Plasticine drawings on paper. Plasticineography for the development of children's creative abilities and its types

Not so long ago, I already published an article on how you can organize the first classes on. In the article, I talked mainly about educational games with dough that will help the baby learn how to pinch off, cut the dough, leave prints on it, and in general a lot of interesting things to do with it :) Today I would like to continue the topic of modeling, but dwell a little more on modeling is no longer from dough, but from plasticine, and bring to your attention options for the very first plasticine crafts with a baby.

Modeling classes are known to be extremely useful for kids. Even during such seemingly uncomplicated actions as rolling a kolobok, sausages, imagination develops, creative thinking baby. The child learns to perceive three-dimensional images, and at the same time trains fine motor skills, which has a very beneficial effect on the development of speech, on the preparation of the hand for writing. In other words, modeling as a whole has a very beneficial effect on the intellectual and emotional development child, so it is highly desirable to include it in regular activities with the baby.

It often seems to mothers that it is too early to sculpt with a one-year-old baby, because. the child is more likely to want to taste the plasticine. However, even if the child makes attempts to taste it, do not immediately abandon your art lessons! Try to show your child what plasticine is capable of, show how many unusual things can be made from it. Even if the child stubbornly continues to “try” the mass for modeling, then at first sculpt from. Firstly, nothing terrible will happen if the baby tries it, since it is absolutely natural, and secondly, after several tastings, the child will most likely refuse this activity, because. the dough is very salty.

All crafts in this article can be made from both plasticine and dough (store-bought, Play Doh, or homemade). The only thing worth noting is that when you stick to paper, plasticine will stick to paper much better than dough. If you still work with plasticine, then choose the softest plasticine for classes so that the baby is not disappointed after his first attempts to sculpt.

Always remember that creative activities should last no more than 5-10 minutes. Do not hold or force the child to sculpt with plasticine if he does not want to or is naughty. Even slight pressure on the baby will lead to the fact that he will eventually lose all interest in creativity. Therefore, if the child refuses to sculpt, just offer him this activity after some time (in a day, a week, or maybe a month), the main thing is not to force it!

How to start modeling classes with a child 1-2 years old

Naturally, it is not necessary to sculpt complex crafts in the very first lessons. Now our task is to master the basic and simplest skills of working with plasticine. So, what is the first thing you need to teach your baby:

  • Pinch off a piece plasticine thumb and forefinger
  • knead plasticine in the palm
  • "flatten" index finger small plasticine balls. At first, mom makes balls for the baby, then we gradually learn to roll balls together.
  • Roll a bun between two palms. It is preferable to use both hands (rather than rolling the bun on the table), since in this case both palms are massaged, which is twice as useful for the baby's motor skills. If it is difficult to roll a ball with two palms, at first you can learn to roll a bun on your mother's palm. Give the resulting ball different images, so your simple manipulations with plasticine will make sense. For example, by adding a leaf to the ball, you can turn it into an apple, and with the help of a match or a toothpick it is easy to make a real kolobok that has run away from grandma and grandpa!
  • roll sausage between two palms. An ordinary plasticine sausage can easily become a cucumber for a hungry Masha doll or a worm, which then crawls along the baby’s handle.

Well, now various options for plasticine crafts that can be created even with a one-year-old toddler.

The simplest plasticine crafts

For all crafts, you will need to draw or print a picture template in advance. I added the ability to download the simplest b/w templates to the article. If you wish, you can pre-color them, or if you have a color printer, find more interesting color analogues of the templates. I think the kid will like any option, even black and white.

When creating crafts, try to have the kid pinch off each piece of plasticine himself, and also, if possible, roll it into a ball.

  • Ladybug

  • Grains for chicken

  • Snowflakes

  • Watermelon with pits

  • Spots on fly agaric

  • tree with leaves

Crafts from plasticine with the arrangement of elements in specific places

  • beads

  • Rungs for stairs . Invite the child to help the girl climb the palm tree for coconuts - there is no way to do without a ladder. -

  • Train wheels

  • flower

  • Zebra stripes

  • Plasticine hide and seek . We hide the bun from the fox -

You can also use ready-made manuals in your classes. This is very convenient, because does not require at all additional training before class. Here are the tools we used:

  • (Ozone, labyrinth, My shop)

  • (Ozone, My shop)

All children are very fond of working with plasticine, because it is very exciting and interesting, you can sculpt everything that your baby’s creative imagination allows: a flower for your beloved mother, unusual animals, dishes for dolls, funny little men, even create a voluminous application! Modeling is very useful for a child: creative thinking and imagination develop, finger motility is in action, which has a beneficial effect on improving the speech of a small person. This activity is called plasticineography.

The task of adults who want to develop the artistic abilities of a child is to acquaint them with various options for working from plasticine, to perform with them different crafts, maintain an interest in the manifestation of fantasy and individuality in their work.

Very beautiful picture can be made for children from plasticine on cardboard, thick paper, transparent glass. Such crafts are flat and voluminous, and they can be performed using different techniques. When choosing a technique, one should take into account what will be depicted in the future work, for what age of the baby it is designed, the complexity of the picture.

Smearing technique

To use this technique, you can buy in a special store ready template with a picture, then fill it with plasticine (often everything is sold together immediately in a set). And you can independently draw a template on cardboard, preferably colored. Then knead the plasticine to a soft state, lay it with the desired colors on the image and smear it, taking into account the borders of the picture. Some details, at your discretion, can be made convex. Get even more effective.

flagella technique

The main thing in this work is to the child learned to make flagella. First you need to figure out what will be shown in the picture, what details it will consist of. Then, with the help of adults, a pattern is made for future crafts. First you need to do the modeling of flagella. To do this, the plasticine needs to be kneaded and rolled into long sausages, these will be flagella. They can be of different lengths and thicknesses, depending on which figures will be molded from them. Such flagella simply need to be folded in the right direction, forward or backward, to obtain any detail. The resulting figures are attached to the base of thick paper.

Gallery: plasticine paintings (25 photos)

Mosaic technique

Such a technique is this is an application from small colored balls using plasticine. For such a craft, as usual, you need to draw something on cardboard, and then fill in the drawing with multi-colored balls prepared in advance. Modeling this type of technique develops perseverance and patience in children.

Volumetric technique

This performance technique is especially common in kindergartens, primary school institutions. A template is not needed here, the details for the composition are molded separately, and then transferred to a cardboard base in the form of some figures, plants or fairytale heroes. Do this craft flight for creativity and the little author himself can choose the color solution and the placement of objects in his picture.

Several techniques together

If you combine two or three techniques at once in one picture, you get a very original and original work. How best to do this, your creative imagination and the child who participates in the creation of this beauty can tell.

For example, let's create a picture with flowers. The principle would be: we will do the petals themselves with the smearing technique, then the stems and leaves with the help of flagella. With the help of them, you can also make a beautiful edging for the flower petals, and place balls of colored plasticine in the middle.

Flowers in a jug

We suggest you make a very beautiful picture out of plasticine with your child, these are flowers in a jug. Several techniques will be used in this work. Making such an application is easy, exciting and very interesting!

Material for work:

  • Cardboard sheet of any color.
  • Glue.
  • Scissors.
  • Multi-colored plasticine.

Stages of work.

Flower applique

A very beautiful bouquet of daisies can also be made from plasticine. This craft looks original, fresh and summery.

Material for work:

  • Color plasticine.
  • Blue cardboard sheet.
  • Stack.
  • Hair fixation spray.
  • Pencil.

Stages of work.

The result is a lovely picture of plasticine flowers on cardboard - a bouquet of very pretty daisies that can be hung on the wall, used as a gift or framed and decorate your desktop. You can print regular stencils for drawing and sculpt on them.

Plasticine pictures

Painting in the technique of plasticineography for students elementary school. Templates. Master Class with step by step illustrations.

“Well, Petya is a cockerel!” Painting with your own hands from plasticine threads. Master class with step by step photos
Pavluhina Vera Alexandrovna, teacher additional education, MAOU DO DYuTs "Zvyozdochka" city of Tomsk
Target: creation of a stucco picture from plasticine
- to acquaint with the techniques and methods of creating a plasticine thread;
- to master new techniques in practice for the production of a plot picture;
- arouse interest in this non-traditional technique;
- develop fine motor skills of hands;
- develop creative imagination
Description: the techniques that the master class is aimed at are available for mastering by older preschoolers and junior schoolchildren. The instruction may also be of interest to the older audience, educators, teachers of additional education.
Purpose: interior decoration
Safety rules when working with plasticine

At the end of the 19th century, an English art school teacher, William Harbott, was looking for material for sculpture lessons. He experimented a lot, and somehow mixing clay, wax and fat, he got a plastic, non-hardening mass, which later became known as plasticine. William Harbott could not have imagined that this composition would become so popular.
Modeling from plasticine is a fascinating form of leisure that always attracts children and plays a huge role in creative development. Adults are also not far behind: for example, plasticine has taken its rightful place in animation.
The plasticine thread technique is quite simple, accessible and interesting. Most simple work accessible even to toddlers. And modeling perfectly develops fine motor skills of the fingers, which in turn has a positive effect on the development of speech.

Our important cock
And so brave!
The sun sings songs
A new day is calling!
Materials and tools:

tubes, syringes, water container;
plasticine, cardboard, stack, beads;
brush, scissors, glue "moment";
fabric paints, sisal green, brown;

For work, we need plasticine threads. With the help of tubes for medicines, medical syringes, we will make threads for modeling.
It is better to cut the tips of the syringes with scissors.

We roll out sausages from plasticine of the desired colors.

We put them in tubes.

We hold the tubes in hot water (from the kettle) for one minute and you can squeeze out the plasticine.

(plasticine can be softened by placing it on the battery)
The threads are ready.


We glue the cockerel template onto cardboard (to avoid deformation of the picture in the future). Cut out.

Let's start sculpting. We put cardboard or oilcloth and start working with the head of the cockerel. We take the color of the thread according to the cockerel pattern.
We will make the cockerel's eye with a black thread, as shown in the picture. We make one turn in a spiral with a black thread and carefully cut off the excess thread using a stack.

We attach the blue thread and make several turns in a spiral, cut the thread.

We attach the yellow thread, make the number of revolutions we need in a spiral.

Next, we move on to the neck of the cockerel. From left to right, we frame the entire yellow part of the plumage with a thread, cut the thread.

Similarly, we impose the next flagellum. It is better to cut the thread at an angle (as in the photo) so that it fits snugly against the head. We continue thread by thread to fill the entire part of the neck plumage.

The neck is ready.

Glue the beard and comb with red thread.

We make out the beak with short threads of the desired length. Carefully cut off the excess part of the thread with a stack.

We frame the body of the cockerel from left to right on top with an orange thread, we do not cut the thread, we continue to lay next layer the threads are now from right to left, moving back.

We attach the next thread to the end where the thread broke.

Tail. We glue the thread of the desired color from the body to the corner of the tail and go back, cut the thread. In this way we make out the entire tail.

The paws, like the beak, are decorated with short threads of the desired length.

The rooster is ready.

Let's move on to sculpting a spikelet and a flower.

For the spikelet, we will make several (12) loops of different sizes.

Pull the loops out a little.

We form a spikelet.

We decorate it with beads and sisal.

Flower. We make stems and leaves.

Circles and ovals will give shape to our flowers.

By the size of the frame, cut out the cardboard and double thread (fabric). Glue the fabric onto cardboard.

With paints on the fabric, we draw with strokes an imitation of grass, sky and sun.

We give the outlines of grass from green sisal. Glue the sisal. Rooster on top.


Plasticineography (or plasticine painting) is a new interesting technique for working with plasticine to create three-dimensional paintings. It is accessible even to the smallest children, which makes it more and more popular.

The benefits of plasticine painting

The benefit of this lesson is that children study the shapes, properties of objects, develop finger movements, which helps the development of speech.

When studying objects, observation and imagination of children develop, modeling helps them to create and fantasize.

In the classroom, coordination of movements, consistency in the actions of the eyes and hands develops, children learn to work with tools.

The technique of this creativity is simple and accessible to everyone, everything you need is easy to buy in the store, so it’s easy to organize classes at home.

Teachers advise you to engage in this original work with your child, your passion will certainly be passed on to children and you can benefit greatly from this activity. This is not only the development of children's imagination and creativity, but also the expansion of their knowledge of nature, the development of mental abilities, attention, memory, hand motor skills. This creativity will help prepare the child for school, diversify family leisure.

Classes can start with two - three years , be sure to pay attention to the characteristics of age and the skills acquired, so that due to complex tasks the baby does not lose interest.

I invite you to a full-fledged video online lesson (45 minutes) on plasticineography "Postcard with a penguin". For children over 5 years old, with mom 3+.

Goals and objectives of plasticineography

The purpose of plasticineography is the development of children's creative and artistic abilities.

Tasks at a younger age (4-5 years)

The peculiarities of four-, five-year-old children is that they actively strive for independence. In addition, imagination and fantasy develop at this age.

  • interest in creativity, develop artistic skills;
  • to acquaint with a new occupation - plasticine painting;
  • obtaining knowledge about the properties of plasticine and other means of image, using this knowledge in practice;
  • development of a sense of form, color, composition;
  • fine motor skills training, preparation for writing;
  • education in preschoolers of patience, diligence, activity, aesthetic taste.

Children of 2-3 years old can start practicing, while you need to use the simplest methods (no more than two). By the age of 4 - 5, you can move on to more complicated techniques, use flagella, spirals, additional decorative elements; children learn to respect the boundaries of the drawing.

Download templates for modeling

Tasks for seniors (6-7 years old)

Age six - seven years - transitional to junior school, there is an internal restructuring; The age of seven is often a critical period in a child's development.

The peculiarities of children of six to seven years old is that at this age the main thing remains visual - figurative thinking, sensitivity during this period is increased, more different colors and details appear in the works.

The tasks of plasticine painting at this stage are as follows:

  • the study of new species - landscapes, images of animals and people, fantasy works;
  • development of initiative, creativity;
  • obtaining skills in the use of various improvised means;
  • development of the ability to combine and connect different colors;
  • learning new ways - bas-relief and tiles, working with a syringe, "finishing" - making frames, albums, etc.

The process of creating a plasticine drawing is as follows:

  1. you need to choose a picture that we will depict, colors for the background and images;
  2. then transfer the drawing to the base with a marker;
  3. work in plasticine;
  4. arrange the result of the work - make a frame, varnish, place in an album.

Advantages of plasticine painting:

  • easy-to-work technique;
  • relieves muscle tension, helps to relax;
  • trains fine motor skills;
  • easy to fix mistakes and make changes.

In the classroom, it is useful to use the word of art, game methods.

Topics for work should be familiar to children - these can be objects that they see at home, in the forest, in the park, in books (toys, sweets, fruits and vegetables, plants and animals, fairy-tale characters).

  • use soft plasticine or preheat with hot water;
  • it is better to take a dense material as the basis for work, for example, cardboard or cardboard covered with a layer of adhesive tape (it is more convenient to apply plasticine on it and remove its excess);
  • cook workplace for creativity - a board or oilcloth, a damp napkin;
  • before starting work, apply on the base, under the film, the contours of the image;
  • after class, first wipe your hands with a napkin, and only then - wash with soap;
  • take breaks at work, warm up for hands and fingers;
  • cover the finished drawing with colorless varnish or hairspray so that it can be stored for a long time.
The softest plasticine from Jovi and Luch Krokha.

Materials for plasticineography:

  • plasticine (preferably wax, it is more convenient to work with and brighter);
  • base (cardboard, plastic, glass);
  • technical means (stacks - special plastic knives; sticks, toothpicks, etc.);
  • decorative elements (beads, buttons, beads, threads, scraps of fabric, groats, sequins, natural materials- acorns, leaves, cones, branches, shells, shells, nuts, seeds, small stones, grains, etc.);
  • syringe medical or confectionery;
  • wet wipe to wipe hands;
  • board for rolling sausages and balls.

You can buy a special set for creativity with plasticine in the store.

Video - modeling lesson

We sculpt a New Year's penguin

I have a lot of creative ideas on my Instagram page, join me!!

Receptions and methods of plasticineography

Drawing with strokes

The technique consists in smearing small pieces of plasticine with your finger.

It is most convenient to use the index finger, strokes can be made of different lengths, depending on what needs to be depicted - long details (tree trunk, wave, blade of grass) or short ones (flower petal, sun rays, leaves).

You can use this technique - smear alternately with different fingers of both hands, this is useful for both fingers and brain activity.

Drawing with plasticine balls

Roll small plasticine balls on the board, press down to the base. Using this technique, you can perform three-dimensional details or fill in the contours of the picture with them.

Flattening on the basis of rolled balls

Roll into small balls, then flatten them one by one on the base. You can use them as separate elements, together with others, or you can fill the entire surface with them.

Smearing on a large surface

The technique is the same as on small pieces, only large areas are covered with plasticine. You can combine different colors, mix them, vary the thickness of the layer.

Scratching patterns on a layer or parts of plasticine

On the surface filled with a layer of plasticine, or on individual parts, apply various patterns by scratching. This can be done using different tools - sticks, toothpicks, a pen cap, etc. Spiral patterns look original and add volume.

Rolling plasticine sausages

Children love this trick very much. You need to roll a small piece of plasticine into a sausage and press it to the base. From such sausages you can make: ornaments, snowflakes, twist them into a spiral, twist together two or three sausages of different colors. There are many variations of this technique.

Squeezing plasticine out of a syringe

If you need a lot of identical even sausages in the drawing, it is more convenient to make them with a syringe (or garlic press). You will need a syringe with a cut off sharp tip and a container of hot water. Place the plasticine in the syringe, dip it in water for one minute and gradually squeeze the plasticine out of the syringe onto the base. Wait for the material to cool slightly and harden. Next, you can give the sausages the desired shape.

The combination of various techniques looks original - voluminous application and a background made by smearing.

Types of plasticine painting.

  • Straight. This is a traditional type of plasticine painting, in which the drawing is applied to a horizontal surface. This technique can be mastered by young children.
  • Reverse (stained glass). It is carried out on the reverse side of a transparent surface - glass, plastic or plexiglass. Previously, the image is drawn with a marker, then the main drawing is applied with plasticine.
  • Modular. In this type of creativity, the drawing is applied with balls, sausages, cakes and other elements. This type is the most difficult, you need the ability to use all the techniques of drawing plasticine.
  • Mosaic. In this technique, the pattern is made from balls. The technique is simple, you need to choose matching colors and fill the contours inside the pattern with rolled balls.
  • contour. The drawing consists of the contours of objects made in the form of thin sausages or flagella.
  • multilayer. In this technique, layers of plasticine are applied sequentially. It best depicts landscapes (sky, sea, forest, mountains), while the layers are superimposed on one another. This complex technique is suitable for older preschoolers.
  • Textured. In this image, the pattern is convex, divided into three types - bas-relief (a slightly convex image above the background), high relief (a strongly convex image above the background) and counter-relief (concave or recessed pattern).

Larisa Savchuk

Plasticineography - the new kind decorative applied arts.

The concept of "plasticineography" has two semantic roots: "graphics" - to create, depict, and "plasticine" - means the material with which the idea is carried out.

The principle of this technique is to create a stucco picture with plasticine depicting more or less convex, semi-volumetric objects on a horizontal surface.

The main material - plasticine - is a plastic and soft material for children's creativity, which has the ability to take and hold a given shape.

At the end of April, I have to conduct a master class on plasticineography with the teachers of our kindergarten. In this connection, I had to master this new technique for me. At first I studied on my own, not including children in this activity, and then I began to teach them.

Today, dear colleagues, I present to your attention my first works in the "Plasticineography" technique and small master classes on them. Maybe someone will come in handy at work.

Material: thick cardboard, contour drawings, good plasticine, hand napkins, water in a bowl, stacks, modeling board.

So let's get started.


1. A drawing is applied to the cardboard (you can use pictures from coloring pages).

2. Making the background of the picture. First define the background color.

Small pieces of plasticine are plucked from plasticine and applied to the surface in the form of strokes. You can use mixed plasticine for a larger range of colors.

3. Plasticine strokes are smeared with fingers over the entire surface without going beyond the outline of the drawing.

4. Then small flagella are rolled up, laid out along the contour of the picture, pressed and smeared with a finger to the middle, filling the center of the picture element.

6. Lay out the outline of the drawing with thin black flagella.

We draw up the finished work in a frame.

Other works are done in a similar way.

"Underwater Kingdom"

1. We apply plasticine on thick cardboard in the form of strokes of the desired color.

2. With your fingers, spread the plasticine over the entire surface in the direction from left to right.

3. We "populate" the water with inhabitants, plants, etc.

"Ladybug on Daisy"

1. On thick cardboard we make a sketch of the image.

2. In the same way, we fill the background with plasticine.

3. We depict a camomile, then a ladybug.

4. With the help of stacks, curly sticks, seals - we decorate the work.

These are the first works in the "plasticineography" technique that I got. I will introduce you to other works in this technique and the works of my pupils in the following posts.
