Objects of living nature. Relationships between animate and inanimate nature

Nature - this is everything that surrounds us, except for man-made. Nature is divided into living (plants, animals, insects, fungi, humans, bacteria, viruses) and non-living (for example, the Sun, Moon, mountains, soil, rainbow, water, sky, etc.).
Signs of wildlife- birth, breathing, growth, nutrition, reproduction, movement, dying (death).
At home, perform tasks-games on this topic:
  • Find and print pictures of animate / inanimate nature and invite the child to sort the photos, pictures from the World on Ladoshka will be very useful (about animals, inhabitants of the seas, natural phenomena, etc.)
  • Conduct a Physical Minute:
The wind blows in our face
The tree swayed.
The wind is quieter, quieter, quieter
The tree is higher, higher, higher
Talk about what kind of living object of nature you were talking about, name the signs by which this object was attributed specifically to living nature. Discuss which inanimate object was in verse (wind).

    Discuss different living/non-living objects and understand why they are such (discuss by drawings). Play and consider various situations with objects of nature, for example, tell the child that a stone fell and split into 2 parts, is it alive or not? No. But after all was 1, and became 2? Explain why such a division is not considered reproduction. Stone is the body of nature. And bodies in nature can change. Or the water in the river moves, but it is inanimate. Moves due to elevation change.

  • Listen to the sounds of nature and identify the sounds of wildlife (birdsong, frogs croaking, etc.) and inanimate, the sound of rain, the howling of the wind. You can choose a picture with an image for sound.
  • Tell that a tree is an object of wildlife, and a log or a table made of wood is inanimate. Conclusion: these are objects made from objects of nature. Make a lotto: a nature object is a thing derived from a nature object.
The sparrow lives under the roof
In a warm mink - a mouse house,
The frog has a house in the pond,
The warbler's house is in the garden.
Hey chick, where is your home?
- He is under the wing of his mother.
Name the objects of animate/inanimate nature. Talk about the role of nature in our lives. Conclusion: nature - gives clothes, food, materials for housing, good mood.
  • Display your mood on the leaves of various trees.
  • Read the poem, find the objects indicated in it in the pictures, determine what refers to living / inanimate nature
Look my dear friend
What is around?
Sky, light blue
The sun shines golden
A cloud floats in the sky.
Field, river and grass,
Mountains, air and forests,
Birds, animals and forests
Thunder, fog and dew.
Man and season
It's all around nature.

2. Take pictures of animate / inanimate nature, complete with pictures of houses, cars, clothes, toys, etc. Ask your child to put them in piles. Live nature, inanimate and everything else in the third pile. When the task is completed, ask him what he thinks combines the pictures in the third stack. If the child cannot answer right away, lead him to the idea that everything he put aside in a separate pile is what a person did: he built a house, sewed clothes, created a vehicle, etc.

See how a person's life in the city differs from life in nature. Discuss how things a person has done help him in life ( ex : clothes protect from the cold, a car helps to move quickly, etc.).

Assignments-games (for children who can speak). Such games are great for traveling in transport when you can’t lay out the cards:

- you name an object from the human world, the child describes what this object was created for (you can also add what substances - wood, glass, metal, plastic, etc.);
- you ask to name as many objects as possible, created in order to make a person faster (airplane, car, train, scooter, etc.);
- stronger (truck, excavator, crane, etc.);
- prettier (girls like it, and the list is long - lipstick, perfume, hairbrush ...);
- improve vision (glasses, binoculars, microscope).
- you can fantasize and invent objects with a combination of different properties (for example, a flying refrigerator for ice cream delivery)
  • Game of 12 questions (from Lena Danilova's site) (you can choose any number, but my children play and insist on 12). Someone thinks of an object (necessarily a noun, in singular- that's the reason to talk about grammar). The second, asking questions, tries to guess what is planned.
If you teach a child to group objects, then he will be able to talk about anything, based on the signs of groups.s. During the game, learn to ask questions correctly, each new question should reduce the number of items in the group. With the smallest, start the game with the three of you, dad conceived the subject, and the two of you guess.For example, the word chamomile is conceived.
1 question - an object from the human world? No (we conclude - this is the world of nature)Question 2 - does the subject belong to wildlife? Yes (we will choose from groups belonging to wildlife)
Question 3: Is it an animal? No (then we continue to list unnamed groups of wildlife - plants, mushrooms)
4 question - is it a plant? Yes (now we will show that this group can also be divided into trees, bushes, herbaceous plants) etc..

Encourage your child to dream. Let the child imagine that he is in a fairy-tale land. Let the child close his eyes, and you tell him more about this country (it all depends on the mother's imagination). The inhabitants of this fairyland(you can even come up with a name for it) have never heard of the Earth where you live with your baby. Invite the child to tell about your home, nature. Let the child tell in his story about what kind of nature, animals are around (living / inanimate nature) and what a person could do and what benefits it brings to people living in his “country”.

If the child does not speak well, then with the help of a toy (an inhabitant of a magical land), ask leading questions, take the toy with you for a walk and let the child introduce her to your “country” live. It will show which trees grow, which birds fly around, flowers grow, which houses, cars built by man, etc.

The purpose of this exercise is to develop imagination, imaginative thinking, the ability to group phenomena and concepts.

Encourage your child to create something for themselves. Let these be the most fantastic inventions, the main thing is that the child himself comes up with them and tells what they are for. You can try to make some of them (if possible) or draw, mold, etc.

Talk to your child about the importance of caring for nature.

People, take a look around!

How beautiful nature is!

She needs the care of your hands,

So that her beauty does not fade.

What the park whispers...

About each new fresh stump,

About a branch broken aimlessly

I yearn for my soul to death.

And it hurts me so tragically.

The park is thinning, the wilderness is thinning,

Spruce bushes are thinning ...

He was once thicker forests,

And in the mirrors of autumn puddles

He reflected a giant ...

But here they come on two legs

Animals - and through the valleys

The ax carried its booming swing.

I hear how, listening to the buzz

killing axe,

The park whispers: “Soon I won’t…

But I lived - it was time ... "

The main idea of ​​the poem is that a person destroys the park with his own hands, a beautiful corner of nature. And it is worth thinking to all those living on Earth that by destroying nature, we are destroying our own lives, since we are part of nature.

Spare the animals and birds,

Trees and bushes.

After all, these are all words

That you are the king of nature.

You are just a part of it

dependent part.

What is without her and your power

And power?!

Prishvin "Blue Bast Shoes", "Forest Master", "Pantry of the Sun".

Paustovsky "Hare paws", "Meshcherskaya side".

Astafiev “Why did I kill the corncrake”, “Belogrudka”, “Tail”

Irina Baranova
Synopsis of GCD on the natural world “What is nature? Living and non-living nature»

Target: To teach children to distinguish natural objects from artificial, man-made, living objects nature - from objects of inanimate nature. To form in the child an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe inextricable connection of a person with nature(man is a part nature) .

The teacher reads a poem by L. Daineko:

Here on earth is a huge house

Blue roof.

Sun, rain and thunder live in it,

Forest and sea surf,

Birds and flowers live in it,

Cheerful sound of the stream.

You live in that bright house

And all your friends.

Wherever the roads lead,

You will always be in it.

The nature of native land

This house is called.

Are you familiar with the word « nature» . And what does it mean?

The children express their opinions about such is nature, and lead examples: sun, air, water, plants, animals, birds.

Why do you attribute this or that object to nature? What can't be named nature? (What is made by human hands) And the car is in nature(no, because it was made by human hands; but a horse and a camel, which a person also rides, are already nature. Man them only tamed, made them home, they existed without him in nature).

Nature is that that exists without human help, and "Not nature» - it's all that is made by human hands.

A game « Nature is not nature» .

What to treat nature has to stand, and if not nature - clap.

The teacher calls words: car, oak, dandelion, computer, anthill, snowflake, icicle, ice cream, TV, cloud, umbrella, rain, deer, book, pencil, icicle.

Guys, why do you need nature?

Meaning nature for man.

1. Admire beauty.

2. Gives heat, light, air, water, food.

3. Gives different materials for the economy.

4. Gives us the joy of discovery

5. Protects our health

6. Teaches us kindness.

caregiver: All nature The lands can be divided into two huge peace: world inanimate nature and the world of wildlife. On one easel, a picture is displayed alive and inanimate nature. Wildlife is what moves, grows, develops, dies, multiplies.

A game « Living nature - inanimate nature»

If alive hands up, inanimate - hands down.

Sun, frog, spruce, air, crucian carp, lily of the valley, granite, cactus, constellation, cloud, boletus, mosquito, ice floe, icicle, rose, water.

A game "The Fourth Extra"

Sun, stars, air, flower is inanimate nature.

Plants, mushrooms, man, stars are Live nature.

A man is called a king nature. Is it correct? Why is a person called that? (Children express their opinions).

The teacher completes the answers of the children. human being thinking, intelligent. He learned a lot from nature. On earth, he is smarter than all, Therefore, he is stronger than all!

But thanks to its power, man has caused the death of many animals, plants, and their habitats. A person needs to be careful nature.

What do you mean without herbs and birds

And without love for the buzzing bee,

Without cranes over the coniferous thicket,

Without pretty fox faces?

When you understand, you will finally

Cutting into dead rocks

Oh man, crown nature,

What without nature is your end?

S. Kirsanov.

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Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Using the word nature, we often mean completely different things, because the concept is very broad.

Today we will try to look at it from different angles.

Let's define what nature is, what it is, why they are formed and how they coexist natural communities(), what types of natural phenomena exist and much more.

The word "nature" belongs to the Old Russian language and consists of two parts - the prefix "at" and the root "genus".

Mention is made of a deity named Rod, who personified the unity of people belonging to the same clan. It was this god who created such words as birth, childbirth, woman in labor, newborn, etc.

Also, nature in colloquial language often means the natural habitat. For example: birds that live in natural conditions, live longer than their relatives tamed by man.

Children begin to study nature (learn what it is) at primary school schools in the lesson "The world around." A synonym for the term "nature" is the word " nature».

It follows that nature is everything that exists in itself, naturally that no human hand has touched. This is the external, material world, before which a person is powerless, but still can influence it.

For example, people are unable to control precipitation, earthquakes, wind, etc. But they can easily plant trees, breaking up entire parks, or, conversely, destroy an entire forest.

To simplify the definition, nature is natural shell of the earth(that, ), which includes:

  1. water bodies (oceans, seas, lakes, rivers);
  2. vegetation (flora);
  3. animal world (fauna);
  4. mountains, rocks, caves, sand, earth, deserts;
  5. weather and climate.

By the way, man himself is also a part of nature. But what he invented and created is no longer there.

For example, a house built of wood is not natural object, although it consists of natural material.

By studying natural world engaged in many sciences, which are called natural: physics, chemistry, astronomy, biology and others.

Living and non-living nature

The material world of the Universe can be divided into two groups:

Objects of inanimate nature can be in three states:

  1. gas - air, evaporation;
  2. liquid - precipitation, clouds, fog;
  3. firmament - stones, glaciers, sand, mountains.

Such objects can change shape or size, but not independently, but under the influence of external factors. For example, water will turn into ice due to low temperatures, and in extreme heat it will become evaporation. Winds and precipitation carry stones, wash them into sand, sweep up hills.

Living and non-living nature are closely interconnected: one cannot exist without the other. Without living beings, our planet would look gray and lifeless. At the same time, living beings need the sun, air, and water.

What is a natural community

Interacting, objects of animate and inanimate nature form natural communities.

Each of its participants influences others and experiences their influence on themselves at the same time. Their coexistence interconnected and beneficial to all.

Community members are adapted to its conditions and will not be able to live. In their environment, they have all the opportunities for a full existence. For example, Marine life will not survive in fresh water, and forest animals will not be able to live in the desert.

Each such system exists independently and does not need human help. On the contrary, human interference only destroys these natural worlds.

What is an ecosystem

The totality of the natural community and habitat is called an ecosystem - translated from the Greek house + association (biogeocenosis).

Example: different inhabitants live in a swamp: animals, insects, microorganisms, plants. Snakes eat frogs, frogs eat insects that breed in the thickets of plants in this place.

They all need water with a certain chemical composition, temperature, physical indicators etc. Remove at least one element from this chain, the rest will definitely feel it.

The sum of ecosystems is a living shell of the earth - biosphere.

Living and non-living nature in the ecosystem are in the process of constant exchange of matter and energy. The stronger these ties, the more stable the system, and the longer it exists. The latter factor suggests a rich variety of species of inhabitants.

And even if one of them disappears for any reason, then another, close in origin, can take its place, which will ensure preservation of the entire biogeocenosis.

If large-scale changes in conditions occur in the system, then natural communities are replaced by others. For example, if you stop cultivating fields, cultivating them, harvesting crops, then after a while trees will begin to grow in this place.

natural phenomena

They are also called natural phenomena. For example, in spring, leaves grow on trees, and in autumn they fall off. After the rain, a rainbow appears in the sky and mushrooms grow. in winter snowing, together with the wind forming a blizzard or blizzard.

All this and much more are natural phenomena, the totality of which divided into classes:

  1. by origin (climatic, space, geological, biogeochemical, geomorphological) - tsunamis, hurricanes, earthquakes, precipitation, lightning, solar and lunar eclipses, etc.;
  2. by duration (instantaneous, short-term, long-term) - volcanic eruption, icicles, drying up of the riverbed, etc.;
  3. according to the regularity of action (daily and seasonal) - sunrise, bud break;
  4. by the scale of distribution;
  5. by the nature of the impact (favorable, unfavorable). For example, natural phenomena can be very destructive - floods, tornadoes, etc.

Unusual natural phenomena

We are all used to rain or high tide on the sea. But there are unusual phenomena, which cause surprise, fear and awe:

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Children are taught to distinguish between inanimate and living nature in primary school, but this topic is considered in most detail in the 3rd grade. Knowing the main nuances, children will learn to perceive correctly environment and take care of the objects of the planet.

In order for children to learn to easily attribute any objects to the right area, they should be explained to them the differences between different objects. Most often, the problem in determining the essence arises when considering non-living objects, which are often confused with artificial objects created by man.

In contact with

The concepts of animate and inanimate nature

By nature is meant human environment which originated and develops without the participation of people. It is the mutual coexistence of living and non-living objects. Living creatures can breathe, grow, eat and reproduce, while inanimate objects do not have such features and practically do not change.

Natural components are objects that are created by nature, and not by man. Living nature includes people, animals, birds, insects, plants, microbes and everything that grows, moves, eats, develops, breathes and lives. And everything else belongs to inanimate nature.

If you go out of town and find yourself in a place where there are no buildings and inventions of man, everyone can notice that it is surrounded by many objects of inanimate nature. In the distance you can see a flowing stream, and in the distance - the tops of high mountains. Looking up, you can see clouds floating across the sky and the sun warming gently.

This nature is primary, since it was in it that the origin of life on Earth took place. All living things use the gifts of the inanimate environment and exist at its expense, and after death it becomes part of it. Felled tree trunks, fallen leaves, a dead animal - all these are objects of inanimate nature.

When considering a topic, questions often arise about what objects such as, for example, bricks, glass, cars, telephones, houses refer to. Everything created by human hands is artificial objects.

Signs and features of objects

When comparing non-living organisms with living ones, one can immediately say that they are not able to breathe, eat, grow, multiply and die. For example, the mountains that once appeared will always be directed with their peaks to the sky. Or planets with stars that arose billions of years ago and lined up in certain systems, and exist to this day.

Objects of this sphere can be recognized by the following distinguishing features:


All over the world there is a large number of inanimate objects. A huge variety of objects is studied by specialists in chemistry, physics, geology, hydrography, astrology and other sciences.

The main classification of objects includes three main groups:

The objects of all three groups have no need for respiration, nutrition and reproduction, however, many of them are vital for people, animals and plants.

Relationship with living organisms

Most non-living objects play an important role in the life of living organisms. Living nature cannot exist without inanimate, as they are completely interconnected. The most important objects of the inanimate environment are:

Objects of inanimate and living nature have a close relationship with each other. People, animals and plants need air and sun. Plants can only live with soil, water, solar heat and light. And the presence of living objects in the water - fish, animals and microorganisms - helps to maintain it. chemical composition. Having learned all these nuances, children will understand that it is necessary to preserve and protect their environment in order to live in harmony with the world.

Names everything living and inanimate, created without his participation. It's all the world. In the article we will consider what nature is, what it consists of and what impact it has on human life.

Meaning of the word

In science, it is customary to call nature the material world located in the universe. It is the main subject of study and research of natural sciences. The everyday meaning of the word "nature" is somewhat simplified and means the natural habitat.

In natural science, several kingdoms of nature are distinguished. Carl Linnaeus, a Swedish naturalist and physician, in his work "The System of Nature" in 1735 identified the following kingdoms:

  • mineral, which covers inanimate nature: stones, water, sun;
  • vegetable, which includes all plants (studied by botany);
  • an animal that includes all living organisms (studied by zoology).

Dokuchaev V.V., a geologist and soil scientist, considered that one more kingdom should be singled out - bio-inert, which includes knowledge about soils, which he announced in 1883.

The word "nature" can also be considered in other meanings:

  • The totality of the conditions of the natural habitat: relief, climate, plants and animals. For example, tropical nature.
  • The totality of the properties and needs of the human body. For example, male and female nature.
  • The essence of something and its basic properties. For example, the nature of light.
  • In the common people, "nature" is used as a description of the qualities of a person. For example, unhurried by nature, witty by nature.

The word "nature": analysis and synonyms to it

The word "nature" is a feminine noun. According to the new morphemic and word-building dictionaries, it consists of two parts:

  • "nature" - the root and basis of the word;
  • "a" is the end.

If we consider the word "nature" by its etymology, then three parts are distinguished in the composition:

  • "at" - prefix;
  • "genus" - the root;
  • "a" - ending;
  • the basis of the word is "nature".

Many consider the second option to be more correct. Because the very word "nature" means everything that was in the nature, that is, on Earth, where people lived - the family. One-root words are: homeland, people, relative, parents, spring and the like.

Synonyms for the word "nature": essence, world, similarity, universe, fundamental principle, organism, nature, nature, substance, reality.

Usually the word we are considering is associated with such concepts: trees, forest, air, plants, protection, love, sky, animals, plants, seasons, mountains, clouds and more.

Life on planet Earth

Our planet today is the only one (at least according to official data) on which the life and existence of living matter is recorded. Her natural features studied for many centuries by scientists and researchers.

Life on Earth is possible due to the nature of the planet: two polar regions and a tropical region in the middle. Precipitation falling on the surface and the presence of an atmosphere make it possible for all living things to grow and feed. And the soil is the basis for building and growing crops.

There is a constant evolution of geological and biological processes on the planet. The presence of water is the basis for the life of all organisms. It occupies approximately 71% of the Earth's surface. Thanks to climatic conditions an ecosystem has formed that includes many living organisms, including humans.

Live nature

Living nature includes everything that is able to independently survive, develop, feed, grow and reproduce: plants and animals, as well as humans.

The main features of wildlife are:

  • birth, development, growth - all life begins with a small one: a seed grows into a tree, a baby - into an adult;
  • reproduction - the ability to reproduce their own kind;
  • nutrition - any living creature must eat: trees with liquid, and animals with plants or other animals;
  • breathing and movement - living organisms are able to move independently, for which they need oxygen: animals walk with their paws, and plants turn towards the sun;
  • dying is the end of the existence of an organism, after which it becomes an object of inanimate nature: a tree is living nature, and a felled trunk is inanimate.

Biology distinguishes such objects of wildlife:

  • microorganisms - the very first forms of life on the planet;
  • plants - the world of flora, which is presented in a rich variety - from unicellular algae to huge trees;
  • animals - the most numerous group of wildlife;
  • man - is considered the highest stage of development of living nature.

What is inanimate nature and why is it called that? Consider below.

In addition to vegetation and animals, a person is surrounded by other objects created without his participation. These are stones, clouds, rivers, mountains, wind, leaves, sun rays.

Inanimate nature is the primary source, it was from it and thanks to it that life appeared on the planet. All organisms use objects of inanimate nature in the process of life.

Signs of objects of inanimate nature are:

  • resistance to weather conditions and other environmental changes;
  • weak variability;
  • the inability to breathe, eat, reproduce, grow, move and die.

The sciences are engaged in the study of such objects: physics, chemistry, hydrography, geology, astronomy and others.

Inanimate objects are classified as follows:

  • solid bodies - minerals, rocks, glaciers, stones, rocks, comets;
  • liquid bodies - dew, rain, clouds, lava, river;
  • gaseous bodies - steam, nebulae of the universe, some planets, air masses.

The lives of animate and inanimate nature are closely interconnected and impossible one without the other. Soil, air, water, sun are especially necessary.

Relationship between nature and seasons

The nature of the planet native to man is in in constant motion. The main feature of life is its cyclicality - successively changing seasons that set the rhythm for existence, phases of sleep and awakening, development and slowdown of processes.

The change of seasons during the year is usually called the seasons - these are winter, spring, summer and autumn. Such a natural phenomenon attracts scientists and influences artists.

Poets and artists have devoted many works to the seasons. They praise the beauty of nature. And medical scientists connect many processes occurring in human body, precisely with the change of seasons.

Nature in art

What is nature in art? This is an image that is often endowed human qualities: will, desire or opposition.

The theme of nature began to be most widely revealed from the era of romanticism. It was described as an instinctive principle, something that opposes a person. Nature in art is perceived as the beginning of all life, therefore it is often called pure and virgin, as well as mother. When a person gets tired of civilization, he finds peace in nature.

Since the 20th century, the personified image has been endowed with vengeance. Nature is described as the Earth's response to human activity in the form natural Disasters and cataclysms. natural phenomena complex and diverse, they speak of the ability of nature to teach humanity.

Nature and human life

Man is an integral part of nature. He exists only because of her - atmospheric pressure, liquid, oxygen, soil. It is worth removing just one component, and a person cannot exist.

People create luxury goods for themselves, and satisfy their primary needs with the help of nature. It is she who gives protection, resources, food. Mankind has long ceased to live in caves and hunt, instead people build houses and shops.

For man, nature is an inexhaustible source of information. Thanks to knowledge, scientists analyze the past and try to predict the future.

But with the rapid development of scientific and technical progress, humanity ceases to reckon with nature. IN modern world exist global problems- warming, lack of forests, extermination of animals... All this brings the ecosystem out of balance. National governments are drawing up projects to restore nature, planting areas and more carefully analyzing the remaining resources.

Instead of an afterword

To the question: "What is nature?" can be answered in different ways, because it is so ambiguous, incomprehensible and limitless. But one thing can be said: a person calls himself the king of nature, but in fact he is only a part of it, a component of something greater, a grain of sand in the ocean of the universe.
