Mathematical fairy tales for schoolchildren with a picture. Mathematical tales

Elena Ovsova
Fairy tales for children. Mathematical fairy tale "Numbers and Numbers"

Fairy tale.

Subject: « Numbers and numbers»

Target: education number and number three.

Tasks: 1. uncover concepts « number» And « number»

2. teach to determine the place numbers three in natural numbers

3. teach to receive number three by addition and subtraction

4. teach to write number three

In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived a king and he had a daughter - the beautiful princess Anastasia. No other kingdom-state had princesses that could compare to Anastasia. She was very beautiful and intelligent, and her beauty was rumored throughout all kingdoms and kingdoms. But then one day the evil witch, enraged by the fact that everyone admires the princess, decided to bewitch her. One night, when the princess was sleeping, she went up to her and cast a spell. And since then, Anastasia has not woken up. Days, weeks, months passed, and the princess still did not wake up and no one could disenchant her. And one day an old woman came up to the palace and told the king: “I know how to break the curse of the evil sorceress, this can only be done by one who can find in the kingdom of Numbers the magical number. Only it can lift the spell and bring the princess back to life." The king was delighted and promised the one who finds the magic number to give his daughter for him, and half the kingdom to boot. And the princes from different kingdoms began to look for the magic number but nobody could find it. And only one prince from a distant kingdom-state did not lose hope of finding it. number and save the beautiful Anastasia, and therefore he went to the kingdom of Numbers.

He walked day, he walked night, through forests and fields, through mountains and rivers, but he did not see magic anywhere. numbers. The prince was saddened that he could not find number, sat down by the river and began to think where he could look for this magical number when suddenly a wise owl sat on his shoulder and speaks: "Don't be sad prince, I will help you! I know where you look for magic number! Follow this road and you will come to the magical Addition River and it will tell you what it is. number! The prince thanked the wise owl and went to the Addition River. Came, stood on the shore and speaks: "River, help me find the magic number, which can disenchant the princess, I can’t do it without you!”.

I will help you - the river answers - I know what it is number to recognize him and you, I will give you hint: you get it number if you add one to two!

But if I make a mistake and misunderstand your hint I can't save the princess! ~h

Yes, you can't go wrong! remember my hint and go to the Subtraction field, it will give you one more hint and you can guess what it is number!

Thank you for your help, I'll try to guess yours correctly hint and save the princess". (you can ask children help the prince guess what number goes speech.)

The Prince said goodbye to the Addition River and went to the Subtraction field. He walked all day until he came to a large green field.

Hello field!

Hello prince, why did you visit me?

I'm looking for magic number, which will help remove the curse from the beautiful Anastasia. Addition River said that you can help me! She gave me one hint, but I'm afraid to make a mistake and that's why I came to you! Help me!

Okay, I'll help you and give you one more hint. Listen attentively: you know it number if you subtract one from four. Be attentive! Make no mistake!

(you can invite children to guess the second hint)

I will try! Thank you field for your help! I think I already found it number! -Do not rush! After all, you have only one chance to help the princess! To be sure that you found exactly what number, which you need, go to the mountain of Accounts, she will tell you what kind of magic it is number!

Thanks field!

And the prince went to the mountain of Accounts! went to the foot of the mountain and speaks:

“Hello magic mountain! Please help me find out if I have found the magic number or not

Hello prince, I will help you and give you a third hint! Now I'll start counting, and you listen attentively! That number, which I will skip when counting, and will be the one you are looking for! One, two, four, five, six, seven.

Yes, I found it! This number three! After all, if you add one to two, you get three, if you subtract one from four, you get three too! And when you count, mountain, you missed exactly number three!

You are right, this number three! Go quickly to the princess and save her!

Thank you gore for your help!

And the prince returned to the kingdom-state and said king: "I found the magic number, now your daughter will wake up, this number three

Now it remains only to write the magic figure three on the sand under the windows of the princess, and she will wake up!

But unfortunately I can't write. number three! Now I can't save the princess!

Do not be sad, I know who can help you, who can teach you how to write number three, it's a magician Digit! Go to him!

And the prince went to the magician, came and speaks:

Kind wizard, help me please, I have done long haul to find the magic number and found it, but how to spell magical number I don't know and now I can't save the princess! Only you know how to write numbers only you can help me!

I know that you had a difficult road and you are the only one who could find the magic number three so I will help you! Listen carefully and remember! I'll tell you how to spell number three:

This is an arc month

Below is another month.

And now - look:

It turned out number 3.

Memorize this poem and you can write this figure!

Thank you magician Digit! Now I can disenchant the princess! After thanking the wizard, the prince went back to the king! He went up to the palace and under the windows of the princess began to write number three, pronouncing:

This is an arc month

Below is another month.

And now - look:

It turned out number 3.

As soon as he wrote number three, the curse broke and the princess woke up! The king was very happy and fulfilled his promise! And since then, the prince and the princess have been happily living in a certain kingdom-state!


1. Did you like it fairy tale?

2. What is it about? About what magical number and number it tells?

3. Who helped the prince find the magic number?

4. What hint gave the prince the Addition River? Which the prince added up the numbers, To obtain number three?

5. What hint gave the Prince a Subtraction field? What did the prince subtract from what to get number three?

6. How did the mountain of Accounts help the prince? How did the prince know it was number three? Between which it stands in numbers?

7. Who taught the prince to write number three? Who remembers what poem the magician told the prince to learn how to write number three?

8. Find the number three among other numbers.

9. Write number three.

Tales of mathematical content for children 5 - 8 years old

Mathematical fairy tales for older preschoolers and younger students

IN kindergarten was organized by the family project "Teaching children mathematics using works of art". Fairytale stories with mathematical content about amazing adventures and friendship of extraordinary characters. The stories turned out to be so interesting and entertaining that we wanted to publish our own book.
Description of work: Fairy tale compiled and illustrated by children and parents senior group. The content of fairy tales of a mathematical nature. This material will be useful for kindergarten teachers, parents, teachers of elementary grades. The material is intended for children 5 - 8 years old.
Target: Increase in older children preschool age interest in mathematics through the use of works of art.


In the distant country of Mathematics, there lived a King Triangle and a Queen Trapezium. And everything was fine with them, except that they had no children.
Then the queen decided to go to the evil sorcerer Minus to help her. The sorcerer Minus gave the queen a grain and said: - Plant it in a pot and water it every morning, but for this you must give me the vote of your child. The queen was so happy that she would finally have a child, and gave her consent to the sorcerer. When Queen Trapeze returned to the palace, she immediately planted the seed in a pot of earth and watered it. As time went on, the seed grew and turned into a beautiful flower, when the flower blossomed, there was a beautiful baby.
King Triangle and Queen Trapeze were very happy, they decided to name the little prince Circle. The prince grew, but did not speak, and then the queen remembered that she had given the voice of the prince to the evil sorcerer Minus. She told everything to the king of the Triangle, and they decided to go together to the sorcerer, and ask him to have mercy and return the voice to Prince Krug. When the king and queen came to the evil sorcerer Minus, they heard a beautiful voice. It was the voice of a sorcerer, or rather the Prince of the Circle. Then they fell on their knees before the sorcerer Minus and began to beg him to give Prince Krug his voice.
The sorcerer took pity on them and said:
- I will return the voice to Prince Krug, but for this you will no longer call me an evil sorcerer.
- We agree - said the king and queen.
The King of the Triangle spoke to his subjects and said:
- From now on, the sorcerer Minus is a good sorcerer, not an evil one.
The Prince of the Circle had a voice at that very moment. And everyone in the country of Mathematics began to live happily.


Once Masha went to the forest for mushrooms and got lost. Suddenly I saw Kolobok rolling along the road. Masha Kolobok says:
- Gingerbread Man, Gingerbread Man, where do mushrooms grow here?
And he answers her:
- I don’t know, I’m in a hurry, I don’t have time, I’m looking for a fox, I’m looking for it, I want to eat it. Better ask the number Two, "prickly", she knows everything about mushrooms.
Masha went to the number Two and asked:
- Hey, number Two, where do you grow mushrooms here?
- It's near the house.

The answer is two.
Masha saw chanterelle mushrooms and soon began to collect them.
Suddenly from the house Mishka - the bear jumped out and growled at Masha. Mashenka was frightened and quickly ran away from the bear. She ran to the clearing and saw a stump. Masha sat down on a stump and began to cry. And bird Three flew by. She heard that the girl was crying, flew up to her and asked:
Why are you crying all over the forest?
- I am lost! Masha says.
- Don't cry, I'll help you, show you the way home.
- Cheers cheers! Masha screamed joyfully.
- Just promise that you will never go into the woods alone without adults.
- Of course, I promise - Masha answered, and they went home.


In one magical kingdom, a digital state, there lived the king of the Ten and the queen of the Nine.
They were rich and noble, but at the same time kind and cheerful. And they had two children, the son of Seven and the daughter of Five. The daughter was the most beautiful and smartest, everyone envied the king and affectionately called her Pyaterochka.
Baba Yaga wanted to steal Pyaterochka in order to get a ransom for her from the king. She called her faithful servant Six and gave him an order to steal Pyaterochka. The Six listened to Baba Yaga, went to the barn where the Two-Swans lived, harnessed them to a sleigh and flew off to steal Pyaterochka.
Meanwhile, Pyaterochka was walking in her favorite flower garden, looking at roses of unprecedented beauty and singing songs. Suddenly, the whole sky was covered with black clouds, Six flew up to her on their Two-swans, grabbed her by the hands, put her in a sleigh and flew back to Baba Yaga. Pyaterochka screamed with all her might:
"Father, mother - help! Save me, the Six is ​​taking me to a dense dense black forest to Baba Yaga!
The king's servants heard her cry and ran to tell him about the grief that had happened.
The king became blacker than the clouds from grief, having learned about the misfortune that had happened, the queen fell ill. Then the son of Seven comes into the royal chambers to the king and says: “Do not be sad, Tsar-father! I'll go and save my sister! I will gather my army from units, and let's go to war against Baba Yaga!
The king answers: “No, the son of Baba Yaga is not stupid, cunning is needed here! Go, go to the magician Eight and consult with him how best to do it?
Went, Seven to the magician, told about the trouble. And the Eight advised to take a shrinking wand and an invisibility cap. He explained how to use these things, if you hit the faithful servant of Baba Yaga Six six times, then it will decrease to such a size that it will disappear, and if you hit the Two Swan twice, it will also decrease to such a size that it will disappear. By doing this, you will disarm Baba Yaga, depriving her of her faithful servant and Twos-swans.
Having thanked the Magician Eight, Seven, took from him a shrinking wand, an invisibility hat and went to rescue his sister Pyaterochka. For a long time he walked through the fields through the forests, finally, he reached the dense forest of Baba Yaga.
He put on an invisibility cap, crept up to the house of Baba Yaga and saw the servant Six.
He hit him once with a shrinking wand, decreased, the Six in size and shouted: “Oh-oh-oh! What's happened? Who is there?"

The Seven hit five more times and the Six disappeared, as if he had never been. He went, Seven to the barn and began to whip the Twos-swans with a miniature wand until they all disappeared.
After that, he went into the house of Baba Yaga, without taking off his invisibility cap, and saw his sister Pyaterochka.
She sat on a bench and wept bitterly. Seven approached her and whispered in her ear: “Hello sister! Don't cry, I'll help you out now!"
He quickly took off his invisibility cap and put it on himself and his sister, they left the house of Baba Yaga and ran as fast as they could home to the father and mother.
The Tsar Ten was very happy when he again saw his beloved beautiful daughter Pyaterochka. Queen Nine recovered, and again they began to live cheerfully and happily, as before.


In a distant place, in the Tenth Kingdom, there lived a kind, chubby King Zero. And he was married to the beautiful One, a proud and mischievous girl. And the king and queen had two daughters. The eldest was called Deuce. She was like her mother - the same slender, majestic and just as mischievous and arrogant. The youngest daughter Pyaterka is all like her father - a cheerful, laughter, in general - a pretty little darling!
Once the princesses went for a walk to the river near the forest. The kids were swimming there. Five girls, seven boys. How many kids were there?
- Hey, princesses, where are you going? Come join us here! Let's have fun together, joke, jump and play, swim, run, sunbathe!
Five immediately agreed. She rolled head over heels towards the guys. Well, the Deuce got angry:
- I am a princess! How dare you call me! I don't want to play with you! This is my whole river! I will swim here alone! Get out whoever!
The children became sad, and they all said to the Deuce:
- You are not a swan, you are a pest!
- Evil!
- Evil!
- And dudyuk!
At this point, the Deuce got angry ... Already her face changed ... She shook her head - and the children were blown away by the wind. We forgot to tell you that our harmful princess could conjure.
Since then, all the children of the kingdom in the classroom began to receive the worst school grades - deuces. There is nothing wrong if the deuce occurs alone or with other numbers somewhere in a book, on a poster or, say, on a tag in a store. But if a deuce appears in your diary, this is a real school disaster! Who needs a bad mark?! And the boys and girls of the Tenth Kingdom now had only such marks in their diaries and notebooks. And in neighboring kingdoms, children more and more often brought home diaries with deuces. Like a virus, the disease spread harmful sorcery around. And no matter how hard the teachers tried, no matter how hard the parents tried, the children still studied poorly.
Feel sorry for the Five guys. Who among them will grow up now - losers who know nothing and do not know how in life? She decided to help them - to discover the secret of getting rid of the spell. She heard it at night when her older sister muttered in her sleep. But Deuce guessed that her sister wanted to tell these harmful children the secret of getting rid of bad grades. She was also angry with her sister. conjured high tower- 22 meters, far, far from her kingdom, and hid her little sister Five there. Like, let him sit for a bit, otherwise what he thought up, argue with his older sister. The Deuce spent all her magical powers on this sorcery. And she became so weak that she forgot about her harmful magic, and, what's the trouble, she also forgot about the secret of healing children, and she also forgot about her sister.
The king and queen were seriously alarmed and saddened when they learned of the disappearance of their youngest daughter. King Zero sent his messengers to all four corners of the world with a royal decree. To the one who finds and returns Princess Five home, Zero promised to give his youngest daughter as a wife when the princess grows up, and give half the kingdom!
Many have tried to find the missing princess - all in vain! And once the brave prince of the distant kingdom of the Four heard about the Princess Five. He was very persistent, stubborn and hardworking. The Four decided to find the Five at all costs. He wandered around the world for a long time, the brave prince had to endure many difficulties and trials. But he didn't give up! And then one fine day he saw a high tower. He tried to penetrate it, but a new obstacle arose in his way. Princess Two bewitched the tower so that she would not let anyone in until the traveler guessed her riddle.
“The mouse was carrying an apple and found another one,” the tower murmured, “the owl hooted loudly: “Now you have them ...”. How many apples does the mouse have? The prince easily gave the correct answer. The tower let him in. But on the second floor he had to count again.
- Three hares on a swing with an appetite for drying ate. The two came to talk to them. How many bunnies? the tower asked.
- Exactly ..., - the prince answered. And right again. So floor after floor, riddle after riddle - the Four got to the last one.
- Nine caterpillars crawled, seven of them went home. In the soft silk grass, only…?
- Two!!!
And, oh miracle! The door to the room swung open and the prince saw the beautiful young princess. It was the Five! The prince fell in love with her without memory. He returned his daughter to his parents. How happy the king and queen were to see their native Pyaterochka!!! Queen One stopped being mischievous after the disappearance of her youngest daughter, and was now as kind as her husband Zero. The deuce did not remember anything about his act and also rejoiced from the bottom of his heart at the return of his younger sister.
played magnificent wedding- The Four and Five became husband and wife, and the prince refused the promised half of the kingdom. Not for him the young man was looking for a princess! And besides, he had his own - there was a whole kingdom!
- And what about twin children? - you ask. Everything is fine! Don't worry. They have become great! The secret is that you don’t have to be lazy, you need to work, no matter how hard it is sometimes. Homework must be done diligently and on time. Do not get distracted in class, but listen carefully to the teacher. Respect your parents and listen to their advice. Need to read more useful and interesting books about nature, animals, our planet. Don't forget about fairy tales! And, of course, do exercises in the morning, go to bed on time in the evenings, walk in the fresh air, play sports so that not only our head, but also our body works well. May we always feel good and be able to achieve a lot in life!
Fulfilling all these simple rules, the guys from the Tenth Kingdom and neighboring lands quickly corrected all the deuces to fives - they got so many fives that the deuces themselves disappeared from the diary. And now they had only fours and fives! And they all became excellent doctors, teachers, singers, cooks, pilots and astronauts! And who do you want to become? Will you study well so that everyone can be proud of you?!


By the river in the forest, the Deuce was crying. She was afraid to enter the river because she could not swim.
The number One came up to her and told her: - Do not be sad, girlfriend!
And then the number Three came up to her and said to her: - Wipe your tears!
The latter came up to her Four with Five and began to comfort her:
- You look like a swan, so you can swim too!
The deuce sighed happily, shook its long neck, entered the water and swam like a real swan. On the shore, One with Three and Four with Five rejoiced for her.


In the distant, distant country of Cyfland, they lived - there were different numbers.
Once two of them "one" and "five" met.
The unit was very proud, tall, always kept her back straight and loved to argue with anyone.
Pyaterochka was cheerful, bright, but a very big know-it-all.
And they started a dispute about which of them is bigger and more important. "1" - says: I'm taller, which means I'm bigger! “5” - she answers: but I take up more space on a notebook sheet, which means I am bigger!
They argued for a long time and could not figure out which of them was bigger, then they decided "1" and "5" to go for advice to other numbers.
They came, but they had no time. And as soon as "zero" said - all the numbers are important! You are one, making other numbers tens, and you are the very first of all numbers. And you, Pyaterochka, are bigger and give good grades to children at school. If you stand next to each other, you will become one number.
“1” and “5” were delighted, approached each other, held hands, and the number “15” turned out
And so they became inseparable friends!
Always and everywhere together!


Somehow early in the morning Odnerka was walking on the table, and on that table lay an untitled book. She wanted to sleep on her soft sheets - snow-white sheets. I knocked, everyone was silent, so I’ll sleep here.
The number Two swam past like a swan from afar, saw our book and was delighted that I would live in it forever.
Knock, knock, knock, who lives here?
- It's me, One, as thin as a match.
- And I'm number Two, like a swan, and beautiful and slender.
- Come in, since you came, we will live together then.
And the Troika that jumped so smartly was galloping nearby, and she knocked, you let me live.
So all the numbers that are in our book have gathered, we will now list them:
Here Four - hands on the sides,
Five - that he likes to play,
And the Sixth - that couch potato, loves to sleep soundly,
Here is the Seventh - we call him a poker,
And the Eight - two circles, like a snowman's sister,
And the Ninth - the oldest all gray-haired and with a beard.
Only Zero was missing, he did not keep himself waiting, groaning, slowly dragging from side to side.
Well, how can it be friends without a name, it is our book that has collected everyone from Nine to Zero?
You learn to count quickly and then you will know, it is called Mathematics friends !!!


A hare named Nolik was walking through the forest. He walked alone because he had no family. But he really wanted to live in a cozy house with his family.
A hare named Edinichka ran to the meeting along the path. Nolik really liked the one and he suggested that she build a house and live in it. So they began to live together.
The house was beautiful and cozy, and around it there was a large and strong fence so that the wolf could not get to them. And they had 9 wonderful rabbits: Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine and Ten.


Once upon a time there was a cheerful traffic light. He stood at the crossroads. But one day he fell ill and broke down, and all 3 lights went out: red, yellow and green.
A girl passed by, she called the rescue service number 3.

The number brought a magic cookie to the traffic light. It was different colors and different shapes. The red cookie was triangular, the yellow cookie was square, and the green cookie was round. When the traffic light ate the cookie, its lights started working again.
But now they were of different shapes, from this he looked even more fun.


Once upon a time there was a girl, her name was Nastya. She had square bunnies, they all lived on a magical planet, where everything was pink and the sea, and the forest, and the mountains.
When Nastya swam in the magical sea, she also turned pink.
She asked the bunnies, "Why am I pink?"
But they couldn't answer her.
And they all went to the little mermaid named Ariel, so that she would answer them all their questions.
It was strange, quite round, like a ball.
Ariel said that the planet they live on is magical and entertaining. Because all the inhabitants of the planet love to make riddles-jokes on mathematics to each other, and since they are very cheerful and funny, all the inhabitants have fun and rejoice, and from this everything around becomes pink and beautiful.
And Ariel began to guess her riddles:
Think of a number up to 5. Add 2 to it, and I will guess what number you have in mind. How much did you get?
Birds flew over the river: a dove, a pike, 2 tits, 2 swifts and 5 eels. How many birds? Answer quickly.
A chicken standing on one leg weighs 2 kg. How much does a chicken stand on two legs weigh? (2 kg)
Nastya and her square bunnies listened to the little mermaid for a long time.
After all, there were so many mysteries that they did not notice how evening had come.
And the sunset on the planet was also pink - it was so beautiful.
And then everyone went to sleep in their pink houses.
And all night they dreamed only pink dreams.
That's the END of fairy tales, and who answered well done!

Project "Mathematical Tales"

Project, memos, collection of mathematical fairy tales of students

SCEI SO "Yekaterinburg boarding school" Everest "

Project "Mathematical Tales", grades 5 - 9

Teacher: Kocheva E.V.


    Project: type, goals, hypotheses, tasks, product, age of students, actions, conclusion

    Reminders "How to compose a mathematical fairy tale"

    Collection of mathematical tales of students of the "Ekaterinburg boarding school" Everest ":

    The world of geometric shapes.

    Important fraction.

    Zero story.

    Who is the favorite?

    How the numbers 1 and 2 quarreled.

    Friendship of numbers.

    Zero story.

    Friendship figures.

    Important zero.

    Land of round numbers.

Project "Mathematical Fairy Tale"


The main task of teaching mathematics at school is to ensure a strong and conscious mastery by students of the system of mathematical knowledge and skills necessary in Everyday life And labor activity sufficient to study related disciplines and continue education” , - says the explanatory note of the program in mathematics.

The school is faced with the task of raising the general level of development of students, preparing students for further education and self-education. At the heart of the renewal and restructuring of school education is the problem of developing the creative personality of the student, which involves the full provision of opportunities for its self-disclosure and self-improvement. With this approach, the child is considered as a unique, self-developing individual.
For development creativity to mathematics, academician Kolmogorov believed, it is necessary to go beyond mathematics itself and develop general cultural interests in the child, in particular, interest in art. The mathematical development of a person is impossible without raising the level of his general culture. It is necessary to strive for a comprehensive, harmonious development of the individual. One-sided development of abilities does not contribute to success in mathematical activity. Great benefits for the development of the creative personality of the student can play various forms written presentation of thought, in particular, the composition of mathematical fairy tales. At the same time, it is important to evaluate not only the content, but also the form of presentation of the material.

To arouse interest in mathematics, to develop creative thinking, it is necessary for children to create mathematical fairy tales, which are one of the forms for the development of mathematical creativity. Learning mathematics is necessary, but thought must come from within. The success of studying a school course in mathematics depends on the means and methods of teaching. Concepts are not assimilated with due depth if teaching is not based on the stimulation of students' creative activity.

The proposed work on the creation of mathematical fairy tales should go in parallel with certain forms of special education, supplementing it in a meaningful way. Writing math stories is not a substitute for learning. Creating mathematical fairy tales involves not only the ability to fantasize on math topics but also the ability to master competent speech as well as a strong grasp of mathematical concepts. Composing mathematical fairy tales is an activity that captivates children of different ages, but in the middle classes not only opportunities increase, but also difficulties: how best to build storyline so as not to violate the integrity of the fairy tale and not come into conflict with mathematical concepts. An independently invented fairy tale with the use of mathematical concepts in the storyline allows you to remember these concepts more firmly and more fully. Carried away, children do not notice that they learn, learn and memorize the new involuntarily, that this new comes into them naturally. Therefore, the main emphasis in writing mathematical fairy tales is on a deep understanding educational information, conscious and active assimilation, the formation of schoolchildren's ability to independently and creatively apply the received educational information.

Offering to compose a mathematical fairy tale, the task is to develop mathematical creativity, the ability to express one's thoughts logically and consistently. The work of creating mathematical fairy tales is exciting, but it requires work of the head and soul. This work involves efforts not only on the part of the student, but also the teacher, who must keep up with the needs, opportunities and desires of the child.

Usually, work on the formation of the ability to compose mathematical fairy tales begins with reading a finished mathematical fairy tale. Then it is offered to those who wish to come up with their own mathematical fairy tale, explaining that the value of the work will lie in the fact that the storyline of the fairy tale includes, for example, the properties of numbers or geometric shapes. Homework writing a mathematical fairy tale is unconventional for a math lesson and therefore arouses great interest among children. Each student wants to check: will he be able to realize his creative idea, how will the teacher evaluate the fairy tale, how will his classmates react to his work? Many people undertake to write a mathematical fairy tale, but not everyone and not everyone succeeds. Students need to be reminded of the structure of a fairy tale, despite the fact that they have already studied it in literature lessons. For this, students are offered a memo: "How to compose a mathematical fairy tale."
Mathematical fairy tales are a means for the development of further mathematical creativity. They are also a means for a more solid assimilation of basic mathematical concepts. Creating mathematical fairy tales is a creative process, both for the student and for the teacher.

The purpose of our education is to grow creative personality who will be able to develop and put into practice all his abilities.

Creating fairy tales is one of the most interesting types of creativity for children, and at the same time it is an important tool mental development. If it were not for the compilation of fairy tales, then perhaps the speech of many children would be confused and confused, and their thinking would be disordered. Between creative thinking and vocabulary student there is a direct relationship. The more the word excites the child, the more it is remembered, therefore, many fairy tales are remembered by children, as if by themselves. From such memorization, memory is not overloaded, but becomes even sharper.

Story, poetry...

It would seem that,fairy tale and mathematicsconcepts are incompatible. Bright fabulous image and dry abstract thought! But fairy-tale problems increase interest in mathematics. This is very important for students with disabilities.

Tales are needed. In the classroom, extracurricular activities where there is a fairy tale, a good mood always reigns, and this is the key to productive work. The story banishes boredom. Thanks to the fairy tale, humor, fantasy, fiction, and creativity are present at various events. Most importantly, students learn math.


Project type : interdisciplinary, creative.

Project Goals :

    involve each participant in an active cognitive process of a creative nature, in different kinds creative activity;

    develop the ability to design their activities;

    develop a steady interest in the book - a source of knowledge, the ability to work independently with additional literature, broaden horizons, increase erudition;

    develop fantasy, imagination, the ability to synthesize the collected material and choose the necessary one;

    to cultivate the ability for mutual understanding, interest in the creative efforts of comrades, as well as personal responsibility for the performance of collective work;

    develop presentation skills, i.e. the ability to present one's work to others;

    to involve family members in school life (the formation of social activity).


    A fabulous creative game approach interferes with the assimilation of mathematical formulas, rules and laws; it is not acceptable in mathematics lessons.

    A fabulous creative game approach contributes to the assimilation of mathematical formulas, rules and laws, develops the necessary skills in students.

Tasks: get acquainted with the rules and a special plan for composing a mathematical fairy tale.

Product: collection of essays on the topic.

Age of project participants: students in grades 5-9.


    Familiarize yourself with written mathematical fairy tales. Determine the theme of your story.

    Formulate the main idea of ​​the future fairy tale, determine for what purpose you will write it and what it should teach listeners.

    Build a story according to the scheme (see the memo), pick up drawings from the Internet or make drawings yourself.

    Get advice from a teacher.

    Involve your family members in the upcoming work (optional).

    Write an essay and print it out on your computer.

    Submit to the exhibition. Summarize activities. Discuss what worked well and what didn't. What kind of work did you like?


Karl Weierstrass argued that "one cannot be a mathematician without being at the same time a poet at heart".

Our research showed that “a person cannot understand the world around him only with the logic of the brain, he must feel it with the logic of the heart, that is, with emotion,” as S.V. samples. It is not enough just to put knowledge into the soul of a student, they must be strengthened in it, so that knowledge remains for life.

Fairy tales in mathematics allow you to do this. When students wrote their fairy tales, they applied their knowledge gained in mathematics lessons. When the teacher tells some rule also in a rhymed version, it is easier to remember. The work includes not only logical, but also creative thinking.

So, based on everything stated in our work, we come to the conclusion that the second hypothesis has been confirmed, that a fabulous creative game approach contributes to the assimilation of mathematical formulas, rules and laws, develops the necessary skills in students.

    Memo: "How to compose a mathematical fairy tale."

A fairy tale is the same story, only all the events in it are fabulous, magical. Therefore, to compose any fairy tale, you need to use certain rules and special plan.

    The first thing to do is to define topic, that is, what our fairy tale will be about.

    Second, be sure to formulate main idea future story, that is, for what, with what goal you write it, what is it must teach listeners.

    And the third is to directly build a story according to the following scheme:

    Exposure (who, where, when, what did)

    The plot of the action (how it all began)

    Development of action

    Climax (most important points)

    Decline in action

    Decoupling (how it all ended)


Where to begin? You can start the tale with "Once upon a time ..." or "Once upon a time ...". You can start with a description of the main character or a description of the place where the events take place.

The work of writing a mathematical fairy tale begins with the choice of its characters and plot. In it, the actors will be mathematical concepts (point, line, numbers, numbers, signs, various geometric shapes ...).

A fairy-tale character should come up with a special fairy-tale name. And do not forget to tell at least a little about his character. And about his appearance. It is very important to worry about your main character, to sympathize with him.

In addition to the main character, there will be other characters. It's good to take care of them too. How do they look? What are their internal features? There may be such that they have nothing to sympathize with, but it is still necessary to describe.

The most important thing is that the fairy tale has the main idea related to the rules of mathematics. "A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows."

    Collection of mathematical fairy tales.

Teacher: Kocheva E.V.

    The world of geometric shapes.

    Important fraction.

    Zero story.

    Who is the favorite?

    How the numbers 1 and 2 quarreled.

    Pluses and minuses in the digital city.

    Friendship of numbers.

    Zero story.

    Friendship figures.

    Important zero.

    Game "Three figures" in the mathematical country.

    An extraordinary occurrence in a mathematical country.

    Land of round numbers.

    1. Mathematical fairy tale."The World of Geometric Shapes"

Composer: Starkov V.

8 "B" class

Mathematical fairy tale.

"The World of Geometric Shapes"

Lived - there were geometric figures. In the world of geometric figures, the triangle was king. Once all the inhabitants of the world of geometric figures gathered and decided to measure their strength.

The competition was attended by the best of the best representatives this world: triangle, square and circle. The triangle was the first to show its strength. No matter how heavy he lifted, he still remained in his form: in the form of a triangle.

The second participant in the competition was a square. He tried very hard to show himself strong and hardy, but could not remain a square under the influence of various weights. Now it turned into a rectangle, then into a parallelogram, then into a rhombus. The square had to admit that he lost and the triangle was stronger than him.

The third participated in the competition circle. He also tried his best, but when lifting various weights, he always turned into an oval. After numerous attempts, the circle admitted defeat.

Everyone unanimously decided that in a fair competition, the triangle becomes the winner: the strongest, hardiest, durable of all geometric shapes. After all, it is no coincidence that a triangle is considered a rigid figure. No wonder he was chosen as the king in the world of geometric shapes!

    1. Mathematical fairy tale."Important shot"

Composed by: Alena Akutina

6 "A" class

Mathematical fairy tale.

"Important shot"

Once upon a time there was a Fraction and she had servants: a numerator and a denominator. The fraction helped them as best it could, and they lived in peace and harmony.

One day, Fraction decided it was time to show everyone that she was special and important in the world of mathematics.

I am the most important! What would you do without me? she told them.

She especially liked to scold the denominator. And the more she scolded him, the less he became.

First, the Fraction became as big as a table, then as a house, and finally as a globe.

When the denominator became completely invisible, the Fraction took up the numerator, deciding that everything was under its control.

And he, too, turned into a speck of dust. Once the Fraction was huge and important, but now it has become very small and inconspicuous. This made her very sad, and she thought about what she had done, deciding not to scold anyone again, as it backfired on such an important person.

The numerator and denominator told the Fraction that its value depends directly on them and there is no need to quarrel.

You can rise and become invisible thanks to us! they said to Droby.

In the world of mathematics, there are concepts that are closely related! You have to be very careful about your actions.

    1. Mathematical fairy tale.

"Tale of Zero".

The boy Vasya was in the third grade. One day he had an amazing dream: he was in the land of numbers.

The figures in this country played, had fun, like ordinary children. The boy began to play with them. Vasya had a lot of fun. He noticed that the number zero was sitting on the sidelines and was bored. The boy approached him and asked why he did not play with other numbers.

And zero said that other figures do not want to be friends with him. They say he means nothing. Vasya felt sorry for him. The boy at school had only fives, and he knew that zero in mathematics is very important. Vasya decided to make everyone friends with the number zero.

He went up to the number nine and asked to take the zero into the game, but she only laughed in response. And so it was with all the other figures. Everyone refused to be friends with zero and considered Vasya's request strange.

When the boy was completely desperate, he thought about one. It is also a very small number and means almost nothing. The unit thought and agreed.

When all the other numbers saw together one and zero, they were very surprised. It turned out that such small numbers together made up the number ten, which is greater than any one-digit figure taken separately.

And now everyone wanted to be friends with zero. The figures promised Vasya that they would never offend zero again.

    1. Mathematical fairy tale

"Who's favorite?"

Composed by: Neuimin Artem

6 "A" class

Mathematical fairy tale

"Who's favorite?"

Once upon a time there was a Queen - mathematics. There were many houses in her kingdom. Houses with numbers, signs, figures, fractions, formulas.

Once Mathematics brought numbers a beautiful blanket. When they went to bed, each figure began to pull the blanket more on itself, for some reason thinking that this was a gift for her.

There was a big quarrel. Number 2 and 5 quarreled among themselves.

All the students love me, but you don't! - said 5.

But I am beautiful and look like a swan, - answered 2.

The numbers 1,4,7 called the numbers 3,6,8,9 fat, and the poor 0 sat in the corner and cried.

When the Queen of Mathematics came in the morning, all the numbers ran up to her asking who she loved more.

everyone. The Queen smiled and kissed everyone. explained that

loves everyone equally.

Each of you is beautiful and useful in your own way. All together you are a force. Treat others the way you would like others to treat you! - said the great Queen Mathematics.

The figures calmed down, embraced. They realized that they had to go through life together. It was a useful lesson for the inhabitants of the entire mathematical realm.

    1. Mathematical fairy tale

"How the numbers 1 and 2 quarreled"

Lived - there were figures in a fairy tale0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 .

Once a figure1 quarreled with the number2 .

The unit called other numbers for help,

who began to persuade1 And2 reconcile.

They said that in mathematics, numbers are friendly

and are necessary for writing different numbers and examples.

Signs "+», «-», «×», «:» decided to help the numbers1 And2 .

Together they made examples:

1 + 2 = 3, 2 - 1 = 1, 2 × 1 = 2, 2: 1 = 2.

Numbers 1 and 2 understood that there was no need to quarrel,

because in mathematics everyone is needed and important

without exception numbers and numbers.

    1. Mathematical fairy tale.

"Plus and minus in the digital city".

One fine afternoon, Plus was walking around the digital city. Suddenly he met another sign and looked at it strangely.

What is a stranger calling you? Plus asked.

My name is Minus. What's your name?

My name is Plus.

The signs decided to get to know each other better and measure their strength. They called the numbers 2 and 5 for help. The signs came up with a competition to compose examples so that the result would be a larger number.

Plus made his example: 2 + 5 = 7, while Minus got it: 5 - 2 = 3. Minus was dissatisfied with the result and suggested finding other numbers for examples.

For a long time there were signs in the digital city, but nothing has changed in the competition of signs. "Plus" always got more, and "Minus" - less. Because "Plus" increases, and "Minus" decreases.

    Mathematical fairy tale"Tale of Zero"

Composed by: Mamin Kirill

Class: 6 "A"

Mathematical fairy tale

"Tale of Zero"

Somehow, in a small country of numbers, single-digit numbers gathered and began to argue which of them is more important:

Although I am alone, I always come first, says the proud number 1.

And although not the first, but for the student - a pleasant assessment, - says the favorite number 5.

And you, zero, what do you mean? Don't you mean anything? - asks the harmful number 8.

Nothing, nothing! the numbers screamed.

I may not mean anything, but if I stand near any number, I will increase it 10 times. What kind of nichevka am I? - zero offended by the number 8.

Since then, they began to respect zero and began to invite them to visit them in order to increase their number, goodness, wealth by 10 times.

And they began to live, live, and make good.

    Mathematical fairy tale"Friendship of Figures"

Once upon a time there were a circle, a square and a triangle in a geometric country. They were friends and never fought. Very often they got together and created different figures, objects.

Here's what they did: they made a ball from a circle, the sides of the cube made up their squares. The house was made up of squares and a circle, and the roof of the house was made of a triangle. Draw a snowman from the circles.

Friends liked this joint work, and they decided to get together more often to make other drawings. As a result, they got a wide variety of drawings, consisting of geometric shapes: a train, a rocket, a helicopter.

The more friends used geometric shapes, the more different drawings they got. Because these figures were true friends.

    Mathematical fairy tale

"A game " Three figures "in math country"

Once upon a time there were geometric figures in a mathematical country - a triangle, a square, a circle and numbers - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0. They loved to play together. Especially geometric figures liked the game "Three figures ».

One day, all the inhabitants of a mathematical country gathered for a game. Geometric figures played against the numbers.

Triangle, square and circle could always make a pattern of three shapes. Different variants of drawings were obtained: a house, a snowman, a pyramid or a car, a little man, a rocket or an airplane, a submarine, a tower.

No matter how hard the numbers tried, they could not make a new figure or a new drawing. At the end of the game, the points were calculated and it turned out that the figures won with a score of "3: 0".

The numbers are a little off. The inhabitants of the mathematical country decided that this game is interesting, and it is suitable only for geometric shapes.

    Mathematical fairy tale.

"An Extraordinary Occurrence in Mathematical Country".

In one wonderful country they lived, but the numbers did not grieve. They had a queen" Mathematics" . She rules honestly and fairly.

And then one day robbers attacked this country" X" And"U".

The whole camp of figures gathered for battle. A1, 2 And3 thought that the country of numbers would lose and hid. Came signs«<» And«>» . They began to argue who is stronger, the country of numbers or the robbers. Sign«>» says that the robbers are stronger, and the sign«<» believes that the country of numbers is stronger. They can't decide who is stronger.

And so the battle began. Numbers5, 6, 7, 8 And9 tried very hard to win. Signs«+» will increase«─» will reduce«:» share, and«×» multiply. Yes, they just can't do anything. After all"X" And "U" - unknown. How to defeat them?

Soon the inhabitants of the mathematical country solved the equation and found out what numbers are hidden under the mask."X" And"U". The numbers won.

Queen" Mathematics" wanted to drive out the robbers, but a sign came«=» and reconciled everyone. The queen forgave all the robbers and everyone began to live happily and amicably.

    Mathematical fairy tale

"Land of Round Numbers"

Composed by: Shurova Tatiana

6 "A" class

Mathematical fairy tale

"Land of Round Numbers"

Once upon a time, in a mathematical state, there lived a king and a queen. The king was called "100" and the queen was "200".

They had two children. The daughters were given the name "300", and the son - "400". They lived together and happily.

The royal family also had fabulous animals. The horse had the nickname "500", the pony - "600", the pig - "700", the goat - "800", the ram - "900". They lived together amicably, happily and did not quarrel with each other. Because it was the state of the "Round Hundreds".

And the neighboring states had the title of "Round Thousands", "Round Tens of Thousands", etc.

All these countries were on the land of "Round Numbers" and lived in peace and harmony. Because every year the number of countries increased, and the "Land of Round Numbers" flourished.

A lot of interesting things were invented by a man, he also invented fairy tales. And in fairy tales, heroes study and work, think and decide, are surprised and learn new things. Who does not live in fairy tales! Even the numbers we face every day.

Fairy tale "Once upon a time there were numbers"
Fairy tale author: Iris Revue

There were numbers. Beautiful, with ponytails and roundings, with straight and inclined sticks, slender and even. Their names were very different: Two, Four, Six and others. Numbers served as written signs for designating numbers: 2, 4, 6 ...

The numbers lived for themselves, they didn’t grieve, but one day the number 5, one of our most beloved numbers, was indignant: “Letters live in the kingdom of the Alphabet, but what is the name of the kingdom in which numbers live?”

— Really, how? - shouted other numbers that ran up to the number 5. And they made such a noise and uproar that the Learned Owl flew from the forest to their loud sounds.

- What's the matter,
- What's that noise?
— And why do numbers
— Boom?

It was explained to the Learned Owl that the numbers want to know the name of the kingdom to which they belong.

Without hesitation, the Learned Owl replied:

- The kingdom in which numbers live is called: "The Kingdom of Mathematics."

The numbers rejoiced. They really liked the beautiful and long name of the kingdom in which they live.

Questions to the fairy tale "Once upon a time there were numbers"

What is your favorite number?

What is the name of the realm in which letters live?

What is the name of the realm in which numbers live?

I will also tell you that the section of mathematics that studies numbers and their properties is called Arithmetic.

Once upon a time, an unpleasant story happened to the numbers. What happened? We learn about this from a fairy tale.

"Important Numbers"
Fairy tale author: Iris Revue

In the mathematical realm, in the arithmetic state, there were numbers from 0 to 9. Numbers are like numbers.

Some of them were thin, like 1 and 7. Some were full, rounded. These included 0, 9. Some of the numbers were with a tail, like 2 and 5, for example, someone with a circle, like 6 and 8.

In general, they were different, unlike each other. Despite this, the numbers were very friendly with each other. They could play four hands on the piano, show the theatrical play "Seven Kids". And if someone studied well, then the numbers pushed the top five to the fore. And the deuce and triple at the same time modestly stood aside.

But one day, at a holiday, the letters told the numbers that they were more important. Without letters and words, no one would understand anything. And the figures were offended and fled in all directions. And such chaos began!

The letter A, for example, is in the first place in the alphabet, the letter D is in the fifth place, and the letter Z is in the 33rd place. And now, when there are no numbers, it is not clear where to stand. Such confusion!

In the mathematical kingdom, in the arithmetic state, no one could really calculate anything, and panic began.

Then the letters apologized to the numbers, and asked them to continue to fulfill their digital duties. And everything fell into place.

Questions for the fairy tale about numbers

What kingdom did the numbers live in?

What numbers were thin?

Which numbers have tails?

What theatrical play was staged by the numbers?

Why are the numbers offended?

Why did the mathematical realm, the arithmetic state, start to panic?

Who apologized to the numbers?
