The meaning of the name Natalia (Natalia). Name Natalia, Natasha and Natalia: different names or not? What is the difference between the name Natalya, Natasha and Natalia? Natalia and Natalia: how to call the full name correctly? Who is natasha

The name Natalia comes from a rather rare, ancient male name Nataliy, which means "native" in Latin. Natalia is translated as "native", "blessed" or "dear".

The name came into the Russian language with the spread of Christianity and sounded like Natalia. Over time, the name began to be used as Natalia, and Natalia remained the church version of the name, although you can register newborn girls with either of two options. For astrology, these two names are completely identical.

The Russian writer Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy in his novel "War and Peace" made Natasha Rostova his favorite heroine, combining charm, charm, sensitivity and the ability to live in this image. full life. With the light hand of the writer, the image of Natasha became the ideal of a woman, and the popularity of the name increased dramatically.

The second wave of popularity came in the 70s of the last century, when every third newborn girl was called Natalya. Interest in the name did not subside until the end of the 20th century, now the name is at the end of the second ten in popularity.

History knows many outstanding women, owners of the beautiful name Natalya. For example, Alexander Pushkin's wife Natalya Goncharova, actresses Natalya Varley and Natalya Anreichenko, figure skater Natalya Bestemyanova, ballerina Natalya Bessmertnova, neurophysiologist Natalya Bekhtereva, supermodel Natalya Vodyanova and many others.

Name days and patron saints

Spouses Adrian and Natalia lived near Constantinople, in the city of Nicomedia, during the reign of the Roman Emperor Maximilian. Adrian served as an official in the judicial chamber, it was he who had to rewrite the names of twenty-three Christians who suffered for their faith in Christ. Eighteen-year-old Adrian was shocked by the steadfastness of Christians who refused to worship idols despite torture.

Adrian converted to Christianity, for which he was immediately captured and sent to prison. Natalia, his faithful wife, accepted her husband's faith and followed him in everything. She supported her husband until his last breath, and when he died from torture, she could not survive the grief and died at his grave.

Saint Natalia is revered in Christianity as a bloodless martyr who was exhausted by suffering for the holy faith.

Girls born before 2002 celebrate their name day once a year - on September 8th. All Natalyas born after 2002 can choose name days from other available dates, since several more saints were canonized in the 21st century: January 11, March 22 and 31, September 8 and 14.

Name characteristic

Natalia is always an independent and self-sufficient person who is not afraid of any difficulties. She has a difficult character, but such qualities as innate decency and nobility overshadow all her negative traits.

Natasha is proud and very much in need of praise and approval, instantly irritated by any critical remark. She has a slightly noticeable feeling of some superiority over others, but she will not stoop to intrigue. Natasha is non-confrontational and friendly, in relation to enemies or people who are unpleasant to her, she behaves evenly, most often she simply ignores them.

Self-love is the driving force of her life. When things don't go her way, Natasha becomes aggressive and expresses her emotions violently. He quickly adapts to unfamiliar surroundings, easily makes new acquaintances. Surrounded by friends, Natasha is a witty and interesting companion.

A woman named Natalya is a materialist to the marrow and bones, she loves money very much and does not like empty dreams and promises. She is practically not amenable to other people's influence, and if she has already decided something, then it is almost impossible to convince her. But she will not impose her opinion on others either, because she believes that everyone should be responsible for their actions.

Natasha is subjective and trusts only herself. She has exceptional intuition, and much becomes clear to her by the smallest signs, but it is very difficult to predict her reaction.

Natasha will always stand up for the weak and offended, she is not fearful and will not be saved in the face of difficulties. People around her consider her an incorrigible optimist, and this is actually the case. She is always cheerful, charming, charming, but she will never continue communication with the person who betrayed her.

Natalya is a person of high morality, she will never betray, deceive, and will not go against her conscience even for the sake of material gain. Natasha knows how to sincerely rejoice not only in her own, but also in other people's successes.

Natalya in childhood

Little Natasha is distinguished by cheerfulness and mobility, she was the first to start up in noisy games and pranks. Natasha is a big dreamer and can get so carried away that she forgets about reality.

At school, the girl studies averagely, but takes part in public life. She really needs the praise of teachers, so she will go out of her way to deserve it. Criticism is very painful for her.

When raising a daughter, parents should focus on positive motivation, praise and encourage their daughter more often. Remarks and criticism can greatly lower a girl's self-esteem, and a very insecure person can grow out of her. Praise and recognition inspire her, inspire her and make her move on. She really wants to please everyone, this is very important for Natasha.

As a teenager, Natasha rarely gets on a crooked path, because she knows how to soberly assess the situation and does not get into unpleasant stories. In her youth, she becomes touchy, quick-tempered and stubborn, and these qualities she will bring to adulthood. At the same time, she is kind, decisive and lyrical, for which others love her.


Natalia is no different good health, but differs in improbable endurance and vitality. She rarely goes to the doctor, only in case of emergency.

Natalia almost never has nervous breakdowns, mental illnesses are very rare. Smoking and alcohol are categorically contraindicated for her - bad habits will only worsen her already not very good health.

Natalia can suffer from cardiovascular diseases, suffer from migraines and frequent colds. She most often has bad teeth, which are especially damaged after childbirth.


Natalia's high morality borders on puritanism; she does not recognize sex without love. Feminine and devoted Natalya is a real monogamous who does not have short-term and frequent romances. It is always aimed at long and serious relationship, but men are not always ready for this.

Having fallen in love, Natasha loses her inherent caution and completely surrenders to feelings. Compliments, romantic atmosphere and expensive gifts will help to win over a woman, and rudeness, slovenliness and vulgarity can push away.

Natalya is an unusually sexual partner, but on the condition that she loves her man. She will never offend or humiliate a loved one, she will always support him and will not doubt him. male power. She will readily respond to his desires, but she herself is unlikely to take the initiative.

Sex for Natalia is a way to express love for her man, to bind him to herself. She, like no one else, knows how to achieve complete harmony with her husband sexually, their compatibility comes as if by itself.

Marriage and family, Natalia's compatibility with male names

Natasha is rarely happy in marriage, but strives for this with all her heart. She usually marries early, and most often unsuccessfully. She goes for divorce in exceptional cases, preferring to drag her unhappy marriage to the end.

If the marriage is concluded after 25 years, then, unlike early marriage, it has every chance of being successful.

Natalya has an extremely developed sense of responsibility and care, she becomes a very good wife and a great mother. A woman will do everything to make everyone in her family happy. Among the household, she is the unspoken leader, everyone listens to her opinion and appreciates it.

A woman becomes a great hostess, she is economical and practical. Her house is always open for friends who will always find something to treat. Natalia does her best to maintain an atmosphere of love and happiness in her home, this is very important for her. Her children love their mother very much, she, in turn, simply idolizes the children.

The husband needs to remember that his wife is in great need of praise and languishes from criticism and remarks. A kind and sensitive man, generous with compliments - a real find for Natalia.

A successful marriage for Natalia is possible with men named Alexander, Alexei, Boris, Vladimir, George, Igor, Ilya, Nikita, Peter and Fedor. An alliance with Arkhip, Vitaly, Eugene, Ignat, Robert, Rodion, Joseph should be avoided.

Business and career

Natasha is very depressed by need, she does not like to live in poverty, therefore she is very eager to earn good money. Money is very important for Natasha, but she will not enter into dubious adventures, just as she will not build her career dishonestly.

Whatever profession Natasha chooses, she will strive to get into the forefront. If the authorities encourage and praise a woman, then she is able to move mountains - you simply cannot find a better worker.

Natalia will make an excellent accountant, lawyer, manager, salesperson, bank employee or engineer. She can perfectly realize herself in a creative profession, as she is artistic, charming, and not deprived of talents.

Any profession in which you need to show delicacy, caution and determination is suitable for Natalia. Her ability to soberly assess risks will help Natalya build own business Moreover, the financial side of life is a priority for her. But it is better for her to do business alone, without a partner, because she cannot stand criticism and comments.

Talismans for Natalia

  • The ruling planet is Mercury and Mars.
  • The patronizing zodiac sign is Virgo. If you call Natalya a girl born under this sign, she will be endowed with the qualities inherent in all Virgos - practicality, organization, purposefulness and exceptional intuition.
  • A good time of the year is summer, a good day of the week is Wednesday.
  • Lucky colors are scarlet, blue and red.
  • Totem animal - hedgehog. In the Christian tradition, this animal personifies wisdom, ingenuity, friendliness and defenselessness. The ancient Slavs claimed that where the hedgehog lives, there are no evil spirits.
  • Totem plant - valerian and azalea. Valerian is a symbol of health and longevity, as well as hypocrisy. Azalea is a symbol of the family, it protects family happiness, strengthens relationships, brings peace and tranquility.
  • Talisman stone - sapphire, turquoise and bloodstone. Sapphire is a gemstone that promotes understanding and revealing one's abilities. It only attracts good people protecting its owner from deceit and betrayal. Turquoise will protect Natalia from nightmares, depression and stress, and help to find peace of mind. The bloodstone enhances the sexual attractiveness of its owner, improves mood, extinguishes outbursts of anger, tempers the will.

Horoscope for Natalia

Aries- this is a pleasant woman in all respects, an adventurer and a fidget. She never loses heart and does not give up, steadfastly endures all the blows of fate. The most valuable experience for her is her own, she ignores warnings and listens only to herself. In her company it is always interesting, she knows how to convey a good mood to others. Natalia-Aries values ​​her independence very much, but deep down she dreams of true love. She can create a harmonious union with a Leo man - only to him is she ready to give up leadership and obey.

Taurus- this is a vain, conceited nature, craving recognition and universal attention. She tends to exaggerate her merits, sometimes not averse to lying a little. For the sake of achieving her goal, she is ready for anything, if necessary, will go over her head. It means a lot to her wealth and she strives for them with all her might. She prefers men who can prove their feelings in deeds, not in words - she knows how to disguise her mercantile intentions so that a man will never regret the money spent. Best suited for her partner, born under the same sign with her - Taurus. This union will be strong and harmonious.

Twins- a fussy, chatty personality who promises more than he delivers. Her words cannot be trusted, and the chaos that reigns in her life is invariably transferred to those around her. But she is simple-minded and sincere, so it is difficult to be offended by her. Natalia-Gemini can change many partners in search of her ideal, for men she is attractive and desirable. An excellent couple can turn out with an Aquarius man, since these two air signs will understand each other perfectly, and most importantly, they will not restrict the freedom of their soulmate.

Cancer- a creature gentle and vulnerable, but at the same time vindictive and vengeful. She really appreciates the interest in her person, but she perceives any criticism negatively. She lives according to the law "all or nothing", purposefully goes to her goal, and from the conquered she will not give anything away. She is not a lover of a hectic life, she prefers the comfort of her own home, especially since she is a wonderful hostess. For Natalia-Cancer, the Scorpio man will be a real find - they are both terrible owners, they love their home and value what they have. This couple will complement each other well in all areas of life.

a lion- selfish, principled nature, always insisting on her opinion. She does not know how to sympathize, regret and forgive, but she knows how to use people for her own purposes. The way to her heart can be found with the help of flattery, as she greatly appreciates an enthusiastic attitude towards her person. Even the most modest Natalya-Lev, deep down, considers herself special, naturalness is alien to her, her behavior is always feigned and insincere. All this is due to self-doubt and its inherent complexes. For Natalia-Lioness, an alliance with a Gemini man will be successful - they have mutual attraction at first sight, and does not weaken over the years.

Virgo- this is a serious and practical woman who never relies on "maybe". She is equally demanding of herself and others, but at the same time she is kind and always fair. Under the mask of a cold and meticulous woman, a gentle soul is hidden, capable of deep feelings and experiences. She will never betray or let you down, you can always rely on her. Natalya-Virgo can become an exceptionally faithful and devoted wife for a Cancer man - this union will be built on love and mutual understanding, and most importantly, next to a Cancer man, Natalya will be able to reveal herself as a sensual woman.

Scales- an insecure woman who does not know how to make responsible decisions. She has weak strength will and she often goes on about her own and other people's desires. But she is kind and sensitive, for which others love her. Natalia-Libra disposes to calmness and tranquility, she is non-conflict and not malicious. Diplomacy and tact are her main virtues; she is fluent in the art of dialogue. Natalya-Libra and the Leo man are made for each other, their life together will be full of warmth and mutual understanding.

Scorpion- a controversial personality, whose character combines kindness and despotism, sentimentality and cynicism, sincerity and secrecy. She has a highly developed sense of justice, she is sensitive and responsive, but outwardly she can remain unperturbed, even if a fire is raging in her soul. She is completely unpredictable, and her temperament is often destructive. Natalia-Scorpio can create a strong union with a Capricorn man - they are both stubborn and purposeful, therefore they understand each other well.

Sagittarius is a generous and open woman who has a very kind heart. She cannot stand gossip and intrigue, she is always friendly and full of optimism. She can find a creative approach to any business, so it is always interesting with her. She is a great friend and partner you can always rely on. But Natalia-Sagittarius has a penchant for adventurism, so she should carefully calculate the consequences of her actions. An ideal union based on mutual trust, Natalia-Sagittarius can create with an Aquarius man - they will support each other in everything and cope with all adversities together.

Capricorn- a practical woman, confidently walking through life. Neither flattery nor persuasion can influence her opinion, she never deviates from her plan. In this fragile and feminine personality, iron willpower and dignity are not immediately noticeable, she never whines and steadfastly endures all life's troubles. She lacks lightness and romanticism a little, she does not know how to flirt and flirt at all. Happy Natalya-Capricorn can become a Pisces man - this is an almost perfect union, which has a great spiritual and intellectual similarity.

Aquarius- an obstinate, restless and talented person, who values ​​\u200b\u200bhis freedom very much. She is a little lazy and careless, likes to criticize and gossip, but she is in no hurry to open her inner world. She has a complete disdain for cliches and a great need for change, and her extravagance can border on eccentricity. High level sociability allows her to quickly adapt in any society. Natalia-Aquarius's common interests and spiritual compatibility are pronounced with Libra men - this union will last a long time, and a large sexual compatibility will only add to its strength.

Fish- a fair and compassionate person living in his fictional world. She is dreamy and romantic, often out of touch with reality. She has a special gift to understand other people, she is capable of mercy, disinterestedness and empathy. The best way to understand the complex inner world of Natalia-Pisces can be a man of the same zodiac sign with her - they will never be bored with each other, and complete mutual understanding will reign in relationships.

This name is quite common and popular in Russia. But what does the name Natalia mean?

Its appearance and origin are associated with the male name Nataliy, which is translated from Latin as “native” (“natalis”). There is another version according to which the origin of this name is Jewish and is also associated with the male name Nathan. According to this version, the meaning of the name Natalya in translation sounds like "bestowed."

There is also a legend to which the origin of the name Natalya is dated. According to her, in those distant times, when people were ruled by Emperor Maximian, who persecuted and executed Christians, there lived a married couple - Natalia and Adrian. Natalia was a Christian, but she hid it. Adrian was a pagan and the head of the judicial chamber, but seeing how Christians are being tortured every day, he changed his faith.

Maximian threw him into prison for this, where Natalya secretly visited her husband and was with him until the last minute. And later, unable to bear this torment and the death of her husband, Natalya died near his ashes. Today the church considers her a bloodless martyr, and Natalia is canonized. Such is the legend with which the origin of this name is connected.

But Natalia is full name women, and there are also abbreviated, but no less common forms:

  • Natasha, Nata, Tata.
  • Natka, Tatka, Natakha.
  • Tusya, Tala.

There are also affectionate forms: Natashenka, Natusya, Natulya, Natalochka. Day of the angel of all Natasha - September 8, 14, January 11, March 22, 31 and February 8.

Is there a difference between the names Natalia and Natalia? It is generally accepted that Natalia is an outdated version of Natalia. And if in the second case girls are called so in everyday life, “in the world”, then at baptism in the church they are given the name Natalia. It is impossible to say that they are different, since they differ only in one letter and have the same effect on the character of the girl.

The difference between them is that Natalia is usually called Natalie for short, and Natalia is called Natasha. But there is an opinion that the name Natalia is originally Russian, but Natalia is of French origin, because it is there that the girls are called Natalie. But this is a very controversial issue.

Characteristic features of the bearer of the name

The girl Natasha has a very developed fantasy. Thanks to this, she is always fun to be with, and she has many friends around her. Even in a long time famous games she brings something new. At first glance, this may seem like frivolity, but her character is such that since childhood, Natasha has taken many things quite seriously.

Studying at school is easy for Nate, she loves praise from teachers very much. They inspire her even more to strive. It is also easy for parents with a daughter, because you can rely on her. At the same time, she has been quite independent since childhood.

He has practically no health problems, but you still need to monitor your spine and eyesight. Natalya attaches great importance to communication with animals, she especially loves dogs, and thanks to her imagination, she easily comes up with nicknames for them.

The meaning of the name Natalia adds to the character of the girl such a trait as straightforwardness. This causes trouble. She is very vulnerable and touchy, while endowed with great patience, but you should not abuse it.

In addition, her character can be described as calm and balanced, she does not enter into conflicts, and she simply prefers not to communicate with people who provoke her. With friends, he manifests himself as an interesting, cheerful, sociable person. Natasha pays great attention and importance to male society.

The choice of a husband for Natalia does not become a problem. As a rule, her fate develops in such a way that she marries early. Love, comfort and warmth always reign in her house, with which absolutely all household members are surrounded. Therefore, she always has many guests.

The husband should praise Natalya as often as possible and not notice the woman's small flaws. In this case, they will always be together, fate will never divorce them. And most importantly - do not forget that Natalya attaches considerable importance to remarks and reproaches, which she can be very offended by. Such is her character.

The origin of her name leaves such an imprint on the character of the girl that Natasha is sacrificial and selfless. She is ready to help friends and relatives at any moment, while giving all of herself and not asking for anything in return. Thanks to her sociability, she easily finds a common language in absolutely any company.

Of great importance for a girl named Natalya are communication with friends, travel, field trips and visits to public institutions, such as theaters and museums. The girl's intuition is developed quite strongly: based on the analysis of the smallest details, she is able to foresee the result. But her reaction to this is impossible to guess. Of Natasha's talents, one can safely single out drawing - often this is her hobby.

Combination with the names of men

What is the compatibility of Natalia with male names and how will her fate turn out with them? Let's consider some of them.

Natalie and Vladimir In the relationship of this couple, the showdown always takes place quite violently and loudly. This is alarming to others, but for the partners themselves, this is completely normal. It’s just that both Vladimir and Natasha have such a character that it’s better for them to express everything, albeit in a raised voice. And then they smile at each other again, and everything is fine with them.

In bed, everything happens exactly the same. Disagreements may arise due to the fact that Nata will try to remake her partner, but Vladimir does not accept this, he is very freedom-loving. Compatibility between them is also possible because they are able to find a rational solution to any controversial issue.

Mutual understanding in a pair of Natalia and Vladimir is achieved through forgiveness on both sides. In addition, Vladimir really appreciates coziness, comfort and care, and Natalia can give him this.

Natalia and Sergey This couple often converges on great passion and common interests, and not on love. When the romantic period ends, Sergey becomes an ordinary man, and not a male hunter. Natasha also turns from a passionate lioness into a family woman.

And here the compatibility between them rests on all the same common interests and topics that many lack after the candy-bouquet period. Both Sergey and Natalya will really appreciate this in each other.

Natasha and Dmitry. This couple is very great importance Natasha, in fact, like Dima, devotes to building relationships. They approach the solution of controversial issues rationally, analyzing everything in detail and finding an option that suits both of them.

Both Dmitry and Natalya appreciate in each other that the character of both does not have such a trait as selfishness. Each of them pays attention primarily to his partner. This attitude ensures fairly good compatibility in a pair of Dmitry and Natalya, and their fate can turn out in the most favorable way.

Natalia and Anton. In this pair, one speaks and the other listens. And Anton has such a character that he is ready to listen. But they do not have a common goal, they look in different directions. Compatibility will be ensured only due to the fact that Natasha will attach great importance to these relationships and be the leader in them, and Anton will follow her.

The couple Alexey and Natasha have many chances to become happy. They have a lot of common interests, views and goals. Joint pastime, work and family - they all look the same. At the same time, Alexey is quite generous, and Natalie appreciates it. Because of this, they have almost perfect compatibility.

Alexander will also become an excellent husband for Natalia, in their marriage there is simply perfect mutual understanding and well-being in everything.

Eugene and Natalia. Here, the friendly and outwardly calm Nata, who at the same time has a strong temperament, complements the partner. After all, Eugene is very kind, calm and cheerful. With these qualities, he calms her and also complements her. They are like two opposites that attract each other. Eugene and Natasha are together in sorrow and in joy, they will not have betrayals and betrayals, therefore compatibility in this pair is 100%. Author: Natalya Chernikova

The name Natalia (Natalia) appeared in Europe with the advent of Christianity and came from the Latin name for Christmas - "Natalis Domini". According to this version, the meaning of the name Natalya is “Christmas”, “born on Christmas”, “blessed”. The Latin word "natalis" also means "native". Often he is given an extensive meaning - “birthday”, “to be born”, “homeland”, “genus”. The second version connects the origin of the name with the Hebrew Nathan, which means "given by God" or "gifted". Previously, the male version of the name was also used - Nataly, which is not found now.

Name astrology

  • Zodiac Sign: Virgo
  • Ruler Planet: Mercury
  • Talisman Stone: Bloodstone
  • Color: scarlet
  • plant: valerian, azalea
  • Animal: swimming beetle
  • Favorable day: Wednesday

Character traits

Natalia's character is quite complex. At first glance, she is modest and affectionate, but can be stubborn and persistent. Sometimes they say about such people: “quiet, quiet, but don’t put your finger in your mouth.” Perhaps this is the secret of the name. The heightened sense of justice inherent in the girl encourages her to protect others, sincerely sympathize and support. This woman loves to receive guests and have fun with friends and acquaintances. She strives to please others, loves compliments and often becomes the soul of the company.

The most expressive negative character trait is pride, but perhaps it is this quality that makes her work hard, set goals and achieve them. Natalya loves praise and is ready to double her efforts in her work for her sake, but she has a negative attitude towards criticism. It is easy to offend her, and she can remember this for many years. But the feeling dignity will not allow her to commit any vile act.

Natalia, who was born in the spring, can be a creative person with developed intuition. Born in autumn or winter, it is distinguished by a sharp and practical mind, diligence and responsibility in work. Summer is a romantic and vulnerable person who seeks harmony with the outside world.

Interests and hobbies

Natalia is a big dreamer. She likes to travel and discover something new, but she is not prone to extreme hobbies. As a soft and refined nature, she can draw, sing, dance or participate in amateur theatrical productions. A more practical person prefers embroidery, knitting or other types of needlework. The girl loves to please her guests and loved ones. delicious meals Cooking is also her hobby.

Profession and business

Can achieve success in creative areas of life: theater, cinema, literature, ballet, stage. An example of this is numerous celebrities named Natalya. She is also well suited for activities related to analysis and planning, where analytical skills are needed. For example, jurisprudence, architecture, management. She may succeed in business, but it is unlikely that she will be engaged in trade. She does not like monotonous monotonous work.


A woman named Natalya is not distinguished by good health. Because of his enthusiasm, he often forgets to eat on time, which causes stomach diseases. Excessive stubbornness and zeal also affect her health. When working, he can stand or sit for a long time without rest, which badly affects the spine and limbs. She needs to take care of her health.

Sex and love

The characteristic of the name Natalya suggests that she, like no one else, needs love and warm, tender feelings. In her youth, the girl easily falls in love, has many admirers. Despite the love of compliments and praise, she seeks sincerity, so it is difficult to bribe her with flattery. This is a gentle and sensitive nature, very feminine, but she is characterized by jealousy. Can use intimate relationship to keep the man. But having met the man of his dreams, he recognizes sex only with him.

Family and marriage

As a rule, Natalia marries early and treats marriage responsibly. Before accepting a marriage proposal, he weighs and thinks everything over. Emphasizes family life and very rarely divorced. She shares her knowledge and feelings with her husband, supports him with advice, but sometimes she has a desire to be alone. The owner of the name is an ideal mother and hostess who creates comfort in the house and brings up wonderful children.

Short form of the name Natalya. Natasha, Natusya, Natulya, Tasha, Our, Nata, Net, Natka, Natunya, Tusya, Nalya, Nala, Nana, Talya, Tala, Talyusha, Tata, Tatusya, Natalyushka, Natalya, Leah, Natanya, Natakha.
Synonyms for the name Natalia. Natalia, Natalie, Natalia, Natalie, Natalia, Natella, Natella, Natela, Natalina.
Origin of the name Natalia The name Natalya is Russian, Orthodox, Catholic.

The name Natalia is very ancient, it was formed in the first centuries of Christianity from the Latin "Natalis Domini", meaning "birth", "Christmas". Modern version translation of the name - "born on Christmas, Christmas." The name Natalya has various translation options, but they are all close to the concept of "birth".

Very often, the name Natalya is given the meaning of “native”, in the meaning of “darling, paternal, domestic”, as well as a broader concept - “birthday; place of birth, homeland; god patronizing birth; genus, origin.

In modern times, several derivative names are used, variants of the name Natalya - Natella (Natella, Natela), Natalina. The name Natella is also an independent and independent name.

Formed on behalf of Natalia male name Nataly. The names Noel, Natividad, Nadal, Nollig, Nedeleg, Nadolig, Nadelek are also a literal translation of the Latin names Natalis and Natalia in various languages ​​and countries, from which the name Natalya came. Therefore, we can consider them related names for Natalia.

Natalyas born before 2002 celebrate name days only on September 8, the rest of Natalyas can choose a name day closer to their birthday from other available dates, since in the 21st century there was a new canonization of martyrs named Natalya.

Natalia is very proud and stubborn. She is not afraid of work, can be quick-tempered and in anger directly expresses everything that she thinks about the offender. However, from the outside, her straightforwardness may not be evident, Natalya looks like a modest girl. When communicating with a girl, her benevolence towards the interlocutor, complete self-confidence and even some sense of her own superiority are certainly striking.

Natalia is a born leader. She is always in the center of attention, craves praise and approval from the people around her. In praise, Natalia draws the confidence and strength necessary to realize her plans.

Little Natasha is invariably cheerful. She loves to fantasize and sometimes gets carried away so that she forgets about reality. At school, she is an activist, a good student, and willingly participates in public life. Natasha is ready for a lot just to earn praise and be the center of attention of others. The girl does not like change, although she does not always show it. In the company of peers, Natasha is the main ringleader. She has a violent mind, very prone to comparisons and analysis, so the source of her ideas is inexhaustible.

By nature, Natalia is a very gifted person. In almost any field, a girl will succeed, no matter whether Natalya chooses a creative profession for herself or goes into science. Trade is the least interesting for a girl, although she can achieve certain success in business. Natalia is very attracted to travel and travel. The main driving force of Natalia is her pride. It is it that helps the girl to remain active, cheerful and decisive.

A girl named Natalia has a rather difficult, caustic character and does not like to be criticized and pointed out her mistakes. She remembers well all the insults caused to her, but there is no desire to take revenge in her. From the outside, the girl may seem frivolous, but in fact, Natalya has a strong will. She is pragmatic and smart, approaches everything from the material side and loves money very much. The girl thinks through her every action to the smallest detail, she is not lost in the face of difficulties. Natasha is a very balanced girl, she is economic and economical, she devotes a lot of time to caring for her loved ones.

Natalia will carefully choose the man she wants to marry. However, she does not wait for a fairy-tale prince for a long time and enters into marriage early. The girl builds a family so that it is filled with love of life and joy. Natalia makes an excellent hostess, in addition, she always gets along well with newly-made relatives. However, all the household members of this woman should be aware of her intolerance of criticism. In fact, Natalia becomes a leader in the family, although this is imperceptible from the outside. Natalya the mother devotes a lot of her time to her children. However, she is always happy to have guests.

Natalia can be described as a very determined woman. If she made a choice for herself, then it will be very difficult to change it. Natalia does not give in to someone else's influence. The reason for this is Natasha's self-confidence and her lack of trust in other people. In all matters, a woman with this name manifests herself as a subjective person. In many ways, he is guided by his own intuition, draws conclusions on the smallest signs.

In her free time from work and family, Natalya enjoys drawing or performing. Noisy companies filled with fun and flirting - this is Natalia's favorite atmosphere. Sometimes Natalia uses her acting skills when choosing a profession and becomes an artist.

Name day of Natalia

Famous people named Natalia

  • Natalya Durova ((1934 - 2007) Soviet and Russian circus artist, animal trainer, writer. People's Artist of the USSR (1989). Artistic director of the V.L. Durov Animal Theater)
  • Natalya Kasatkina ((born 1934) ballet dancer, soloist of the Bolshoi Theater, choreographer)
  • Natalia Sats ((1903 - 1993) Soviet director, the world's first female opera director, theater figure, founder and head of six children's theaters, including the world's first drama theater for children and the world's first musical theater for children, an active promoter of musical art for children Creator of the world's first theater for children "Mother" of children's theaters of the world - the title unanimously awarded to N.I. theatrical creativity for children. She was the initiator and, together with S. S. Prokofiev, the creator of the musical fairy tale for the symphony orchestra "Peter and the Wolf. Author of plays, librettos for children's operas and ballets, books and articles on musical education. People's Artist of the USSR (1975) Hero of Socialist Labor (1983), Laureate of the State (1972), Lenin Prize (1982), Lenin Komsomol(1985), awards of the Council of Ministers of the USSR (1979). Professor. Member of the Union of Writers of the USSR (1962).)
  • Natalya Naryshkina ((1651 - 1694) Russian empress, second wife of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, daughter of Cyril Poluektovich Naryshkin, mother of Peter I)
  • Natalya Krachkovskaya ((born 1938) maiden name - Belogortseva; Soviet and Russian theater and film actress, Honored Artist of Russia (1998))
  • Natalya Andreichenko ((born 1956) Soviet and Russian theater and film actress. Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1984).)
  • Natalya Varley ((born 1947) Soviet and Russian theater and film actress. Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1989), laureate of the Krupskaya State Prize of the RSFSR.)
  • Natalya Arinbasarova ((born 1946) Soviet and Russian theater and film actress of Kazakh and Polish origin. Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1979). Laureate of the USSR State Prize (1980).)
  • Natalya Gundareva ((1948 - 2005) Soviet and Russian theater and film actress. One of the most popular actresses of Soviet cinema in 1970-1980. In 1972-2001, the leading actress of the Mayakovsky Theater. She played the most famous roles in films such as Autumn Marathon "," Lonely people are provided with a hostel", "Mistress of the orphanage" and others. People's Artist of the RSFSR (1986). Laureate of the State Prize of the USSR (1984), laureate of the Nika Prize.)
  • Natalya Bekhtereva ((1924 - 2008) Soviet and Russian neurophysiologist. Academician of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences (1975). Academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1981). Since 1990 - scientific director of the Brain Center of the USSR Academy of Sciences, and since 1992 - Institute of the Human Brain of the Russian Academy of Sciences (St. Petersburg. Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor. Granddaughter of V. M. Bekhterev.)
  • Natalya Bondarchuk ((born 1950) Soviet and Russian actress, film director, screenwriter. Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1977). Honored Art Worker Russian Federation(2009). Daughter of People's Artists of the USSR, director Sergei Bondarchuk and actress Inna Makarova.)
  • Natalya Bessmertnova (famous Russian ballerina)
  • Natalya Goncharova ((1812 - 1863) in her first marriage - Pushkin, in the second - Lanskaya; wife of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. Seven years after his death, she married General Pyotr Petrovich Lansky. Her role in Pushkin's life and the events preceding his last duel , is the subject of discussions to this day. With the discovery of new documentary and epistolary materials, ideas about the personality of Natalya Nikolaevna were revised.)
  • Natalia Goncharova ((1881 - 1962) Russian avant-garde artist. Made a significant contribution to the development of avant-garde art in Russia. Great-grandniece of Pushkin's wife, Natalya Nikolaevna, nee Goncharova. As of 2009, her paintings are more expensive than the work of any other artist in history.)
  • Natalya Godunko ((born 1984) an athlete representing rhythmic gymnastics, performed in the individual championship. She trained in Kiev, at the Deryugins' school (the school of rhythmic gymnastics of Albina and Irina Deryugins). In 2005 she became the European champion in ribbon exercises, as well as a bronze medalist world championship.)
  • Natalya Pertseva ((born 1984) Russian football player)
  • Natalya Rosenel ((1900 - 1962) Soviet actress. She played in the Moscow Maly Theater and starred in silent films. Natalya Rosenel is the half-sister of the composer Ilya Sats and aunt of Natalya Sats, the founder of the children's theater.)
  • Natalya Yunnikova ((born 1980) Russian actress)
  • Natalya Petruseva ((born 1955) famous Soviet speed skater, Honored Master of Sports of the USSR (1980). Olympic champion 1980 at a distance of 1000 m, 2-time world champion in classical all-around (1980, 1981), world champion 1982 in sprint all-around, 3 -time bronze medalist of the Olympic Games (1980 - 500 m, 1984 - 1000 and 1500 m), 2-time European champion in the classic all-around (1981, 1982), multiple USSR champion in the all-around (1980-82), sprint all-around (1980, 1981) and at distances of 500 m (1979, 1982), 1000 m (1981), 1500 m (1981, 1982) and 3000 m (1978, 1980, 1981). world records - at distances of 1000 and 1500 m and in mini-combination (500, 1000, 1500 and 3000 m). Olympic Games ah 2002 in Salt Lake City.)
  • Natalie ((born 1974) stage name, real name - Natalya Rudina; Russian pop singer)
  • Natalya Snytina ((born 1971) Soviet and Russian biathlete, Olympic champion in the 4x7.5 km relay in 1994, Honored Master of Sports of Russia in biathlon (1994).)
  • Helavisa ((born 1976) real name - Natalia O'Shea, nee - Nikolaeva; songwriter, musician (Irish harp, guitar), vocalist and leader of musical groups: "Mill" (folk rock), "Clann Lir" ( traditional Celtic folk), "Romanesque" (folk. Previously participated in the project "Til Ulenspiegel" (folk rock), where she was a vocalist and co-author of many songs.)
  • Natalya Murinovich ((born 1985) Russian sprinter, MSMK, member of the Russian Olympic team in 2008)
  • Natalya Astafieva ((born 1922) according to her passport - Natalya Romanova-Astafieva; Russian and Polish poet, translator)
  • Natalia Lisenko ((1884/1886 - 1969) Russian and French actress, silent film star. Niece of the Ukrainian composer and pianist N.V. Lisenko (Lysenko).)
  • Natalia Barbu ((born 1979) popular Moldovan singer, winner of the national competition "Moldstar", winner of the international festivals "Mamaia", "Slavianski Bazaar", "New Wave" and "Maluri de Prut")
  • Natalya Chmutina ((1912 - 2005) Soviet architect, People's Architect of the Ukrainian SSR, Honorary Academician of the Ukrainian Academy of Architecture)
  • Natalya Korennaya ((born 1974) Russian theater and film actress)
  • Natalya Pallin ((born 1973) Russian theater and film actress)
  • Natalya Lavrova ((1984 - 2010) the first two-time Olympic champion in rhythmic gymnastics(besides her, only Elena Posevina and Evgenia Kanaeva later achieved this). Honored Master of Sports of Russia (2000), coach of the Russian rhythmic gymnastics team.)
  • Natalya Polosmak ((born 1956) archaeologist, doctor of historical sciences, professor, chief researcher at the Institute of Archeology and Ethnography of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. In 1993, she found a burial of the Pazyryk culture with a well-preserved mummy of a young woman who was nicknamed Princess Ukok by journalists. Since 2011 corresponding member of the year Russian Academy Sciences.)
  • Natalya Konyus ((1914 - 1989) Russian ballet dancer and choreographer. Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1979). Daughter of composer Georgy Konyus.)
  • Natalya Grebenkina ((born 1971) Russian theater and film actress, Honored Artist of Russia (2009))
  • Natalya Kandyba ((1916 - 1983) Soviet actress, dubbing master)
  • Natalya Gutman ((born 1942) Soviet and Russian cellist, teacher, People's Artist of the USSR (1991))
  • Natalya Drozdova ((born 1954) actress of the Drama Theater "Wheel" (Togliatti), People's Artist of Russia (1999))
  • Natalya Druzhinina ((born 1955) Soviet and Russian theater and film actress, Honored Artist of Russia (2002))
  • Natalya Mishkutenok ((born 1970) Soviet and Russian figure skater who competed in pair skating with Artur Dmitriev. Olympic champion in 1992 and silver medalist of the 1994 Olympics. Honored Master of Sports of the USSR (1992).)
  • Natalya Arkina ((1924 - 1993) Russian ballet expert, theater critic, screenwriter)
  • Natalya Koretskaya ((born 1962) Russian theater and musical actress, singer)
  • Natalia Zhitkova ((born 1978) Russian theater and film actress)
  • Natalia Metlina ((born 1970) Russian journalist, TV and radio presenter. Member of the Academy of Russian Television.)
  • Natalya Osipova ((born 1986) Russian ballet dancer, prima ballerina of the Mikhailovsky Theater)
  • Natalya Linichuk ((born 1956) a former Soviet figure skater, now a figure skating coach. She danced on ice with Gennady Karponosov. Olympic champion (1980), two-time world and European champion. Honored Master of Sports of the USSR (1978). Honored Coach of Russia .)
  • Natalya Yakushenko ((born 1972) Soviet Ukrainian luger who has been playing for the USSR national team since 1987 and for the Ukrainian team since 1991. She took part in five Winter Olympic Games, the most successful of which were the games in Albertville (1992) and in Lillehammer (1994), where she took eighth place in women's single races.Natalya Yakushenko twice won bronze medals at the world championships: the first was won in 1990 at the championship in Calgary as part of the mixed team of the USSR national team, the second - 19 years later at the championship in Lake -Placide in women's single races is already for the Ukrainian national team. In the 2004-2005 season she won the overall Challenge Cup. At the 2006 Winter Olympics in Turin, she was the flag bearer of the Ukrainian team at the opening ceremony.)
  • Natalya Shcherba (modern Russian-speaking writer working in the genre of teenage fiction and fantasy. In 2010 she won all-Russian competition"New children's book", which resulted in the book "Chasodei". Author of the trilogy "Being a Witch". In 2010, Natalia Shcherba was awarded the Eurocon-2010 incentive award in the nomination "The Best Young Science Fiction Artist in Europe". In the same year, Natalia Shcherba won the Grand Prix of the New Children's Book competition in the Adventures and Fantasy nomination with the book Clock Key for Vasilisa.)
  • Natalia Sigliuti ((born 1978) American actress and model. The most famous role is Lindsey Warner in the television series The New Class.)
  • Natalya Vetlitskaya ((born 1964) after her first husband - Smeyan; Soviet and Russian singer, former soloist of the Soviet pop group Mirage)
  • Natalya Selezneva ((born 1945) mother's surname; theater and film actress. People's Artist of the Russian Federation (1996).)
  • Natalie Clifford Barney ((1876 - 1972) American-born French writer)
  • Natalie Bai ((born 1948) French actress)
  • Natalie Dessay ((born 1965) French opera singer (coloratura soprano). She owns an unusually wide performing repertoire range - from the baroque music of J.S. Bach to arias in the operettas of Jacques Offenbach. She has the highest coloratura soprano of our time - takes la of the third octave. )
  • Natalie Jackson Mendoza ((born 1978) actress, is of Australian-British as well as Chinese-Filipino origin. Best known for her role as Jackie Clunes in the British drama Hotel Babylon, as well as the role of Juno in the horror film The Descent and its sequel The Descent 2.)
  • Natalie Cardon ((born 1967) French actress and singer)
  • Natalie Ann Coglin ((born 1982) famous American swimmer, three-time Olympic champion, 7-time world champion, multiple world record holder. At the 2004 Olympics in Athens, 21-year-old Coughlin won 5 Olympic awards - 2 gold, 2 silver and 1 bronze At the same time, she set 1 Olympic record, 1 world record (as part of the 4x200m freestyle relay quad) and 1 US record.At the 2008 Beijing Olympics, she was elected co-captain of the US women's swimming team (together with 4-time Olympic champion Dara Torres and two-time Olympian Amanda Bird).
  • Natalie Imbruglia (Australian singer and actress)
  • Natalie Zemon Davis (Davis) ((born 1928) American-Canadian historian, laureate of the Holberg Prize (2010). Made a significant contribution to the study of the culture of the New Age Western Europe, gender history, microhistory.)
  • Natalie Santer-Bjoerndalen ((born 1972) Italian and Belgian biathlete. Participant of 5 Winter Olympics. She retired in 2008. During her career, she won 3 victories at the World Cup stages and was second three times, and in the 1993/94 season she took second place in in the overall standings, second only to Svetlana Paramygina.The best achievement at the Olympic Games is 6th place in the sprint in Lillehammer in 1994. Bronze medalist of the European Championship in 1997. In 2008, Natalie Santer-Björndalen announced her retirement from big-time sports.)
  • Natalie Morales ((born 1985) American actress of Cuban origin)
  • Natalia Paley, known as Natalie Paley ((1905 - 1981) French fashion model and actress. Princess from the Romanov dynasty, granddaughter of Emperor Alexander II.)
  • Natalie Portman ((born 1981) nee - Natalie Hershlag; American film and theater actress of Israeli origin. She is best known for her participation in the films Leon (1994, debut role) and Closeness (2004, Golden Globe Award) and a BAFTA and Oscar nomination for Best female role second plan), as well as thanks to the prequel trilogy to " Star Wars". Winner of "Oscar", "Golden Globe", BAFTA and "Saturn" in the nomination "Best Actress" for her role in the film "Black Swan" (2010). There were in the career of Portman and other notable roles in the cinema, as well as in the theater. So, back in the 1990s, Natalie played the main roles in the films Beautiful Girls and Anywhere but Here. And in July 2001, Natalie played in the play based on the play by A.P. Chekhov "The Seagull". She shaved her head and learned to speak with a British accent for her role in V for Vendetta (2006), for which she received a Saturn Award (Best Movie Actress). Portman also played leading roles in historical dramas Goya's Ghosts (2006) and The Other Boleyn Girl (2008). In May 2008, she became the youngest member of the jury at the 61st Cannes Film Festival. Her directorial debut, the short film "Eve", opened the short film competition at the 65th Venice Film Festival.)
  • Natalie Obkircher ((born 1971) Italian luger of German origin, who played for the Italian national team from 1990 to 2003. Participant in four Winter Olympic Games, multiple winner of world championships, European champion as part of a mixed luge team.)
  • Natalie Nicole Mejia ((born 1988) American singer and a dancer. She gained fame by performing in the girlicious group. She left the group in 2011.)
  • Natalya Rodionova ((born 1974) Russian film director, screenwriter and producer. Prize-winner of the audience jury of the TV-Shock competition (1st place) for the film Winter Romance on open festival cinema of the CIS countries, Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia "Kinoshock" (2005).)
  • Natalya Chenchik ((1950 - 2000) Soviet and Russian theater and film actress)
  • Natalie Enish ((born 1955) French sociologist)
  • Natalie Jane Appleton-Howlett ((born 1973) Canadian pop singer and actress)
  • Natalie du Toit ((born 1984) South African swimmer, 10-time Paralympic champion, participant in the Beijing Summer Olympics. Winner of the Laureus World Sports Awards 2010 in the nomination "athlete with handicapped”, as well as a nominee in this category in 2004. One of only 5 athletes in history to compete in both the Olympic and Paralympic Games. In 2004, South Africa compiled a list of the hundred greatest people in the history of the country, and Natalie took 48th place. From the age of 14 he has been participating in international competitions.)

American actress of Canadian origin Natasha Henstridge is known to the audience for the roles of fantastic (in every sense) beauties. Her heroines amaze opponents and spectators with their pronounced sexuality, swiftness of movements and unpredictability of actions. In addition to aggressive blondes, the actress had a chance to play more complex characters, but they love her precisely for her roles in fantastic action movies.

Childhood and youth

Natasha Tonya Henstridge was born on August 15, 1974 in Springdale, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada. The name sounds strange to the Russian ear, but Natasha Tonya is the full form of the name, given to the actress parents. The mother of the future actress and fashion model is a housewife Helen Henstridge, her father is Brian Henstridge, a manager and businessman, the younger brother's name is Shane.

The family lived in the town of Fort McMurray, Alberta, in an auto trailer that stood on the site among the same mobile housing. By the age of fourteen, literally everything became cramped for Natasha: a small trailer, a provincial town and old dresses, from which the seductive forms of a young girl provocatively protruded. After finishing second in the 'Look of the Year' modeling competition in Casablanca, Henstridge traveled to Paris to further her career.

A photo of fifteen-year-old Natasha graced the cover of the French magazine Cosmopolitan. In addition to her career as a fashion model, the girl succeeded in commercials for Old Spice and Lady Stetson. She liked working in front of video cameras, and at the age of 19 Henstridge returned to the American continent, where she began her career as an actress, without leaving, however, the modeling business.


In 1994, Henstridge signed a three-film deal with MGM-UA. In 1995, the first of them was released - the fantastic action movie "Special". According to the plot of the thriller, the character of Natasha, an incredibly sexy and aggressive Force, escapes from the laboratory. Scientists and intelligence officers are chasing after a hybrid of a human and an alien, while the individual itself strives to reproduce, easily seduces men and kills enemies left and right.

The film quickly became popular, brought the company a big box office, and posters with sexual Forces decorated the rooms of teenagers. For the kiss scene, in which an aggressive individual pierces the groom's head with her tongue, the actress received the MTV Movie Awards in the Best Kiss nomination. Also for this film, Natasha Henstridge was nominated simultaneously for the Worst Actress and Breakthrough of the Year awards, but they were not awarded to the actress.

In the wake of the success of "Specials" in 1998 and 2004, continuations of the action movie were released, which were less popular with viewers. However, Henstridge, who played Eva, won the 2005 DVD Exclusive Awards for Best Supporting Actress in Species 3. That same year, the Temecula Valley International Film Festival honored Henstridge's overall creative achievement.

After the first success in the role of a beautiful alien, Natasha began to be offered similar roles. She starred in the action movie "Adrenaline: Fear of the Chase" with and in "Maximum Risk" with. In the rating of sexy actresses of the Femme Fatale magazine, Natasha is higher than her colleagues who starred in science fiction. But Henstridge manages to break the stereotype and get a dramatic role.

In 1998, she played the lead role in the melodrama La Belle Donna by the Brazilian Fabio Barreto. Henstridge starred in The Nine Yards and its sequel The Nine Yards 2 in 2000 and 2010. Despite her prejudice against the science fiction genre, she accepted the lead role in Ghosts of Mars in 2001. The film was poorly received by the public and film critics.

Natasha is actively filming on television - in serials and TV shows. Starred in leading role in the video game expansion Command and Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars. In 2007, Henstridge was a member of the jury at the first annual Iranian film festival Noor. And in 2008, she received the Gemini Award (the Canadian analogue of the Emmy) for the mini-series Being Kings. Not all works have been translated into Russian, are available to the general public and are included in the filmography of the actress.

Personal life

Natasha Henstridge entered into her first marriage in 1995. Together with the American actor Damian Chapa, who is 11 years older than his wife, she lived only a year.

Already in 1996, a serious relationship began with Liam Waite, also an American and a colleague. In an unregistered marriage, the sons of River Tristan (born in October 1998) and Asher Nean (born in September 2001) appeared, who, after the separation of their parents, live with their mother.

The family loves to ski and travel. Natasha and her sons often cross the ocean by plane as she continues her modeling career in Europe.

In 2004, Henstridge split from Waite, starting dating Scottish singer Darius Campbell in 2004. The couple got married on Valentine's Day in 2011 and filed for divorce on July 23, 2013.

The model's weight gain is caused by Hashimoto's thyroiditis, an autoimmune disease.

Apparently, British actress Elizabeth Henstridge has nothing to do with Natasha Henstridge's family. If the biographies of their ancestors intersected, then a very long time ago.

Natasha Henstridge now

In November 2017, as part of the #MeToo movement, Henstridge joined other actresses in accusing director Brett Ratner of sexual harassment. Natasha claims he forced her to perform oral sex over twenty years ago.

According to her, in the early nineties there was a date, a walk, and then Ratner did not let the girl out of the house until she gave in:

“At some point, I gave up, and everything happened.”

The director pleads not guilty and hired a lawyer to charge actresses Catherine Towne, Jamie Ray Newman and Natasha Henstridge with libel.


  • 1995 - "Individual"
  • 1996 - "Maximum Risk"
  • 1996 - Adrenaline: Fear of the Chase
  • 1998 - Specimen 2
  • 2000 - "Nine Yards"
  • 2001 - "Ghosts of Mars"
  • 2004 - Specimen 3
  • 2010 - "Nine Yards 2"
  • 2010 - "Beautiful to death"
  • 2011 - C.S.I.: Miami Crime Scene Investigation
  • 2011-2012 - "The Secret Circle"
  • 2014 - "Hawaii 5.0"
  • 2014 - "Selfie"
  • 2015 - "Beauty and the Beast"
  • 2016 - Hacking