What does the name Elena mean in Greek? The meaning of the name Elena

Female name Elena (Lena) is of Greek origin. It is widespread in Russia and is one of the five most popular.

The meaning and origin of the name Elena (Lena) is usually associated with the revered ancient greek mythology the sun god Helios. But there is another explanation for the appearance of the name. According to him, it is derived from the word “Hellenes,” which is what the Greeks called their people in those days.

It is interesting that the male version of this name was previously widespread - Helenos or Helen, as mentioned in the Iliad. But over time, unlike the female form, it lost its relevance.

The name Helen has significance in history and mythology. According to legend, this was the name of the woman who caused the Trojan War. After the emergence of Christianity in Rus', the name Elena became widespread among the Slavs. In addition to the form known to us, derivatives of the name were used - Elenia, Olena, Yalena, Ilena.

This was the name given to both noble women and ordinary peasant women. Later the name Elena became traditional in Russia. It was also used in Russian folklore - everyone remembers Elena the Wise, the heroine of folk tales.


What does the name Elena mean? If we talk about the literal interpretation, then according to the most common version, its full form is associated with the ancient Greek word ἐλένη (helene), which is translated as “light”, “torch”. Some believe that the name stands for “bright” or “chosen one.”

Proponents of the theory about the connection of the name with the Sun God interpret it as “sun ray”, “sunlight”, “solar”. Another version explaining what the name Lena means is based on the word “Hellenes” (Greeks), respectively, Elena is “Greek”.


What is the meaning of the name Elena for a girl and her destiny? Lena is more often like her father, especially in terms of character. She has a penchant for needlework and loves to create beautiful things. Studying is easy for her, but diligence is often lacking.

Success awaits Lena in professions related to communication. She may be successful in business, but money does not come first for her. In relationships, Elena is trusting, capable of sacrifice and selfless love. At the same time, she expects the same from her chosen one.

Lena does not always become a good housewife. She is indifferent to everyday life, does not show much zeal in cleaning, washing and cooking, but she still manages to create a cozy atmosphere at home. She makes a caring and understanding mother.

Lena's health is poor, she often gives birth ahead of schedule. The immune and nervous system requires special attention, so from childhood it is recommended to devote time to hardening and strengthening exercises. She also has a tendency to diseases of the lungs, kidneys, stomach and intestines.


The letter designation of the name Elena is interesting feature. Its beginning sounds energetic, and its ending is much softer. For a woman named Elena, her character and destiny are connected with this dissonance.

It is most noticeable in behavior. Lena looks reserved, but at the same time internally tense. Sometimes this results in excessive isolation or nervous breakdowns.

However, the internal conflict can be smoothed out if Elena meets the right person who sincerely loves her. With harmony in family life nervous tension goes away, allowing Lena to express her best qualities, of which there are many.

Her strengths– sincerity, courage, ability to sympathize, responsiveness. She can also stand up for herself, has a sharp mind and a rich imagination.

Of course, a description of the name Elena would not be complete without mentioning small shortcomings. Lena is characterized by excessive daydreaming and laziness, which needs to be fought. Otherwise, having gone into the world of dreams, she risks neglecting important matters, which will negatively affect her career and family life.

Name day

Lena celebrates her name day 9 days a year. List of memorable dates, including the new martyrs: November 12; 28 January; March 19; June 3, 8 and 10; July 24; August 10, September 17. To find out when a particular person’s name day is, you need to find the first of the dates of commemoration of the patron saints following the day of his birth.

Name color

The color of the name Lena is purple. Such people are sensitive, always ready to help others, and believe in justice. Their bosses, colleagues and friends value them for their lack of conflict and responsiveness.

Holders purple They are amorous and ready to forgive their spouses a lot. But their family life is often unsuccessful. Loneliness in old age is possible due to whims and grumpiness that manifest themselves in old age.

Name flower

For Elena, the flower of her name is buttercup. This is an insidious plant, attractive with its beauty and brightness, but poisonous. A similar duality of character is inherent in Elena.

Buttercup buds quickly bloom and fade. Likewise, Lena easily gets carried away by new activities, but rarely completes the task. Tired, she looks for an opportunity to shift her worries to others.

Like a bright buttercup, Lena always attracts attention. She has many fans, but she gives preference to one, after which other men have practically no chance.

Church name, calendar

Elena - church name, therefore, it is not changed at baptism. According to the calendar, Elena of Constantinople, Elena of Diveevskaya, Elena of Serbia and Queen Helena are considered to be the patrons of Lena. All dates for commemorating saints are given above, in the Name Day section.

Translation of name, in different languages

According to the transliteration rules in force in Russia, Lena is written as ELENA in her international passport. Since the name is widespread throughout the world, its spelling has variations corresponding to the linguistic characteristics of the countries in which it is used:

  • Helen (Helen) - in English;
  • Helena (Helena), Helene (Helene) - in German;
  • Helene (Helen) - in French;
  • Elena, Helena (Elena) - in Spanish;
  • Elena (Elena) - in Italian;
  • Léan (Len), Léana (Lena) - in Irish;
  • Aileen, Ailene (Eileen, Eileen) - in Scots;
  • Ελένη (Eleni), Έλενα (Elena) - in Greek;
  • Olena – in Ukrainian;
  • Alena, Alena - in Belarusian;
  • Helena (Helena, Helena) - in Polish;
  • Helena (Gelena) - in Czech.

Full name, shortened and affectionate

The question often arises: Are Alena and Elena different names or not? Previously Alena was considered a derivative of Helen, but nowadays they are used separately from each other. In other words, these are two different names, and confusion arises only because of the similarity of sound.

From the full form of the name - Elena, there are several abbreviations. Briefly, she can be called Lena, Elya, Leleya, Lesya, Lyusya. The first title is more common, and the others are more often used as abbreviations for other names. Lena's affectionate names are Lenochka, Lenok, Elenka, Lenusya, Elenya, Lelechka, Elusya, Elyusha, Elenushka, Lenusha, Lyusenka, Lesenka.

Name compatibility

A bright romance awaits Lena with a man named Igor, Nikita, Andrey, Fedor, Alexander or Akim. A lasting marriage is possible with Yuri, Andrey, Dmitry, Igor, Roman, Ruslan.

But with Stepan, Mark, Anatoly, Victor, Anton, Vladislav, Evgeniy, Oleg, Yaroslav, Arthur, Platon and Bogdan, compatibility is low. Elena's marriage to these men is unlikely to last long.

How to incline

Declension of the name by case:

  • Elena – nominative;
  • Elena – genitive;
  • Elena – dative;
  • Elena - accusative;
  • Elena – creative;
  • about Elena – prepositional.

Famous people with this name

Among the women bearing this name there are many personalities who have become popular in their country and abroad. These are actresses, athletes, writers, musicians and scientists. We list the most famous of them:

  • Elena Ivanovna Andreyanova (1819-1857). She was a ballet dancer (performer of the title roles), performed in St. Petersburg and Moscow, and also toured in many European cities - Milan, London, Paris, Hamburg, etc.
  • Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831-1891). Religious philosopher, publicist, traveler. Founder of the Theosophical Society, author of many works on religion and the occult.
  • Elena Fabianovna Gnesina (1874-1967). Russian pianist, teacher. She was awarded the Order of Lenin and the Order of the Red Banner of Labor, is an Honored Worker of the Arts of the RSFSR and an Honored Artist of the Republic.
  • Elena Aleksandrovna Blaginina (1903-1989). Author of more than 40 children's books, translator. She was the editor of magazines for children “Zateinik” and “Murzilka”.
  • Elena Georgievna Bonner (1923-2011). Wife of academician Sakharov, human rights activist, publicist and dissident. Winner of the Hannah Arendt Prize and the Award for Freedom of the Press, Doctor of Law from several universities in Europe and the USA.
  • Elena Nikolaevna Kartseva (1928-2002). Film expert, candidate of art history. She has published more than 10 articles on the cinema of foreign countries.
  • Elena Vasilievna Obraztsova (1939-2015). Opera singer, mezzo-soprano, teacher, director, artist. She was a professor at the Moscow Conservatory, winner of many awards and prizes in the field of musical art.
  • Elena Antonovna Kamburova (1940). Soviet singer and actress, founder and artistic director of the Moscow Theater of Music and Poetry. Performer of more than 100 songs for popular films, such as “Slave of Love”, “The Adventures of Electronics”, “Promised Heaven”, “Midshipmen, Forward!” and many others.
  • Elena Igorevna Proklova (1953). Actress and TV presenter, Honored Artist of Russia. Known for the films “Shine, Shine, My Star”, “Mimino”, “Dog in the Manger”, “The Captain’s Daughter”.
  • Elena Oktyabrevna Tsyplakova (1958). Theater and film actress, director, Honored Artist of Russia. She starred in the films “The Woodpecker Doesn’t Have a Headache,” “D’Artagnan and the Three Musketeers,” “Guest from the Future,” “We Are from Jazz,” “Midshipmen, Forward!” and others.
  • Elena Alekseevna Yakovleva (1961). Film and theater actress, TV presenter. Winner of TEFI, Nika, Golden Eagle awards, People's Artist Russian Federation. Known for the films “Intergirl”, “Anchor, more anchor!”, “Retro Threesome”, “The Cherry Orchard”.
  • Elena Gadzhievna Isinbaeva (1982). Honored Master of Sports of Russia in pole vaulting, two-time Olympic champion and three-time world champion. She completed her sports career in 2016.

Elena is a good name for life, which is confirmed by its many talented owners. It has many abbreviations and affectionate forms, it is international and relevant both in Russia and in other countries.

Names: origin and forms

Elena- (from Greek) chosen, bright, shining.

Folk: Alyona.
Vernacular: Olena.
Derivatives: Elenka, Lena, Lenusha, Lenusya, Lesya, Elenya, Yolya, Elyusha, Elusya, Lyusya, Alyonka, Lena, Lesya, Lelya.

Directory of Russian names

Solar(from Greek).

Exciting, spiritual. Attractive, bewitching. Fabulous, creating joy. With great inner charm. With a personal view of the world. Many are ready to do anything for her. Baby diapers and dishes are not in the foreground.

The mystery of the name

Elena- light, bright (ancient Greek).
The ancient formula for the name is Selena - moon. The name is very popular.
Zodiac name: Twins.
Planet: Mercury.
Name color: blue-gray.
Talisman stone: chalcedony.
Auspicious plant: ash, aster.
Patron name: deer.
Happy day: Wednesday.
Happy time of year: spring.
Diminutive forms: Lena, Lenochka, Lenusya, Alyonushka, Elenushka, Lelya.
Main features: receptivity, excitability.


Helen Martyr, daughter of the Apostle Alpheus, June 8 (May 26).
Elena Serbskaya, queen, reverend, November 12 (October 30), mother of St. Stephen, King of Serbia, lived in the 14th century.
Elena Equal to the Apostles, Constantinople, queen, March 19 (6), June 3 (May 21). Holy Queen Helen is the mother of the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles King Constantine. In 336, she found the Life-Giving Cross of the Lord in Jerusalem. The Queen freed all places in Jerusalem associated with the earthly life of Christ and His Most Pure Mother from all traces of paganism, and ordered to erect in these places Christian churches. Having distributed generous alms in Jerusalem and arranged meals for the poor, Holy Queen Helena returned to Constantinople.


June 3 - Deer - long flax, Elena the flax. On this day they begin to sow flax - if you sow flax on Olena, there will be long flaxes.
If on June 3 there is rain and hail, then on December 3 there will be snow and pellets.


Helen grows up as a calm and affectionate child. She is a little lazy, has a slow reaction time, and really likes to leave everything “for later.” She is receptive, even very impressionable, to the beautiful aspects of life. She really needs parental affection, a gentle, warm attitude towards her. She loves fairy tales very much, lives in a fictional world of palaces, princesses, pages, magnificent receptions, magnificent outfits and jewelry.

Lena studies well, she has an excellent memory and a rich imagination. She falls in love with beautiful, well-dressed teachers; she always gets "excellent" marks in their subjects. She is a little reserved, shy, lives in the world of her dreams, but this does not prevent her from being cheerful and optimistic. Elena is too excitable and capricious, which is both a weakness and a charm. He is friends more with men, has almost no girlfriends, relationships with women are not easy. He forgives insults with difficulty, and will never forget about insults. Elena is very trusting and kind, especially if it is not burdensome for her. Having learned that someone needs help, she immediately gets excited, is ready to do a lot, but soon forgets about her own emotions. Elena is very curious, she cannot keep secrets; if necessary, she will compromise with her own conscience. Someone else's success hurts her, she is envious, and in this case her own ambitions are aroused.

Since her youth, Elena has been inclined to work in the field of aesthetics and art. She is talented, lives by emotions, can be an actress, musician, artist, singer, fashion model. Elena is independent, knows how to communicate with people, her work fascinates her, but she does not tolerate a strict daily routine or early start of work.

Elena can love unselfishly and deeply. In love, her inner strengths are released, she is capable of sacrifice, but expects the same attitude towards herself. She is very jealous, but she will never admit it even to herself, since she considers herself above such base passion. The family does not absorb Elena entirely. She does not worry about the obligatory dinner, cleaning, and laundry, but nevertheless knows how to create an atmosphere of peace and tranquility in the family. Elena especially cares about children.


Elena Aleksandrovna Suvorova-Rymninskaya (1785-1855), princess, daughter of Chief Chamberlain Alexander Lvovich Naryshkin, mother - Maria Alekseevna Senyavina, daughter of the famous admiral. Elena Alexandrovna's parents were close people at court and enjoyed the same favor from Emperors Paul and Alexander I.

Young Elena Alexandrovna was the Empress's maid of honor. At the age of 15 she married Prince Arkady Alexandrovich Suvorov (1780-1811). This marriage was not happy for Elena Alexandrovna; her husband was not created for family life.

At the age of 26, Princess Suvorova was left a widow with four young children. After the death of her husband, she went abroad, lived there for a long time, only occasionally and briefly returning to Russia, since her poor health required a stay in a warm climate.

In 1814, Princess Elena Alexandrovna was in Vienna, where her father, A.L. Naryshkin, was a member during the Vienna Congress. At the brilliant balls and celebrations that accompanied this unprecedented congress of emperors, kings and princes from all over Europe, Princess Suvorova, thanks to her beauty and charm, attracted everyone's attention. She occupied a prominent place among the highest European aristocracy.

Elena Alexandrovna had good musical abilities and a pleasant voice. Composer D. Rossini wrote a cantata in her honor on the well-known motif: “Oh, why was there a fence in the garden,” which he then repeated in the finale of the second act of the opera “The Barber of Seville.”

In 1823, Princess Suvorova entered into a second marriage with Prince Vasily Sergeevich Golitsin and spent the rest of her life in the south of Russia, in Odessa, Simferopol and on her husband’s Crimean estate “Vasil-Saray”.

Until the very last days Life, having almost lost her sight, Princess Elena Alexandrovna Golitsina retained the freshness of her mind and charming friendliness, which made her a pleasant and interesting interlocutor. She was a friend of V. Zhukovsky, was in constant correspondence with the blind poet I. Kozlov, and A.S. dedicated a poem to her. Pushkin:

A memory of her is given
I carry it in the depths of my heart,
Her moment's attention
It was a joy for me for a long time.
I repeated the verse, enchanted,
My verse, despondency is a living sound.
Repeated so sweetly by her,
Spotted by her soul...

Published with the kind permission of the Oculus project - astropsychology.

Meaning of the name Elena: This name for a girl means “bright”, “shining”.

Origin of the name Elena: Ancient Greek.

Diminutive form of name: Lena, Lenochka, Lenusya, Alyonushka, Elenushka, Lelya.

What does the name Elena mean: This girl is witty, warm-hearted - though not for long. The British call Lena “Lady Sincerity”: she is indeed very gullible, sometimes to the point of simplicity, but she forever closes her heart to the person who turned her gullibility into evil.

Angel Day and patron saints named: The name Elena celebrates her name day twice a year:

  • June 3 (May 21) – St. Queen Helena – mother of St. Equal-to-the-Apostles Tsar Constantine. In 336 she found the Life-giving Cross of the Lord in Jerusalem, built many holy churches, and helped the poor a lot.
  • November 12 (October 30) – St. Helena – mother of St. Stephen, King of Serbia (XIV century).

Signs: June 3 - Deer - long flax, Elena the flaxener. On this day they begin to sow flax, for “if you sow flax on Olena, there will be long flaxes.”


  • Zodiac – Gemini
  • Planet – Mercury
  • Color - gray-blue
  • Auspicious tree - ash
  • Treasured plant - aster
  • Elena's patron is the deer
  • Talisman stone – chalcedony

Characteristics of the name Elena

Positive features: The meaning of the name Elena is gullibility, gentleness, charm. The name gives flirtatiousness. A girl with this name is able to show sympathy and compassion for a person who needs help, even to sacrifice herself. At the same time, she is smart, does not shy away from danger, and does not tolerate deception. He knows how to punish the offender, showing extraordinary ingenuity.

Negative features: Negative meaning - cunning, prudence, suppressed excitement. The name Elena also brings passion. She lives in her inner world, but can obey someone else's strong will. Absorbed in her emotional experiences, a girl with this name can neglect her affairs and her direct responsibilities.

Characteristics of the name Elena: What character traits determine the meaning of the name Elena? Its main enemy is unimaginable laziness. The fight against this vice is the engine of her vital energy. This girl is very amorous, but, having found her one and only, she does not spare herself in her sacrificial love. He values ​​peace and tranquility very much.

A girl with this name grows up as a calm and affectionate child. She is a little lazy, has a slow reaction time, and really likes to leave everything “for later.” Lena is receptive, even very impressionable, to the beautiful aspects of life. She really needs parental affection, a gentle, warm attitude towards her. She loves fairy tales very much, lives in a fictional world of palaces, princesses, pages, magnificent receptions, magnificent outfits and jewelry.

Lena studies well, she has an excellent memory and a rich imagination. She falls in love with beautiful, well-dressed teachers; she always scores “excellent” in their subjects. A woman named Elena is a little reserved, shy, lives in the world of her dreams, but this does not prevent her from being cheerful and optimistic.

She is too excitable and capricious, which is both a weakness and a charm. He is friends more with men, has almost no girlfriends, relationships with women are not easy. He forgives insults with difficulty, and will never forget about insults. Lena is very trusting and kind, especially if it is not burdensome for her. Having learned that someone needs help, she immediately gets excited, is ready to do a lot, but soon forgets about her own emotions. She is very curious, cannot keep secrets; if necessary, she will compromise with her own conscience. Someone else's success hurts her, she is envious, and in this case her own ambitions are aroused.

Elena and her personal life

Compatibility with male names: Successful marriage of the name with Andrey, Baruzda, Bogdan, Vladimir, Dmitry, Ignat, Igor, Kirill, Mikhail, Roman, Svyatoslav, Svyatopolk, Yaroslav. Difficult relationships names may appear with Alexander, Anatoly, Bryachislav, Vasily, Zakhar, Stepan.

Love and marriage: Does the meaning of the name Elena promise happiness in love? In the family, Lena is able to create an atmosphere of peace, calm, and carefree. A girl with a high intellectual level prefers to remain free.

A girl can love unselfishly and deeply. In love, her inner strengths are released, she is capable of sacrifice, but expects the same attitude towards herself. Attaches great importance to loyalty. Lena is very jealous, but she will never admit it even to herself, since she considers herself above such a base passion.

The family does not absorb a woman entirely. A woman named Elena does not worry about the obligatory dinner, cleaning, and laundry, but nevertheless knows how to create an atmosphere of peace and tranquility in the family. Lenochka especially takes care of children.

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: The meaning of the name Elena is passion for something. In his youth, he cannot decide on his future profession for a long time. Her artistic abilities, ability to transform and play predispose Lena to artistic activity. Many find themselves in the modeling business, fine arts. A girl with developed intelligence and high cultural level may become interested in philosophy, religion, or the study of the culture of a country.

Business and career: Lenochka has good luck in financial matters, but she does not attach much importance to money, is indifferent to everyday problems, can make do with the bare essentials and sometimes shows ruinous generosity.

Since her youth, Lenochka has been inclined to work in the field of aesthetics and art. She is talented, lives by emotions, can be an actress, musician, artist, singer, fashion model. The girl is independent, knows how to communicate with people, her work fascinates her, but she does not tolerate a strict daily routine or early start of work.

Health and energy

Health and talents named after Elena: It takes her a long time to get used to her home environment. She eats very sluggishly mother's milk. They are quickly transferred to artificial feeding. Many are born at seven months. But despite this, they have a good immune system, and they get sick little. Lena quickly becomes independent. Elena is susceptible to middle ear diseases. In such cases, compresses should be applied. "May" Lena should be given vitamins "E" and "D" to strengthen the immune system.

When considering the name Elena, pay attention to the fact that Lenochka has an unbalanced psyche. She should be protected from colds, there are complications in the eyes, inflammation of the fundus. She often complains of stomach pain, which can remain with her for the rest of her life. You should protect your lungs; an asthmatic lung disease - emphysema - may occur. Lena is also prone to kidney disease, pyelonephritis is possible. Therefore, you need to see a urologist.

If a girl named Elena was born in February, the “February” one has a weak nervous system. "March" Lena is susceptible to allergic diseases and dermatitis. In infancy she suffers from diathesis. Lenochka should be trained to participate in sports from childhood. Then she will get sick less.

By old age, hypertension and vegetative-vascular dystonia develop. The "April" one has weak teeth, the "July" one may have problems with teeth since childhood - an incorrect bite.

"February" Lena may suffer from severe impairment nervous system, it is undesirable to call a girl that name if her patronymic is Nikolaevna. The middle names Alekseevna, Mikhailovna, Sergeevna are suitable for her. Elena Nikolaevna’s nerves are very frayed and in old age she may develop neurasthenia. Only summer girls can be called Nikolaevna Lena by their patronymic name.

In adulthood, the “December” bears the name is predisposed to peptic ulcers; some develop stomach or duodenal ulcers after childbirth. Some undergo eye surgery. “November” Lenas get sick much less often, but they do get laryngitis.

The fate of Elena in history

What does the name Elena mean for a woman's destiny?

  1. Elena Vasilievna Glinskaya (?– 1538) – Grand Duchess, second wife of the Grand Duke of Moscow Vasily III, daughter of the Lithuanian prince Vasily Lvovich Glinsky-Temny. In her father's house, the girl received a good education for those times. Elena K Elena Glinskaya, a famous beauty of her time, wooed Grand Duke Moscow! The first marriage of Vasily III, with Solomonia Saburova, was dissolved due to childlessness. In 1526 she got married. She had two children: Ivan and Yuri. During the fifth anniversary of her rule, a stable government environment was not organized under the young Grand Duke Ivan Elena. She was poisoned.
  2. Elena Aleksandrovna Suvorova-Rymninskaya (1785 - 1855), princess, daughter of Chief Chamberlain Alexander Lvovich Naryshkin, mother - Maria Alekseevna Senyavina, daughter of the famous admiral. The young lady was the Empress's maid of honor. At the age of 15 she married Prince Arkady Alexandrovich Suvorov (1780-1811). This marriage was not happy for the maid of honor; her husband was not created for family life. At the age of 26, Princess Suvorova was left a widow with four young children. Until the very last days of her life, almost losing her sight, Princess Golitsina retained her freshness of mind and charming friendliness, which made her a pleasant and interesting interlocutor. She was a friend of V. Zhukovsky, was in constant correspondence with the blind poet I. Kozlov, and A.S. dedicated a poem to her. Pushkin
  3. Elena Blaginina is a children's poetess.
  4. Elena Isinbaeva - athlete, pole vaulter.
  5. Elena Obraztsova - singer (mezzo-soprano), People's Artist of the USSR.
  6. Elena Proklova - actress.
  7. Elena Bonner is a public and political figure, human rights activist, wife of academician A.D. Sakharov.
  8. Helena Roerich is a religious philosopher.
  9. Elena Gnessina is a musician-teacher.
  10. Elena Vodorezova is a singles figure skater and figure skating coach.
  11. Elena Petushkova - Honored Master of Sports, champion Olympic Games in equestrian sport.
  12. Elena Kamburova - singer, artistic director, People's Artist of Russia.
  13. Elena Andreyanova (1819 – 1857) - ballet dancer, representative of the romantic movement.
  14. Cicciolina - real name - Anna Elena Staller; Italian porn star of Hungarian origin, member of the Italian Parliament.
  15. Elena Rojo (born 1944) is a Mexican theater and film actress.
  16. Helena Modrzejewska (1840 - 1909) - Polish dramatic actress.

Elena in different languages ​​of the world

Translation of name to different languages has a slightly different meaning and sounds a little different. On English language translated as Helen - Helen / Elena - Eli'na / E'lena, in Belarusian: Alena, in Ukrainian: Olena, Elena, in German: Helena - Helena, in French: Helene - Helen.

Origin: The name Helen comes from the name of the sun god Helios. Means, respectively, “sunny”. Over time, the colloquial forms Alena and Ilona separated from the name Elena into separate names.

Short form of the name Elena: Lena, Alena, Lenusya, Elenka, Lelya.

Foreign forms of the name Elena: Hélène (France), Hélène (United States and Great Britain).

Characteristics of the name Elena

Positive traits of the name: gentleness, compassion. Elena can deeply sympathize and always tries to help those affected, sometimes even by sacrificing her own well-being. She is trusting and kind to people. But with all this, she is smart and quick-witted. In an emergency and unusual situation, he does not get lost or timid; he knows how to act and give a worthy rebuff to the offender. The girl Elena is charming and can be considered a coquette. She has no shortage of admirers, she is feminine and knows how to present herself correctly. Her determination, complemented by femininity and kindness, wins many hearts. Elena has many friends.

Negative traits of the name: Elena may delve too deeply into her experiences and thoughts. It can even come down to refusal of direct responsibilities and promises. She may fall under the influence of a stronger personality. However, Elena can be cunning and calculating. Her personal opinion may undergo changes under the influence of a stronger partner. With skillful handling, Elena's actions can be directed in the right direction. At the same time, she does not go against her interests and desires. No matter how seemingly harmless Elena may be, she always remembers her needs. It is very difficult to outsmart her.

Choosing a profession by name: Elena is a very passionate person. A large number of hobbies since her youth, Elena faces a difficult choice of profession. She is interested in many things and it is very difficult to choose only one hobby. She has a certain craving for art and everything beautiful. Even future profession If she is not connected with art, then all the same, Elena will love theater and any artistic manifestations of life. She is able to transform and get used to the role, which predicts a good artistic career for her. It may also be realized in the modeling business, artistic activity. If Elena shows a sharp mind and a thirst for knowledge, then she can become seriously interested in the philosophy, history and culture of a certain country, religion.

The impact of a name on business: Elena is not inclined to pay much attention to money; she does not attach due importance to it. However, she is lucky in financial matters. But it is not possible to increase capital due to Elena’s excessive wastefulness. She spends a lot without thinking about tomorrow. I tend to live “here and now.” She is indifferent to living conditions, the main thing for her is that she has everything necessary for life, and all the excesses have no meaning for Elena.

The influence of a name on health. Elena should be attentive to herself and her health. It is necessary to apply adequate physical exercise, watch your diet. Possible problems with excess weight, diseases of bone tissue and heart.

Psychology. Elena herself is prone to self-sacrifice, and expects the same from her loved ones. It will be very painful for her that her husband's work or her friends' work will become more important than her. She needs constant attention and participation. She does not tolerate inattention and indifference. Expects from others, if not subjugation, then unquestioning self-sacrifice and bestowal.

Name compatibility. I wonder what high level Elena's intelligence often forces her not to marry. She does not lack fans, she just prefers to remain free from obligations. But still, in marriage, this woman is able to create an atmosphere of comfort, harmony and lightness. It will be easy for her to get along with Andrei, Vladimir, Igor, Mikhail, Roman. A difficult marriage awaits Elena with Anatoly, Vasily, Stepan, Alexander.

Famous names bearers:

  • Helen the Beautiful (wife of the king of Sparta)
  • Helen of Constantinople (Empress)
  • Elena Obraztsova (singer)
  • Elena Tsvetkova (singer)
  • Helena Blavatsky (writer)
  • Elena Polenova (artist)

Since ancient times the name was given great importance. It was believed that it influences the character and destiny of a person. People in all countries took his choice very seriously. Many names were considered to bring good luck. One of them is the name Elena. Its meaning is quite contradictory.

What does the name Elena mean?

It comes from the Greek language and means “chosen”, “sunny”, “bright”. There is a version that it comes from the word “helios”, that is, the sun. This name was a symbol of beauty and femininity. According to legend, Elena was considered the most beautiful woman, and this was the reason. According to another version, it is derived from the ancient name Selena, which means moon. But the characteristics of the name and the qualities of its bearers do not confirm this theory. Although in Elena’s character opposite qualities often coexist: excitability, activity, that is, solar traits, and receptivity, isolation - lunar traits.

Therefore, since childhood, Elena has been very impressionable, but calm and affectionate. With loved ones she is emotional and very trusting. Parents need to know what the name Elena means, because this girl really needs to be loved, if she doesn’t feel it, she can become withdrawn and stubborn. These children generally study poorly because they are a little lazy, sloppy and like to put things off until tomorrow. They are often unpunctual and lack initiative. But if their parents help them cope with these qualities, they can study well, because they have a very good memory, rich imagination and a heightened sense of beauty. But more often than not, these qualities do not lead to good grades, but to the fact that Elena lives in a world of fantasy and dreams. They love fairy tales very much, especially about balls and princesses. They love everything beautiful and shiny, outfits and jewelry. Therefore, they are fond of handicrafts, try to sew, knit and make jewelry. But despite this, interests often change and household they behave badly. Many Elenas are ready to be content with minimal comfort and are often sloppy.

The name Elena means that its bearers are emotional and always worry about their favorite characters in books and films. But in life they are in no hurry to really come to the rescue, although they are very

kind. And if in childhood they are compliant, obey authority figures and strong people, then when they grow up, they become capricious, eccentric and love to be admired. They often have many admirers, love adventures, but they usually do not marry for love and are often unhappy in their family life. These women are often jealous, but in love they are capable of sacrifice. Elena can be inquisitive, envious and very touchy, and they always try to punish the offender.

What else does it mean? She is very emotional, so she often chooses creative

profession, as well as the work of a psychologist and translator. Because of her laziness, she rarely achieves great success in her work. Although she loves to work and communicate with people.

Elena has many positive qualities: she can create an atmosphere of peace and comfort in the family, she is very cheerful, talkative, optimistic and rich in imagination. She easily gets along with any people and knows how to adapt to any situation.

Of course, not all Elenas have these qualities. A lot depends on a person’s upbringing and environment, and on his zodiac sign. In addition, the name does not influence a person independently, but together with the patronymic and surname. And how a woman is called by diminutive names or nicknames is also important. But all the same, it is advisable for parents choosing a name to know what the name Elena means.
