The structure of the media system. The concept and structure of the media system

Mass communication is a way of bringing information (knowledge, spiritual values, moral and legal norms, etc.) with the help of technical means (press, radio, television, etc.) to large and dispersed audiences.

The mass media (MSK) include special channels and transmitters, through which information messages are distributed over large areas.

Mass communication has the following features, such as:

  1. the use of technical means that establish constancy and replication;
  2. the social significance of information, which helps to increase the motivation of mass communication;
  3. the mass nature of the audience, which, due to distribution over long distances and anonymity, requires a carefully considered value orientation;
  4. multi-channel and the possibility of choosing communication means, which should provide both variability and, at the same time, normativity of mass communication.

Mass communication is determined by the specifics of the audience and the communicator. The structure of mass communication in modern society looks like a complex system designed to connect the individual and the technical means of mass communication.

The modern QMS system is divided into three types of information channels: media, telecommunications and informatics.

The mass media include: organizational and technical complexes that allow rapid transmission, mass replication of large volumes of verbal, figurative and musical information.

The structure of the media system includes:

  1. newspapers, magazines, digests, weeklies, etc.;
  2. radio, television, documentaries, teletexts, etc.;
  3. telegraph agencies, advertising bureaus, PR agencies, professional journalistic clubs and associations.

Telecommunication as a type of information channel QMS is a technical service that is engaged in ensuring the transmission and reception of messages.

Informatics is represented by a system of data processing tools with the help of computers (computers). In the historical aspect, computer science uses the so-called culture of evidence, the essence of which is that the main thing is the truth, Scientific research and evidence for the existence of natural constraints. This type of information channel of the QMS works on the study of human language and its logical foundations through the formation of a new language and the embodiment of its communicative functions.

The media system is the association of mass media

information into one whole, subordinated to a single task. System

Mass media is the goal of bringing information to the audience and

impact on it through certain actions.

The mass media system developed gradually: at first there were newspapers and magazines, in the 19th century information services were added to them, and in the 20th century - radio stations, television studios and the Internet.

The formed system of journalism within the framework of a separate state is considered under certain conditions,

such as:

1. Widely and fully used specific

possibilities various types Media - print, television, radio, which appear to the consumer in the form of a large set of publications and programs.

2. Any social institution, public organization, individual citizens can fulfill their desire to become the founder of any publication or program. It is important that all social forces are really represented in the information market.

3. In the media market, every consumer can choose to

a number of sources of information that would answer2 his

requests and provided him with all the necessary information.




For the normal functioning of all types of media

an extensive infrastructure is required. This is a life support system. e journalism.

Today there are many approaches to understanding

media infrastructure. E. Prokhorov identifies four

components of the media infrastructure:

1) Information Services - a system of telegraph agencies, press agencies, audio and visual information, press centers, public relations services, advertising organizations.

2)Technical part- printing companies; technical centers of broadcasting and television; communications enterprises that subscribe and distribute the press, transmit radio and television signals; manufacturers of television and radio equipment, paper, office equipment, media equipment.

3)Organizational and managerial structure -

(headed by the Ministry of Press,

broadcasting and mass media) - state organizations involved in the preparation of regulations governing the activities of the media, their registration and licensing.

4)HR system- faculties and departments of journalism; various seminars and advanced training courses; creative unions of journalists.

In the activities of journalism, prosecutorial bodies are also involved, monitoring the implementation of legislation in

areas of journalism, and courts that hear civil and

criminal cases in case of violation of legislative acts.

E. Vartanova names only two levels of infrastructure.

1. Sector for the production of content that

distributed through media channels. This

news agencies, recording studios, TV program producers, video and film studios.

Prokhorov E.P. Introduction to the theory of journalism: Textbook for universities. 8th ed. Moscow: Aspect Press,

2. Sector of attracting finance. These are advertising agencies

PR agencies whose materials also form an important part of the media content 4.

media television

According to Russian sources, the media have the following characteristics:

  • 1. mass character (in relation to legislation Russian Federation, 1000 or more copies for newspapers, magazines and mailing lists);
  • 2. frequency, which should not be less than once a year;
  • 3. compulsion: one signal source (broadcaster, editorial office) - many listeners.
  • 4. According to Art. 2 of the Law of the Russian Federation of December 27, 1991 No. 2124-I "On the Mass Media" Mass media is a set of such subjects of mass communication as: a periodical printed publication. Newspaper, magazine, almanac, bulletin, other publication having permanent name, current issue and published at least once a year, radio, television, video program, newsreel program, other form of periodical distribution of mass information.

In Russia, the media are required to register with Roskomnadzor, provide libraries with copies of their printed materials, or keep records of each issue for 1 year (television broadcasting), etc. At the same time, they are granted certain rights and guarantees, and preliminary censorship is prohibited.

The mass media in Russia do not include: wall newspapers, small circulation publications, libraries.

Each of these media has its own characteristics in the field of production and presentation of information.

TV channels. 23 all-Russian TV channels, about 117 satellite and cable TV channels, 15 TV channels broadcasting outside of Russia, about 180 regional TV channels and about 30 channels from small towns and villages. The total number of TV channels is approximately 3320.

Seal. Printed publications are the most common type of media in the Russian Federation. By the beginning of 2009, 27,425 newspapers and weeklies were registered in the Russian Federation, but no more than 14,000 of them are in constant circulation. Also registered are 20,433 journals, 787 almanacs, 1297 collections, 1519 bulletins and 214 publications on magnetic media. In total, by the beginning of 2009, 51,725 ​​print media were registered.

The total audience of national daily newspapers, according to data for May - October 2008, amounted to 6,522.2 thousand people, and national weekly newspapers of general and business content - 14,019.2 thousand people, which is 11.3% and 24.2% of urban population of 100 thousand, 16 years and more, respectively.

The total audience of the magazines by the end of 2008 was 36.2 million people. The data of VTsIOM and FOM allow us to conclude that up to 62% of the population in the Russian Federation read magazines from time to time. The most popular are film and TV guides (28.5%), women's and fashion publications (28.1%).

The integrity of the media system. Formed on the scale of the whole society, mass communications, information relations are the basis of the integrity of the media system. Satisfy the information needs of the individual, various social groups and organizations, facilitating their active participation in the processes of economic, political and cultural life of society. Provide interaction, cooperation, coordination and division of labor between them on the basis of jointly formed models of behavior of each social subject. Objectively and fully reflect the conditions of society. Collect, produce and distribute information in accordance with the dynamics of social development. Attract to the production of information all the creatively active forces that serve social progress, create and enrich the spiritual potential of society. They use modern information and communication technologies for the mass information process. They ensure the implementation of the diverse functions of the media in accordance with the processes of their actualization, the growth of information needs of members of society.

IN modern conditions the integrity of the media system is being seriously tested. There are significant gaps in the information space, information links are broken between members of society, various categories of the population, between society and the individual, the state and its citizens, regions and the center, etc.

Components of the media system. Formed and developed under the influence environment. They are active factors influencing the functioning of the system.

Technical base of mass media. It is their material basis. At the same time, the state of printing, television and radio communications, and other technical problems hinder the development of positive changes in the infosphere. Over 40% of the capacities of large printing houses and about 70% of local printing enterprises are outdated letterpress. The equipment itself is worn out by 80%. Hence the low quality of printing works and the desire of many editorial offices to turn to foreign printers. Until recently, 56% manufactured their products abroad domestic magazines and 19% of newspapers.Evartist [ Electronic resource]: Wikipedia. - Access mode:

Serious difficulties are experienced by the system of delivery of publications to consumers.

The modernization of the technical park of printing can become an important stimulus for the development of the information sphere and, above all, the improvement of the quality of information products. Large investments are needed in this industry. They can be given by the state, since many printing companies are state property but it probably won't happen soon. It is also possible to privatize these enterprises and finance their modernization with big capital.

The development of new information and communication technologies is an important global trend. The Internet as a medium is used in many countries. The number of Internet connections in Russia is only 0.13% per 1000 inhabitants. This is the 35th place in the world. For comparison: in the USA - 21.82%, in the UK - 8.3%, in Germany - 5.85%. It should be noted that many Russian media have their own electronic versions, many independent publications appear on the Internet, but they have not yet found a mass audience.

Economics of the media. In the 90s. it has undergone major changes. Property relations have changed. Along with state and public organizations, the media are owned by individuals, structures with different organizational and legal status: closed joint-stock companies, open joint-stock companies, limited liability companies, joint ventures, etc. Due to a significant reduction in the number of state-owned media, the share of budget financing of funds mass media. The state monopoly is replaced by a competitive media market. The process of their commercialization is developing. At the same time, a significant number of media exist not as a means of making a profit, but as a means of influence in the implementation of the corporate interests of commercial and other structures. Under these conditions, many loss-making media financed by organizations and individuals interested in them do not stop publishing.

Under the conditions of the economic crisis, the share of subscriptions, retail sales of editions in providing funding for the media is sharply reduced, and the role of advertising by foreign and domestic producers increases many times over. This leads to significant changes in the typological structure of the media. Advertising and reference publications appear and actively develop, numerous blocks of advertising information fill the airwaves. A lot of business newspapers and magazines are being created, the number of media for categories of the population with more high level Income. Advertising makes a significant contribution to the development of the "yellow" tabloid press.

Feature films, music and entertainment programs take up more than 60% of airtime and, thanks to the inclusion of advertising blocks in them, provide solid financial income. And vice versa, the output of publications and programs that are unprofitable in terms of advertising is being reduced - for children, pensioners, small ethnic, regional and other groups of the population, as well as educational, scientific, cultural and educational ones.

At the same time, the positive influence of the economic factor is steadily increasing. The development of the press as a business sector contributes to the creation of quality media models.

audience factor. During the transition period, its influence on the information sphere of the media has increased significantly. As a result, the number of all-Russian television programs (ORT, RTR, NTV, TV-6, Kultura, Ren-TV, ACT, STS, TNT), radio broadcasting (Radio Russia, Mayak, Europe Plus, "Russian radio" and many others). Six times in the 90s. the number of national newspapers increased. Journal periodicals have replenished with 1200 new titles.

The functional diversity of the media has expanded. The number of information, fiction, music, entertainment and other programs and related types of publications has increased. Media information has become more diverse in terms of topics. There are more and more publications on topics of interest to the audience, such as health, household, culture, religion, erotica, etc. The number of publications and television and radio programs addressed to various groups of the population is growing.

However, due to the rapid reduction in one-time and annual circulation of newspapers and magazines with an all-Russian audience orientation, many of them have ceased to be representative in relation to the entire population of the country. Only television and radio retained a wide all-Russian audience during the transition period.

The steady trend of reducing the circulation of all-Russian newspapers makes it necessary to expand the functional "duties" of local press organs in covering all-Russian and international topics in order to ensure the integrity of the national information space.

Although the influence of the audience factor on the functional, typological, thematic structure of the media is increasing, it is often realized not directly, but through the advertising component. The higher the rating of a publication or program for a particular audience group, the greater the volume and cost of advertising revenue.

On television and radio broadcasting, the buying and selling relationship with the audience is still limited. Terrestrial television and radio does not provide financial income from the audience, and paid cable and satellite television is still poorly developed. The main financing of commercial television and radio comes from advertising placed in television and radio programs that are attractive to large audience groups, and government channels and radio stations also receive budget resources. Financial dependence on these two sources and on sponsors generates the leading economic incentives for the functioning of the electronic media.

In the activities of periodicals, subscription and retail sales of circulation are important, but often not decisive. For many of them, subscription and retail cover no more than 20-30% of editorial, publishing and other expenses. The remaining funds for these purposes are provided by advertising, sponsorship, budget financing.

Until the economic relations between the media and the audience become leading in the mechanism of the information market, the media will sin with “yellowness”, scandalousness, loud sensationalism, various not very correct tricks that make it possible to attract an audience, thereby increasing the rating, circulation. The temptation is great, because we are talking about big money. In 1997 alone, the volume of the media advertising market amounted to 1.18-1.23 billion dollars.

Thus, the slow growth of direct dependence of media content on the most important information needs of the audience significantly affects the quality of information. This is manifested, for example, in insufficient awareness of the audience about the activities of the most important social institutions. Thus, the data of a sociological survey testify to the audience's dissatisfaction with informing the media on such topical issues as the activities of government and commercial structures.

Thus, publicity and transparency in the activities of these institutions leaves much to be desired.

Functions and structure of mass media. During the transition period, many functions of the media are updated, and their structure is transformed to ensure the implementation of these functions.

The growing need for event and other operational information actualizes the information functions of the media, expands the volume of reporting and news publications. For example, television news programs are usually ranked second (after feature films). Their rating on ORT is 85.6%, on RTR - 71.3%, on NTV - 60.8%. However, the needs of the audience for event-related, operational information are not yet fully satisfied.

The topics of television information programs tend to converge with the needs of the audience, but not in all its sections. Of greatest interest is information on the topics of domestic politics (32.4%), family (18.3%) and culture (8.9%). At the same time, the volume of news tends to decrease in the conditions of the crisis that has befallen our society.

The most popular among the respondents are the information programs of the radio stations "Radio of Russia", "Mayak", "Europe Plus", "Echo of Moscow".

The base for event, operational information in the periodical press, unfortunately, is small. About 300 newspapers are published, published 4-5 times a week with a single circulation of 14.2 million copies, while there are 5150 newspapers with a smaller frequency, with a single circulation of 100 million copies. Among the 245 all-Russian newspaper publications, only 17 are published daily (5 times a week). The ratio of single circulations of daily and other newspapers - 5.1 and 27.8 million copies.

The analytical functions of the media still have little effect on the structure of television and radio programs, and the share of analytical publications in periodicals is not that significant. So, on television, analytical programs are not very popular with viewers. Preference is given to programs based on historical and archival documents, as well as various talk showsDeutsch K.W.The Nerves of Government.Models of Political Communication and Control.N.Y.: TheFreePress, 1963. - 176 p..

Journal periodicals, belonging to the category of analytical publications, suffered the biggest losses in the transition to the information market. Its annual circulation in the 90s. decreased by more than 8 times, while newspaper - 4 times. In 1998, more than 2,400 journals were published in Russia, with a one-time circulation of only 33.8 million copies. Moreover, mass magazines (579 titles) had a circulation of 19.4 million copies, scientific - 0.5 million copies, popular science - 1.9 million copies, scientific and practical and industrial - 5.0 million. copies, methodical - 1.0 million copies. Zasursky I.I. Mass media of the second republic [Text]: Selected writings/ I.I. Zasursky. - M.: Publishing House of Moscow University, 1999. - 271 p.

The response to the need for analytical journals was the emergence of a whole group of publications: Itogi, Profile, Vlast, Expert, etc. However, they have not yet become widespread and are more focused on the economic and political elite.

During the transition period, the media show a significant increase in the popularity of fiction TV and radio programs and a decrease in the popularity of fiction publications. Thus, according to the rating, feature films occupy the first places on ORT, RTR, NTV, TV-6. Among the surveyed TV viewers, 24.8% were in favor of the emergence of a specialized channel for feature films.

At the same time, the circulation of works of fiction in the 90s. decreased by about 4 times. Literary and art magazines (130 titles) have a one-time circulation of only 10 million copies.

The decrease in circulation is connected, first of all, with economic reasons: the rise in prices for printed publications and the decrease in the level of incomes of the general population.

With the development of the entertainment functions of the media, the number of relevant publications and programs has increased dramatically, and their popularity among the audience has increased.

At the same time, other programs suffer: about culture, popular science, children's, religious. The answer to these problems was, for example, the creation of the channel "Culture".

IN last years advertising materials themselves occupy a significant place in the information space of Russia. Their share on television channels in 1997 is characterized by the following figures: on ORT - 558 hours, RTR - 507, NTV - 565, TV Center - 220, TV-6 - 916.

Media organization. The media can be an organized or disorganized system. The orderliness of their structure, the optimal functioning of the system depend on the processes of organization and disorganization in this system object. Along with editorial structures, structures economic organization there are state functional bodies, various public institutions participating in this organizational process. Its transformation is connected with the general tendencies of the transition to a democratic society, with a reduction in the sphere of relations of subordination, subordination to power structures and with the expansion of relations of coordination, cooperation between the media and various subjects of organizational and managerial activity.

Organizational functions in the media system are carried out by the Ministry of Press, Television and Radio Broadcasting and Mass Communications.

The main tasks of the ministry are:

  • - development and implementation of state policy in the field of mass media;
  • - registration of mass media and advertising agencies;
  • - licensing of television broadcasting and radio broadcasting;
  • - control over compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the rules for registration and obtaining licenses, the imposition of penalties provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, issuing warnings; suspension and cancellation of registration and licenses in the prescribed manner;
  • - development and implementation of measures in the field of development, reconstruction, operation, standardization and certification of the technical base, technical and other norms and standards;
  • - preparation of draft legislative and other normative acts in the field of mass media, etc.

Judicial authorities decide:

  • - on the recognition of mass media registration certificates as invalid;
  • - on the termination and suspension of the activities of the media;
  • - on the termination of the distribution of media products;
  • - on imposition of responsibility for violation of the legislation on mass media;
  • - Compensation for moral damages.

In the legislature, State Duma- The Committee on Information Policy and Communications, formed by her, operates. The Duma discusses and adopts media laws, while the Federation Council approves them and sends them to the President for signature. In these legislative acts relations between power structures and mass media are also regulated. affect organizational relations in the media system Decrees of the President and government decrees.

The state information policy in the transitional period is characterized by positive and negative trends. The mechanisms of legal regulation of mass media are being developed. They create the conditions for the emergence of many publications and other media focused on the needs of various audience groups for their free functioning based on the legislative process. Attempts of arbitrariness on the part of the authorities are limited. Tendencies towards legal action on the territory of Russia of norms are intensifying international law relating to the activities of the media and the protection of information rights of citizens, etc.

However, the legal field of the media does not yet cover many aspects of legal relations between the subjects of information activity and editorial offices. Antimonopoly laws are also needed to limit the processes of concentration and monopolization of the press, television and radio broadcasting, including in relation to the state monopoly in the field of media technology. The mechanisms that provide journalists with wide access to information in the political and economic spheres have not yet been adjusted. With the abolition of censorship, state power structures from the sphere of control over the content of the media seek to move into the sphere of control over how various state bodies provide information to the journalist. Often, under the pretext of protecting information, compromising data is concealed. Sufficiently strong pressure is exerted on journalists when collecting information (blackmail, initiation of criminal cases, threats to journalists and members of their families, etc.).

It is important that the state concept of information security, which has been formed in recent years, leads to the expansion of the information field of the individual, various social groups and organizations, and not to its limitation, and contributes to a more active use of modern world information networks.

Several factors act as driving forces in the formation of the mass media system of the main social types. First factor contributing to the formation of the optimal structure of the media system, lies in the fact that journalism should represent all possible social positions at this stage of development of society. State and public organizations, parties, associations, associations, individual citizens have the right to declare and defend their point of view. Second- the totality of publications and programs should be such that the created picture of reality is as complete, voluminous, comprehensive and complete as possible. Therefore, in journalism there are many publications and programs, and within them - headings, pages, programs that address various areas of reality. Their range is extremely wide. Moreover, these publications and programs can be designed both for large regions and for localized distribution in small regions. Third factor includes the needs and characteristics of the audience in accordance with its social status, ideological and political orientations, needs and interests in the field of information, requests and preferences, level and nature of education, other demographic characteristics (age, gender, profession, etc. This is a variety of features and, accordingly, the needs of the audience generates a huge number of strictly oriented publications and programs specifically addressed to a specific audience group."Peasant Woman" and "Worker", "Veteran" and "Working Tribune" - the names of these publications already indicate their audience orientation, as well as the names headings in the general media - "Collector's Corner", "Advice to Housewives", "Christian Program", "Opposition". The estimated scale of the distribution region is important . In modern conditions, there are more and more "worldwide", globally distributed publications and programs, as well as media operating within the continents (for example, pan-European TV or the newspaper "European"). Of course, the national mass media, which form the backbone of the “information space” of each country, retain their importance, sometimes growing. There are more and more active tendencies leading to the growing importance of local media (for example, regional television and radio broadcasting, regional newspapers, district radio). The nature of the media also depends heavily on the periodicity . In accordance with the natural cycles of life, daily publications and TV and RV programs are formed, or are released several times a week (for example, every other day). A special place is occupied, having specific features, by weekly or weekly programs of RV and TV (in particular, Itogi), as well as magazines and headings that appear once every two weeks, three times a month, etc. Finally, it is worth noting publications and programs published monthly (monthly magazines, television and radio reviews, etc.). The creative face of the publication and the program is formed accordingly.. Typological features in this area are associated with genre preferences (for example, "Arguments and Facts" mainly resort to interviews, conversations, answers to questions, and digest publications and programs - to a review, abstract, retelling, i.e. to forms based on compression information), with presentation style preferences (some publications and programs widely use forms of dialogue, discussion, polemics that represent and compare different opinions and views; others focus on a unidirectional monologue presentation of their positions), a certain type of authors, as well as layout features, decorations, etc. In connection with the huge differences and constant changes in the objective position and social orientations, information preferences and areas of interest of various segments of the audience, journalists face a difficult organizational and creative task of creating and re-creating such a set of publications and programs aimed at various audience groups. , which in any this moment would be "necessary and sufficient" in terms of meeting the needs of the audience, would be able to create a wide and varied picture of reality.


mass media- channels of mass communication, the main materialized part of MC, viewed in social terms through the prism of MC

© I.Aleshina - mass media- organizational and technical complexes that are engaged in the collection, processing and distribution of verbal, figurative, musical information for a mass audience

In social communication, the communicative aspect of MC dominates, while the information-content occupies a subordinate place, i.e. it is important not so much what is transmitted, but who, to whom and how transmits.

Among the means of communication, it is customary to distinguish:

Mass media - cinema, circus, theater, spectacular performances, fiction

Actually technical means - provide information transfer

Conditions for the functioning of the media:

Availability of technical means to ensure the regularity and replication of mass communication

Availability of socially significant information

Mass audience


(c) Borisnev "Sociology of communication"

1. Vertical level:

- informational component - news agencies, press agencies, press centers, PR services

- technical– publishing houses, broadcasting centers

- organizational and managing– legislatures, journalists' unions

- educational and scientific- system educational institutions preparing professional staff

2. Horizontal level - covers modern media

Functions of the horizontal level: informational, regulatory, relaxing, transmission of values.

The functions of the media - intersect with the functions of mass communication:

informational, interpretation function, value transmission function, relaxation function

22. Media as a media-political system. Description of the Russian media system. ECONOMY AND STRUCTURE OF THE RUSSIAN MEDIA SYSTEM

At present Russian media are interesting not only for their content, but also for their development as an independent industry.

Today they represent a unique combination of many dissimilar phenomena and processes.

The development of the economy and the structure of the media affects the dynamic change in the Russian media system.

In 1989-91. - the transitional period, which is now considered completed.

The main characteristics of the transition period:

  1. Democratization
  2. Transition to market economy
  3. Emergence of parliament, political parties, elections
  4. Emergence of private companies, commercial banks, stock exchanges
  5. Formation of political and civic culture
  6. Formation of entrepreneurial culture and professional ethics

In the post-perestroika period, there is a reorientation of the media towards a market economy
