning to take care of your appearance.

Board and printed games "Domino".

Goal: develop attention, logical thinking.


"Tips for future first graders"



C: keep introducing Russians public holidays; instill love and respect for folk traditions


C: continue to teach to distinguish the genre features of a fairy tale; form an evaluative attitude towards the characters; learn to comprehend what is read


Lesson 9

Purpose: To exercise children in walking and running between objects; in maintaining balance when walking on an elevated support with additional task; repeat the task in jumping, relay race with the ball.


№ 5

work before bed

Reading fiction"Funny stories"


Awakening gymnastics

Board printed game "Mathematical Lotto" (Teach children to correctly name numbers from 1 to 10, correlate the number with the number of items on the card).

D\u: "Airplanes and helicopters"

C: develop mindfulness, observation.

Working in the corner of the book: looking at illustrations for stories

C / r game "Hairdresser's".

Purpose: to develop communicative qualities, a culture of communication in public places.



Work plan 13.03.2017-17.03.2017

Day of the week




Cooperative activity adult and children

Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children (activity centers, all rooms of the group)

Working with parents




Educational activities in regime moments

Tuesday –144..03.2017


Physical development,


social and communicative,


artistic and aesthetic.

Morning gymnastics.

Conversation on the topic “If you are kind” (to form an idea of ​​​​justice in children, in the group all children are equal).

Finger gymnastics "Friendship".

Individual work with the first subgroup of children - work in notebooks "Literacy"

Canteen duty.

Conversation on the topic "Learn to think and act in your own way."

Gaming activity: board games

C: to teach children to choose a game according to their interests.

Formation of elementary mathematical representations


Purpose: to continue to teach how to make tasks from pictures and symbols; systematize knowledge and skills to compose simple arithmetic problems; to improve the ability to correctly choose and formulate an arithmetic operation, find its result, give a detailed answer to the question of the problem.

Partial program "ROAD AND CHILD"



C: development of basic movements



work before bed

Remind roll up sleeves before washing, wash hands after using the toilet


Awakening gymnastics.

Acquaintance with fiction: L. Panteleev "The Big Wash"

Individual work with the second subgroup of children - work in notebooks "Literacy"

Tempering activities washing hands up to the elbow with cool water.

Purpose: to strengthen the protective properties of the body.

Independent work in the area of ​​art.

Cutting out appliqués, coloring pages



Day of the week




Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children (activity centers, all rooms of the group)

Working with parents




Educational activities in regime moments

Wednesday – 03/15/2017


Physical development,


social and communicative,


artistic and aesthetic.

Reception of children.

P / and "Zhmurki"

Mobile game "Water".

Weather observations.

Purpose: to teach children to describe natural phenomena.

D / and "It happens or not"

Games with a small designer

Purpose: to teach children to think about the content of their building, to develop design qualities.

Duty for classes: drawing.

Independent gaming activity - to develop communication skills, to promote the establishment of interpersonal relationships.

Direct educational activities


talk about the day of March 22 - the day of the spring equinox; continue to introduce folk omens; to teach to draw conclusions about relationships and interdependencies in nature, to observe plants and animals; pay attention to the features of the appearance of birds associated with different habitats; show the multicolor and diversity of the world;


Purpose: to develop the ability to work with a brush without preliminary drawing, to mix paints on a palette; cultivate an attentive and caring attitude towards nature.

Musical: according to the plan of music. leader


№ 3

work before bed

KGN Strengthen the ability to neatly fold clothes before going to bed, turn out the sleeves of shirts and dresses, straighten clothes, carefully place shoes


Wellness exercises after sleep, walking along massage paths

Purpose: to consolidate the ability to jump.

Individual work

in notebooks "Literacy"

C: continue to get acquainted with letters and sounds.

Group work:

Repair boxes, glue books

Role-playing game "Beauty Salon": the plot "Masks and Baths".

Goals: to form the playing skills of children; continue to teach children to independently determine the plot, distribute roles ..



Day of the week




Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children (activity centers, all rooms of the group)

Working with parents




Educational activities in regime moments

Thursday – 09.03.2017


Physical development,


social and communicative,


artistic and aesthetic.

Morning gymnastics.

board game "Good-Bad"

C: to learn to distinguish between good and bad deeds.

Remember finger gymnastics: “At the edge”, “Cooks”

C: train memory.

P / game "Hit the target."

Purpose: to develop the eye, the accuracy of the throw.

Formation of cultural and hygienic skills (teach children to cover their mouth with a handkerchief or turn away when coughing and sneezing).

Role-playing game "Kindergarten":


"Classes in kindergarten."

Purpose: to form the playing skills of children;

Individual conversations at the end of the day

Direct educational activities



C: to consolidate the skills of counting objects;



C: to teach to portray a simple episode from a fairy tale; to develop the ability to convey the structure of the figure of a person and an animal, the proportions of their bodies, the relationship in size between a person and an animal; develop figurative representations, imagination.

Musical: Listening to musical works: M. Glinka "Children's Polka".


№ 12

work before bed

Reading fiction: chapters from A. Volkov's book "The Wizard of the Emerald City".


Acquaintance with fiction: Sasha Cherny's poem "Wolf".

Individual work with a subgroup of children - work in notebooks


Self-service: exercise "Changing room" (teach children to undress neatly and quickly).

Develop independence.

Game activities for the interests of children.

Working in the corner of the book: an overview of modern children's magazines



Day of the week


Educational areas

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children (activity centers, all rooms of the group)

Working with parents




Educational activities in regime moments

Friday -03.03.2017


Physical development,


social and communicative,


artistic and aesthetic.

Morning gymnastics.

P / and "Sorcerers"

Fix the names of the spring months, repeat the signs of spring.

Individual work

D / game "The fourth extra".

Purpose: to teach children to see an extra object, to prove the correctness of their judgment.

Situational conversation "Rules of behavior in a group."

Purpose: to cultivate the ability to maintain order in a group

Independent activities of children free games under the supervision of a teacher, direct games to the development of the plot.

Individual conversations at the end of the day.

Direct educational activities



C: to consolidate the ability to view the picture (V. M. Vasnetsov "Bogatyrs"), listen to the story; learn to write a story from a picture


C: to practice the ability to use a brush, mix paints.

Physical Culture № 3

Target: Repeat exercises in running for speed, game tasks with jumps and the ball.



work before bed

Reading fiction at the request of children


Awakening gymnastics.

P / and "Traps"

Weather observations (compare the weather in the morning, afternoon and evening)

Exercise Nikita K.

jumping forward

Invite the children to put things in order in the play corner before leaving home: for boys - neatly fold the building material, for girls - put things in order in the puppet corner

Games with building material: buildings by design.

Any activity in preschool educational institution requires careful distribution of content over time. This principle of organizing the educational process is implemented using various types of planning, including a daily lesson plan. Its compilation, having a standard structure, requires correlating the methods of solving educational problems with the psychological and pedagogical characteristics of a particular age group. Let's dwell on the intricacies of writing a daily plan for the older group (children 5–6 years old).

What is the purpose of planning

In order to understand the essence of the process of drawing up a daily plan, it is necessary to clarify the content of the concept of planning educational activities in a preschool educational institution (DOE) as a whole. The purpose of planning is the pedagogical modeling of methods of interaction with children.

Without planning, it is impossible to organize effective interaction with children

Planning principles

When drawing up planning in kindergarten, teachers are guided by the requirements defined by the Federal State Educational Standard (FGOS).

  1. Planning should be made taking into account the principle of developmental education, which implies the choice of educational material that would correspond to the age, as well as the level of cognitive, physical and emotional-volitional development of children.
  2. The content of the educational route displayed in the plan must be sufficient and complete.
  3. The scientific validity of the plan should be combined with the possibilities of its implementation in practice, that is, the topics of the educational and educational process should be practical for children.
  4. Each type of activity in the aspect of studying a particular topic should be comprehended in a teaching, developing and educational context.
  5. All educational areas presented in the plan (cognition, social and communicative development, etc.) must be combined, that is, integrated.
  6. Any type of planning is based on the principle of a comprehensive construction of the educational process.
  7. In planning the immediate educational activities and regime moments, it is necessary to include various forms of interaction between adults and children, children among themselves, as well as teachers and parents.
  8. The game form of interaction in planning is defined as a priority.

Types of planning in kindergarten

Depending on the scale of the goals and objectives that are implemented in the educational process, there are several types of plans.

  1. Long-term planning is a grouping of forms and methods of working with children, which is developed for a year, quarter or month. The object of planning in this case is all the topics of the program in different educational areas: gaming, social and communicative, cognitive research, labor, creative and productive. A long-term plan allows you to correlate hours for studying a specific topic within each of the educational areas.
  2. Calendar planning. It is compiled for each type of activity for a week.
  3. Calendar-thematic planning. It involves the distribution of activities on separate topics for each of the areas of the educational process. For example, a calendar-thematic plan for visual activity, speech development, etc. With the help of such a plan, the teacher has the opportunity to clarify all the details of the work on the topic of a particular educational direction.
  4. Block planning. It is a kind of calendar-thematic plan, with the only difference that the topics in it are grouped into blocks. For example, in the block "Wild Animals" in the course of familiarization with environment V senior group includes topics: "Animals of the desert", "Underwater world", "Animals of the taiga", etc.
  5. Complex-thematic planning. It implies an indication of the types of activities in educational areas within the framework of the consideration of one (!) topic.
  6. Daily calendar-thematic planning (daily plan). It involves a list of activities for each day in different educational areas at the stages of familiarization, development and consolidation of knowledge, skills and abilities acquired on a particular topic. That is, the object of the plan is a fragment of the educational process on a particular day. If we compare the daily and comprehensive plans, then the first one is more detailed. Meanwhile, when drawing up a daily plan, the teacher is still guided by the individual needs of each child.

The last type of plan is the most detailed, so we will dwell on the intricacies of its preparation in more detail.

This is interesting. Any type of plan can be presented in a detailed version, that is, with a description of the goals and objectives for each specific type of activity. And yet the definition of "deployed" is most often referred to as daily.

Daily planning helps to see a holistic picture of the educational process on a particular day

Daily plan: the essence of the concept

The daily plan of educational activities in the preschool educational institution is an early determination of the sequence of practical implementation educational program on a certain day, as well as a list of conditions, means for work and forms, methods of interaction between the teaching staff and children and their parents.

Goals and objectives of creating a daily plan

A daily calendar-thematic plan is needed for:

  • a clear formulation of the goals and objectives of the educational process in the development of individual stages of a specific topic;
  • a reasonable choice of the content and forms of organization of cooperation with children with the definition of a list of necessary funds;
  • substantiation of the forecast of results pedagogical activity specialist, as well as the work of a group of children and each child separately.

As we can see, the mission of drawing up a daily plan is the same for all kindergarten groups. However, the tasks for its implementation are determined by the age of the children. For the senior group it is:

  • emphasis on independent activities of children (in senior preschool age children are able to perform more and more actions either on their own or with minimal help from an adult, for example, to carry out labor assignments - sweep, water flowers);
  • active formation of ethical ideas about the world (at the same time, in the older group, both the actions of an adult and his words are significant, which was not observed in middle group);
  • expanding the range of creative possibilities with the help of assignments for the practical implementation of fantasies in various visual materials (paints, plasticine, etc.);
  • drawing up an idea of ​​​​the effectiveness of work in a group using game means of interaction between parents and children, children and children, children and teachers;
  • satisfaction of the need for active curiosity through games and conversation.

Requirements for making a plan for the day

GEF defines the basic principles for drawing up a plan.

  1. Establishment of the framework of the optimal teaching load. Considering that slightly less than half, 40% of the time a child spends in kindergarten is time for free activities.
  2. When drawing up a plan for the day, it is necessary to take into account medical and hygienic requirements for the duration of direct educational activities in order to optimize the educational process for a particular baby.
  3. The presence in terms of activities for emotional relaxation and mood enhancement, for example, a summer disco, games.
  4. Close contact with parents.

The daily plan includes a description of the methods of interaction with children, not only in the process of direct educational activities, but also when performing regime moments

Methodological techniques used in the daily plan

In working with preschoolers, the teacher uses four groups of methodological techniques, reflecting the essence and expediency of using each of them in a daily plan.

Group of verbal tricks

For older preschoolers, the word plays an important role in shaping their speech image, developing the ability to build logical monologues and appropriate dialogue replicas. All this is achieved due to the perception of the language pattern, which adults act as.


Whatever type of activity the children are involved in, they need to describe all the stages of work in detail. Moreover, even if we are talking about repetition (for example, gymnastics in verse for a physical education break), the procedure for performing actions should be briefly recalled. In the older group, the practice of explaining the sequence of performing any task by the children themselves is being actively introduced. For example, if the children have to glue an application from blanks of geometric shapes, a child who remembers the name of geometric shapes well can explain the progress of the task.


In the older group, you can even build explanations in the form of a conversation. In this case, children, on leading questions from an adult, draw up an algorithm of actions (for example, about the rules for watering flowers in a group).

In addition, after working on any literary work it is necessary to organize a conversation on questions. So, after studying the poem by E. Serova "Lily of the Valley", I invite my students to answer the following questions:

  • "When was the lily of the valley born?";
  • “What, according to the author, does the lily of the valley look like?”;
  • "Do you agree that lilies of the valley look like bluebells?"

This is interesting. Questions on the content of the work should be selected not only of a reproductive, but also of a problematic nature in order to teach kids to think, analyze and draw conclusions.

Riddles and poems

Traditionally, these verbal tricks are great ways to motivate kids to work. First of all, rhyming lines distract children from the type of activity they are engaged in. this moment, and also unite pupils with a common cause: solving riddles or listening to a poem. Moreover, riddles also awaken a healthy sense of excitement in kids: to give an answer faster than their comrades. All this allows you to include children in the work and update their basic knowledge.

In his practice, when studying the topic " Human body»In the classes on familiarization with the outside world, I offer the guys the following riddles:

  • Brother and brother live across the path, But they don't see each other. (Eyes);
  • Always in your mouth, not swallowed. (Language);
    Here is a mountain, and near the mountain - Two deep holes. Air roams in these burrows: It comes in, it goes out. (Nose).

Solving riddles awakens a healthy passion in children, which motivates them to work further.

It is convenient to anticipate the execution of regime moments with poetic lines. I use them, for example, as a preparation for hygiene procedures:

  • The tap was opened - Chick, Chick! Washed hands - Chic, chic! Let some water run - S-s-s! We will wash the face - S-s-s! We rub our hands with soap, We get wet with a towel. Here are clean hands, clap a little.
  • You enter home from the street - First of all, my hands. And, of course, on the doorstep Wipe your feet on the rug.

fairy tales

Entertaining stories, composed, as they say, on the go, fit well both at the stage of introduction to the topic and to consolidate the material, for example, as the basis for a conversation. For example, when studying the topic "Underwater World", I build the structure of the lesson on familiarization with the outside world on the topic "Underwater World" on the plot of the fairy tale "How Gold fish saved the sea. “In one sea lived a cheerful Golden Fish. She had many friends, but most often she played with Turtle and Crab. And then one day a shadow covered their beloved sea. The fish did not know what to do, ran to the Crab - he was the smartest inhabitant of the sea. And Crab explained that an oil tanker was passing through their sea, and part of the oil spilled onto the water. But oil, though important product, on the water it gives a film that does not allow air to pass through, which means that soon the inhabitants of the depths will die, because they will not be able to breathe. Only bacteria from pink shells living on the other side of the sea can help. Then Rybka decided that she should swim to the shells and save her sea. With great difficulty she found these shells, dragged them to the oil slick. Her friends by this point had already begun to suffocate. Bacteria from pink shells quickly ate the nasty stain, and all the inhabitants of the sea were able to breathe normally again.”

After listening to the fairy tale, we talk with the children on the following questions:

  • "Why did the inhabitants of the sea almost die?";
  • "Who saved them and how?";
  • “How do you understand what a careful attitude to water bodies, nature is?”.

When using this verbal technique, it is important to remember that:

  • fairy tales should not be long, otherwise it will distract the kids from the essence of the lesson;
  • the number of characters should be limited to 2-3 heroes, otherwise it will be difficult for children to track the role of each of them;
  • plot development should be limited to 1-2 turns;
  • fairy tales need to be accompanied by pictures, you can tell the story from the perspective of a toy character.


In the older group, many children already know how to read, so in order to develop their independence in the classroom, it is worth introducing the method of reading short notes on the topic. In addition, it will motivate the rest of the guys to master such an important "adult" skill.

Reading passages should not be too long.

Tongue Twisters

This method of working with children can be used as:

  • one of the activities in the classroom for the development of speech;
  • exercise option.

In older preschool age, tongue twisters on:

  • delimitation of paired consonants (“In the pond near Polycarp Three crucians and three carps);
  • practicing sonorous sounds (“There is no catch from a lazy fisherman”);
  • pronunciation training for hissing and whistling (Mature, hard cheese is beautiful. Unripe cheese is not tasty, sir.);
  • pronunciation individual sounds(“Valerik ate a dumpling, and Valyushka ate a cheesecake”).

Group of visual techniques

The perception of the world through the visual channel is the leading one for children aged 5–6. Therefore, it is impossible to do without visibility in working with kids.

  1. Pictures are used to illustrate information or activities.
  2. Toys can be used as a means to facilitate the presentation and perception of the material: children more easily remember the sequence of actions or a block of information if they are presented on behalf of the character.
  3. To work out gaming, creative tasks, one should not forget about the demonstration. The essence of this technique is to present a sequence of actions by the teacher or show a video on the topic.

Video: a set of exercises for charging in the older group ("Ant", "Butterfly", "Worm", "Beetle", "Dragonfly")

Practice Group

These ways of interacting with children are introduced to:

  • systematization of the studied material into final stage classes;
  • repetition organization;
  • working with parents.

Practical comprehension of the material can be in the format:

  • drawings;
  • applications;
  • crafts.

Any of these types of work can be presented in the form of a project. For example, with our pupils and their parents, we are preparing crafts on the theme “Mysterious Space”, defending which the children will have to tell what and why they decided to take as a basis.

When performing creative tasks, children memorize material faster


This practical technique is actively used in working with the older group, as it allows you to introduce kids to the heuristic way of obtaining knowledge: the guys themselves extract useful information, and the teacher only helps to systematize and generalize it. In addition, observation can be used to organize children for a walk.

Table: file of observations on a walk in the older group (fragments)

Transport surveillance
  • enrich knowledge of terrestrial species public transport;
  • form a holistic view of the functions of buses.
Children watch the movement of public transport, the order of actions of the driver at stops. They also discuss the purpose of public transport.
Dandelion watching
  • continue acquaintance with medicinal plants;
  • learn to collect medicinal herbs;
  • develop respect for nature.
During the study of poems and songs, children get acquainted with the main characteristics of dandelions. Learn how to pick flowers and herbs correctly.
Ant watching
  • broaden your understanding of appearance ants, as well as the features of their behavior in the autumn period of time.
Children observe and comment on the behavior of ants with each other.
Note: this topic can be comprehended by another visual technique - the creation of drawings "The ant is a forest worker."

Observation in the older group is one of the priority options for organizing a walk

Group of game techniques

The daily plan necessarily includes all types of games practiced in the preschool educational institution.

Educational (didactic) games

These games are for:

  • acquaintance with new information;
  • development and consolidation of acquired knowledge, skills and abilities.

Didactic games according to daily planning can be:

  • focused on the essence represented by game actions;
  • based on the material used in the game.

Table: types of didactic games for daily planning in the older group

ViewNameGoalsmaterial, essence
Content focused games
logical"Chicken Family"
  • consolidate knowledge of geometric shapes;
  • develop logical thinking.
Children receive templates depicting animal families (chickens, pigs) and cut out geometric figures different sizes. The task of the kids is to decompose the figures into the contours of animals, selecting the size of a “family member” (for example, a large pig is a large oval, a small pig is a small oval, etc.).
verbal"Who lives where"
  • expand children's ideas about the dwellings of insects and animals;
  • enrich vocabulary;
  • to consolidate the use of the prepositional case form in speech with the preposition c.
The teacher throws the ball and asks a question in turn to each of the children standing in a circle. The child catches the ball by answering the question, and then returns the ball. For example, “Who lives in a hole?” -Fox. "Who lives in the lair?" -Wolf.
touch"Call by Part"To practice the skill of composing an image from parts and vice versa, decomposing the whole into parts.Children put together pictures from individual parts (for example, wheels, body, cab - truck). Then they talk about the purpose of each element.
Musical"What Sounds"
  • learn to correlate sound with a musical instrument;
  • develop ear and sense of rhythm.
The teacher behind the screen plays a musical instrument, and the children guess what it sounds like.
Material oriented games
desktop printing"Fairy tales"Learn to determine the sequence of the plot from the pictures.Children receive sets of cards depicting plot pictures of the studied fairy tales. Objective: Arrange the illustrations in the correct order.
Playing with objectsThese are games with natural materials. For example, count the number of chestnuts in bowls and compare which one has less, which one has more.
InteractiveGames with the use of computer technology. For example, "Secrets of the Forest": children plant trees, having previously correlated a set of seedlings with those plants that are indicated in the task.

Outdoor games

With the help of the games of this group, the teacher not only solves the problems of implementing health-saving methods of work, but also does not allow children to get bored, that is, to go into a passive state. As a rule, outdoor games are the prerogative of classes on a walk.

Table: types of outdoor games for the daily plan in the older group

Practiced skill/skillName of the gameGoalsGame progress
Running in different directions, jumping"Sly Fox"
  • to exercise children in running in all directions;
  • train endurance and observation.
Children stand at a short distance from each other blindfolded. The teacher touches the back of one of the participants, thus appointing a fox. Children take off their bandages and ask three times who the fox is. The fox must not give herself away. Then the fox goes to the center, the children scatter, and she catches them.
Spatial orientation"Owl"
  • practice running in different directions;
  • to train the ability not to collide;
  • learn to act on the signal of the driver.
Children-"mice" run around the playground. At the signal "night" they freeze in the position in which the signal caught them. The “owl” flies out, looks who moves, takes him to him. At the signal “day”, the “owl” flies away, the “mice” scatter again.
Formation of a sense of balance"Carousel"
  • develop a sense of balance;
  • practice directional running.
The teacher is standing in a hula hoop with ribbons tied to it. Children hold on to these ribbons, and the teacher, moving in a circle, changes the pace of movement. Children must move at the same pace.
Ability to imitate"Ocean is shaking"
  • learn to repeat the movements of the leader;
  • develop attention.
Children stand in designated circles and perform any movements. The driver walks between the players, periodically puts his hand on the participant’s shoulder and, at the signal “The sea is worried,” performs a movement that the player needs to repeat. In this case, the driver takes the player away from the circle. At the signal “The sea is calm”, the participant must run to his circle. If he did not have time, then he becomes the driver.
Development of attention"Tram"
  • develop attention, visual perception;
  • review knowledge of traffic signals.
The guys, holding on to a rope or ribbon, line up in a column in twos. For different color signs of the traffic light, which the teacher changes, the “tram” either moves, slows down, or stops.
Practicing climbing, crawling"Through the hoops to the flag"
  • train the skill of climbing into the hoop from below and from above;
  • develop speed of movement.
There are two hoops in front of each participant in the middle of the platform. On a signal, the children run to them, they climb under one from below - they put them on the floor, they climb under the other from above - they put them on the first one. They run the rest of the distance, raise the flags. Who is faster - he won.
Agility training"Take it fast"Develop the ability to quickly respond to a game situation.Children walk or run around different objects, which are one less than the children. At the signal of the teacher, they raise one subject at a time. Whoever doesn't get it is out.

When planning a game, you need to take care of preparing the necessary equipment

Theatrical games

This type of activity can be included in the daily work plan of the senior group in several ways:

  • role-playing games, that is, kids play out everyday situations, based on personal experience(at the doctor's, at the hairdresser's, etc.);
  • dramatizations, where children perform game actions at the direction of the director (teacher or friend acting as a guide in the game), for example, participation in matinees, skits based on studied works;
  • director's games, in which children determine the order of performing game tasks on their own, based on the content they invented (for example, they save animals from frost on figurines for a flannelograph, placing them in suitable houses;
  • finger games - exercises for development fine motor skills as part of the work aimed at stimulating the speech centers.

The process of developing a daily plan

The technology of drawing up a daily calendar-thematic plan implies that the teacher will take into account the following points:

  • describes the types of work during the regime moments in the morning, afternoon and after a day's sleep;
  • the design meets the aesthetic requirements for the preparation of such documents (literacy, accuracy, as well as compliance with accepted standards for the design of daily plans in a particular kindergarten, for example, on separate A4 sheets, in a barn book, etc.);
  • planning displays the principle of correlation of emotional, intellectual and physical activity(for example, if there is a physical education class in the morning, then after a daytime sleep you should not plan active species activities - mobile or theatrical games);
  • the content of teaching and educational material should gradually become more complex;
  • kids should be involved in different types of activity;
  • to work out the topics, it is necessary to involve all groups of techniques used in working with preschoolers.

Stages of drawing up a daily calendar-thematic plan

Traditionally, daily planning includes six stages of the implementation of the educational process.

Staying in kindergarten should be productive, that is, be beneficial for the physical, intellectual and emotional-volitional development of the child

Table: features of daily planning for the middle group

StageGoalsWork principles
MorningCreating an emotionally comfortable atmosphere in the group
  1. All activities should be familiar to the children.
  2. Mandatory study of the complex of morning exercises.
  3. Activities are planned based on the needs of children (games, communication, individual work, etc.).
  4. Any activity should not last longer than 15-20 minutes.
  5. Activities that require lengthy preparation, for example, making applications, crafts, are not planned for the morning.
  6. Long-term games (role-playing, construction) are also not included in the list of types of work.
  7. Labor activity with the use of piercing and cutting objects is not included in the list of activities in the morning.
  1. A brief record of the topic of the lesson.
  2. A detailed description of the triune goal of each lesson (teaching, developing and educational).
  3. Indication of integrable areas: the main one is written first, and then the accompanying ones in brackets.
  4. Indication of facilities and equipment for each lesson.
  5. Description of goals didactic games.
  • providing active, diverse activities;
  • removal of fatigue.
  1. If before the walk there was a dynamic activity (physical education, choreography), then you need to start with observation (weather, transport, people's activities, etc.). If before going outside there was a static lesson (speech development, mathematics), then we start with a sports game.
  2. Mandatory elements of a walk in the middle group are an outdoor game, observation, work (in pairs or small groups), conversations on the education of moral qualities, as well as individual work.
Reading fiction
  • expanding horizons;
  • education of literary taste;
  • encouragement to learn to read.
  1. The text can be combined with excerpts from cartoons, if there is such an opportunity for a particular work.
  2. Reading passages should not be too long.
  3. After completing the reading, children are asked 3-4 questions of a reproductive and problematic nature.
Education of cultural and hygienic skillsThis block includes:
  • hand washing;
  • table manners;
  • undressing, dressing;
  • self-service.

If there is such a practice in kindergarten, then tempering activities are included in this block.

EveningGive a positive emotional charge to visit the garden tomorrow.This planning phase includes activities such as:
  • all types of games (didactic, mobile, theatrical) with the involvement of new toys;
  • holidays and entertainment (held once a week);
  • learning poems, songs;
  • labor activity (for example, watering flowers, cleaning toys);
  • individual work;
  • reading;
  • interaction with parents;
  • walk (is an alternative to any other activity in evening time, as it is possible only in good weather).

How to make a daily plan

Standardly, the daily calendar-thematic plan includes:

  • a title page showing the name of the kindergarten, the names of the teacher and the person accepting and approving the plan;
  • list of children in the group;
  • list of types of work with families of pupils;
  • schedule of teaching and educational classes for the week;
  • list of classes for 7 days;
  • a list of classes for each day with an indication of the date of the event;
  • a list of types of joint activities with the teacher;
  • list of types of independent work;
  • a plan for carrying out exercises, as well as physical exercises, breathing and finger exercises.

Table: an example of drawing up a daily plan in the older group (fragments)

Date of:
April 10 ("Nature around us")
communication development
cognitive developmentSpeech developmentArtistic and aesthetic developmentPhysical development
First half
Forms of organization
  • conversation: "How I spent the weekend";
  • didactic game: "Find a plant."
Slide presentation: "What grows and where?"Conversation: "Let's talk about the weather this weekend."
  • morning exercises;
  • gymnastics to strengthen the muscles of the eyes "Butterflies".
Independent activityWorking with the calendar of nature Coloring pages on the theme: "Nature and us"
educational activities
9:00 – 9:20 drawing
(composition "Spring Forest");
9:35 – 10:00 a.m. physical education according to a specialist’s plan
16:20 - 16:45 music (according to the specialist's plan).
spatial development
cabbage soup
for support
Slide presentations: “What grows in the forest?”, “Who lives in the forest?”, coloring books on the topic, books: E. Serova “Lily of the Valley”, E. Serova “Dandelion”. Attributes for games.
Second half
and independent
Forms of organization
KGN: strengthening the skills to dress neatly, wash, neatly make the bed.Slide presentation: "Who lives in the forest?"Reading: E. Serova "Lily of the Valley", E. Serova "Dandelion"Examination of the painting by P. Yablonovsky "Spring".
  • Gymnastics after sleep;
  • outdoor games "Sun and rain", "Flowers and wind".
Independent activity Coloring pages on the theme: "Nature and us."
April 11 ("Nature of the native land")
Speech developmentArtistic
First half
Forms of organization
Conversations about relationships in nature: "Find a plant", "Find what I will describe."
  • slide presentation "Forest";
  • mini-conversation "What are forests?" (coniferous, deciduous).
Word games: "Describe the subject"
  • morning exercises;
  • p / and "Plants", "Gardener"; finger games: "Our scarlet flowers."
Independent activity Constructor freehand drawing
educational activities
15:15 – 15:40
The world:
"What Surrounds Us"
11:05 – 11:25
11:35 – 12:00
Development of speech;
Teaching storytelling on the topic "My favorite cartoon".
Physical training
according to the specialist's plan
spatial development
cabbage soup
for support
Attributes for didactic games, desktop-printed, stencils.
Slide presentations on the topic.
View educational cartoons on the topic.
Second half
and independent
Forms of organization
KGN: strengthening the skills to dress quickly and neatly, make the bed.
  • viewing the slide presentation "Meadow";
  • familiarity with the rules of nature conservation.
Word games: "Describe a flower"Collage "Flower Kingdom".Exercise after sleep
Independent activityWe'll help set the table.
  • constructor;
  • board-printed games, mosaics, puzzles.
freehand drawingP / and by choice

Daily planning is the organizing beginning in working with children. With the help of such a plan, the teacher not only distributes the forms of interaction with children between types of activity, but also gets the opportunity to diversify the set of methodological tools. As for the latter, it is important to take into account the psychological and pedagogical characteristics of a particular age category of children. Subject to this requirement, the educational process in the preschool educational institution becomes as productive as possible in order to achieve educational goals.

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Prospective (approximate complex-thematic) planning of work in the senior group was compiled on the basis of the educational program edited by N.E. Veraksy, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva "From birth to school". In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, such planning allows the educator to integrate various forms work and educational areas for the comprehensive development of the personality of a preschooler.

According to current trends in the education system, the teacher has the opportunity to creatively organize the process of education and training. In this regard, the long-term plan in the senior group contains a list of tasks corresponding to a certain thematic period, as well as program content implemented in the course of educational activities.

Building the educational process around one topic for 2-3 weeks allows you to maximize the potential of children and achieve the best results, as well as ensure the development of children in accordance with their individual capabilities.

Volume of educational load

According to the program "From Birth to School", the volume of the educational load per day does not exceed 50 minutes, the teacher has the opportunity to organize educational activities at a time convenient for him and the children, focusing on the program content and theme of the period. Long-term planning in the senior group reflects the tasks of educational activities:

  • physical culture 2 times a week indoors, 1 time outdoors,
  • familiarization with the outside world 2 times a month,
  • familiarization with nature 2 times a month,
  • formation of elementary mathematical representations once a week,
  • speech development 2 times a week,
  • drawing 2 times a week,
  • sculpting 1 time in two weeks,
  • application 1 time in two weeks,
  • music 2 times a week.

When planning work in the older group, it must be taken into account that the block of interaction between an adult and children in various types of activities contains constructive modeling, play, cognitive research activities and reading fiction.

Activities aimed at consolidating the material proposed in the course of educational activities are reflected in the calendar plan for the senior group and correspond to five educational areas: social and communicative development, cognitive development, speech development, artistic and aesthetic and physical development. The schedule week topics correspond to the week topics and thematic periods presented in advanced planning for .

The long-term plan is approximate and can be changed in accordance with the characteristics of the region, the preschool institution and the specifics of the educational program.

When drawing up the plan, the following literature was used:

  • Approximate complex-thematic planning for the program "From birth to school" senior group, for classes with children 5-6 years old. Corresponds to GEF, ed. 2016
  • Approximate general education program preschool education"From birth to school" edited by N.E. Veraksy, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva, complies with GEF, ed. year 2014.

Read a fragment of the long-term plan

Theme of the weekPeriod tasksProgram content implemented in the course of educational activitiesWorking with parents
September, 1 weekDevelop cognitive motivation in children,
interest in school, books. form friendships,
friendly relations between children.
Continue to acquaint with kindergarten as
the child's immediate social environment.
Form generalized ideas about
autumn as a season, adaptability
plants and animals to changes in nature,
phenomena of nature. Form primary
ideas about ecosystems, natural areas.
Expand understanding of inanimate nature.
Acquaintance with the outside world
Show children the social significance of kindergarten. To form the concept that kindergarten employees should be thanked for their care, respect their work, treat it with care.
Refinement of children's knowledge in the field of mathematics by means of didactic games.
Speech development 1
To give children the opportunity to feel proud that they are now older preschoolers. Remind them of what they do in speech development classes.
Speech development 2
Recall with children the names of Russian folk tales, introduce them to a new work.
Drawing 1
Continue to develop imaginative thinking and perception, learn to reflect the impressions received in the summer in the drawing. To consolidate the ability to draw various trees, bushes and flowers. To fix the ability to place the image on the strip at the bottom of the sheet. Learn to evaluate your drawings and the drawings of others.
Drawing 2
To acquaint children with watercolors, their features. Learn how to work with watercolor (wet paint before painting, dilute paint with water to get different shades of color, etc.).
To consolidate the ability to convey the shape of various vegetables in modeling. Learn to compare the shape of vegetables with geometric shapes, find similarities and differences. Learn to convey in modeling the characteristic features of each vegetable, using the techniques of rolling, smoothing and pulling, to develop fine motor skills.
To acquaint children with the concept of "knowledge", to give the idea that in music classes they also gain knowledge about music, composers, learn to sing, dance. Raise interest in learning, develop a desire to participate in a conversation.
Physical culture indoors
Exercise in walking and running in a column one at a time, in loose running, in maintaining a stable balance, in jumping forward and throwing the ball.
Physical culture in the air
Exercise children in building in columns, repeat the exercises in balance and jumping.
Setting up a parent's corner
Theme "Knowledge Day". Getting to know the families
pupils, survey. Informing
parents about the course of the educational process:
days open doors, individual
counseling. Parent meeting,
introduction to wellness activities
in DOW. Recommendations for home reading.
September, 2 weeksTo expand children's knowledge about autumn,
plants and animals of the forest in autumn
period, berries. Pin views
about how cooling and shrinking
the length of the day is life changing
plants, animals and humans. Meet
children with how some animals are prepared
to winter (frogs, lizards, turtles, hedgehogs, bears
hibernate, hares molt, some birds
(geese, ducks, cranes) fly away to warmer climes).
Continue to introduce agricultural
professions. Consolidate knowledge of the rules
safe behavior in nature.
Acquaintance with nature
Expand your understanding of diversity flora, talk about the species diversity of forests: deciduous, coniferous, mixed. Learn to name distinctive features trees and shrubs.
Strengthen counting skills within 5, the ability to form the number 5 based on a comparison of two groups of objects expressed by neighboring numbers 4 and 5. Improve the ability to distinguish and name flat and three-dimensional geometric shapes (circle, square, triangle, rectangle; ball, cube, cylinder) . Clarify ideas about the sequence of parts of the day: morning, afternoon, evening, night.
Speech development 1
Help children make a plan for retelling a fairy tale; learn to retell a fairy tale, adhering to the plan.
Speech development 2
Sound culture of speech: differentiation sounds s-s. Exercise children in the distinct pronunciation of sounds z-s and their differentiation; introduce the shorthand.
Drawing 1
To teach children to create a fabulous image, draw branchy trees, conveying the branching of the crown of fruit trees; depict a lot of "golden" apples. To consolidate the ability to draw with paints (rinse the brush well before picking up paint of a different color, blot the brush on a napkin, do not paint on wet paint). Develop aesthetic perception, a sense of composition. Learn to beautifully arrange images on a sheet.
Drawing 2
Learn to reflect autumn impressions in the drawing, draw a variety of trees, depict trees, grass, leaves in different ways. Fix the techniques of work with a brush and paints.
Preparation of brochures and information
sheets for parents on the theme of the week.
Informing parents about progress
educational process, recommendations
for home reading. Recommendations
parents on the selection of musical
pieces to listen to with children.
Involvement in joint observations of
seasonal changes. Photo report or
presentation "How our family is resting in the forest."