Acts in transport law. Transport law


O village!

Horace (lat.)

The village where Eugene missed,

There was a lovely corner;

There's a friend of innocent pleasures

I could bless the sky.

The master's house is secluded,

Protected from the winds by a mountain,

Stood over the river. away

Before him were full of flowers and blossomed

Meadows and fields of gold,

Villages flashed; here and there

The herds roamed the meadows,

And the canopy expanded thick

Huge, neglected garden,

Orphanage of the Pensive Dryads Dryads are forest spirits, nymphs of trees..

The venerable castle was built,

How castles should be built:

Superbly durable and calm

In the taste of smart antiquity.

Everywhere high chambers,

In the living room damask wallpaper,

Kings portraits on the walls,

And stoves in colorful tiles.

All this is now dilapidated,

I don't really know why;

Yes, but my friend

There was very little need

Then that he yawned equally

Among fashionable and ancient halls.

He settled in that peace,

Where is the village old-timer

For forty years I quarreled with the housekeeper,

He looked out the window and crushed flies.

Everything was simple: the floor is oak,

Two wardrobes, a table, a downy sofa,

Not a speck of ink anywhere.

Onegin opened the cupboards;

In one I found an expense notebook,

In another liquor a whole system,

Jugs of apple water

And the eighth year calendar:

An old man with a lot to do

Haven't looked at other books.

Alone among his possessions,

Just to pass the time

First conceived our Eugene

Establish a new order.

In his wilderness, the desert sage,

Yarem he is an old corvée

I replaced the quitrent with a light one;

And the slave blessed fate.

But in his corner pouted,

Seeing in this terrible harm,

His prudent neighbor;

That he is the most dangerous eccentric.

At first everyone went to him;

But since from the back porch

usually served

Him don stallion,

Only along the main road

They will hear them at home, -

Offended by such an act,

All friendship ended with him.

“Our neighbor is ignorant; crazy;

He is a pharmacist; he drinks one

A glass of red wine;

He does not fit the ladies' hands;

All yes yes no; won't say yes

Or no, sir. That was the general voice.

To your village at the same time

The new landowner galloped

And equally rigorous analysis

In the neighborhood, he gave a reason.

By the name of Vladimir Lenskoy,

With a soul straight from Göttingen With a soul straight from Göttingen– The University of Göttingen in Germany was one of the most liberal universities in Europe.,

Handsome man in full color of years,

Kant's admirer and poet.

He is from foggy Germany

Bring the fruits of learning:

freedom dreams,

The spirit is ardent and rather strange,

Always an enthusiastic speech

And shoulder-length black curls.

From the cold debauchery of the world

Haven't faded yet

His soul was warmed

Hello friend, caress maidens;

He had a sweet heart, an ignorant one,

He was cherished by hope

And the world's new shine and noise

Still captivated the young mind.

He amused with a sweet dream

Doubts of his heart;

The purpose of our life for him

Was a tempting mystery

He broke his head over her

And I suspected miracles.

He believed that the soul is dear

Must connect with him

What, hopelessly languishing,

She is waiting for him every day;

He believed that friends were ready

For his honor, accept fetters

And that their hand will not tremble

Break the slanderer's vessel;

What are the chosen by fate,

People sacred friends;

That their immortal family

By irresistible rays

Someday we will be enlightened

And the world will give bliss.

Resentment, regret

Good for pure love

And glory sweet torment

In it, blood was stirred early.

He traveled the world with a lyre;

Under the skies of Schiller and Goethe

Their poetic fire

The soul ignited in him;

And the muses of sublime art,

Lucky, he did not shame:

He proudly preserved in songs

Always high feelings

Gusts of a virgin dream

And the beauty of important simplicity.

He sang love, obedient to love,

And his song was clear

Like the thoughts of a simple-hearted maiden,

Like a baby's dream, like the moon

In the deserts of the serene sky,

Goddess of secrets and gentle sighs;

He sang separation and sadness,

And something, and foggy distance,

And romantic roses;

He sang those distant countries

Where long in the bosom of silence

His living tears flowed;

He sang the faded color of life

Nearly eighteen years old.

In the desert, where one Eugene

Could appreciate his gifts,

Lords of neighboring villages

He didn't like feasts;

He fled their noisy conversations,

Their conversation is prudent

About haymaking, about wine,

About the kennel, about my family,

Of course, did not shine with any feeling,

No poetic fire

Neither sharpness nor intelligence,

No dorm arts;

But the conversation of their lovely wives

Much less intelligent.

Rich, good-looking, Lensky

Everywhere he was accepted as a bridegroom;

Such is the custom of the village;

All daughters read their

Behind semi-Russian neighbor;

Will he ascend, immediately conversation

Turns the word around

About the boredom of single life;

They call a neighbor to the samovar,

And Dunya pours tea,

They whisper to her: “Dunya, note!”

Then they bring the guitar;

And she will squeal (my God!):

Come to my golden chamber !.. From the first part of the Dnieper mermaid.

But Lensky, not having, of course,

There is no hunting bond of marriage,

With Onegin I wished cordially

Acquaintance shorter to reduce.

They agreed. Wave and stone

Poetry and prose, ice and fire

Not so different from each other.

First, mutual differences

They were boring to each other;

Then they liked it; Then

Riding every day

And soon they became inseparable.

So people (I repent first)

Nothing to do friends.

But there is no friendship even between us.

Destroy all prejudices

We honor all zeros,

And units - themselves.

We all look at Napoleons;

There are millions of bipedal creatures

We have only one tool

We feel wild and funny.

Eugene was more tolerable than many;

Although he knew people, of course

And in general he despised them, -

But (there are no rules without exceptions)

He was very different from others.

And he respected the feeling of others.

He listened to Lensky with a smile.

The poet's passionate conversation,

And the mind, still in unsteady judgments,

And eternally inspired look, -

Everything was new to Onegin;

He is a cool word

I tried to keep in my mouth

And I thought: it's stupid to disturb me

His momentary bliss;

And without me it's time to come

Let him live for now

Let the world believe in perfection;

Forgive the fever of youth

And youthful fever and youthful delirium.

Between them everything gave rise to disputes

And it got me thinking:

Tribes of past treaties,

The fruits of science, good and evil,

And age-old prejudices

And fatal secrets of the coffin,

Fate and life in turn, -

Everything was judged by them.

The poet in the heat of his judgments

Reading, forgetting, meanwhile

Fragments of northern poems,

And condescending Eugene,

Although I didn't understand them much,

Diligently listened to the young man.

But more often occupied by passions

The minds of my hermits.

Away from their rebellious power,

Onegin spoke about them

With an involuntary sigh of regret;

Blessed is he who knew their worries

And finally lagged behind them;

Blessed is he who did not know them,

Who cooled love - separation,

Enmity - slander; sometimes

Yawned with friends and wife

Jealous without worrying flour,

And grandfathers faithful capital

I did not trust the insidious deuce.

When we run under the banner

prudent silence,

When passions go out the flame

And we become funny

Their self-will or impulses

And belated comments, -

The humble are not without difficulty,

We like to listen sometimes

Rebellious language of foreign passions,

And he stirs our hearts.

So exactly an old invalid

Willingly tends to hear diligently

I will tell the stories of young mustaches,

Forgotten in his hut.

But fiery youth

Can't hide anything.

Enmity, love, sadness and joy

She's ready to chat.

In love, being considered a disabled person,

Onegin listened with an air of importance,

How, heart confession loving,

The poet expressed himself;

Your trusting conscience

He casually exposed.

Eugene easily recognized

His love is a young story,

Emotional story,

Not new to us for a long time.

Ah, he loved, as in our summers

They no longer love; as one

The mad soul of a poet

Still condemned to love:

Always, everywhere one dream,

One habitual wish

One familiar sadness.

Nor the cooling distance

Neither long summers separation,

Nor is this clock given to the muses,

Nor foreign beauty,

No noise of fun, no science

Souls have not changed in him,

Warmed by virgin fire.

A little boy, captivated by Olga,

I don't know the pain of the heart yet,

He was a touching witness

Her infantile amusements;

In the shadow of the protective oak forest

He shared her fun

And crowns were read to the children

Friends, neighbors, their fathers.

In the wilderness, under the shadow of the humble,

Full of innocent beauty

In the eyes of her parents, she

Bloomed like a hidden lily of the valley,

Unknown in the grass deaf

No moths, no bees.

She gave the poet

Young delights first dream,

And the thought of her inspired

His tarsals first groan.

Sorry, the games are golden!

He loved thick groves,

solitude, silence,

And the night, and the stars, and the moon,

Moon, sky lamp,

to which we dedicated

Walking in the darkness of the evening

And tears, secret torments of joy ...

But now we see only in it

Replacement of dim lights.

Always humble, always obedient,

Always as cheerful as the morning

How simple is the life of a poet,

Like a kiss of love sweet

Eyes as blue as the sky;

Smile, linen curls,

Everything in Olga ... but any novel

Take it and find it, right

Her portrait: he is very sweet,

I used to love him myself

But he bored me to no end.

Allow me, my reader,

Take care of your big sister.

Her sister's name was Tatyana... Sweetest sounding Greek names, which, for example: Agathon, Filat, Fyodor, Thekla, etc., are used among us only among commoners.

For the first time with such a name

Gentle pages of a novel

We will sanctify.

So what? it is pleasant, sonorous;

But with him, I know, inseparable

Remembrance of old

Or girlish! We should all

Confess: the taste is very little

With us and in our names

(Let's not talk about poetry);

We don't get enlightenment

And we got from him

Pretense, nothing more.

So, she was called Tatyana.

Nor the beauty of his sister,

Nor the freshness of her ruddy

She would not attract eyes.

Dika, sad, silent,

Like a forest doe, timid,

She is in her family

Seemed like a stranger girl.

She couldn't caress

To my father, not to my mother;

A child by herself, in a crowd of children

Didn't want to play and jump

And often all day alone

She sat silently by the window.

Thought, her friend

From the most lullaby days,

Rural Leisure Current

Decorated her with dreams.

Her pampered fingers

Didn't know needles; leaning on the hoop,

She is a silk pattern

Did not revive the canvas.

The desire to rule is a sign

With an obedient doll child

Cooking jokingly

To decency, the law of light,

And importantly repeats to her

Lessons from my mother.

But dolls even in these years

Tatyana did not take it in her hands;

About the news of the city, about fashion

Didn't have a conversation with her.

And there were childish pranks

Alien to her: scary stories

In winter in the dark of nights

They captivated her heart more.

When did the nanny collect

For Olga on a wide meadow

All her little friends

She didn't play with burners

She was bored and sonorous laughter,

And the noise of their windy joys.

She loved on the balcony

Warn dawn dawn

When in the pale sky

The stars disappear in a round dance,

And quietly the edge of the earth brightens,

And, the messenger of the morning, the wind blows,

And gradually the day rises.

In winter, when the night shadow

Possesses half the world,

And share in idle silence,

Under the foggy moon

The lazy East rests

Awakened at the usual hour

She got up by candlelight.

She liked novels early on;

They replaced everything for her;

She fell in love with deceptions

And Richardson and Rousseau.

Her father was a good fellow

Belated in the last century;

But he saw no harm in books;

He never reads

They were considered an empty toy

And didn't care about

What is my daughter's secret volume

Slept until morning under the pillow.

His wife was herself

Mad about Richardson.

She loved Richardson

Not because I read

Not because Grandison

She preferred Lovlace Grandison and Lovlas, heroes of two glorious novels.;

But in the old days, Princess Alina,

Her Moscow cousin

She often told her about them.

At that time there was still a groom

Her husband, but by captivity;

She sighed for another

Who in heart and mind

She liked much more:

This Grandison was a glorious dandy,

Player and Guard Sgt.

Like him, she was dressed

Always in fashion and to the face;

But without asking her advice,

The girl was taken to the crown.

And to dispel her grief,

The sensible husband left soon

To her village where she is

God knows who surrounded

I broke down and cried at first

Almost divorced her husband;

Then she took up housekeeping

I'm used to it and I'm satisfied.

The habit from above is given to us:

She is a substitute for happiness Si j'avais la folie de croire encore au bonheur, je le chercherais dans l'habitude (Chateaubriand) If I had the temerity to still believe in happiness, I would look for it in habit (fr.)..

Shark old Selina

And finally updated

On cotton wool is a dressing gown and a cap.

But her husband loved her heartily,

Did not enter into her ventures,

In everything she believed carelessly,

And he himself ate and drank in a dressing gown;

Quietly his life rolled;

In the evening sometimes converged

Good family of neighbors

unceremonious friends,

And grieve, and slander,

And laugh about something.

Time passes; meanwhile

They will order Olga to cook tea,

Dinner is there, it's time to sleep there,

And the guests are coming from the yard.

They kept in a peaceful life

Sweet old habits;

They have oily Shrovetide

There were Russian pancakes;

Twice a year they fasted;

Loved the round swing

Podbludny songs, round dance;

On Trinity Day, when people

Yawning listens to a prayer,

Tenderly on a beam of dawn

Poor Yorik! - Hamlet's exclamation over the jester's skull. (See Shakespeare and Stern.) he said dejectedly,

He held me in his arms.

How often did I play as a child

His Ochakov medal!

He read Olga for me,

He said: will I wait for the day? .. "

And, full of sincere sadness,

Vladimir immediately drew

He has a funeral madrigal.

And there is a sad inscription

Father and mother, in tears,

He honored the ashes of the patriarchal...

Alas! on the reins of life

The instant harvest of a generation,

By the secret will of providence,

Rise, mature and fall;

Others follow them...

So our windy tribe

Grows, worries, boils

And to the grave of great-grandfathers crowds.

Come, our time will come,

And our grandchildren good hour

We will be driven out of the world!

For now, revel in it,

This easy life, friends!

I understand her insignificance

And I am little attached to her;

For ghosts I closed my eyelids;

But distant hopes

Sometimes the heart is disturbed:

Without a trace

I would be sad to leave the world.

I live, I write not for praise;

But I seem to wish

To glorify your sad lot,

So that about me, as a true friend,

Reminds me of a single sound.

And someone's heart he will touch;

And, preserved by fate,

Perhaps it will not sink in Lethe

A stanza composed by me;

Perhaps (flattering hope!),

The future ignorant will indicate

To my illustrious portrait

And he says: that was a poet!

Please accept my thanks

A fan of peaceful aonids,

O you whose memory will keep

My flying creations

Whose benevolent hand

Shake the old man's laurels!

"Here is my Onegin - a villager ..."

The period of Onegin's village life is the time of the brightest disclosure of his personality, both positive and negative qualities. So, Onegin does not hide the arrogant disdain for neighbors, poorly educated, narrow-minded rural landowners.

Hearing "their domestic drogs", he mounted a horse and left the house, which is why he was known among the neighbors as "an ignoramus".

He is not interested in village life, the people around him are not interested. And soon he "saw clearly that in the village the boredom is the same." A person accustomed to work would find there for himself a huge field of activity. Eugene settles in the village - life has somehow changed. At first, the new position amuses him, but he soon becomes convinced that it is just as boring here as in St. Petersburg. Easing the fate of the peasants, Eugene replaced the corvée with dues. Because of such innovations, as well as insufficient courtesy, Onegin was known among the neighbors as "the most dangerous eccentric." And here he turns out to be "an extra person." Onegin is also alien to the provincial - "their conversations about wine, about the kennel, about their relatives" were boring to him.

Nothing to do friends - Onegin and Lensky

Where the days are cloudy and short

A tribe will be born that does not hurt to die.


At the same time, eighteen-year-old Vladimir Lensky, "an admirer of Kant and a poet," returns from Germany to a neighboring estate. His soul is not yet corrupted by the light, he believes in love, glory, the highest and mysterious goal of life. With sweet innocence, he sings of "something, and a foggy distance" in sublime verses. A handsome, profitable groom, Lensky does not want to embarrass himself either by marriage, or even by participating in everyday conversations of neighbors. And then he meets Lensky - the new owner of the neighboring estate, Vladimir Lensky ...

To your village at the same time

The new landowner galloped

And equally rigorous analysis

In the neighborhood, he gave a reason.

named after Vladimir Lensky

This is a completely different person, he is not like the neighbors - the landowners, who slandered about Onegin: "Our neighbor is an ignoramus ... he is a freemason, he drinks one glass of red wine ... with bottles and very large ones ... ". Pushkin A.S. "Eugene Onegin. Dramatic Works. Novels. Tale. M.: Khudozhestvennaya Literature, 1977, p. 54. Lensky is the only one with whom Eugene converges. Despite the difference in views, Onegin and Lensky very soon became inseparable friends. Having met in village and making friends with him, Eugene seemed to come to life for a while. Onegin and Lensky became friends. But they are so different:

Wave and stone

Poetry and prose, ice and fire

Not so different from each other.

They became friends because everyone else was completely unsuitable for friendship, because each was bored in his village, having no serious occupation, no real business, because the life of both, in essence, was not filled with anything.

So people (I repent first)

Nothing to do friends.

This "I repent first" is characteristic of Pushkin. Yes, and in his life there were such friendly relations- there is nothing to do - in which he later had to bitterly repent: with Fyodor Tolstoy - "The American", the very one about whom Griboyedov says: "He was exiled to Kamchatka, returned as an Aleut, and is unclean in his hand; yes, an intelligent person cannot be rogue", A.S. Griboyedov, "Woe from Wit" .- M .: Artist. literature, 1977. p. 68. Perhaps, when Pushkin wrote these lines, he also thought about Alexander Raevsky, his "demon", - this friend brought him much grief.

Lensky's romanticism seems to Onegin to be a ridiculous, absurd fantasy. Vladimir is divorced from reality, he does not know life at all, he is in the clouds. Onegin, although cold and prudent, lives by reason, not by heart. Both Eugene and Pushkin himself ironically and laugh at the eccentric Lensky. However, Vladimir seems to fill in Yevgeny's soul what he lacks. And so the characters are friends.

The image of Lensky is necessary for Pushkin in order to show how far these heroes are from each other:

“Everything gave rise to disputes between them,

And it got me thinking:

Tribes of past treaties,

The fruits of science, good and evil ... "

Completely different people, Lensky and Onegin nevertheless converge and often spend time together. However, in friendship with Lensky, the very worthy qualities of Onegin also appeared. Eugene listens with a smile to Lensky's "young nonsense". Believing that over the years the delusions themselves will disappear, Onegin is in no hurry to disappoint the poet, the ardor of Lensky's feelings nevertheless arouses respect in him. Lensky tells a friend about his extraordinary love for Olga, whom he has known since childhood and whom he has long been predicted to be a bride.

He is a cool word

I tried to keep in my mouth

And I thought: it's stupid to disturb me

His momentary bliss;

And without me the time will come;

Let him live for now

May the world believe in perfection...

One evening Lensky is going to visit the Larins. Onegin finds such a pastime boring, but then he decides to join a friend to look at the object of his love.

The mother of Tatyana and Olga at one time was married against her will. In the village where she was taken away, at first she cried, but then she got used to it, got used to it, began to "autocratically" manage the household and her husband. Dmitry Larin sincerely loved his wife, trusting her in everything. The family revered ancient customs and rituals: fasting was fasting, pancakes were baked on Shrove Tuesday. Their life went on so calmly until the “simple and kind gentleman” died. Life goes on, one generation is replaced by another.

The time will come, "... our grandchildren in a good hour / They will also push us out of the world!" Pushkin A.S. Eugene Onegin. Dramatic works. Novels. Tales. With. 64 .. It was Lensky who persuaded Onegin to visit the widow Larina, in whose daughter, Olga, the young poet is in love. So he went to get acquainted with Lensky's beloved - Olga, society, first of all, in terms of his social status and upbringing.

“Eyes like the sky, blue, smile, linen curls ... - everything is in Olga ...” Pushkin A.S. Ibid, p. 61.

In the Larins' house, Evgeny also meets Olga's older sister, Tatiana. Her older sister, Tatyana, is not at all like the ruddy, blond, always cheerful Olga. Thoughtful and sad, she prefers loneliness and reading foreign novels to noisy games.

The girl is immediately attracted young man with his mind, naturalness, spirituality. He appreciated the discreet external beauty of the girl, and her rich inner world.

On the way back, Eugene frankly shares his impressions: Olga, in his opinion, is ordinary, in the place of a young poet, he would rather choose an older sister.

Meanwhile, the unexpected visit of friends gave rise to gossip about the future wedding of Eugene and Tatyana. Tatyana herself secretly thinks about Onegin: "The time has come, she fell in love." Pushkin A.S., Eugene Onegin. Dramatic works. Novels. Story, p. 64. Immersed in reading novels, Tatyana imagines herself to be their heroine, and Onegin as a hero. At night, she cannot sleep and starts a conversation about love with the nanny. She tells how she was married at the age of thirteen, and cannot understand the young lady. Suddenly Tatyana asks for a pen and paper and starts writing a letter to Onegin. In him, trusting, obedient to the attraction of feelings, Tatyana is frank. She, in her sweet simplicity, does not know about the danger, does not observe the caution inherent in the "inaccessible" cold St. Petersburg beauties and cunning coquettes, luring fans into their networks. The letter was written in French, since the ladies at that time were much more accustomed to expressing themselves in this language. Tatyana believes that Evgeny was “sent to her by God”, that she cannot entrust her fate to anyone else. She is waiting for Onegin's decision and answer.

In the morning, Tatyana, in agitation, asks Nanny Filipyevna to send a letter to a neighbor. An agonizing wait sets in. Lensky arrives, finally, Onegin comes for him. Tatyana quickly runs into the garden, where the servant girls sing while picking berries.

Tatyana cannot calm down, and suddenly - Evgeny appears in front of her ...

The sincerity and simplicity of Tatyana's letter touched Onegin. If in his place an ordinary secular dandy, he would not fail to “deceive ... the gullibility of an innocent soul”, have fun in the wilderness with a naive rural young lady - and, parting with her, as soon as he gets tired of her, doom her to torment and misfortune. .. Onegin did not do this - but he is not an ordinary secular dandy! He is, after all, a good friend of Pushkin. He knows the price of the world and its "important amusements", Pushkin himself loves in him "an involuntary devotion to dreams" - and now these dreams are ready to come true: a beautiful, proud, mentally rich, sublime girl offers him her love, and he runs from her, runs from your dreams.

In the name of what?

Whenever life is around the house

I wanted to restrict...

That would be true except for you alone

The bride was not looking for another ...

But I'm not made for bliss;

My soul is alien to him ...

It is not true! How can a person say about himself: "I was not created for bliss"?! All people are created for happiness, but not everyone knows how to be happy - here Onegin does not know how, he is afraid. He speaks out:

I will say without madrigal sequins:

Found my old ideal

I would definitely choose you

In the girlfriend of my sad days ...

So, a girl like Tatiana was once Onegin's ideal! But this ideal is "the former", Onegin no longer believes in it; late, as it seems to him, he met Tatyana ... Hating and despising the world, he is nevertheless infected with its views, its prejudices:

As much as I love you,

Having got used, I will stop loving immediately;

Start crying: your tears

Don't touch my heart

And they will only piss him off...

Why is Onegin so sure that there can be no other "family happiness"? Because he saw too many similar examples in the light:

What could be worse in the world

Families where the poor wife

Sad for an unworthy husband

And day and evening alone;

Where is the boring husband, knowing her price

(But cursing fate)

Always frowning, silent,

Angry and coldly jealous!

Once upon a time, in his early youth, Onegin probably believed in the possibility of high love for life. But the light killed this faith - and even the hope of its return:

Dreams and years have no return;

I won't renew my soul...

Here it is - the main tragedy of Onegin: "I will not renew my soul"! Of course, from his point of view, he is right, he acts nobly: not believing in the possibility of love, he refuses it, and even brings up the naive Tatyana along the way.

The girl listens to him in tears. He appreciated the discreet external beauty of the girl, and her rich inner world. After reading her declaration of love, Eugene did not deceive her, did not take advantage of the "gullibility of an innocent soul": "It was not the first time that he showed direct nobility to his soul." But, Onegin is deprived of the ability to love, his feelings have become scanty. And therefore, he easily suppresses in himself the involuntary excitement experienced at the sight of Tatyana and after receiving her letter. The history of relations with Tatyana Larina shows us how easily a hero can harm people just like that, out of boredom.

Learn to control yourself;

Not everyone will understand you like me;

Inexperience leads to trouble.

We have to admit that Onegin treated Tanya quite nobly, no matter how honored his enemies and friends. In our life we ​​cannot rely on friends, relatives, or loved ones. What remains? "Love yourself..."

After an explanation with Onegin, Tatyana "fades, turns pale, goes out and is silent." Lensky and Olga, on the contrary, are cheerful. They are together all the time. Lensky decorates Holguin's album with drawings and elegies.

And Onegin, meanwhile, indulges in a quiet village life: "walking, reading, deep sleep." The northern summer passes quickly, the boring autumn time comes, and after it - and frosts. winter days Onegin sits at home, Lensky comes to visit him. Friends drink wine, talk by the fireplace, and remember their neighbors. Lensky gives Yevgeny an invitation to Tatyana's name day, talking enthusiastically about Olga. The wedding is already scheduled, Lensky has no doubt that he is loved, so he is happy. His faith is naive, but is it better than that in whom "experience has cooled the heart"?

Tatyana loves the Russian winter: sleigh rides, sunny frosty days and dark evenings. The holidays are coming. Fortune-telling, ancient legends, dreams and signs - Tatyana believes in all this. At night, she is going to tell fortunes, but she becomes scared. Tatyana goes to bed, taking off her silk belt. She has a strange dream. She walks alone in the snow, a stream rustles ahead, above it is a thin footbridge. Suddenly, a huge bear appears, which helps Tatiana to cross to the other side, and then pursues her. Tatyana tries to run, but collapses in exhaustion. The bear brings her to some kind of hut and disappears. Coming to her senses, Tatyana hears screams and noise, and through the crack in the door she sees incredible monsters, among them, as the owner - Onegin! Suddenly, from a breath of wind, the door opens, and the whole gang of infernal ghosts, laughing wildly, approaches it. Hearing Onegin's formidable word, everyone disappears. Eugene attracts Tatiana to him, but then Olga and Lensky appear. An argument erupts. Onegin, dissatisfied with the uninvited guests, grabs a knife and kills Lensky. Darkness, a scream... Tatyana wakes up and immediately tries to unravel the dream.

The name day is coming. Guests are arriving. The arrival of Onegin makes Tanya excited, and this annoys Eugene. He is indignant at Lensky, who called him here. After dinner, the ball begins. Onegin finds an excuse to take revenge on Lensky: he is kind to Olga, constantly dancing with her. Lensky is amazed. He wants to invite Olga to the next dance, but his fiancee has already given the floor to Onegin.

A novel in verse by A. S. Pushkin (vol. 2)
Publishing house " Fiction"Moscow 1986
Abbreviated version (Zoya Skobtsova)

Foreword (Zoya Skobtsova) Registration number 117032000185

"Turning to you, my reader,
I beg your pardon:
What the brilliant poet wrote
This passage is the owner,
It's impossible to rate here!

Briefly, content only
I undertake to convey to you;
Maybe someone to shine
Or maybe just wishful thinking
Wants to remember by heart!
Volsk 04/02/2016


page 187
My uncle of the most honest rules,
When I fell ill in earnest,
He forced himself to respect
And I couldn't think of a better one.
His example to others is science;
But, my God, what a bore
With the sick to sit day and night,
- 3 -

Not leaving a single step away!
What low deceit
Amuse the half-dead
Fix his pillows
Sad to give medicine
Sigh and think to yourself
When will the devil take you.

So thought the young rake,
Flying in the dust on postage,
By the will of Zeus
Heir of all his relatives.

Serving excellently - nobly,
His father lived in debt
Gave three balls annually
And finally screwed up.


The fate of Eugene kept:
At first, madam followed him,
Then Monter replaced her.
The child was sharp, but sweet.
Monter Gabbe, poor Frenchman,
So that the child is not exhausted,
Taught him everything jokingly
I did not bother with strict morality,
Slightly scolded for pranks
And he took me for a walk in the summer garden.
- 4 -

When will the rebellious youth
It's time for Eugene
It's time for hope and tender sadness,
The fitter was driven out of the yard.
Here is my Onegin at large:
cut by latest fashion,
How Dandy London is dressed -
And finally saw the light.
He is completely French
Could speak and write;
Easily danced the mazurka
And bowed at ease;
What more? The world decided
That he is smart and very nice.

We all learned a little
Something and somehow
So education, thank God,
It's easy for us to shine.
Onegin was, according to many,
(Judges resolute and strict),
A small scientist, but a pedant,
He had a lucky talent
No compulsion to speak
Touch everything lightly
With a learned look of a connoisseur
Keep silent in an important dispute
And make the ladies smile
By the fire of unexpected zpigrams.

Page 189
All that Eugene knew
Retell me lack of time;

Page 191
He used to be in bed:
They bring him notes.
What? Invitations? Indeed,
Three houses for the evening call:
There will be a ball, there children's holiday,
Where will my prankster go?
Who will he start with? Doesn't matter:
It is no wonder to be in time everywhere.

Page 199
What about my Onegin? half asleep
He is going to bed from the ball.
And Petersburg is restless
Already awakened by the drum.

Page 200
But tired of the noise of the ball
And turning the morning at midnight
Sleeps peacefully in the shadow of the blissful
Fun and luxury child.

Page 205
Suddenly he got, in fact,
That uncle is dying in bed
- 6 -

And I would be glad to say goodbye to him.
After reading sad message,
Onegin immediately on a date
Rushed through the mail
And already yawned in advance,
Getting ready for the money
On sighs, boredom and deceit
(And that's how I started my novel;)
But, having arrived in the uncle's village,
I found it on the table
As a tribute to the ready land.

Here is our Onegin - a villager,
Factories, waters, forests, lands
The owner is complete, but hitherto,
The order of the enemy and the waster,
And I am very glad that the old way
Changed to something.


Page 208
The village where Eugene missed,
There was a lovely alley;
There's a friend of innocent pleasures
I could bless the sky
Alone among his possessions.
- 7 -

Page 210
To your village at the same time
The new landowner galloped
And equally rigorous analysis
In the neighborhood, he gave a reason.
By the name of Vladimir Lensky,

Handsome, in full bloom of years,
Kant's admirer and poet.
He is from foggy Germany
He brought the fruits of learning:
freedom dreams,
The spirit is ardent and rather strange,
Always an enthusiastic speech
And shoulder-length black curls.

Page 212
Rich, good-looking Lensky
Everywhere he was accepted as a bridegroom;
This is the custom of the village.

Page 213
But Lensky, not having, of course,
There is no hunting bond of marriage,
With Onegin I wished cordially
Acquaintance shorter to reduce.
They agreed. Wave and stone
Poetry and prose, ice and fire
Not so different from each other.
They were boring to each other;
- 8 -

Then they liked it; Then
Riding every day
And soon they became inseparable.

Page 216
A little boy, captivated by Olga,
I don't know the pain of the heart yet,
He was an unchanging witness
Her childhood fun.
She gave the poet
Young delights first dream
And the thought of her inspired
Her tarsals first groan.

Page 217
Her sister's name was Tatyana,
Nor the beauty of his sister,
Nor the freshness of her ruddy
She would not attract eyes.
Dika, sad, silent,
Like a forest doe is timid,
She is in her family
Seemed like a stranger girl.


Page 225
"Tell me, who is Tatyana?"
- 9 -

Yes, the one that is sad
And silent, like Svetlana,
She went in and sat by the window. -
"Are you in love with a smaller one?"
- And what? - "I would choose another,
When I was like you are a poet.

Page 228
Olga has no life in features.

Vladimir dryly answered
And then he was silent the whole way.

Meanwhile, Onegin's appearance
The Larins produced
Everyone is very impressed
And all the neighbors were entertained.
Guess after guess.
Everyone began to interpret furtively,
Joking, judging is not without sin,
Tatyana read the groom.

Tatyana listened with annoyance
Such gossip; but secretly
With inexplicable joy
I involuntarily thought about it;
And in the heart the thought was planted;
The time has come, she fell in love.

Long hearted languor
It pressed her young breast;
The soul was waiting ... for someone
And I waited ... Eyes opened,
She said it's him!

Page 227
Now with what attention is she
Reading a sweet novel
With what charm
Drinking seductive deception!

Page 229
Tatiana, dear Tatiana!
With you now I shed tears;
You are in the hands of a gloomy tyrant
I have given up my fate.

Page 230
The longing of love drives Tatiana
And she goes to the garden to be sad,
And suddenly, motionless eyes tend,
And she's too lazy to go further.
The night will come; the moon goes around
Watch the distant vault of heaven,
Tatyana does not sleep in the dark
And quietly with the nanny says:

Page 231
"I'm in love," she whispered again
She is bitter to the old woman.
- Dear friend, you are unwell. -
"Leave me, I'm in love."

And my heart rushed far
Tatyana looking at the moon...

Page 232
Suddenly a thought popped into her mind...
"Come on, leave me alone.
Nanny, give me a pen, paper,
Yes, move the table; I will go to bed soon;
I'm sorry." And here she is alone.

Everything is quiet. The moon shines on her
Leaning on, Tatyana writes.
And all Onegin is on his mind,
And in thoughtless writing
The love of an innocent maiden breathes.
The letter is ready, folded...
Tatiana! for whom is it?

Hello dear.
Let's continue the conversation with you about the 2nd part of the wonderful work of AS Pushkin. You can see the previous post here:
There won't be many explanations today. Just enjoy the text.
So, let's begin:-)

To your village at the same time
The new landowner galloped
And equally rigorous analysis
In the neighborhood gave a reason:
By the name of Vladimir Lenskoy,
With a soul straight from Goettingen,
Handsome, in full bloom of years,
Kant's admirer and poet.
He is from foggy Germany
Bring the fruits of learning:
freedom dreams,
The spirit is ardent and rather strange,
Always an enthusiastic speech
And shoulder-length black curls.

Alma mater Lensky

As they say - here is the phenomenon of a new hero. Landowner, handsome long hair, poet and good education. He studied in Germany at the famous Göttingen University in Lower Saxony, which still works today. for example, the Great Heine studied there, and therefore it is not surprising that Lensky's Germanophilia.

From the cold debauchery of the world
Haven't faded yet
His soul was warmed
Hello friend, caress maidens;
He had a sweet heart, an ignorant one,
He was cherished by hope
And the world's new shine and noise
Still captivated the young mind.
He amused with a sweet dream
Doubts of his heart;
The purpose of our life for him
Was a tempting mystery
He broke his head over her
And I suspected miracles.

He believed that the soul is dear
Must connect with him
What, hopelessly languishing,
She is waiting for him every day;
He believed that friends were ready
For his honor, accept fetters
And that their hand will not tremble
Break the slanderer's vessel;
What are the chosen by fate,
People sacred friends;
That their immortal family
By irresistible rays
Someday we will be enlightened
And the world will give bliss.

Romantic and idealist. I especially want to draw your attention to the brilliant turnover " dear heart was an ignoramus". I think it's brilliant.

Resentment, regret
Good for pure love
And glory sweet torment
In it, blood was stirred early.
He traveled the world with a lyre;
Under the skies of Schiller and Goethe
Their poetic fire
The soul ignited in him;
And the muses of sublime art,
Lucky, he did not shame:
He proudly preserved in songs
Always high feelings
Gusts of a virgin dream
And the beauty of important simplicity.

He sang love, obedient to love,
And his song was clear
Like the thoughts of a simple-hearted maiden,
Like a baby's dream, like the moon
In the deserts of the serene sky,
Goddess of secrets and gentle sighs.
He sang separation and sadness,
And something, and foggy distance,
And romantic roses;
He sang those distant countries
Where long in the bosom of silence
His living tears flowed;
He sang the faded color of life
Nearly eighteen years old.

Such a strong characterization, and very flattering. Apparently, Lensky was very promising. And very young. 18 years.

In the desert, where one Eugene
Could appreciate his gifts,
Lords of neighboring villages
He didn't like feasts;
He ran their noisy conversation.
Their conversation is prudent
About haymaking, about wine,
About the kennel, about my family,
Of course, did not shine with any feeling,
No poetic fire
Neither sharpness nor intelligence,
No dorm arts;
But the conversation of their lovely wives
Much less intelligent.

Rich, good-looking, Lensky
Everywhere he was accepted as a bridegroom;
Such is the custom of the village;
All daughters read their
For a semi-Russian neighbor;
Will he ascend, immediately conversation
Turns the word around
About the boredom of single life;
They call a neighbor to the samovar,
And Dunya pours tea;
They whisper to her: “Dunya, note!”
Then they bring the guitar:
And she will squeal (my God!):
Come to my golden chamber!...

Young, interesting, not poor - of course, an enviable groom. But was he interested in these provincial ambitions and local beauties? Despite the young age - not at all. By the way, the lady squeaks the aria of the mermaid Lesta from the Russian adaptation of Cauer's opera "The Danube Fairy", which was called "The Dnieper Mermaid" and which was considered a great vulgarity.

But Lensky, not having, of course,
There is no hunting bond of marriage,
With Onegin I wished cordially
Acquaintance shorter to reduce.
They agreed. Wave and stone
Poetry and prose, ice and fire
Not so different from each other.
First, mutual differences
They were boring to each other;
Then they liked it; Then
Riding every day
And soon they became inseparable.
So people (I repent first)
Nothing to do friends.

But there is no friendship even between us.
Destroy all prejudices
We honor all zeros,
And units - themselves.
We all look at Napoleons;
There are millions of bipedal creatures
For us, there is only one tool;
We feel wild and funny.
Eugene was more tolerable than many;
Although he knew people, of course
And in general he despised them, -
But (there are no rules without exceptions)
He was very different from others.
And he respected the feeling of others.

Well, 2 heroes came together ... so different in temperament and age.
To be continued...
Have a nice time of the day.

The Constitution is of fundamental importance in the system of sources of transport law Russian Federation, fixing the foundations of the constitutional system, forming the vector of development of legislation and the principles of law enforcement. At the same time, the Constitution has direct provisions related to transport.

Yes, Art. 71 of the Constitution refers the management of federal transport and communications to the jurisdiction of the Russian Federation. The most important sources of transport law are federal laws. The first in this series is the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, in which a separate chapter (Chapter 40) highlights the rules governing the general provisions on the carriage of goods and passengers, the conditions for concluding and executing contracts of carriage, the carrier's liability for violations of obligations, etc. In ch. 41 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation contains the basic rules regarding the transport expedition.

A special place in the system of sources of transport law is occupied by transport charters and codes adopted in the form of federal laws. They are based on ch. 40 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and regulates in detail the relations arising in the course of transportation of goods, passengers and baggage, as well as in the provision of transport activities. These include: the Air Code of the Russian Federation (VK RF), the Merchant Shipping Code of the Russian Federation (KTM RF), the Code of Inland Water Transport of the Russian Federation (KVVT RF), the Charter of Railway Transport of the Russian Federation (UZhT RF), the Charter of Road Transport and Urban Land electric transport (UAT). These documents are complex in nature and affect the heterogeneous private and public relations that arise on various types transport.

At the same time, one should agree with V.A. Dozortsev, who believes that in such complex acts it is impossible to single out the general legal provisions characteristic of the sectoral code. Due to the lack of common principles, complex acts are justified only for a rather narrow sphere, only within its framework the specificity of such acts is manifested. The narrow scope of the complex act does not exclude its large volume and significance for the vast sphere of transport relations. Nevertheless, the current transport codes do not form an independent sectoral legal system and the true functions of the code do not perform 1 .

One of the problems discussed in the legal literature is the possibility of adopting a unified transport code. The expediency of this action is indicated by V. G. Baukin, V.N. Buckwheat and others. G.I. Strelnikova, on the contrary, believes that “... the issue of adopting a unified transport code is not only premature, but generally unpromising. Consolidation of legal regulation in this field of activity can lead to a decrease in the effectiveness of the legal regulation of various social relations that arise in the field of transport. We are closer to the position of G.I. Strelnikova, especially since all attempts to create a unified transport code ended in failure. A more progressive and pragmatic step should be considered the unification of the provisions of transport legislation with the transfer of the most important of them to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

As an alternative to a unified transport code, it is also proposed to create a transport code that includes all transport charters and codes. “If you reduce all the issues regulated by them into one regulatory legal act, it will be very difficult to use, while combining individual acts into a set ensures the convenience of using each of them, while guaranteeing the integrity of the legal regulation on the subject of transport” 1 . In our opinion, such a step will not be able to solve most of the problems that exist in the legal regulation of transport relations. In particular, in this way it is impossible to overcome the contradictions of some norms of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation with the current civil legislation, which makes it difficult to protect the legitimate interests of consignors and consignees. This is reasonably indicated in the legal literature. "Yes, Art. 118 of the Code provides for a list of circumstances that relieve the carrier from liability for the failure to preserve the goods, thus shifting the burden of proving the carrier's guilt to the consignor or consignee. This rule is contrary to the general principle of civil law, set out in paragraph 2 of Art. 401 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, which establishes that the absence of guilt is proved by the person who violated the obligation, as well as Art. 796 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, which provides for the presumption of the carrier's guilt for the failure to preserve cargo or baggage. V.A. also draws attention to such acute problems in transport legislation. Waipan. Among these, the author refers to the contradictions between the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and certain norms of transport charters and codes, between individual laws and the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (the provisions of the law on forwarding activities do not correspond to Article 803 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation), as well as between transport charters and codes (Art. 75 of the UZHT RF contradicts Article 109 of the RF CT RF, etc.).

In the system of federal subordinate sources of transport law, the decrees of the President of the Russian Federation, containing regulatory legal provisions on the most important issues of transport activities, have the greatest legal force (for example, Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation dated March 31, 2010 No. 403 “On the creation of an integrated system for ensuring the safety of the population in transport » 1, March 16, 2010 No. 321 «On measures to organize the movement of high-speed rail transport in the Russian Federation» ).

Other subordinate regulatory legal acts as sources of transport law include resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation and a huge number of departmental instructions, regulations, rules, etc. adopted by various executive authorities. The Government of the Russian Federation issues resolutions of a normative nature, on the basis of and in pursuance of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal laws, regulatory decrees of the President of the Russian Federation (for example, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 15, 2011 No. 272 ​​"On Approval of the Rules for the Transportation of Goods by Road", June 9, 2010 No. 409 "On the implementation by officials of the Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Transport of control (supervisory) functions", dated August 12, 2010 No. 623 "On approval of the technical regulation on the safety of inland water transport facilities").

In the field of transport rule-making, the key role is played by the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation, which, in accordance with the Regulation approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 30, 2004 No. 395 1, is granted the right to independently adopt numerous and heterogeneous regulatory legal acts in the established field of activity: rules for the transportation of passengers , luggage, cargo, cargo luggage on the basis of and in pursuance of transport charters and codes; rules for the formation and application of tariffs, collection of fees in the field of transport, rules for selling tickets, issuing waybills and other transportation documents; rules for state registration of civil aircraft; acts establishing the forms of forms of various documents; the procedure for issuing special permits for international road transport of dangerous goods; rules for the carriage of goods in direct mixed traffic; regulation on the classification of ships of inland and mixed (river - sea) navigation, etc.

The jurisdiction of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation includes regional transport and communications, management of regional transport infrastructure. In this regard, in the regulation of transport activities, an important role is played by the regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, primarily the laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. As an example, we can cite the Law of the city of Moscow dated June 11, 2008 No. 22 “On taxis in the city of Moscow”, Law of the Kursk region dated December 29, 2005 No. 1Yu-ZKO “On public roads of regional significance in the Kursk region”, Law Petersburg dated April 22, 2009

No. 1753-8 "On transport service by water transport of St. Petersburg" 1 .

Special sources of transport law are state-sanctioned business practices (now called simply customs). Their specificity lies in the fact that the law gives this or that custom a universally binding significance. At the same time, the custom itself is not given in the text of the law. For example, according to Art. 129-132 of the CTM RF, in the absence of an appropriate agreement between the parties, the time for filing a notice of the vessel's readiness for loading, the loading time, the amount of payment for demurrage of the vessel are determined on the basis of customs adopted at the port of loading. There is an active discussion in the scientific literature about the possibility of classifying judicial precedents as sources of law, i.e. court decisions that are binding when considering other similar cases. Although officially in the Russian Federation judicial precedent is not applied as a source of law, in practice, when resolving disputes, courts take into account the decisions of higher courts. The possibility of using previous decisions of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation as a judicial precedent is directly enshrined in constitutional proceedings by the Federal Constitutional Law of July 21, 1994 No. 1-FKZ (clause 1, part 1, article 43, article 47.1).

Some scholars believe that the resolutions of the Plenums should be referred to the sources of transport law. Supreme Court Russian Federation and the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation, which Art. 126 and 127 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation granted the right to give clarifications on issues judicial practice. As an example, one can refer to the Decree of the Plenum of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation (SAC RF) dated October 6, 2005 No. 30 “On Some Issues in the Practice of Application of the Federal Law “Charter of the Railway Transport of the Russian Federation””, which details the legislation and formulates in a number of paragraphs new provisions of a regulatory legal nature. In particular, interpreting Art. 116 UZHT RF, Plenum of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation in paragraph 11 supplemented the Law, indicating that the consignor, when referring to an accident, in order to exempt from a fine for failure to comply with the application, must submit to arbitration court accident reports drawn up by the relevant state authorities, containing information about when the accident occurred, and evidence confirming that the main production activity was terminated due to the accident.

In transport activities, it is necessary to take into account the current provisions of the guidelines of the State Arbitration of the USSR and the State Arbitration of the Russian Federation related to the regulation of relations between transport organizations and their clients. The Plenum of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation, in Resolution No. 7 of April 15, 1992, clarified that these guidelines on the application of legislation in resolving disputes and their pre-arbitration settlement remain valid on the territory of the Russian Federation to the extent that they do not contradict the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Transport legislation as a system of normative legal acts has features due to the specifics of the relations it regulates.

Transport legislation is one of the most stable complex industries legislation. Many regulatory legal structures in the field of transportation were developed back in Soviet time and continue to remain unchanged for many years. This applies, for example, to the conclusion of a contract of carriage, the submission of vehicles for loading, the liability of the parties, the presentation of claims, etc.

Transport legislation is one of the most systematized (codified) and significant arrays in Russian legislation. For all modes of transport, transport charters and codes have been adopted, as well as by-laws detailing them (rules, instructions, etc.), which contain a huge number of provisions governing relations between carriers and their counterparties.

The transport legislation reflects the public nature of the activities of transport organizations, the need to take into account the fact that the conclusion of contracts is carried out by carriers with a large circle of persons. Thus, the list of organizations obliged to carry out transportation, and the main conditions of their activities are published in the prescribed manner, for violation of the terms of the transportation contract, the rules on the limited liability of the carrier are applied, it is mandatory to file a claim against the transport organization within the limitation period, etc.

The transport legislation uses many imperative norms that are mandatory for all participants in transport legal relations. For example, legislation in the field of railway transport establishes mandatory requirements for the execution, procedure for submitting and agreeing on an application for the carriage of goods, regulates in detail the obligations of the consignor to prepare goods for transportation and the obligations of the carrier to supply wagons for loading, the timing of delivery of goods and the rules for calculating such periods, etc. .P.

A large share in the transport activity is occupied by international transportation. In this regard, Russian transport legislation is significantly influenced by international law in the field of transport. For example, when adopting the ToR RF, the provisions of the Chicago Convention on International civil aviation(1944) *, and in the KTM RF from

the norms of the Brussels Convention (1924) on the unification of certain rules on the bill of lading are shown. This is based on the fact that in accordance with Part 4 of Art. 15 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation rules international treaties Russian Federation have priority over national legislation.

Transport legislation is an established system of hierarchically interconnected regulatory legal acts, grouped by individual sectors of transport and various types of transport activities (transport activities on rail, road, sea, river, air transport; transportation of goods, passengers, cargo luggage on certain types of transport; unloading work, vehicle maintenance work, etc.).

Regulatory legal acts ranked by legal force form a vertical structure of the system of transport legislation in relation to each type of transport (charter or code, transportation rules, instructions, tariffs, etc.). Such a hierarchy of acts is determined by the competence of the law-making authority that adopted the act. At the same time, in the normative legal array, there are general provisions relating to all types of transport activities, as well as norms regulating similar relations in certain types of transport. They form a horizontal structure of transport legislation, characterized by a variety of acts in content and form, headed by Ch. 40 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, dedicated to transportation. In addition, according to their content, transport legislation distinguishes between complex codification and simple acts. Complex codification includes such acts that contain norms using various methods legal regulation of relations in a particular area. These are transport charters and codes. Simple acts are recognized that supplement or specify the provisions of codified acts (for example, the rules for the transportation of goods

call, passengers) or relate to certain previously unsettled issues. Given the complex nature of transport legislation, it cannot be generally attributed to a subsystem of civil legislation. Transport legislation is a single interconnected complex system of legislation containing regulatory legal provisions relating to various branches of legislation (civil, administrative, business, land, etc.).

Analyzing the system of transport legislation, attention should be paid to the problems of improving transport legislation.

It is necessary to reflect in the federal legislation the features of the organization of the market for regular passenger transportation and adopt the draft Federal Law No. 4234274 "On the general principles of organizing transport services for the population on regular routes in the Russian Federation", aimed at establishing the foundations of federal policy in the field of organizing transport services for the population and the legal framework a single market for passenger transport services.

It should be noted that federal legislation refers the decision on the organization of transport services to the population to the competence of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments. At the same time, the corresponding powers are not clearly established by law. In the context of legal uncertainty at the federal level, local authorities, in an effort to streamline the operation of public passenger transport, are adopting their own regulations whose legitimacy is often disputed. At the same time, an analysis of judicial and arbitration practice indicates that the same decisions in some constituent entities of the Russian Federation are recognized as legal, and in others - contrary to federal legislation in the field of competition protection.

Let us consider the problem of qualitative legal regulation of direct multimodal transport. Here, first of all, the following should be noted. We fully share the opinion of a number of scientists that it is theoretically really expedient to design in accordance with Art. 788 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation of the unified law on direct mixed (combined) transportation due to the fundamental features of these transportations and the need for a clear and uniform regulation of relations arising in connection with their execution. This idea is far from new and has long been expressed in the legal literature.

This issue is especially acute in the field of road transport. And if in other modes of transport today public relations arising from direct multimodal transportation find their legal regulation even in the absence of a special law, then in the regulation of this issue in relation to the activities of road transport due to the fact that the UAT did not include the rules on direct multimodal transport, which was in its predecessor, a legal void has formed. In this regard, it seems that at present, from an organizational point of view, it would be easier to eliminate this vacuum by introducing appropriate changes to the AAT (possibly as a temporary measure).

In the context of the principle of equality of parties to civil law relations, the validity of maintaining the provisions of transport codes and charters on limiting the liability of transport organizations raises doubts. Indeed, in accordance with Art. 400 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation according to certain types obligations and for obligations related to a certain type of activity, the right to full compensation for losses (limited liability) may be limited by law. At the same time, in transport legal relations, the consignor, consignee, passenger are a less protected party compared to the carrier. Therefore, providing the latter with additional legal protection in the form of a limitation of liability obviously puts the carrier in a more advantageous position over the counterparty, which is unjustified either legally or economically. In this regard, experts propose to clearly define in the Civil Code of the Russian Federation in which cases it is possible to limit the amount of losses for one of the parties to the contract 1 .

An acute problem in the transport legislation is the presence of contradictions between the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and some norms of transport laws. This applies, for example, to the obligation of the recipient to accept the delivered cargo from the carrier, as well as the deadlines for submitting a claim, provided for by transport charters and codes. There are significant discrepancies in terms of regulating the responsibility of the freight forwarder by the norms of the Federal Law on Freight Forwarding Activities and Art. 803 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. There are also contradictions between separate transport laws. For example, according to Art. 75 UZhT RF, in case of violation of the general term for the delivery of goods in direct mixed traffic, the responsibility for the delay in the delivery of goods is borne by the carrier of the transport of the corresponding type that issued the goods. At the same time, Art. 109 of the KVVT RF stipulates that in this case the responsibility is borne by the party through whose fault such a delay was allowed.

Specialists draw attention to the need to unify the norms of transport legislation. Many provisions of the transport legislation contain various legal structures in relation to similar legal relations. This applies to the principles of registration and terms of the contract of carriage, the liability of the carrier, the calculation of claim periods, etc. In this regard, the issue of creating a unified Transport Code is being actively discussed.

However, not everyone shares this point of view.

The inappropriateness of the adoption of the Transport Code is explained by the fact that in transport law the range of regulated relations is so wide that, despite their subject isolation and a number of common features, the reduction in one law of at least the most important of general provisions seems hopeless and meaningless. It is no coincidence that the codification of transport legislation follows the path of preparing a number of laws regulating the specifics of individual complex complex intersectoral functional legal institutions (railway, maritime, inland water, motor transport and air law) in the structure of transport law. Theoretically, it seems possible to develop a draft of such a single act on transport, however, in this case, the management of this body of legislation will be reduced to the establishment of the most general principles and enumeration of laws that regulate individual structural parts of transport law. This would make a uniform law for transport law ineffective.

As an additional argument for the inexpediency of adopting a single act on transport, the fact that, firstly, the possibilities for applying the codes and charters existing in the system of transport legislation are far from being exhausted; secondly, the economic and administrative reforms in the country have not yet been completed, and without analyzing their results, it is pointless to codify the entire transport legislation; thirdly, in some transport sectors, many significant issues of their organization and functioning are not regulated at the legislative level.

Thus, in our opinion, the issue of adopting a unified Transport Code is not only premature, but generally unpromising. Consolidation of legal regulation in this field of activity can lead to a decrease in the effectiveness of the legal regulation of various social relations that arise in the field of transport.

As for the inexpediency of adopting the Transportation Code, this is explained by the following. Public relations, which are supposed to be regulated, are currently quite deep and complete legal regulation in industry transport charters and codes. Their legal regulation on each mode of transport has its own specifics. It seems that the goals of optimizing the legal regulation of public relations (namely, this is the basis for the adoption of new regulatory legal acts) during transportation by various modes of transport will not be served by the mechanical combination of all the rules on transportation into a single document. This will not lead to significant changes in legal regulation on the merits. That is why it is necessary to focus on the further improvement of various aspects of the legal regulation of transportation activities on each mode of transport separately, taking into account the specifics of the activity, and not on the mechanical consolidation of the legal regulation of public relations on transportation.
