Methodological association for the development of speech. RMO of teachers of the preschool educational institution of the Oktyabrsky district "speech development"

Effective techniques for the formation of coherent speech of preschoolers.

Speech at the methodological association of educators.

Solving the problem of the formation of coherent speech is a hot topic in preschool age. To date, figurative, rich in synonyms, additions and descriptions of speech in children preschool age is a very rare occurrence.

So, what difficulties and why does the child experience when building a coherent story?

The child must learn to highlight the most important thing in the story, consistently state the main actions and events.

Today, there are many methods by which you can regulate the process of development of coherent speech in children. I'll tell you about syncwine and mnemotables. I worked with them. And in my classes I saw positive result their actions.

Famous Russian teacher, writerK. D. Ushinsky wrote:

“Teach a child some five words unknown to him - he will suffer for a long time and in vain, but connect twenty such words with pictures, and he will learn on the fly.”

Since visual material is better absorbed by preschoolers, the use ofmnemotables in the classroom for the development of coherent speech, allows childrenmore efficientperceive and process visual information. Applicationmimic diagrams, helps the child to enrich a coherent statement.

Mnemonics - translated from Greek -"the art of memory". This is the systemmethods and techniquesthat ensure successful memorization, preservation and reproduction of information, knowledge about the features of natural objects, about the world around,efficientremembering the structure of the story, and, of course,speech development.

essencemimic diagramslies innext: a picture is invented for each word or small phrase(image) ; thus, all text is sketched schematically. Looking at these diagrams - drawings, the child easily reproduces textual information.

To Work withmnemonic tablesbetter to start with middle group. Although already in younger age we use the simplest patterns of dressing, washing, building a pyramid, etc.

All work is built from simple to complex. You need to start with the simplestmnemonic squares, successively go tomimic tracks, and later tomnemonic tables., becausechildrenremain in memoryimages: herringbone - green, berry - red. Later - to complicate or replace with another screensaver - to depict the character in a graphical form.For example: fox - composed of orange geometric shapes(triangle and circle, bear - big brown circle, etc.) forchildrenFor older schemes, it is desirable to draw in one color so as not to draw attention to the brightness of symbolic images.

Where can you use flashcards?

for enrichment vocabulary,

when teaching storytelling,

when retelling fiction,

in work with pure tongue twisters and tongue twisters;

when guessing and guessing riddles,

when learning poetry.

What steps do you think the work on usingmnemotable?

Stage 1: Examining the table and analyzing what is shown on it.

Stage 2: Information is being recoded, i.e., the transformation from abstract symbols into images.

Stage 3: After recoding, a retelling of a fairy tale or a story on a given topic is carried out.

IN junior groups ah with the help of a teacher, in the older ones - children should be able to do this on their own.


atchildrenthe range of knowledge about the world around is increasing;

there is a desire to retell texts, to invent interesting stories;

there is an interest in memorizing poems and nursery rhymes;

vocabulary expands to more high level;

children overcome shyness, shyness, learn to freely stand in front of an audience.

Therefore, the sooner we learnchildrentell or retell usingmnemonics method, the better we prepare them for school, since coherent speech is an important indicator of a child’s mental abilities and his readiness for schooling.

I propose to work in subgroups - to compile a mnemonic table on the topic "Winter" for middle-aged children, older and preparatory group. Complete the task within 3 minutes, at the end of the work, each subgroup presents its table to all colleagues.

Everyone worked creatively, correctly compiled tables, I think you will agree with me mnemonics is one of effective ways development of coherent speech of preschoolers.

Let's move on to the next one.

What is cinquain? Sinkwines are often used modern educators for kindergarten and school lessons.

What does this unusual word mean?

Sinkwine is an unrhymed poem, which today is a pedagogical technique aimed at solving a specific problem.

Relatively recently, teachers began to use cinquain to activate cognitive activity and began to use it as a method of speech development.

Cinquain is a French word, translated means "a poem of five lines." The cinquain form was developed by the American poet Adelaide Crapsey.

To compose a syncwine, you need to learn how to find the main elements in the text, in the material, draw conclusions and conclusions, express your opinion, analyze, generalize, isolate, combine and summarize.

We can say that this is a flight of thought, free mini-creativity, subject to certain rules.

Rules for compiling syncwine:

The first line of the syncwine is a title, a topic, consisting of one word (usually a noun, meaning the subject or action in question).

The second line is two words. Adjectives. This is a description of the features of an object or its properties, revealing the theme of syncwine.

The third line usually consists of three verbs or gerunds that describe the actions of the subject.

The fourth line is a phrase or sentence consisting of several words that reflect the personal attitude of the author of the syncwine to what is said in the text.

The fifth line is the last. One word is a noun to express one's feelings, associations related to the subject, which is mentioned in the syncwine, that is, this is the author's personal expression to the topic or a repetition of the essence, a synonym.

It is assumed that with preschool children, strict adherence to the rules for compiling syncwine is not necessary.

It is possible that in the fourth line the sentence may consist of 3 to 5 words, and in the fifth line, instead of one word, there may be two words. Other parts of speech are also allowed.

An example of the syncwine "Our group".

our group

Cheerful, friendly

Learn, play, dance

Our favorite region

We are friendly!

In what cases can syncwine be used?

Is it possible to teach syncwines to children who still cannot read?

Why not? Of course you can. Children who are only learning letters and cannot read can be offered the oral compilation of a syncwine with interrogative words. About who about what? What, what, what? What did you do, what did you do? With the help of leading questions, children learn to highlight the main idea, answer questions and, according to a certain algorithm, create their own oral non-rhyming poems.

Sinkwine is one of the most effective methods for developing the speech of a preschooler

What is its effectiveness and significance?

First, its simplicity. Sinkwine can make everything.

Secondly, in compiling a syncwine, each child can realize his creative, intellectual capabilities.

Cinquain is a game technique.

Compiling a syncwine is used as the final task for the material covered.

Composing a syncwine is used to conduct reflection, analysis and synthesis of the information received.

Let's try to compose a syncwine "Children" together

What are they? (beautiful, mischievous)

What are they doing? (play, play pranks, delight)

A sentence about children, an aphorism or a proverb. (Flowers of our life.)

Associations that cause the word "children"? (happiness).

When compiling a syncwine with preschoolers, you need to remember that it is necessary to compile a syncwine only on topics well known to children and be sure to show a sample.

If compiling a syncwine is difficult, then you can help with leading questions.

You need to be prepared for the fact that not all children may like compiling a syncwine, because working on it requires a certain understanding, vocabulary, and the ability to express their thoughts. Therefore, it is necessary to help and encourage the desire of children to compose a syncwine or answer questions. Gradually, children will get used to the rules for writing non-rhyming poems, and their compilation will turn into a game. And imperceptibly for the children themselves, playing cinquain will become a fun and entertaining activity for them.

Conclusions about syncwine:

Sinkwine helps to replenish vocabulary.

Cinquain teaches short retelling.

Sinkwine teaches to find and highlight the main idea in a large amount of information.

Composing syncwine is a creative process. This interesting activity helps children express themselves through writing their own non-rhyming poems.

Everyone can compose a syncwine.

Sinkwine helps develop speech and thinking.

Sinkwine facilitates the process of assimilation of concepts and their content.

Sinkwine is also a way of control and self-control (children can compare sinkwine and evaluate them).

Tip: Make a piggy bank of syncwines with your child. According to poems, cartoons, read stories and fairy tales, situations from life ...

The problem of the formation of coherent speech in preschool age is a difficult task, but using effective methods and the techniques that we talked about today, we will be able to teach children coherently, consistently, grammatically correct, and creatively express their thoughts.

Thank you for your attention. All success in work!

1. Akimenko V.M. New pedagogical technologies: educational method.
allowance.- Rostov n/a; ed. Phoenix, 2008.
2. Akimenko V.M. Developing technologies in speech therapy. - Rostov n / a; ed.
Phoenix, 2011.
3. Akimenko V.M. Speech disorders in children. - Rostov n / a; ed. Phoenix,
4. Bannov A. Learning to think together: Materials for teacher training. —
M.: INTUIT.RU, 2007.
5. Dushka N. Sinkwein in work on the development of speech of preschoolers Journal
"Speech therapist", No. 5 (2005).

Electronic resources:
1. Mordvinova T. Sinkwain at the lesson of literature. Festival
pedagogical ideas "Open Lesson".

2. Writing syncwines and working with them. Elements of innovative
technologies. MedBio (Department of Medical Biology and Genetics, KSMU).

3. State budgetary educational institution of the city
Moscow center for psychological, medical and social support "Support" / ?i=2293 ( poleznayainformatsiya/spetsialistam.html ?task=show&id=363)

Irina Mikhailyuk
Speech at the regional methodological association from the experience of work on the topic "Fairytale therapy as a means of developing the speech of children"

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution combined type kindergarten No. 3 "Brook"

Speech at the regional methodological association for the development of speech from work experience

By topic: « fairy tale therapy, How a means of developing the speech of preschool children».



Mikhailyuk I. V

Vyksa urban district 2015

Dear Colleagues!

Allow me to bring to your attention a presentation on topic: « Fairy tale therapy as a means of developing the speech of preschoolers».

Own performance I want to start with the words of the children's writer Irina Tokmakova: “Who in childhood does not have fairy tales, he grows up as a dry, prickly man, and people bruise him like a stone lying on the road, and prick themselves like a sow-thistle leaf.

The very word TALE is oral, piece of art, predominantly of a prosaic, magical, adventurous or everyday nature, with a setting for fiction. Mastering the native language is one of the important acquisitions of the child in preschool childhood. It is acquisitions, since speech is not given to a person from birth. It takes time for the child to start talking. And adults should make a lot of efforts so that the speech of the child developed correct and timely. In modern preschool education, speech is considered as one of the foundations of education and training. children, since the success of learning depends on the level of mastery of oral connected speech children at school. It's hard to deny the role fairy tales in the formation of linguistic culture. Because when playing (retelling, repetition, dramatization) fairy tales, the development of monologue speech is carried out. Fairy tale develops creative potential, fantasy, imagination, the ability to word creation. What is fairy tale therapy?Fairy tale therapy is a method using fairy-tale form for the speech development of the personality, expanding consciousness and improving interaction through speech with the outside world. The basic principle fairy tale therapy is a holistic development of personality, caring for the soul (translated from Greek - taking care of the soul is therapy). Essence and vitality fairy tales, the secret of her magical being in the constant combination of two elements meaning: fantasy and truth.

working with children in speech development through fairy tale therapy I have set myself the following goals and tasks:


Assistance speech development of children, vocabulary enrichment, development figurative structure and communication skills speech through a fairy tale. Tasks:

Improving the sound side speeches in the field of pronunciation, perception and expressiveness.

Development dialogic and monologue speeches.

The effectiveness of children's game motivation speeches. The relationship of visual, auditory and motor analyzers.

Collaboration between teachers and children and with each other.

Communion children to the past and present of Russian culture, folklore.

Methods of work on the development of speech by fairy tale therapy conducted by me in five directions This:

Didactic games; Theatricalization fairy tales; mnemonics; Show staged; Psychogymnastics.

Didactic games:

During I made the work(acquired) a lot of didactic games on the topic « Fairy tales» that children enjoy playing with. common goal of all games: pin name fairy tales, their content, heroes, develop children's speech.

Theatricalization fairy tales

In theatrical fairy tales my mission is to educate retelling by playing. Theater for a child is always a holiday, bright, unforgettable impressions. Fairy tale its accessibility is close and understandable to children, and they find the embodiment of fantasies and a reflection of their worldview in the theater. Therefore, the combination of theater and fairy tales harmonious and justified. Theatricalization fairy tales promotes active emotional and intellectual development. Puppet manipulation develops general and fine motor skills. dramatizations fairy tales with the help of theatrical inclusion in myself:

Reading or expressive storytelling;

Content Conversation;

Demonstration by the educator of the table theater;

dramatization fairy tales by children.


Since last year I've been in my work on the development of children's speech began to use mnemotables. Mnemonics is the art of memorization. Mnemotables are schemes that contribute to better memorization. my goal work with menmotables is learning children storytelling based on visibility. The use of mnemonic tables makes it much easier for children to master coherent speech, the presence of a plan-scheme makes stories clear, connected and consistent. The expediency of using mnemonic tables in the formation of a connected speech is obvious, since factors are actively involved in the process that facilitate the process of becoming a coherent speeches.

Screening staging

dramatization fairy tales helps to learn retelling, provides great opportunities for the child to independently express his thoughts, conscious reflection in speeches various connections and relationships between objects and phenomena. On new year holidays the children and I prepared a performance for parents Suteev's fairy tales"Christmas tree" also prepared together with parents fairy tale Sh. Pierrot "Little Red Riding Hood". A lot of fairy tales Russian folk we show to children of younger groups "Gingerbread Man", "Turnip" And. etc.

Psycho-gymnastics: In his work i use several methods of psycho-gymnastics: Using this method makes it possible to solve two main tasks: encourage children to expressive transmission in facial expressions and movements of emotional states; voluntary release of tension and relaxation of the muscles of the body.

Method"And then what";

Method“Joint problem solving fairy tale» ;


Method« Tale about myself» ; Method« Fairy tales in a new way» ;

Method« Fairy tale - tracing paper» .


Relaxation exercises help stabilize mental processes, relieve tension and energize

Example: We are in fairy forest. Everything is changing fast here. fairy tale: it's raining, and the earth became wet, we are walking on wet earth. And here the sun came out, the earth dried up, and we walk on the sand, then on the pebbles. Or: we came to fabulous lake. Everyone wants to take a dip. The water in the lake is warm, pleasant, we sail away from the shore, and the water becomes colder. And also transformations into grass, trees, stones, etc.

I also implemented a project in 2014 "Visiting fairy tales»

The purpose of my project was:Development sustainable attitude towards fairy tale like a work of art. Throughout the project, through all types of activities, we implemented the tasks set for development connected and dialogic children's speech through a fairy tale. In cognitive development there have been many discussions about fairy tales. GCDs: "Journey to the country fairy tales» , "Journey through fairy tale» , "Our kind fairy tales» . In the artistic and aesthetic development:modeling: "My favorite fairy tale hero » , drawing "Let's draw fairy tale» .

Socio-communicative development: Making masks for play-dramatizations

Speech development: Reading fiction literature: fairy tales, fun ...

Examining illustrations for fairy tales

Articulation gymnastics « The Tale of the Merry Tongue» ….


Physical development learning physical education minutes: "Pinocchio stretched",

"Ivan Tsarevich", "The king walked through the forest", "Hare Charging"

Imitation exercise: "Picture a hero fairy tales» .

finger games: "A horned goat is coming", "Magpie"

Mobile games with a story: "Shaggy Dog", "At the bear in the forest", "White Bunny sits".

Just as big Job carried out since parents:

Advice for parents "Lay your heart on reading".

Advice for parents "Upbringing fairy tale» .Decor Exhibitions: drawing with children "My lovely fairy tale» . Involving parents in the production of attributes for the production fairy tales. Involving parents in the dramatization fairy tales.

In my opinion, the implementation of this project has significantly improved the dialogic speech children with fairy tales allowed more shy children to open up. The project also contributed development in children cognitive activity, creativity, communication skills.

fairy tale therapy can help solve many problems. “How to read to a child fairy tale?”, first of all, you need to read with pleasure, then the child will benefit more from folk art. And in general, it is better to do EVERYTHING with pleasure, this is the best and correct approach. Then in our life, which can be looked at in two ways, there will be more pleasant moments than difficulties. Fairy tales, read to the child in a calm spiritual atmosphere, will undoubtedly benefit. Don't forget to read to children fairy tales open this one for them wonderful world. Fairy tale will help to solve any psychological problem. Do not just consider it a panacea for all ills. This is not a miracle drug that helps in one go, but a long, painstaking Job, the effect of which over time is sure to be!

The result of the application storytelling methods in training and education children, there was an increase in the quality level of speech development and speech creativity group children. Children easily come into contact with adults and peers. The children learned how to communicate in a relaxed manner. At children there is a pronounced curiosity, the ability to cognize the environment without coercion, the desire for a creative display of the known. All these qualities will undoubtedly help children in mastering the school curriculum in the future.


various forms and methods

methodological association.

Good speech is a clear indicator of a comprehensive development child and his readiness for schooling. Almost all preschool children have speech impairments, they pronounce one or more sounds incorrectly, most of which are temporary, intermittent. The exception is children under 4 years of age with the norm of age-related or physiological tongue-tied tongue, after 4 years - pathology occurs.




various forms and methods

in working with children on the development of speech "

methodological association.

Prepared by the teacher

Skladchikova N.P.

Good speech is a clear indicator of a comprehensive development child and his readiness for schooling. Almost all preschool children have speech impairments, they pronounce one or more sounds incorrectly, most of which are temporary, intermittent. The exception is children under 4 years of age with the norm of age-related or physiological tongue-tied tongue, after 4 years - pathology occurs.

And only a small part of the children going to school have a clear, well-developed speech.

The purity of a child's speech is influenced by such factors as: speech hearing, speech attention, speech breathing, voice and speech apparatus.

Forms of work on the speech development of preschoolers in the context of the introduction of the GEF DOE.

According to the federal state educational standard preschool education:

Speech development includes mastery of speech as a means of communication and culture;

Enrichment of the active dictionary;

Development of coherent, grammatically correct dialogic and monologue speech;

Development of speech creativity;

Development of sound and intonation culture of speech, phonemic hearing;

Acquaintance with book culture, children's literature, listening comprehension of texts of various genres of children's literature;

Formation of sound analytic-synthetic activity as a prerequisite for teaching literacy.

In order for a child to achieve communicative competence, the educator must help the development of different aspects of the child’s speech in all age groups: the development of coherent speech, the development of a dictionary, mastering grammar correct speech, mastering the sound culture of speech, preparing for literacy. The teacher must build his work and apply the forms of the educational process that are appropriate for the age of the children.

Forms of work with children can be different:

educational situation;

communication situation,

project activity,

A game.

The main form of my work on the development of children's speech iseducational situation. The educational situation involves the participation of a small subgroup of children: from 3 to 7-8 children, the number depends on the desire of the children and on the educational situation itself. It is possible to organize several educational situations, but with the same didactic material, this will help to gradually complicate the tasks and solve them successfully. As a didactic material, you can use any manual (book, toy, natural material, plot picture, etc.)

communication situation- this is a form of communication specially designed by the teacher or spontaneously arising, aimed at exercising children in the use of mastered speech categories (Eltsova O. M., Gorbachskaya N. N., Terekhova A. N.). Communication situations can be lexical, verbal - evaluative, prognostic, descriptive, depending on the speech task. When organizing them, it is best to “go from the children”, that is, to find these situations in children's activities and use them to develop the child's speech. Examples of communication for the development of communication skills can be situations:

"What's wrong?"

Purpose: to exercise children in the ability to correlate the form of greeting with the situation of its use:

Each greeting is appropriate in a given situation: in the morning you won’t say “good evening”; you can’t say “hello” to someone who is older or unfamiliar.


Purpose: to exercise in the use of non-verbal communication when greeting:

look a person in the eye and smile so that he understands: they are happy for him, they greet him.


Purpose: to exercise children in the use of forms of greeting, etc.

In such types of children's activities, speech appears in all its diverse functions, it bears the main burden in solving practical and cognitive problems. Quiz games can be examples of specially planned communication situations:

“Come up with a riddle” (exercise of children in describing objects, inventing riddles);

“Who knows the nature of their land better?” (an exercise in perception and compilation of descriptive stories with a regional component);

“From what fairy tale things” (an exercise in the development of explanatory speech); "Shop of magical things" (an exercise in the use of means of language expressiveness).

Also in my work, as one of the forms, I use project activities.

IN project activities integration of all educational areas can be traced, but the basis of this method is the speech development of the child.

In this form of work, there is a close interaction between the teacher, the child and his parents, as well as a phased Practical activities leads to the achievement of the goal.

The implementation of the educational area "Speech Development" is possible through the method of projects. The purpose and objectives of the special thematic project are aimed at a comprehensive solution of the problems specified in the GEF DOE.

And, of course, the main form of speech development of children is the game.

It encourages children to contact each other and is a motive for communicative activity. In the methodological literature, there are many games with words:

Theatrical games.

Purpose: to develop dialogic and intonational speech, to acquire communication skills.

Role-playing games.

Children of the sixth year of life can already distribute roles before the start of the game and build their behavior, adhering to the role. Game interaction is accompanied by speech, corresponding both in content and intonation to the role taken. The speech that accompanies the real relationship of children differs from role-playing speech. Children begin to learn social relations and understand the subordination of positions in various types activities of adults, some roles become more attractive to them than others. The organization of the playing space is observed, in which the semantic "center" and "periphery" are distinguished. (In the game "Hospital" such a center is the doctor's office, in the game "Barbershop" it is the haircutting room, and the waiting room acts as the periphery of the game space.)

Finger games and exercises are a unique tool for developing fine motor skills and speech in their unity and interconnection. These exercises stimulate the development of speech, spatial thinking, and bring up the speed of reaction. Finger games in this process are invaluable. Scientists have established that if the development of fingers corresponds to age, then speech is within the normal range. If the development of finger movements lags behind, then speech development is also delayed, since the formation of speech areas is carried out under the influence of kinetic impulses from the hands, and points from the fingers.

Didactic games are a fundamental type of game, because they go through all childhood, starting from an early age, and solve a variety of tasks, including speech ones.

“When organizing any educational situation, any lesson in preschool educational institution It is important for the teacher:

Firstly, think through the organization different ways adult - child and child compatibility,

Secondly, to see the resources of different stages of the lesson for the development of children's communicative competence.

Thus, various forms works are relevant in terms of the development of speech of preschoolers, the formation of communicative competence of children, if:

Children jointly solve an interesting and meaningful educational and game task for them, acting as assistants in relation to someone;

Enrich, clarify and activate their vocabulary by performing speech and practical tasks;

The teacher does not act as a rigid leader, but as an organizer of a joint educational activities, which does not advertise its communicative superiority, but accompanies and helps the child become an active communicator.

The method of speech development is defined as a way of activity of the teacher and children, which ensures the formation of speech skills and abilities..
Methods and techniques can be characterized from different points of view (depending on the means used, the nature of the cognitive and speech activity of children, the section of speech work).

Generally accepted in the methodology (as well as in preschool didactics in general) is the classification of methods according to the means used: visualization, word or practical action.

There are three groups of methods:




This division is very conditional, since there is no sharp border between them. Visual methods are accompanied by a word, and visual methods are used in verbal methods.

Practical methods are also associated with the word and visual material. Classifying some methods and techniques as visual, others as verbal or practical, depends on the predominance of visualization, words or actions as the source and basis of the statement.


Visual methods are used more often in kindergarten. Both direct and indirect methods are used. Directly refers to the method of observation and its varieties:


room inspections,

viewing natural objects.

These methods are aimed at the accumulation of speech content and ensure the connection of two signal systems.

Indirect methods are based on the use of graphic visualization. This is looking at toys, paintings, photographs, describing paintings and toys, talking about toys and paintings. They are used to consolidate knowledge, vocabulary, develop the generalizing function of the word, and teach coherent speech. Indirect methods can also be used to get acquainted with objects and phenomena with which it is impossible to get acquainted directly.


In kindergarten, mainly those verbal methods that are associated with the artistic word are used. Age features preschoolers require reliance on visualization, therefore, in all verbal methods, we use either visual teaching methods:

Short-term display of an object, toy;

Examination of illustrations, or demonstration of a visual object for the purpose of relaxation, relaxation of children;

Reading poetry to a doll, the appearance of a clue-subject, etc.


The purpose of these methods is to teach children to apply the acquired knowledge in practice, to help them learn and improve their speech skills. In kindergarten, practical methods are most often playful. Didactic game- a universal way to consolidate knowledge and skills. It is used to solve all problems of speech development.

Name of the institution: Kindergarten No. 114 of the Frunzensky district of St. Petersburg


various forms and methods

in work with children on the development of speech

Good speech is a clear indicator of a comprehensive development child and his readiness for schooling. Almost all preschool children have speech impairments, they pronounce one or more sounds incorrectly, most of which are temporary, intermittent. The exception is children under 4 years of age with the norm of age-related or physiological tongue-tied tongue, after 4 years - pathology occurs.

And only a small part of the children going to school have a clean, well developed speech.

For cleanliness speeches the child is influenced by factors such as: speech hearing, speech attention, speech breathing, voice and speech apparatus.

Forms of work on the speech development of preschoolers in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard

According to the federal state educational standard for preschool education: “Speech development includes the possession of speech as a means of communication and culture; enrichment of the active dictionary; development of coherent, grammatically correct dialogic and monologue speech; development of speech creativity; development of sound and intonation culture of speech, phonemic hearing; acquaintance with book culture, children's literature, listening comprehension of texts of various genres of children's literature; formation of sound analytic-synthetic activity as a prerequisite for teaching literacy”.

In order for a child to achieve communicative competence, the educator must help the development of different aspects of the child’s speech in all age groups: the development of coherent speech, the development of a dictionary, the development of grammatically correct speech, the development of a sound culture of speech, preparation for teaching literacy. The teacher must build his work and apply the forms of the educational process that are appropriate for the age of the children.

Forms of work with children can be different. (educational situation, communication situation, project activity, game)

The main form of my work on the development of children's speech is educational situation. The educational situation involves the participation of a small subgroup of children: from 3 to 7-8 children, the number depends on the desire of the children and on the educational situation itself. It is possible to organize several educational situations, but with the same didactic material, this will help to gradually complicate the tasks and solve them successfully. As a didactic material, you can use any manual (book, toy, natural material, plot picture, etc.)

communication situation- this is a form of communication specially designed by the teacher or spontaneously arising, aimed at exercising children in the use of mastered speech categories (Eltsova O. M., Gorbachskaya N. N., Terekhova A. N.). Communication situations can be lexical, verbal - evaluative, prognostic, descriptive, depending on the speech task. When organizing them, it is best to “go from the children”, that is, to find these situations in children's activities and use them to develop the child's speech. Examples of a communication situation for the development of communication skills can be: "What's wrong?" (goal: to exercise children in the ability to correlate the form of greeting with the situation of its use: each greeting is appropriate in one situation or another: in the morning you won’t say “good evening”; you can’t say “hello” to someone who is older or little known); “Smile” (goal: to exercise in using the means of non-verbal communication when greeting: look into the person’s eyes and smile so that he understands: he is welcome, it is he who is greeted); “Handshake” (goal: to train children in the use of forms of gesture greeting), etc.

In such types of children's activities, speech appears in all its diverse functions, it bears the main burden in solving practical and cognitive problems. Examples of specially planned communication situations can be quiz games: “Come up with a riddle” (children’s exercise in describing objects, inventing riddles), “Who knows the nature of their land better?” (an exercise in perceiving and compiling descriptive stories with a regional component), “From what fairy tale things” (an exercise in the development of explanatory speech), “Magic Things Store” (an exercise in using means of language expressiveness).

Also in my work, as one of the forms, I use project activities. In the project activity, the integration of all educational areas can be traced, but the basis of this method is the speech development of the child.

In this form of work, there is a close interaction between the teacher, the child and his parents, as well as phased practical activities leading to the achievement of the goal.

The implementation of the educational area "Speech Development" is possible through the method of projects. The purpose and objectives of the special thematic project are aimed at a comprehensive solution of the problems specified in the Federal State Educational Standard.

And, of course, the main form of speech development of children is the game. It encourages children to contact each other and is a motive for communicative activity. In the methodological literature, there are many games with words:

Theatrical games - (goal: to develop dialogic and intonational speech, to acquire communication skills).

Role-playing games - Children of the sixth year of life can already distribute roles before the start of the game and build their behavior, adhering to the role. Game interaction is accompanied by speech, corresponding both in content and intonation to the role taken. The speech that accompanies the real relationship of children differs from role-playing speech. Children begin to master social relations and understand the subordination of positions in various activities of adults, some roles become more attractive to them than others. The organization of the playing space is observed, in which the semantic "center" and "periphery" are distinguished. (In the game "Hospital" such a center is the doctor's office, in the game "Barbershop" it is the haircutting room, and the waiting room acts as the periphery of the game space.)

Finger games and exercises are a unique tool for the development of fine motor skills and speech in their unity and interconnection. These exercises stimulate the development of speech, spatial thinking, and bring up the speed of reaction. Finger games in this process are invaluable. Scientists have established that if the development of fingers corresponds to age, then speech is within the normal range. If the development of finger movements lags behind, then speech development is also delayed, since the formation of speech areas is carried out under the influence of kinetic impulses from the hands, and points from the fingers.

Didactic games are a fundamental type of game, because they go through all childhood, starting from an early age, and solve a variety of tasks, including speech ones.

“When organizing any educational situation, any lesson in a preschool educational institution, it is important for a teacher:

- firstly, to think over the organization of different ways of adult - children's and children's compatibility,

- secondly, to see the resources of different stages of the lesson for the development of children's communicative competence" Pozdeeva S. I.

Thus, various forms of work are relevant in terms of the development of speech of preschoolers, the formation of children's communicative competence, if:

Children jointly solve an interesting and meaningful educational and game task for them, acting as assistants in relation to someone,

- enrich, clarify and activate their vocabulary by performing speech and practical tasks,

The teacher does not act as a rigid leader, but as an organizer of joint educational activities, who does not advertise his communicative superiority, but accompanies and helps the child become an active communicator.

The method of speech development is defined as a way of activity of the teacher and children, which ensures the formation of speech skills and abilities.

Methods and techniques can be characterized from different points of view (depending on the means used, the nature of the cognitive and speech activity of children, the section of speech work).

Generally accepted in the methodology (as well as in preschool didactics in general) is the classification of methods according to the means used: visualization, word or practical action. There are three groups of methods - visual, verbal and practical. This division is very conditional, since there is no sharp border between them. Visual methods are accompanied by a word, and visual methods are used in verbal methods. Practical methods are also associated with the word and visual material. The reckoning of some methods and techniques as visual, others as verbal or practical depends on the predominance of visualization, words or actions as the source and basis of the statement.


Visual methods are used more often in kindergarten. Both direct and indirect methods are used. The direct method includes the method of observation and its varieties: excursions, inspections of the premises, examination of natural objects. These methods are aimed at the accumulation of speech content and ensure the connection of two signal systems.

Indirect methods are based on the use of graphic visualization. This is looking at toys, paintings, photographs, describing paintings and toys, talking about toys and paintings. They are used to consolidate knowledge, vocabulary, develop the generalizing function of the word, and teach coherent speech. Indirect methods can also be used to get acquainted with objects and phenomena with which it is impossible to get acquainted directly.

-VERBAL METHODS. IN kindergarten mainly those verbal methods associated with the artistic word. The age characteristics of preschoolers require reliance on visibility, therefore, in all verbal methods we apply or visual learning techniques(short-term display of an object, toy, examination of an illustration, or demonstration of a visual object for the purpose of relaxation, relaxation of children (reading poetry to a doll, the appearance of a clue-subject, etc.)

-PRACTICAL METHOD. The purpose of these methods to teach children to apply the acquired knowledge in practice, to help them learn and improve their speech skills. IN kindergarten practice methods are mostly playful. Didactic game is a universal way to consolidate knowledge and skills. It is used for all tasks speech development.


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