Review on ʻEndless Summer` (Everlasting summer). Endless Summer: secrets, characters About the main character

The main character on whose behalf the story is being told. Semyon matches the image of a typical imageboard visitor. He is thin and unshaven, enjoys anime, rarely leaves the house, and has little contact with people. Probably a virgin. In his twenties, he has already lost all motivation and sees no reason to change his life in any way.
Once in the camp, Semyon behaves as befits a bitard: he panics, sobs, blunts, slows down and tries to escape at every opportunity. Even having figured out the situation, he, instead of enjoying life and nursing chicks, tries not to communicate with anyone and look for answers. However, these searches most often end either with a trip to the dining room, or with the execution of instructions from the counselor, who is only too happy to dump part of the work on the pioneer loitering around.

Semyon's endings:

Choice of b-hickey. The player goes to Semyon's endings if he fails relations with all the girls. Hypothetically, this route was supposed to mean the intention to understand the mysteries of the Owlet, without being distracted by the celebration of life going on around. But in fact, it turns out exactly the opposite, and the GG is messing around for all seven days, stupidly going with the flow. It is much easier to go down this path than the others, because all your fruitless attempts to get closer to someone specific in the camp go to this route. But still, you can get some answers here, and at the same time a lot of new questions.

A mysterious Pioneer appears in this route, who, as it turns out later, is Semyon from a parallel reality. He notably trolls GG and sarcastically comments on his actions. The Pioneer explains that he, like Semyon, got into Owlet by chance, that these 7 days are repeated endlessly here, and it is unrealistic to get out of the cycle. And that the same thing happens to Semyon, with the only difference that he loses his memories at each new turn. Later, the second Pioneer appears, who warns that the first one cannot be trusted and that it is possible to get out of the camp, which finally breaks the pattern for our hero. On the last day of the shift, when Semyon is about to go to the bus that is supposed to take him away from the camp, which, according to the first Pioneer, completes one circle and begins the second, an unknown voice calls him from the forest, who offers to follow him and save himself ...

  • Good ending " Titan of loneliness":

If the hero refuses to follow the voice, he gets on the bus and falls asleep during the trip. He wakes up again at home and continues to live his usual life as a hermit. However, after some time, a nameless interlocutor knocks on his door, who hints that this is not the end, and then “erases” his memories of the “Owlet”. The game ends with Semyon's decision to go to a meeting with his college friends, which started it all. That is, the second round is still inevitable, until the main hero stops being dumb and realizes his inferiority.

  • Bad ending, "Epic fail":
If Semyon decides to go after the voice, then in the forest he enters into a dialogue with a certain mysterious creature from the bushes, after which he loses consciousness, and the final credits begin without any explanation. As stated by the screenwriter, in this ending he becomes a Pioneer.

Alisa Dvachevskaya

Alice's endings:

Semyon is entangled in a love triangle between Alice and Lena. It turns out that they are not as close friends as it might seem at first. For all the time of their acquaintance, Lena more than once drew the attention of the guys to herself, because of which Alice developed an inferiority complex. As a result, for a long time she was unable to accept Semyon's sympathy, being sure that he would eventually choose Lena anyway. At the end of the shift, Alice invites Semyon to her house in order to drink vodka and force him to openly confess his feelings for her. However, without calculating the dose, she quickly loses her head, and the matter ends with banal sex. Waking up the next day in a hangover stupor, they find that everyone has left, leaving them alone in the camp ...

  • Good ending "Pickup Guru":

Semyon and Alisa decide to get to the district center on foot and walk until nightfall. With the onset of darkness, they arrange a halt, during which they quarrel because Semyon inadvertently compares Alice with Lena. However, Semyon, having overcome his own stupidity, still manages to admit to Alice that she is not indifferent to him, for which he is rewarded with a gentle kiss. They are picked up by a bus, in which Semyon falls asleep with Alice hugging his shoulder and wakes up already in his own world, alone. He regrets the separation from Alice, but, inspired by her, he begins to take guitar lessons, gathers his group and performs with her at various eateries, and after one of the concerts - surprise, surprise! - a girl who is very similar to Alice calls out to him. And our hero, justifying the name of the achievement, naturally receives her phone number. We hope they do well.

  • Bad ending "Leader of the mitol group":

The same eggs, profile view. The only difference is that if in the good-end Semyon managed to confess his feelings to Alice, who had been waiting for them for so long, then in a bad GG he pisses all the polymers, failing to explain his attitude towards Alice, and naturally meets a cold wall of alienation from the outside Dvachevskaya. And yes, IRL she doesn't come.

  • Alternative good ending, Rita unity:

In the wake of the anon's phaggotria, for which Aliska became the No. 1 Waifu, Ritochka washed down the official ™ add-on, replacing the good end in the original version.

After Semyon, with Alice asleep on his shoulder, left for the sunset and woke up in his own apartment, his affairs did not go as well as they could - there was a turnover in the group, and one could only dream of concerts. And one fine day there was a need for a second guitarist, who soon showed up in the chat room. Syoma invites the mysterious stranger to meet near his home. Naturally, it turned out to be Alice, who not only perfectly remembered all the events in Owlet (for her, everything that had passed also looked like a dream), but, having retained her love for Semyon, immediately rushed into his arms with kisses. A curtain. Anons are once again experiencing THAT FEEL.

Ulyana's endings:

The choice of anons who decided to plunge into an even deeper childhood, when the grass was greener, the sky was higher, and a timid kiss on the cheek was the peak of intimacy. Throughout the route, Semyon has to participate in various pranks organized by Ulyana, which the CSH even begin to deliver to him at the end.

All the pioneers go on a campaign, and Ulyana remains punished in the camp. Semyon goes to her to somehow cheer her up. Rejoicing at his arrival, Ulyana offers to scare the pioneers by dressing up as ghosts. Semyon agrees, believing that while they are preparing, the pioneers will already disperse, but Ulyanka will be busy. Unfortunately, they make it in time, and Ulyana, who pulled the sheet over herself and jumped out into the clearing with wild cries, is ridiculed. She runs away, and Semyon finds her in the forest, all in tears. He calms her down, and Ulyana falls asleep on Semyon's shoulder. GG takes her to the house, and goes to sleep. At night, Ulyanka runs to Semyon to thank him and kisses him on the cheek. The next day, Ulyana calls Semyon to watch the video in the evening. They make their way to the circle of cyberneticians, and there in the pantry they watch the "Terminator" pron together. After watching, they fall asleep together on the hard floor...

  • Good ending "Thunderstorm of pedobies":

The next morning they are discovered by Slavya, forced to tell everything to the counselor. She accuses Semyon of inappropriate behavior, but he justifies himself. Nevertheless, Ulyana is punished with house arrest, but Semyon visits her, helping to brighten up her loneliness. Olga Dmitrievna comes to them and tells them to get ready, because the camp shift ends today. Semyon helps Ulyana get ready, they go to the bus and sit down together. They play cards, chat, and Ulyana falls asleep on Semyon's shoulder, who also soon joins her.
He wakes up in his own world. He decides that everything that happened to him is a dream, albeit a very realistic one. He decides to recover at the university and achieves good academic success. A year later, he meets a matured freshman Ulyana at the university, from whom he takes a phone number.

  • Bad ending, "ICQ is above average":
Ulyana is sent under house arrest, and Semyon leaves to mind his own business. Right before leaving, Ulyana again misbehaves, and Olga Dmitrievna leaves her in the camp as a punishment. Semyon tries to go to the girl, but the counselor pushes him into the bus. Semyon rides alone, regretting that he did not support Ulyana. Further, the ending is identical to the good one, but there is no meeting with Ulyana.


The embodiment of the most famous Vocaloid in the form of a pioneer. According to the plot, she is the daughter of a Soviet engineer and a Japanese woman. The only member and head of the musical circle. Very cheerful and positive, but too talkative, which quickly tires others. Ruth Miku only has one ending and very different from all other storylines. This is due to the fact that it was originally planned as a separate add-on, not related to the main story, but in the end it was immediately included in the release version.

Miku's ending:

There is only one ending in the route - "What is this i don't even". The essence of the root: a dream within a dream, within a dream.

Going on the fourth day to look for Shurik alone, Semyon finds himself in a tunnel under the old camp. After wandering there for a while, he falls asleep.
He wakes up in the back seat of the Ikarus bus, standing at the gates of the camp. SUDDENLY it turns out that he is not a hickey who got into the past, but a member of the film crew of the provincial cinematography institute, which in our time is shooting a film based on the plot of this game (Slavi's route) in an abandoned pioneer camp, and all previous events were just his dream, the result of a deep immersion in the filming process. Moreover, the script was written by Semyon himself as a thesis. Olga Dmitrievna - director, Shurik - operator. Miku (who is actually called Masha and she has much more brains than her heroine) is Semyon's former passion, with whom he broke up some time ago. Slavya - actually not Slavya, but Sasha - an empty-headed blonde, anime lover, constantly nagging and unable to play the simplest scene in one take.
After a hard day of filming in the hellish heat, filled with the constant chirping of grasshoppers, Miku-Masha and Semyon (his name is also not Semyon) go to the beach, where Masha remembers their past happy life, says that she still loves him, and then gives herself to him. After rough sex on the beach, they go to one of the camp houses, where they fall asleep.
In the morning they are awakened by Olga Dmitrievna, who suits them with a dressing down as "unlucky pioneers." Damned Semyon and Miku understand that she is saying this in all seriousness. All their friends also behave like typical pioneers of the 80s and ordinary inhabitants of the pioneer camp. Semyon and Miku understand that they have somehow found themselves inside their own scenario, in a real pioneer camp.
Suddenly, events take an absolutely crazy and terrible turn. Slavya is gone. Olga Dmitrievna goes in search and soon finds her... or rather, what is left of her.
Further events unfold in the spirit of trash American horror, with the participation of zombies, carnivorous locusts and insane maniacs. The scene from the very beginning of the game, where Semyon confuses the name "Lena" with "Rena", is fully justified. The heroes are trying to escape from the pioneer camp, from which all the inhabitants mysteriously disappeared, but the road leads them to the gate again. Exhausted by the heat, the heroes decide to rest in the camp, after which they find Alice hanging from a tree. Trying to run in the other direction, the heroes stumble upon a crowd of zombie Ulyan. The flight leads them to a tunnel under the old camp and the loss of a comrade. Suddenly disappeared Lena appears and confesses to the murder of Slavya and Alice. The hero manages to save Masha from her, with whom he gets out of the tunnel. Falling asleep, he hears her calm voice: "That was the last take ...".

Semyon wakes up on the bank of the river. On his knees, he still has the head of the sleeping Masha-Miku, next to him lies a stack of sheets of the script. After reading it, Semyon is shocked to discover that it describes the very horror in which the two of them just participated. It turns out that, dissatisfied with Semyon's "stupid" original script, Masha rewrote everything herself. And Semyon, either having read what was written in a half-dream, or having dictated it to her himself, survived it in a dream. Semyon understands how dear this girl is to him, and decides to start all over again with her. A curtain.

YUVAO-chan, a cat girl. The final route, which can only be accessed after unlocking five good endings and Miku's ending.
Yulia lives in the forest not far from the camp. Semyon meets her in the mines, where she hunted for mice, and soon realizes that she is directly related to the mystical events that caused him to end up in the camp. However, Yulia herself does not know anything about "Sovenok", or how to leave it, or about herself - even this name was given to her by Semyon. The only thing she knows is how to stock up for the winter, picking mushrooms, berries and stealing food from the pioneer canteen. In the process of passing, some memories and understanding of what is happening wake up in her, thanks to which Semyon finally gets the answers he needs, breaks the cycles and leaves the camp forever.
According to the initial version of the script, Julia was supposed to be a mutant who escaped from Viola's underground laboratory. The next morning in the camp begins with panic - on the horizon, where there were only fields and forests before, a futuristic metropolis suddenly “grew up” in one night, in which Semyon recognizes his “small homeland” from our time. Olga Dmitrievna gathers an expeditionary group, consisting of girls and Semyon, and sends them to the city to find out the situation. However, no matter how much they walked, the city did not get closer, which caused some anxiety among the pioneers. The atmosphere was also not improved by the sudden appearance of Yulia, who has now become visible to everyone. By a majority vote, it was decided to return to the camp, but Semyon, with uncharacteristic stubbornness, decided to return to his world at all costs and continued on his way alone. Yulia, who has followed him, persuades him to turn around, as she is sure that the road to the city will not return him home. And when it began to get dark, and the city finally got closer, Semyon faced the final choice: continue the journey or return to the camp...

  • Ending "Own cat girl":

If Semyon succumbs to Yulia's persuasion, then they return to the camp, from which all its inhabitants have mysteriously disappeared. Semyon and Yulia decide to wait for further developments, wandering around the devastated "Owlet", cleaning up the remnants of food from the dining room and indulging in carnal pleasures. Soon, the mysterious Pioneer reappears before Semyon, who tells him his story. He explains that he is Semyon from a parallel reality, that there are many like them (one of them, for example, is Semyon from Miku-rut) and each has its own camp, in which they live for a week over and over again, after which their memory is erased and a new cycle begins. But the Pioneer somehow learned to keep memories and move around the camps of other Semyonov. And it was our Semyon who somehow managed to undermine reality and open the way out of the Owlet. Soon, Icarus arrives at the camp gate, who, according to Pioneer, is supposed to take them out to the real world. Semyon, Yulia, Pioneer and many faceless Semyon shadows from all parallel realities get into it and drive off into the sunset...
Suddenly, Semyon experiences a session of unity with the astral, where he communicates with meta-Semyon - a kind of supra-brain entity that sent him to the camp. He receives vague explanations of everything that happened and finds out that Yulia is his alter ego, created in order to observe him, gain experience and direct him on the right path. And that she, although she does not have a material essence, will continue to live in his head, as part of his consciousness.
Semyon wakes up in his apartment. Rays hit the window summer sun. He has only vague memories of the events in the Owl, which he takes for an ordinary dream. And next to him in bed lies a girl - and who will decide the player, making the last choice between six heroines (in version 1.1 there is no choice, and this girl is a collective image of all pioneers). Semyon conducts a small dialogue with a voice in his head, in which he admits that he is completely satisfied with his life and sincerely rejoices at the new day that has come. Happy end .
However, according to the screenwriter, in this ending, Semyon did not return to the real world, but remained forever in the "artificial" world, embodying his ideas of an ideal life. Which is also good.

  • Ending "Harem master 80 lvl":

If Semyon refuses to return to the camp, then soon Ikarus catches up with him, in which Olga Dmitrievna and all the other girls who nevertheless decided to go to the city are sitting. He gets on the bus, where he falls asleep and wakes up in his old burrow. Memories of all the cycles he has lived are rushing through his head: about the meetings of the IRL with the pioneers from "Sovenok", and about family life with Lena, and about a completely different life with Masha. The dumbfounded Semyon is trying to collect his brains in a pile, when suddenly the doorbell rings. On the threshold of his apartment are a little matured five girls from the camp. They say that, just like the main character, they fell into the trap of "Owlet", but thanks to Semyon's "reelings of reality", they managed to find a way to each other's camps and, by joint efforts, escape into the real world. Semyon remembers Yulia, who remained in the camp, and together they decide to finally figure out this mystery.

This is the only "real" ending where the hero returns to the real world.

eroge, visual novel Age
ratings PEGI : (12+ in the play market) (18+ With a patch from the official site) In the Steam version 16+ Technical data Platforms Linux , OS X , Microsoft Windows , Android , iOS Game engine Ren'Py Game mode single user mode [d] And Single player game Interface language Russian, English, Spanish, Chinese Carrier Steam Systemic
requirements Pentium 4 1.5 GHz, 512 MB RAM Control Keyboard, mouse Official site

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    The protagonist of the game is a lonely young man Semyon. He lives off the occasional freelance job and spends most of his time online on anonymous imageboards. One winter day, Semyon goes to a reunion of graduates, gets on a LiAZ-677 bus, route 410, where he falls asleep, and wakes up in the summer, in Ikarus-256, at the gates of the Sovyonok summer pioneer camp.

    Having discovered that he miraculously moved not only in space, but also in time, having got from the winter of 2008 to the summer of the 1980s, Semyon tries to figure out how and why he ended up here, why he began to look like a 17-year-old teenager and how him to go back to his world. However, he soon becomes close to other pioneers (and especially pioneers) and finds himself completely captured by the whirlwind of the camp routine. Seven intense days await Seeds, during which he will have to find out if what happened is a chance for him to start a new life or a punishment that can turn into an endless nightmare.

    There is gameplay typical for visual novels: the player is mainly busy reading text over static pictures, from time to time directing the plot in the right direction - to one of 13 possible endings. Already studied plot points can be quickly squandered. After the release of the game, at the request of Steam, all erotic images were cut from the game, but they can be returned using the patch released for the game. The game characters are drawn in a different style compared to the game backgrounds.

    Also, there are many different modifications, both complementing the plot of the game, and telling new stories and answering some questions of the main campaign. All mods are available for download in the Steam store, but it's worth noting that some of them are not fully finalized.


    • Semyon- main character. A collective image, a stereotype of a typical imageboard visitor. The name was the meme "Semyon Persunov" (English same person). In his life he is about 25 years old, in the camp he gets younger until he is 17 years old.
    • Alisa Dvachevskaya- The name is borrowed from early discussions about the creation of Twoch-chan, the eponymous and most famous character on the imageboard. A girl with red hair, zipper ponytails (the zipper ponytails were later changed to normal ponytails due to the fact that the players called Alice a Pikachu girl), dressed in a miniskirt and a white blouse with a Pioneer tie tied around it. A hooligan, plays the guitar, is fond of rock, at first glance it seems like a rude tomboy girl, but she reveals herself from the romantic side when passing through her endings.
    • Lena. The prototype is Dull-chan - the main, at the moment, Ychan's mascot. At first, Dull-chan was just a silhouette of a crying girl with two pigtails, later an image of a girl with purple hair was drawn in a traditional Japanese school uniform in dark tones, similar to Yuki Nagato. She is shy and spends her time in seclusion reading Gone with the Wind. It has two endings, which are very different from the usual endings of other characters in the novel.
    • Slavya- the heroine, the prototype of which was Slavya-chan, a character born on Dvacha in 2007. Slavya-chan is a collective thematic character of Slavic appearance in traditional clothes. Assistant counselor, participates in all activities, tries to help everyone and resolve all conflicts.
    • Ulyana. The prototype was the USSR-chan, the first character of Dvacha (2006). The girl looks 12-14 years old with bright red hair in a red T-shirt with the inscription of the USSR and a yellow skirt. The name comes from the real name of V. I. Lenin. Cheerful, "fire girl", loves to play pranks and disrupt the order.
    • Miku. The prototype was Miku Hatsune, a Vocaloid from Japan. Chairman (and only member) of the musical circle, able to play all musical instruments and sing. Cheerful, positive, overly talkative. Has only one ending, unlike the rest of the main characters.
    • Julia- cat-girl . The prototype is YUVAO-chan, Ychan's mascot. Appears only after opening 6 good endings of the main characters of the novel and partially explains the origin of the Owlet camp. Has no name, Semyon gave her a name.
    • Zhenya. The prototype was Mitsgyol-chan. Also born in Dvach and owes its existence to the infamous blogger and participant in a number of Internet projects Mitsgolu. Librarian, skeptic, unsociable, always sitting in the library.
    • Olga Dmitrievna. The prototype is Mod-chan (Banhammer-chan), the creator and administrator of the Ychan imageboard. Due to conspiratorial behavior, the gender of the prototype remains in question. "Mod-chan deliberately writes messages in such a way that it is not clear from them what gender the author is." A counselor who always shifts duties to other pioneers (in particular, to Semyon). Tries to appear strict, but is easy enough to resist.
    • Viola is the camp nurse, a middle-aged woman with heterochromia. Its prototype is Collider-sama, the mascot of the Large Hadron Collider. A wayward nurse with a peculiar character.
    • Shurik- the character of the same name from a series of Soviet comedies, which was played by Alexander Demyanenko (Shurik). Obsessed with science, does not get out of the circle of cybernetics.
    • Electronics. The prototype was the protagonist of the series "Adventures Electronics". A member of the cybernetics circle, but more sociable than Shurik. In love with the librarian Zhenya.


    • The melodies from the game were written by musician Sergey Eybog and the band "Between August And December". After the release, a soundtrack was released, divided into two parts: "light" (with music by Sergey Eybog) and "dark" (with music "Between August And December")
    Everlasting Summer: Bright Side
    Name Duration
    1. Everlasting Summer 2:36
    2. "Door to nightmare" 1:57
    3. "A promise from distant days" 1:40
    4. "I want to play" 1:44
    5. Raindrops 2:19
    6. "Let's be friends (Lena theme)" 2:03
    7. "So good to be careless" 1:58
    8. Trapped in dreams 2:27
    9. "Dance of fireflies" 2:07
    10. Timid girl 1:22
    11. "I don't blame you" 2:14
    12. Feeling good 1:28
    13. "What do you think of me?" 1:33
    14. "Eat some trouble!" 1:40
    15. "Farewell to the Past" 2:18
    16. "Afterword" 2:14
    17. "Two glasses of melancholy" 2:05
    18. Waltz of doubts 1:52
    19. "I tried to bring it back" 2:06
    20. "You lost me" 2:25
    21. "Went fishing, caught a girl" 1:27
    22. "Mystery girl (Yulia theme)" 1:47
    23. "Forest Maiden" 1:34
    24. "Always ready" 1:34
    25. "Get to know me better" 1:23
    26. Goodbye home shores 1:52
    27. "Silhouette in sunset" 1:33
    28. "No stresspassing" 1:38
    29. "Confession" 1:51
    30. "meet me there" 2:29
    31. "Memories" 0:58
    32. Miku's song 0:47
    33. "My daily life" 2:15
    34. "Reflection on water" 2:12
    35. "Reminiscences" 1:45
    36. "She is kind" 1:04
    37. "Smooth machine" 2:18
    38. "Sweet darkness" 2:11
    39. Take me beautifully 1:59
    40. "Your bright side" 2:16
    41. "Miku's song (Flute)" 0:47
    42. "Just think" 1:42
    43. "Memories (Piano Version)" 0:58

    This time, domestic developers managed to create a real masterpiece called "Endless Summer". Here you have to communicate with other characters, but most importantly, you can discuss erotic topics while the characters are high school students. By the way, the teachers here are quite accessible, and like all the other students, they also do not mind talking with the main character. The presented game project is famous for its realism, accessible translation into Russian and a unique opportunity to get excited from passing. Are you ready to fool around? Then we recommend that you download the Endless Summer torrent from our video game website. Undoubtedly, the game will not replace real communication, but it will be able to give you pleasant pleasure from passing, so it is not recommended for children under eighteen years of age.


    Endless Summer is an amazing visual novel game project from Russian developers. The main character of the game is Simon. He lives the most ordinary life and does not stand out among the other population of the city. In general, the most ordinary guy with an ordinary fate. However, one day, he falls asleep on the bus and wakes up in the middle of a hot summer in the Owlet pioneer camp. So what is it? Dream or parallel world? To deal with all this, first of all, you need to get acquainted with other camp cloisters, as well as download Endless Summer via torrent on our game repository. The storyline of this project will spin very quickly and draw you into a series of exciting adventures, where the plot and the ending will depend on your decisions.

    Game process

    After you download the game, you will start your way to the hearts of the heroines, and here you need to be extremely careful not to make the girls jealous of each other. If this happens, then you risk being left with absolutely nothing. The game belongs to the ancient genre of text quests, when answering questions and choosing lines you will go through the whole story. I want to say right away that there is no need to run around the locations here, and the whole result directly depends only on the options chosen in the conversation. It is worth noting that the amazing anime style drawing is quite attractive to enjoy the curvaceous young girls.

    Features Endless Summer

    • Fresh project Endless Summer is gaining momentum very quickly. Its colorful world is a resort area of ​​the Black Sea coast of the 1960s of the last century. Boys and girls of senior school age came to rest from different cities of the Soviet Union to a summer camp by the sea. It is here, under the marvelous rays of the bright sun, that a number of incredible events take place with the main characters of the game. Well, what kind of vacation can do without flirting and first love?
    • In Endless Summer, you will find advanced graphics that invite you to enjoy its charms in all its glory. Girls and boys will be able to find many new interesting places here. The toy is designed so that you will not be bored.
    • Bright, colorful colors are waiting for you to take Everlasting Summer adventurers everywhere. Here are flower gardens, shady forest glades, old houses abandoned on the outskirts of the peninsula, which girls want to visit after hearing about their existence from the guys.
    • By the way, the presented project is known not only in Russia and in the countries of Eastern Europe, but also overseas in the New World. All connoisseurs of real Japanese animation will be impressed by the detailed landscapes and characters.

    On this page, by clicking the button below, you can download Endless Summer via torrent for free.

    Endless summer(Everlasting Summer) is a game that is performed in the popular visual novel datum, where you have to plunge into an exciting and learn a lot of secrets and mysteries. You will play the role of the main character named Semyon, who lives a rather ordinary, unremarkable life. For the time being, for the time being, our main character was no different from the rest of the inhabitants of the city. A completely ordinary person, with ordinary thoughts and an ordinary fate. But one day, he falls asleep on the bus, and wakes up in a completely unexplored place that will hit him with its beauty. You find yourself in an unusual pioneer camp called Owlet, where you will spend your endless summer, learning the various secrets and mysteries that this place hides in itself. You have no idea what it is, a dream or some invented parallel world? This is what you have to find out, because there are thousands of secrets in your head. You will make a lot of new acquaintances, which in one way or another will affect your future life.

    Game Information Year of issue: 2014
    Genre: Adventure, Casual, Free to Play, Indie
    Developer: Soviet Games
    Version: v.1.2 Full (Last)
    Interface language: English, Russian
    Tablet: Present
