What is the name of the undergrowth of trees? Preservation of undergrowth

This word is “puppeteer”, which is explained quite simply. Everything associated with the word “doll” is associated with something small associated with the younger generation, so a word has been chosen for “children.”

A little information about the “teenager”:

The word "teenager" itself denotes a generation young trees that have grown either in the forest itself under the canopy of older trees, or in an empty place - these can be cut down or burnt areas.

Based on their age, undergrowth trees are classified as young trees.

The practical significance of “undergrowth” is quite significant: it is areas with young trees that can become the basis of a new forest area.

People have long understood the importance of such “undergrowth” for the conservation of forests. Therefore, in addition to natural areas with young trees, you can also find artificial ones, that is, specially planted ones; more often, combined ones are found. Experts evaluate the quality indicators, species, and density of existing natural undergrowth based on the number of trees per certain unit of area and plant new specimens, bringing the density of plantings to the established level. optimal norm and, thereby laying the foundation for new layers of the forest.

In addition to controlling undergrowth, forestry specialists use a number of practical measures to promote the proper formation of forests, for example, different kinds fellings that have their own purpose and specificity.

Text by Boris Kolesov:

(1) Clear frosty winter morning. (2) I walk along a narrow village path with a bucket to the spring. (3) I am not yet old enough to bring two buckets of water at a time. (4) Later there will be two voluminous galvanized vessels, and even a rocker arm. (5) Following the example of my grandmother, I will go to the source with a well-armed village auxiliary device, but I will not be able to balance buckets - I will continue to walk.
(6) So, as a small peasant, I’m going to a ravine, deep and snow-covered, where a clean, never-freezing stream flows. (7) I see above, behind the white gap, behind the sky-blue snowdrifts, green fir trees. (8) And for some reason my soul becomes joyful and I want to skip and run into the ravine, so that later, at the exit from it, I can turn around and again notice the green living trees. (9) Together with them, I am pleased with the transparency of the sky, the whiteness of the snow and the brisk, not very strong frost.
(10) Then, already in the summer, more than once I walked past those Christmas trees three kilometers to the neighboring village.
(11) And he always met them on the road - on the side of the path - with such enthusiastic joy, as if he had never seen anything more beautiful on earth! (12) Or maybe I really haven’t seen anything to match their thick emerald charm: in our village, lost in the snow in February, and in the bird cherry gully wilds in July, there were no art galleries, not even a club.
(13) Now I’m almost seventy, but I always remember those Christmas trees with bated breath.
(14) I can’t explain what’s wrong with me - sometimes I’m in tears: my dear, beloved ones!
(15) Meanwhile, the days continued into a series of years; many events and meetings became familiar, memories were slowly erased. (16) But those days have not gone away when the feet of an idle spectator were led through the protected virgin lands of the Prioksko-terrace spruce forests, through the marvelous nature reserve there. (17) The spruces here were special. (18) The reserve itself, with all its plants and animals, is extremely interesting. (19) The bison alone are worth it! (20) Where else can you see the mighty giants that existed during the time of the ancient Slavic peoples? (21) But as for the reserved spruce undergrowth... (22) Keep your eyes open here!
(23) On the other side of the Oka, in the forest-steppe or steppe south, it is already difficult to find a Christmas tree growing quite naturally. (24) In central Russia, nature has set a limit for such trees, an invisible line has been drawn, explained by the peculiarities of the Russian climate. (25) Take, for example, moisture, which they were very keen on - there’s not enough of it in the steppes * isn’t it? (26) In a drier and hotter climate, it is not so easy for a small Christmas tree to survive, grow quickly in order to take root deeper into the ground and gain strength. (27) Even artificial forest plantations, where young trees are provided with careful care, turn out, in the language of foresters, unprofitable, and pines are preferred over conifers. (28) I saw neat green lines of young pines even on the steppe Don. (29) But I didn’t see any spruce plantings.
(30) Spruce is highly valued in woodworking, in paper production, in the manufacture of melodious musical instruments... (31) But how can one appreciate the beauty of its wonderful green decoration in the middle of the Russian snow?
(32) Our nature is so amazing that there is a desire to be at one with it in the desire to live, overcome difficulties and be useful people. (ZZ) I had joyful, happy days. (34) There have also been times when a business-like attitude made us understand what is important in people’s everyday life, full of all sorts of troubles. (35) Give someone a book, someone a violin, someone some wood for the stove, someone some blocks for building a house... (Zb) Whoever, but foresters know why they nurture artificial plantings.
(37) But my heart aches and aches for the spruce forest... (38) 3 and those spruce trees, as wet forest areas with a predominance of this species of conifers were called in the old days, for those plantings in nature reserves where young spruce trees are subject to merciless attack. (39) Who is stepping on them, the poor, in our times? (40) Often wild harvesters try to cut down a large and strong tree in order to take its lush top. (41) In addition, in large plantings, where it is not possible to provide adequate security, the collection of firewood is in full swing. (42) Maybe there will be people who will object to me, but why then are there so many ugly stumps in young forests, huh?
(43) Take care of the miracle of nature, take care of the beauties, especially on New Year's days.
(44) Young Christmas trees are for everything and everyone. (45) Youth is a golden fund for the country. (46) The green beauties of the reserves are a blessing for the Russian forest. (47) These tender Christmas trees are quite worthy youth.
(According to B. Kolesov)
Boris Kolesov is a Russian writer, journalist, screenwriter.

Essay based on the text:

That is true beauty nature? The Russian writer and journalist Boris Kolesov discusses this issue in the text.

The author recalls his childhood, how, heading to a source for water, he met green fir trees on his way. It would seem that they were ordinary spruces, of which there are many everywhere, but B. Kolesov remembered them all his life. Many years later, the author cannot forget the emotions that the “green beauties” gave him.

The author's position is clear: nature is beautiful. We must be able to see this beauty and take care of it.
I share the opinion of Boris Kolesov. Indeed, we need to be able to see and appreciate the beauty that surrounds us. After all, nature does not hide it from us.

Let us turn to the poem “Winter Morning” by Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. The lyrical hero is delighted with the beauty of the winter morning. The author brings the picture to life in every possible way, forcing the reader to penetrate the landscape of a beautiful winter morning and experience everything for himself. To show all the beauty, the author turns to such a means artistic expression, as personification: “the blizzard was angry,” “the darkness was rushing.”

In Vasily Shukshin’s story “The Old Man, the Sun and the Girl,” an eighty-year-old man, being blind, admired nature every day in the same place. The story makes you think about the fact that a person not only sees the beauty of nature, but also feels it.

Boris Kolesov is sure that it is much better to live in unity with nature than apart. The kind of emotions that nature and its beauty brings to humans cannot be found anywhere.

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Gutal Marko Milivojevic. Viability and structure of spruce undergrowth under the canopy of tree stands and in clearings: dissertation... Candidate of Agricultural Sciences: 06.03.02 / Gutal Marko Milivoevich; [Place of defense: St. Petersburg State Forestry University named after S.M. Kirov].- St. Petersburg, 2015.- 180 p.


1 Problem status 9

1.1 General information about spruce phytocenoses 9

1.2 Spruce juvenile 11

1.2.1 Features of the age structure of spruce undergrowth 12

1.2.2 Features of the light regime under the canopy of spruce forests 16

1.2.3 Viability of spruce undergrowth 22

1.2.4 Number of spruce undergrowth 25

1.2.5 Influence of forest type on spruce regrowth 27

1.2.6 Features of the development of spruce undergrowth under the canopy 30

1.2.7 Influence of vegetation of lower tiers on spruce regrowth 33

1.2.8 The influence of economic activities on spruce juveniles 35

2 Research program and methodology 39

2.1 Research program 39

2.2 Study of forest phytocenosis by structural elements 40

2.2.1 Determination of the main characteristics of the forest stand 40

2.2.2 Accounting for teenagers 41

2.2.3 Accounting for undergrowth and living ground cover 46

2.2.4 Determination of biometric indicators of needles 49

2.3 Research objects 51

2.4 Scope of work performed 51

3 Dynamics of the state of spruce undergrowth under the canopy .

3.1 Dynamics of the vital state of spruce undergrowth based on the results of long-term studies 53

3.2 Patterns of changes in the viability of spruce undergrowth in connection with the type of forest 69

3.3 Influence of the maternal canopy on the dynamics of the state and structure of spruce undergrowth

3.4 Relationship between the viability of spruce undergrowth and the value of average growth over a period of 3, 5 and 10 years.

3.5 Age structure as an indicator of a teenager's condition 86

3.6 Structure according to the height of undergrowth as an indicator of condition 89

3.7 Comparative analysis state and structure of spruce undergrowth in the spruce forests of Lisinsky and Kartashevsky forestries 93

4 The influence of economic activities on the number and viability of spruce undergrowth

4.1 The influence of thinning on the dynamics of viability of spruce undergrowth 105

4.2 Thinning the undergrowth - as a measure to promote the natural regeneration of spruce 122

5 Dynamics of the state of spruce undergrowth in the felling area 127

5.1 Features of the structure and condition of spruce undergrowth 127

5.2 Dependence of the dynamics of the state of spruce undergrowth on the recency of felling 134

6 Biometric characteristics of needles as an indicator of the viability of spruce undergrowth

6.1 Biometric indicators of needles under the canopy and in cuttings 140

6.2 Biometric indicators of needles of viable and non-viable spruce undergrowth.


Features of the light regime under the canopy of spruce forests

Spruce is one of the main forest-forming species on the territory of the Russian Federation, occupying fourth place in terms of area, second only to larch, pine and birch. Spruce grows from the tundra to the forest-steppe, but it is in the taiga zone that its forest-forming and edificatory role is most manifested. The genus spruce (Picea Dietr.) belongs to the pine family (Pinacea Lindl.). Individual representatives of the spruce genus date back to the Cretaceous period, that is, 100-120 million years ago, when they had one common habitat on the Eurasian continent (Pravdin, 1975).

Norway spruce or common spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) is widespread in northeastern Europe, where it forms continuous forests. In Western Europe coniferous forests are not a zonal type of vegetation, and vertical differentiation takes place there. The northern border of the range in Russia coincides with the forest border, and the southern border reaches the black earth zone.

Norway spruce is a tree of the first size with a straight trunk, a cone-shaped crown and not strictly whorled branching. The maximum height reaches 35-40 meters in flat conditions, and in the mountains there are specimens up to 50 m high. The oldest known tree was 468 years old. However, age over 300 years is very rare, and in the zone of coniferous-deciduous forests it decreases to 120-150 (180) years (Kazimirov, 1983).

Norway spruce is characterized by relatively high plasticity of the root system, capable of adapting to various soil conditions. The root system is most often superficial, but on well-drained soils relatively deep vertical branches often develop (Shubin, 1973). The trunk of the Norway spruce is full wood, covered with relatively thin green-brown, brown or gray bark. The bark of the common spruce is smooth, but with age it becomes scaly and furrowed.

Growth buds are small - from 4 to 6 millimeters, ovoid-conical, red with dry scales. Reproductive buds are larger and reach 7-10 millimeters.

The needles of the common spruce are tetrahedral, sharp, dark green, hard, shiny, up to 10-30 mm long and 1-2 millimeters thick. It stays on shoots for 5-10 years and falls throughout the year, but most intensively from October to May.

Norway spruce blooms in May–June. The cones ripen in the fall of the following year after flowering, the seeds fall in late winter and early spring of the following year. Male spikelets of elongated cylindrical shape are located on the shoots of the previous year. The cones are spindle-shaped, cylindrical, 6 to 16 cm long and 2.5 to 4 centimeters in diameter, located at the ends of the branches. Young cones are light green, dark purple or pinkish, while mature ones take on a different shade of light brown or red-brown. Mature cones contain from 100 to 200 seed scales on the stem. Seed scales are lignified, obovate, entire, finely serrated along the upper edge, notched. Each seed scale contains 2 seed cavities (Kazimirov, 1983). The seeds of the common spruce are brown in color, relatively small, 3 to 5 millimeters long. Weight of 1000 seeds is from 3 to 9 grams. Seed germination varies from 30 to 85 percent depending on growing conditions. Growing conditions also determine the presence of repetition of productive years, which occur on average every 4-8 years.

Norway spruce is a species that grows over a relatively large area, in various soil and climatic conditions. As a result, Norway spruce is distinguished by high intraspecific polymorphism (in the type of branching, color of cones, crown structure, phenology, etc.), and therefore by the presence of a large number of ecotypes. In relation to air temperature, the common spruce is thermophilic, but at the same time it is a cold-resistant species, growing in a zone of temperate and cool climates with an average annual temperature of -2.9 to +7.4 degrees and the temperature of the warmest month of the year from +10 to +20 degrees (Chertovskoy, 1978). The distribution range of Norway spruce ranges from 370 to 1600 mm of precipitation per year.

The issue of soil moisture is closely related to its aeration. Although common spruce is capable of growing in conditions of excess moisture, good productivity should be expected only in cases where there is running water. On damp soils, spruce falls out at a speed of 6-7 meters per second, and on fresh and dry soils it can withstand wind flows at a speed of 15 meters per second. Wind speeds of more than 20 meters per second cause a massive fall.

The most intensive growth of common spruce occurs on sandy and loamy soils, underlain at a depth of 1-1.5 meters by clays or loams. It should be noted that there are no strict rules for the requirements for soil composition and mechanical composition as such, since the requirements of spruce for soil are of a zonal nature. Norway spruce has a high tolerance threshold to soil acidity and is able to grow at pH fluctuations from 3.5 to 7.0. Norway spruce is relatively demanding in terms of mineral nutrition (Kazimirov, 1983).

Accounting for undergrowth and living ground cover

The heterogeneity of the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of adolescents is expressed, first of all, through the concept of adolescent viability. The viability of adolescents according to the Encyclopedia of Forestry (2006) is the ability of the younger generation of maternal adolescents to exist and function in changing environmental conditions.

Many researchers, such as I.I. Gusev (1998), M.V. Nikonov (2001), V.V. Goroshkov (2003), V.A. Alekseev (2004), V.A. Alexeyev (1997) and others noted that the study of the qualitative parameters of spruce forests, by and large, comes down to studying the condition of the stands.

The state of the forest stand is a consequence complex processes and the stages through which the plant passes from its primordium and seed formation to the transition to the dominant tier. This long process of plant metamorphosis requires division into various stages, each of which must be studied in a separate order.

Thus, it can be stated that relatively little attention is paid to the concept of vitality and state of the undergrowth (Pisarenko, 1977; Alekseev, 1978; Kalinin, 1985; Pugachevsky, 1992; Gryazkin, 2000, 2001; Grigoriev, 2008).

Most researchers claim that there is a sufficient amount of viable spruce undergrowth under the canopy of mature forest stands, but most often the interdependence of the state of the undergrowth and its spatial distribution with the characteristics of the maternal tree stand is not revealed.

There are also researchers who do not claim that under the canopy of the maternal tree stand there should be viable undergrowth capable of fully replacing the mother tree stand in the future (Pisarenko, 1977; Alekseev, 1978; Pugachevsky, 1992).

Fluctuations in height and group distribution of spruce undergrowth allowed some authors to argue that spruce undergrowth as a whole is not capable of providing preliminary regeneration under the condition of intensive logging operations (Moilanen, 2000).

Another study by Vargas de Bedemar (1846) established that the number of trunks sharply decreases with age, and that of the sprouted seedlings, in the process of natural selection and differentiation, only about 5 percent are preserved to the age of ripeness.

The process of differentiation is most pronounced in the “youth” of the planting, where the oppressed classes are distinguished to the greatest extent by status, and gradually takes over the “old age”. According to G.F. Morozov, who refers to earlier works by Ya.S. Medvedev (1910) in this direction, a common feature of undergrowth growing in a plantation is depression. Evidence of this is the fact that at the age of 60-80 years, spruce undergrowth under a canopy very often does not exceed 1-1.5 m, while spruce undergrowth in the wild at the same age reaches a height of 10-15 meters.

However, G.F. Morozov (1904) notes that the productivity and productivity of individual specimens of undergrowth can change in better side, you just need to change the environmental conditions. All specimens of undergrowth, of varying degrees of depression, differ from undergrowth in the wild in the morphological characteristics of the vegetative organs, incl. fewer buds, a different crown shape, a poorly developed root system, and so on. Such morphological changes in spruce, such as the formation of an umbrella-shaped crown developing in a horizontal direction, are an adaptation of the plant to the most efficient use of the “scarce” light penetrating to the undergrowth. Studying cross-sections of the stems of spruce undergrowth growing in the conditions of the Leningrad District (Okhtinskaya Dacha), G.F. Morozov noted that in some specimens the annual layers were densely closed on initial stage life (which indicates the degree of oppression of the plant), and then sharply expanded as a result of certain forestry measures (in particular thinning), changing environmental conditions.

The teenager ate, suddenly finding himself on open space, also dies from excessive physiological evaporation due to the fact that in open areas this process occurs with greater activity, to which the young growth growing under the canopy is not adapted. Most often, this teenager dies as a result of a sharp change in the situation, but, as G. F. Morozov noted, in some cases, after a long struggle, he begins to recover and survives. The ability of a young plant to survive in such circumstances is determined by a number of factors, such as the degree of its oppression, the degree of severity of changes in environmental conditions, and, of course, biotic and abiotic factors affecting the growth and development of the plant.

Individual specimens of undergrowth often vary greatly within the same massif in such a way that one specimen of undergrowth, marked before felling as nonviable, recovered, while another remained in the category of nonviable. Spruce regrowth, formed on fertile soils under the canopy of birch or pine, often does not respond to the removal of the upper tier, because did not experience light deficiency even in its presence (Cajander, 1934, Vaartaja, 1952). After a buffer period of adaptation, the height growth of undergrowth increases many times, but small undergrowth requires more time for the functional restructuring of vegetative organs (Koistinen and Valkonen, 1993).

Indirect confirmation of the fact of the expressed ability of spruce undergrowth to change the category of condition for the better was given by P. Mikola (1966), noting that a significant part of rejected spruce forests (based on the state of undergrowth), in the process of forest inventory in Finland, was later recognized as suitable for forest growing.

Age structure as an indicator of the state of adolescence

Depending on the structure of the planting, from 3 to 17 percent of photosynthetic active radiation can penetrate under the canopy of spruce forests. It should also be noted that as edaphic conditions worsen, the degree of absorption of this radiation decreases (Alekseev, 1975).

The average illumination in the lower tiers of spruce forests in blueberry forest types most often does not exceed 10%, and this, in turn, on average provides the minimum energy for annual growth, which ranges from 4 to 8 cm (Chertovskoy, 1978).

Research in Leningrad region, conducted under the guidance of A.V. Gryazkina (2001) show that the relative illumination on the soil surface under the canopy of tree stands is 0.3-2.1% of the total, and this is not enough for the successful growth and development of the young generation of spruce. Data experimental studies showed that the annual growth of the young generation of spruce increases from 5 to 25 cm with an increase in light penetrating under the canopy from 10 to 40%.

Viable spruce undergrowth in the overwhelming majority of cases grows only in the windows of the canopy of a spruce stand, since in the windows the spruce undergrowth does not experience a lack of light, and besides, the intensity of root competition there is much lower than in the near-trunk part of the stand (Melekhov, 1972).

V.N. Sukachev (1953) argued that the death of undergrowth is largely determined by root competition of mother trees, and only then by light deficiency. He supported this statement by the fact that in the very early stages of a teenager’s life (the first 2 years) “there is a strong decline of spruce regardless of the light.” Authors such as E.V. Maksimov (1971), V.G. Chertovsky (1978), A.V. Gryazkin (2001), K.S. Bobkova (2009) and others question such assumptions.

According to E.V. Maksimov (1971), undergrowth becomes unviable when illumination is from 4 to 8% of full. Viable undergrowth is formed in the gaps between the crowns of mature trees, where illumination averages 8-20%, and is characterized by light needles and a well-developed root system. In other words, viable undergrowth is confined to gaps in the canopy, and strongly suppressed undergrowth is located in the zone of dense closure of the upper tiers (Bobkova, 2009).

V.G. Chertovskoy (1978) also claims that light has a decisive influence on the viability of spruce. According to his arguments, in medium-density stands, viable spruce regrowth usually accounts for more than 50-60% of the total. In tightly closed spruce forests, nonviable undergrowth predominates.

Research in the Leningrad region showed that the lighting regime, i.e. The canopy closeness determines the proportion of viable undergrowth. When the canopy density is 0.5-0.6, undergrowth with a height of more than 1 m predominates. In this case, the proportion of viable undergrowth exceeds 80%. When the density is 0.9 or more (relative illumination less than 10%), viable undergrowth is most often absent (Gryazkin, 2001).

However, other environmental factors should not be underestimated, such as soil structure, soil moisture, and temperature regime(Rysin, 1970; Pugachevsky, 1983, Haners, 2002).

Although spruce is a shade-tolerant species, spruce undergrowth in high-density plantings still experiences great difficulties in low light conditions. As a result, the quality characteristics of undergrowth in dense plantings are noticeably worse compared to undergrowth growing in medium-density and low-density plantings (Vyalykh, 1988).

As the spruce tree grows and develops, the threshold of tolerance to low light decreases. Already at the age of nine years, the need for light in spruce trees increases sharply (Afanasyev, 1962).

The size, age and condition of the undergrowth depend on the density of forest stands. Most mature and overmature coniferous plantations are characterized by different ages (Pugachevsky, 1992). Largest quantity juvenile specimens are found at a density of 0.6-0.7 (Atrokhin, 1985, Kasimov, 1967). These data are confirmed by the research of A.V. Gryazkina (2001), who showed that “optimal conditions for the formation of viable undergrowth with a population of 3-5 thousand individuals/ha are formed under the canopy of tree stands with a density of 0.6-0.7.”

NOT. Dekatov (1931) argued that the main prerequisite for the appearance of viable spruce regrowth in the sorrel forest type is that the completeness of the maternal canopy is in the range of 0.3-0.6.

Viability, and therefore growth in height, is largely determined by the density of the planting, as evidenced by the research of A.V. Gryazkina (2001). According to these studies, the increase in non-viable undergrowth in sorrel spruce forests with a relative stand density of 0.6 is the same as the increase in viable undergrowth when the sorrel spruce forest density is 0.7-0.8.

In blueberry-type spruce forests, with increasing stand density, the average height of undergrowth decreases and this dependence is close to a linear relationship (Gryazkin, 2001).

Research by N.I. Kazimirova (1983) showed that in lichen spruce forests the density is 0.3-0.5 spruce undergrowth rare and qualitatively unsatisfactory. The situation is completely different with sorrel forests, and especially with lingonberry and blueberry forest types, where, despite the high density, there is a sufficient amount of undergrowth that is satisfactory in terms of vital condition.

Dependence of the dynamics of the state of spruce undergrowth on the recency of felling

As the relative density of the tree stand increases, the proportion of medium and large viable spruce undergrowth also increases, since competition for light in such a closed canopy most affects the small undergrowth. With a high stand density, the proportion of non-viable small spruce undergrowth is also very large. However, this proportion is significantly larger when the relative density is low, since in such light conditions competition increases, from which small juveniles primarily suffer.

With an increase in the relative density of the forest stand, the share of small non-viable undergrowth changes as follows: at low density, the share of small non-viable undergrowth is greatest, then it falls and reaches a minimum at a density of 0.7, and then increases again with increasing density (Figure 3.40).

The distribution of spruce undergrowth by condition and size categories confirms that the life potential of undergrowth grown in the conditions of the Lisinsky forestry is greater than that of spruce undergrowth in the Kartashevsky forestry. This is especially clearly seen in the altitudinal structure of the undergrowth, since the proportion of medium and large spruce undergrowth is, as a rule, greater at the Lisisinsky sites under similar forest conditions (Figures 3.39-3.40).

The better life potential of spruce undergrowth at the Lisinsky sites is also evidenced by the growth rates of undergrowth, which are shown in Figures 3.41-42. For each age group, regardless of life state, the average height of spruce undergrowth at the Lisinsky sites is greater than the average height of undergrowth grown in the conditions of the Kartashevskoe forestry. This once again confirms the thesis that in relatively less favorable environmental conditions (in terms of soil moisture and fertility - closer to the blueberry type of forest), spruce young trees are more able to demonstrate their competitive abilities. It follows that changes occurring in the canopy as a result of anthropogenic or other impacts are more positive result give in the context of improving the condition of spruce undergrowth in the conditions of Lisinsky rather than Kartashevsky forestry.

1. At each stage of development, the number of undergrowth, as well as the structure in height and age in the experimental plots, change in different directions. However, a certain pattern has been identified: the more the number of undergrowth changes (after fruitful seed years it increases sharply), the more the structure of undergrowth changes in height and age. If, with an increase in the number of undergrowth due to self-seeding, a significant decrease in the average height and average age occurs, then with a decrease in the number as a result of mortality, the average height and average age can increase - if mainly small undergrowth goes into waste, or decrease - if mainly large undergrowth goes over into waste.

2. Over 30 years, the number of undergrowth under the canopy of the sorrel spruce and blueberry spruce forests has changed; in this component of the phytocenosis, the change of generations is continuous - the main part of the older generation goes into decline, and the undergrowth of new generations regularly appears, and first of all, after a bountiful seed harvest.

3. Over three decades, the composition of undergrowth at the observation sites has changed significantly, the share of deciduous trees has increased markedly and reached 31-43% (after cutting). At the beginning of the experiment it did not exceed 10%.

4. In section A of the ecological station, the number of spruce undergrowth increased by 2353 specimens over 30 years, and taking into account the surviving model specimens, the total number of spruce undergrowth by 2013 amounted to 2921 specimens/ha. In 1983 there were a total of 3049 specimens/ha.

5. Over three decades, under the canopy of the blueberry spruce and sorrel spruce forests, the share of undergrowth that moved from the “nonviable” category to the “viable” category was 9% in section A, 11% in section B and 8% in section C, i.e. on average about 10%. Based total number undergrowth on the experimental plot is 3-4 thousand/ha, this proportion is significant and deserves attention when carrying out accounting work when assessing the success of natural regeneration of spruce in the indicated forest types. 103 6. From the category “viable” to the category “non-viable” over the specified period of time, from 19 to 24% moved, and immediately from the category “viable” to the category “dry” (bypassing the category “non-viable”) - from 7 to 11%. 7. Of the total amount of growing undergrowth in section A (1613 specimens), 1150 specimens of undergrowth of different heights and different ages were lost, i.e. about 72%. In section B – 60%, and in section C – 61%. 8. During observations, the proportion of dry undergrowth increased with increasing height and age of the model specimens. If in 1983-1989. it accounted for 6.3-8.0% of the total amount, then by 2013 dry undergrowth already accounted for from 15 (blueberry spruce forest) to 18-19% (sorrel spruce forest). 9. Of the total number of certified undergrowth in section A, 127 specimens became trees of oversized size, i.e. 7.3%. Of these, the majority (4.1%) are those specimens that were transferred to different years from the “non-viable” category to the “viable” category. 10. Repeated recording of the same specimens of spruce undergrowth over a long period of time allows us to indicate the main reasons for transitions from the “non-viable” category to the “viable” category. 11. Changes in the structure of undergrowth in height and age, fluctuations in numbers are a dynamic process in which two mutually opposite processes are simultaneously combined: the decline and arrival of new generations of undergrowth. 12. Transitions of adolescents from one category of condition to another, as a rule, occur more often among small adolescents. The younger the teenager is, the more likely a positive transition is. If during the first 6 years of observation, about 3% of specimens moved from the “VF” category to the “F” category. (with the average age of a teenager being 19 years), then after 20 years - less than 1%, and after 30 years - only 0.2%. 13. The dynamics of the state of undergrowth is also expressed by forest type. The transition of non-viable undergrowth to the “viable” category is more likely in the blueberry spruce forest than in the sorrel spruce forest.

Let us imagine a forest capable of bearing fruit. The crowns of the trees are closed into a dense canopy. Silence and twilight. Somewhere high above, seeds are ripening. And so they ripened and fell to the ground. Some of them, finding themselves in favorable conditions, sprouted. So he appeared in the forest forest regrowth- young generation of trees.

What conditions do they find themselves in? The conditions are not very favorable. There is not enough light, there is not enough space for the roots, everything is already occupied by the roots of large trees. But we have to survive, to win.

Young generation of the forest

Young generation of the forest, replacing the old one, has important to resume . Naturally, existing in harsh conditions, with a lack of light and a constant lack of useful substances in the ground, undergrowth and looks unimportant. A common feature of adolescence is severe depression. Here is an example of such oppression. Spruce undergrowth, only one and a half meters high, can have a fairly respectable age - 60 and even 80 years. Over the same years, fellow juveniles, grown from the same seeds somewhere in a nursery or near a forest, can reach a height of 15 meters. It is very difficult for a teenager to exist. But he nevertheless adapts to the living conditions under the maternal canopy and patiently waits for changes in his living conditions.

It depends on your luck: either the mature trees will die or the young trees will die. It also happens that people interfere in this fight by choosing ripe trees for their needs. The regrowth then recovers and subsequently becomes new forest.

Particularly tenacious spruce undergrowth. In a depressed state, he sometimes lives almost half of his life, up to 180 years. One cannot help but admire his vitality and boundless adaptability, which, however, is understandable.

You need to be very careful with teenagers. Without knowing his specific growth, driven by the most noble motives - to give him freedom, we can nevertheless destroy him. Living in dim light and suddenly receiving the long-awaited freedom from inexperienced hands, he unexpectedly dies. As they say, a teenager is “scared” of light. The needles quickly turn yellow and fall off, because they are adapted to a different mode of operation, to different living conditions. On the other hand, a teenager suddenly exposed to freedom may die of thirst. Not because there is not enough moisture in the soil. Maybe there is even more of it there, but with its poorly developed roots and needles the undergrowth cannot quench its thirst,

What's the matter? But the fact is that previously, under the mother’s canopy in a humid atmosphere, the young shoots had enough moisture. Now the wind began to blow around, the physiological evaporation of the young trees increased, and the pitiful crown and root system unable to supply the tree with sufficient moisture.

Of course, earlier parent trees oppressed and suppressed young growth, but at the same time they protected them from the wind and from frost, to which young spruce, fir, oak, and beech are so sensitive; protected from excessive solar radiation and created a soft, humid atmosphere.

The spruce forest is a classic setting for many folk tales. In it you can meet Baba Yaga and Little Red Riding Hood. This forest is home to many animals, it is mossy and always green. But spruce is not only an element of a fairy tale and the New Year, this tree grows quickly and is of great importance for the country’s economy and wildlife.


The spruce forest is an abode of birds and animals, insects and bacteria. For a person, this is an opportunity to have a great time and relax, pick berries and mushrooms, and medicinal herbs. And for industry, forest is about 30% of the volume of all wood, from which not only furniture is made, but also ethyl alcohol and charcoal.


The spruce forest is always shaded, but this does not prevent the trees from growing well. The crown of spruce trees is characterized by a single layer, which allows each branch to break through to the light.

An integral part of forests are berries, mushrooms and moss. Spruce prefers moist soil, groundwater, and is difficult to tolerate drought. If the soil is fertile, then spruce forests, which are not only of natural origin, can displace pine trees. They are often created artificially, as they grow much faster deciduous trees, therefore, are of great value to the country’s economy.

Spruce blossom

Female representatives of spruce trees form small cones, which then decorate the trees. The males have elongated catkins on their branches, with pollen scattered by the tree in May. The cone is fully ripened in October, when the squirrels begin to stock up on food for the winter.


There are five main groups of spruce forests:

  • greengrowers;
  • long-haulers;
  • complex;
  • sphagnum;
  • marsh-grass.

The group of green spruce forests includes three types of forest:

  • Spruce-sorrel forest. The soil in such forests is sandy and loamy, well drained. The soil is fertile due to the ground cover of wood sorrel and oxalis, which grow only in spruce forests. Groups of spruce oxalis forests are found mainly at higher elevations.
  • Spruce-blueberry grows most often in the plains. The soil is less fertile and more humid; blueberries and green moss are most comfortable here.
  • Spruce-lingonberry grows at higher elevations. The soil is not highly fertile, mostly sandy and dry sandy loam. Despite the low soil productivity, there are a lot of lingonberries in such forests.

This group of forests of spruce trees retains the entire occupied area and is quickly renewed.

Dolgomoshniki are more often found in the northern regions of our country. The soil is predominantly excessive moisture, and the forest, in addition to conifers, includes birch trees. Forest productivity is low. It is worth noting the presence of blueberries, horsetail and cuckoo flax.

The complex spruce forest consists of several subspecies:

  • Lime. In addition to spruce, the forests contain linden, aspen, birch and sometimes fir. The land here is quite fertile and well-drained. The ground cover is represented by a huge number of different types of grasses.
  • Oak spruce forest. It is considered one of the most highly productive forest species. The forest includes oaks, maple, pine, and aspen. The undergrowth mainly consists of Euonymus verrucosa; the ground cover is characterized by a variety of grasses.

Sphagnum spruce most often appears as a result of waterlogging of the long-gross spruce forest. Characterized by liquid peaty soil. There is no undergrowth in such forests; if it is found, it consists of white alder and black currant. The topsoil layer is represented by sphagnum and

Swampy grassy spruce forest is found near streams and rivers. It is characterized by high productivity and a dense undergrowth of bushes. There is a lot of moss and grass in such forests.


Spruce forest is widespread in almost all climatic zones globe. These trees are found mainly in the taiga, distributed in Northern Eurasia and North America, closer to the North Pole they smoothly turn into tundra, and closer to southern latitudes they are found in mixed forest. In tropical climates, conifers grow exclusively in mountainous areas.

In our country, the Urals, Khabarovsk and Primorsky Territories are covered with spruce forests. In the Komi Republic, these trees cover about 34% of the entire territory. In Altai and the Western Siberian part, spruce is mixed with fir. Western Siberia is represented by complex forests. In the Yenisei part of the taiga, spruce trees grow together with cedars. Dark spruce forest is found in central Russia and Primorye, as well as the Carpathians and the Caucasus.


Due to the large shade in the forests, the flora is not very diverse and is represented by the following types of herbs and shrubs:

  • sorrel;
  • mine;
  • wintergreen;
  • blueberry;
  • cowberry;
  • spiraea;
  • dropsy bush;
  • cuckoo flax;
  • cat's paw

They grow well in low-light areas. Herbaceous plants spruce forest - these are the representatives flora, which reproduce vegetatively, that is, through tendrils or roots. Their blooms are usually white or pale pink. This color allows the plants to “stand out” and become noticeable to pollinating insects.


What forest could there be without mushrooms? Due to the fact that undergrowth is rarely found in spruce forests, and the needles themselves take a long time to rot, the main mushroom harvest occurs in the fall. If we are talking about young animals, where the food was still short, their number and variety is amazing. Most mushrooms are found in spruce forests with sparse plantings or in stripes of mixed types. That is, where there is enough light for the rapid growth of mushrooms.

The most common edible one is white. This mushroom is dense and fleshy, and is practically not affected by worms and larvae. It can grow both in dense spruce forests and on the edges.

If there are aspen and birch trees in the forest, then you can collect boletuses and boletuses. There are always a lot of saffron milk caps in the spruce forests, which grow mainly in groups on the outskirts of the forest. Under the trees themselves there are larger specimens with a yellowish cap.

In spruce forests there are always a lot of russula, which seem to imitate their “big” neighbors in the forest: the caps of these mushrooms have a blue or lilac tint. Russulas are growing in large groups, have a pleasant taste and aroma. In the wettest places of the forest, near ponds, you can find yellow milk mushrooms.

There are a lot of pine and spruce forests inedible mushrooms. These are fly agarics, cobwebs, reddish talkers and thin pigs.

The poorest spruce forests for mushrooms are the same type and old plantings. Most mushrooms are found in swamps and small ponds. A good harvest can be harvested in the mountain plantings of the middle and lower zones.

Animals and insects

Despite the modest species of spruce forests, there are a huge number of ants, worms, shrews and rodents in the old stumps. These are dark shrews.

Depending on the yield of spruce trees, the squirrel population also changes. In winter and spring, hares and moose are found here. In pursuit of prey, wolves wander into spruce forests. In a forest of spruce trees they can create a den for breeding.

A large number of rodents are attracted to the spruce forest by stoats and martens. Also in the deep thickets you can encounter a bear, flying squirrel or lynx.

At the same time, the distribution of animals throughout the forest is uneven. Most representatives of the fauna live where spruce trees do not grow so densely, where there is undergrowth and a relatively high degree of illumination.


There are many birds in the spruce forests. In some forests, nesting reaches 350 pairs per 1 square kilometer. Hazel grouse and wood grouse, partridges and black grouse like to settle in green moss forests. Cuckoos, Muscovites and Wrens will likely become rare here. Where the forest is dense, plumes, finches and robins settle. Nests of rattlebirds, wood pipits and warblers are set up on the ground. In rarefied and mixed forests many jays, woodpeckers, wood pigeons and willow warblers.

Reptiles and amphibians

Reptiles found in spruce forests include vipers and lizards. You can find these inhabitants in sunny clearings where the grass and bushes are low.

Newts are found in puddles and on the edges of roads. also loves high humidity and shady spruce trees.
