Factors influencing the process of formation of public consciousness. Legal consciousness of youth at the present stage

External factors influencing the formation of legal consciousness can be determined depending on the number of subjects.

The official sources of formation of legal consciousness include:

1) authorities and officials influencing the formation of legal consciousness through state policy developed, and as a result - law-making and law enforcement activities;

2) educational institutions(regardless of the form of ownership), form legal awareness through legal training in various educational institutions, for example, school, college, university, which should be aimed at the child acquiring positive, spiritual guidelines, his assimilation of moral standards, instilling respect for the law, and the development of his will;

3) means mass media are one of the main sources of formation of legal consciousness, as well as a means of legal propaganda, which consists in disseminating legal ideas and legal requirements in society. And the level of legal awareness and the need to perform legal and illegal actions depend on how competent and objective this information is.

Unofficial sources influencing the formation of legal consciousness include: religion, a person’s immediate environment.

Religion, namely its confession, is a factor influencing the formation of legal consciousness. This is precisely the opinion that many authors adhere to. Religion is the source of not only religious norms, but also moral ones, giving them divine power, and sets itself the task of educating a law-abiding individual. This does not apply to destructive sects, for example, to sects that contribute to the formation of a deformed legal consciousness.

His immediate environment has a huge influence on the formation of a person’s legal consciousness.

Let's consider the most significant objects:

· the majority opinion, the average opinion of the socio-demographic group to which the individual considers himself to be, is one of the factors that has a significant impact on the formation of legal consciousness. It can be positive and negative, promoting or hindering the implementation of certain social processes, the application of legal norms;

· in the immediate environment, a special place is occupied by the family, in which the process of socialization begins, i.e. forming the basis for socially adapted behavior by instilling in the child social values ​​of connections.

Analyzing the main factors that determine the process of formation of legal consciousness, it can be noted: all of them - social, economic, political, psychological, form a complex system of interaction between society and the individual. Such uncoordinated influences entail negative attitude to the right.

In order to change the direction of the regressive development of legal consciousness, it is necessary to organize the system of legal education in such a way that one of its primary tasks is the correction and harmonization of the influence of all factors that shape legal consciousness and, as a consequence, lawful behavior.

The implementation of legal behavior takes place in several stages:

needs - interest as a conscious need - struggle of motives when choosing behavior options - determination of the goal and means of achieving it - assessment of the real situation - decision making - actions to implement the decision made

Failure and deformation of the behavior desired by society is possible at each of the listed stages.

Thus, at the stage of interest formation, needs that cause, for example, crimes against property may be perceived distortedly.

At the same time, normal needs and interests may conflict with the available possibilities for their satisfaction, which negatively affects the choice of means to achieve the goal.

Sometimes a specific thing is perceived distortedly life situation, the existing system of value guidelines is violated, which leads to illegal behavior.

In addition, legal consciousness is a specific regulator of legal behavior, since:

Ш includes the process of reflection and comprehension various phenomena public life and the practical activities of people in the field of functioning of law;

Legal consciousness is always reflected in people’s behavior, in their activities in the legal sphere;

Ш influences the motives that people use when making certain decisions. It includes in the consciousness of the individual, as well as social group, a selected attitudinal assessment for developing certain attitudes towards various legal phenomena. Including to the law in general, its ideas and principles, to the imperativeness of the proclaimed norms of law;

Ш affects the interests and needs of a person, causes him certain experiences, a certain emotional and volitional attitude towards facts, phenomena and processes of social and legal reality.

Legal consciousness that is the same in content, but has a different mood and emotional orientation, has far from the same impact on the behavior and actions of the individual, his activities.

Deviations from the norms of consciousness and behavior of an individual depend on a number of reasons, among which the influence of negative factors on the formation of individual consciousness is of great importance.

Studies of persons who committed crimes generally confirmed the above conclusion and made it possible to identify the following patterns:

the legal consciousness of the person who committed the crime, as a rule, in a number of aspects does not coincide with the existing public legal consciousness and contradicts legal norms;

the criminal denies a specific legal norm or group of norms that protect those social relations that he has encroached on;

the criminal accepts as correct and fair the current legal norm in accordance with which he was convicted, in its abstract understanding, but considers the sentence unfair (usually unnecessarily harsh) in relation to himself.

Consequently, when re-educating convicts, it is necessary to work on restoring not legal consciousness in general, but precisely those aspects of it that are lost or denied by a given person.

Legal awareness is a function of age. It is formed throughout the life of an individual. A newborn child does not have legal consciousness; it is formed in the individual as he socializes. The development of individual legal consciousness is closely related to the legal capacity and capacity of the individual.

The normative-evaluative side of legal consciousness may contain conservative elements, the development of which lags behind the tasks facing a social group, a social subject. Such conservative elements are social habits and traditions of a legal nature. A high level of individual legal awareness is a factor that ensures the rights and interests of the individual in conditions where the majority of citizens have come to terms with these violations.

The causes and conditions for the deformation of legal consciousness are social phenomena and processes of an objective and subjective nature that determine the distorted legal consciousness as their consequence. These factors, by their nature, always contradict the interests of society and cause harm to relations in society.

Together they form a certain system. In order to study the essence of these phenomena, it is necessary to classify them depending on the content, consequences and level of functioning.

The main reasons for legal infantilism at present are:

· an unthought-out course of reforms being carried out in the country;

· partial elimination of free higher education;

· there is no well-organized system of legal training;

· low educational level of a certain part of the population;

· low moral qualities of a significant part of society members.

The reasons for the legal nihilism of Russian citizens are:

· socio-economic crisis;

· political tension;

· crisis of the legal system and lack of legal stability.

Infantilism, nihilism, negativism, idealism, egocentrism as forms of deformation of legal consciousness are located in an organic relationship and unity:

1. they are interconnected structurally and functionally;

2. each of them has qualitative originality and irreducibility to other forms.

Their structural relationship is manifested in the fact that each previous form in terms of degree of regressiveness is, to a certain extent, included in the subsequent more regressive one, but does not exhaust its content.

Various forms of deformation of legal consciousness have their own specific determinants; they also have common causes for all. Infantilism, nihilism, negativism, idealism, egocentrism are distinguished by the degree of deformation of legal consciousness, which is determined by the unequal volume and intensity of determining factors and, most importantly, by their specific combination. These include:

1) economic factors (decline in production, decrease in the volume of industrial and agricultural products, decrease in real wages, etc.);

2) social processes(sharp separation Russian society etc.);

3) political phenomena (struggle for power in the center and in the regions, instability of political institutions, etc.);

4) legal factors (evolution of the Russian legal system);

5) factors of social and spiritual life (backward worldview, imaginary values, etc.).

The distortion of individual legal consciousness, which has become widespread, along with factors of the social environment, is also influenced by personal qualities and conditions of the microenvironment.

Organization of work to overcome the deformation of legal consciousness should have maximum effect. In this regard, it is necessary to take into account a number of features to overcome deformation, namely:

1) taking into account the actually existing processes and contradictions of social life that cause this phenomenon as a consequence;

2) identification of the main directions to overcome various types deformations of legal consciousness;

3) formulation of the goals, methods and means of this activity.

So, the main work to overcome the deformation of legal consciousness should take into account the causes and conditions for the occurrence of this phenomenon. And on the basis of this, a policy to overcome the deformation of legal consciousness should be built.

Since the deformation of legal consciousness arises both due to shortcomings in educational work, as well as due to the influence of negative external factors, two main directions can be distinguished in resolving the existing problem:

1. Organization of educational work to develop a positive legal consciousness and prevent its deformation.

2. Active influence both on the affected legal consciousness and on the causes and conditions that gave rise to it.

These areas of activity to overcome the deformation of legal consciousness require the use of special methods educational, preventive and compulsory nature.

The main place in the mechanism for developing a positive legal consciousness and overcoming the deformation of legal consciousness is occupied by social-normative education, the basis of which is legal education.

Legal education is a process of purposeful and systematic influence on the consciousness and culture of behavior of members of society, carried out to achieve the required level of legal knowledge, develop deep respect for the law and the habit of strict compliance with its requirements based on personal conviction. It helps to strengthen law and order in society.

Legal education of citizens is carried out through widely organized teaching of legal knowledge and propaganda of law in the media. Great importance for the legal education of the masses has practical work law enforcement, whose activities are also widely covered in the media and become public knowledge.

Thus, all citizens must take part in legal education throughout their lives, they can be both as educators and as educated, it all depends on what social roles they perform. Only in this case is it capable of forming a positive legal consciousness among citizens.

Spiritual life of society. Social consciousness.

1. The main forms of spiritual life of society.

2. Social consciousness and its forms.

The main forms of spiritual life of society are considered to be morality, law, religion, science, and art.

Morality- this is the sphere of existence of human moral standards, which includes two aspects: rules and norms of human behavior and a person’s ability to evaluate his intentions and actions. Moral norms regulate only conscious, volitional behavior: the actions of the mentally ill, as well as small children, are not subject to moral assessment. Moral behavior is enshrined in customs and traditions (sustainable behavior repeated from generation to generation). Morals and right They are similar in that they offer a system of rules of behavior, but there are also significant differences. Moral norms apply to such relationships between people that are not regulated by law: friendship, love, fidelity. The execution of law is ensured by coercive measures with the help of a special apparatus of justice; morality does not have a special institution that would force compliance with moral norms. Moral regulation is carried out by society: by the power of persuasion, example, public opinion, tradition, moral authority of individuals.

The structure of moral consciousness includes moral feelings, moral categories, and value orientations.

The basic moral feelings include: duty, conscience, shame, honor, happiness.

In the ethical systems of antiquity, the so-called “golden rule of morality” was formulated - what you don’t like in others, don’t do it yourself. Another common moral principle was the idea of ​​the “golden mean.” To achieve happiness, you need to avoid extremes in actions and observe moderation.

In the subsequent history of ethics, two common options can be distinguished: the interests of the individual are put in first place ( selfishness) or common interests ( altruism).

The first option is: hedonism(pleasure, pleasure); eudaimonism(happiness); utilitarianism(an action is right if it brings benefits).

Altruism is based on compassion for other people, selfless service to people, readiness for self-denial in the name of the good and happiness of people. This principle found expression in Christian morality - “love your neighbor as yourself.”

The main elements of the spiritual life of society are:

Spiritual activity is the activity of consciousness, during which thoughts and feelings, images and ideas about man, the material and spiritual world arise.

As a result of spiritual activity, spiritual values ​​arise, for example, moral and religious principles, scientific theories, works of art.

In the course of spiritual activity, spiritual values ​​are distributed and consumed (perceived, assimilated by people) in accordance with their spiritual needs.

The individual consciousness of a person is his perception of individual aspects of existence, this is the spiritual “microcosm” of the individual, it represents not only the general, but also his own interests, point of view, emotions.

Essence religious consciousness - an illusory doubling of the world: recognition, along with the real natural and social existence of another, otherworldly world. The main sign of religious consciousness is belief in the supernatural.

Unlike simple belief in the supernatural, religion is a social institution. Religion plays one of the main roles in creating the “human life world”. It can perform a creative, organizing role in society, but historically, religions have not always coped with these tasks: instead of spirituality, they instilled fanaticism and ritualism; instead of unification, they separated and even incited wars; instead of psychological reassurance, they gave rise to complexes and superstitions.

The traditional idea of ​​the absolute “opposite” of science and religion was provoked primarily by ideological motives, namely the spiritual despotism of the church, on the one hand, and the claims of science specific to the European tradition to create a comprehensive worldview (scientism) on the other. In any case, today the prevailing opinion among serious specialists is that the competence of religious consciousness should be limited to existential issues, and science should be deprived of its absolutist worldview claims; Accordingly, it is legitimate to talk about mutual complementarity religious faith and scientific knowledge, only jointly satisfying the equally objective needs of millions and millions of people at this stage of human development.

Social consciousness is a set of feelings, moods, ideas, theories, artistic and religious images, various views, reflecting all the diversity of existence.

The bearer of social consciousness is the entire people or any separate group of people within it, for example, a class or an ethnic community.

How more difference between the perception of reality on the part of various groups in a given society, the greater the threat of instability grows.

Forms of social consciousness:

Economic consciousness becomes a stimulus for practical activities to create products and services necessary for people’s lives.

Moral consciousness focuses on actions and behavior that contribute to

achieving public order, combining personal and public interests

Ecological consciousness contributes to the conservation of nature.

Demographic consciousness influences population dynamics.

Aesthetic consciousness stimulates activities to create artistic values ​​and enrich the spiritual world of people.

Religious consciousness helps to overcome fear and suffering due to people’s dependence on the elemental forces of nature and social influences unknown to them.

Political consciousness a social group directs its policies towards gaining or maintaining power in order to realize its interests.

Legal consciousness leads to practical activities to create and maintain order and state laws in the interests of dominant groups.

Historical consciousness contributes to the preservation of social heritage.

Forms of consciousness are derived from social production. They are mental products of a certain social connection between people. Forms of consciousness are a reflection and manifestation of the practice of the masses and are the content and product of their activity. Ordinary consciousness- this is, as it were, the primary form of understanding the world; it arises in people in the process of their Everyday life and activities in everyday communication. Theoretical knowledge about society represent the highest level of social consciousness. In theoretical consciousness, social life, the phenomena of social life are not only described, but also explained (their laws, causes, contradictions are revealed).

In a society consisting of various social groups, theoretical consciousness has an ideological connotation. Ideology- a set of ideas, theories that reflect and evaluate the phenomena of social life from the perspective of a particular social group. Ideology includes ideas about the ideals of society, strategy and tactics in achieving ideals. As long as there are social groups with their different interests, ideology will exist. Ideology is created consciously by theoretically trained and devoted representatives of social groups, their ideologists. They specifically study society and create concepts of social development.

Occupies a special place in the public consciousness mass consciousness(it is also sometimes called “crowd psychology”). The mass, the “crowd,” is characterized by a number of specific qualities: people united in the “crowd” lose independence of judgment, the sense of their strength sharply increases, the consciousness of individual responsibility decreases, suggestibility increases, they are easily influenced by “leaders.” It is interesting that Plato also wrote that the ochlos (“crowd”) is a special animal, and the demagogue (“leader”) is a trainer who knows how to control it. Freedom is not gained in the crowd, but rather lost.

The mechanisms of infection and imitation play a special role in the formation of mass consciousness. It is known that human beliefs are based on knowledge and understanding. A person without convictions is easily manipulated by his consciousness. It is also known that the lower the level of personality development, the higher the imitation and conformism.

As part of everyday consciousness there are social psychology- a set of feelings, moods, habits, inclinations, directions of will, experiences, thoughts that arise on the basis of the social group to which the individual belongs.

Characteristic features of social psychology: it is syncretic (combines contradictory views), covers mainly the emotional and volitional sphere, is woven into the practical sphere of activity of social groups, and is formed mainly spontaneously. But if the ruling strata of society want to instill in the masses their psychology, their social feelings, so that the masses evaluate events not from the position of their interests, but from the position of the ruling strata, the purposeful formation of social consciousness is used, including using immoral methods.

Currently, the development of the media is becoming an increasingly powerful factor in the formation of public consciousness. The media shape standards of thinking, behavior, consumer demand, etc.

The formation of public consciousness is influenced by a number of factors:

The geographical environment in which a social community lives;

The level of material living and the nature of consumption;

Forms of social life;

Historical background, etc.

If we keep in mind the levels of social consciousness as a whole, then everyday consciousness acts as a spiritual stimulus for the practical activities of people aimed at satisfying their everyday, immediate needs of labor, activities for the production and consumption of material and spiritual goods, actions, and the performance of religious rituals. And ideology is a spiritual stimulus for the practical activities of social groups aimed at realizing their fundamental economic, social, political and spiritual interests.

Questions for self-control:

1.Name the forms of social consciousness and give them a brief description.

2.What is the difference between ordinary and theoretical consciousness?

3.Name the characteristic features of mass consciousness (“crowd psychology”).

The formation of our consciousness occurs constantly throughout our lives. Physically, consciousness is determined by the structure of the neural network, which is implemented on the basis of neurons in the totality that makes up our brain. This structure changes under the influence of information flows from the senses and as a result of the internal work of the brain itself.
Our neural network is constantly learning: the weighting coefficients of synapses are constantly changing. This is the process of formation of consciousness.
So what factors influence the brain's learning process?
The following appears:
1. Information flows from the senses
2. Thought processes
3. Emotional background
4. Brain biochemistry
By the factor of “brain biochemistry” (perhaps the term is not correct) I mean that, depending on chemical composition intracerebral fluid, the conductivity of nerve fibers can change and the relationships between neurons change accordingly. In this case, it is possible to change both the reaction speed of neurons and their excitation thresholds, which generally affects the functioning of the neural network and, accordingly, the process of its learning. The fact of such an influence is beyond doubt, which is confirmed by the results of the influence of psychotropic drugs on humans and by the fact that when diagnosing schizophrenia, the corresponding analysis is one of the main ones.
The emotional background, in my opinion, is an increase or decrease in the general electrical potential of certain areas of the brain. Moreover, even weak effects on these areas can lead to exceeding the excitation threshold and, accordingly, reducing the reaction time of neurons, etc.
Thought processes are the most difficult to explain position in the list presented. I imagine it as a certain zone of excitation drifting along the network and accordingly influencing the state of the latter.
Information flows from the senses directly create potentials at the inputs of the neural network. (I wonder if our “sensors” require power or work like photodiodes, being direct sources of electric current)
Let's try to summarize: how we can artificially influence the formation of human consciousness:
1. Psychotropic drugs
2. Creation of a certain “emotional background”. The other day, information flashed about an experiment in which the potential of certain areas of the brain was artificially increased. This significantly affected a person's abilities. The subjects could remember 20% more words that met certain criteria (per letter of the alphabet)
3. Internal auto-training. Internal - does not determine the use of external receptors. Solving problems silently, thinking things through, etc.
4. Creation of specific information flows. In fact, this can be understood as both traditional learning, which takes place on a purely conscious level, and various subconscious types of influence. A very telling example is the use of frame 25 for advertising purposes. In this case, the neural networks (brains) of the viewers were actually trained, regardless of their desire.
Advertising, the media, the processes of upbringing and education - all these are, in their purest form, tools for “programming” people.
Hypnosis is the most explicit programming process. Recently, a fashionable abbreviation has appeared - NLP - neuro-linguistic programming. In fact, this is a version of hypnosis.
There is nothing supernatural about hypnosis. The hypnotist generates a certain information flow, which is converted into an electrical potential, causing excitation of certain areas of the brain and strengthening the signal chains.
On Compulent 05.12.2001 material was published about an experiment with living neurons, during which the process of synapse formation under a series of successive neuron-stimulating impulses was recorded. Accordingly, by actually sending certain information sequences to the sensors (eyes, ears) of a person, creating certain connections between the neurons of his brain and thus influencing his consciousness, which is what actually happened in the case of the already mentioned effect of frame 25.

Many philosophers agree that the transition of humanity to a new, higher level of perception of reality is the only key to solving many current problems modernity. The only question is how to make this transition and what it depends on. Today, many people are misled as to “what is good and what is bad,” so in determining what is beneficial and harmful for a person, it would be a good idea to study the science of the qualities of material nature, which is described in detail in the Vedas .

Leading modern scientists rightly believe that we should not discount the wisdom of ancient civilizations and abandon the knowledge they have accumulated over many millennia.

Academician Anatoly Evgenievich Akimov, director of the International Institute of Theoretical and Applied Physics of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Russia writes: “An appeal to the wisdom of the ancient cultures of the East is a progressive step in the development of modern society. Everything that physics has now approached, practically without formulas, but in a more meaningful way, is set out in ancient Sanskrit texts. There were and are two directions of knowledge of Nature. One is represented by Western science, based on theory, experiment, proof, etc. The other is Eastern, that is, knowledge obtained from the outside in an esoteric way, for example, in a state of meditation. Esoteric knowledge is not obtained, it is given to a person(when a person becomes worthy of receiving them due to the development of high aspirations, sublime qualities - author's note). It turned out that at some stage this esoteric path was lost and another path was formed, extremely complex and slow. Over the last thousand years, following this path, we are only approaching the knowledge that was known in the East more than 3,000 years ago.”

According to Eastern teachings, any element of this world is influenced by one of the three qualities of material nature: goodness, passion and ignorance, which can be compared to the ascending and descending currents of air in the atmosphere. Contact with the quality of goodness elevates a person’s consciousness, contact with the element of ignorance lowers him to an ever lower level. Passion can lift a person up to a certain level from a state of ignorance, but in general it is unfavorable for spiritual progress. Studying the impact of the qualities of nature will allow a person to independently understand what is good and what is evil for him at this stage, since these concepts may differ at different levels.

The energies of ignorance cover a living being with a veil of illusion and oblivion. The energies of passion mislead one about the true purpose of life and force one to seek illusory material happiness. The energy of goodness or purity awakens the pure nature of the soul and frees it from the influence of lower energies. Almost all prophets, saints and mystics say that every person should strive to achieve this state of spiritual enlightenment, in which he gains causeless knowledge at the level of revelations and comprehends the deep essence of the nature of things.

The entire material world consists only of these three qualities, from which various elements are formed - gross and subtle elements. In the material world, everything - objects, activities, space, sounds, aspirations and even thoughts - consist only of goodness, passion and ignorance, as well as their various combinations. For example, melodic spiritual music is in goodness, songs about unrequited love are in passion, and hard rock is in ignorance. Large space country house is in goodness, an apartment in a densely populated city is in passion, and a den of drug addicts is in ignorance. Order and purity, which belong to the category of goodness, elevate consciousness, and disorder and dirt, which belong to ignorance, increase the influence of lower energies on a person. Flattering words are in passion, harsh words are in ignorance, and pleasant and truthful words are in goodness.

Good and evil are relative concepts, since what is evil for one is good for another. Passion can bring a person out of a state of deep ignorance, but it can also bring a person down from a higher spiritual level. For example, for a cannibal, switching to eating animal meat will be a great progress, but for a vegetarian, this diet will be a step back.

The energies of goodness bring with them enlightenment, happiness and health; passions - illness and disappointment; ignorance - madness and suffering. Being in passion leads to the emergence of more and more new, constantly increasing material desires, which are as impossible to satisfy as it is impossible to put out a fire by throwing wood into it. Therefore, passion only leads to regrets about missed opportunities and disappointment in a wasted life.

Acting in goodness, a person lives happily ever after, and, completely freed from the remnants of passion and ignorance, he regains the perception of eternity, accompanied by limitless knowledge and a feeling of ever-increasing happiness. Therefore, in ancient times, education meant the development in a person of sublime character traits that would lead him to the acquisition of wisdom and become the key to his longevity and successful life.

Modern education makes people erudite, but without proper education, the acquired knowledge is dangerous and does more harm than good. Therefore, the sages of antiquity noted that the true development of knowledge is actions in goodness, and the accumulation of empty information without the development of good qualities - erudition, only cultivates pride in a person and, through the element of passion, plunges him into ignorance. To become happy, one should be well aware of the three qualities of material nature: goodness, passion and ignorance. It is their impact on a person that determines his behavior, health and destiny. The ancient mystical art of achieving spiritual enlightenment is to have as little contact as possible with the manifestations of the descending energy of ignorance and to be only in the ascending currents of a higher order - the energy of purity or goodness, elevating consciousness to a higher and higher level of perception.

Insert table 3 qualities of nature



Main characteristics

Spiritual understanding of life;

Cleanliness (internal and external);


Following spiritual laws;

Preservation of spiritual traditions;



The ability to control oneself;

Sense of duty and responsibility;



The ability to live in the present.



Dissatisfaction with the present;

Focus on the future;

Strong contrasting emotions;

Increased thirst for external pleasures;


The desire to avoid responsibility;

Psychologists say that any action repeated within 21 days becomes a habit. Knowing this, a person can purposefully change his life for the better, trying to think and act based on higher moral principles. Under the influence of actions belonging to the category of goodness, a person’s consciousness will gradually move to a higher level of perception of reality and relationships with others.

Change of fate.

“You cannot solve a problem with the same consciousness that created the problem.”

Albert Einstein

The spiritual world is a world of sublime relationships. Spiritual progress is relational progress. The material world is the space in which we learn sublime relationships with each other. And it is precisely the sublime relationships with each other, the sublime, selfless attitude towards the world that all the laws of Nature teach us here.

Therefore, Eastern psychology claims that the source of success in all areas of life is properly built relationships.

The reason for a good relationship is your culture.

Culture is the outward manifestation of your character.

Character is formed from habits.

Your habits are a consequence of your actions.

Actions are born from thoughts.

Thoughts are born from desires.

Desires are closely related to qualities.

A person’s desires grow from the system of his internal values.

It is obvious that an envious, greedy, selfish person wants one thing, and a kind person wants something completely different. Therefore, it is very important to realize the values ​​by which we live. Our values ​​and qualities largely depend on the circle of our communication and on the quality of the energies that influence our consciousness. Contact with the quality of goodness and association with holy people restores pure and high values ​​to us. By placing himself in the ascending currents of the quality of goodness and avoiding the descending currents of passion and ignorance, a person will gradually think, speak and act on an ever higher spiritual level, and his whole life will move to an ever new, better level.

Our thoughts are born from our desires, and desires depend on our worldview and aspirations. At the deepest level, 90% of our worldview and aspirations depend on our contact with certain qualities of material nature: on when we go to bed and when we get up; from what food we eat; from who and how we communicate; on what information we come into contact with, etc.

In fact, 90% of our spiritual progress depends not on ourselves, but on the quality of our communication, on what energies we come into contact with. And only 10% of our spiritual progress depends on our own efforts or on our choice.

We have a choice - with whom to communicate, which current to dive into, and the force of the current itself will bring us to a certain place. Do not underestimate the power of currents or the qualities of nature and overestimate your own strength. For example, if a fresh crisp cucumber is placed in a jar of brine, then no matter how much it is puffed up, in a few days it will become a pickled cucumber. Or if a metal rod is placed in a fire, then after some time it will acquire the properties of fire: it will glow, burn and ignite objects. The question is not the twig or the cucumber, but the environment in which they were located. Being in a particular environment, we acquire the corresponding properties and qualities of character, in accordance with which our subsequent life is built. educational program- fate. Through bad communication, a person develops in himself low types of aspirations, which give him a very difficult character. A difficult character means a difficult fate.

To summarize, we can say that our worldview depends on our communication, which directs our entire destiny in one direction or another. The three qualities of nature equally influence all living things in the world around us, but man is given the right to choose: to progress or degrade, that is, he can choose which qualities to be under the influence of. If you don't make this choice yourself, others will make it for you.

Three types of psyche

It's always interesting to see confirmation of ancient esoteric knowledge modern science. This only once again confirms their truth and convinces us that true religion and true science do not contradict each other: Truth can be known both with the help of top-down (revelation) and bottom-up (research) methods of cognition.

Let's see how scientists discovered the manifestation of the three qualities of nature and what conclusions they came to as a result of this. In the mid-80s of the XX century. Employees of the Institute of Thermophysics of the Siberian Branch of the Academy of Sciences carried out a “comic” experiment with ants that had paved the way to the tea table where cookies and sugar were stored. “Time bombs” were placed on the ant trail - drops of sweet tea with the addition of ethyl alcohol. The effect was amazing: the ants “drank” to such an extent that they could no longer stand on their six legs and lost all orientation in space. But it was not this sight that amazed the experimenters (they saw this among their fellow citizens more than once). They were amazed that approximately 1/4 or 1/3 of the ants could not be forced to try the intoxicating drink by any effort: they resisted in every possible way when they were pushed towards the intoxicating and sweet drop, and immediately ran away when the obstacle was removed. Moreover, they tried to save their distraught brethren, who were swollen from “abuse” of the insidious treat. Having clasped their drunken relative with their front paws, they tried to pull the unfortunate man away. “Well, just like people!” - the experimenters were surprised. Indeed, just like people!

Minister of Health of Russia Yu.L. Shevchenko announced the following information at the “government hour”: “…. According to available data scientific research carried out abroad and in Russia, 30% of the population, due to the biological characteristics of the body, do not have a pathological attraction to drug use. About 45% of people have a weak desire to use drugs and, if the conditions for obtaining them are available, they may begin to use drugs. But 25–30% of people are simply biologically predisposed to drug addiction and, if they find themselves in a socially negative environment, they, as a rule, become drug addicts...”

Experts distinguish, avoiding particulars, three main types of psyche:

1) Animal type of psyche - when an individual in his behavior is guided by innate instincts and conditioned reflexes acquired under the pressure of the surrounding social environment. This type of psyche is characterized by fear of death, fear of hunger and unbridled sexuality;

2) The demonic type of psyche is the type of militant egoist, “superman”, striving to subjugate his environment by any means, including through direct violence;

3) The human type of psyche is a “righteous person”, who feels himself an integral part of nature, ready to sacrifice his time and well-being for the sake of the life and well-being of other people. This is an altruist - the antithesis of a militant egoist.

The three qualities of material nature - goodness, passion and ignorance are subtle all-pervading energies and are always present in one ratio or another in the human consciousness, but with a certain influence this ratio can change, transforming the behavior and psyche of a person.

This metaphysical science is well known to the leaders of the secret world government (“those who received initiation in lodges of a destructive orientation”), and they successfully use this knowledge for their own purposes, pumping the media with information flows of passion and ignorance in order to transform the human psyche to a controlled animal level. All this leads to an understanding of the nature of drug addiction: the sale and distribution of alcohol and other drugs inevitably leads to their use. All I'm saying is that humanity is being "let down" on a strictly scientific basis. Another thing is that this science is not yet known to everyone, so my goal is to give readers correct understanding ongoing processes, as well as the necessary knowledge with which you can resist the negative information impact.

IN modern world It is the media that direct the development of our civilization in one direction or another. The quality of the information field surrounding us imperceptibly but surely changes our consciousness and our entire psyche as a whole. And you don’t have to look far for examples: the people of Russia appreciated and supported the Soviet government because it in every possible way promoted the altruistic, human type of psyche, inspiring people to selflessly help each other.

Vivid memories of my childhood are our pioneer events, community service lessons at school, patronage of a kindergarten and caring for nature. When we lived in the Urals, during frosts, my mother often asked me to sprinkle sand on icy roads and use a hatchet to cut down the steps leading down to the store so that people wouldn’t fall. Most of all, I am grateful to my parents precisely because they, as sincere Soviet citizens, instilled in me a taste for selfless help to others, and also because they practically did not drink alcohol.

The power of inner purity

"The sword will always be defeated by the spirit."


If you look at the course of the Second World War, France capitulated within a week, Denmark - a day and a half after the start of hostilities on their territory, etc. And the point is not that there were more Germans than French. In fact, Hitler immediately captured the whole of Europe only because it was already corrupted by a consumerist attitude to life.

When a person is only interested in his own pleasures, then he doesn’t particularly care who seized power there, as long as his beer, sex and TV are not taken away from him (and tyrants are not at all going to take away people’s animal pleasures - on the contrary: they cultivate them) . Under the influence of the consumer attitude to life, a person is predictable and fights only when it is beneficial for him, that is, for money. The very essence of mercenary armies was well demonstrated by one interesting report during the recent military events in Iraq: one day American soldiers They refused to go on the attack because in the morning they did not receive the contracted orange juice for breakfast and, moreover, they had not been given toilet paper for two weeks! If the mercenaries are not provided with good amenities and are not paid, then they simply will not fight. Hitler stimulated his army well, so he expected that he would march through Russia with tanks all the way to the Urals in a maximum of two months. But he miscalculated.

Unlike weak and corrupt Europe, almost our entire huge country went to war against fascism. Hitler was shocked when he heard in reports from the front line that in Russia even children and old people were throwing themselves under tanks with grenades shouting: “For the Motherland!” In other countries, he did not encounter this: there they were more afraid not for their homeland, but for their own skin. The Russians fought for life and death. The defenders of the Brest Fortress, already deep behind enemy lines, in complete isolation and without any chance of victory, held a perimeter defense for almost two months until the last soldier was killed.

In Novorossiysk there was not a single square centimeter that was not stuffed with lead, and yet its defenders held back the enemy’s onslaught in inhumane conditions.

Fascism was stopped precisely by the high strength of spirit of the Soviet people. Our grandfathers and great-grandfathers, without hesitation, gave their lives for the benefit of future generations. They were driven by a HIGH IDEA.

The higher a person’s aspirations, the greater inner strength he has. That is why it is said that “cleanliness is strength!” Or: “Our cause is just, (therefore) we will win!” It is the purity of thoughts and high moral aspirations (human psychotype of personality) that are the main distinctive feature and the source of strength of the Russian people, towards the destruction of which the entire “Dulles Plan” and massive information propaganda of the consumer lifestyle are aimed.

The Hidden Meaning of Marx's Teachings

“Of course, the battle of Light and Darkness seems to many to be some kind of outdated fairy tale, but it should be said that usually those who unconsciously, and even more obediently, carry out the directives of the dark whisperers think so.”

E.I. Roerich

Ideology shapes not only human behavior, but also the fate of an entire nation. Many scientists are beginning to understand this fact. In this regard, it is interesting to note the message of the news agency “News of Ukraine”: “In Ukrainian schools, they should study not Darwin’s theory, but creationism - the concept according to which the world was created by a Supreme Intelligence. It is impossible to cultivate conscience without faith. It is naive to believe that this can be done through culture and art. If a person is raised as the heir of an animal, then he will remain so,” Ukrainian scientists stated this at a press conference in Kyiv.

According to scientists, Darwin’s theory remains only one of the versions, but, nevertheless, in Ukrainian schools they give preference to it. What prompted the broad masses of people to turn away from God and propagate an atheistic theory that suggests that man is a representative of the animal kingdom, which has no higher purpose in life, and that life is not a manifestation of the spirit in the material world, but only a combination chemical elements? The teachings of Marx and the theory of Darwin are the basis of “scientific atheism”, so it is very important to understand their close connection with each other and how they affect the consciousness and destinies of people.

Karl Marx is considered the founder of the ideas of scientific communism, in which religion is considered only as a method of exploitation of man by man. Marx was against religion, since religion interferes with the full implementation of communist ideals, which he saw as the only answer to all the world's problems. This is how Marxists explain their position. But is this true? Georgy Marchenko, one of the analysts of Marx’s biography, believes that at the age of seventeen he was initiated into a secret sect of Satanists, and his whole life was aimed at making people forget about their highest destiny. The poems of the young Marx say a lot about his inner world:

“I have already lost heaven and I know it very well.

My soul, once devoted to God,

Now destined for hell."

“The words I am learning are mixed into a devilish mixture.

So everyone can think what they want!”

“With contempt I will throw my glove straight into the face of the world.

And I will see his fall, which will cool my hatred.

And pouring mighty power into my words,

I will feel equal to the Creator!”

"I will build my throne high,

Its summit will be cold and terrible.

Its basis is superstitious trembling,

The master of ceremonies is black agony itself.”

“And you, personified humanity, by the strength of my mighty hands

I can grab and crush with furious force

While the abyss shines before me and you in the dark,

You'll fall into it and I'll follow you, laughing

And whispering in my ear: “Come down with me, my friend!”

It is completely untrue that Marx pursued the ideals of helping humanity, and religion only helped capitalists exploit the working class - which is why he took an anti-religious position, as modern Marxists explain. On the contrary, in the preface to his dissertation, Marx states that he hates all gods in heaven and earth who do not recognize human consciousness as the highest deity. Marx wanted to send all of humanity to hell, and socialism and democracy were just bait to attract the proletariat and intelligentsia to the realization of this plan. When Soviet authority proclaimed: “Let’s drive out the capitalists from the earth and God from heaven,” she was simply fulfilling the behests of Marx.

It should be especially emphasized that Marx and his associates, being against the will of God, were not atheists in the sense that their modern followers call themselves. They believed in God and life after death. Marxism hides a secret that only a few Marxists know about. Lenin wrote that, half a century later, not a single Marxist had comprehended Marx. That is, by renouncing God openly, they hated the one whose existence they did not doubt. They challenged not the existence of God, but His sovereignty.

When revolution broke out in Paris in 1871, Communard Florence declared: “Our enemy is God!” Marx praised the Communards who openly pursued this goal. Throughout his life, Marx loved to repeat the words of Mephistopheles from Goethe’s Faust: “everything that exists is worthy of destruction!” Lieutenant Chekhov, a participant in the 1848 revolution, noticed that Marx’s narcissism absorbed all the good that once was in him. Mazzini, who knew Marx well, wrote that “he had a spirit of destruction. His heart was breaking more from hatred than from love for people.” Marx hated humanity as much as he hated God and all of his creation. And this idea is confirmed by all Marx’s contemporaries. It is also important that both of Marx’s daughters and his son-in-law, unable to bear communicating with him, committed suicide. Loving people Marx is a myth created after his death.

After Marx read Darwin's Origin of Species, he wrote an enthusiastic letter to Lassalle, exulting that God - at least in the natural sciences - had received, in his opinion, a death blow, and Darwin's theory should be taken up into service and propagandize in the broadest possible way. This is what we are seeing now. Marxism is the first systematic and detailed system that dramatically lowers man's self-image.

According to Marx, man is primarily a womb that needs to be constantly filled. Man's predominant interests lie in the economic sphere; he produces objects only for his own needs, entering into relationships with other people for this purpose. Marriage, love, art, science, religion, philosophy - everything that is not related to the needs of the stomach is only a superstructure and, ultimately, is determined by the state of the stomach itself.

Marx was the chosen instrument of demonic forces to make man lose his human dignity and the confidence that he comes from above and is destined to return to where he began. In his ballad “The Fiddler,” Marx glorifies art that “comes from the pit of hell, acts demonically on the mind and bewitches the heart.”

American revolutionary Jerry Rubin formulated the essence of this “art” more specifically: “We have mixed youth, music, sex, drugs and the spirit of rebellion with betrayal, and this combination is difficult to overcome!”

The demonic culture released by Marxists from the depths of hell is already victoriously marching across the planet, and among fans of rock bands it is already becoming fashionable to openly use the attributes and elements of the cult of Satan. Most people who profess atheism and follow this fashion do not even suspect what tragic consequences this may have on their destinies.

Marx openly proclaimed his demonic ideas, which are perceived figuratively and superficially by the uninitiated. Nowadays, few people understand that many of the problems of modern society were conceived long before they appeared, as well as what role the adopted theory of Charles Darwin plays in them. It is still taught from professorial chairs and teachers' desks throughout the world because it benefits those who are jealous of God and consider Him their personal enemy. Like a shield, hiding behind democracy, the leaders of behind-the-scenes politics spread atheism, sowing chaos in society and earning good money in the muddy waters of corruption and unprincipledness. Striving only for self-aggrandizement and limitless domination, they would like to kill God, but since this is impossible, they try to sever the connection of people with their highest principle, widely disseminating atheistic and materialistic value systems in society.

Darkness is just a consequence of the absence of light. All the forces of darkness themselves will disappear when people turn their lives to God and fill it with sublime content. If people think that they are descended from animals, then they will behave like animals. But if they understand that they are children of God, they will be able to behave in a manner worthy of divine beings - sons and daughters of God. Human life has a higher purpose. This is what should be taught in schools and in all educational institutions of the world.

Three types of civilizations

“Each soul is a field of their (Holy forces) struggle with the demonic principle, and the whole life of the soul is a chain of choices that confront the “I”, strengthening or paralyzing the help it receives from the Holy principles.”

Daniil Andreev (“Rose of the World”)

For thousands of years, humanity has strived to develop a righteous type of consciousness and in every possible way suppressed the emergence of demonic and animal tendencies. Ancient texts written in Sanskrit note that there are three types of civilizations in the Universe, whose activities are based on different types of perception of the world.

Activities carried out under the influence of the energy of ignorance lead to the development of black magic and the subjugation of the psyche of other living beings. Passion forms unbridled desires and a demonic personality type, which leads to an emphasis on the development of technological progress, the emergence of civilizations of the “Yantra” category (“Yantra” translated from Sanskrit means “mechanism”). Classifying 14 types of planetary systems existing in our Universe, the Vedas are guided by the level of spiritual development of their inhabitants. Therefore, despite the fact that some demonic civilizations are superior to terrestrial planets in their technical development, people are on more high level spiritual development and have much greater willpower and determination.

The ancient Indian epic "Mahabharata" tells about the world of the Danavas - one of the technocratic civilizations. Already 5000 years ago on this planet people were used as servants. Yantrapurusha - “mechanical people”. The scriptures say that it was possible to distinguish robots from the inhabitants of this planet only “by the absence of the sparkle of life in the eyes.” Nevertheless, earthlings have always emerged victorious from battles with the Danavas precisely because of their higher worldview, determination and willpower.

In Sanskrit man means "mind" and the term Trayate has two meanings: “protection” and “purification”. Civilizations based on the elevation, purification and protection of consciousness from lower influences belong to the “mantra” category. Representatives of these civilizations are in harmony with the world around them and, developing spiritually, reveal dormant supernatural abilities and the ability to control the forces of nature. Lower demonic civilizations strive to enslave the psyches of other beings; technocratic - to exploit them material resources, and representatives of higher civilizations strive to promote the spiritual development of all inhabitants of this world.

Described in different cultures battles between the forces of good and evil are the struggle of higher and lower civilizations for the spread of various types psyches in the Universe. Theologians note that all wars in human history are wars for the souls of people, with the goal of spreading one or another worldview. What many richest people planets and influential persons commit bloody sacrifices in order to gain absolute domination over humanity, indicating their connection with “dark” forces. The same rituals were performed by Hitler, Beria and other tyrants who destroyed entire nations as an offering to their patrons.

The previously mentioned secret world government is actually a conductor of the interests of lower civilizations and in every possible way contributes to the spread of the demonic way of thinking. The countries of Islam, due to their closedness and conservatism, actively resist the immoral “culture” emanating from America. Therefore, the behind-the-scenes government created and maintains the myth of global terrorism emanating from Muslims in order to enlist the support of public opinion in open military action against them. The fact that after the military operations in Afghanistan, the first thing the Americans did was install satellite television there - to introduce the backward country to the “progressive culture of the West” says a lot.

There are many hypotheses that a huge leap in the technical development of mankind was made possible thanks to the use of alien technologies. Some researchers believe that the technological explosion became possible thanks to the study of the wreckage of flying saucers, while others argue that in secret laboratories aliens are transferring their electronic and biological technologies to earthlings.

On April 26, 1989, former US government military expert Milton William Cooper sent 536 copies of the "Petition of Charge" to every member of the US Senate and House of Representatives. The petition, although not widely circulated, shocked everyone who saw it. She presented to the public not only lists of members of the secret international government (Zbigniew Brzezinski, Henry Kissenger, George Bush, Nelson Rockefeller, etc.), but also told that US President Eisenhower entered into a contractual relationship with the civilization of big-nosed gray aliens from the planet of the star Betelgeuse (constellation Orion) back in 1954. Arriving to us on large aircraft, which astronomers initially mistook for asteroids, they landed at Holloman Air Force Base, and later at Edward Air Force Base, where a pre-arranged meeting between President Eisenhower and his “brothers” took place. mind."

According to the agreement, the government received some "advanced" technology in exchange for permission to kidnap people for "research." According to Cooper, he himself had to take part in the analysis of one incident when aliens took hostage a group of American scientists and destroyed a group of elite Alpha special forces sent to free them. As Cooper reports, in the United States alone, a number of deep underground facilities have already been built with money from the drug business as part of “joint cooperation.”

Citing numerous evidence, Bernd von Wittenburg in his book “The Shah of Planet Earth” argues that the CIA attracts enormous financial resources through the drug trade to operate four underground bases where research programs are carried out jointly with representatives of technically more advanced planetary systems. According to the sources cited, the American government supplies representatives of “gray” civilizations with the minerals they need and allows them to conduct experiments with their citizens, provided that their lives are preserved and their memories are erased. The aliens, in turn, share their technologies that will allow the secret government that controls America and a number of other countries to turn people into obedient biorobots using implanted microchips.

In his books, John Favors notes that representatives of lower civilizations have lost the ability to experience happiness, because in the course of technocratic evolution their emotional perception of the world has atrophied, and they perceive the surrounding reality mainly only logically. Trying to regain lost abilities, they study people, wanting to understand through which sense organs a person gains the ability to experience love, creativity, sublime emotions and joy of life. Even in terrestrial conditions we see that under the influence of strong energies of a lower order a person can largely lose the ability to perceive higher matters.

According to Vedic cosmology, terrestrial planets belong to the first level of higher type planets. This means that sincere people who are at the beginning of their spiritual development are born here. It is natural for a person to strive for spirituality, and that is why psychologists call the “human psychotype” consciousness in a state of goodness. Those who exhibit demonic or animal character tendencies were also called “non-humans” by our ancestors.

One of the social realities of the European North is the intelligentsia, and it is impossible to fully comprehend the culture of the region without studying its educated layer, which, on the one hand, is the creator and distributor of “spiritual goods”, on the other hand, is itself the result of the culture of the region.

The historical process is a multifaceted, multidimensional phenomenon, and depending on the interaction of various factors - natural, geographical and climatic conditions, geopolitical position, religious views, established socio-political relations and the way of economic life - different communities follow their own path of development and have specific patterns of concrete historical development1. Russia, having development features similar to the West, is at the same time a unique historical phenomenon. However, Russia is distinguished by the unique diversity of economic, social and spiritual development of numerous regions, and the presence of different mentalities. A comprehensive, integrated analysis of the cultural and historical past of Russia is impossible without supplementing them with regional research and development. One of the protected corners of Russia is the European North. This is not only and not so much a concept denoting a certain territory, geographical area, but rather a sociocultural community that was formed in special conditions and differs in its socio-psychological characteristics from the rest of Russians. Numerous researchers of the North have pointed out the difference between the North Russian people and the population of the central and southern regions of Russia. The uniqueness of natural and geographical conditions, spiritual origins, the role and place played by the North in all-Russian politics left an imprint on the form of public self-awareness, the stereotype of behavior of the northern population.

One of the social realities of the European North is the intelligentsia, and it is impossible to fully comprehend the culture of the region without studying its educated layer, which, on the one hand, is the creator and distributor of “spiritual goods”, on the other hand, is itself the result of the culture of the region.

The problem of the contribution of the northern intelligentsia to the development of the region has a long research tradition. The professional and educational activities of its various groups and outstanding representatives are studied. In the context of the analysis of cultural processes taking place in the North, the history of the functioning of scientific, artistic, pedagogical, medical and other institutions and organizations in which the northern intelligentsia took an active part is illuminated. At the same time, there are extremely few publications devoted to the study of the psychology of the intelligentsia, the degree of their intellectual, spiritual and moral development. An analysis of the “internal foundations” of the intelligentsia, its consciousness, will make it possible to give a more objective assessment of its contribution to the development of the region, determine its socio-political position, and answer the question: was it capable of significantly changing the situation in the region for the better, influencing the consciousness of the northerners.

P. Sorokin is right when he wrote that “without knowledge of the society and culture in which an individual is born and grows, none of his personal qualities... can be understood; his entire mentality, manners and mores, his style of behavior and way of thinking are completely incomprehensible"2. In order to comprehend the problem posed, it is necessary to recreate the sociocultural background, the environment in which the northern intelligentsia was born and formed, to find out what factors influenced the formation of its mental make-up, worldview and behavioral stereotype.

For a long time, the dominant idea in Soviet historical literature was that the intelligentsia is a social stratum that is recruited from various classes and, depending on social origin and material living conditions, adjoins either the ruling class or the masses. At the same time, at the beginning of the 20th century, the authors of the sensational collection “Vekhi” (N.A. Berdyaev, S.N. Bulgakov, P.B. Struve and others), as well as Russian thinkers G.P. Fedotov, F.A. Stepun, I.A. Ilyin and many others, who by the will of fate found themselves abroad after October 1917, expressed alternative opinions3. They derived the phenomenon of intellectual consciousness from the interaction of two factors: the mentality of the Russian person, the bearer of which was the intelligentsia, and, as a result, Western European scholarship and education. According to respected philosophers, the deep religious consciousness of the Russian person with his dreams “of the kingdom of God on earth” and the search for absolute goodness and justice was inherent in the Russian intelligentsia. Having mechanically and dogmatically assimilated the ideas of Western enlighteners, she directed all her strength to the struggle for a bright future, to the implementation of the “idea of ​​liberation of the people” and did this “purely in the Russian way”, with deep religious fanaticism and intolerance. The interpretation of the intelligentsia as “a militant monastic order that dreamed of benefiting humanity and establishing paradise on earth” narrows the boundaries of this concept. Only its revolutionary part is counted among the intelligentsia, while the majority of intellectual workers who honestly and conscientiously fulfilled their professional duty, increasing the cultural potential of Russia, remain outside. At the same time, the idea is deeply true that the intelligentsia of any country is the result and consequence of the culture of their country, the bearer of the psychology and worldview of their people.

The intelligentsia of the European North is one of the all-Russian regional groups, and it is characterized by the same patterns of development, essential qualities and features. At the same time, it is the result of the social and spiritual environment in which it developed. The processes of economic modernization took place in the North, due to its remoteness from the main industrial centers, at a slower pace. In this regard, the intelligentsia as a socially significant group appears here only in turn of XIX-XX centuries. But even at the beginning of the 20th century total number hers was insignificant. By 1914, the share of the intelligentsia in the North was extremely low and averaged 0.7 percent, in rural areas - 0.4 percent4, while in Russia, according to various estimates, from 1.5 percent to 2.2 percent5. The predominance of the agricultural type of production and remoteness from large cultural centers slowed down the penetration of modernist, revolutionary ideas into the consciousness of the intelligentsia. There were few overly politicized and ideologized intelligentsia in the North. This is explained not only by the region’s remoteness from the centers of big politics, but also by the small number of the working class in the North, among whom revolutionary views were most popular. The bulk of the inhabitants of the northern outskirts were the peasantry, who lived their own world and in fairly tolerable conditions, prosperous compared to the agricultural population of the central provinces. The northern peasantry did not know serfdom or enslavement of the individual. State and appanage peasants lived here. Noble land ownership was also not developed in these areas; accordingly, the nobility class was insignificant in number, which in the central regions long time was the main source of recruiting knowledge workers. In the North, mass detachments of the intelligentsia were replenished from the local bourgeois and peasant population. Coming from the people, close to them in terms of level and living conditions, the northern intelligentsia inherited the socio-psychological traits inherent in the entire North Russian people.

What mental traits she inherited and what factors contributed to the formation of a special image of the worldview of the northerners and their intelligentsia, among others, is the subject of our further discussion. This topic is not new. Many researchers have turned to it. T. A. Bernshtam, S. V. Maksimov, M. A. Ostrovskaya, A. Ya. Efimenko, V. V. Krestinin explain the psychology of the northern person by the peculiarities of natural and geographical conditions, the colonization process, geopolitical situation, and the way of life of the northern peasant community ; S.S. Shchekina - the traditions of family education of Pomors; N. M. Terebikhin analyzes in detail and comprehensively the origins of the spiritual worldview of the population of the European North6. We will try to present the existing thoughts in the system and supplement them with our own vision of the problem.

The character and strong-willed qualities of the northerners were formed under the influence of natural and climatic conditions. “The severity of the climate, and consequently the poverty of the soil, which is capable of growing only one barley, which is always unripe, of poor quality and in small quantities, and finally, the proximity to the sea distracts from household work and coincides with wanderings to the far side,” wrote S. V. Maksimov about the residents of Ust-Tsilema7. Indeed, the North is an area of ​​extremely unfavorable natural-geographical and climate zone. The scarcity of soil, the abundance of swamps, excessive rainfall, and the small number of sunny days per year made this region extremely unfavorable for farming. Thus, in the Arkhangelsk province, on average, 48.8 percent of the area at the beginning of the 20th century was occupied by swamps and only 1 percent of the land, mainly in the southern districts, was of agricultural importance8. Bad weather conditions did not ensure a sustainable harvest. The northerners could not feed themselves from the land all year round. At the same time, the proximity to the sea, the abundance of forests rich in natural gifts and living creatures, and many rivers contributed to the development of marine hunting, hunting, and fishing. The Pomors began to master shipbuilding and navigation early and, according to the former vice-governor S.I. Trubin, “even the Norwegians learned from the Russians” this art9. Since ancient times, Pomors embarked on long sea voyages, established trade contacts with neighboring northern European countries. The same S.I. Trubin writes in his essays that, long before Edward Chancellor appeared on the shores of the White Sea, “at the beginning of the 15th century in Kholmogory there was a fair where furs were traded. Brave industrialists reached the Irtysh River. And in 1495 Gregory Istoma, sent to negotiate with Denmark, reached Trondheim, and from there by land to Denmark"10. Thus, in contrast to the central regions of Russia, where the basis of economic life was agriculture, in the North the trade, fishing and entrepreneurial nature of economic life developed early. The share of trade and fishing activity was great not only for the Pomors living along the White Sea, but also for the more southern districts of the Arkhangelsk and Vologda provinces. Non-chernozem soils, a changeable climate with imperfect tools did not give grounds for confidence in the future, that the resulting harvest would be enough for the whole year, so the population of these areas was actively engaged in waste crafts in order to provide for the family. We agree with the statement of T. A. Bernshtam that, in unusual conditions, the inhabitants of the northern regions “developed a completely unique cultural and economic type, based on the predominance of the fishing economy”11. Harsh living conditions and the constant problem of survival laid the foundation for a certain mental make-up, “which, as a result of natural selection, led to the consolidation of the necessary properties and personality traits: feeling self-esteem, freedom of action, independence, lively mind, restraint and the concept of one’s own specialness."12 To these statements by S.S. Shchekina it should be added that the northerners were favorably distinguished by hard work, perseverance, strong-willed qualities, pragmatism and a taste for entrepreneurial activity, which in many ways makes northerners similar in their worldview to Western European rationalists.

The consolidation of these “ancestral properties” and individual qualities was facilitated by the increased role of the North in trade contacts with Western European countries in the 16th-17th centuries. The Arkhangelsk port is the only access to the sea through which Russian merchants could trade with neighboring countries. Foreign representative offices and settlements of foreign merchants were created here, who lived in the city for a long time and were engaged in entrepreneurial activities. Constant contacts with foreigners favored the interpenetration of cultures and the mutual enrichment of methods of economic life. In this regard, there was no one-act mechanical assimilation of Western innovations; they were slowly “grafted” in the North, gradually being superimposed on the historically established way of life. In our opinion, N. Ya. Danilevsky’s opinion about the impossibility of transplanting values ​​of one cultural-historical type to another is true; success is achieved only through “slow gradual grafting”13. It was precisely this process that could be observed in the North. Greater interpenetration of North Russian and Western cultures was observed in cities. Accordingly, the urban population largely adopted the lifestyle, habits and preferences of people from neighboring countries. Rural residents, many of whom lived in remote, hard-to-reach corners of the region, preserved their traditional way of life, culture, and way of thinking. Contacts of the European North with Western countries continued to be maintained at the turn of the 19th-20th centuries, despite the artificial restriction of trade through the Arkhangelsk port by Peter I, which gives grounds to assert that the urban intelligentsia not only inherited the rationalistic worldview of the northerners, but was also, to a certain extent, formed under the influence Western culture.

The internal appearance of the northern population was influenced by the existing system of socio-political relations. As we noted earlier, the North did not know serfdom; here state and appanage peasants lived in their own world, who had great rights to the land. As A. Ya. Efimenko writes, “everyone who received his own piece of property “for business” could freely sell it, mortgage it, give it as a dowry, give it to a church or monastery,” despite the fact that the lands were considered state-owned14. The psychology of private property, “confidence in personal merits,” the significance and value of personal freedom had a beneficial effect on the spiritual mood of the people. Northerners’ commitment to democratic values ​​is also more pronounced than those from central regions. It is explained not only by previous statements, but also by the fact that communal democracy was formed early in the North. The community-volost with peasant self-government arose in the 16th century - earlier than anywhere else. The activities of village gatherings were very diverse. Here decisions were made regarding land management, distribution of land, payment of taxes, distribution of duties, allocation of new families, collection Money for worldly affairs. At the gathering, elections for public positions took place, complaints from peasants were examined, trials were held, worldly “help” was announced, etc. The decisions of the gatherings concerned not only the business side of village life, but also the ethical one - they approved or condemned individual actions or behavior of certain people . The judgments of the authors of the monograph “Russians” are convincing, who note that “the zemstvo worlds played a huge role in preserving civic consciousness among the northern peasantry and the townspeople”15. It should also be noted that the democracy of the northern intelligentsia is explained not only by a hereditary trait at the mental level, but also by the strong impact of political exile on the life of the region and the activities of the intelligentsia. The North is the outskirts of Russia, where those disliked by the authorities have always been exiled, and many of them were highly educated people. Being under police supervision, they could not openly engage in political propaganda and agitation, but contributed to spiritual development region, leaving behind not only cultural values, but also the ideas of democracy and love of freedom. In 1908, in the Arkhangelsk and Vologda provinces, 3,844 people were in exile, or 36.6 percent of all exiles in Russia16. More than 10 thousand exiles visited the Arkhangelsk province between 1896 and 1917, of which 20 percent were intellectuals17. About 80 exiled doctors worked in the field of “people's health.” Among them are Sergei Andreevich Nikonov - one of the organizers of the Society of Arkhangelsk Doctors, a talented surgeon and gynecologist, Lev Borisovich Serbin - the first phthisiatrician in the North. Vasily Vasilyevich Bervi-Flerovsky, an economist and sociologist, did not stop his scientific activity. Peter Savich Efimenko devoted many years of exile to studying the life, everyday life, and folk art of the northerners, while at the same time being a full member of the Arkhangelsk Provincial Statistical Committee. Pavel Platonovich Chubinsky led the population census in 1863. He, together with others, carried out censuses in the cities and district centers of the province, processed their results, and drew attention to the need to improve the economic statistics of the province. M. A. Kolchin - historian of the Solovetsky prison, A. S. Prugavin - researcher of the Old Believers, V. V. Rusanov - polar explorer, R. L. Samoilovich - geologist, geographer, historian, Arctic explorer, in 1910 secretary of the Society for the Study of Russian North. This list can be continued further18.

The combination of a number of internal and external factors determined the pronounced democracy of the northern intelligentsia, which affected its socio-political position in October 1917. Values February revolution she accepted because they corresponded to the spirit and inner convictions of all segments of the population of the North. At the same time, Bolshevik slogans took root extremely slowly. The politically active part of the northern intelligentsia at meetings and congresses of trade unions and societies pointed out the destructiveness of the Bolshevik policies, which threatened to destroy cultural values ​​and the economy of the region19. However, the commitment to solving conflict problems legally, legally, relying on the people's will, did not allow it to use illegal, revolutionary methods of struggle. Without recognizing the power of the Bolsheviks in October 1917, she did not actively oppose it. As we noted earlier, among the northern intelligentsia the proportion of politically active, ideologized, so-called “revolutionary” intelligentsia was very low, especially in the rural outback, where its main representatives were teachers (several people per volost) and the clergy.

Another factor that influenced the internal beliefs and worldview of the North Russian people and, accordingly, the northern intelligentsia, is the religious tradition of the European North. Many researchers pay attention to the special spirituality and commitment to Orthodoxy of the population of the northern borders of Russia. Indeed, among the first to explore these regions were monks. Monastic colonization had a large share in the development of the northern region. They appear here already at the beginning of the 12th century. In the XV-XVII centuries such unique centers were created Orthodox culture, like Solovetsky, Kiysky, Antoniev-Siysky and other monasteries. But the specificity of their functioning was that they themselves often cultivated new forms of economic life, developing trade and entrepreneurial activities. Trade contacts of the Solovetsky Monastery with the Greek East, New Athos, and Western European countries are known. Preaching, on the one hand, the ideas of moral and spiritual perfection of the individual and the renunciation of “worldly earthly goods,” Orthodox monasteries, at the same time, through their activities strengthened the private property spirit of the Pomors and contributed to the secularization of consciousness. Orthodox spiritual traditions alone do not exhaust the religious coloring of the North.

The North is characterized by polyphonic religious systems. Until the 20th century, pagan rituals were preserved and observed, and traditional folk culture continued to live. At the same time, there were many Old Believers here, whom S.V. Maksimov speaks of as very “literate men” who carefully preserved “ancient written monuments”20. Finally, the North is a region where Muslim, Catholic and Lutheran churches coexisted peacefully. The magazine "World Traveler" for 1877 writes that Arkhangelsk, with its multicolored domes, resembled an eastern city rather than a cold northern settlement. In the North, a special spiritual atmosphere was formed, where everyone professed the values ​​that were closer to them, without entering into conflicts, without declaring war on each other. This allows us to speak not only about the richness of the cultural traditions of the North, but also about the religious tolerance of the northerners, their loyal attitude and respect for other people’s views, opinions, and judgments. In the literature and sources, we have not encountered examples of contradictions and clashes between representatives of different faiths. Everyone was given a place in the sun, the right to profess their values. Summarizing the above, it should be noted that the specific conditions in which the northern man lived were conducive to the consolidation in him of such character traits as pragmatism, freedom of spirit, commitment to democratic values, respect for the judgments and opinions of his opponent, strong-willed qualities and hard work. The northern intelligentsia, as part of the sociocultural whole, inherited them. Moreover, under the influence of political exile and contacts with people from Western European countries, its democratic traditions were further strengthened and developed. The remoteness of the North from the centers of big politics did not contribute to the excessive politicization of the northern intelligentsia. The overwhelming majority of its representatives saw the meaning of their life on a professional path, in cultural and educational activities. Thus, at the beginning of the 20th century, 15 intellectual educational and charitable societies functioned in Arkhangelsk alone21.


1 Danilevsky N. Ya. Russia and Europe. - M., 1991; Toynbee A.D. Comprehension of history. - M., 1991; Spengler O. Decline of Europe. - Novosibirsk, 1993; Berdyaev N. A. The fate of Russia. - M., 1991; Sorokin P. Man. Civilization. Society. - M., 1992.

2 Sorokin P. Decree. Op. - pp. 185-186.

3 Milestones: Collection of articles about the Russian intelligentsia. - Sverdlovsk, 1991; Intelligentsia. Power. People: An Anthology. - M., 1993.

5 Litvin A. L. The intelligentsia of Russia of the period civil war(some aspects of the study) // Intelligentsia and revolution. XX century / Rep. ed. K. V. Gusev. - M., 1985. - P. 213; Change social structure Soviet society (October 1917 - 1920) / Rep. ed. V. M. Selunsky. - M., 1976. - P. 262.

6 Maksimov S.V. A year in the North. - Arkhangelsk, 1984; Ostrovskaya M.A. Old Russian Northern World. - Arkhangelsk, 1912; Efimenko A. Ya. Peasant land ownership in the Far North. - Arkhangelsk, 1913; Bernshtam T. A. Pomors: Formation of a group and economic system. - L., 1978; Shchekina S.S. Pomeranian folk character //Education in the context of social innovation: intercultural dialogue of northern countries. - Arkhangelsk, 1999. - P. 135-137; Terebikhin N. M. Essays on religious philosophy and marine studies of the North of Russia. - Arkhangelsk, 1999.

7 Maksimov S.V. Decree. Op. - P. 356.

8 GAAO. F. 1865. Op. 1. D. 204. L. 8; Popov A. N. Arkhangelsk region. Statistical and economic essay. - Arkhangelsk, 1923. - P.9.

9 TARF. F. R-5867. Op. 1. D. 2. L. 46.

10 Ibid. L. 43.

11 Bernshtam T. A. Decree. Op. - P. 31.

12 Shchekina S.S. Decree. Op. - P. 137.

13 Danilevsky N. Ya. Decree. Op. - P. 7.

14 Efimenko A. Ya. Peasant land ownership in the Far North. - Arkhangelsk, 1913. - P. 195. 15 Russians / Rep. ed. V. A. Alexandrov, I. V. Vlasova, N. S. Polishchuk. - M., 1997. - (Peoples and cultures). - P. 536.

16 Gurkina N.K. Decree. Op. - P. 41.

18 Smirnova M. A. Sub-capital Siberia: (political exile and the role of exile in the development of the region). - Arkhangelsk, 1999. - P. 5-7.

19 GAAO. F. 1865. Op. 1. D. 4. L. 1 volume; The will of the North. - 1918. - January 4, 5, 11, 14; News of the VUS. - 1919. - No. 12. - P. 19-20.

20 Maksimov S.V. Decree. Op. - P. 358.

21 List of employees in the Arkhangelsk province for 1914 //Memorable book of the Arkhangelsk province for 1914. - Arkhangelsk, 1914. - P. 57.

Internet source: htm
