Presentation on the theme "cathedrals and temples of ancient Rus'". Sofia of Kiev Download presentation Hagia Sophia is a symbol of ancient Rus'

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    In the 11th century, the cathedral had 13 domes, but later underwent a major restructuring, and the number of domes decreased. Thirteen domes symbolized Jesus Christ and the twelve apostles. The four chapters closest to the central one were reminiscent of the evangelists: Matthew, Mark, Luke, John. Christ the Pantocrator is located in the dome of the mountainous Heaven, and in the altar, on the wall of the central apse, there is a strict figure of the Mother of God. Her hands are lifted up in unceasing supplication. The cherry color of her robe symbolizes suffering.

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    Mosaic (a pattern of colored glass - smalt) adorned the main parts of the temple: the dome as a symbol of the Heavenly Church and the altar - a symbol of the Earthly Church. Here, in the altar, a great sacrament is performed: the apostles go to Christ. Their pace is measured. Stocky figures are full of internal energy. Hands froze in a gesture of forgiveness. Eyes are turned to Christ. The apostles are waiting for communion.

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    Hagia Sophia in Novgorod

    The cathedral was built of plinth (flat brick) and stone. It is one and a half times higher than St. Sophia of Kyiv. The five domes of the temple are raised high above the monolithic cubic temple building, strictly separated from it.

    The appearance of the Novgorod Sophia is much stricter than the Kyiv Sophia, the walls are more massive, devoid of protrusions, occasionally cut through by narrow windows.

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    The cathedral was painted from the inside with frescoes, from which a few fragments have survived to this day: the image of Saints Constantine and Helen, the prophets.

    During the Great Patriotic War the temple suffered from shelling and was looted by the invaders.

    Currently, the cathedral has been restored, but many frescoes have perished forever.

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    Church of the Intercession on the Nerl

    The Church of the Intercession on the Nerl was built in 1165 by order of Andrei Bogolyubsky in the place where the Nerl flows into the Klyazma, in memory of his son, young Izyaslav, who fell in battle with the Volga Bulgars.

    The church stands alone in the vast expanses of the Vladimir plains, looks abandoned and sad, but has world fame.

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    Church of the Intercession on the Nerl

    Beautiful carved decoration of the church. In the center of each facade (except the eastern one), at the top, there is a relief figure of the biblical King David. The king plays the lyre, and lions, birds and griffins listen to him. The bird is an ancient symbol of the human soul, and the lion is a symbol of Christ. The lion seems to be sleeping with open eyes, just as God does not sleep, keeping humanity. The lion is the king of beasts, and Christ is the king of heaven. The last interpretation connected the lion with the idea of ​​princely power: after all, earthly rulers were considered the vicegerents of God on earth.

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    There is no image of the Virgin Mary in the carving of the temple, but the whole appearance of the church, so slender and refined, resembles her image, captured by the church writer Epiphanius, especially distinguishing the subtlety of her hands and fingers.

    Generally speaking, any church can be likened to the Mother of God, since Mary in church tradition symbolizes the earthly Church. In the Church of the Intercession on the Nerl, this speculative position became clear.

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    Golden Gate

    The Golden Gate is the only monument of the military engineering architecture of Ancient Rus'. The Golden Gates were built by order of Andrei Bogolyubsky in 1158-1164.

    The entrance to the Golden Gate was closed with oak gates covered with Arabic gilded copper.

    The gate served not only as a means of fortification, but also as a triumphal entrance to the capital of the principality of foreign ambassadors, noble persons, princely troops.

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    Golden Gate

    The Golden Gates of Vladimir are unique of the existing ones, only the only Golden Gates that “survived” (albeit with some alterations) from those that existed in the Middle Ages in Jerusalem, Constantinople, Kiev.

    At present, an exposition of military history is located in the Golden Gates.

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    Assumption Cathedral

    Vladimir Assumption Cathedral was built on the high bank of the Klyazma in 1158-1160. under Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky.

    In September 1164, the most revered icon, the icon of the Mother of God, was brought to the cathedral. Since then, this image has been called the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God.

    During the reign of Vsevolod III, after a fire in 1185, the cathedral was rebuilt and became five-domed.

    Until 1432, the Moscow rulers received the title of Grand Duke in the Assumption Cathedral.

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    The Assumption Cathedral has preserved several fragments of frescoes by unknown artists of the 12th century and the works of Andrei Rublev, a brilliant painter who painted the temple in 1408.

    Fresco - " Last Judgment”, according to the artist, should not frighten, but encourage believers, instilling in them confidence in a fair trial. Therefore, the faces of the apostles are full of soft kindness and mercy, and the angels with their heads bowed quietly mourn about the transient fate of the world.

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    In the necropolis of the Assumption Cathedral lie the holy relics of princes Andrei Bogolyubsky, Vsevolod the Big Nest and their relatives, bishops and rectors of the cathedral.

    Vladimir Assumption Cathedral became a model for the Assumption Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin, built by the Italian architect Aristotle Fiorovanti in 1475-1479.

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    Demetrius Cathedral

    Demetrius Cathedral was built in 1194-1197. by order of Vsevolod III Big Nest in honor of St. Dmitry.

    The cathedral was used as one of the buildings of the princely court.

    Demetrius Cathedral clearly embodies the idea of ​​the power of Vsevolod the Big Nest, political power and independence of the Vladimir-Suzdal principality.

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    The most outstanding feature of the cathedral is the white stone carving. Of the 566 carved stones, only 46 images are associated with Christian symbols. There are many eagles, leopards, crocodiles, fabulous animals.

    All carving conveys main idea praising the beauty and perfection of the world created by God.

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    Demetrius Cathedral is a synthesis of the traditions of art and culture.

    There are currently no services held in the cathedral.

    Demetrius Cathedral - monument federal significance included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

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Hagia Sophia in Kyiv This is the most majestic and famous of all the temples of Ancient Rus'. This is the most grandiose of all the cathedrals of the Byzantine artistic tradition known in our time.

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Hagia Sophia in Kyiv In the 11th century, the cathedral had 13 domes, but later underwent a major restructuring, and the number of domes decreased. Thirteen domes symbolized Jesus Christ and the twelve apostles. The four chapters closest to the central one were reminiscent of the evangelists: Matthew, Mark, Luke, John. Christ the Pantocrator is located in the dome of the mountainous Heaven, and in the altar, on the wall of the central apse, there is a strict figure of the Mother of God. Her hands are lifted up in unceasing supplication. The cherry color of her robe symbolizes suffering.

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Hagia Sophia in Kyiv Mosaic (a pattern of colored glass - smalt) adorned the main parts of the temple: the dome as a symbol of the Heavenly Church and the altar - a symbol of the Earthly Church. Here, in the altar, a great sacrament is performed: the apostles go to Christ. Their pace is measured. Stocky figures are full of internal energy. Hands froze in a gesture of forgiveness. Eyes are turned to Christ. The apostles are waiting for communion.

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Hagia Sophia in Novgorod The cathedral was built of plinth (flat brick) and stone. It is one and a half times higher than St. Sophia of Kyiv. The five domes of the temple are raised high above the monolithic cubic temple building, strictly separated from it. The appearance of the Novgorod Sophia is much stricter than the Kyiv Sophia, the walls are more massive, devoid of protrusions, occasionally cut through by narrow windows.

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Cathedral of Hagia Sophia in Novgorod The cathedral was painted with frescoes from the inside, from which a few fragments have survived to this day: the image of Saints Constantine and Helen, the prophets. During the Great Patriotic War, the temple suffered from shelling and was looted by the invaders. Currently, the cathedral has been restored, but many frescoes have perished forever.

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Church of the Intercession on the Nerl The Church of the Intercession on the Nerl was built in 1165 by order of Andrei Bogolyubsky at the place where the Nerl flows into the Klyazma, in memory of his son, young Izyaslav, who fell in battle with the Volga Bulgars. The church stands alone in the vast expanses of the Vladimir plains, looks abandoned and sad, but has world fame.

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Church of the Intercession on the Nerl The carved decoration of the church is beautiful. In the center of each facade (except the eastern one), at the top, there is a relief figure of the biblical King David. The king plays the lyre, and lions, birds and griffins listen to him. The bird is an ancient symbol of the human soul, and the lion is a symbol of Christ. The lion seems to be sleeping with open eyes, just as God does not sleep, keeping humanity. The lion is the king of beasts, and Christ is the king of heaven. The last interpretation connected the lion with the idea of ​​princely power: after all, earthly rulers were considered the vicegerents of God on earth.

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Church of the Intercession on the Nerl There is no image of the Virgin Mary in the carving of the temple, but the whole appearance of the church, so slender and refined, resembles her image, captured by the church writer Epiphanius, especially distinguishing the subtlety of her hands and fingers. Generally speaking, any church can be likened to the Mother of God, since Mary in church tradition symbolizes the earthly Church. In the Church of the Intercession on the Nerl, this speculative position became clear.

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The Golden Gates The Golden Gates are the only monument of the military-engineering architecture of Ancient Rus'. The Golden Gates were built by order of Andrei Bogolyubsky in 1158-1164. The entrance to the Golden Gate was closed with oak gates covered with Arabic gilded copper. The gate served not only as a means of fortification, but also as a triumphal entrance to the capital of the principality of foreign ambassadors, noble persons, princely troops.

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The Golden Gates The Golden Gates of Vladimir are unique of the existing, only the only Golden Gates that "survived" (albeit with some alterations) from those that existed in the Middle Ages in Jerusalem, Constantinople, Kiev. At present, an exposition of military history is located in the Golden Gates.

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Assumption Cathedral Vladimir Assumption Cathedral was built on the high bank of the Klyazma in 1158-1160. under Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky. In September 1164, the most revered icon, the icon of the Mother of God, was brought to the cathedral. Since then, this image has been called the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God. During the reign of Vsevolod III, after a fire in 1185, the cathedral was rebuilt and became five-domed. Until 1432, the Moscow rulers received the title of Grand Duke in the Assumption Cathedral.

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Assumption Cathedral The Assumption Cathedral has preserved several fragments of frescoes by unknown artists of the 12th century and the works of Andrei Rublev, a brilliant painter who painted the temple in 1408. The fresco - "The Last Judgment", according to the artist's intention, should not frighten, but encourage the believers, instilling in them confidence in a fair trial. Therefore, the faces of the apostles are full of soft kindness and mercy, and the angels with their heads bowed quietly mourn about the transient fate of the world.

Hagia Sophia is a world-famous monument of history, architecture, monumental painting, erected in the first half of the 11th century during the reign Yaroslav the Wise in the heyday Kievan Rus. There are also versions according to which the construction of the Hagia Sophia began in the times Vladimir the Great, the predecessor of Yaroslav. The name of the cathedral comes from the Greek word "Sofia" - "Wisdom".

Built as the main temple of the Metropolitan of Rus', in those days the St. Sophia Cathedral was the socio-political and cultural center of the state. The ceremonies of the "implantation" of ambassadors took place in the cathedral, the Kiev Veche gathered around it, the annals were kept here and the museum created by Yaroslav the Wise was located. first in ancient Rus' library.

It was one of the largest buildings in Kyiv of the pre-Mongolian period, which was topped with thirteen domes covered with sheet lead. In those days, the facades of the temple were not plastered; they were decorated with decorative niches, ornament, painting.

In 1240, during the invasion of Kyiv by the hordes of Batu, the cathedral was plundered, but survived; in the 16th century it was owned Greek Catholics; in the 30-40s of the 17th century a monastery was founded here.

At the turn of the 17th and 18th centuries, the cathedral was rebuilt in baroque forms. Changes in its appearance took place in the 18-19 centuries.

In the 30s of the 20th century, the temple stops worshiping, and historical and architectural reserve working to this day. Only occasionally, on the days of major church and state holidays, solemn services are held in St. Sophia Cathedral. The rest of the time Hagia Sophia receives guests. Thousands of people come here from all over to admire ancient Kiev monumental painting, to see the architectural forms of the 11th century preserved inside, the carved iconostasis of the 18th century, the complex of baroque structures around the main temple.

Of particular value are the wall paintings of St. Sophia of Kyiv of the 11th century - 260 m² mosaics and about 3 thousand m² frescoes. Unfortunately, this is only a third of the entire painting that adorned the building in the old days. The rest is painting of the 17th and 18th centuries, which is of less significant interest. Old Russian inscriptions are also open on the walls of the temple - graffiti, scratched with a sharp object on fresco plaster. Particularly important are those that contain information about the historical events and culture of Kievan Rus, incl. ancient slavic alphabet, which sheds light on the historical origin of the Cyrillic alphabet.

In the cathedral there is a huge marble sargophagus, in which the remains of Grand Duke Yaroslav the Wise once rested, a model of Ancient Kyiv, constantly working exhibitions.

In 1990, the entire complex of St. Sophia Cathedral, given its uniqueness, was included in the World Cultural Heritage List. UNESCO, and in 1987 the International Jury of the Hamburg Foundation awarded the reserve the European Medal for the Preservation of Historical Heritage.

Despite the museum character of the ancient complex, even today it plays the role of a symbol of the state and unity of Ukraine.

Acquaintance with St. Sophia Cathedral is an integral part of some excursion routes of the capital. During the time, tourists most often stop at Sophia Square in front of the cathedral to admire the ancient temple, the majestic bell tower, and also take pictures of the famous Kiev symbol.

Pedestrian allows you to learn more about the distant past of St. Sophia Cathedral, about its fate in princely times, as well as about the masters who created this shrine.

Also, a meeting with St. Sophia of Kyiv is possible during the tour according to the preference of tourists.

Cathedral - big temple with several attachments. The church is the temple of God, a building for the performance of Christian worship, which has an altar. A chapel is a small building crowned with a cross, resembling a church in appearance, but without a throne. In the chapel, you can serve prayers, memorial services, read the hours (hence the name), perform other services, except for the liturgy. Chapels are built to commemorate some important events, as well as in cemeteries, along roads, over water sources.

Our Lady of Oranta (Indestructible Wall). Mosaic in the altar of the cathedral. XI century. Saint Basil the Great. Mosaic of the altar. XI century. Annunciation. Mosaic on the altar pillars. XI century. Hagia Sophia was built in the 11th century in the center of Kyiv by order of Yaroslav the Wise.

V. V. VERESCHAGIN. "The Great Church of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra" (1905) V. V. Vereshchagin. "The Great Church of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra" (1905) V. V. Vereshchagin. "The Great Church of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra" (1905) V. V. Vereshchagin. "The Great Church of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra" (1905) V. V. Vereshchagin. "The Great Church of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra" (1905) V. V. Vereshchagin. "The Great Church of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra" (1905) V. V. Vereshchagin. "The Great Church of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra" (1905) During the German occupation of Kyiv, a police station was organized in the Lavra, where about 500 civilians were killed by the occupying authorities. On November 3, 1941, the Assumption Cathedral was blown up by the German occupation forces (restored in the mid-1990s); what was mentioned on Nuremberg Trials

Nesterov M.V. Monk of the city of Antokolsky M.M. Nestor the Chronicler

The Tale of Bygone Years (also called the "Original Chronicle" or "Nestor's Chronicle") is the earliest of the ancient Russian annals of the early 12th century that have come down to us. Known from several editions and lists with minor deviations in the texts introduced by scribes. It is now recognized that the first original edition of the PVL (Tale of Bygone Years) by the monk Nestor has been lost, and modified versions of the PVL have survived to our time.

The library was founded by Yaroslav the Wise at the St. Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv. This is reported by "The Tale of Bygone Years", the first chronicle of the beginning of the XII century. The very word "library" was almost never used in Ancient Rus'. In different cities of Rus', rooms for books had a variety of names: "book guardian", "book depository", "book depository", "book depository", "storage treasury", "book cage", "book chamber".

In 1045 Grand Duke Yaroslav the Wise and Princess Irina (Ingegerda) went to Novgorod from Kyiv to visit their son Vladimir to lay the foundation stone for St. Sophia Cathedral. The cathedral was built until about 1050 instead of the 13-domed wooden church of 989 that burned down before that, but not in the same place, but to the north. According to various chronicles, the cathedral was consecrated in 1050 or 1052 by Bishop Luke.

The bronze Magdeburg Gates in the Romanesque style are mounted on the western portal. big amount high reliefs and sculptures. On the cross of the central dome is a lead figure of a dove, the symbol of the Holy Spirit. According to legend, when in 1570 Ivan the Terrible brutally dealt with the inhabitants of Novgorod, a dove sat on the cross of Sophia to rest. Seeing from there a terrible massacre, the dove was petrified with horror. After the Mother of God revealed to one of the monks that this dove was sent as a consolation to the city and until it flies off the cross, the city will be protected by it. was taken to Spain. On November 16, 2004, in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, he was returned to the Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' Alexy II by the Minister of Defense of Spain and is now placed inside St. Sophia Cathedral.

The Cathedral of the Transfiguration of the Savior was founded about a year ago by the Chernigov prince Mstislav Vladimirovich, after whose death, apparently, it was not built for some time and was completed only in the middle of the century. It became the main temple of the ancient Russian city and the Chernigov-Seversk principality.

Sophia Cathedral is the cathedral of the city of Polotsk, built between the years. The construction is connected with the transfer of the city center from the old settlement.

SHOVEL - a vertical flat protrusion in the wall, separating or limiting its surface (unlike a pilaster, it does not have a base and capitals). The spatula can be a structural element of the wall, or it can only perform a decorative function and serve as a means of vertical division of the facade. In pre-Mongolian Orthodox architecture, the spatula was not just a structural element in stone construction, but also an accurate sign by which (along with the number of spindles) it was easy to determine the number of pillars in the temple. For example: in the Church of the Intercession on the Nerl, the side facade has 4 shoulder blades (decorated in the form of semi-columns) and three spindles, respectively, in front of us is a temple with four pillars.

The golosniks are small chambers or earthenware jars built into the upper parts of the walls of the temple, open into the room and serving as resonators to improve the sound of voices. Voices in architecture, small chambers or vessels (usually ceramic), embedded in the walls and vaults of a building and facing the inside of the room with their openings. Serve to amplify sound (as acoustic resonators); sometimes they are also used as hollow structural elements that lighten the weight of the vault.

Birch bark letters, letters and writings on birch bark (birch bark), writing monuments of Ancient Rus' of the 1950s. Letter 115 (detail). Translation: “From Polchka (or Shelf) ... (you) took (possibly as a wife) a girl from Domaslav, and Domaslav took 12 hryvnias from me. 12 hryvnias came. And if you do not send, then I will stand (meaning: with you for judgment) before the prince and the bishop; then get ready for a big loss ... ". From the collection of the Historical Museum.

The Church of Paraskeva-Pyatnitsa at the Market in 1156 is part of the architectural complex of Yaroslav's Courtyard in Veliky Novgorod. It was the patronal temple of the merchants of ancient Novgorod. Named in honor of Saint Paraskeva-Pyatnitsa, who was considered the patroness of the Novgorod merchants. In addition, on Fridays, the Novgorod Torg opened and worked.

Cathedral of the Dormition in Vladimir Orthodox church diocese of Vladimir on Cathedral Square in the city of Vladimir; Also state museum. Historically, before the rise of Moscow, it was the main (cathedral) temple of Vladimir-Suzdal Rus. One of the monuments of Russian architecture of the XII century, which served as a model for a number of later cathedrals, including the Assumption Cathedral of Aristotle Fioravanti.

golden gate outstanding monument ancient Russian architecture located in the city of Vladimir. Built in 1164 under the Prince of Vladimir Andrei Bogolyubsky. In addition to defensive purposes, the gates also had a triumphal character. The Golden Gate formed the main entrance to the richest princely-boyar part of the city. The Golden Gate was built by princely masters. This is evidenced by the princely sign left by the builder on one of the white stone blocks.

Nave (from lat. ship) Nave (from lat. ship) is an elongated room, part of the interior, bounded on one or both longitudinal sides by a row of columns or pillars separating it from neighboring naves. elongated room, part of the interior, limited on one or both longitudinal sides by a row of columns or pillars separating it from neighboring naves.

Filigree (from the Old Slavonic verb - to twist, twist several strands into one thread), filigree is a type of jewelry technique: an openwork or soldered on a metal background pattern made of thin gold, silver or copper wire, smooth or twisted into ropes. In Ancient Rus', the filigree technique began to be used from the 90th century. At that time, twisted wire was not yet used for production, but grains were used. Articles of the 18th century differ high quality, at that time they began to use soldered technology more often, and from the 12th century openwork and embossed filigree, stones began to be used in production.

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History of Ancient Rus'
Part 22

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Significance of St. Sophia Cathedral for Novgorod St. Sophia Library No higher than Sophia
Culture of Veliky Novgorod

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Culture of Veliky Novgorod
Novgorod land is the richest treasury of the ancient culture of Northern Rus'. Untouched by the Mongol ruin, it brought to us many ancient monuments.

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The oldest monument of Russian literature - the Ostromir Gospel - was written by order of the Novgorod mayor Ostromir.
Ostromir Gospel 1056-57

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Wealthy Novgorod merchants did not skimp on the construction and decoration of churches. In the Novgorod chronicles we read about the almost annual construction of churches in different regions of the Novgorod land.
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Some monuments of Novgorod architecture perished during the Great Patriotic War of 1941–1945.
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But many wonderful churches have been preserved in the Novgorod land, for example, the 12th-century church of the Transfiguration of the Savior on Nereditsa or the 14th-century church of Theodore Stratilates on the Creek.

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Without a doubt, the most famous of the Novgorod temples is St. Sophia Cathedral.
Kholuev V.F. Road to the temple. Sofia Novgorodskaya. 1981.

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were famous Novgorod lands and their monasteries.
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There were many workshops in Novgorod where icons were painted by order of Novgorodians. Some of these icons have survived to our time. These are wonderful examples of the Novgorod icon-painting school.
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Worked in Novgorod great icon painter Theophanes the Greek. The frescoes made by him still exist in the Church of the Transfiguration of the Savior on Ilyina Street.
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chronicle information
The Novgorod chronicles contain a lot of interesting information from ancient history Veliky Novgorod. But the Novgorod chroniclers recorded with particular care the information about when the laying of this or that temple was carried out, when the temple was built and consecrated, when the temple was painted.

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For example, the "Novgorod Third Chronicle" is even called "The Book that the Chronicler of Novgorod speaks briefly to the churches of God, in which summer the church in whose name is built and under which a bishop or archbishop, or metropolitan." Or at modern language- this is a brief Novgorod chronicle about the temples of God - in what year, in the name of which saint, the temple was built and under what bishop.

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Sophia of Constantinople
Ancient Rus', having accepted Christianity in Byzantium, also borrowed temple architecture from there.

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The ambassadors of Prince Vladimir, as the Tale of Bygone Years testifies, felt the beauty of Orthodoxy in St. Sophia Cathedral in Constantinople - the main temple of Byzantium.

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And one of the first temples of newly baptized Rus' is St. Sophia Cathedral in Novgorod.

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The first wooden Cathedral of Sofia in Novgorod
Sophia of Novgorod was erected in 989 with the blessing of the first bishop of Novgorod, Joachim Korsunian. The chronicle of this event reads: “Vladyka Bishop Joachim erected the first wooden oak church of Hagia Sophia.” It was majestic wooden temple“about thirteen tops”, that is, it had 13 domes. It was consecrated, like the main temple in Constantinople, in the name of Sophia the Wisdom of God.

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Subsequently, Sophia churches were built in many Russian cities - from Kyiv to Tobolsk. They testified to the spiritual kinship and church succession of Rus' with Orthodox Byzantium and proclaimed that the highest Divine Wisdom consists in the salvation of the whole world.
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Sofia Kyiv

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Sofia Novgorodskaya
The original Novgorod St. Sophia Cathedral stood over the Volkhov River near the ancient Volkhov Bridge and was the main decoration of the city. But during the fire that happened in March 1045, St. Sophia Cathedral burned down.
Great bridge and St. Sophia of Novgorod. Reconstruction of D.P. Sukhova

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A year earlier, Prince Yaroslav the Wise ordered the construction of a stone Kremlin-detinets in Novgorod, which became the fortified core of the city.

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The most important building of the Novgorod Kremlin-Detinets was erected instead of the burned-out new, already stone St. Sophia Cathedral.

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To this day, Novgorod has been adorned by this majestic temple, built back in 1052 under the holy prince Vladimir Yaroslavich with the blessing of Bishop Luke of Novgorod.

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The St. Sophia Cathedral was built and decorated by Russian masters and icon painters, together with Greek masters specially invited from Constantinople. “This church was built very beautiful and great,” says the chronicle. The golden dome of the cathedral was subsequently crowned with a cross with a dove - a symbol of the Holy Spirit.
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Significance of St. Sophia Cathedral for Novgorod
"Where is Hagia Sophia - here is Novgorod!" - said the ancient Novgorodians.
Novgorod. 14th century Reconstruction by E.D. Sheko

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But not only for church services did the inhabitants of Novgorod gather at Sophia's. To the ringing of the bells of the St. Sophia Cathedral, meetings and seeing off the Novgorod soldiers were arranged here. Preparing for a feat of arms, the defenders of the land of Novgorod exclaimed: "We will die honestly for Hagia Sophia!"
Prince Alexander Nevsky brings captured German knights to Novgorod
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On the square in front of the St. Sophia Cathedral, the Novgorod veche gathered. Decrees were announced in Sofia, appointments were made to the highest positions.
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In addition, the rich Novgorod treasury, library and archive of Novgorod were located at the cathedral. Samples of measures and weights were also stored here. Recall that Novgorod was the largest trading center of Ancient Rus'.
A. Vasnetsov. Novgorod bargaining
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Not far from Sofia, the Novgorod bishops administered the “sovereign court”, that is, they conducted legal proceedings. Trial performed in front of a fresco depicting Christ with an open Gospel. On the pages of the Gospel, a word was written to the judges: "With what judgment you judge, God will judge you with the same judgment."
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Vladychnaya (faceted) chamber. 1433

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Novgorodians resorted to Sophia not only during military hardships, but also during natural Disasters and terrible epidemics. For example, in 1390, a great many people died from a pestilence in Novgorod. On the advice of the bishop, the despondent Novgorodians, in order to quench the wrath of God, took a vow and, according to the vow, built in one day a church in honor of Saints Athanasius and Cyril of Alexandria.

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After that, as the chronicler narrates, "By God's mercy and St. Sophia's standing, and by the sovereign blessing and prayer, the pestilence ceased."
Praying Novgorodians. Icon detail. 1467

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Cell of the copyist of books
Sofia Library
The Sofia library of Novgorod was one of the largest book collections of Ancient Rus'. The manuscript books from the Hagia Sophia Library have preserved the names of 94 scribes who worked on compiling and rewriting the books. Books from the Sofia Library were distributed or loaned to various monasteries and churches throughout the Russian North, up to the Solovetsky Monastery.

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No taller than Sophia
The special reverence of the Novgorodians for their greatest shrine - St. Sophia Cathedral - was expressed, in particular, in the fact that for nine hundred years not a single building in Novgorod was built higher than Sophia, although outside the city there were buildings higher and more.

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During the Great Patriotic War, St. Sophia Cathedral was badly damaged: the vaults and walls received holes from shells, and gilded sheets were torn off from the domes. Many ancient frescoes have irretrievably perished.
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Kukryniksy. The flight of the Nazis from Novgorod

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For nine and a half centuries, St. Sophia Cathedral in Novgorod has been repeatedly restored and updated. The last restoration was made in 1983-1990. The restorers have strengthened the ancient painting in the temple, preserved from the 12th century.
Fresco restoration
