Department of Subsoil Use and Natural Resources of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra. The order of the Festival

Open ecological festival"Ecology. Reboot. Mind” is held on the initiative of the Municipal autonomous institution additional education"Children's Ecological Center" with the support of the Department of Education of the city of Magadan, with the participation of: IBSS FEB RAS, Ministry natural resources and ecology Magadan region, NEGU in Magadan, educational institutions of the city. The festival is aimed at the development of cognitive, creative, research activities of children to preserve and improve environmental quality environment, resource conservation, the formation of a culture of environmentally expedient, healthy lifestyle life.

The festival is dedicated to the Year of Ecology in Russia.

Within the framework of the Festival, competitions, exhibitions with summing up the results and an awards ceremony are held.

The objectives of the Festival:

1. Increasing the ecological culture of students in educational institutions of the city of Magadan.
2. Formation of sustainable skills of environmentally responsible behavior, respect for nature.
3. Acquisition of experience in environmental and environmental activities.


1. Increasing the creative activity of schoolchildren in the field of design, practical activities to improve the ecological quality of the urban environment, increase the level of environmental culture, effective socialization of students.
2. Attracting the attention of students to the tasks of state environmental policy, to modern environmental issues the city of Magadan, innovative experience and prospects for their solution, increasing the personal responsibility of schoolchildren.
3. Stimulating the social partnership of students with state, public, private organizations in the field of increasing the efficiency of using natural, energy and other resources of our region.

Festival participants:

Children's groups and individual participants aged 7–18 years of educational institutions of the city by age categories can take part in the Festival in accordance with the provisions for each individual competition.

The order of the Festival.

The festival is held February to December 2017. The organizers and coordinators of the festival are UIA DO "DETs" ​​(Skuridina street 7).

Festival program.

Event Conduct form Category, members Dates
1. Literary competition "Green Pen" Remote competition of poems, fairy tales of one's own composition 7-10 years old, 11-13 years old February
2. Competition of projects "Eco-city" - the city of my dreams - Magadan" Face-to-face competition of environmental projects 14-18 years old March
3. Competition - exhibition "Let's save the Earth's charm" Face-to-face competition of drawings, videos and crafts 7-18 years old April
4. "Flaming colors of Magadan" Full-time competition of leaflets, drawings and posters on the topic of civil defense and emergency situations of the mayor's office of Magadan 7-18 years old May
5. Photo contest "In the lens - eco-trouble" Correspondence photo contest Ecological groups of educational institutions of the city June
6. Eco-fashion contest "Fantasy for the benefit of ecology" Face-to-face competition of models created entirely from various industrial and household waste Detachments of the LOU with day stay children on the basis of educational institutions of the city July
7. Project "Greening the School Territory: Plant Your Tree!" Face-to-face competition of green plantings on the territory of educational institutions 7-18 years old August
8. Tourist competitions “Tourist. Ecologist. Citizen". City team competition 13-14 years old, 15-16 years old September
9. "You are always beautiful, environment!" Correspondence competition of compositions from waste material 7-18 years old October
10. KVE "Ecology of soul and body" Face-to-face competition-game within the Club of Merry Ecologists 7-18 years old (teams of OU) november

For each event of the festival, a separate regulation is developed that determines the age categories of participants, requirements for competitive works and evaluation criteria.

To participate in the competitive stages of the Festival, you must submit an application of the established form () for each competition separately according to e-mail: [email protected]

Organizing Committee of the Festival.

1. To ensure the organization and holding of the Festival, the organizing committee of the Festival is formed.
2. The composition of the Organizing Committee of the Festival is approved by the administrative document of UIA DO "DEC".
3. The Organizing Committee carries out general management and organizational and methodological support of the Festival, forms and coordinates the work of the Festival Jury in nominations, accepts and registers applications, organizes the examination of competitive works.
4. The Organizing Committee of the Festival, to ensure the evaluation of competitive works, attracts experts (expert organizations) that make up the Jury of the Festival for all types of competitions.

Summing up the results of the Festival.

1. The Jury of the Festival is formed by the Organizing Committee of the Festival.
2. The jury of the Festival for each type of event includes at least 3 specialists.
3. In accordance with the decision of the jury of the Festival, the best teams and participants are awarded titles.

The Grand Prix of the festival is awarded to an educational institution that has taken part in all competitive stages and scored in total the largest number points. Also, based on the results of the participation of educational institutions in the competitive stages of the environmental festival educational institutions ranks are awarded with the presentation of the corresponding diplomas:
Laureate of the 1st degree;
Laureate of II degree;
Laureate III degree.

Festival funding.
The financing of the Festival is carried out at the expense of attracted funds, funds of social partners.

Address and contact numbers of the organizers of the Festival:
st. Skuridina, 7, phone/fax 65-30-32, e-mail address: [email protected].
For all questions regarding the organization and holding of the Festival, please contact the Deputy Director for Water Resource Management Belmas Olga Sergeevna.
Tel. 89148594314.

All-Russian Ecological Children's Festival

In accordance with the Decree of the President Russian Federation dated January 05, 2016 No. 7 “On holding the Year of Ecology in the Russian Federation”, by order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated June 02, 2016 No. 1082-r “On approval of the Plan of main activities for holding the Year of Ecology in the Russian Federation in 2017”, by order of Rosprirodnadzor dated December 30, 2016 No. 33 "On the plan of Rosprirodnadzor for the implementation of the main activities for holding the Year of Ecology in the Russian Federation in 2017" from June 1 to 5, the All-Russian Children's Ecological Festival (hereinafter referred to as the Festival) was held.

This Festival was held by the Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resources Management (Rosprirodnadzor) together with the Ecoculture Foundation for Nature Protection and Environmental Protection. The partners of the Festival were Transneft, Surgutneftegaz, the World Around You Foundation of the Siberian Health Corporation, Novosibirsk Electrode Plant.

Rosprirodnadzor Department for Trans-Baikal Territory(hereinafter referred to as the Management) took part in several events within the framework of the Festival.

June 01, 2017 in the building of the State Institution of Culture "Trans-Baikal Regional Museum named after A.K. Kuznetsov” held the “Day of the Young Ecologist” holiday, combined with the organization of the exhibition “Country of Pioneers”, dedicated to the 95th anniversary of the All-Union Pioneer Organization named after V.I. Lenin.

At the opening of the event, the Head of the Department A.P. Changers. He spoke about the Festival, its role in the formation and education of young ecologists, as well as the significance of the “Lead Ribbon” campaign for launching the environmental movement “From a single sprout to a flourishing country!”.

The event was attended by specialists of the Information-analytical and administrative department of the Office. At the end of the holiday, light green ribbons with bags of seeds were distributed.

Also, on June 01, 2017, at the State Educational Institution DOD "Transbaikal Children's and Youth Center" at 15:00, the Regional Competition "Folk Toy" was held. This event was attended by Deputy Head of the Department S.A. Kozlov. All participants of the competition were given light green ribbons with bags of seeds.

June 02, 2017 in the building of the State Institution of Culture “Trans-Baikal Regional Museum of Local Lore named after A.K. Kuznetsov” was held the Day of the Young Naturalist. The program of the event included the following activities:

1. Excursion "Green dress of the city". The participants got acquainted with the exposition of the museum arboretum - trees, shrubs, herbaceous plants, in a playful way, with the help of riddles, will determine them by appearance learned about the benefits of green spaces in the city.

2. Action "Plant a tree". The participants of the holiday planted seedlings in the arboretum of the museum.

3. Watching the video "Presentation of the Red Book of Transbaikalia", films about plants in need of protection.

4. Acquaintance with the exhibition of children's drawings - the winners of the competition "Roses of Transbaikalia", organized by the Transbaikal Botanical Garden.

5. Distribution of light green ribbons with bags of seeds to launch the environmental movement "From one sprout to a flourishing country!".

The event was attended by Deputy Head of the Department S.A. Kozlov.

Summing up the results of the past Festival in the city of Chita, it should be noted that its holding was covered in the media mass media covers a wide range of participants.

In 2016, the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia holds the All-Russian Ecological Children's Festival (order of the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia dated 04.03.2016 No. 69 "On the preparation of the All-Russian Ecological Children's Festival"). The event is held in order to improve the system of environmental education and upbringing in the Russian Federation, is aimed at actively attracting public attention to environmental issues, strengthening interaction between the constituent entities of the Russian Federation based on the awareness of common tasks and common responsibility for ensuring the country's environmental safety.
The holding of the All-Russian Ecological Children's Festival will contribute to the popularization of environmental education programs among children on the eve of the Year of Ecology 2017 (Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated January 5, 2016 No. 7 "On holding the Year of Ecology in the Russian Federation").

The purpose of the festival: Formation of ecological culture among children and youth

Demonstration of the best domestic practices in environmental education.
Attracting public attention to the initiatives of the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia in the field of environmental protection.
environmental education children.

Members of children's environmental movements.
Children aged 7-14, winners of regional environmental education events.
Wide family audience.
Young volunteers of Moscow.

Festival program

Gathering of delegates from the constituent entities of the Russian Federation near the Vorobyovy Gory metro station.

12:30 - 14:30
Trip to the Darwin Museum.

15:00 - 16:30
A trip to the Moscow Zoo, participation in the festival of "green" cinema and animation

17:00 - 19:00
Boat trip on the Moscow River

Gorky Park"

Gathering of participants. Exhibition of eco-art (drawings, photos, sculptures). "Green Cinema" and animation. Master classes on eco-themes

13:00 - 14:30
Official part. Congratulation of the Minister of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation. Awarding the winners of regional environmental education events. Performance of artists and children's creative groups. Welcoming the participants of the festival in Artek.

14:40 - 17:30
Activities for children in the open air (master classes, quests, creative studios, competitions and games for children). Action "Green Bridge" - children will draw a giant graffiti.

Detailed information about the event and visual style is available on the official website of the All-Russian Ecological Children's Festival
