American pop singer Taylor Swift. Taylor Swift - biography, photos, songs, personal life, albums, height, weight

Taylor Swift is not just an actress or a great singer with a soulful voice, but also an extremely harmonious personality. This fragile girl manages to combine musical and acting talent, compose songs and record popular albums that sell in huge numbers. How does she manage all this?

Biography of Taylor Swift

Taylor Swift was born in a small provincial town where her family lived for some time. This important event for her parents took place on December 13, 1989. The town of Reading, located in the state of Pennsylvania, showed the world a future star. But the Swift family soon decided to change their place of residence, choosing as their new home a no less provincial town called Wyomissing. It was there that Taylor spent her teenage years.

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The acting profession was not particularly interesting for the girl, although she was never afraid to be in the center of attention of the audience. But singing has always attracted her. Perhaps the reason for such a love for vocals was inherited by the girl. After all, her own grandmother Marjorie Finlay was an opera singer, well versed in the intricacies of singing skills. In addition, nature did not stint on Taylor Swift, endowing her with an excellent ear for music, a melodic voice and a beautiful appearance. By the age of 10, the young singer has become a real star of her town. She gladly took part in all kinds of celebrations and concerts. Not a single city entertainment event was complete without the songs of a pretty talented singer. The number of her fans multiplied every day. Along with this, Taylor's desire to seriously engage in music and vocals grew stronger. In order for dreams not to diverge from deeds, parents paid for vocal lessons for their pet and supported her undertakings.

At the age of 10, Swift began to learn the guitar because she felt the need to express her own musical fantasies. Having learned to play, the girl easily began to compose songs. They fit perfectly to the music, defining the emerging individual style of the singer. The 76th Philadelphia Games helped boost Taylor's fame. She was lucky enough to become the performer of the US anthem at their opening ceremony, causing a flurry of applause from all those present. Such public recognition of vocal merits further strengthened the intention to devote her life to music, becoming a professional singer. The future star took the first step towards achieving her dream by moving to the suburbs of Nashville. Compared to a quiet provincial town, this was a real Babylon. Taylor Swift preferred country style, perhaps the closest to the people. And she began to storm the heights of popularity right from the street. In those days, the girl could often be found next to one of the cafes, where she arranged her performances for passers-by. The sincere performance of the songs, their melodiousness and simplicity attracted the attention of Scott Borchette. At that time, he organized his own recording studio Big Machine Records and needed original and talented performers. Their meeting was an effective catalyst musical career Taylor Swift.

Already in 2006, the girl recorded her first studio work. It was the song "Tim McGraw". Following her, the first full-fledged album of the beginning, but promising singer appeared. Swift named the album after herself, making it doubly popular. From that moment on, the career of a country style fan went uphill. The first awards also appeared, clearly making it clear that this girl entered the music world in earnest and for a long time.

By 2008, the singer had two more albums: "Sounds of the Season" and "Beautiful Eyes", which brought her her first nomination for the prestigious Grammy Award. But Taylor Swift was not going to calm down and rest on her laurels. Creative hunger and youthful excitement drove her forward. And in 2008, another album, Fearless, was released, which brought her really wild success. The singer was talked about as the brightest star in the musical sky, and the album itself reached the highest heights in the prestigious Billboard 200 chart. After that, new albums were released in 2010 - "Speak Now" and 2012 - "Red". Their success broke all possible records and brought the singer world fame. And after them came numerous American Music Awards, Billboard Music Awards, Grammys, as well as offers to act in films. The first film experience was an episodic role in the series, then a feature film about Hannah Montana. And the most memorable was the role of Taylor Swift in the film "Valentine's Day".

Taylor Swift's personal life

The close attention of fans and fans is one of side effects popularity. Having become famous, the girl was under the vigilant control of others. The smallest nuances of personal life did not go unnoticed, immediately acquiring rumors and fictitious details. It is worth noting that she did not particularly indulge fans greedy for intrigues and scandals with piquant and intriguing connections. In the life of the singer there were hobbies, but they can hardly be classified as serious and long-term. 2008 brought news of the singer's romance with Joe Jonas. But before these rumors had time to excite the world, the couple broke up after three and a half months of meetings.

Participation in the filming of a romantic comedy about Valentine's Day was complemented by a reverent relationship with Taylor Lautner. But this novel was not destined to become long. After parting, the beautiful single "Back to December" appeared in Swift's repertoire. Conor Kennedy and Jake Gyllenhaal were no better off. They managed to win the attention of the singer on the same short term. Taylor Swift lives and works with passion, trying to make the most of life. So far, she has not yet thought about a serious long-term relationship, preferring light love affairs and pleasures. When the time comes to create a family, she will seriously and consciously approach the choice of the chosen one.

Taylor Swift / Taylor Swift- the most popular of younger generation American singers. She has sold more than 40 million albums and 130 million singles. No other singer who started her musical career in the 21st century can boast of such indicators of commercial success. Taylor Swift became the youngest performer in history to receive a Grammy Award in the most prestigious Album of the Year category (she won this award at the age of 19). She is the only artist in the world to have three consecutive albums sold over a million copies in their first week of release. The number of views of her videos on Youtube exceeds 3 billion.

Taylor Swift was born on December 13, 1989 in Wyomissing, Pennsylvania, USA. Since childhood, Taylor has loved music. An example of a successful musical career for Taylor was her grandmother, an opera singer. However, Taylor was not inspired by operatic music, but by American folk country music, and her idol was a Canadian singer. Taylor was a local celebrity in her hometown, regularly performing at fairs, festivals and karaoke competitions. Once she was invited to sing the anthem at the opening of the US Open in New York. At the age of 10, she picked up the guitar for the first time and began to compose her own songs.
In their hometown there was no way to record their songs in a professional studio, so the family, believing in the success of their daughter, moved to the suburbs of the capital of Tennessee - the city of Nashville. While performing in a cafe in Nashville, Taylor caught the eye of music industry veteran Scott Borchetta, who had recently created the independent record label Big Machine Records and signed her to release her debut single "Tim McGraw" in August 2006, dedicated to American country singer Tim McGraw. To date, this single has sold over one and a half million copies and has been certified platinum.

Taylor Swift

On October 24, 2006, 16-year-old Taylor's first album was released, simply titled "Taylor Swift". All songs on the album were written by the singer herself. The album sold over 5.5 million copies and spent a total of 5 years on the top 200 best-selling album charts in the US.

In support of the album, Taylor released a second single, "Teardrops on my Guitar", which became even more successful than the first single "Tim McGraw" and sold 3 million copies.

Taylor Swift

On November 11, 2008, her second album, Fearless, was released. As on the first album, Swift took part in the creation of all the songs. "Fearless" has sold over 8.6 million copies. This album received a Grammy in two nominations at once - album of the year and best country album (while the album is not pure country, but belongs to the "country-pop" direction). The song "White Horse" from the album "Fearless" received two Grammy nominations: Best Female Country Vocal and Best Country Song.

Taylor Swift has so many Grammys that they can't fit in her hands:

Taylor Swift

Taylor Swift

The third single from the same album, "You Belong with Me", was certified 7x platinum and the music video has been viewed over 400 million times.

Taylor Swift

On February 12, 2010, the film "Valentine's Day" is released, in which Taylor played one of the roles. For this film, Taylor Swift recorded the song "Today Was a Fairytale".

Continuing the tradition of releasing an album once every 2 years, Taylor released on October 25, 2010 the third album "Speak Now", which sold 5 million copies. The first single from the album was "Mine", which was certified triple platinum.

Taylor Swift

The album's second single was "Back to December", which went double platinum.

Taylor Swift

Taylor Swift's fourth album "Red" was released again in the fall and again 2 years after the release of the previous one. Sales of the album "Red" amounted to 6 million copies. The album's first single, "We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together", reached number one on the US Singles Chart, something that Taylor Swfeet's singles had never done before. "We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together" has sold over 7 million copies.

Taylor Swift

Another single from the album, "I Knew You Were Trouble", reached 6.6 million copies sold.

Taylor Swift

The fifth album, named after the singer's year of birth, "1989", was released on October 27, 2014. This album, where Swift moved away from her once beloved "country" style towards pop music, became the most successful in her career. Today, its sales are approaching 9 million. "1989" became the best-selling album in the US in 2014.

The single "Shake It Off", the first released in support of the album, stayed at number one on the Billboard Hot 100 until it was displaced from there by the second single from the same album - "Blank Space". Taylor Swfit became the first singer in the history of American music, whose song displaced her other song from the first place of the Billboard Hot 100. The "Shake It Off" single has sold over 6 million copies, "Blank Space" has sold over 5 million copies, and each song's music video is approaching 700 million views.

Taylor Swift

Taylor Swift

The characteristic features of the appearance of Taylor Swift - naturally curly hair, beautiful dresses, classic bright red lipstick, a complete lack of natural fur. The singer describes her style in three words: classic, femininity and retro. She names Jacqueline Kennedy, Francoise Hardy, Jane Birkin, and Audrey Hepburn as her idols in the field of fashion and style.

Taylor Swift's model height - 180 cm - gives additional expressiveness to the image.

Taylor Swift at Victoria's Secret Fashion Show 2014

About her personal life, Taylor Swift says: “I feel like watching my personal life has become some kind of national entertainment. And I don’t want to entertain everyone like that anymore. I don’t like watching slideshows of guys that I probably met on the Web. humorists the opportunity to joke about me at awards ceremonies.I don't like to see headlines in the newspapers like "Careful bro, she will write a song about you": it makes my work very trivial.And most of all I don't like that all these factors are combined so much pressure on new relationships that they collapse before they even start.So I just don’t go on dates.It doesn’t mean that I swore off love.It’s just that right now my life is not particularly conducive to the appearance of new people in it.In many in matters I am romantic and spontaneous like a child, but here I am a pragmatist"(from an interview with Rolling Stone magazine in November 2014).

25-year-old Taylor Swift is the number one pop singer in her country, a real American folk favorite. Her roots are in country music, but with her latest album, 1989 (or rather, its first-week sales of 1.3 million copies), Taylor clearly establishes her position as an established pop star. Her songs are the lyrics of the "correct" girl.

It was this image that delighted millions of fans: a pretty blonde thinking about entering a university, describing absolutely innocent feelings in her songs. First of all, Swift did the impossible - country music occupies its own niche in the culture and hardly intersects with the rest of the world of pop music. "Change league" is not given to everyone here.

The story began simply - a 10-year-old girl from the province of Reading found a guitar in a barn, and began to compose simple songs, periodically performing at local venues. In 2006, Taylor was noticed - the Nashville Authors Association awarded the girl a prize as the best young performer. The next step is the Fearless album, which entered the Billboard 200 chart. Almost 600,000 copies of the album were sold in the first week.

No one hides the fact that behind the success of Taylor Swift is a whole team of producers, ghostwriters and managers. For example, the same composer worked on her hits, which at one time created the hit "" for. From time to time, hitmakers who had previously collaborated with, and were "shone" in the Taylor Swift team. In fact, the name of the singer is a full-fledged business product that is in global demand, beautiful story about "a girl from the people." In numerous interviews, Taylor really reveals herself as an open and simple person.

The lifestyle of a pop star gives its own nuances - for example, Taylor constantly worries that she is being followed by audio pirates. As a result, next door to Swift's own apartment, apartments were bought for the singer's security service. With her personal life, too, did not work out - after several short-lived affairs with actor Jake Gyllenhaal and DJ Calvin Harris, Taylor announced the need to delve into work and creativity.

The result was a new, more mature lyrics of the singer about the relationship of women with men, enmity with competitors. For example, "" is dedicated to Taylor's nihilistic mood - she does not care about other people's opinions.

The song "", the video for which resembles a big-budget action movie like "Mission Impossible", tells about the singer's confrontation with an ex-girlfriend, whose name was not disclosed. The latter tried to "pull" part of the Taylor team to her, being also a popular performer.

Despite a near-perfect reputation, Taylor could be caught up in a scandal. For example, at the MTV Video Music Awards, he tried to take away the award from the singer himself - in his opinion, she deserved it. Later, Yeezy apologized, but Taylor herself did not attach any importance to the conflict in the end.

Taylor Swift was born December 13, 1989 in Wyomissing, Pennsylvania, USA. Taylor was greatly influenced by her grandmother, who was an opera singer, and performer Leanne Rimes. At 10, Taylor had already become a local celebrity in her hometown of Wyomissing, performing at fairs, festivals, and karaoke competitions. She sang the national anthem at the opening of the 76th Philadelphia Games at the age of 11, and her performance was a hit with the audience. Taylor picked up the guitar at the age of 12 and started writing songs at the same time. By that time, she realized that her overwhelming feelings could be expressed through music.

After moving to a suburb of Nashville, Taylor performed at cafe windows with her compositions, and one day she caught the eye of one of the veterans of the music industry, Scott Borchette, who recently created the independent label Big Machine Records. In August 2006, she released her debut single, Tim McGraw. The Taylor Swift album, which was released on October 4, 2006, brought her fame and became an undoubted success for her.

In October 2007, Swift was recognized International Association Songwriters of Nashville as the best performer and songwriter of the year and became the youngest female singer to win this award. Swift's Christmas album Sounds of the Season: The Taylor Swift Holiday Collection was released on October 16, 2007. In 2008, the mini-album Beautiful Eyes was released. Taylor received the 2008 Grammy Award for Best New Artist. Her next studio album, Fearless, was released in the US on November 11, 2008. The album peaked at number one on the Billboard 200 music albums chart and sold 592,000 copies, and outsold all other albums released during the year in one week. In 2008, she received the Young Hollywood Awards / Young Hollywood in the Future Superstar category.

In 2009, she received the Best Female Video award at the 2009 MTV Video Music Awards for her video You Belong With Me.

On January 6, 2010, Taylor Swift was awarded the 2010 People Choice Awards for Female Singer of the Year.

At the 52nd Grammy Awards, she won Best Female Country Vocal Performance, Best Country Song for "White Horse" and Album of the Year, Best Country Album for Fearless.

2009 MTV Video Music Awards incident

During the awards ceremony, rapper Kanye West took the stage and took the mic away from Taylor as she gave her Best Female Video award acceptance speech for "You Belong with Me" and said that Beyoncé's "Single Ladies ( Put a Ring on It)", nominated in the same category, is "one of the most best videos of all time." This stunt was negatively received by the audience. West then returned the microphone to a disheartened and completely frustrated Taylor, who didn't finish her speech. West was escorted out for the remainder of the ceremony for his actions. Later, during the ceremony when Beyoncé was receiving the Best Video of the Year award for the video "Single Ladies (Put a Ring on It)", she called Taylor on stage to complete her speech.

Subsequently, West apologized for his actions on his blog (the entry was later removed). Many celebrities criticized West for his stunt, including US President Barack Obama in his off-the-record commentary. West later posted a second apology on his blog and made a public apology on The Jay Leno Show.

American singer-songwriter Taylor Swift is more than successful in her profession. At her young age of 24, the blonde is the owner of seven Grammy statuettes. However, she paid dearly for her success. Unfortunately, the singer's personal life is not going so well, but Taylor herself does not do much to change the situation. “Dating and relationships are the last thing I think about right now,” the 24-year-old singer admitted in an interview with British Vogue magazine.

“I don’t know how a young man should feel if his girlfriend is constantly followed by 20 men with cameras, and he can’t even protect her, because this is her life, which she herself chose,” Taylor explained her decision. That is why the American singer is better left alone for now. She believes that it is impossible to combine a career and a romantic relationship: “I just can’t imagine how this can work, so I don’t think about relationships and even try to protect myself from them in every possible way.” The thing is that it is even difficult for the singer to imagine that someone might like her fame and the life that she chose for herself, so Taylor will remain alone for now. However, apparently, this decision did not make her happier.

Taylor Swift has been looking pretty depressing lately. The reason, perhaps, lies precisely in loneliness. From sources close to her entourage, it became known that, according to Taylor herself, she does not feel very well without a partner, and it is very important for her to have someone next to her. “I just don’t understand why men break up with me so quickly. I feel like I'm gradually turning into Jennifer Aniston. It's just not fair!" - the same source shared information. 44-year-old actress Jennifer Aniston, despite her age, is successful and incredibly beautiful. However, for country singer Taylor Swift, this is clearly not enough.

Apparently, fame and all the charms of life that are associated with it do not attract men at all, but rather the opposite: “Jared Leto ran as fast as Taylor tried to replace him with the Golden Globe autoparty!” A similar reaction was observed in Evan Spiegel and actor Douglas Booth, who were in the recent past seen in connection with the country singer.

At the same time, one can also doubt the words of the informant who spreads rumors about Swift's depressive state and her total bad luck on the love front. So, the romantic adventures of a young singer have recently become the subject of jokes from various publications. The 24-year-old celebrity is said to change men like gloves. Taylor herself is not enthusiastic about such comments. For example, at the Golden Globe Awards, the singer was in the spotlight when the host of the show, Tina Fey, in one of her ironic remarks, advised Taylor not to even think about love relationships with the son of Michael J. Fox, the protagonist of the Back to the Future trilogy.

At first, the singer was even amused that people were so interested in her personal life, and was not against it. But lately, Taylor has become the butt of ridicule on a number of popular talk shows. Although she didn’t show it and laughed the loudest, the joke at the Golden Globe Awards really hurt her.

As for the hero of the ill-fated joke, Michael J. Fox, he was also not thrilled that his son's name was mentioned with Taylor Swift's: "No, no, and again no! Better stay away from my son. I'm not that familiar with Taylor's work, but as far as I know, she writes songs about her former partners. And on this she builds her career! The actor later had to take his words back and apologize to Swift.

However, his statement about the songs of the singer is not at all unfounded. Taylor took revenge on her first boyfriend, Hollywood actor Jake Gyllenhaal, who shamelessly deceived her. The singer was so in love with him that she was even ready to get married, which the couple was already talking about. But Jake quickly lost interest in Taylor and left her right on her 21st birthday, not showing up for a party that was specially prepared for him. Swift cried all night, and then wrote the song "The Moment I Knew".

After breaking up with 32-year-old actor Jake Gyllenhaal, the country singer was seen in the company of 35-year-old singer John Mayer, 20-year-old actor Taylor Lautner, 18-year-old grandson of the famous American politician Connor Kennedy, and 18-year-old band member one direction Harry Styles. Apparently, it was because of the unpleasant jokes addressed to her that the singer decided to pause in a love relationship.

Later, the singer admitted that jokes about her personal life from the side of funds mass media opened her eyes to relationships, and from now on she will be more selective and careful in choosing partners, and not jump from one to another. This experience will only benefit her.

Recently, the singer went on record saying, “I have made the decision to be alone with myself and try to understand who I really am. When there is no one around and you have to go through life alone, only then do you realize that you really love. At the same time, you make these conclusions yourself and no one influences them.

It turned out that the singer is not yet ready to put her happiness and her independence on the line, because friends are most important for her: “My hair on my head stands on end at the mere thought of a date! It will be attended by 40 more photographers who will take pictures of us through the window. It is unlikely that anyone will like this. When I imagine this, I want to crawl under the bed and hide there! But I'm doing great. My two cats live with me. That's enough for me."

However, the singer admits that she is not going to completely rule out the possibility of starting a new relationship, although there are few chances. According to Taylor, her new chosen one must be an exceptional person for her to just think about it.

So far, Taylor has been able to keep her word, because after breaking up with her last boyfriend Harry Styles back in early 2013, she never dated anyone. The singer commented on this situation: “Perhaps others will sympathize with me when they find out about this, but it's true. I don't want to give humorists a reason to make up jokes about me for solemn ceremonies anymore.

In the meantime, the singer gives advice to those in need on how to build their relationship. Recently, one of Swift's young fans asked her for advice on Instagram. The girl posted her photo and asked the singer to help her sort out the confusing situation. The fact is that a young admirer of Swift loves one boy whom she has known since childhood. At the same time, he always considered her his girlfriend and had no idea that she had feelings for him, so now he is courting another girl. The singer did not have to beg for a long time. The answer was very detailed: “It is not so important how this whole story ends, I want you to always remember that all your intentions are beautiful, pure and selfless. You love someone just for who they really are, and not because you expect something in return. I am sure that one day you will meet someone who will love you the same.”
