The development of scientific and technical creativity in the conditions of additional education in the Saratov region methodological development on the topic. Technical creativity is a type of student activity

Modern society, for the benefit of its development, requires creative, original, extraordinary, active, enterprising and independent people, since it is these people who contribute to the development of progress, the emergence of new ideas in production, industry, and in the cultural development of society as a whole. That is why creative activity is gaining more and more weight in society, which forms a number of positive qualities in a person that are necessary in the character of the personality of a future worker, engineer, scientist.

An important factor and institution of development creativity personality is the modern system additional education children, the main component of which is children's technical creativity, which is dynamically developing, despite all the existing difficulties, thanks to the rich heritage that has been developed by more than one generation of scientists, specialists in a wide range of technical sciences, teachers of out-of-school education.

Support and development of children's technical creativity correspond to the current and future needs of the individual and the strategic national priorities of the Russian Federation, set out in the regulatory documents of the federal and regional levels, which are aimed at improving the quality of life of the population, achieving economic growth, developing fundamental science, education, ensuring defense and security countries.

The legal basis for the development of technical creativity, teaching and research, research and project activities of students and youth at the regional level are:

  • Law of the Tambov region "On education in the Tambov region" dated October 1, 2013 No. 321-Z (adopted by the Tambov Regional Duma on September 27, 2013)


  • Action Strategy for the Children of the Tambov Region for 2012-2017 (Resolution of the Administration of the Tambov Region of November 27, 2012 N1471)


  • The state program of the Tambov region "Development of education in the Tambov region" for 2013-2020, approved by the Decree of the Administration of the Tambov region dated December 28, 2012 No. 1677 (subprogram "Development of general and additional education", "Development of vocational education")


  • Concept for the development of additional education for children in the Tambov region for 2015-2020 (approved by the order of the Administration of the Tambov region dated July 22, 2015 No.


  • Action plan for 2015-2020 for the implementation of the Concept for the development of additional education for children, approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of 09/04/2014. No. 1726-r, on the territory of the Tambov region



  • In 2014, at the federal level, a A set of measures aimed at creating conditions for the development of additional education for children in the field of scientific and technical creativity, including in the field of robotics. Its main task is to popularize the additional education of children in technical and natural sciences.


  • A set of measures aimed at creating conditions for the development of additional education for children in the field of scientific and technical creativity, including in the field of robotics, has been developed in our region. It sets the task in each municipality to develop and implement a program of activities aimed at motivating students to engage in technical creativity, including in the field of robotics.


Modern trends in the development of technical creativity of children and youth

The need for the development of science-intensive technologies in the Russian Federation, the creation of high-tech industries, the restoration and creation of industrial enterprises, centers of competence and points of technological breakthroughs in priority areas of science and technology has been repeatedly noted in the speeches of the President of the Russian Federation, the Prime Minister and the Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, prominent scientists and Russian business representatives.

In this regard, the key tasks are the formation of technical thinking, the education of future engineering personnel in the system of general and additional education, the creation of conditions for research and project activities of students, their study of natural, physical, mathematical and technical sciences, technical creativity, the organization of thematic recreation and network project interaction. In conditions of low motivation of children for knowledge and technical creativity, the task of improving additional general education programs, creating special spaces and forms for the intellectual development of children and youth, and their training in engineering programs is of particular relevance.

It is necessary to create conditions for the development of education that provide expanded opportunities for children and youth to acquire knowledge from various fields of science and technology in an interactive form "Explore - Act - Know - Be able", develop younger generation initiative, critical thinking, ability to non-standard solutions. At the same time, an important task is to support talented children and youth, as well as children and youth with disabilities. Passionate about cognitive and creative search, children and adolescents will eventually contribute to the development of innovative technologies, science and production.

The key directions for solving the problem of developing technological competence at different stages of the life path and increasing motivation to choose engineering professions, supporting personal and professional self-determination, design thinking of children and adolescents in a mobile society are:

  • formation in organizations of general and additional education of a motivating interactive environment for the development of technological competencies;
  • organization on the basis of institutions of general and additional education of centers of youth innovative creativity;
  • organization of thematic recreation for children and teenagers;
  • organization of project and research activities of students in accordance with advanced foreign and domestic practices;
  • support for the activities of school research societies;
  • creation of specialized centers for intellectual development and creativity;
  • creation of a system for assessing the professional training of applicants by skill levels for higher educational institutions;
  • modernization of the development system teaching staff in order to ensure the improvement of additional general educational programs, the creation of children's technology parks, centers of youth innovative creativity and the introduction of other forms of training children and youth in engineering programs.

The creation of a motivating interactive environment for the development of technological competencies in educational organizations ensures the achievement of the following main effects and results for various target audiences:

for students and their parents (legal representatives):

  • providing motivation for the study of subjects of the natural science cycle and technical creativity;
  • obtaining in-depth knowledge in physics, mathematics and other subjects of the natural science cycle, in the basics of engineering graphics and engineering specialties;
  • the formation of practical skills in design and research activities, design, programming, modeling, prototyping;
  • the formation of practical skills for putting forward ideas and hypotheses, public speaking and defending research results;
  • formation of an active life position;
  • the possibility of early personal and professional self-determination and targeted acquisition of secondary and higher professional education;
  • increasing the independence and initiative of students in obtaining new knowledge and competencies;
  • minimizing the risks and consequences of the virtualization of students' consciousness by involving them in developing professional activities;

for an educational organization:

  • the possibility of increasing the variability of educational programs (elective courses, specialized programs, etc.);
  • the possibility of attracting an additional contingent of students;
  • the possibility of attracting highly qualified specialists to work with students; the possibility of implementing network educational programs with organizations of general, secondary and higher professional education;
  • the possibility of cooperation with industrial partners to fulfill their orders for research and development;
  • the possibility of attracting extrabudgetary funds through the provision of paid services to the population of additional education, the implementation of specialized educational programs for other students educational organizations, as well as the dissemination of advanced educational practices and advanced training teaching staff;

for the education system as a whole:

  • emergence of "points of growth" and technological breakthroughs;
  • accumulation of new educational practices and the possibility of their distribution to other educational organizations;
  • increasing the efficiency of budget expenditures on equipping educational institutions (“money in exchange for obligations”);
  • creation of a competitive educational environment;
  • the interest of higher educational institutions and industrial enterprises in cooperation for the training of highly qualified personnel on a systematic targeted basis;
  • improving the quality and prestige of natural science and engineering education.

The activities of organizations of general and additional education created on the basis centers of youth innovative creativity allows you to solve a number of tasks for teaching schoolchildren and students the basics of engineering, creating prototypes and parts, developing skills in three-dimensional modeling, prototyping, getting to know the basics of engineering graphics, web design, etc. In addition, the centers will become the basis for the formation of technological culture and professional focusing education on market-demanded qualifications and will ensure the individualization of education, the formation of research, social, general cultural competencies among students, which will help graduates to consciously and responsibly choose the trajectories of their future professional path, build routes for personal and professional development, self-realization in the high-tech scientific and technical field.

One of the most powerful tools for preparing children for engineering programs, developing technological competencies is educational and educational work with children. school age as part of summer traveling scientific and technical schools, specialized technical camps, at specialized sites during school holidays. The main thing in the content of the activity of a specialized (profile) camp is the practical development of knowledge, skills and abilities in a certain type (types) of scientific, technical and other creativity, the implementation of educational programs and projects, the organization of the educational and training process, the performance of collective or individual creative and research work supplemented by a mandatory system of educational activities, including those aimed at the formation of a healthy lifestyle, an active life position, and the prevention of negative phenomena among minors.

Activities in educational organizations of school research societies provide:

  • development of students' interest in a deep study of the foundations of science, design and research activities;
  • creation of the necessary conditions for the possibility of translating the ideas of students into reality;
  • mastering the methods and skills of research activities by students;
  • the emergence of students' skills in working with scientific literature, the ability to search and analyze the necessary reliable information;
  • the acquisition by students of practical experience with measuring instruments, technical tools, production equipment;
  • development of creative abilities of students;
  • formation of students' understanding of the value of scientific knowledge for each person and society as a whole;
  • popularization of the achievements of domestic and world science; promotion of professional self-determination, personal and professional development.

The involvement of children and adolescents in the world of scientific discoveries with its history, problems and prospects is facilitated by creation of specialized centers for intellectual development and creativity based on the principle of organizing a modern museum of science and technology (“teaching - entertain, entertaining - teach”).

For more than 30 years, similar centers abroad (the typical name is Science Museum or Museum of Science) have been building their expositions on the principle of an educational attraction. Center staff, in partnership with specialists from other professional fields, create interactive installations that demonstrate various technical inventions and physical laws. New educational information technologies are widely used. The centers are becoming an educational space for classes in physics, chemistry, biology and other scientific disciplines, as well as interdisciplinary research. Today, in the context of a progressive decline in children's motivation for learning and creativity, as well as active virtualization, the creation of modern centers for the intellectual development and creativity of children and youth (CIRiT) is of particular relevance. The creation of CIRT makes it possible in an interesting interactive way to convey to children and adolescents, schoolchildren and students knowledge from various fields of science, technology, sports, culture and art. CIRIT provides:

  • growing interest in science, technology, advanced technology and innovation;
  • the formation of a new generation with an active civic position (active, "curious", enterprising individuals with a developed imagination, capable of making independent decisions);
  • creation of conditions for education, comprehensive development and family leisure;
  • the attractiveness of the project for domestic and foreign partners who invest, present innovative developments, working with children and their parents.

Thus, the integration of key areas for the development of technical creativity and technological competence of children and youth can solve a wide range of tasks for the modernization and expansion of activities for the development of technical creativity, formulated in a number of documents at the federal level and which are the basic basis for designing a development strategy for the technical direction of additional education.

In addition, in the Russian Federation in last years has become widespread creation of children's technology parks and quantoriums, which are the result of the successful implementation of the strategic initiative "A new model of the system of additional education for children." This initiative received the support of the President of the Russian Federation and is aimed at creating a sustainable multi-level system of out-of-school work with children based on public-private partnerships and the implementation of modern supplementary education programs in order to identify and develop talent in every child.

The objectives of the initiative are:

  • preservation and development of additional education infrastructure;
  • implementation of a new generation of programs for additional education and development of children;
  • Creation new system children's motivation;
  • ensuring free choice by the child and parent of the organization of additional education, regardless of its form of ownership;
  • participation of large industrial enterprises in determining the profile of supporting resource centers in the regions.

The first technoparks that have been created and are successfully operating in the pilot regions of the country are the IT-Park technoparks in Kazan and Naberezhnye Chelny, the Quantorium children's technoparks in Khanty-Mansiysk, Nefteyugansk and Yugorsk, and the Quantorium children's technopark in Moscow on the territory of the technopark "Mosgormash".

The infrastructure of the technology parks is represented by workshops for machining and industrial design, design trajectories and quantums in robotics, energy, IT and hacking, aircraft modeling and unmanned vehicles, modern cosmonautics, neurotechnologies, nanotechnologies, laser and biotechnologies.

Thus, being platforms where children solve real cases and problems in promising natural science and technical areas in a project format, technoparks and quantoriums stimulate the interest of schoolchildren in the field of innovation and high technology, support talented teenagers, involve them in technical creativity and popularize the prestige of engineering professions among young people.

Analysis of the state of technical creativity of children and youth in the regional education system

The regional policy in the field of technical creativity of children and youth is designed in the context of federal policy and is aimed at solving a number of tasks, including legal regulation, ensuring the availability of additional education, updating the content and expanding the range of additional general education programs, methodological support, developing human resources, creating conditions for the involvement of students in the system of technical creativity, the development of a quality management system for the implementation of additional general education programs, and the modernization of infrastructure.

Educational organizations of the Tambov region have accumulated rich experience in implementing additional general educational programs of a technical orientation, which can be used as the basis for designing a modern model for the development of scientific and technical creativity of children and youth at the level of the subject and individual municipalities.

In total, 425 educational associations have been created in educational organizations of the region (in 2015 - 431, in 2014 - 390) covering 5758 people (in 2015 - 5450, in 2014 - 4656). The share of children involved in technical associations, out of the total number of students in the regional system of distance education, increased from 5.2% in 2015 to 6.2% in 2016.

This happens primarily due to the implementation of a set of measures to form a sustainable motivation for students to engage in scientific and technical creativity: presentations of the experience of innovative sites and educational organizations equipped with high-tech equipment, master classes, exhibitions of technical creativity, competitions, festivals, competitions for information and computer technologies.

Technical creativity is a special kind of creativity that requires significant financial costs. Therefore, for many children, especially in rural areas, additional technical education services are not available. In this regard, the task is to ensure the availability of infrastructure for the education of each child, regardless of his place of residence, the solution of which is possible through the introduction of new organizational forms of education: visiting, part-time, distance learning.

Ensuring the availability of additional general education programs will also be implemented through information support for consumers of additional education services in the field of technical creativity. First of all, through the creation of open information support services for participants in additional general education programs, which will provide not only support for the choice of programs, master classes, excursions, the formation of individual educational trajectories, but also lead to increased competition in the field of additional education services, promotion of best practices and best providers of educational services in the field of technical creativity.

This will be facilitated by the regional portal "Children's technical creativity in the Tambov region" Technosphere + ", created in 2016, designed to provide a single information space for the regional system of additional education in this area of ​​creativity.

One of the main content components of technical creativity in the regional education system is software, which is represented by the implementation of additional general educational programs of a technical orientation. The number of these programs for 3 years remains approximately at the same level and amounts to about 300. At the same time, their share of the total number of programs in other areas of distance education is only 4.6%. In addition, in the face of ever-growing needs for innovative organizational forms and technologies (parks and museums of science, animation studios and robotics studios, creative workshops, etc.), there is an acute problem of updating the content of additional general educational programs of a technical orientation and expanding the range of programs that take into account development trends occupations, labor markets, information environment and technology.

The main emphasis in solving this problem is placed on resource support and methodological support for updating the content and expanding the range of programs.

To do this, the best teachers of the regional system of additional education in the field of technical creativity, specialists from innovative platforms, centers for technical creativity, higher education and IPK, and specialized specialists are involved.

In the near future, the necessary regulatory framework for updating the content of additional general education programs will be formed at the federal and regional levels, which will allow them to be implemented not only in a network form, but also directly at work (practical training).

Expanding the range of additional general education programs also implies an increase in supply, regulatory regulation, methodological and personnel support for additional education programs implemented during the vacation period.

In 2016, the region successfully tested the summer profile change of the technical and natural science directions of additional education "Evrika". In January 2017, as part of the implementation of the project "Regional School for a Gifted Child" on the basis of the Center for Creativity and Rehabilitation "Cosmos" in the village of Tulinovka, the program of the regional winter creative school for children with technical talent in the system of additional education "Star Vacations" was also successfully implemented.

An equally important aspect in the development of technical creativity of children and youth is staffing.

The total number of teachers organizing educational process in technical associations of additional education, is 249 people (in 2015 - 145, in 2014 - 145). Of these, 20% of their total number work in organizations of additional education for children, 80% - in general education organizations. Pedagogical experience of ⅔ employees is more than 10 years.

Today, a significant part of the teaching staff involved in technical creativity needs "specialized" practice-oriented seminars and master classes.

In connection with attracting talented specialists to work in organizations of additional education, including those in the fields of technology and sports who do not have a pedagogical education, it is necessary to increase their level of competence in the field of methodological activities, including through changes in qualification requirements.

It is possible to solve this problem thanks to the formation of a modern system for supporting the continuous professional development of teaching staff in the field of distance learning (implementation of network forms and modular advanced training programs with the possibility of training according to an individual educational program, tutor support for the professional development of teachers of additional education).

The main focus is on resource support and methodological support for updating the content of additional general education programs, training of methodologists and teachers in order to increase the level of professional competence in the field of methodological activity (through the system of classes in the regional methodologist school). It is important to connect territories to this work using the principle of cascading (i.e., building a vertical of interaction and resource support at the regional, zonal and municipal levels).

New approaches to working with personnel include not only involving the best teachers in the professional training system, but also announcing these teachers in collections, with the active use of Internet resources, a virtual methodological room, a single information space, creating a bank of practical experience (video lectures, master -classes, creative workshops, distance learning, etc.).

Today, teachers are involved in the system of creative and professional competitions, including the best organization of work on the development of children's technical creativity in the municipalities of the region, the development of projects for the development of children's technical creativity in educational organizations of the region with grant support. In addition, teachers of the region take part in the regional stages of the All-Russian competition of author's additional general educational programs and the All-Russian competition professional excellence workers in the field of additional education "I give my heart to children." In 2016, for the first time, they took part in the All-Russian open competition additional general educational programs on scientific and technical creativity and in the III All-Russian Conference "Young Technicians and Inventors" in State Duma Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation in the Mentor of the Year nomination.

Currently, the existing system and the development of new promising areas of Olympiads, competitions and multi-level competitions for children and youth in technical creativity are actively supported in the Tambov region, which is one of the important indicators of improving the quality of the implementation of additional general education programs.

A positive trend of increasing the number and expanding the range of areas of competitive events (festivals, competitions, competitions, olympiads, exhibitions, etc.) in technical creativity was noted. The main amount was held within the framework of the regional marathon of technical creativity "Start". During the period of its implementation, starting from 2013, more than 30 competitions and mass events with children and youth have been held, including: exhibitions of technical creativity, competitions in aircraft modeling and robotics, festivals of initial technical design and modeling, aircraft modeling, robotics, competitions in computer and information technologies.

In 2015, for the first time, interregional festivals on aircraft modeling were held together with the TSU named after G.R. Derzhavin and on robotics using the resources of two sites - Lyceum No. 14 in Tambov and TSTU. Besides the Tambov region, the participants of the festivals were representatives of other regions: Voronezh, Lipetsk, Moscow regions.

In 2016, the regional robotic Olympiad was held for the first time.

The total coverage of children by competitive events amounted to about 2,000 people. The number of winners and prize-winners as a percentage of 26% of the total number of children who took part in the events.

Students of the Tambov region show decent results at higher levels.

Representatives of the teams of the Tambov region annually win prizes in such significant interregional and all-Russian events as:

interregional open robotic festival "ROBOART" in Voronezh; interregional festival "Constellation of Robots" in Borisoglebsk; All-Russian festival of robotics "Robofest" in Moscow; national championship of professional skills among schoolchildren under the JuniorSkills program in Kazan.

In 2016, participants from the Tambov region for the first time became winners at the All-Russian Robotics Olympiad in Kazan and at the III All-Russian Conference "Young Technicians and Inventors" in the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.

Such high results only prove the need for the development of grant support for children and the introduction of a system for identifying and recording the achievements of children when entering professional educational organizations and educational organizations of higher education.

An important aspect in the development of technical creativity of children and youth is the modernization of the infrastructure of additional education for children.

The main emphasis in this direction is placed on the creation of a network of “resource centers” in the DL system at the regional level to provide technological training for students, organize technical creativity and sports.

Currently, there are such resource centers in the region as the Center for Technological Education in Tambov, the Center for Information Technology Education in the Petrovsky District, the Center for Information and Communication Technologies in the Muchkapsky District, the Center for Technical Creativity in the Nikiforovsky District.

On the basis of Lyceum No. 14 in Tambov, with the support of the All-Russian program "Robotics: Engineering and Technical Personnel of Innovative Russia", a regional training resource center for robotics operates.

The function of methodological support for the development of technical creativity is also performed by regional innovative platforms for robotics, created as part of the implementation of the regional project "Educational Robotics" on the basis of 12 educational organizations in 8 territories of the region. During the period of activity, the sites have accumulated a bank of program and methodological material (about 70 educational programs have been developed, the best of which are summarized in the IPK collection), children are being trained, who show a high level of training at robotic exhibitions, competitions and festivals. The coverage of children in robotics associations has increased 13 times (1068). More than 50 teachers improved their qualifications on the basis of leadership practices. A system of events has been formed, in which more than 300 students of educational organizations of general and additional education, as well as students of organizations of higher professional education, become participants annually.

Resource-providing organizations for technical creativity are the Children's Educational and Health Center "Crystal" in Uvarovo and the Stations of Young Technicians in Michurinsk and Rasskazovo, the House of Children's Art in Kotovsk.

In addition, in 2016, regional offices of the All-Russian Robotics Olympiad and the All-Russian annual conference "Young Technicians and Inventors" were established in the region in the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.

Using the resources of the above organizations allows holding competitions and festivals in robotics, aircraft and ship modeling for children, as well as training and practice-oriented seminars for teachers.

Innovative centers of technical creativity have already accumulated initial experience in the implementation of a number of promising areas that take into account the trends in the development of the information environment and technologies. Today, the task is to create conditions for the use of digital innovative technologies in the system of additional education, including educational, scientific and production workshops in digital design and three-dimensional prototyping, animation and video studios.

The sports and technical direction is currently developing less successfully. Despite the fact that the region has experience in organizing work in this direction (14% of the total number of students in the technical direction), serious modernization is required.

This is also the aim of the state policy in the field of DL development. The Federal Concept focuses on creating the necessary conditions for young people to engage in technical sports, among other things.

In this regard, in 2016, a regional project "Development of aircraft modeling in the system of additional education in the Tambov region" was developed in the region. The implementation of the project is based on a set of measures aimed at expanding the network of aircraft modeling associations in educational institutions of the region, increasing the motivation of children to engage in aircraft modeling and providing methodological assistance to teachers, leaders of aircraft modeling associations of technical creativity.

An important direction in the work on the development of technical creativity of children and youth is cooperation with organizations and institutions on the basis of network, interdepartmental and interregional interaction. Such interaction is currently carried out through joint activities for children and teachers. Among the social partners are the Tambov Regional Institute for Advanced Studies of Educators, Tambov State University named after G.R. Derzhavin, Tambov State Technical University, regional branches DOSAAF of Russia and the Union of Radio Amateurs of Russia in the Tambov Region, etc.

In the future, there will be interregional cooperation with organizations of additional education of the Voronezh, Lipetsk and Penza regions, expansion of the participation of the non-state sector for the training of teachers of the region, the creation, with the support of involved specialists, associations of radiosport, car modeling, karting on the basis of organizations of additional education of the region and holding joint events aimed at popularizing the above areas of technical creativity.

Thus, the existing experience in the implementation of additional general educational programs of a technical orientation allows us to formulate one of the most urgent tasks facing the regional Center for the Development of Creativity of Children and Youth, as a regional resource center for the system of additional education.

This task is to provide coordination, information and organizational, program and methodological support for the development of scientific and technical creativity of children and youth at the subject level, strengthening network ties and interaction between resource-providing organizations, forming a single regional resource network, developing interdepartmental and interregional cooperation.

Modern state policy in the field of education determines that modernization and innovative development is the only way that will allow Russia to become a competitive state in the world of the 21st century. Special opportunities for the development of education in general, including for expanding access to global knowledge and information, advancing the updating of its content in accordance with the tasks of the country's long-term development, are created by the sphere of additional education for children. This area is becoming an innovative platform for testing educational models and technologies of the future, and the personalization of additional education is defined as the leading trend in the development of education in general.

The state order in the system of additional education for children is aimed at the formation of innovative and entrepreneurial thinking of students and includes:

  • formation of knowledge, competencies, skills and behaviors necessary for an innovative society and innovative economy;
  • development of the infrastructure of individual educational programs, in-depth and specialized training in additional education programs that provide opportunities for professional training of students;
  • creation of internship sites on a competitive basis for the development of the technosphere in educational institutions of additional education for children;
  • providing support for organizations of additional education for children and youth that implement innovative high-level educational programs in the field of technical creativity of youth;
  • updating the content of educational programs of additional education, taking into account the modern world level of scientific and technological knowledge in priority areas of development of science, engineering and technology in key areas of natural and exact sciences;
  • development of infrastructure of organizations of additional education;
  • development of the material and technical base of educational organizations, including the use of modern information and computer technologies;
  • creation of platforms for training and advanced training of managerial personnel and specialists, ensuring the dissemination of models for the development of the technosphere of the activities of organizations of additional education for children of research, engineering, technical, design orientation;
  • development of the innovative potential of society by means of additional education for children;
  • implementation of "pilot projects" to create a technosphere in educational organizations implementing additional general education programs;
  • development and implementation of regional and municipal programs (subprograms, road maps, action plans) for scientific and technical creativity and the development of engineering and technical competencies.

In this regard, the regional policy in the field of additional education should be maximally aimed at ensuring the fulfillment of the state order, for which it is necessary to provide for the following main measures:

  • legal regulation, methodological support and ensuring the availability of additional education for children in the field of technical creativity;
  • development of human resources;
  • creating conditions for involving students in the system of technical creativity;
  • support for projects for the development of additional education for children in the field of technical creativity;
  • improvement of the mechanism for monitoring the state and development of the system of additional education.
Extensions for Joomla

Schedule of events ("Roadmap")

on scientific and technical creativity and the development of engineering and technical competencies,

including robotics for the 2016-2017 academic year.

Chapter 1. Basic provisions.

In order to fulfill the Decree of the Governor of 2014 on the implementation of the Uralskaya program, the implementation of the program "Development of education of the Aramil urban district" in terms of subprogram 3 "Horizons of technology", it is necessary to carry out a number of measures to create conditions for the development of scientific and technical creativity and the development of engineering and technical competencies, including robotics among pupils and students of the Aramil urban district.

Currently, one of the key problems in Russia is the lack of engineering personnel and the low status of engineering education. There is a severe shortage of high-quality young engineering and design personnel for developing Russian enterprises. Of particular importance is practical solution problems associated with the return of the mass interest of young people in scientific and technical creativity.

The program is aimed at developing children's interest in technology, design, robotics, introducing and disseminating the best practices for vocational guidance of young people in engineering and design specialties.

Program goal:

    Improving the conditions for teaching children and adolescents the basics of robotics, aircraft modeling techniques, Lego design and; Facilitation of pre-profile and profile training of students.

Program objectives:

    Provide staffing and improve the skills of existing teachers; Create informational and educational activities; To increase the level of social success of students and form engineering and technical competencies;
    Summarize and disseminate the experience of introducing and using aeromodelling, robotics, lego design and; To finance activities related to the implementation of the program.

Chapter 2. Main quantitative characteristics.

The process of development of technical creativity is the most important component of the modern education system. In the educational organizations of the Aramil city district, the popularization of the profession of an engineer is actively beginning in the following areas: aircraft modeling, lego design, robotics, woodworking.

In eight educational institutions of the Aramil city district, technical circles are attended by 458 children. Training is carried out in lego design, robotics, aircraft modeling, woodworking. The standard period for the implementation of these programs is calculated from 1 to 3 years. Programs are aimed at children of different age categories: preschool age, junior, middle and senior school age.

All educational organizations have available special premises for the organization of a technical orientation with an average area of ​​39 square meters. Of the twelve educational organizations, only seven have the material and technical equipment in the form of Lego, Duplo sets, floor modules, robotics kits, tools, machine tools.

The total number of teachers implementing technical programs is 21 people. Three preschool organizations and one general educational organization do not have technical creativity teachers. Most of the teachers belong to the age category of 26-45 years old, have a higher education, the average experience of teaching technical disciplines is 2.5 years. 12 teachers completed advanced training courses in educational robotics and lego design.

Chapter 3. Difficulties in the implementation of scientific and technical programs.

Technical creativity is a resource-intensive activity that requires large financial investments, the purchase of expensive equipment and tools, specially equipped premises, workplaces, and consumables. It is necessary to change the situation, which has not improved so far.

In five educational organizations: MBDOU " Kindergarten No. 1 "Alenka", MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 3 "Rodnichok", MBDOU "Kindergarten of a combined type No. 5" Firefly", MBOU "Secondary School No. 3", MBOU "Secondary School No. 4" - there is no opportunity to purchase Lego constructors, seven organizations cannot provide every student with a constructor.

For woodworking, there are no a number of tools necessary for classes: hacksaws, screwdrivers, electric jigsaw, miter box, grinder, mini-turning machines.

To organize work on robotics, you need: computers, Lego Wedo Primal Robot kits, resource kits.

It is necessary to improve the qualifications 9 of those who implement technical programs. Four educational organizations faced the problem of a shortage of teachers, as well as an insufficient number of rates. There is a lack of qualified teaching staff with basic training in the field of modern types of engineering and technical activities, capable of conducting interesting and modern programs. Circles are run mainly by female teachers, there is an urgent need for male teachers.

There is no system of educational, research, scientific and technical activities aimed at increasing the motivation of children and adolescents for inventive and rationalization activities.

There is an urgent need to develop new methodological approaches for teaching technical circles, providing scientific and methodological support for the educational process in technical creativity.

Chapter 4. Activities for the development of scientific and technical creativity and the development of engineering and technical competencies, including robotics, in children.




implementation mechanism



Activities for the development of scientific and technical creativity in children and adolescents

Formation of students' ideas about engineering and technical activities


Pupils of preschool institutions, students of schools and centers

Conducting conversations and cultural events for professional orientation of engineering and technical specialties. Instilling practical skills in students in the classes of circles of robotics, aircraft modeling, lego design and woodworking. Organization and conduct of excursions to industrial enterprises of the Aramil city district and region.

Union of industrial enterprises of the Urals.

Industrial enterprises of the Aramil urban district.

Ural Engineering School.

Increasing the level of social success of pupils and students.

Popularization of scientific and technical creativity among children and youth, expansion of the level of technical literacy of youth.


1. Participation of students in technical programs in competitions at various levels.

2. The introduction of new types of children's technical creativity in the educational space of AGO.

3. Organization of competitions in robotics, aircraft modeling, Lego - design and woodworking.

Educational institutions, Department of education of Aramil city district

Industrial enterprises of the city and region.

Children's technology parks (virtual tours and laboratories).

Educational center "Robostroy"

Development of a system of educational, research, scientific and technical activities in order to increase the motivation of children for inventive and.


Pupils of preschool institutions, students of schools and centers of additional education

Conducting open municipal events to support the scientific and technical creativity of students (exhibitions, competitions, grants, seminars - workshops, scientific and technical conferences)

Educational institutions, Department of education of Aramil city district

AGO Administration

Methodological support of the program

Providing scientific and methodological support for the educational process in technical creativity


Methodical association and

Create method. Council of teachers of the AES, implementing programs of scientific and technical orientation; Development, adjustment and approval by the methodological council of additional general developmental compiling programs; Implementation of general developmental compilation programs

on aircraft modeling, lego design, robotics, woodworking;

Systematization of program and methodological products. Organization of a network community of teachers of circles of technical orientation AGO. Page creation social network vKontakte "Group of like-minded people", creation and support of the Internet information portal.

Educational institutions

Education Development Institute

Methodological centers

Advanced organizations of additional technical education Yekaterinburg

Creation and provision of activities methodical association teachers for the development of innovative children's technical creativity on the basis (with the participation of the administration, the Education Department of the AGO, vocational education institutions, representatives of industrial enterprises, organizations, etc.).

1 time per quarter

Teachers of the Methodological Association (on the basis of MBOU DOD "Center and Youth" UNTA "

Cooperation with GAODO CO "Palace of Youth"; administration of the Aramil city district; Department of Education of Aramil city district; educational institutions of the Aramil city district; parents (legal representatives) of students.

Educational institutions

AGO Administration

Department of Education AGO

GAODO CO "Palace of Youth"

Industrial enterprises

Public associations

Generalization and dissemination of the experience of implementation and use in the educational process.

1 time per quarter

Teachers of the Methodological Center (on the basis of MBOU DOD "Center for the Development of Children and Youth" UNTA "

Analysis and evaluation of innovative activities of circles, summarizing the work. Publications in the media and posting information on the website of the city and Method. center. Dissemination of the experience of innovative activity to the pedagogical community at various levels (seminars, teachers' councils, methodological councils, master classes, etc.)

Teachers of the Methodological Association (on the basis of MBOU DOD "Center for the Development of Children and Youth" UNTA "

Development of human resources

Providing educational organizations with qualified personnel for teaching technical programs

September 2016

Applicants for the position of a teacher implementing a technical orientation program and current teachers.

Creation of a bank of teaching staff with basic training in the field of modern types of engineering and technical activities.

Department of Education AGO


Ensuring the participation of teaching staff implementing technical programs and working in the field of modern types of engineering and technical activities in advanced training.

2016-2017 academic year

teachers implementing technical programs

Passage by teachers of additional education of advanced training courses in: - GAODO SO "Palace of Youth",



Department of Education AGO

Methodical association

GAODO CO "Palace of Youth"


Holding competitions of pedagogical initiatives using aeromodelling, robotics, Lego construction, woodworking and other innovative technical creativity

According to a separate schedule

teachers implementing technical programs

Grant competitions, reviews, festivals.

Department of Education AGO

Methodical association

AGO Administration

Organization of internships for teachers on the basis of regional innovation platforms - organizations of additional education implementing technical programs


teachers implementing technical programs

Department of Education AGO

Methodical association

"School of young teachers" on scientific and technical creativity (a cycle of training master classes and seminars for young teachers)


teachers implementing technical programs

Department of Education AGO

Methodical association

Participation in webinars for teachers on scientific and technical creativity (online consultations)


teachers implementing technical programs

Department of Education AGO

Methodical association

Organization of municipal competitions, competitions, reviews.

Organization and holding of municipal competitions, competitions, festivals and reviews.

2016-2017 academic year

Students of all age groups

City Lego-festival "Lego-Fantasy";

City - an exhibition of technical creativity "Technostart";

View "Flying is easy!" model aircraft, kites and flying saucers (UFOs);

Competition of aircraft models and kites "Flight of the Navigator" (or "Sky of Aramili")

Competition of technical projects "Ural engineer of the XXI century";

Competition in robotics and constructor "Young Inventor"

Homemade competition for the Defender of the Fatherland Day "Military equipment".

Teachers implementing technical programs.

Department of Education AGO

Methodical association

AGO Administration

Department of Education AGO

GAODO CO "Palace of Youth"

Vocational education institutions

Industrial enterprises

Public associations

Parents (legal representatives) of students.

Material and technical equipment

Provision of technical associations with equipment, tools and necessary consumables

During a year

Formation and replenishment of the material and technical base

Administration of the AGO

Educational institutions AGO


Ensuring the safety of equipment and the effective functioning of classes in technical subjects


Educational organizations implementing technical programs

Implementation of additional general developmental programs and curricula.

Educational organizations implementing technical programs


Financing activities related to the implementation of the project for the development of innovative children's technical creativity in the territory of the Aramil urban district.

Under current funding

Educational organizations implementing technical programs, teachers, students.

Creation of material and technical conditions; Additional payment to employees for the implementation of innovative activities; Acquisition of consumables necessary for conducting the educational process according to estimates; Organization of trips of students to competitions of various levels.

Administration of the Aramil city district; Education department


Ensuring safe, health-saving conditions that meet modern sanitary and epidemiological requirements for practicing robotics, aircraft modeling, Lego construction, woodworking and innovative technical creativity.


Equipment of the classrooms in accordance with the Decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation of 2014 N 41, Moscow "On approval of SanPiN "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the device, content and organization of the working hours of educational institutions of additional education for children" " .

Chapter 5. Expected results.

Implementation of the activities of the program "Horizons of Technology" will provide:

Increasing the interest of children and youth in scientific and technical creativity;

Increasing the number of technically literate schoolchildren for further education in technical educational institutions;

Creation of a single educational space for scientific and technical creativity through the organization of the methodological Council of teachers of the AES, implementing programs of scientific and technical orientation;

Expansion of the educational space through the introduction of new additional scientific and technical areas;

Raising the professional level and creative potential of teachers implementing programs in aircraft modeling, robotics, lego design and woodworking. Increasing the number of jobs;

Annual holding of open municipal events to support the scientific and technical creativity of students (exhibitions, competitions, seminars - workshops, scientific and technical conferences, festivals);

Participation in research and scientific and technical programs, regional exhibitions and events;

Organization of network interaction between UIA DO "CDT" and the Ural Engineering School.

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In modern conditions of the rapid development of scientific and technological progress, an intensive increase in the volume of scientific and scientific and technical information, rapid turnover and updating of knowledge, the training of highly qualified specialists in higher education with high general scientific and professional training, capable of independent creative work, of introducing into the production process of the latest and progressive results.

For this purpose, the discipline "Methodology of scientific research" is included in the curricula of many specialties of universities, elements of scientific research are widely introduced into the educational process. During extracurricular time, students take part in research work carried out at the departments, in scientific institutions of universities, in scientific associations.

In the new socio-economic conditions, there is an increase in interest in scientific research. Meanwhile, the desire for scientific work is increasingly encountering insufficient mastery of the system of methodological knowledge by students. This significantly reduces the quality of students' scientific work, preventing them from fully realizing their potential. In this regard, the lecture materials pay special attention to: analysis of the methodological and theoretical aspects of scientific research; consideration of the problems of the essence, features and logic of the process of scientific research; disclosure of the methodological design of the study and its main stages.

The familiarization of students with scientific knowledge, their readiness and ability to conduct research work is an objective prerequisite for the successful solution of educational and scientific problems. In turn, an important direction in improving the theoretical and practical training of students is the implementation of various scientific works, which give the following results:

Contributes to the deepening and consolidation by students of the existing theoretical knowledge of the studied disciplines and branches of science;

Develops the practical skills of students in conducting scientific research, analyzing the results obtained and developing recommendations for improving a particular type of activity;

Improves the methodological skills of students in independent work with information sources and relevant software and hardware;

Opens wide opportunities for students to master additional theoretical material and accumulated practical experience in the field of activity that interests them;

It contributes to the professional preparation of students for the performance of their duties in the future and helps them master the methodology of research.

science knowledge creativity

1. Scientific- technical creativity. General information

Science - uh it is a continuously developing system of knowledge of the objective laws of nature, society and thought, obtained and transformed into the direct productive force of society as a result of the special activity of people.

The dialectical development of science proceeds from the collection of facts, their study and systematization, generalization and disclosure of individual patterns to a logically coherent system of scientific knowledge, which can already explain known facts and predict new ones. At the same time, by the nature of the results obtained, all Scientific research are divided into the following main groups: search, fundamental, applied and development.

Search work are produced to find fundamentally new areas of research in order to create new technology. They are based on well-known theoretical developments and ideas, although in the course of searches the latter can be critically reviewed and significantly modified. Let us note that at positive results the conclusions of search works are used in scientific research work of an applied nature with a certain economic effect.

Fundamental works aimed at discovering new fundamental laws of nature, revealing the connection between phenomena and explaining phenomena, processes, facts. These works are mainly carried out in academic institutes and head universities. It should be noted that the immediate results of fundamental work are often abstract in nature, although in the subsequent practical application of these studies, the vast majority of them give a significant economic effect. Classical examples of fundamental work include, for example, A. Einstein's theory of relativity or the theory of differential and integral calculus.

Applied works directly aimed at the creation of new or significant improvement of known methods, on the basis of which new equipment, machines, materials, production methods, etc. are developed. These works are of a specific nature, they are carried out mainly in industry institutes and universities. An example of applied work that has made a certain contribution to the development of not only domestic sewing engineering, but also to the theory of mechanisms and machines.

Development - the use of scientific knowledge in the process of experimental design work (R&D) aimed at creating samples of products of new technology, complexes and systems of machines, units, machine tools, as well as devices and mechanisms.

Developments are carried out in design, design and technology institutes, design and technology departments and bureaus of enterprises, in universities (when performing contractual work, as well as in course and diploma design), in student design bureaus. Developments often pay off relatively quickly and give a tangible economic effect.

Applied work consists of the following steps:

- preparatory, including the preparation of a bibliography on the topic, the study of literature on the main and related topics, the study of the experience of other organizations, the preparation of an overview document, the development and approval of terms of reference, a calendar plan, costing of work;

- theoretical parts of the topic, consisting of the development and calculation of new schemes, theoretical justification, search for new types of materials, etc., improvement of technological processes;

- design and manufacture experimental (experimental) models of mechanisms, machine arrangements, design and manufacture or purchase of equipment, test and control tools;

- experimental work, which are carried out in laboratory and factory conditions according to theoretical developments and include themselves mathematical processing of the results of the experiment, checking the compliance of the adopted model with the real process;

- tests(laboratory and production) on theoretical and experimental studies;

- adjustments, which includes recommendations for improving the adopted design, making appropriate adjustments and developed schemes, calculations, projects, installations, taking into account completed test cycles;

- implementation results of development at individual enterprises selected as experimental, or in the educational process;

- conclusions andproposals, in which the results of tests and experimental implementations are summarized, their expected or real economic effect is determined;

- final consisting of registration of reporting documentation approved by representatives of the contractor and the customer.

Experimental design work has the following stages:

- preparatory(compilation of a bibliography, study of literature and existing structures, development of a technical assignment for designing a sample, costing of work, development and approval of a preliminary design);

- technical design(development and approval of a technical project, carrying out the necessary calculations);

- working design(development of a set of working documentation);

- prototype production, its assembly, finishing and adjustment works;

- factory tests;

- finalization of the prototype according to test results;

- interdepartmental tests;

- correction and fine-tuning based on the results of an interdepartmental test;

- mass production.

2. Featuresscientific and technical creativity

In the modern era, in connection with the rapid development of science and technology, one of the most important tasks facing higher education is the training of future specialists in technical creativity. National economy. In research work (R&D) there are three types of creativity: scientific, scientific and technical and technical.

Under scientific Creativity is understood as work designed to directly satisfy the needs of knowledge of the surrounding world and it is expedient to change and improve it.

Scientific and technical -- creativity, in which each achievement of inventive thought builds on the previous one and, in turn, serves as the basis for subsequent achievements.

Technical creativity is designed to satisfy the utilitarian needs of society associated with the sphere of production of material goods.

Practice shows that undergraduates within the framework of research work are most effectively involved in scientific, technical and technical creativity, and in particular in invention.

Now let us dwell on the characteristic features common to all types of creativity.

Novelty and authenticity speaks of the cognition of the hitherto unknown essence of any object, phenomenon, process. Note that this is not required. scientific discovery, but certainly new, significant to one degree or another, knowledge of what we still did not know.

Probability and risk. In scientific and technical creativity, an element of uncertainty is inevitable, especially at its initial stage, since it is practically impossible to predict in advance the final results of the research being carried out or to guarantee the successful operation of the design being developed. In scientific and technical creativity, there are often cases of obtaining a negative result, both at the intermediate and at the final stages of the study. We must always remember that creativity is a relentless search. It should be said that in scientific and technical creativity one cannot neglect a negative result, since this is also a result that allows one or other researchers to choose the right path of search.

planning-- a necessary factor in scientific and technical creativity, especially considering that scientific research on present stage characterized by the complexity and laboriousness of implementation, requiring the organizing power of the plan:

There are several forms of research plan.

Preliminary the research plan defines its task and goals, general content and national economic significance, its concept, the principle of solving the problem, methodology, scope of work and deadlines, preliminary feasibility study. A distinctive feature of the preparation of the specified plan for a part of the work is the necessary participation of all the executors of this study.

Drafting preliminary plan research is the final element in the process of specifying the topic.

Individual plan - this is a list, content and labor intensity of work, indicating the sequence and timing of the implementation of all their stages. A properly drawn up plan should also take into account the synchronization of work between performers and the possibility of control and self-control. This is especially important also because in modern science teamwork plays an ever-increasing role.

Work plan - this is a list of a set of measures to test and develop the accepted hypothesis, which, in turn, is reasonably put forward on the basis of studying the history of the issue, clarifying the theoretical and experimental premises of the topic under study. A distinctive feature of the work plan is that it indicates the ways, methods and means of performing all the main stages of work.

It is necessary to warn, especially a young researcher, that all types of plans cannot be viewed as a dogma, that in the process of work, individual parts of the plan, as well as the timing of its implementation, can and should be adjusted and even significantly modified, depending on the specific situations that arise. If the work is important and the deadlines are compressed, it is advisable to provide for the parallel execution of its stages.

In all cases, it is useful for the researcher to use the experience of other employees, and before performing each subsequent stage, deeply and comprehensively analyze the progress and results of the previous stage, and make the necessary adjustments. For a novice researcher, moreover, it will not be superfluous to draw up, on the basis of work and individual plans, also daily and weekly schedules, the strict implementation of which on time for the purpose of self-discipline should become the rule.

3. Creative Process Levels

The highest form of scientific and technical creativity within the framework of R&D is invention, which is conditionally characterized by five levels.

1st level - use of a ready-made object with almost no choice;

2nd level - selection of one object from several;

3rd level - partial change of the selected object;

4th level - creation of a new object or complete change of the original one;

5th level - creation of a new complex of objects.

For a better understanding of what has been said, we will give examples of inventions of various levels.

1 level. The design of the mechanism of the needle bar of the sewing machine is proposed. To prevent sintering of synthetic fabrics during stitching, the needle is sprayed with an air-water mass.

A ready-made problem was taken, since the need to cool the machine needle when sewing materials with synthetic fibers at high speeds is well known. A ready-made search concept was used - part of the heat must be removed, and a special search for information is not required, since there are more than enough ways to do this. A trivial solution was chosen: to cool the needle with an air-water mass, the design of sprayers is known and does not require fine-tuning for implementation.

2nd level. In the rack mechanism for transporting parts sewing machines in order to exclude the landing of the upper material, a deflecting needle was used, which works synchronously with the lower rail.

In this problem, the search concept is obvious, the authors have chosen one of several (a needle deviating along the line, a differential mechanism, etc.) solutions.

3 level. In order to obtain conditions and modes of operation that are adequate to operational ones, a device for testing wear is proposed, which makes it possible to create complex, non-stationary and alternating loads on the tested kinematic pairs of rotational, rocking and translational movements both from cycle to cycle and within each of the repeating cycles. at almost any frequency.

The well-known solution has been changed, which made it possible to simulate on the stands the conditions and modes of operation of kinematic pairs of mechanisms, for example, sewing machines, in which inertial loads are predominant compared to the forces of useful resistance.

4th level. A fundamentally new method for obtaining a non-unraveling chain stitch for clothing parts is proposed and a new constructive solution has been developed for the implementation of this method.

Level 5 A method is proposed for obtaining ultrahigh pressures using a pulsed electric discharge inside the volume of any conductive or non-conductive liquid. As a result of this invention, a new effect has been discovered - electro-hydraulic shock.

Approximately 80% of all inventions belong to the first two levels, while inventions of the highest levels, which determine the qualitative change in technology, account for only about 20%. A student who has mastered the basics of general scientific and general engineering disciplines, as practice shows, can work fruitfully on inventions of levels 1 and 2.

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The conducted monitoring and marketing studies of the educational space of the region showed that in the region, compared to the previous period, the network of technical institutions was reduced, which included 3 institutions of additional education, 1 regional and 3 municipal educational institutions.

Circles of technical creativity are increasingly withdrawn from specialized institutions in the House of children's creativity. So, in parallel with the reorganization of the stations of young technicians, associations of a technical orientation were developed in seven houses of children's technical creativity.

The educational institutions listed above have accumulated rich experience in organizing work in such types of technical creativity as aircraft modeling, ship modeling, motorcycling, auto design, karting, and radio engineering.

Along with the development of traditional types of technical creativity in institutions of additional education, new areas and forms of work that are relevant to modern youth are actively developing. Recently, in connection with the mass computerization of society, such areas of technical creativity as programming, computer science, and computer technology have been developed. These areas can receive an additional impetus for development and become a priority within the framework of the Computerization of Education Program in Russia.

At the same time, it should be noted that in the additional education of the technical direction, regressive processes have been identified, which are due to the specifics of this profile. Being the most resource-intensive area of ​​additional education, requiring rhythmic financial investments, expensive equipment and tools, specially equipped premises and facilities (kartodromes, cordodromes, water areas), technical creativity has not received the necessary financial support in recent years and therefore has found itself in a very difficult situation today - many of these areas are developed in educational institutions by the efforts of individual enthusiastic teachers, insufficient attention is paid to technical sports, which are an example of the synthesis of science, technology and sports.

In the analyzed period, we noted a tendency for an increase among pupils in associations of technical creativity of students of primary and secondary school age. At the same time, the number of students in the upper grades was quite small and amounted to less than ¼ of the total number of students.

Sufficiently experienced teaching staff has been formed in the institutions of additional education in the sports and technical direction. Average teaching experience is more than 15 years. The predominant age of the teaching staff is 45 years or more.

Problems of development of children's technical creativity

The analysis of the state of children's technical creativity showed that the limiting factors for the development of this area are:

1) a decrease in the quality of additional education in a technical direction, which resulted in:

  • reducing the work of technical circles and associations to a minimum or replacing the technical areas of creativity with others, less resource-intensive in multidisciplinary institutions of additional education;
  • aging and deterioration of the existing material and technical base and the lack of a modern material and technical base (lack of planar structures - karting tracks, cordodromes, water areas - for practical exercises children and adolescents, preparing and holding competitions of various ranks in technical sports);
  • the outflow of qualified teaching staff due to low funding of technical associations of educational institutions, low wages, low prestige of the profession of a teacher of additional education;
  • insufficient involvement of scientists, psychologists, and sociologists in working with children;
  • insufficient provision of the educational process with program and methodological material;

2) the lack of integrity of the educational space and the fragmentation of the educational impact of institutions of additional education, family and school in the process of forming the child's personality;

3) lack of equal conditions for the creative work of children from families of different social status;

4) reduction of educational space for self-realization of various interests of children and teenagers.

At the same time, it should be noted that marketing research data revealed a steady demand for additional education services in the sports and technical direction both among children and their parents. So, for example, additional educational programs of a sports direction (41%) are in the greatest demand among students, and the demand for these services is satisfied to a sufficient extent. The next most popular programs are training in technical creativity and information technology (11%), but satisfaction with these services is insufficient. Thus, the above data indicate that at present it is necessary to develop the offer of additional education services through the creation of new associations of children's technical creativity, the development of technical sports.

Based on the above facts, we have identified a contradiction between the region's need to train a technically competent and creatively thinking shift, the high demand for the services of associations of children's technical creativity among parents and children on the one hand, and inertia educational system in the context of socio-economic changes on the other hand.

The current situation requires the development of a program of activities for the development of children's technical creativity, including a set of organizational, pedagogical, methodological, research activities that ensure the integration of concepts and approaches developed in various educational institutions into a single concept and the creation of unified information tools, a system of activities for students involved in technical creativity (competitions, contests, conferences, etc.), systems for advanced training and retraining of leaders of technical creativity associations, and involving effective solution tasks in the intellectual development of students, the introduction of modern technologies for organizing the technical creativity of students.

Concept block

Conceptual rethinking of the tasks of developing children's technical creativity in the regional education system, analysis of innovative pedagogical practice made it possible to work out the prospects for the development of the Center for Technical Creativity as a new, integration type model of an additional education institution, in which each structural component is the basis for the development of all components.

In the context of this model, we can define the mission of the institution as the mission of an organizational, informational, methodological center for the development of children's technical creativity for educational institutions of the region, providing methodological assistance in organizing educational activities, improving work on software and methodological support, strengthening ties between organization of a system of measures to improve the skills of teachers and methodologists, organization and holding of regional mass events, formation of a data bank on children's technical creativity.

In this regard, the Center for Children's Technical Creativity in the future should become an open socio-pedagogical system that interacts with all types and types of educational institutions of the city and region, public and government organizations as well as with the families of the pupils.

Goals and objectives

The main objectives of the activities that determine the successful mission of the institution should be:

  • ensuring the targeted development of technical creativity as one of the most important factors in preparing the younger generation for independent labor activity;
  • formation of a socially adapted, creative personality;
  • reduction of the field of deviant behavior of adolescents.

The development program of the Center provides for the solution of the following tasks:

1) improving the quality of additional education, including:

  • planned introduction of innovations, transformations, innovations into the educational process of UDO;
  • creation of educational programs of a new generation and teaching aids;
  • training and retraining of teaching staff, taking into account the requirements for modern forms and methods of teaching;
  • involvement of scientists, specialists-psychologists, sociologists to work with children in the UDO region.

2) promotion of children's technical creativity;

3) creation of conditions for the mental, moral, physical development of the child's personality and the disclosure of its creative possibilities;

4) professional orientation of youth and pre-professional training;

5) formation of children's interest in search, inventive and rationalization activities;

6) creation of equal conditions for fruitful creative work of children from families of different social status, children with disabilities and children with complicated behavior;

7) strengthening the system of prevention of neglect, deviant behavior, characterized by offenses and manifestations of an unhealthy lifestyle (early alcoholism, drug addiction, etc.), by introducing them to technical creativity.

As a result of the successive passage of all stages of the implementation of the development program, as we assume, an integral system of children's technical creativity in the region will be formed, including initial stages children's technical creativity - initial technical modeling (on the basis of secondary schools), various directions technical creativity, such as radiosport, aircraft modeling, auto modeling (based on UDOD), as well as conducting research and inventive work under the guidance of university staff. The "Center for Children's Technical Creativity" is called upon to become the coordinating and methodological center of this work in the region.

Such a system of technical creativity of children in the region is the best way to meet the social order for preparing the younger generation for independent labor activity in conditions when increased requirements are placed on the professional skills of an employee. Pupils of the UDO region are involved in creative activities in various technical areas, from initial technical modeling to complex sports and technical types of creativity. A unique opportunity is created to advance the child from the simplest types of creativity to a fairly high level of creative development.

The main directions of the implementation of the development program of the Center for Technical Creativity are:

  1. Information and motivational support for the development of children's technical creativity. Functioning of a single information space for the formation of a community of children, youth, the public interested in and engaged in technical creativity, contributing to the broad involvement of the younger generation in the field of development information technologies and innovative and entrepreneurial activities.
  2. Personnel training of teachers and specialists - leaders of children's and youth technical creativity. Purposeful and systematic system of training and retraining of teaching staff to organize effective work in the pre-professional polytechnic education of the younger generation.
  3. Development of the methodology and content of children's technical creativity. Effective operation of a network of educational institutions that implement a regional educational order to meet the need for labor resources based on promising economic specializations and the development of additional educational programs of a new generation. Providing long-term and continuous support for the process of development, formation and professional self-determination of children and adolescents who have shown interests and engaging in technical types of creativity (starting with a technical creative association and ending with the provision of guaranteed jobs).
  4. Improving the forms of social partnership as a condition for the development of children's and youth technical creativity. A sustainable regional system of interaction and social partnership for the organization of a dynamically developing scientific, innovative and educational infrastructure that provides high quality environment and conditions for human development.
  5. Improving the material and technical support for the development of children's and youth technical creativity. Reconstruction and development of a network of specialized educational institutions, their equipping with modern educational and methodological complexes that ensure the organization of the educational process using high technologies for working with materials and information.

The proposed set of measures should ultimately lead to an increase in the intellectual potential of the younger generation, the expansion of educational space and the creation of close ties of additional technical education with technical schools and universities of the city and region and will contribute to the further socio-economic development of the region.


At present, the education system of the Purovsky District operates in new organizational and regulatory conditions, determined by the priority areas for the development of the educational system of the Russian Federation.

In the additional education of children, the cognitive activity of the individual goes beyond the framework of the actual educational environment into the sphere of a wide variety of social practices. Becoming members of highly motivated educational communities for children and adults, children and adolescents receive a wide social experience of constructive interaction and productive activity. Under these conditions, additional education is perceived not as preparation for life or mastering the basics of a profession, but becomes the essence of the continuous process of self-development and self-improvement of a person as a subject of culture and activity.

The disclosure of the abilities of each student, the education of a personality ready for life in a high-tech, competitive world - this is how the goals of modern education are defined in the Second Generation Standard: from the recognition of knowledge, skills, skills as the main results of education to understanding learning as a process of preparing students for real life, readiness to successfully solve life problems.

In accordance with the Concept of additional education, approved on September 4, 2014, the teaching staff of MBOU DO "DDT" in the village of Purpe considers the construction of the educational process, taking into account the construction of individual educational routes for graduates of associations who continue to do what they love, as well as for talented and gifted students of associations .

Additional education fundamentally expands the possibilities of a person, offering greater freedom of choice, so that everyone can determine for themselves the goals and strategies of individual development, capitalize (turn into a resource) their own existing qualities and circumstances, as well as design and form future, possible qualities. Additional education is aimed at ensuring the personal life-creativity of students in the context of their socio-cultural education, both "here and now", and in terms of their social and professional self-determination, the implementation of personal life plans.

The needs of families for a variety of educational services and services for children are expanding and becoming more differentiated. Even more diverse and dynamic are the interests of children and adolescents. Additional education is focused on meeting individual and group needs, which objectively cannot be taken into account when organizing general education.

In additional education, education is seen not just as "preparation for life" or mastering the basics of the profession, but as, in fact, the basis of life - a continuous process of self-development, self-improvement, exciting and joyful consumption of intellectual resources.

Since 2015-2016, in MBOU DO "DDT" in the village of Purpe, the work of associations has been carried out in five areas, including scientific and technical.

Distinctive features teaching children in scientific and technical associations is that in the development of such programs, emphasis is placed on:

A complex approach to the content in the field of technical creativity;

Increasing motivation for classes by including children in creative activities;

Formation of students' special knowledge in the field of technical design and modeling from various materials and using modern material and technical equipment of scientific and technical associations;

Awakening children's interest in science and technology, contributing to the development of design inclinations and abilities in children, creative technical solutions.

A feature of the program is the organization of the educational process on the basis of a competence-activity approach: individual design, research and creative work is carried out and special competencies of students are formed.

Children and teenagers, studying in the studio of technical creativity and the studio of design and design, will have the opportunity to be trained in the associations "Samodelkin", "TECHNOMIR", "Robotics" and "Young Architects". Additional general educational programs of work of these associations are aimed at ensuring that students go through a creative path from an “idea” to its “implementation”. They have the opportunity to put their creative intuition into an idea, organize the assembly effectively, find out why nothing ever works the first time and how long it will take to test and refine the project; then upgrade and improve everything. And as a result, to gain knowledge of the basics of mechanics and design, automatic control, programming, and many competencies that are in demand on the labor market.

The project is aimed at introducing and disseminating the best practices for vocational guidance of talented youth in engineering and design specialties, instilling interest in engineering, programming, high technologies in such areas as design, robotics.

The features of our project are:

    Novelty (base for holding village competitions in robotics);

    Public significance (raising the status of the institution in the district);

    Comfortable material-technical and psychological-pedagogical environment for participants;

    Joint planning and organization of the activities of teachers, students and their parents (and (or) their legal representatives) as equal partners in achieving the goals of education, upbringing and development;

    Accessibility for all students (free additional education);

    Implementation of quality services.

Goals and objectives of the project.


    improving the conditions for teaching children and adolescents the basics of technical creativity through LEGO-designing, robotics, through the formation of technical modeling and design techniques;

    promotion of pre-profile and pre-professional training of children.


    improve the qualifications of teachers;

    to create informational and program-methodical support of pedagogical activity;

    ensure the activities of the institution for the development of technical creativity on the basis of social partnership;

    increase the level of social success of students;

    to form students' understanding of engineering and technical activities;

    generalize and disseminate the experience of introducing and using LEGO-construction, robotics, computer design in the educational process;

    to finance activities related to the implementation of the project;

    provide the necessary conditions for the uninterrupted operation and safety of the equipment of the MBOU DO "DDT" in the village of Purpe.

Management and personnel.

Director together with curator ensures the activities of the teaching staff for the implementation of an innovative project in accordance with the annual annual plan; provides support for the activities of teachers involved in the implementation of the project, provides consulting support in this area of ​​specialists; organizes monitoring studies of the process and results of activities of scientific and technical associations, provides management and quality control of educational activities; ensures the participation of teachers in advanced training programs (retraining of personnel). Organizes the distribution of job responsibilities of employees. Provides the activities of the institution on the basis of social partnership, acquires consumables necessary for the educational process. Ensures student participation in activities different levels.

Teachers of additional education organize the educational process in children's associations, daily in two shifts for groups of children of different ages; implement additional general educational programs for the innovative development of children's technical creativity; provide participation in the preparation of winners and prize-winners in competitive mass events of various levels; are responsible for the safety of the equipment.

Evaluation of the effectiveness of the project.

Today, the concept of developing talented and gifted children is widely used in the system of additional education. Since 2008, the development of associations of a scientific and technical orientation in the Russian Federation has been based on the federal program "Robotics: Engineering and Technical Personnel of Innovative Russia". This program is aimed at involving children and youth from 8 to 30 years old in technical creativity, nurturing an engineering culture, identifying and promoting promising engineering and technical personnel.

The driving mechanism of the Program is a system of engineering competitions culminating in the All-Russian Robotic Festival "RoboFest", which is also the national qualifying stage for a number of major international robotic competitions: FIRST, WRO, ABU ROBOCON, ELROB.

Based on the above prospects for the development of innovative technical creativity, the assessment of the effectiveness of the project is to support talented children in the field of technical creativity, to implement an action plan for the development of technical circles and associations in the territory of the village of Purpe, Purovsky district, as well as to implement agreements on joint activities for the development of innovative children's technical creativity for 2015-2018. with educational institutions of the village on the basis of the implementation of additional general educational programs.

The project is aimed at achieving by students personal, meta-subject and subject results of mastering the program of additional education in technical areasl values.

The general results of technological education are:

the formation of a holistic view of the technosphere, which is based on the relevant knowledge, skills and methods of activity acquired by schoolchildren;

acquired experience of various practical activities, knowledge and self-education; creative, transformative, creative activity;

formation of value orientations in the sphere of creative labor and material production;

readiness to make a conscious choice of an individual trajectory of subsequent professional education.

Education under the programs of scientific and technical orientation is designed to provide:

the formation of a holistic view of the modern world and the role of technology and technology in it; the ability to explain the objects and processes of the surrounding reality - the natural, social, cultural, technical environment, using technical and technological knowledge for this;

development of the personality of students, their intellectual and moral improvement, the formation of tolerant relations and environmentally appropriate behavior in everyday life and work;

formation of a system of social values ​​among young people: understanding the value of technological education, the importance of applied knowledge for each person, the social need for the development of science, engineering and technology, attitudes towards technology as a possible area of ​​​​future practical activity;

the acquisition by students of the experience of creative and creative activity, the experience of cognition and self-education; skills that form the basis of key competencies and are of universal importance for various types of activities. These are the skills of identifying contradictions and solving problems, searching, analyzing and processing information, communication skills, basic labor skills of manual and mental labor; measurement skills, cooperation skills, safe handling of substances in everyday life.

Evaluation of the effectiveness of the project for students of scientific and technical associations is built on the basis of indicators social development the student's personality; and indicators of the development of the student's competence.

Competence development indicators:

Students at the end of the project are competent in:

    obtaining the necessary information about the object of activity, using drawings, diagrams, sketches, drawings (on paper and electronic media);

    creation of projects, including those using multimedia technologies;

    understanding the scope and purpose of tools, various machines, technical devices;

    substantiation of the stated judgment.

    application of the rules of safe behavior and hygiene when working with a computer.

    presenting the same information in different ways.

    search, transformation, storage and transmission of information using indexes, catalogs, directories, the Internet.

Indicators of the social development of the individual.

    Comprehensive socialization of the child through labor training, obtaining various labor skills;

    Formation of a holistic personality through the support of the initiative, self-development, independence, self-sufficiency of the student;

The socialization and self-development of students is formed through the participation of children in competitions of various levels, which gives a versatile experience of communication, the realization of their capabilities in activities, the recognition of others, and awareness of their own changes as a result of learning. The studied field of activity is considered as a variant of the future choice of profession, professional self-determination of planning one's future life.

Expected results.

The implementation of the goals and objectives of this project will increase the interest of students of technical associations in choosing professions that are relevant for our industrial region.

It is planned to introduce children and adolescents to additional general educational programs of a technical orientation with an innovative component.

Innovative technologies, used in the associations of the studio of technical creativity and the studio of design and design, will allow children to feel the joy of work in learning, awaken self-esteem in their hearts, reveal their creative and communicative abilities, expand their horizons, give a greater degree of assimilation of the material and help to get involved in vigorous activity .

The created conditions will help the formation of a harmonious, highly moral, socially adapted, mobile personality of students.


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    Internet resources:
