Map of the hemispheres of the earth in good quality. Hemispheres of the earth

Some maps show separate relatively small territories, while others show entire continents or oceans. What is shown on the physical map of the hemispheres? What is its scale? And what information can be extracted from it? You will definitely find answers to all these questions in our article.

A few words about cards

Cartography was born at about the same time as writing. In ancient times, our ancestors drew primitive plans on the walls of caves and rocks, on which they indicated important features of the area in which they lived. The first map of the world, according to scientists, was created in Babylon about 3 thousand years ago.

Cartography flourished during the so-called Age of Discovery. Numerous travelers and navigators created hundreds of fairly detailed and interesting cards. All the information received during wanderings to distant and unknown lands was applied to them.

Despite the passage of time, the map did not become archaic and retained its significance to this day. IN modern science even exists special method research - cartographic. Today geographic maps are used in various industries. National economy- urban planning, territory planning, agriculture, transport, meteorology, tourism, etc.

Maps are different: physical, economic, recreational, climatic, synoptic, geological, political, and many, many others. Physical maps show continents and oceans. You can also see hydrographic objects (rivers, seas, lakes), various forms and sometimes the largest cities.

Back in 150 BC, the ancient Greek scientist Crates of Mallus created the first three-dimensional model of the Earth - a globe. However, later it turned out that using this model in practice is not so convenient. You won’t take it on a long hiking expedition, and it definitely won’t fit in a travel backpack. Besides, when you look at the globe, you see only one half of it. This is also not always convenient.

Apparently, this is why maps of the hemispheres of the Earth were invented. Of course, distortion is inevitable here. But on the other hand, such maps make it possible to contemplate the whole picture of the world at once, because they show two halves of our huge planet at once. If cut Earth along the equator, we get a map of the northern and southern hemispheres. If we divide the planet along the Zero (Greenwich) meridian, then we get, respectively, a map of the Western and Eastern hemispheres.

The scale of the physical map of the hemispheres

Scale is a purely mathematical concept. This is the ratio of the length of a segment on a geographical map or plan to the actual length of the same segment on the ground. For example, we have a topographic map with the following scale: 1:2000. This means that one centimeter on it corresponds to two thousand centimeters (or twenty meters) on the ground.

Physical maps of the hemispheres are of an overview nature and are used for educational purposes (usually in a wall version). Therefore, they tend to be small scale. The scales of physical maps of the hemispheres most often vary from 1:15,000,000 to 1:80,000,000. That is, the distance between Kiev and Moscow on them does not exceed 3-4 centimeters.

What is shown on the physical map of the hemispheres

On a physical map of any scale, various natural objects. What exactly? What is shown on the physical map of the hemispheres of the Earth specifically? Let's list all these objects.

  • Relief forms of hills, plateaus, mountain ranges).
  • Elements coastline(islands, peninsulas, bays, straits, bays, capes).
  • Hydrographic objects (seas, oceans, rivers, lakes, canals, large reservoirs, glaciers).
  • Elements of the underwater relief (hollows, oceanic ridges, trenches).
  • Capitals and largest cities.

The map of the Earth shows three continents (North and South America, Antarctica) and three oceans (Pacific, Atlantic and Arctic), on the map of the Eastern Hemisphere - four continents (Eurasia, Africa, Australia and Antarctica) and four oceans (Arctic, Atlantic , Pacific and Indian).

How to read a physical map

Any geographical map has its own specific language. Knowing this language, you can learn how to read it correctly. First of all, you should pay attention to the scale of the map. Most often it is placed in the upper left corner of the sheet. The scale is indicated not only in the numerical version, but also in the linear one, so that the process of determining distances on the map is as convenient as possible.

There are not too many symbols on the physical map of the hemispheres (as a rule, no more than two dozen). Thus, rivers are marked with dark blue lines, lakes and reservoirs are marked with blue spots. Continental ice and permanent snow are shown as rows of blue dots parallel to each other. This "pattern" covers most of Antarctica and Greenland.

On physical maps, you can also find some other conventional signs (see photo below). The relief on them is displayed using various shades. This is worth talking about in more detail below.

Relief display on a physical map

Under each physical map, the so-called scale of heights and depths with numerical marks in meters is necessarily placed. The forms of the earth's surface are indicated by different colors, depending on the absolute height of the area. So, the lowlands are shown in green, hills - yellow, mountain systems and ranges - orange or dark brown.

The same - and with depths. The shallow waters of the ocean floor are indicated by a light blue tint. But the deep areas are shown in more saturated blue. Here the principle is as follows: the deeper - the darker the color.

The absolute height marks of individual points on the land surface are indicated in black, and the depths of the seas and oceans are indicated in blue.

physical map of the world allows you to see the relief of the earth's surface and the location of the main continents. The physical map gives general idea about the location of the seas, oceans, complex terrain and elevation changes in various parts of the planet. On the physical map of the world, you can clearly see the mountains, plains and systems of ridges and highlands. What is the surface of the earth? The concept of the surface has the same meaning as the concept of the geographic shell and the concept of the biosphere proposed by geochemists ... Before that, connections between the peoples of both hemispheres existed mainly only in the northern part of the Pacific Ocean.

Measuring distances on a globe

This is the real trouble. Some can't buy because their parents don't have money for textbooks, others can't buy because the store in their small town doesn't have the right textbook. And it happens, on the contrary: there are so many textbooks that it is hard to carry them all to school every day, especially when the school is far away. Or, for example, he mixed up the schedule and left the necessary textbook at home. In all these cases, of course, the Internet can help.

The coordinates of any place on the earth's surface can be determined by a globe or a map. And vice versa, knowing the coordinates of a geographical object, you can find its place on a map or globe.

At the same distance from the poles, a circle is drawn around the globe, which is called the Equator.

Lines of the tropics and polar circles

The Eastern Hemisphere includes most of Africa, about half of Antarctica, all of Asia, Australia and Oceania, and most of Europe. There are exceptions when some continents (countries on these continents) located in the region of the equator and the Prime Meridian are part of both hemispheres.

Twice a year, on March 21 and September 23, the Sun's rays fall vertically down over the equator and uniformly illuminate the Earth from pole to pole.

On globes and maps, conditional lines of the poles, equator, tropics and polar circles are also drawn.

On the map you can see all the continents, seas and oceans that exist on the planet, and you can see two hemispheres at once. And on a plane, you can depict the Earth either on a map, or with the help of hemispheres. On the map of the hemispheres, you can find out the location of the highest places on the planet and the location of the lowlands, you can determine the geographical coordinates of the straits and bays. On the map of the hemispheres, you can find out the size of the continents relative to each other. It is better to learn the colors of the map, because it is the color that highlights the land areas that are at different heights. The hemisphere map gives a general idea of geographical features our planet.

Considering the physical map of the hemispheres, first of all, let's pay attention to the degree grid. It is known to be formed by meridians and parallels. Parallels, unlike meridians, are all different from each other. The farther from the pole, the longer they will be. The largest parallel is the equator - the line is equidistant from the poles. On other parallels, the distance on the ground, which corresponds to 1 ° on the map, decreases in the direction from the equator to the poles.

If you take a map of the hemispheres and a globe, the first thing that catches your eye is the different outlines of the continents. They will differ (slightly near the equator and extremely much closer to the poles). Both the map and the globe are used for orientation - determining coordinates, location, landscape features.

A whole world can fit on one sheet of the map, with all the oceans, continents, mountains and plains, countries, cities, minerals, animals and birds. You just need to be able to read the map correctly. In this lesson, we will learn what maps were in antiquity, and what types of maps are now, what are the advantages of a map over a globe, what is a scale, a map legend. We will learn how to use the scale of depths and heights, determine the coordinates of terrestrial objects.

Subject: The planet we live on

People started drawing maps even before they thought about whether the Earth is round or flat. Scientists have discovered in Kamchatka a drawing on a bone depicting a path to a place rich in prey. This is probably one of the oldest maps. Maps were drawn on pieces of bark, cut out on wooden boards, which were convenient to take on the road. Some peoples scratched cards with a sharp object on damp clay tiles, which, after drying, became strong, with a clear image.

This world map, in the center of which the city of Babylon is located, more than 3 thousand years.

Rice. 1. World map of Ancient Babylon ()

Rock paintings of the area were also found in caves where people lived thousands of years ago.

Rice. 2. Rock drawing of the area ()

With the invention of paper, cards began to be drawn on it. All the information received by scientists and travelers during their wanderings in different lands was applied to the maps.

Rice. 3. Ancient map of the world on paper ()

Making a map was a long process, because all the details were drawn by hand, so the cards were very expensive.

For a long period of time only four were present on the maps: Eurasia, Africa, North America, South America. Many years passed before navigators discovered Australia and Antarctica.

When you look for any country on the globe, you see only one hemisphere. And to see something else, the globe must be rotated.

On the globe it is impossible to designate a large number of geographic objects without increasing its size. A globe big size not suitable for travel use.

Scale- this is the ratio of the length of the lines on the map or drawing to the actual length. The scale of the physical map of Russia tells us that each centimeter of the map corresponds to 200 km on the ground.

Rice. 7. Physical map of Russia ()

On the map you can show two halves of the Earth at once. If you divide the globe along the equator, you get map of the northern and southern hemispheres,

Rice. 5. Northern and Southern Hemispheres

and if along the line of the zero meridian - Western and Eastern Hemispheres.

Rice. 6. Western and Eastern Hemispheres

On mineral map special icons mark the places of mineral deposits.

Rice. 9. Map of minerals ()

On animal habitat maps habitats indicated. various kinds birds and animals.

Rice. 10. Bird and animal habitat map ()

On contour maps there are no color designations and depicted, but not signed, all kinds of geographical objects. They are convenient for laying routes.

Rice. 11. Contour map

On political map of the world depict countries and their borders.

Rice. 12. political map Eurasia ()

On synoptic maps conditional icons show observations of the weather.

Rice. 13. Synoptic map ()

Various cards are combined into atlases.

Rice. 14. Geographic atlas ()

The maps depict different territories. There are maps of districts, cities, regions, states, continents, oceans, maps of the hemispheres and world maps.

Conventions on the map are the same as on the globe. They're called legend and are usually placed at the bottom of the map.

Let's find the West Siberian Plain on the physical map of Russia.

Rice. 16. West Siberian Plain ()

Small horizontal lines covering a large part of its territory mean swamps.

Here are some of the most big world swamps - Vasyugan. The lines represent rivers, borders and roads, the circles represent cities.

Rice. 17. Vasyugan swamps

The seas and mountains have real outlines and are painted in different colors. Blue and light blue - reservoirs, yellow - hills, green - lowlands, brown - mountains.

At the bottom of the map, a scale of depths and heights is placed, with which you can see what height or depth this or that shade of color on the map means.

The deeper the ocean, the darker the color. On the map of the Arctic Ocean, the darkest shade of blue is in the Greenland Sea, where the depth reaches 5,527 meters; the lightest shade of pale blue, where the depth of the sea is 200 meters.

Rice. 18. Physical map of the Arctic Ocean

The higher the mountains, the darker the color they are marked with. So, Ural mountains, which are considered relatively low (the highest peaks from 1000 to 2000 m above sea level), are colored light brown on the map.

Rice. 19. Ural Mountains

Himalayas - the highest mountains in the world (10 peaks with a height of more than 8 km) are indicated in dark brown.

Rice. 20. Himalayan mountains

In the Himalayas is located Chomolungma (Everest) - the highest peak in the world (8848 m).

Using the height scale, it is easy to determine the height of the Caucasus Mountains.

Rice. 23. Caucasus Mountains

Their brown color indicates that the height of the mountains is more than 5 thousand meters. The most famous peaks - Mount Elbrus (5642 m) and Mount Kazbek (5033 m) are covered with eternal snow and glaciers.

Using the map, you can determine the exact location of any object. To do this, you need to know coordinates: latitude and longitude, which are determined by the degree grid formed by parallels and meridians.

Rice. 26. Degree grid

The equator serves as a reference point - on it the latitude is 0⁰. Latitude is measured from 0⁰ to 90⁰ on either side of the equator and is called north or south. For example, the coordinate 60⁰ North means that this point lies in the Northern Hemisphere and is at an angle of 60⁰ to the equator.

Rice. 27. Latitude

Longitude is measured from 0⁰ to 180⁰ on both sides of the Greenwich meridian and is called western or eastern.

Rice. 28. Longitude

St. Petersburg coordinates - 60⁰ N, 30⁰ E

Moscow coordinates - 55⁰ N, 37⁰E

Rice. 29. Political map of Russia ()

  1. Vakhrushev A.A., Danilov D.D. The world 3. M.: Ballas.
  2. Dmitrieva N.Ya., Kazakov A.N. The world around 3. M .: Publishing house "Fedorov".
  3. Pleshakov A.A. Surrounding world 3. M .: Enlightenment.
  1. Academician ().
  2. survival().
  1. Locate on the physical map of the world Pacific Ocean. Determine its deepest place, indicate its name and depth. Describe how you identified this place.
  2. Make a short test (4 questions with three answers) on the topic "Geographic maps".
  3. Prepare a memo with the rules for working with cards.

Physical map of the world allows you to see the relief of the earth's surface and the location of the main continents. A physical map gives a general idea of ​​the location of the seas, oceans, complex terrain and elevation changes in various parts of the planet. On the physical map of the world, you can clearly see the mountains, plains and systems of ridges and highlands. Physical maps of the world are widely used in schools in the study of geography, as it is the basis for understanding the main natural features various parts of the world.

Physical map of the world in Russian - relief

PHYSICAL WORLD MAP displays the surface of the Earth. The space of the earth's surface contains everything Natural resources and wealth of mankind. The configuration of the earth's surface predetermines the entire course of human history. Change the boundaries of the continents, stretch the direction of the main mountain ranges in a different way, change the direction of the rivers, remove this or that strait or bay, and the whole history of mankind will become different.

“What is the surface of the Earth? The concept of a surface has the same meaning as the concept of a geographic shell and the concept of the biosphere proposed by geochemists... earth surface voluminous - three-dimensional, and taking the geographical shell of an unambiguous biosphere, we emphasize the paramount importance of living matter for geography. Geographic envelope ends where living matter ends.

Physical map of the hemispheres of the Earth in Russian

Physical map of the world in English from National Geographic

Physical map of the world in Russian

Good physical map of the world in English

Physical map of the world in Ukrainian

Physical map of the Earth in English

Detailed physical map of the Earth with major currents

Physical world map with state borders - Wikiwand Physical world map with state borders

Map of the geological regions of the earth - Geological map of the world "s regions

Physical map of the world with the ice and clouds - A physical map of the world with the ice and clouds

Physical map of the Earth - Physical map of the Earth

Physical map of the world - A physical map of the world

The great importance of the structure of the continents for the fate of mankind is indisputable. The gulf between the eastern and western hemispheres disappeared only 500 years ago with the travels of the Spaniards and the Portuguese to America. Prior to this, ties between the peoples of both hemispheres existed mainly only in the northern part of the Pacific Ocean.

The deep penetration of the northern continents into the Arctic for a long time made the routes around their northern shores inaccessible. The close convergence of the three main oceans in the area of ​​three mediterranean seas created the possibility of their connection with each other naturally (Strait of Malacca) or artificially (Suez Canal, Panama Canal). Mountain chains and location predetermined the movement of peoples. Vast plains led to the unification of people under one state will, strongly dissected spaces contributed to the maintenance of state fragmentation.

The dismemberment of America by rivers, lakes and mountains led to the formation of Indian peoples, who, due to their isolation, could not resist the Europeans. Seas, continents, mountain ranges and rivers form natural boundaries between countries and peoples (F. Fatzel, 1909).
