Forms of cooperation between preschool and elementary school. Interaction of kindergarten and school as a single educational institution


Continuity kindergarten And elementary school in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education

senior teacher

Peryakina O.V.

The transition of a preschool child to the school educational environment is his transition to a different cultural space, to a different age category and social situation of development. Ensuring the success of this transition is the problem of uniting the efforts of kindergarten and primary school workers.

The introduction and adoption of new Federal State Educational Standards (FSES) for preschool education is an important step in the continuity of the kindergarten and school. The introduction of education standards approved at the state level significantly contributes to ensuring continuity and prospects for improving the quality of education in complete system.

School and kindergarten are two related links in the education system. Success in school education largely depends on the quality of knowledge and skills formed in preschool childhood, on the level of development cognitive interests and cognitive activity of the child.


Creation of continuity and successful adaptation during the transition from kindergarten to school.

Provide system continuing education taking into account age features preschoolers and first graders.

Creation of favorable conditions in kindergarten and school for the development of cognitive activity, independence, creativity of each child.

To captivate kindergarten children with the prospect of schooling, to arouse a desire to study at school.


Contribute to the strengthening and preservation of the health of preschoolers preparing for schooling.

Comprehensive development of children, allowing them to successfully master the school curriculum in the future.

Creation of favorable conditions for the mental and personal development of the child.

The implementation of continuity in the work of the kindergarten and school is to develop in the preschooler the readiness to perceive a new way of life, a new regime, to develop emotional-volitional and intellectual abilities that will give him the opportunity to master a wide range of educational program.

In the Federal State Educational Standard, the results of mastering the program of preschool and primary education are in succession and are divided, in turn, into subject, meta-subject and personal.

Preschool education

Elementary education


Knowledge, abilities, skills in educational areas and in the process of mastering various types of activities.

Subject Results
(knowledge, skills, abilities).


Universal prerequisites for learning activities: the ability to listen and hear, to bring what has been started to the end, to perceive criticism, etc.

Meta-subject results (school-significant functions): fine motor skills, auditory and visual perception, the ability to negotiate, set goals, etc.


Characteristics of motivational development (desire to learn, go to school).
Emotionally strong-willed development, moral - moral (endure, do not do what I want).

Personal results: loss of childish spontaneity, the formation of adequate behavior, the development of independence and personal responsibility for one's actions, the development of cooperation skills ...

The federal state educational standard is a state tool for systemic updates of preschool education.

One of the most important tasks of the Federal State Educational Standard is to ensure the continuity of the main educational programs of preschool and primary general education.

The reorganization of the educational process in the preschool educational institution is:

Replacing the training block with educational areas

Volume increase joint activities adult and children

Changing the content of joint activities of an adult and children

Change in scope and content educational activities.

An important role in ensuring the effective continuity of preschool and primary education is played by the coordination of interaction between the teaching staff of the preschool institution, school and parents of pupils.

Primary school is designed to help students to fully demonstrate their abilities, develop initiative, independence, creative potential. The success of the implementation of this task largely depends on the formation of children's cognitive interests in kindergarten. child's interest preschool age- this is his memory, attention, thinking. The development of a child's cognitive interest in kindergarten is solved by means of entertainment, games, and the creation of non-standard situations in the classroom. A child in kindergarten must be taught to think, explain the results, compare, make assumptions, check whether they are correct, observe, generalize and draw conclusions. The thinking of one child contributes to the development of this skill in others.

Preparing children for school is a complex, multifaceted task that covers all spheres of a child's life.

The presence of knowledge in itself does not determine the success of learning, it is much more important that the child is able to independently acquire and apply them.

This is activity approach(consciousness is formed in activity) , which underlies state educational standards. Understanding begins through action.

Graduate portrait

Graduate of the preschool educational institution

Elementary School Graduate

Physically developed, having mastered the basic cultural and hygienic skills.
Curious, active
Emotionally responsive
Mastered the means of communication and ways of interacting with adults and peers
Able to manage their behavior, plan their actions to comply with the norms and rules of behavior
Having primary ideas about the family, oneself, society and the state, the world, nature
Having mastered the universal prerequisites for educational activity - the ability to work according to the rule and model, listen to an adult and follow his instructions
Able to solve intellectual and personal tasks (problems), adequate to age
Having mastered the necessary skills and abilities

Fulfilling the rules of behavior of a healthy and safe lifestyle
Curious, actively exploring the world
Friendly, able to listen and hear the interlocutor, justify his position, express his opinion
Ready to act independently and be responsible for their actions
Respectful and accepting the values ​​of family and society
Loving his people, his land, his homeland
Possessing the basics of the ability to learn, capable of organizing their own activities

Metasubject Results

Subject Results

The requirements of the Standard for the results of mastering the main educational program are presented in the form of targets for preschool education, which represent the social and psychological characteristics of the child's possible achievements at the stage of completing the level of preschool education.

The targets of preschool education include the following social and psychological characteristics of the child's personality at the stage of completion of preschool education:

The child shows initiative and independence in different types activities.

The child is self-confident, open to the outside world, has a positive attitude towards himself and others, has a sense of dignity. Actively interacts with peers and adults.

The child has a developed imagination, fantasy, creativity, etc.

The child has developed gross and fine motor skills.

The child is capable of volitional efforts in various activities, can follow social norms.

The child shows curiosity, tends to observe, experiment, is able to make his own decisions, relying on his knowledge and skills in various areas of reality.

The targets of the Program serve as the basis for the continuity of pre-school and primary general education. Subject to the requirements for the conditions for the implementation of the Program, these targets assume the formation of prerequisites for educational activities in preschool children at the stage of completion of preschool education.

The targets of the Program are not subject to direct assessment, including in the form of pedagogical diagnostics, and are not the basis for their formal comparison with the real achievements of children. They are not the basis for an objective assessment of compliance with the established requirements of educational activities and training of pupils.

Forms of succession:

I. Working with children:

2) visiting the school museum;

3) acquaintance and interaction of preschoolers with teachers and primary school students;

4) participation in joint educational activities, game programs;

5) exhibitions of drawings and crafts;

6) meetings and conversations with former pupils of the kindergarten;

7) joint holidays and sports competitions for preschoolers and first graders;

Participation in theatrical activities;

II. Working with teachers:

1) joint pedagogical councils (preschool educational institution and school);

2) seminars, master classes;

3) round tables of preschool teachers and school teachers;

4) conducting diagnostics to determine the readiness of children for school;

5) interaction of medical workers, psychologists of the preschool educational institution and the school;

6) open demonstrations of educational activities in preschool educational institutions and open lessons At school;

7) pedagogical and psychological observations.

III. Working with parents:

1) joint parent meetings with preschool teachers and school teachers;

2) round tables, discussion meetings, pedagogical "living rooms";

3) consultations with teachers of preschool educational institutions and schools; meetings of parents with future teachers;

4) days open doors;

5) questioning, testing of parents;

6) educational - game trainings and workshops for parents

7) visual means of communication;

parent club meetings

New views on the upbringing, education and development of children require a new approach to the implementation of the succession of kindergarten and school, building a new model of the graduate, which will ensure the continuity of the educational process.

By definition, D.B. Elkonin, preschool and primary school age is one epoch of human development, called "childhood". Educator and teacher primary school they also have a lot in common, so they have a common generic name - a teacher. The problem of succession can be successfully solved with the close cooperation of the kindergarten and the school. Everyone will benefit from this, especially children. For the sake of children, you can find time, energy and means to solve the problems of succession.

Expected results

1. Ensuring the success of the child on early stages learning

2. Reducing the percentage of first-graders with a high level of maladaptation to schooling

3. Positive dynamics in the development of basic general education programs by each child

4. General positive dynamics of mental and physical health of children

5. Motivational readiness of children to study at school

6. Creation of a system of succession of preschool educational institutions and schools as a necessary condition for lifelong education

Work plan for the continuity of MBDOU No. 115 and MOU secondary school No. 58 for the 2014-2015 academic year

Strategic Idea:

ensure a high level of personal development;

Priority areas for primary school:

the formation of children's ability to learn, the creation of conditions under which learning becomes a blessing for the child, the main form of self-expression;

Priority directions for preschool institutions:

early development of a complex of personal qualities and properties that ensure an easy, natural transition of the child to school;

The main objective:

implementation of a single line general development child, i.e. spiritual, mental and physical at the stages of preschool and school childhood.

Creating successive links that connect the upbringing and education of kindergarten and primary school children into an integral pedagogical process, it is necessary to build it on a single organizational, methodological, psychodiagnostic and correctional development basis.

Tasks of kindergarten and school

I. Examine the full personal development, physiological and psychological well-being of the child in the transitional period from preschool education to school, aimed at the long-term formation of the child's personality based on his previous experience and accumulated knowledge.

II. To form the fundamental personal qualities of the child, which serve as the basis for the success of schooling.

III. To develop the mental activity of children in mathematics in grade 1 and preparatory group.

IV. Continue to strengthen the physical health of children through the introduction of non-traditional health-saving work technologies.

Continuity plan for kindergartens and schools for the 2014-2015 academic year.



Methodical work


- Knowledge Day;
-Discussion of the joint work plan


Head teacher
Deputy head for water resources management


Acquaintance of educators of the preparatory group with the program of education and upbringing of the elementary school.


Head teacher
Deputy head for water resources management


- Updating information in the corner for the parents of the future first-grader;
- Organization subject environment for the role-playing game "School".



deputy head of OIA



- Summing up the adaptation of first-graders;
- Analysis of the progress of first-graders for the academic year;



deputy Director of WRM,
psychologist, teachers


- Drawing up lists of future first-graders

April May

deputy head for water resources management


Mutual attendance of classes by primary school teachers in kindergarten and preschool teachers. groups at school

In the second half of the year:
goal: to get acquainted with the level of acquired knowledge, skills and creativity children.

Head teacher
Deputy head for water resources management
Teachers of the beginning classes



Pedagogical meetings.
Issues for discussion:
- Actual tasks for the formation of interest in the learning process and its motivation.


Head teacher
Deputy head by OIA Psychologist


Issues of succession of physical education in the preschool educational institution and school.


Physics instructor. education


Attending a pedagogical meeting at the school following the results of work for 2013-2014


Deputy head OIA

Working with parents

Round table “A child on the doorstep of a school. What does it mean?"
- Parent meeting for future first graders
- Questioning of parents "Your child will soon become a schoolboy"


Deputy director for water resources management

Deputy head for water resources management

Consultations on the results of diagnostics for schooling in the preparatory group



Readiness of children for schooling.



Parent meetings in preparatory groups for school with the invitation of primary school teachers.
Parent meetings "The tasks of the kindergarten and the family in preparing children for school"; "The results of the assimilation of the program by children of the preparatory group for school"



Work with children

Excursion to the school for the festive line.


Deputy head for UVR Educators prep. groups

Excursions to the school:
ü Familiarity with the gym;
ü Acquaintance with the creation of the school;
ü Acquaintance with classes (rooms);
o Introduction to the library.

During a year

Deputy head for UVR Educators prep. gr.

Mutual attendance of New Year's matinees


Deputy head for UVR, head teacher

Thematic exhibitions "What a first grader should be able to do"; “Going to school is an important event in the life of children”



Exhibition-exchange of children's drawings of children's drawings of children of the preparatory group and students of the 1st grade "Children and the rules of the road"
Exhibition of works by future first-graders "I draw a school"



uch. first grade

Participation of first-graders in the holiday
"Goodbye Kindergarten"


teachers, educators,
muses leaders

Interaction between kindergarten and school.

Going to school is a turning point in a child's life. A new stage in his development begins with him: he will have to master forms of activity that are not always similar to the previous ones, to develop a different style of relations with peers and adults. Physiologically and psychologically rebuild. How to make this process painless for the child? Here we are sure that a close connection between the kindergarten and the school can be of great help. The problem of continuity between preschool and primary education is relevant at all times. The concept of continuity is interpreted broadly - as a continuous process of raising and educating a child, which has general and specific goals for each age period, that is, it is a connection between different stages of development, the essence of which is to preserve certain elements of the whole or individual characteristics during the transition to a new one. condition. A serious issue that needs to be given great attention in preschool age is the formation of social skills. In elementary school, work on the development of social skills continues. Particular attention is paid to the skills of partnership communication and business interaction. Already in kindergarten, children begin to independently work out the rules of behavior in a particular situation. If we talk about physical development, then here too most of the work falls on kindergarten, since preschool age is the period when the motor and sensory systems of the body develop. Children have the opportunity to move around the group freely. They are given the freedom to choose the type of activity, the freedom to choose a position in space that is convenient for the child (sitting, standing, even lying down). This freedom allows the child to develop properly physically. In this regard, at the initial stage of schooling, teachers in many schools began to allow children to choose a comfortable position. The development of the emotional-volitional sphere: the goal is the same, but the tasks at school are somewhat more complicated. In kindergarten, we are working on developing simple skills of internal volitional regulation in a child. Children are engaged in some kind of activity, most often at will, for the sake of the success of a common cause. These skills continue to be actively formed in elementary school in the process of interaction with learning activities. At the same time, the forms and methods of organizing educational work smoothly move from kindergarten to school: the morning begins with gathering in a circle, the children greet each other and discuss problems, the children are given the opportunity to choose a task of any degree of complexity; they actively work in pairs. Project activity moves from kindergarten to school. One of the important tasks that require a comprehensive solution is the creation of a unified educational process that links preschool and school years. We have identified three main areas for ensuring continuity between preschool and school education: methodological work, work with parents, work with children. Methodological work involves workshops, conversations, methodological meetings for school and kindergarten teachers on the following topics: adaptation of first grade students to schooling; psychological readiness of the child for school; tasks of the kindergarten and the family in preparing for school. Seminars include mutual visits to lessons in the first grades of the school and open classes in the preparatory group.

There are teachers in the classroom who recruit children in the first grade. We also work with parents throughout the school year.

We hold parent meetings about preparing children for school, about developing cognitive and creative abilities, teachers answer questions from parents of future first graders. This allows parents to decide on the choice of teacher and school for their child.

And of course, working with children.

For some time, on the basis of our kindergarten, together with the school, seminars have been held where children get to know their future teachers. teachers visit open classes, communicate with future first-graders. As the famous teacher Asmolov A.G.

Not a child should get ready for school,

And the school should prepare for the child ... "

In close cooperation, the teacher expresses his wishes and recommendations that are needed for our joint work. For example, one of them: a teacher at school widely using self-assessment cards in her lessons recommended using them in the educational activities of preschoolers in the preparatory group. Very often, when conducting open classes, schoolchildren of grades 4-5 are also involved - our former graduates. It is interesting for our guys to work with them, because they share their experience, conveying their emotions, and also share their knowledge. In our educational institution, the senior educator, psychologist, social pedagogue annually monitor the progress of our graduates throughout the entire primary school. Preschoolers, in turn, go to school on excursions, take part in cultural activities schools: concerts, performances, exhibitions of crafts and drawings. Meeting with students of the school, former pupils of the kindergarten - all this makes children want to go to school, inspires confidence in their abilities. Events are held not only in the native walls of the kindergarten and school, but also at the village level.

In February 2014, an important event took place in one of the schools in our village, owned by JSC Russian Railways - a new, fully equipped sports hall was built and put into operation.

In May 2013, my children graduated from school, and the seminar was held in November 2013. In the morning, teachers watched an event in our garden: in the preparatory group there was an interesting business game - “Journey to Moscow”, in this event educators were assisted by students of the 5th grade; The preschool children were happy to complete all the tasks that were prepared for them. Very interesting lesson on English language teacher from the school in the preparatory group.

The teacher comes and conducts his classes once a week in the preparatory group. Musical director prepared with children senior group the fairy tale "Porridge from an ax", where the guys of the 1st grade were also involved. Schoolchildren, along with preschool children, played together on the same stage.

In the afternoon, educators and teachers worked at the school. I watched a math lesson in first grade. These were my graduates! The topic of the lesson was "Ray and Segments". What was my surprise when the teacher offered to get a compass and measure 5 segments with it. The children successfully completed the tasks of the teacher. At the end of the lesson, the children held up their self-assessment cards. It was interesting for me to watch how they worked at the lesson. The children successfully answered, went to the interactive board and rearranged the “cars near the train”, the first-graders coped with the tasks of the teacher.

When the bell rang, the guys ran up to me and began to brag about their success in school, I was happy for them! In the fourth grade, students prepared their projects right in the classroom. The teacher divided the children into three teams, they set to work. The task was as follows: the first team had to collect material about our Skovorodinsky district (the material is different - these are newspaper clippings, stories from personal experience and other). The second team also worked hard, they collected material about our village. The resources were different, even the application of personal experience. The third team had to provide their own report from the scene of recent events in our village. There were three round tables in the classroom to make it convenient for children to work and communicate. At the end of the lesson, the children boldly went out and told the information they had prepared. The lesson passed with interest. At the end of the day, when the results were summed up, the teachers spoke with words of gratitude to the educators. Children come to school prepared. Examples were given: when children who did not attend kindergarten differ sharply from "garden" ones in their preparation for school. I was pleased that the work of our kindergarten has such a good result.

I think that such cooperation for the sake of children will allow us to achieve further positive results at work. By definition, D.B. Elkonin, preschool and primary school age is one epoch of human development, called "childhood". The teacher and primary school teacher have a lot in common, so we have a common name - a teacher.

Thus, “Continuity” gives children emotional well-being, quick adaptation to school, and the development of positive motivation skills in learning activities. Everyone benefits from this, especially children. For the sake of children, you can find time, strength and a solution to the problem of continuity.

Lyubov Gostyuzheva
Program "Interaction between kindergarten and school"

Program structure.


1.1. Relevance___page 3-4

1.1.1. Goals and objectives of the development of the Program___page 4 -6

1.1.2. Algorithm for work on the succession of kindergarten and school ___ page 7

1.1.3. Forms of succession:___page 8

1.2. Planned results of mastering the work program___page 9

2.1. Program Support Tools___page 10


3.1. Work Plan ___page 10

Having studied the concept of the content of continuous education, various regulatory documents on issues of continuity, we have compiled a program "Interaction between kindergarten and school".

1.1. Relevance

The transition of a preschool child to the school educational environment is his transition to a different cultural space, to a different age category and social situation of development. Ensuring the success of this transition is the problem of uniting the efforts of kindergarten and primary school workers.

School and kindergarten are two related links in the education system. Success in school education largely depends on the quality of knowledge and skills formed in preschool childhood, on the level of development of cognitive interests and cognitive activity of the child.

An important role in ensuring the effective continuity of preschool and primary

education is played by the coordination of interaction between pedagogical

groups of preschool institutions, schools and parents of pupils.

Primary school is designed to help students to fully demonstrate their abilities, develop initiative, independence, and creativity. The success of the implementation of this task largely depends on the formation of children's cognitive interests in kindergarten. The interest of a preschool child is his memory, attention, thinking.

The development of the cognitive interest of the child in kindergarten is solved by means

entertainment, games, creating non-standard situations in the classroom. child in

kindergarten needs to be taught to think, to explain the results obtained,

compare, make assumptions, check if they are correct, observe, generalize and draw conclusions.

New views on the upbringing, education and development of children require a new approach to

implementation of the succession of kindergarten and school, building a new model

graduate, which will ensure the continuity of the educational process.

According to the definition of D. B. Elkonin, preschool and primary school age is

one epoch of human development, called "childhood". The teacher and primary school teacher also have much in common, so they have a common generic name - a teacher.

The problem of succession can be successfully solved with the close cooperation of the kindergarten and the school. Everyone will benefit from this, especially children. For the sake of children, you can find time, energy and means to solve the problems of succession.

1.1.1. Goals and objectives of the development of the Program

Program goal:

implementation of a single line of child development at the stages of preschool and

primary school education, giving the pedagogical process a holistic, consistent and promising character.


head of the kindergarten, educators, primary school teachers.

Program objects: children of preschool (senior, preparatory groups) and school age (grade 1, parents, teachers.

Goals of continuing education:

Education of a moral person.

Protection and strengthening of the physical and mental health of children.

Preservation and support of the child's individuality, physical and mental development children.

Tasks of continuous education:

at the preschool level:

introducing children to values healthy lifestyle life;

ensuring the emotional well-being of each child, the development of his positive self-perception;

development of initiative, curiosity, arbitrariness, ability to creative self-expression;

the formation of various knowledge about the world around us, the stimulation of communicative, cognitive, playful and other activity of children in various activities;

development of competence in the sphere of relations to the world, to people, to oneself; inclusion

children in various forms cooperation (with adults and children of different ages).

at the elementary school level:

conscious acceptance of the values ​​of a healthy lifestyle and regulation of one's behavior

in accordance with them;

readiness for active interaction with the outside world (emotional, intellectual, communicative, business, etc.);

desire and ability to learn, readiness for education at the main level of school and self-education;

initiative, independence, cooperation skills in various activities:

improving the achievements of preschool development (throughout the entire primary

education, special assistance on the development of qualities formed in preschool childhood, the individualization of the learning process, especially in cases of advanced development or lagging behind.

Problems of continuous education.

The formation and development of education in each link is carried out without relying on

previous education and without taking into account future prospects.

The gap between the ultimate goals and requirements in teaching individual subjects at various stages of the educational process. Inconsistency between the “input” and “output” requirements of kindergarten and school.

insecurity educational process in systems of successive education with educational and methodological materials and didactic aids, the imperfection of existing teaching aids and their inconsistency with the new goals and requirements of training.

The imperfection of existing diagnostic systems when students move from one

educational level to another.

Lack of consistency in the selection of training content and organization educational material by steps.

Weak management and organizational continuity, i.e., difficulties in the overall management of the entire process of education, training and development of students in both subsystems of the kindergarten-school complex.

Insufficient level of training teaching staff to work in the system of continuous education.

1.1.2. Algorithm of work on the succession of kindergarten and school

Stage 1 - admission of the child to kindergarten: registration and placement of children in kindergarten,

medical examination,

the adaptation period of the child upon admission to kindergarten,

pedagogical and psychological diagnostics when a child enters kindergarten

Stage 2: preparing the child for learning.

Methodical work:

Conducting general pedagogical councils of educators and teachers of primary

classes on problematic issues of upbringing and education of children.

Conducting open lessons and classes

Maintenance of individual diagnostic cards for each child in order to further track the growth and development of children,

Identification of the most acute problematic issues in teaching children in primary school, % of underachievers and repeaters)

Stage 3 - a smooth transition from kindergarten to school.

Pedagogical diagnostics of children, characteristics for children, adaptation of first graders at school. Filling out diagnostic cards for each child. Further tracking the adaptation of children in the first grade, providing pedagogical assistance to children and parents. Conducting general parent meetings, consultations, conversations with a psychologist.

1.1.3. Forms of succession

I. Working with children:

1) excursions to the school;

2) acquaintance and interaction of preschoolers with teachers and primary school students;

3) participation in joint educational activities, game programs;

4) exhibitions of drawings and crafts;

5) meetings and conversations with former pupils of the kindergarten;

6) joint holidays and sports competitions for preschoolers and first graders;

7) participation in theatrical activities;

8) Conversations about the school, looking at pictures, reading art. liters, acquaintance with school attributes;

9) didactic games and etc.

II. Working with teachers:

1) joint pedagogical councils (preschool educational institution and school);

2) conducting diagnostics to determine the readiness of children for school;

3) interaction between teachers of the preschool educational institution and the school;

4) open demonstrations of educational activities in preschool educational institutions and open lessons at school;

5) pedagogical observations.

III. Working with parents:

1) joint parent meetings with preschool teachers and school teachers;

2) round tables, discussion meetings, pedagogical "living rooms";

3) consultations with teachers of preschool educational institutions and schools; meetings of parents with future teachers;

4) open days;

5) questioning, testing of parents;

6) educational - game trainings and workshops for parents

7) visual means of communication;

1.2. Planned results of mastering the work program

Ensuring the success of the child in the initial stages of education

Decrease in the percentage of first-graders with a high level of maladaptation to schooling

Positive dynamics in the development of basic general education programs by each child

Motivational readiness of children to study at school

Creation of a system of succession of preschool educational institutions and schools as a necessary condition

continuing education


2.1. Means of providing the Program

Educational and educational work in MBDOU is based on the main

educational program of MBDOU, which provides diversified development

children aged 2 to 8 years, taking into account their age and individual characteristics

in the main areas: physical, social and personal, cognitive,

speech, artistic and aesthetic. The content of the educational process

built in accordance with the programs:

Comprehensive exemplary general education program preschool education

"From birth to school" edited by N. E. Veraksa, M. A. Vasilyeva, T. S. Komarova.

Purpose: creation of favorable conditions for a full-fledged living

a child of preschool childhood, the formation of the foundations of the basic culture of the individual,

comprehensive development of mental and physical qualities in accordance with

age and individual characteristics, preparing the child for life in

modern society, to schooling, security

the life of a preschooler.


I. 3.1. Work plan

II. Based on the created program, a work plan for the year is drawn up.

Annex 1 - plan of joint work with the school for 2012 -2013 /

Annex 2 - plan of joint work with the school for 2013-2014

CONTINUITY between kindergarten and school implies orientation, orientation of the work of a preschool institution to the requirements set at school and, conversely, the teacher's account of what has been achieved general level development of a preschooler, formed ™ moral behavior, volitional, personal sphere of the child.

Continuity can be considered as an internal connection, which is expressed in the educational activities of students (preschoolers and schoolchildren), and external, associated with the activities of educators (educators and teachers). The first connection includes the structure of educational activities, which includes the following components:

I) motivational-target, which determines the relationship between motivation and goal-setting of the doctrine;

3) educational and operational, ensuring the development of general educational and special skills, the presence of mental operations;

4) organizational-reflexive, - including the skills of planning, forecasting activities, self-mutual evaluation of the results of one's own activities and comrades.

External communication includes continuity in the activities of educators and teachers, which is manifested in a certain type of attitude of teachers to children, in relation to pedagogical activity, to the parents of pupils, etc.

In the implementation of continuity, it is important to pay attention to the fulfillment by the teacher of the functions assigned to him (health-improving, organizational, educational, etc.), knowledge of pedagogy, psychology, methods of education, his erudition

The implementation of continuity is facilitated by the existing system of education, uniform principles of education: humanization, democratization, differentiation of training and education based on taking into account the age, psychological and individual characteristics of each child; development and implementation into practice of innovative successive programs in their essence, restructuring of the system of training and retraining of teaching staff with a focus on various profiles and services of educational institutions.

The main goal of integrating the activities of kindergarten and school is to develop in the child good feelings, a deep mind and healthy body. But a specific priority for elementary school is the formation of children's ability to learn, the creation of conditions under which learning becomes a blessing for the child, the main form of his self-expression; for preschool - the early development of a complex of personal qualities and properties that ensure an easy, natural transition of the child to school.

The problem of continuity in the upbringing and education of preschoolers and junior schoolchildren considered in the works of N.K. Krupskaya, A.V. Zaporozhets, L.A. Venger, A.F. Govorkova, Ya.L. Kolominsky, A.A. Lyublinskaya, A.M. .Lysenko, N.N. Poddyakova, V.A. Silivon, A.P. Usovoy and others.

The "intermediate" position of six-year-olds between preschoolers and schoolchildren is especially evident at the present time, when some of them are already studying at school, while others continue to attend kindergarten. In this regard, the search for new approaches to the problem of continuity between school and preschool education is being updated.

In the Republic of Belarus, an exemplary regulation on an educational institution has been developed and approved " school-kindergarten", "child development centers" are being created - these new integrative types of educational institutions are organized in order to create optimal conditions for the education and upbringing of children of preschool and school age and ensure continuity in the organization and content of the educational process. Creative teams approved by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus, programs for the education and upbringing of children in the preparatory group, programs for the special preparation of children 5 years old for school, standards for preschool education are being developed. schools in connection with the reform of the education system" it is noted that "continuity must be understood, on the one hand, as the establishment of a dialectical relationship between the stages of development of the personality in the transition from preschool to primary school age, on the other hand, the creation of medical-biological and psychological-pedagogical conditions in the work of kindergartens and schools to ensure this development".

The main tasks of succession are:

1. Establishing a connection between the programs, forms and methods of work of the kindergarten and school.

2. Establishing a connection in the physical, mental, moral,

labor and aesthetic development.

3. Establishing a connection in the development of the child's personality as a whole.

4. The formation of an active-positive attitude towards children on the part of teachers and parents.

5. Implementation of the continuity of kindergarten and school in the formation of general educational skills and abilities.

6. Continuity of the content of education and upbringing in kindergarten and the first grade of the school.

The most effective forms of school and kindergarten work are:

I. attendance by kindergarten teachers of lessons at school, and by school teachers of lessons in kindergarten with subsequent discussion, making recommendations;

2. joint thematic meetings of primary school teachers and educators of preschool institutions with the participation of heads of institutions;

3. holding parent meetings in senior groups with the participation of teachers and educators;

4. study by the educator and teacher of the kindergarten and grade I programs in order to identify what knowledge, skills and abilities children have mastered in a preschool institution. Studying the class I program, preschool teachers will learn the requirements

schools to first-graders, take them into account in the education and training


5. organization of various events to prepare children for school with the participation of parents;

6. conversations between teachers and educators about children leaving school on September 1, an oral description of weak and strong children, the state of health of the children of the group, the nature of collective relationships, the assimilation of rules of behavior by children, the attitude of children to elders, the development of cognitive interests , about volitional development, as well as about the development of intelligence: inquisitiveness, curiosity, criticality, etc .;

7. joint preparation for conferences, organization of exhibitions;

8. mutual attendance of matinees and concerts.

For the purpose of closer and more systematic work of the school and kindergarten, teachers, together with educators, develop succession plans, in the implementation of which not only teachers, but also parents are involved.

The succession plan includes the following sections:

I. methodical and organizational-educational work;

2. raising children's interest in school;

3. education in schoolchildren of caring and attentiveness to children of preschool age;

4. work with parents.

An integral part of the work on the succession of schools and preschool institutions is cooperation with the family, which will achieve high level overall development of the child. To solve this problem, coordinated actions of employees of preschool institutions and the family are necessary: ​​all the best that a family can give (love, care, care, personal communication), a kindergarten and primary school should make their property, and, conversely, all the good that a family acquires a child in kindergarten and school (independence, organization, interest in knowledge, etc.) should be continued and supported in the family. Only then will the quality of upbringing and education of children at school and preparation for school in a preschool institution improve, the gap between the family, kindergarten and school, which is a serious obstacle to the proper development of the child, will be overcome. Cooperation between kindergarten, family and school can be solved through the following types of work: general parent meetings, which aim to acquaint parents with the basic requirements of the school, kindergarten to the content of the work being done at home, communication of the main provisions of the concept of personality development, information about the main pedagogical, psychological , medical aspects of preparing a child for yukola;

group parent meetings, which allow concretizing common problems, paying attention to diagnostic methods for determining a child's readiness for school. Educators talk about the results of their work with children, demonstrate the achievements of children by organizing exhibitions of children's works, an amateur art concert, etc.;

lectures for parents

pedagogical consultations;


open classes and conversations with parents about the results that children have achieved, exhibitions of children's work, information about special literature;

joint holidays;

meetings of teachers with parents of future first-graders.

Such forms of interaction as mutual acquaintance with educational programs kindergarten and school, organization of joint pedagogical councils, round tables, master classes. Acquaintance with the specifics of planning work in kindergarten and thematic plans for conducting lessons at school makes it possible for each teacher to exchange experiences, find the best methods, techniques and forms of work, introduces the situation and organization of life and education of children.

Such cooperation forms among teachers an understanding of the importance of the child's development process, and not the accumulation of knowledge, helps to maintain the health of children and not infringe on their right to education, determines the choice of ways of an individual approach to the future student.

Another important, in our opinion, area of ​​work between kindergarten and school is the organization of joint holidays, exhibitions, festivals, participation in project activities and other interesting events.

Forms of succession:

1. Working with children:

Excursions to the school;

Visiting the school museum, library;

Acquaintance and interaction of preschoolers with teachers and elementary school students;

Participation in joint educational activities, game programs;

Exhibitions of drawings and crafts;

Meetings and conversations with former pupils of the kindergarten (pupils of primary and high school);

Joint holidays (Knowledge Day, dedication to first graders, graduation in kindergarten, etc.) and sports competitions for preschoolers and first graders;

Participation in theatrical activities;

Attendance by preschoolers of an adaptation course of classes organized at the school (classes with a psychologist, speech therapist, music director and other school specialists).

2. Interaction of teachers:

Joint pedagogical councils (preschool educational institution and school);

Seminars, master classes;

Round tables of preschool teachers and school teachers;

Psychological and communicative trainings for educators and teachers;

Carrying out diagnostics to determine the readiness of children for school;

Interaction of medical workers, psychologists of the preschool educational institution and the school;

Open displays of educational activities in preschool educational institutions and open lessons at school;

Pedagogical and psychological observations.

3. Cooperation with parents:

Joint parent meetings with preschool teachers and school teachers;

Round tables, discussion meetings, pedagogical "living rooms";

Parent conferences, Q&A evenings;

Consultations with teachers of preschool educational institutions and schools;

Meetings of parents with future teachers;

Open days;

Creative workshops;

Questioning, testing of parents to study the well-being of the family on the eve of the child's school life and during the period of adaptation to school;

Educational and gaming trainings and workshops for parents of children of pre-preschool age, business games, workshops;

Family evenings, themed activities;

Visual means of communication (poster material, exhibitions, mailbox questions and answers, etc.);

Meetings of parent clubs (classes for parents and for parent-child couples).

An important role in ensuring the continuity of preschool and school education is played by a detailed study of the views of parents and teachers about each other, which will lead them to interaction and the development of joint recommendations.

And another important role in organizing the continuity of preschool and elementary school is played by the personality of the educator and teacher. A kindergarten teacher is a second mother who can hug the baby, pat on the head. And the child reaches out to his teacher. But today's preschooler comes to school, and the teacher meets him. Everything changes at once: the student must keep a distance between himself and the teacher. Therefore, the adaptation of the student to school is more protracted than in kindergarten.

That's why The main tasks of cooperation between the preschool educational institution and the school are:

Creation of psychological and pedagogical conditions that ensure a favorable course of the process of adaptation of first-graders to school education (natural transition from kindergarten to school);

Improving the preparation for schooling of 5-6 year old children;

Deepening interest in life at school;

Assistance to the family in a new situation that arises in preparation for schooling and when the child enters school.

The most important condition for the effectiveness of work on establishing successive relations between kindergarten and school is a clear understanding of the goals, objectives and content of the implementation of continuity, friendly business contact between the teaching staff of these educational institutions.

The goals and objectives of implementing continuity in the work of a preschool educational institution and school are implemented on the basis of joint events, the organization of a single educational space, the use of successive technologies, forms, methods of teaching and education.

Conference: Modern approach to teaching

Organization: MBDOU No. 65 "Mashenka"

Location: Naberezhnye Chelny

Significant changes taking place in the socio-economic structure Russia XXI century, require reforming the education system. Today, as many scientists note, instead of basic education, which served a person as the foundation of his entire professional activity requires "education for life".

Currently, the system of preschool education is being restructured. aim from now on, it is recognized not the education of a member of society, but free personal development.

The main mechanism of activity of a developing preschool institution is search And mastering innovations contributing to qualitative changes in the work of a preschool institution.

Implementation of innovations in the work of an educational institution - essential condition improving and reforming the system of preschool education.

IN new concept The interaction between the family and the preschool institution is based on the idea that parents are responsible for raising children, and all other social institutions are called upon to help, support, guide, and supplement their educational activities. The officially implemented policy in our country of transforming education from family to public is becoming a thing of the past.

Recognition of the priority of family education requires new relations between the family and the preschool institution. The novelty of these relations is determined by the concepts "cooperation" And "interaction".

Cooperation- this is communication "on an equal footing", where no one has the privilege to indicate, control, evaluate.

Interaction is a way of organizing joint activities, which is carried out on the basis of social perception and through communication.

It is impossible to move to new forms of relations between parents and teachers within the framework of a closed kindergarten: it must become an open system. The results of foreign and domestic research allow us to characterize what makes up the openness of a preschool institution, including "opening inward" And "open to the outside".

Give to preschool "opening inward" means to make the pedagogical process more free, flexible, differentiated, to humanize the relationship between children, teachers, parents.

"Opening the kindergarten inside" is the involvement of parents in the educational process of kindergarten. Parents and family members can significantly diversify the lives of children in a preschool institution, contribute to educational work. This can be an episodic event that every family can afford. Some parents are happy to organize an excursion, others will help in equipping pedagogical process, the third - will teach children something.

"Kindergarten's openness to the outside" means that the kindergarten is open to the influence of the micro-society, its microdistrict, is ready to cooperate with those located on its territory social institutions, such as: comprehensive school, music school, sports complex, library, etc.

Cooperation between kindergarten and family assumes that both parties have something to say to each other regarding a particular child, the tendencies of his development. Hence the turn to interaction with each family, hence the preference for individual forms of work (individual conversations, consultations).

Interaction in small group parents with similar home parenting problems are called differentiated approach.

The main goal of all forms and types of interaction between the preschool educational institution and the family- establishing trusting relationship between children, parents and teachers, uniting them into one team, educating the need to share their problems with each other and solve them together.

Innovative forms of interaction between preschool educational institutions and families

Currently, all kinds of methods and forms of work with parents are used, both already established in this area, and innovative, non-traditional.

Innovative approach to traditional forms of work involves activating the behavior of parents, including in different kinds activities, organization of expertise on their part, as well as making proposals.

Below we will look at what currently exist traditional forms work with families, and, accordingly, what innovative approaches can be used for these activities.

The whole variety of forms can be divided into two large subgroups:

1) work with the family within the kindergarten (direct work with families);

2) work with the family outside the kindergarten.

I . Working with the family inside the kindergarten

1. Visiting the child's family

This form of work gives a lot for studying the family, establishing contact with the child, his parents, clarifying the conditions of education.

Seeing the child in a family environment, the educator more deeply knows his interests, has the opportunity to come closer to the child himself. He can identify positive parenting practices that he recommends to other parents, and also uses in an individual approach to the child in kindergarten.

2. Open days

Parents show great interest in how children live in kindergarten, what they do. The best way to introduce this to parents is to open days.

Open views give parents a lot: they get the opportunity observe for their children in a situation other than family, compare the behavior and skills of your child with the behavior and skills of other children, adopt the teacher has methods of teaching and educational influences.

Wide opportunities for observations provided to parents during children's walks on the site, on holidays, evenings of entertainment.

Open Day, being a fairly common form of work, makes it possible to acquaint parents with a preschool institution, its traditions, rules, features of educational work, to interest and attract participation.

Held in form of excursion in kindergarten with a visit to the group where the children of the new parents are brought up. You can show a fragment of the work of a preschool institution (the collective work of children, fees for a walk, etc.). After the tour and viewing, the head teacher or the senior teacher talks with the parents, finds out their impressions, and answers the questions that have arisen.

This form of work is very effective and helps the teaching staff to overcome the superficial opinion that parents still have about the role of kindergarten in the life and upbringing of children.

3. Conversations

Conducted as individual, and group.

In both cases, the goal is clearly defined: what needs to be found out, how we can help. The content of the conversation is concise, meaningful for parents, and is presented in such a way as to encourage the interlocutors to speak. The teacher should be able not only to speak, but also to listen to parents, express their interest, goodwill.

Efficiency conversations can be increased if they are targeted (at the request of parents), adding elements to the content discussions.

4. Consultations

Conducted as in individual, as well as in group form.

Purpose of the consultation- assimilation by parents of certain knowledge and skills; help them solve problems.

Forms of consultations are different:

A qualified report by a specialist followed by a discussion;

Discussion of an article read in advance by all those invited to the consultation;

Practical lesson (for example, on the topic: “How to teach a poem with children”).

Parents, especially young ones, need to acquire practical skills in raising children. It is advisable to invite them to workshops. This form of work makes it possible to talk about the methods and techniques of learning and show them: how to read a book, look at illustrations, talk about what they read, how to prepare a child’s hand for writing, how to exercise the articulatory apparatus, etc.

At innovative approach effectiveness can be increased by adhering to the principle of counseling in combination with feedback, and delayed outcome measurement, i.e. how consultations affect the solution of specific problems.

5. Meetings, round tables with the participation of parents

It is usually discussed here actual problems education with the involvement of specialists. Parents who have expressed in writing or orally a desire to participate in the discussion of a particular topic with specialists are invited to the meetings.

Efficiency of this form will increase significantly if the teacher applies activating techniques, such as:

group discussion, increasing the psychological and pedagogical literacy of parents;
video correction associated with playing tasks accompanied by a video recording of the behavior of a parent and a child, a parent and a teacher, a teacher and a child. The record is then viewed and analyzed;

games that simulate problems and solutions in the triad child-teacher-parent;
collaboration based on the joint performance of actions and tasks by the parent and teacher;

constructive dispute which will help to compare the different points of view of parents and teachers on raising a child, resolving problem situations;
verbal discussion teaching the culture of dialogue in the family, society.

6. parent meetings

Held group And are common parent meetings (for parents of the entire institution).

General Meetings organized 2-3 times a year. They discuss tasks for the new academic year, the results of educational work, issues of physical education and problems of the summer health period, etc. You can invite a doctor, lawyer, children's writer to the general meeting. Parents are expected to attend.

group meetings are held once every 2-3 months. 2-3 questions are brought up for discussion (one question is prepared by the teacher, for others, parents or one of the specialists can be invited to speak). It is expedient to dedicate one meeting annually to discussing the family experience of raising children, while choosing a topic that is topical for this group.

Innovative moment in this process, the activating role of parents can become with the introduction of the following technologies: elements of training, master classes, seminars, video presentations, showing videos made in the classroom.

7. Parent conferences

The main goal of the conference- exchange of experience in family education. Parents prepare a message in advance, the teacher, if necessary, assists in choosing a topic, designing a speech. An expert can speak at the conference. His speech is given "for starter" to provoke discussion, and if possible, discussion. The conference can be held within the framework of one preschool institution, but conferences of city and district scales are also practiced. It is important to determine the topic of the conference.

Getting ready for the conference exhibition children's works, pedagogical literature, materials reflecting the work of preschool institutions, etc. You can end the conference with a joint concert of children, employees and family members.

Conferences aimed at summarizing and disseminating the experience of family education. If approached with innovative positions, during the conferences, teachers, specialists, parents in an entertaining way will be able to simulate and play life situations . This will not only enable parents to accumulate professional knowledge in the field of education, but will also help establish trusting relationships with both teachers and specialists.

8. Pedagogical Council with the participation of parents

The potential of this form can become higher with innovative approach if parents participate at all stages of the teachers' council, first of all, during the direct meeting, when they can act as experts and critics.

9. Interview with parents

This form of work gives the teacher the opportunity to establish not only the appropriate atmosphere in communication with parents, but also feedback- in the sphere of influence of the preschool institution on the child and family.

As part of innovative approach Improving the effectiveness of the interview is possible both with feedback and subject to its application and demonstration of cause-and-effect relationships (between the opinion of parents and managerial decisions taken in connection with this).

10. Parental mail (helpline)

Every member of the family has the opportunity to short note express doubts about the methods of raising your child, seek help from a specific specialist, etc. Helpline helps parents anonymously find out any significant problems for them, warn teachers about noticed unusual manifestations of children. Based on the analysis, the educator plans further work.

From the position innovative approach this form of work will be more effective if the principle of equality is implemented: parents ask - the teacher answers, the teacher asks - the parents answer. On this basis common activities are jointly planned.

11. Questionnaire

Target: receive information about the composition of the family, about the features of family education, about the positive experience of family education or about difficulties and mistakes.

As part of innovative approach The questionnaire can be completed by the parents themselves. Responsible for the accuracy of the information parent committee (initiative group).

12. Visual information (visual propaganda)

Pedagogical propaganda

As you know, these are various stands, brief information corners.

As part of innovative approach you can supplement the stands with desktop thematic information compiled at the request and requests of parents. And the corners that are usually placed in the corridors, at the entrance to the kindergarten, in the locker room or in the aisle between the transitions - to be replaced with stands freely available for parents so that they can place there the most interesting, from their point of view, statements of the classics on the topics of education or book exchange offers. It does not hurt posted here tablet, where children's drawings are selected from books that are read to them at home. The activating element can be library assembly on the initiative of parents (including virtual), and annotations prepared by them (including on the website of the kindergarten).

In working with parents, you can use such a dynamic form of pedagogical propaganda as slide folders. They also help with an individual approach to working with the family. Folders-movers should be mentioned at parent meetings, recommended to familiarize yourself with the folders, give them for review at home. When parents return the folders, it is advisable for educators to have a conversation about what they read, listen to questions and suggestions.

A combination of all forms of visual propaganda helps to increase the pedagogical knowledge of parents, encourages them to reconsider the wrong methods and techniques of home education.

Section of children's creativity in the reception

IN traditional form the topic of the lesson, the program content are allotted a place in a special pocket, and children's works, framed, hang on the stand.

As part of innovative approach in the reception area you can allocate a place for children's home art, including shared with adults.

The stand is designed by the parents who present the creativity of their children. The teacher is left with commentary material, for example, a record of the following content: "These works are made in the technique of collage, origami."

Doctor's advice

IN innovative plan parents themselves can offer materials, in their opinion, the most relevant, for the prevention of colds, new methods of hardening, express their opinion about vaccinations, about the work of staff in a particular clinic.

Bulletin board

IN traditional version contains only official information, which is posted in a strictly designated place.

With an innovative approach The following ad options can be used to encourage sponsorship:

A) expression of gratitude on behalf of the administration those parents who assist in the improvement of the site, the premises of groups, the purchase of materials, the manufacture and repair of toys, who are involved with children, participate in many activities;

b) gratitude from parents those parents who help to purchase toys, clear the area from snow, seal windows for the winter, who take part in preparing for the matinee, etc .;

Poster "Star of the week"

Usually the poster is hung in the group room in the most visible place.

Target- the formation of a positive self-concept, the development of self-esteem, self-awareness of the child.

As a rule, the poster is designed by the parents together with the child. A story about a baby is presented in a colorful form. As you know, every pupil periodically becomes the star of the week.

Another suggestion for parents can be posters:

- "Collage of interests";

- "All about me";

- My poster.

This is a kind of homework for both parents and children, for which you need a piece of drawing paper, a photo of the child, his family members and friends, a story about hobbies.

II . Working with families outside kindergarten

These forms of work are aimed primarily at expanding the educational space of the educational institution, increasing the educational potential of the family.

1. Film university and film lecture hall

Demonstration of both short popular science, newsreel documentaries and full-length feature films. Currently, video recording of the real life of preschool educational institutions is widely used.

Films can be edited and dubbed by specialists and offered to parents for home viewing. Video cameras will help parents to see their children in a new, closed environment for them and draw appropriate conclusions.

2. Readers' conferences on books about education

Conferences are organized by libraries, inviting parents to meetings with children. Here, together with writers, poets, sociologists, thematic books and publications are discussed.

With an innovative approach Parents are the organizers of the conference, and children and teachers are its participants.

3. Thematic exhibitions

Target- promotion of the achievements of preschool education and upbringing, the best experience of family pedagogy, stories about the best educators in the area.

As part of an innovative approach this form can be directed to the presentation of creative children's work. Exhibitions may also contain material about the work of both parents and children. Exhibition venues are provided by parents depending on their place of work.

4. Libraries for Parents at preschool institutions

Target- Strengthen the information impact of the preschool educational institution. As a rule, parents of children who do not attend preschool can use the services of libraries. In some cases, this service is paid.

As part of innovative approach Parents themselves can create a library and independently supervise its completion.

5. Performances of pupils of kindergartens

Target- show the results of educational activities of the institution.

The effectiveness of this form can be increased by the performances of children and parents on the principle "moment of glory", drawing up numbers by the parents themselves, attracting trainers, teachers from the centers additional education, music schools that children attend.

Currently, in connection with the restructuring of the system of preschool education, practical workers of preschool educational institutions are looking for new, non-traditional forms of work with parents based on cooperation and interaction between teachers and parents. Let's give examples of some of them.

1. Family clubs

Unlike parent meetings, which are based on an edifying and instructive form of communication, the club builds relationships with the family on the principles of voluntariness and personal interest. In such a club, people are united by a common problem and a joint search for optimal forms of assistance to the child. The topics of the meetings are formulated and requested by the parents.

2. Evenings of questions and answers

They represent concentrated pedagogical information on a wide variety of issues, which are often of a debatable nature, and the answers to them often turn into a heated, interested discussion. The role of question and answer evenings in equipping parents with pedagogical knowledge lies not only in the answers themselves, which in itself is very important, but also in the form of these evenings. They should take place as a relaxed, equal communication between parents and teachers, as lessons in pedagogical reflection.

Parents are notified about this evening no later than a month in advance. During this time, educators should prepare for it: collect questions, group, distribute them in the teaching staff to prepare answers. At the evening of questions and answers, the presence of the majority of members of the teaching staff, as well as specialists - doctors, lawyers, psychologists, etc., is desirable, depending on the content of the questions.

3. Evenings of rest with the participation of teachers, parents, children

4. sports entertainment, gatherings

5. Joint performances

6. Day of good deeds

7. Library of games

What conclusion can be drawn from the above? Analysis of traditional forms work of preschool educational institution with family allows you to see: the potential for developing relationships is possible. But on the condition of increasing the activity of the family, the participation of parents in the work of a preschool institution.

Continuity in the work of kindergarten and school, taking into account the Federal State Educational Standard

The transition period from preschool to school childhood is considered the most difficult and vulnerable. And it is no coincidence that at present the need to preserve the integrity educational environment is one of the most important priorities for the development of education in Russia.

When we talk about the relationship between kindergarten and primary school, we distinguish two concepts:

Psychological readiness of the child to study at school;

Continuity between preschool and school.

What is continuity?

Under continuity refers to the sequential transition from one stage of education to another, expressed in the preservation and gradual change in the content, forms, methods, technologies of education and upbringing.

Need for continuity- the problem is old and remains relevant and present stage. However, with the increase in the variability of forms and methods of teaching, the introduction of variant programs and technologies in kindergarten and school, there is a mismatch of successive ties. Preparing children for school, until today, has been reduced to fitting the socio-pedagogical priorities of the kindergarten to the requirements and characteristics of the school, which has led to the displacement in kindergarten specific shape active activity of the child games. More and more she gave way "learning in the classroom". As a result, according to school monitoring of children's readiness for school, there is a decrease in children with cognitive motivation, as one of the main indicators of the formed internal position of the student.

Preparing for school is often viewed as an earlier study of the first grade program and is reduced to the formation of narrow-subject knowledge and skills. In this case continuity between preschool and junior school age is determined not by whether the future student has developed the qualities necessary for the implementation of a new educational activity, whether its prerequisites have been formed, but by whether the child can read, count, etc.

However, numerous studies by psychologists and educators show that the availability of knowledge in itself does not determine the success of learning, it is much more important that the child knows how to acquire and apply it independently.

This is activity approach, which underlies state educational standards.

What's happened activity approach?

Teaching activities in an educational sense means making learning motivated, teaching a child to independently set a goal and find ways, means to achieve it; help the child develop the skills of control and self-control, assessment and self-esteem.

The principle of the activity approach changed the views on the role of the pupil in the educational process.

The child should not be a passive listener, perceiving ready-made information transmitted to him by the teacher. Exactly child activity is recognized as the basis of development - knowledge is not transferred in finished form, but is mastered by children in the process of activities organized by the teacher. Thus, educational activity acts as a cooperation between the educator and the child, which contributes to the development of communication skills in children, as a necessary component of educational activity. The leading goal of preparing for school there should be a formation in a preschooler of the qualities necessary for mastering educational activities: curiosity, initiative, independence, arbitrariness, creative self-expression of the child, etc.

Considering the leading types of thinking of preschoolers - visual-effective and visual-figurative, one of the leading methods used by educators in organizing cognitive activity, is visual modeling method, which allows you to teach children the ability to use the sign-symbolic means of the information being studied (creating models, diagrams). This helps the child to master the phenomena of the surrounding world that cannot be perceived directly, and also forms in children an understanding of the connections between the phenomena of the surrounding world, their features, and the ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships.

One of the final results of preschool education should be the development in children goal setting(the ability to accept and set goals and objectives of activities, to seek means of its implementation, to achieve results).

At the same time, it is important to ensure that intrinsic value preschool age, when the most important features of the future personality are laid. It is necessary to form the social skills of the future student, necessary for successful adaptation to school. It is necessary to strive for the organization of a single developing world - preschool and primary education.

To make the transition of children to school softer, to enable them to quickly adapt to new conditions, teachers should get acquainted with the forms and methods of work in preschool institutions, since the psychological difference between a six-year-old and a seven-year-old child is not so great. And the acquaintance of the preschoolers themselves with the school, educational and social life for schoolchildren makes it possible to expand the corresponding ideas of kindergarten students, to develop their interest in school, the desire to learn.

Thus, building continuity between kindergarten and school in matters of preparing children for school, today, requires a new approach.

The introduction of Federal State Educational Standards in preschool educational institutions and the adoption of the Federal State Educational Standard for primary school education is an important stage in the continuity of kindergarten and school.

The Federal State Educational Standards “protected” us from understanding the continuity between kindergarten and primary school as continuity in academic subjects and what knowledge, skills and abilities we should give children in kindergarten and with what knowledge the school should receive them.

At the present stage (in connection with the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standards), there has been a shift in the understanding of the child's readiness for schooling from intellectual to personal readiness, which is determined by the formed "internal position of the student" (the child's ability to take on a new social role student). At the forefront are the formed cognitive motives for learning, that is, the conscious desire of the child to learn, to learn something new, based on already acquired knowledge.

Thus, for a modern first-grader, it becomes important not so much to have a tool of knowledge, but rather know how to use it wisely.

The forms of succession implementation can be varied, and their choice is determined by the degree of interconnection, style, content of the relationship between the participants in the educational process.

Forms of implementation of succession.

1. Work with children:

Excursions to the school;

Visiting the school museum, library;

Acquaintance and interaction of preschoolers with teachers and elementary school students;

Participation in joint educational activities, game programs, project activities;

Exhibitions of drawings and crafts;

Meetings and conversations with former kindergarten students (primary and secondary school students);

Joint holidays (Knowledge Day, dedication to first graders, graduation in kindergarten, etc.) and sports competitions for preschoolers and first graders;

Participation in theatrical activities;

Attendance by preschoolers of an adaptation course of classes organized at the school (classes with a psychologist, speech therapist, music director and other school specialists).

2. Interaction of teachers:

Joint pedagogical councils (preschool educational institution and school);

Seminars, master classes;

Round tables of preschool teachers and school teachers;

Psychological and communicative trainings for educators and teachers;

Carrying out diagnostics to determine the readiness of children for school;

Interaction of medical workers, psychologists of the preschool educational institution and the school;

Open displays of educational activities in preschool educational institutions and open lessons at school;

Pedagogical and psychological observations.

3. Cooperation with parents:

Joint parent meetings with preschool teachers and school teachers;

Round tables, discussion meetings, pedagogical "living rooms";

Parent conferences, Q&A evenings;

Consultations with teachers of preschool educational institutions and schools;

Meetings of parents with future teachers;

Open days;

Creative workshops;

Questioning, testing of parents to study the well-being of the family on the eve of the child's school life and during the period of adaptation to school;

Educational game trainings and workshops for parents of preschool children, business games, workshops;

Family evenings, themed activities;

Visual means of communication (poster material, exhibitions, mailbox questions and answers, etc.);

Meetings of parent clubs (classes for parents and for parent-child couples).

Expected results.

The result of the implementation of the cooperation program should be the creation comfortable succession subject-developing educational environment:

Providing high quality education, its accessibility, openness and attractiveness for students, pupils, their parents (legal representatives) and the whole society, spiritual and moral development and education of students and pupils;

Guaranteeing the protection and strengthening of the physical, psychological and social health of students and pupils;

Comfortable in relation to students, pupils (including those with handicapped health) and teaching staff.
