Natural zones natural conditions. What are natural areas

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Painting of Ancient Rus'

Literature lesson in grade 9

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Lesson Objectives:

Get to know the masterpieces ancient Russian painting and architecture Learn about the genres of art Learn the names of famous ancient Russian icon painters

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Mosaic is a monumental painting using multi-colored pieces of mica. Byzantine churches and ancient Russian churches, for example, Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv, were decorated with mosaic panels. In the altar part of the temple, a mosaic of the 11th century "Our Lady" has been preserved. In connection with the raids of nomads, this art was lost.

Interior Kyiv Sofia

Mosaic of the Altar of Kyiv Sofia

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Peter of Alexandria. Fresco of the Church of the Savior on Nereditsa in Novgorod. 1199

Painting with vegetable paints on wet plaster

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Easel painting, performed on boards with egg paints. Icon painting was nowhere as popular as in Rus'.

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Our Lady of Oranta (Omen)

Especially in Rus' they loved to portray the Mother of God. There were different kinds images: Oranta, Tenderness, Hodegetria, Three-Handed and Panagia

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Our Lady of the Sign of Tsarskoye Selo

The Sign, or Oranta, was depicted to the waist, with her arms spread apart. Jesus was depicted in the center of the icon.

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Hodegetria Sinai

The Hodegetria was also depicted waist-deep. She holds a baby in her arms and points to him with her hand.

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Savior Not Made by Hands

This is the oldest of the canonical images. According to legend, the first image of Christ miraculously imprinted on the board, brought to his face. This board had miraculous power - it healed the king of the city of Edessa Avgar from leprosy. Thus, the creator of the first icon was Christ himself. Initially, the Holy Plat was kept in Edessa until 944, then it was transferred to Constantinople.

Simon Ushakov

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good shepherd

The second oldest image of Christ, rooted in ancient painting, is the Good Shepherd. The Gospel of John says: "I am the good shepherd, the good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep." All icons depicting the good shepherd belong to the early Middle Ages. In later periods, the image of the Good Shepherd is rare.

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Christ Emmanuel

Many touching images were created within this canon. Emmanuel ("God with you") - Christ in infancy. The Scripture says: “And they will call his name Emmanuel.” The Little Christ is usually depicted with a scroll in his hand. The scroll emphasizes that it was the one about whom the Old Testament prophets spoke. In this case, Christ is depicted with an open Gospel in his hand - as the Judge at the Last Judgment.

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Christ - Pantocrator

The largest number icons, frescoes and mosaics were created within the framework of this canon. The serious, stern Pantocrator (“Almighty”) seems to survey the earth from heaven, saying: “I am Alpha and Omega, who was, who is and who will be, Almighty.” His eyes seem to look not only at you, but also through you, calling through his eyes to look at heaven. According to the canon, in the left hand of Christ is a closed Gospel, the fingers of the right hand are folded in such a way that they form the Greek characters “IC XC” (index and middle fingers up.) Usually Christ's outer garment (himation) was depicted in blue - this is a symbol of the human incarnation of Christ; and the shirt (tunic) - red, sometimes purple - is a symbol of the divine essence of Christ.

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Savior on the Throne

The Savior on the Throne is a kind of Pantokrator, an image of the King of Heavenly Jerusalem. Christ in royal robes sits on a throne with an open Gospel in his hand - a symbol Doomsday. According to this canon, Christ is depicted wearing a robe of glittering gold or scarlet, often adorned with crosses. A crown (mitre) is often depicted on the head. The background of the icon is usually golden. This icon was painted by Simon Ushakov. Christ is holding the open Gospel of Matthew, and the following words can be read: “Come, you whom my Father has blessed… For when I was hungry, you gave me food; I was thirsty and you gave me wine to drink; I was a wanderer and you gave me shelter; I was undressed, and you gave me clothes ... "

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Saved in the Force. Andrei Rublev. 1410

A special type of the Savior on the Throne - the Savior in the Powers - has found distribution mainly in Russian icon painting. Christ, surrounded by angelic forces, also sits on the throne. In the background, Russian icon painters depicted a rhombus or quadrangle of intense red color superimposed on each other (a symbol of glory) and a blue-green oval.

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Spas the Bright Eye - an icon of the middle of the 14th century

In Russian icon painting of the Golden Horde period, Spas the Bright Eye was very popular. This face is, as it were, a reference to the words of Scripture: "I did not bring you peace, but a sword." This is a shoulder-length image of Christ with a mournful face and furious eyes. This icon is from the Assumption Cathedral, which was painted by Greek masters. Here you can see the energetic light and shade and color modeling of volumes. Artists are trying to depict the vigor of the saint.

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Theophanes the Greek. Christ Almighty

Theophanes the Greek seeks to convey the saint at the moment of a religious feat or ecstasy. His work is characterized by expression, inner strength.

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Frescoes by Theophanes the Greek

The frescoes of Theophanes the Greek are easily recognizable by the pastel colors and white highlights that are used in depicting the hair of the saints and the drapery of their clothes. The lines are quite sharp.

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Saints Boris and Gleb. Theophanes the Greek. Hagiographic icon from Kolomna.

Icons depicting selected saints are especially popular. Nicholas the Wonderworker, Saints Boris and Gleb were especially revered in Rus'.

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Theophanes the Greek "Transfiguration" Icon from Pereyaslavl-Zalessky

The miraculous manifestation of the divine nature of Christ, stunning the apostles and overthrowing them to the ground, is embodied with amazing energy. Excitement and drama are combined with compositional dynamics.

Mosaic Mosaic is a monumental painting using multi-colored pieces of mica. Byzantine churches and ancient Russian churches, for example, Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv, were decorated with mosaic panels. In the altar part of the temple, a mosaic of the 11th century "Our Lady" has been preserved. In connection with the raids of nomads, this art was lost. Interior of the Kyiv Sofia Mosaic of the Altar of Kyiv Sofia

Frescoes Peter of Alexandria. Fresco of the Church of the Savior on Nereditsa in Novgorod Painting with vegetable paints on wet plaster

Savior Not Made by Hands This is the oldest of the canonical images. According to legend, the first image of Christ miraculously imprinted on the board, brought to his face. This board had miraculous power - it healed the king of the city of Edessa Avgar from leprosy. Thus, the creator of the first icon was Christ himself. Initially, the Holy Plat was kept in Edessa until 944, then it was transferred to Constantinople. Simon Ushakov

The Good Shepherd The second most ancient image of Christ, rooted in ancient painting, is the Good Shepherd. The Gospel of John says: "I am the good shepherd, the good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep." All icons depicting the good shepherd belong to the early Middle Ages. In later periods, the image of the Good Shepherd is rare.

Christ Emmanuel Many touching images were created within the framework of this canon. Emmanuel ("God is with us") - Christ in infancy. The Scripture says: “And they will call his name Emmanuel.” The Little Christ is usually depicted with a scroll in his hand. The scroll emphasizes that it was the one about whom the Old Testament prophets spoke. In this case, Christ is depicted with an open Gospel in his hand - as the Judge at the Last Judgment.

Christ - Pantokrator The largest number of icons, frescoes and mosaics were created within the framework of this canon. The serious, stern Pantocrator (“Almighty”) seems to survey the earth from heaven, saying: “I am Alpha and Omega, who was, who is and who will be, Almighty.” His eyes seem to look not only at you, but also through you, calling through his eyes to look at heaven. According to the canon, in the left hand of Christ is a closed Gospel, the fingers of the right hand are folded in such a way that they form the Greek characters “IC XC” (index and middle fingers up.) Usually Christ's outer garment (himation) was depicted in blue - this is a symbol of the human incarnation of Christ; and the shirt (chiton) - red, sometimes purple - is a symbol of the divine essence of Christ.

The Savior on the Throne The Savior on the Throne is a variation of Pantocrator, an image of the King of Heavenly Jerusalem. Christ in royal robes sits on a throne with an open Gospel in his hand - a symbol of the Last Judgment. According to this canon, Christ is depicted wearing a robe of glittering gold or scarlet, often adorned with crosses. A crown (mitre) is often depicted on the head. The background of the icon is usually golden. This icon was painted by Simon Ushakov. Christ is holding the open Gospel of Matthew, and the following words can be read: “Come, you whom my Father has blessed… For when I was hungry, you gave me food; I was thirsty and you gave me wine to drink; I was a wanderer and you gave me shelter; I was undressed, and you gave me clothes ... "

Saved in the Force. Andrey Rublev A special type of the Savior on the Throne - the Savior in the Powers - has found distribution mainly in Russian icon painting. Christ, surrounded by angelic forces, also sits on the throne. In the background, Russian icon painters depicted a rhombus or quadrangle of intense red color superimposed on each other (a symbol of glory) and a blue-green oval.

Savior the Bright Eye - an icon of the middle of the 14th century In Russian icon painting of the Golden Horde period, the Savior the Bright Eye was very popular. This face is, as it were, a reference to the words of Scripture: "I did not bring you peace, but a sword." This is a shoulder-length image of Christ with a mournful face and furious eyes. This icon is from the Assumption Cathedral, which was painted by Greek masters. Here you can see the energetic light and shade and color modeling of volumes. Artists are trying to depict the vigor of the saint.

Theophanes the Greek "Transfiguration" Icon from Pereyaslavl-Zalessky A miraculous manifestation of the divine nature of Christ, stunning the apostles and overthrowing them to the ground, is embodied with amazing energy. Excitement and drama are combined with compositional dynamics.

Rublev "Trinity" This icon was painted in praise of Sergius of Radonezh. The quiet conversation of the angels is full of friendly frankness. The middle angel (Christ) blesses the sacrificial bowl, and the left angel ( God the father) blesses him for suffering. The figures seem to be inscribed in a circle, which symbolizes harmony. Colors are characteristic of Rublev's creative manner. These are light and bright colors.

Find the definition of the icon Easel painting made with egg paints on a specially dressed board Monumental painting made with vegetable paints on wet plaster Monumental painting made from pieces of multi-colored mica
Find among these icons Hodegetria Find among these icons hagiographic
