An extra-curricular career guidance event for junior schoolchildren. Extracurricular activity on career guidance “Kaleidoscope of professions”

Game in elementary school “All works are good!”

Goals: expand, systematize students’ knowledge about professions; generalize knowledge on technology (device of tools, technology of manufacturing products); develop an understanding that the knowledge gained in technology lessons contributes to the acquisition of important life skills; instill interest in blue-collar professions and work.

Equipment: cards with a picture of a house; paints; brushes; students' work.

Progress of the game

I. Subject message.

Teacher. Today we have an unusual lesson, a lesson-game “All works are good!”

A profession is an occupation, a favorite thing, a treasure of a lifetime. That’s why you choose your favorite thing once and for the rest of your life. But how hard it can be to choose! After all, I want to become a doctor, a driver, an astronaut and a diver, a teacher and an artist. That is why now you need to prepare for a serious choice. And what do you know about professions, we will find out today.

There are many professions in the world,

But you must choose only the one

What is dearer to you than anyone in the world,

To devote yourself to work.

II. Game part.

1. Getting started.

Reader 1.

Warmed by the gentle light

We are on sunny Earth.

The day comes with dawn

In every city, village.

Reader 2.

The clear morning is calling

In the field, mine, factory:

Work begins!

And we have our own worries.

Reader 3.

We are not wasting our time:

So that everything is always clear -

We know mathematics to perfection,

We love to build and draw.

Reader 4.

We learned to be friends

To value a good deed,

When we grow up, we'll all be on our own

Do it with these hands.

I want to know a lot -

Choose a case that suits your needs.

2. Game "Mysterious word".


Yes, there are countless professions over the centuries,

There is time to take a closer look,

Who do you want to become?

Everyone is curious to know.

The teacher shows cards, each of which has a word written on it, but the letters are presented in the most unimaginable way. Students must guess which word is encrypted:

barges yavsh praov schaknemki

zhirnene evitol rtomas

(Fisherman, seamstress, cook, mason, engineer, driver, sailor.)

3. “Builders” competition.

Teacher. We invite masons to compete first.


I want to become a builder as soon as possible.

I will learn to build houses and palaces

And schools where children will go.

Exercise. Make a drawing of a house from a picture cut into pieces

Rice. 1. Sample of a picture cut into pieces

Teacher. Now the painters are entering the competition.


It's time to paint the room

A painter was hired.

But not with a brush and bucket

Our painter comes to the house.

Instead of a brush he brought

Metal pump.

Paint splashes on the wall,

The sun is shining in the window.

The walls turned blue

Like the sky above.

The new house is almost ready

Will welcome residents for the holiday.

Attached to the board are drawings of a house made on a sheet of paper. 2-3 students should color the house to their liking in a way that is nice and quick.

Rice. 2. House for coloring

4. Game “Guess the proverbs.”

Teacher. While our “painters” are working, I suggest you guess the proverbs. I will start a proverb, and you will continue it. Without difficulty - ... (you can’t take the fish out of the pond).

Without hunting - ... (no work).

Without craft - ... (like without hands).

Living idle is... (only smoking the sky).

If there was a hunt - ... (all work will work out).

Without an ax you are not a carpenter, ... (without a needle you are not a tailor).

Love the job... (you will become a master).

5. Game “Who lost his instrument?”

The Lost and Found office received a lot of items. Who do you think lost them? Name the profession of the owner of these items:

scissors spatula light bulb

pan thermometer sieve

brush measuring tape wrench

calculator weight pointer

6. Quiz “Guess the profession.”

1) Who plows, sows, and harvests grain? (Grain grower)

2) Who bakes bread for us? (Baker.)

3) Who dispenses the medications? (Pharmacist.)

4) Who dresses us fashionably?

Who makes a suit on a day off?

Everyone knows - he... (tailor).

5) He comes to us with a letter directly to our house - who is he? (Postman.)

6) Here on the edge he paints the iron with caution;

He has a bucket in his hands, and he himself is colorfully painted. (Painter.)

7) At night, at noon, at dawn, he performs his service in secret,

On the path, on the shore, blocking the enemy's path. (Border guard.)

8) He is not a pilot, not a pilot, he is not flying a plane,

And a huge rocket. Children, who, tell me, is this? (Astronaut.)

9) Who is the most useful in days of illness?

And cures us of all diseases? (Doctor.)

10) The elder brother serves the dear Fatherland.

Protects our lives, he is ... (soldier).

11) The cat’s ear hurt, there was a fuss in the house.

Grandfather grumbles, little sister whines,

The soup in the cat's bowl is getting cold.

What should I do? What do i do?

Where can I treat a kitten? (At the vet.)

12) The frog burst into tears: a spot on the abdomen,

A spot on the leg - be careful!

Who will we treat this disease for? (At the dermatologist.)

13) A speck of dust fell into the eye of a handsome crane while flying.

Guys, which doctor should the crane see? (To the ophthalmologist.)

14) Sister Dasha was born - our joy, our grief.

Doesn't eat bread, spits porridge,

Who should I go to with my sister Dasha? (To the pediatrician.)

15) The girl is sitting on an iron bird,

Lowers the arrows, lifts the loads. (Crane operator.)

7. Competition “Technology Expert”.

On the table, under certain numbers, there are products obtained by bending, cutting, gluing, sawing, sewing, knitting, etc. The teacher names the technological process, and students must choose the product corresponding to it.

8. Competition “Find the odd one out.”

Words are written in large letters on the board or card. It is necessary to cross out the “extra” word that is not related to this technological process. For example: needle, thread, nail, measuring tape, thimble. (The word “nail” is superfluous, since it is not used when working with fabric.)

1) Brush - glue - ruler - knitting needle - scissors.

2) Yarn - knife - knitting needles - scissors.

3) Pan - spoon - grater - hook.

Musical pause.


We love to work very much,

We like to work.

Everyone copes with a difficult task,

Can handle any job.

They say I'm a fighter

Combat, so what.

My mom is a fighter

Well, then who am I?

Clean it yourself once a year

I decided to frying pan.

But then four days

They couldn't wash me off.

Ira, Olya, Katerina

Are you excited to embroider?

They tried with all their might

We are accepting more orders.

They say - skillful

The girl is timid.

But I can do any job

I'll finish it until the end.

We sang all the ditties -

Is it good or bad?

And now we ask you,

So that you clap!

III. The result of the game.

Teacher's final words. Well done boys! Today you showed your skills and knowledge of technology, and you talked a lot about different professions.

As you can see, children, there are many professions - choose one for yourself,

So that it becomes the work of your whole life,

So that with honest work you glorify your region.

Extracurricular event on the topic: "Who to be? What should I be like? (for career guidance, I recommend it for primary school).

Developed by: Kapustina L.N.

Goals : expand students’ knowledge about professions; show value labor activity In human life; instill interest in professions and work; cultivate a respectful, kind attitude towards people of different professions; develop memory, attention, speech.

Equipment: illustrations depicting people of various professions, cards with tasks, carpentry tools, various small items that characterize belonging to any profession.

Progress of the event.

There are many professions in the world,

It is impossible to count them.

Today many are important

Both relevant and necessary.

And you quickly grow up -

Master the profession.

Try to be the first in business

And bring benefits to people.

Who guessed what we will talk about in class today? Yes, we will talk about professions. You will “try on” some professions for yourself. I propose to solve several riddles.

He goes into the forest - he looks home, he goes home - he looks into the forest. (Axe.)

He bows, bows, when he comes home he will stretch out. (Axe.)

They have teeth, but don't bite. (Rake.)

She gnaws quickly, chews finely, and does not swallow herself. What is this, who can guess? (Saw.)

Gnawing firewood is a simple matter: I ate sawdust,

I drank tree sap! Who am I?.. (Saw.)

If I want, I’ll bow down, but if I’m too lazy, I’ll just lie down. (Axe.)

He's thin, but his head is big. (Hammer.)

The humpbacked horse has wooden sides,

White shavings are flying from under his hooves. (Plane.)

She started dancing with the propeller,

And he, spinning around, got stuck in the board. (Screwdriver.)

The guest will be warmly received by:

They'll hug you like that - don't breathe. (Vise.)

Who is the most useful in the days of illness and heals us from all illnesses? (Doctor)

He is not a pilot, not a pilot, he is not flying a plane, but a huge rocket. Children, who, tell me, is this? (Astronaut).

Guys, while you are still children. But already from the first grade they should know that everything needs to be learned. School teaches perseverance, teaches learning. As long as we live in the world, we learn as long. As early as possible, you should know what professions there are and strive to gain knowledge that will be very useful to you in life. And whatever you dream of doing, you need to learn. In our country, everyone has the right to education. It doesn’t matter where - at the institute, technical school - you must remember, try, think, perform various tasks, come up with something of your own. To master any profession, you need to learn its knowledge.

What is a profession? If you look into Ozhegov’s dictionary, it says:“A profession is a person’s main occupation, his work activity.”

“A profession is a type of work that requires a person to have certain training, knowledge and skills.”

What does the word “labor” mean? It’s true that people’s professions are related to their work.

I suggest you play a little. Anyone who wants to prepare a pantomime depicting people doing something. By the movement of the arms, legs, and body, you should guess what kind of activity the person is doing.

Guys, how many professions do you think exist on earth? (Children's answers).

It’s impossible to count all the professions!

Which ones can you name?

Now we'll play a game"Say the word" . Be careful...

The train is driven by... (driver)

Plowing in the field... (tractor driver)

The plane is controlled by... (pilot)

The tables are made by ... (carpenter).

Sings songs to us... (singer).

Busy with trade... (seller).

He weaves fabrics on the loom... (weaver).

Treats diseases ... (doctor).

Medicines will be given to us by ... (pharmacist).

The bread will be baked in the bakery ... (baker).

He will put down our stove for the winter... (stove maker).

Working in the Far North... (polar explorer).

Will translate from another language... (translator).

Fix the tap... (plumber).

The watch is repaired by... (watchmaker).

Loading with a crane... (crane operator).

The bread is removed... (combine operator).

The lights were installed in the house... (fitter).

Works in the mine... (miner

In a hot forge... (blacksmith)

Who knows everything - well done!

Well done boys!

No wonder people say:

All professions are important, all professions are needed!

Without a job, without a favorite activity, a person feels superfluous. His place among other people, job satisfaction, health, happiness, and joy depend on how correctly his life path is chosen.

IN Everyday life We often do not attach importance to what surrounds us; we believe that this is how it was, is and will always be. Think about who it depends on proper nutrition, who builds and repairs our houses, who brings us joy with excellent clothes, beautiful furniture, who can repair plumbing and household appliances?

Craftsmen help us cope with various everyday difficulties.

Let's collect proverbs about work. Everyone has a card with a task on their desk.

Who loves to work

They don't know boredom

Patience and work

When there is nothing to do

Skillful hands

So he can’t sit still

Boring day until evening

Everything will be crushed

Read the resulting proverbs and explain their meaning.

What professions do you think people should work in? (Everyone needs to work).

Well done!

What professions do you know? Why do people choose this or that profession?

It is very important for every person in life to choose the right profession. Then a person works with pleasure and brings joy to himself and the people around him. But with any choice of profession, know that they are all important and necessary.

Here's an example: Poem by L. Kuklin

Think what would happen

When would a tailor say:

I don't want to sew a dress.

I'll take a day off!

And all the tailors in town

They would have followed him home.

If only people walked around naked

Along the street in winter.

Think what would happen

When a doctor would say:

I don't want to pull my teeth

I won’t, even if you cry!

Medical care for patients

There wouldn't be any.

And you would sit and suffer

With a tied cheek.

A school teacher would say:

this year

I don't want to teach children

I won't come to school!

Notebooks and textbooks

We'd roll around in the dust

And you would be unscientists

They grew into old age.

Think about what

Suddenly something bad happened!

But he just won't do that

No one ever

And people won't refuse

From the required work:

Teacher is required

Will come to class the next morning,

And the bakers diligently

Bread will be baked for you.

Any task will be completed.

Whatever you give them,

Tailors and shoemakers,

Drivers and doctors.

We are all a friendly family

One we live in the country,

And everyone works honestly

In its place.

Well done! Now it's a game of attention.

Funny company,

Double your attention!

Rhyme used to help,

And now she has become insidious.

Don't rush, my friend.

Don't get hooked!

All black, like a rook,

Climbing from our roof... (chimney sweep)

Rolls for us and rolls

Every day they bake... (bakers)

Cooks porridge and broth

Kind, fat... (cook)

Arius, opera composer

Called... (composer)

They talk about paired sounds

At school you and I... (teachers)

I've already planted hundreds of roses

In the city garden... (gardener)

Trains lions and dogs

Our brave, brave... (tamer)

Who grazes the cows and sheep?

Well, of course... (shepherd)

Sweeps the yard clean

At six in the morning, of course... (janitor)

A knight and a rook move across the squares -

Preparing his winning move... (chess player)

Under the circus big top on a dangerous flight

Brave and strong set off... (gymnast)

Guys, I would really like you to tell me now what profession you would like to choose. (Children's answers)

There are countless wonderful professions in the world,

And glory and honor to every profession!

Children, on your desks are tools for plumbing and carpentry. Your task is to select the tools that are required to make a certain product.

Well done!

And when completing the next task, ingenuity and speed are required. (One student at a time comes to the board and guesses the word denoting the profession that is encrypted on the card)







(fitter, turner, miner, carpenter, joiner, teacher).

Well done, well done. The guys will read you the poem “How dangerous laziness is.” Listen.

Once upon a time there lived a lazy man, lazily flipping through his days.

Our fast age has never known such a lazy person.

Sometimes he would lie down on the bed and sleep for twenty hours:

He doesn’t want to sleep, and he’s too lazy, brother, to wake up.

And if this individual lowers his loins into the chair,

He will sit like this all day: too lazy to get up from his chair.

And if, having overcome laziness, he stands up honorably,

It will just stand there like a stump, not moving, in place.

But one day, moving my legs with great difficulty,

The lazy guy went for a walk along the road on a fine day.

He walks for an hour, and three, and five... The sun is already setting...

The lazy man is already tired of walking, but too lazy to stop!

He should turn home, but he’s too lazy to walk back.

And he went into the distance in a straight line, and where he is is unclear!

It’s not easy to find the poor guy... And here it’s convenient to say,

That laziness can take you very, very far.

Vladlen Pakhnov .

Every person on earth - from young to old - must work, since it is impossible to live without work. Labor was, is and will be the basis of life on earth. Every morning your moms and dads go to work. They perform different tasks and assignments, have different professions. You guys are sitting at a school desk. What is your main business? (Studies.)

Teaching is also work and difficult work. Each of you has probably wondered what he will be when he grows up. You still have a lot of time ahead to choose a profession. Today we talked only about some professions. But even now we can conclude that all the works are good - choose according to your taste! I think when you grow up, you will choose the profession that you like, but always remember that any profession is important!

Our event has come to an end. You worked well today. Choice future profession- this is a very important matter. Many times we will talk about choosing a profession. As K.D. Ushinsky said “If you successfully choose a profession and put your whole soul into it, then happiness will find you on its own.”

Extracurricular activity

(4th grade)

Target: Formation of students' understanding of the diversity of professions.


1. Expand children’s understanding of professions.

2. Instill interest in students in the world of professions.

3. Foster a respectful attitude towards work and towards representatives of different professions.


Presenter 1

Hello guys!

Presenter 2

Guys, we are school students, but the hour is not far when we will enter a new era own life. Now the main thing for us is study, our diversified development is the basis for our further adult life. When we finish school, it's time to seriously think about choosing our profession. And today we will also open the door to the world of professions. There are about 40 thousand of them in the world. Choosing a profession is a vital issue.

Presenter 1

To better introduce you to professions and what people in these professions do, we will take you on a journey into your future and try yourself in different types activities.

Presenter 2

There are many professions in the world,

It is impossible to count them.

Today many are important

Both relevant and necessary.

And you quickly grow up -

Master the profession.

Try to be the first in business

And bring benefits to people!

Presenter 1

What is a profession?

Let's turn to explanatory dictionary and find out the meaning of this word.

Profession – main occupation, work activity

Presenter 2

A profession is a type of work that requires a person to have certain training, knowledge and skills.

Which ones can you name?

Presenter 2

The class takes turns, without repeating itself, calling professions. The class that named it wins large quantity professions.

Presenter 1

Yes, there are countless professions over the centuries

There is time to take a closer look,

Who do you want to become?

Everyone is curious to know.

Presenter 2

Let's move on to the next Lost and Found competition.

The bag contains cards with a set of various tools; your task is to determine to the person what profession these things belong to. For each correct answer, the team receives 1 point; if the team finds it difficult to answer, the turn passes to the other team.

1.Brush, pencil, paints. (to the artist)

2.Scissors, meter, needle and thread, buttons. (to the seamstress)

3.Pen, notebook, book, pointer. (to the teacher)

4. Hammer, nails, chisel, screwdriver. (carpenter)

5.Light bulb, socket, indicator. (electrician)

6. Letters, newspapers, bag (postman)

7. Thermometer, syringe (doctor)

8. Comb, scissors (hairdresser)

9. Wig, costume (actor)

10.Sky, helm, plane, airport. (Pilot)

11.Books, shelves, exhibition of books. (Librarian)

12.Microphone, music, stage. (Singer)

13.Camera, photographs. (Photographer)

14. Flour, yeast, stove. (Baker)

Presenter 1

We play in the profession
We choose them according to our liking,
And we dream faster
Mom and dad become more mature,
So as not to just dream,
And who to be is decided and become.

Presenter 2

And now the next competition “Detectives”

We invite 2 people.

Presenter 1

You need to figure out words with rearranged letters. Your task is to find the original word, i.e. profession. For each correct answer, the team receives 1 point.

Presenter 2

In the meantime, detectives are unraveling professions, we will move on to the next competition.

Presenter 1

Presenter 2

2. Game “Guess the profession”

We dig deep into the earth
And in the depths of the earth
We mine coal for people,

Presenter 1

Who walks in the parade
Ribbons curl behind your back,
Ribbons curl, and in the squad

Presenter 2

Calls goats, cows,
He plays his twisted horn. (Shepherd)

Presenter 1

Tell me who is so delicious
Prepares cabbage soup,
Smelly cutlets,
Salads, vinaigrettes,
All breakfasts, lunches? (cook)

Presenter 2

At night, at noon, at dawn
He carries out his service in secret,
On the path, on the shore,

Presenter 1

He studied science

It’s as if he has tamed the earth.

He knows when to plant

Sowing is like reaping.

He is an expert in his native land

And it’s called... (agronomist)

Presenter 2

Last time I was a teacher,

The day after tomorrow - driver.

He must know a lot

Because he...(artist)

Presenter 1

Marina put on a tutu and pointe shoes,

She flew onto the stage, she... (ballerina)

Presenter 1

Who is the most useful in days of illness?

And cures us of all diseases? (doctor)

Presenter 2

Dive hundreds of times into the depths of the sea... (diver)

Presenter 1

Tear-nose-wiper in our group... (educator)

Presenter 2

The entire sheet is covered in quick handwriting -

Writes an essay for the newspaper... (journalist)

Presenter 1

For sour cream, bread and cheese, a check will be punched at the cash register... (cashier)

Presenter 2

Sleep and rest are forgotten - a song is written... (composer)

Presenter 1

Hollow and den, fox and bird house

Reliably guards in the forest... (forest ranger)

Presenter 2

Well done! Now let's find out what professions our detectives guessed.

Presenter 2

One representative from the team (the most artistic) is invited to the stage. We'll play in the game "Pantomime".

Presenter 1

You need to depict the profession indicated on the card using gestures and facial expressions, without words. Teams must guess what profession they are being shown.

Carpenter, teacher, pilot

doctor, cook, driver

Presenter 2

The next competition is “Find out”

Teams take turns to find out the profession from the description.

Presenter 1

“These scientists study how people lived in the distant past. In the summer they go to where ancient people settled. Over thousands of years, the parking areas were overgrown with a thick layer of earth and covered with grass and forest. Scientists diligently, layer by layer, dig up the earth and find objects that once served people. Each find is carefully cleaned of dust with a special brush.” (Archaeologist.)

Presenter 2

“This profession is very ancient. At all times she was honorable and worthy of respect. All the buildings that we see around us - houses, palaces, temples, churches, and even cozy gazebos in the park - did not arise on their own. Coming up with beautiful buildings is not easy. This person begins his work on the future building at a table with a pencil and a sheet of paper in his hands.” (Architect.)

Presenter 1

“It’s good to dream while looking into the night starry sky, dream up. These people know the most about the stars. Now these scientists are studying space using telescopes and aircraft. Computers help them calculate the distances at which celestial bodies are located from each other.” (Astronomer.)

Presenter 2

“My profession may seem easy to you, but the work of the whole team depends on it. This profession requires constant movement and strong nerves. They don’t always know me by sight, as they often see me from behind. Tell me my profession." (Conductor.)

Presenter 1

Great demands are placed on my profession. Its main disadvantage is its negative impact on health. Occupational disease - hypotension, that is, decreased arterial pressure. It is difficult for me to plan my personal life, since I am often away from home. (stewardess.)

Presenter 2

Experts once calculated: on average, there is a cow for every four people on planet Earth. The cow fed humanity at the earliest stages of its development and will continue to feed it, because the composition of milk is such a successful combination of elements that it is almost impossible to select artificially. The workers of this profession are precisely busy “extracting” this valuable food product. (Milkmaid).

Presenter 1

A star sparkles in the sky,
The mustachioed cat sleeps in a ball,
Only the cook can’t sleep -
The cook gets up after dark.
The porridge gurgles lightly,
And the scrambled eggs sizzle,
And to the delicious noise and hubbub
Appetite enters the bedrooms.
We'll sit together in the dining room,
Like a huge family.
I'll be a cook in the dining room -
That's what I decided myself!

Presenter 2

Presenter 1

He drives the car skillfully -
After all, this is not the first year behind the wheel!
The tight tires rustle slightly,
He takes us around the city.

Presenter 2

We invite 3 people from each team.

Presenter 1

They will come to our aid
When the ocean is stormy
When an earthquake
Typhoon or flood.
Risking their lives, they will save us -
Such dangerous work they have!

Presenter 2

We invite 3 people from each team.

Presenter 1

I need these things:
And ticks,
And a hacksaw
And all that is needed is

Presenter 2

Presenter 1

All equipment for the people of the Earth
The designers invented it!
First there is a drawing -
It looks like a thin drawing.

Just be sure to read it!

Presenter 2

Presenter 1

Harvest high
An agronomist will help us.
He knows the sowing dates
And I'm familiar with botany.

Presenter 2

Presenter 1

And now there’s a quick quiz for you. Remember the heroes' professions literary works. The one who answers the question correctly first gets a point.

(Leaders read in turns)

Who was Pechkin, the character in E. Uspensky’s work “Three from Prostokvashino”? (postman)

The profession of the hero of the fairy tale Korney Chukovsky, who came to the aid of sick residents of Africa. (doctor)

Who was the old man from the fairy tale about the goldfish by A.S. Pushkin? (fisherman)

Giuseppe's profession from A. Tolstoy's fairy tale “The Golden Key. (carpenter)

Name the profession of the two villainous sisters and “Tales of Tsar Saltan” by A.S. Pushkin. (weaver, cook).

What profession did the three little pigs learn when they built their houses? (builder).

The profession of the elder who gave advice to Tsar Dadon in Pushkin’s “Tale of the Golden Cockerel.” (stargazer, sage)

The profession of a short man from a flower town named Tube. (artist)

The profession of cunning people from H.H. Andersen’s fairy tale “The King’s New Clothes.” (tailors)

The profession of short Pilyulkin from Flower Town. (doctor)

Profession of a short man named Guslya. (musician)

Who was the father of Alyonushka and her two sisters in S. T. Aksakov’s fairy tale “The Scarlet Flower”? (merchant)

Uncle Styopa's profession from a poem by S.V. Mikhalkov. (policeman)

Who did the fairy turn the rat from C. Perrault’s fairy tale “Cinderella” into? (coachman)

Who saved Little Red Riding Hood? (hunters)

What did the animals from Bremen become - a donkey, a dog, a cat and a rooster? (musicians)

Presenter 2

There are countless wonderful professions in the world

And to every profession - glory and honor!

Presenter 1

Man is famous for his work, says a popular proverb. The work of every person is important, and therefore each of you. It is very important that from childhood everyone learns to work and gets used to conscientiously doing the work assigned to him.

Presenter 2

The strength of the country and the health of the people.

“A warrior with a bad mark” - he is more terrible than the enemy.

Presenter 1

Our work today is study.

So let's try to do the job
Let it be four, or better yet five.

Presenter 2

Friends, take care of the minute and hour
Any school day!

In the profession you need.

To become a professional, a master of your craft, you need to think about choosing a profession while still at school and, if possible, prepare for this profession.

We hope that in the future you will all choose interesting and rewarding work and become masters of your craft.



Extracurricular activity

“All works are good - choose according to your taste”

(4th grade)

Target: Formation of students' understanding of the diversity of professions.


1. Expand children’s understanding of professions.

2. Instill interest in students in the world of professions.

3. Foster a respectful attitude towards work and towards representatives of different professions.

Form of extracurricular activity: gaming

Presenter 1

Hello guys!

Presenter 2

Guys, we are school students, but the hour is not far off when we will enter a new era in our lives. Now the main thing for us is study, our diversified development is the basis of our future adult life. When we finish school, it's time to seriously think about choosing our profession. And today we will also open the door to the world of professions. There are about 40 thousand of them in the world. Choosing a profession is a vital issue.

Presenter 1

To better introduce you to professions and what people in these professions do, we will take you on a journey into your future and try yourself in different types of activities.

Presenter 2

There are many professions in the world,

It is impossible to count them.

Today many are important

Both relevant and necessary.

And you quickly grow up -

Master the profession.

Try to be the first in business

And bring benefits to people!

Presenter 1

What is a profession?

Let's turn to the explanatory dictionary and find out the meaning of this word.

Profession – main occupation, work activity

Presenter 2

A profession is a type of work that requires a person to have certain training, knowledge and skills.

Presenter 1

Which ones can you name?

Now we are going to play a game called “Who can name the most professions?”

Presenter 2

The class takes turns, without repeating itself, calling professions. The class that names the most professions wins.

Presenter 1

Yes, there are countless professions over the centuries

There is time to take a closer look,

Who do you want to become?

Everyone is curious to know.

Presenter 2

Let's move on to the next Lost and Found competition.

The bag contains cards with a set of various tools; your task is to determine to the person what profession these things belong to. For each correct answer, the team receives 1 point; if the team finds it difficult to answer, the turn passes to the other team.

1.Brush, pencil, paints. (to the artist)

2.Scissors, meter, needle and thread, buttons. (to the seamstress)

3.Pen, notebook, book, pointer. (to the teacher)

4. Hammer, nails, chisel, screwdriver. (carpenter)

5.Light bulb, socket, indicator. (electrician)

6. Letters, newspapers, bag (postman)

7. Thermometer, syringe (doctor)

8. Comb, scissors (hairdresser)

9. Wig, costume (actor)

10.Sky, helm, plane, airport. (Pilot)

11.Books, shelves, exhibition of books. (Librarian)

12.Microphone, music, stage. (Singer)

13.Camera, photographs. (Photographer)

14. Flour, yeast, stove. (Baker)

Presenter 1

We play in the profession
We choose them according to our liking,
And we dream faster
Mom and dad become more mature,
So as not to just dream,
And who to be is decided and become.

Presenter 2

And now the next competition “Detectives”

We invite 2 people.

Presenter 1

You need to figure out words with rearranged letters. Your task is to find the original word, i.e. profession. For each correct answer, the team receives 1 point.



your answer


medical worker



(fun circus profession)



theatrical and diplomatic profession



"colorful" worker



head of the enterprise



Legal profession


Presenter 2

In the meantime, detectives are unraveling professions, we will move on to the next competition.

Presenter 1

Each profession is interesting in its own way, each has special mysterious moments that you just need to notice. Whether you are a doctor, teacher, builder or cook, there is always a mystery about your profession.

Presenter 2

2. Game “Guess the profession”(teams guess in turns)

We dig deep into the earth
And in the depths of the earth
We mine coal for people,
So that they could heat the house. (miners)

Presenter 1

Who walks in the parade
Ribbons curl behind your back,
Ribbons curl, and in the squad
There are no girls. (sailors)

Presenter 2

Calls goats, cows,
He plays his twisted horn. (Shepherd)

Presenter 1

Tell me who is so delicious
Prepares cabbage soup,
Smelly cutlets,
Salads, vinaigrettes,
All breakfasts, lunches? (cook)

Presenter 2

At night, at noon, at dawn
He carries out his service in secret,
On the path, on the shore,
Blocking the enemy's path. (border guard)

Presenter 1

He studied science

It’s as if he has tamed the earth.

He knows when to plant

Sowing is like reaping.

He is an expert in his native land

And it’s called... (agronomist)

Presenter 2

Last time I was a teacher,

The day after tomorrow - driver.

He must know a lot

Because he...(artist)

Presenter 1

Marina put on a tutu and pointe shoes,

She flew onto the stage, she... (ballerina)

Presenter 1

Who is the most useful in days of illness?

And cures us of all diseases? (doctor)

Presenter 2

Dive hundreds of times into the depths of the sea... (diver)

Presenter 1

Tear-nose-wiper in our group... (educator)

Presenter 2

The entire sheet is covered in quick handwriting -

Writes an essay for the newspaper... (journalist)

Presenter 1

For sour cream, bread and cheese, a check will be punched at the cash register... (cashier)

Presenter 2

Sleep and rest are forgotten - a song is written... (composer)

Presenter 1

Hollow and den, fox and bird house

Reliably guards in the forest... (forest ranger)

Presenter 2

Well done! Now let's find out what professions our detectives guessed.

Presenter 2

One representative from the team (the most artistic) is invited to the stage. We'll playin the game "Pantomime".

Presenter 1

You need to depict the profession indicated on the card using gestures and facial expressions, without words. Teams must guess what profession they are being shown.

Suggested list of professions:

Carpenter, teacher, pilot

doctor, cook, driver

Presenter 2

The next competition is “Find out”

Teams take turns to find out the profession from the description.

Presenter 1

“These scientists study how people lived in the distant past. In the summer they go to where ancient people settled. Over thousands of years, the parking areas were overgrown with a thick layer of earth and covered with grass and forest. Scientists diligently, layer by layer, dig up the earth and find objects that once served people. Each find is carefully cleaned of dust with a special brush.” (Archaeologist.)

Presenter 2

“This profession is very ancient. At all times she was honorable and worthy of respect. All the buildings that we see around us - houses, palaces, temples, churches, and even cozy gazebos in the park - did not arise on their own. Coming up with beautiful buildings is not easy. This person begins his work on the future building at a table with a pencil and a sheet of paper in his hands.” (Architect.)

Presenter 1

“It’s good to dream, looking into the night starry sky, to fantasize. These people know the most about the stars. Now these scientists are studying space using telescopes and aircraft. Computers help them calculate the distances at which celestial bodies are located from each other.” (Astronomer.)

Presenter 2

“My profession may seem easy to you, but the work of the whole team depends on it. This profession requires constant movement and strong nerves. They don’t always know me by sight, as they often see me from behind. Tell me my profession."(Conductor.)

Presenter 1

Great demands are placed on my profession. Its main disadvantage is its negative impact on health. An occupational disease is hypotension, that is, low blood pressure. It is difficult for me to plan my personal life, since I am often away from home.(stewardess.)

Presenter 2

Experts once calculated: on average, there is a cow for every four people on planet Earth. The cow fed humanity at the earliest stages of its development and will continue to feed it, because the composition of milk is such a successful combination of elements that it is almost impossible to select artificially. The workers of this profession are precisely busy “extracting” this valuable food product.(Milkmaid).

Presenter 1

We continue our acquaintance with professions.

A star sparkles in the sky,
The mustachioed cat sleeps in a ball,
Only the cook can’t sleep -
The cook gets up after dark.
The porridge gurgles lightly,
And the scrambled eggs sizzle,
And to the delicious noise and hubbub
Appetite enters the bedrooms.
We'll sit together in the dining room,
Like a huge family.
I'll be a cook in the dining room -
That's what I decided myself!

Presenter 2

We invite 3 people from each team.

Your task is to move the balloon on the frying pan without dropping it.

Presenter 1

He drives the car skillfully -
After all, this is not the first year behind the wheel!
The tight tires rustle slightly,
He takes us around the city.

Presenter 2

We invite 3 people from each team.

Your task is to drive between the posts with your eyes closed without hitting them.

Presenter 1

They will come to our aid
When the ocean is stormy
When an earthquake
Typhoon or flood.
Risking their lives, they will save us -
Such dangerous work they have!

Presenter 2

We invite 3 people from each team.

Your task is to walk across the ice floes and save the fisherman.

Presenter 1

I need these things:
And ticks,
And a hacksaw
And all that is needed is

Presenter 2

We invite 1 person from each team.
You only need to bring the tools needed by the locksmith

Presenter 1

All equipment for the people of the Earth
The designers invented it!
First there is a drawing -
It looks like a thin drawing.
There are countless benefits and strength in it,
Just be sure to read it!

Presenter 2

We invite 2 people from each team.

Each team has a puzzle. From them you need to put together a picture and guess the profession.

Presenter 1

Harvest high
An agronomist will help us.
He knows the sowing dates
And I'm familiar with botany.

Presenter 2

We invite 5 people from each team

The first plows the field - puts a hoop, the second sows - scatters potatoes, the third waters the crop - runs three circles around the hoop; the fourth applies fertilizer - scatters paper lumps, the fifth harvests - collects only potatoes.

Presenter 1

And now there’s a quick quiz for you. Remember the professions of the heroes of literary works. The one who answers the question correctly first gets a point.

(Leaders read in turns)

Who was Pechkin, the character in E. Uspensky’s work “Three from Prostokvashino”? (postman)

The profession of the hero of the fairy tale Korney Chukovsky, who came to the aid of sick residents of Africa. (doctor)

Who was the old man from the fairy tale about the goldfish by A.S. Pushkin? (fisherman)

Giuseppe's profession from A. Tolstoy's fairy tale “The Golden Key. (carpenter)

Name the profession of the two villainous sisters and “Tales of Tsar Saltan” by A.S. Pushkin. (weaver, cook).

What profession did the three little pigs learn when they built their houses? (builder).

The profession of the elder who gave advice to Tsar Dadon in Pushkin’s “Tale of the Golden Cockerel.” (stargazer, sage)

The profession of a short man from a flower town named Tube. (artist)

The profession of cunning people from H.H. Andersen’s fairy tale “The King’s New Clothes.” (tailors)

The profession of short Pilyulkin from Flower Town. (doctor)

Profession of a short man named Guslya. (musician)

Who was the father of Alyonushka and her two sisters in S. T. Aksakov’s fairy tale “The Scarlet Flower”? (merchant)

Uncle Styopa's profession from a poem by S.V. Mikhalkov. (policeman)

Who did the fairy turn the rat from C. Perrault’s fairy tale “Cinderella” into? (coachman)

Who saved Little Red Riding Hood? (hunters)

What did the animals from Bremen become - a donkey, a dog, a cat and a rooster? (musicians)

Presenter 2

There are countless wonderful professions in the world

And to every profession - glory and honor!

Presenter 1

Man is famous for his work, says a popular proverb. The work of every person is important, and therefore each of you. It is very important that from childhood everyone learns to work and gets used to conscientiously doing the work assigned to him.

Presenter 2

Know this, guys! Depends on knowledge
The strength of the country and the health of the people.
A “troika” tractor is not a helper in work,
“A warrior with a bad mark” - he is more terrible than the enemy.

Presenter 1

Our work today is study.
Are we ashamed to show our work?
So let's try to do the job
Let it be four, or better yet five.

Presenter 2

Friends, take care of the minute and hour
Any school day!
Let each of you become a professor
In the profession you need.


To become a professional, a master of your craft, you need to think about choosing a profession while still at school and, if possible, prepare for this profession.

We hope that in the future you will all choose interesting and rewarding work and become masters of your craft.

Career guidance event “Diversity of Professions”

Form of conduct: educational game

Target: expanding children's understanding of the variety of professions and their role in people's lives



Expand and systematize children’s knowledge about professions;

Give general information about the content of labor of different professions;


Develop intellectual and creative capabilities, understanding that knowledge acquired in school lessons contributes to the acquisition of important life skills;


To form motivation and interest in work activities, respectful attitude towards working people.

Methods and techniques: verbal (story, conversation), display, partially search; analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization.

Equipment: laptop, tokens, prizes, photos of professions for decoration, fosque with circle, square, cross holes.

Progress of the event


Guys, you know very well that every person, young and old, must work, because it is impossible to live without work. Labor was, is and will be the basis on Earth. And to become good specialist, a person must know and be able to do a lot. Today you are sitting at a school desk, and your learning is also work and difficult. They will pass quickly school years, you will grow up, and you will be faced with the serious question “Who should you be?”

Today we will talk about what a profession is. Work helps to reveal your personality and show your abilities. It is not for nothing that people have composed many proverbs and sayings about work. But do you know them? We’ll check that now.

For correct answers you will receive tokens, and at the end of the event we will summarize and recognize the most erudite.

Competition “Finish the proverb”

    Who doesn't work... (he doesn’t eat).

    Do you want to eat rolls... (don’t sit on the stove).

    Labor feeds a person... (and laziness spoils).

    You can’t take it out without difficulty... (a fish from a pond).

    He who loves work... (people honor him).

    A person gets sick from laziness... (but gets healthy from work).

    A bird is recognized in flight, and a person... (at work).


Well done! They coped with the task perfectly. Not all of you will go to 10th grade after finishing 9th grade. Do you think they will be able to get a job? Why? (children's answers) That's right. First you need to acquire a profession. A profession should be chosen to one’s liking, it should interest a person, then it will bring joy to the person, and the matter will progress.

Choosing a profession is one of the most serious, most important life decisions. People have long been looking for a formula for happiness; one kind and wise writer said: “Happiness is when you want to go to work in the morning, and in the evening you want to go home.”

A profession is a type of work that requires a person to have certain training, knowledge and skills.

Competition "Professional Dictionary"

You need to use these groups of words to determine what professions we are talking about.

    Flower beds, shrubs, watering can, trees. (Gardener)

    Cement, mortar, brick. (Builder)

    Accordion, piano, guitar. (Musician).

    Pan, kitchen, delicious lunch. (Cook)

    Airplane, sky, height. (Pilot)

    Scissors, sewing machine, needles, scissors. (Seamstress)

    Screwdriver, wrench, machine oil, pliers. (Auto Mechanic)

    Combine, field, grain. (Combine operator)

Our parents' professions

Many guys, dreaming of adulthood, are looking for some kind of ideal to follow, choosing a person whom they want to be like. Most often, show business stars and heroes of television programs act as such an ideal. But the true heroes who live among us are your parents, grandparents. Day after day they do their job - build, transport, sell, feed - do everything that we cannot live without. What do your parents do at work? What is their profession? What attracts them to this profession? Listening to your stories (Katya M., Daniil T., Zarina K.)

Choosing a profession is a difficult matter.

Think and answer whether you agree with the statements and write down which ones you agree with and which ones you don’t. (slide)

    The profession is chosen forever.

    The choice of profession depends on the thickness of the wallet.

    You need to find the profession in which you will be the best.

    A profession is intended for a person from birth.

    By the name of the university you can judge who it teaches.

    You can choose a profession based on the knowledge of your parents and friends.

    You should choose a profession as an adult.

    To get a good education, you need to go to a prestigious university.

    If you have money, you don't need career guidance.

    A psychologist is not an assistant in choosing a profession.

Count how many statements you agree with.

0-2 You cope well with the problem of choosing a profession; your level of awareness about the world of the profession and how to choose is almost equal to the competence of a specialist.

3-5. You lack information and confidence about how to choose a profession.

7 or more. Try to honestly answer the question: “Why is it so difficult for me to take responsibility?” Perhaps by answering this question you will be able to understand how to become more independent.

With this questionnaire we assert that choosing a profession is a very important matter in the life of every person.

Game "Give me a word"

I offer you riddles about the profession. To guess them, you need to choose the right rhyme.

In a sea of ​​treacherous goods and prices
Business - the ship is led by... (businessman)

Our computer is free from malicious viruses:
Programs and files saved... (programmer)

Here is a drawing for you, where each size
New part gave... (engineer)

She gave it to me yesterday
Two injections... (nurse)

Lobotryasov the tamer,
At school he teaches you... (teacher)

Like an air princess
In summer uniform... (flight attendant)

Legendary heroes
They go into the fire... (firemen)

He brings letters to the house,
Long-awaited... (postman)

His path is hard and long,
Looking for deposits... (geologist)

The elephant or the mice have a fever -
They will be saved by... (veterinarian)


They say that there are about 50 thousand professions in the world. In order not to get confused in them, experts combine them into large types. In Russia, all professions are combined into five large types.

The first type: man - nature. People of these professions deal with living and inanimate nature(veterinarian, agronomist, hydrologist, machine operator, tractor driver). They are characterized by a common subject of labor - animals and plants, soil and air.

The second type is technology. These could be pilots, drivers, sailors, turners, mechanics and other professions that use technical devices.

The third type is a person. The subject of labor in this profession is another person, and characteristic feature activities – impact on other people. This type of profession includes: teacher, doctor, journalist, salesman.

The fourth type of person is a sign system. Specialists of this type use various signs in their work: oral and written speech, numbers. Chemical and physical symbols, notes, diagrams, maps, etc. These are accountants, scientists, people working in laboratories and research centers.

The fifth type of person is an artistic image. People of this type are distinguished by the presence of imaginative thinking, artistic imagination, and talent. These are musicians, artists, actors, etc.

Competition "Rebuses"

Now you need to solve the puzzles that are shown on the slide (ecologist, painter, carpenter, model, cook, doctor)

Quiz “Professions of your favorite heroes”

Reading different books, we meet a variety of heroes who became famous thanks to their profession. Be able to name the characters and authors of these works:

1. The best nanny in the world is a governess who one day flew in on an umbrella from nowhere. (Mary Poppins. P. Travers.)

2. A teacher who had a very high opinion of herself “With me,” she said, “both children and dogs become silky.” (Freken Bok A. Mezdrim “Three stories about the baby and Carlson.”)

3. Of the three girls, one became a queen, the second a weaver. And the third? (Cook.

A. S. Pushkin “The Tale of Tsar Saltan.”)

4. The girl is a circus performer, surprisingly similar to the doll of Tutti’s heir. (Marmot. Yu. Olesha “Three Fat Men”.)

5. The most famous postman, living in the village of Prostokvashino. (Pechkin.

E. Uspensky “Three from Prostokvashino.”)

6. Fabulous veterinarian. (Aibolit. K. Chukovsky.)

7. Profession of the cat Vasily from S Marshak’s fairy tale “Cat’s House”.

8. The profession of the heartless friend of Ellie, Toto and the Scarecrow. (Lumberjack A. Volkov “The Wizard of the Emerald City.”)

The mystery of the carpenter Struzhkin

I have a board. Three holes were cut into it: one round, another with a cross, and the third square. Think about how you need to make a plug so that it fits all three holes?

Well done boys! Worked well today, oh different professions remembered and talked.

The issue of choosing a profession cannot be resolved in one lesson, in one day. Many more years will pass before you make your choice, but now you have your main work to do. Which?

Studying and gaining good knowledge is also work and difficult work.

There are many professions in the world,
It is impossible to count them.
Today many are needed
Both interesting and important.
And you quickly grow up
Master the profession.
Try to be the first in business
And bring benefits to people!

So, please tell me, can you name the most important profession? No! And why? (All professions are important, all professions are needed!)

Now count your tokens. Who has the most? (awarding prizes) Thank you for your work.

Career guidance in primary school –
the first step to choosing a profession.

Logvina E.V.,
Deputy Director for Water Resources Management,
gymnasium No. 6

« When a person does not know which pier he is heading to,

no wind will be favorable for him.” Seneca.

In Kazakhstan, a gradual transition to 12-year education will begin in 2015. A special feature of the concept is the introduction of pre-profile training at the second stage of education.

One of the important tasks of the school is to prepare the student for a conscious and responsible choice of life and professional path. The younger generation has always faced the problem of professional choice.

There are many programs for pre-professional and specialized training for students in grades 8-11, but still the teenager does not have time to make an informed choice, since the list of proposed professions is large, and knowledge about them is minimal and is given in fragments.

In this regard, the student’s preparation for choosing a profession should begin in elementary school. In order for a child to consciously make a choice in high school and later in adulthood, already in elementary school he must be introduced to maximum number professions, starting with the immediate environment, i.e. professions of people they know well, whose work children observe day after day.

But the problem in elementary school is that lessons on introducing professions within the school curriculum occupy a small part. Therefore, the teacher's task primary classes is to introduce students to various professions in extracurricular activities And extracurricular activities.

Together with the primary school teachers of our gymnasium, we studied the experience of both Kazakhstani colleagues and the work experience of colleagues from Russia, and developed sample program on career guidance work in elementary school, which was called "The world of professions through the eyes of children."

The relevance of creating the program.Jr school age called the pinnacle of childhood. The child retains many childish qualities: frivolity, naivety, looking up to the adult. But he is already losing his childish spontaneity in behavior; they have a different logic of thinking. Teaching is a significant goal for him. It is during this period that the child begins to think about his future profession, he fantasizes what he will be like. This age characterized by curiosity, curiosity, great desire and ability to collect information about the world of professions and willingly choose the appropriate role in gaming activities.

Purpose of the program:development of extracurricular activities that most effectively form junior schoolchildren interest in the world of professions and respect for working people.

Program objectives.

Create a special environment in the gymnasium that allows you to cultivate a respectful attitude towards people of all professions;

- Cto form in younger schoolchildren an idea of ​​the diversity of professions in modern world;

To teach schoolchildren, through professional tests, practical skills in self-care at home or in a gymnasium;

Develop and provide pedagogical support for the process of career guidance in elementary schools.

Expected Result.The program “The World of Professions through the Eyes of Children” will allow schoolchildren and their parents to develop an understanding of the importance of targeted early acquaintance with the world of professions and a respectful attitude towards any work, the need to gain knowledge about the diversity of professions, and to form an attitude towards people of any work as the highest value of society.

Program sections:

1. Creative competitions and projects.

2. Extracurricular activities.

3. Meetings with people of different professions.

4. Excursions to production.

Career guidance training in primary school is aimed at broadening the horizons of students, developing in children a value-based attitude towards work.

A treasure trove of acquaintance with the world of professions are lessons in learning about the world when studying topics: in 1st grade"T ores of man." In 2nd gradeSchoolchildren continue to get acquainted with the work of the people around them, their understanding of different professions deepens -"Professions of our parents."In 3rd gradestudents continue to get acquainted with the work of the people around them and their professions– “Teacher”, “Farms”, “Professional holidays”, “Livestock ». In 4th gradeideas about work received by students in grades 1-3 are generalized and developed, a respectful attitude towards work and working people is fostered, ideas about various professions are expanded and deepened– “Farming”, “School and Production”. Thus, over the course of 4 years of study, younger schoolchildren accumulate a rich knowledge of professions.

Great assistance is provided to the teacher in career guidance work technology lessons. This academic discipline is based on a unique psychological and pedagogical basis - the child’s substantive and practical activity. Thanks to this, it has enormous development potential.

Organization and holding extracurricular activities everyone’s favorite direction of career guidance work. Here we can include: cool watch, holidays, quizzes, competitions, projects.

Teachers are happy to use this direction as organization of excursions . Teachers and the parent committee organized excursions to the library, to the store, to the medical office, to the post office, to the museum, and to the sewing factory.

Interesting Conversations with invited experts . It’s just important to remember that specialists need to be trained and their speech directed in a direction that children can understand. Usually, first of all, they turn to parents, who can come and talk about their profession.

In every class it is desirableset up a standcareer guidance called “The World of Professions”. This corner may contain books, photographic materials, one way or another related to the profession. During the lesson, this corner must be addressed so that it is not something artificial or non-working.

Having worked in this program for only a year, I can say with confidence that training in the program allows you to create conditions for children to begin familiarizing themselves with the world of professions and provides direction in making the right choice students of the future profession. The result of all our year-long work was the defense of projects by students in grades 1-4. The theme of the projects is “My Parents’ Profession.” The guys with great pleasure and pride talked about the professions of their fathers and mothers: “My mother is an accountant”, “My mother is a teacher”, “My father’s profession is to defend the Motherland”, etc.

Participation in student career guidance projects gives each student the opportunity to conduct research in an area of ​​interest to him. While performing the practical part of the work, students also have the opportunity to try themselves in their chosen profession and conduct their first professional tests. Thanks to projects, their learning motivation also increases.

Thus, By carrying out career guidance work in the lower grades, we create conditions for instilling in schoolchildren a conscious attitude to work, a sense of duty when choosing a profession, love and respect for work and working people, a careful attitude towards public property, natural resources and the environment.

And in conclusion I want to say:“The future belongs to those who are faithful to their dreams.”
